SOC212 Final Short Answer Questions

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What are the various reasons for the lower Black rates of marriage?

There are high rates of incarceration and unemployment for Black men. So, there is a sex imbalance. There are more unmarried Black women than unmarried Black men with jobs. Also, African Americans are more committed to having both men and women be good providers and to be "ready" for marriage. So, they may delay or forgo marriage.

According to Margaret Nelson, what are the three ways that parents use technology to supervise their children?

They can use connections to gather information about their children. She also, stated that parents can use constraint. They do this by using blocks and filters. Lastly, parents can spy.

How do sociologists and government groups attempt to collect more accurate statistics about abuse, neglect, and rape?

They use surveys in which people are asked to recall experiences from their childhood. If these surveys are done carefully, and confidentially, it is possible to measure the problem more accurately.

Explain why the reasons for having children can differ between people who are rich and those who are poor.

Those who are rich have more to lose by having more children regarding their careers while those who do not have those careers have less to lose financially by having more children, so poor people are more likely to have more children.

Which children are more likely to experience child abuse?

Those who live with parents who have mental health problems Those in households where domestic violence occurs between adults Those in poor families/neighborhoods. Those in families with weak support networks (fewer relatives, friends, and neighbors)

How do you define hooking up? How do your friends and classmates define it? Does the definition vary by age, regional background, or other life factors?

To me hooking up is when any two people have oral sex or vaginal or anal intercourse. Their relationship is just about sex. They can have sex only once or many more times. They also can have multiple partners or be monogamous. I believe this definition does vary by age, but it also varies by people in the same cohort. I do not believe that the definitions changes based on where you are from. I believe it has to do more with your generations. I believe this because my generation is exposed to hookups a lot than other generation even if we do not participate in one. We are exposed to it from tv shows, music and other online apps (Instagram, tinder, twitter). I believe that the definition of a hookup does depend on other factors, such as if they are religious, or if they have participated in a hook up before.

What are the three reasons married people tend to be healthier?

1. Healthy people tend to get married more' 2. People stop bad habits because they feel that they have a responsibility 3. Married people take care of each other

What have been some of the major trends in marriage rates in the last 50 years?

1. Marriage rates have declined drastically 2. Marriage rates are falling faster for some groups than for others 3. Marriage is increasingly concentrated among those with higher education and income level

How is an annulment different from a divorce?

After an annulment, the marriage is treated as if it never occurred. A divorce is a legal dissolution of marriage

Why are some people more inclined to believe that rape has occurred when it involves a stranger, even though more rapes are committed by acquaintances/partners?

Because family or relationships are supposed to be safe. And because people do not like to believe that people they know and trust would hurt them.

Why is neglect more difficult to identify than abuse?

Because it takes place in an isolated, intimate setting, mostly within families or in institutional care facilities. Also, physical abuse is easier to physically see.

How might the Great Recession both casued and prevented some divorces?

Because of the economic insecurity couples got more stressed and argued more which lead to divorce. However, some people could not afford to get a divorce during this time so it saved their marriage.

Why do so many sociologists critique Gary Beckers idea of the marriage market?

Because people often make bad decisions and we can not assume people are making rational choices. Also, People who are looking for a spouse do not have as many options, say someone looking for gum or a car. Lastly, people making marriage decisions may have desires that may conflict.

How do same-gender couples negotiate dating and relationships scripts differently from different gender couples?

Both same-sex and opposite-sex relationships are getting confused about dating and relationship scripts, but this is more pronounced in same-sex couples. opposite-sex couples go on a date or two which can eventually turn into them being boyfriend and girlfriend. They do what their social script says the boy takes the girl on dates and buys her stuff their anniversary, holidays and birthdays. Same-sex couples do not have a script like this. Because same-sex couples are just becoming more and more accepted they do not have past generations of scripts that they can base their dating life on. Because they are the same-sex they do not know who should take over the role of the man in opposite-sex relationships. Also, because same-sex couples are still not socially accepted by all they may not be able to go to school functions like prom with their significant others. So, they must do other things to show their peers and everyone that they are in a serious relationship. Furthermore, because there is still a social stigma for same-sex couples and there are less gay, bisexual or lesbian people they will not have a very serious relationship until they are older and away from schools and other negative people.

What are some reasons why the United States has not ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child?

Conservatives believe it would lead to government control over their rights as parents, possibly prohibiting religious education and corporal punishment

Explain the conservative, liberal and critical viewpoints on family diversity.

Conservatives believe that family diversity is bad because it is declining "the family" They believe that heterosexual marriages with their own children are the golden standard of the family. Liberals believe in a hands-off approach to let people do what they want to do when it comes to family. They do not believe that a heterosexual family is good or bad they believe it is one choice of many. Lastly, the critical view is that this diversity is good because it is declining the breadwinner-homemaker family. This type of family needs to end because it is the makes that have all the say and power.

Describe ways that employers could reduce work-family conflict.

Employers can reduce there employees work hours. They can also make work hours more flexible across the day or week. Lastly, they can give family support such as childcare benefits or time off for family care.

What are some of the ways to interpret the question, what is the divorce rate" What do people probably mean when they ask that question?

Divorce numbers are an estimate because there is no official count of divorces. There is a crude divorce rate which indicates how common divorce is for the whole country. There is also a refined divorce rate which indicates how common divorce is among married couples and can be broken down into education, race/ethnicity, # years married, and the # of times married Finally, there is the divorce-marriage ratio which compares the frequency of divorces to that of new marriages. People are really asking what the odds are that a couple who marry today will end up getting divorced.

Explain the Paradox of people with higher incomes marrying more than people with lower incomes.

Even though people with higher incomes do not have an economic need to marry, they marry more because they are sought after more. Even though they can afford to be single they do not want to be single. While people with low income would likely benefit more from the marriage they believe it is more of a burden than a benefit. Even if they might prefer to be married they may not be able to find potential spouses to chose from.

Discuss Janet Gornick and Marcia Meyer's policy suggestions. How would a legislator try to get these suggestions passed (or rejected)?

Family leave - the government can provide some compensation to workers from payroll taxes to reduce costs for employers, as it does for unemployment insurance Working time - The government can argue that adults face a constant stream of minor interruptions and family-related demands, which put a strain on family lives and distract from work Early Childhood Care - The cost of child care and time required to manage it is a major impediment to parents careers

Why is it often difficult to define relationships and roles in blended families?

Fluid living arrangements undermine the physical sense of family Same-sex families have difficulty establishing family roles that are clear to people both inside and outside the families Sex between siblings or half-siblings is opposed, but when stepparents are not married or the step-children are not raised together, the rules are not so clear

Explain the different connotations in the words childless and childfree.

For those who are experiencing infertility, who have spent a lot of money on fertility treatments they may feel childless. However, people who are deliberately not having children or postponing having children are childfree.

Contrast the historical marriage based on the authority of the Christian church with the modern institution of marriage based on the authority of the state.

Historical marriage based on authority of Christian church had strong rules against divorce, but did not enforce strict limits on divorce for common people until the 8th century. Also, couples could mutually separate, but they couldn't legitimately remarry unless they were granted an annulment, which was unheard of. Annulments were easier than divorce because remarriage was permitted only if the marriage was annulled by the church The modern institution of marriage based on the authority of the state made divorce is easier than an annulment and divorce occurs with greater frequency and remarrying is a lot easier and happens frequently

Explain the evolution of marital rape laws.

Husbands were not allowed to be prosecuted or tried for raping their wives because it was assumed that because they were married women always consented to sex. Eventually, that law changed. Now husbands can be prosecuted for raping their wife.

Can you see patterns of homophily in your friends and romantic partners?

I can see homophily patterns in my friends. Throughout high school, I met all of my friends through my sports teams or through my teammates. I can also, see this in my friends at college. I met my original group of friends at my dorm because we chose to go to hall counsel. We wanted to be informed about what was going on. Also, I have made friends with people in my class because we had the same major and we needed to take that class. I have seen homophily in my romantic partners because we met on Tinder.

Using the issue of child labor, explain how the idea of childhood changes from the nineteenth century to the twentieth century.

In the nineteenth century, young children were apprentices to chimney sweeps. Because they were little they would clean the inside of the chimney, but this was very dangerous work and many died or ended up getting seriously ill. Later, they raised the age of children who could work with chimney sweeps and eventually the banned children from working in chimney sweeps. Later children would work in the streets shining shoes or being a vendor and in the afternoon they would play in the streets because they did not have anywhere else to play. After there was an outroar because of the many death of children being hit by motor vehicles they made new traffic laws. In the twentieth century, kids went from being an economic value to having emotional value. They became priceless.

What are some factors that have contributed to the decline in violence in families?

Increases in shelters and hotlines for abused women and children as well as domestic violence legal services that make it easier for women to gain protection or distance from their abusive partners Women's increased economic independence and the greater acceptance of divorce has made it easier for women to leave abusive relationships A decline in the number of married or cohabitating adults by reducing the number of people exposed to potentially violent partners

Explain how social scripts (or their absence) affects our interactions with others.

It either helps or makes it harder to interact with others Social scripts are different depending on whom you interact with, and until you have had that interaction you do not have the concept or understanding of how to interact with those specific people

What are the three major limitations of the Family and Medical Leave Act?

Leave is unpaid and people can't afford to take it. Also, many people aren't covered. A company must have over 50 employees and have been there for over a year. Lastly, many employers offer to leave only grudgingly. workers pressured not to take leave, for fear they will anger employer and face retribution

Explain why a manager might believe a married man should get paid more than a single man or married women.

Married men are seen as being the provider for the family, they employers might believe they should be paid more because they have more people to take care of where a single man doesn't have a family. And a married woman has a husband who is making more than her and if or when they have kids she will have to take maternity leave and will be expected to take care of the kids more so she will be giving less effort at work.

Contrast the dating experiences of men and women at various ages: younger teenagers, college students, and older adults.

Men: Younger Teenagers- College Students- Men should extend dating invitations, more often after a sexual goal Older Adults- Men who have pushed back getting married to pursue their education more likely to have long term goals from the onset. Women: Younger Teenagers- College Students- Older Adults: Those who have children and have never been married are looking for partners. They also may have less interest and time for causal dating. Furthermore, women who have pushed back getting married to pursue their education more likely to have long term goals from the onset.

Who is more likely to remarry after a divorce? And why?

Most remarriages were people age 55-64 (1/3 had been married more than once). This generation introduced America to the highest rates of cohabitation has led to the growth of remarriage as well as the growth of divorce. Because they have the highest rates of divorce they are the most likely to remarry.

Describe three groups of singles that have become more prevalent recently.

Older people, unmarried parents, and divorce adults are becoming more prevalent. Older people had pushed off getting married so they could pursue higher education or their career. Unmarried parents have increased the number of people who have kids and have never been married. These people are more likely to be women. These women are looking to get married and start a blended family. They also are less likely to be interested or have the energy for casual dating. Lastly, Divorced adults. Adults who are divorced and are still raising children often bring a complicated situation to dating because their behavior could affect their children. There also more people 55 years and older who are getting divorced more and are looking for a new partner.

Describe the three categories of skills or resources that parents provide to their children.

Parents try to provide socialization, social bonds, and social networks. Socialization will help kids prepare themselves for any social interactions and will help them see how they will fit in. Social bonds help kids have secure relationships with others as they grow and mature. Lastly, social networks are people and friends that will shape the social environment of their children. Parents can also use social networks to get their children a job with a friend or colleague.

What are some ways people become single parents? How do financial and legal considerations affect their children?

People can become single parents if they are young adults who are not ready or willing to marry when they have a baby, older women who are single and decide to have children as a single parent and divorced people who aren't remarried. Financial considerations can affect the children of single parents because they may not be able to fully support their child. Legal considerations can also affect children of single parents because parents who are divorced can have a negative effect on their children. They can use the child as a pawn or the child may feel like he or she needs to pick a side.

Explain how the increase in divorce and remarriage is related to family diversity, social class inequality, and social change

Remarriage and divorce help diversify families because when people get married they blend their families with stepchildren and half children. People who get remarried lean towards an individual orientation in family life and decision making. Finally, social class inequality is less common among those with the highest levels of education

Explain how schools and parents work around antidiscrimination laws to hold segregated proms.

Schools and parents can continue to have segregated proms by making one or both proms "unofficial" and have them off school grounds without school funds. These unofficial proms are supported by the school's decision to not hold an official prom and the parents organize the prom for one race. If only one prom is unofficial parents can stop their children from going to the school prom of the opposite race by not paying for the ticket, dress, suit or anything else.

Why might someone be reluctant to report abuse, neglect, or rape to the authorities?

Some people fear that police won't help, or that the offender will just hurt them more or they do not want to get the offender in trouble. Others believe that they are not important enough to report or they deal with it personally.

Describe the connections between the divorce revolution and the "Independence effect" and the "income effect".

The Independence effect is related to the divorce revolution because when women have the economic means to survive on their own, they are more likely to leave unhappy marriages Furthermore, the Income effect is connected to the divorce revolution because couples in which both spouses have higher education and earn more are less likely to divorce; higher income serves as a source of stability and reduces stress between spouses

What is the demographic transition? How does it affect government programs, society, and family relationships?

The demographic transition is the historical change from society with low life expectancy and high birth rates to one with high life expectancy and low birth rates. This affects government programs because there are going to be more old people and when they retire they are going to need help from social security and other government programs. It affects society because again we will need to pay more taxes to support the elderly so they can retire. Lastly, it affects families because when people have fewer kids they can spend more time and put more resources into their children.

How is the division of unpaid housework and care work affected by gender, upbringing, and income

The partner that has more obligations outside of the home do less housework. Since men employment rates are higher than women and they work generally longer women have to do more of the housework. Also, if the husband was raised in a house with a working mom, he may do more housework than a husband who grew up in a home with a mother who did not have a job. Lastly, if people have more many they can outsource their housework so both husband and wife can do less.

What is the "second shift"?

The second shift is most commonly used to show how women after a long day at their market work have to come home and work a second shift. However, this second shift is almost endless amounts of housework.

Why might the societal ideal of physical attractiveness no longer be related to health or reproductive fitness?

The societal ideal of physical attractiveness may not be related to health or reproductive fitness because society believes that men who have big chest muscles and thin waist are more attractive, but they are not any healthier than men who are thin everywhere. Also, women who have slim waists are better for childbearing. However, fashion models are considered attractive, but they are at unhealthy levels of thin.

Why is it easier to quantify paid work done outside the home over unpaid housework and childcare? What have been suggestions for measuring the amount of housework and childcare performed?

Unpaid work has no direct dollar value, and dollars is how we usually measure value in a market economy. One suggestion is time use studies because people fill out how they spend their time. People have also suggested giving wages for housework.

Describe the factors that cause some women to have more kids than others.

Women that have lower levels of education have more children. Also, some women deliberately postpone having children because of economic uncertainty. Furthermore, some ethnic groups have relatively higher fertility rates than others.

What are the two methods you might use to predict the odds of divorce for a couple marrying today?

You can look at the marriage and divorce history of older people today. Or you can estimate how many of today's marriages will end in divorce by calculating what would happen if some recent year happened repeatedly.

What factors affect a couples decision to cohabitate or marry?

financial factors, the chance to experience living as a couple without public, legal, or religious commitment. They are opposed to marriage so they cohabitate instead. If they are already divorced or widowed they may not want to remarry.

What is the wedding industrial complex? What purpose does it have in society?

the mutually beneficial relationship of the government and the wedding industry. the more people pay for their dream weddings, the more the wedding industry and government benefit

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