Social Studies Chapter 26

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Order of main events

1.) Hitler taking power (Rise- Facism) 2.) USA- involved/ not involved 3.) Jewish Question/Issue 4.) Japanese Influence 5.) Atomic Bomb 6.)Homefront 7.) What's next? - How would the world react?

War Production Board (WPA)

Agency of U.S.- supervised war production during WWII. It was established in August, 1941 and FDR established it in January, 1942.

Zoot- suit riots

Los Angeles in June, 1943- a group of sailors who attacked Mexican Americans wearing zoot suits.

Extermination of an entire group of people?


Japan planned a large-scale attack against the U.S. naval fleet at Pearl Harbor because it wanted to ( give itself time to secure control of East Asia before the U.S. military could respond, retaliate against the U.S. for freezing Japanese bank accounts, punish the U.S. for sending billions of dollars in aid to Chinese Nationalists, defend its German and Soviet allies against a U.S. invasion)

give itself time to secure control of East Asia before the U.S. military could respond


giving in to the demands of a dictator


tactic of purposely crashing piloted planes into the enemy ships- carried out by the Japanese against American ships. Over 2,500 missions were flown. Pilot only learned how to take off and fly- not land.

Allied Powers

the United States, Great Britian, France, Soviet Union, China, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, India

Joseph Stalin

the dictator of the Union of Soviet Socialists Republics (USSR) from 1929-1953. He ruled by terror and killed millions of his own people. He turned the Soviet Union from a peasant society to an industrial and military society.


"designated day"- American, British, and Canadian troops invaded France on June 6th, 1944. They had to cross the English Channel and landed on 5 beaches in Normandy, France. 6,000 ships, 11,000 planes, and 156,000 men were part of the invasion- lasted about 1 1/2 days. American troops landed on 2 beaches- Omaha and Utah. In the end- all 5 beaches were secured and the Allies began to drive East through the French villages/countrysides to Germany.

Lend-Lease Act

(1941)- Realizing that Britain's cash was almost exhausted, Pres, Roosevelt requested new legislation to maintain the U.S. as the "arsenal" of democracy". Congress passed the act authorizing the Pres. to lend/lease goods to any nation who he thought needed the United State's help/defense. Roosevelt provided aid to Britain and other Allies. ( total aid was about $50 billion)

Winston Churchill

(later in war) England's wartime Prime Minister form 1940-1945 and again in 1951-1955


A political party in which the government controls every aspect of citizens' lives

Organized a march on Washington in 19411 to demand equal pay for black workers?

A. Philip Randolph


Adolf Hitler's National Socialist Party was also known as the ______ Party

A. Philip Randolph

African American labor leader who organized a march to Washington D.C. in 1941. He argued that the war wouldn't be won if people of color were not granted freedom and equality.

Tuskegee Airmen

African American pilots who trained at the Tuskegee Army Air Field in Alabama. Benjamin O. Davis led the group. They flew thousands of successful combat missions in North Africa and Italy.

Axis Powers

Alliance formed by Germany, Italy, and later Japan

Lend-Lease Act

Allowed the US to send billions of dollar's worth of supplies to Allied countries.

Chester Nimitz

American admiral who commanded the U.S. Pacific Fleet. The Marines landed on Tarawa in the Gilbert Islands (Nov. 1943) and captured it. This was the start of an island hopping offensive in the Central Pacific by the U.S. Navy under Nimitz.

Why did the Japanese finally surrender on August 15, 1945 (American forces dropped an atomic bomb on the city of Nagasaki immediately killing 22,000 Japanese people, The U.S. threatened to drop an atomic bomb on the capital city of Tokyo, American forces dropped an atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima killing almost 80,000 people immediately, The Japanese realized that they had no chance of winning the war without support from German)

American forces dropped an atomic bomb on the city of Nagasaki immediately killing 22,000 Japanese people

Dwight D. Eisenhower

American general with a strong ability to organize/plan strategies. He rose to the rank of general of WWII and was named supreme commander of the Allied Forces in Western Europe in 1943. This helped him win the Presidental elections of 1952 and 1956.

Allied Powers

An alliance between Britain, France, USSR, and America

Pearl Habor

Hawaiian base for the U.S. Navy in the Pacific Ocean. It was an important naval base. It was under attack by the Japanese on December 7th, 1941.

Battle in Soviet Union during which German forces rose or starved to death?

Battle of Stalingrad

Counterattack launched by Germans after the D-Day invasion?

Battle of the Bulge

Fascist Italian leader who allied with Hitler to form the Axis Powers?

Benito Mussolini

Winston Churchill

British leader during WW2

Joseph Stalin

Dictator of the Soviet Union in 1929

What American general was forced to retreat from the Philippines in March 1942? ( Hideki Tojo, Chester Nimitz, Louis Ortega, Douglas MacArthur)

Douglas MacArthur

Hitler violently overthrew the elected German chancellor in 1933 and quickly seized all government power. (True/ False)


Japanese forces defeated the Allies in the Battle of Coral Sea, allowing them to take over Port Moresby, New Guinea. (True/False)


The Soviets fought to hold on to Stalingrad even after Joseph Stalin told them to abandon the city and go to Kursk to reinforce the army there. (True/ False)


The first atomic bomb was explored over Nagasaki in August 1945. (True/False)


The zoot-suit riots occurred in June 1944 when Mexican American fair workers attack groups of sailors who jeered at them. (True/ False)


Adolf Hitler

Fiery speaker who inspired huge audiences by vowing to restore Germany to prosperity and a position of international power

President who ordered use of atomic bombs on Japan?

Harry S. Truman

Axis Powers

Hitler signed an alliance with Benito Mussolini in 1936, which formed the Axis Powers. Japan later joined the pact.


Hitler's National Socialist Party that gained a large following

Treaty of Versailles

Hitler's rebuilding the German military violated this

Hitler blamed Germany's loss in WW1 on the Jews and the Great Depression

How did Hitler use Jews as a scapegoat?

... voted to declare war on Japan and enter WW2.

Immediately following the attacks of December 7, 1941, Congress...


In 1935, Italian dictator Benito Mussolini tried to expand Italy's territory by attacking the nation of ______________ and making it a colony.


form of government ruled by a dictator

They wanted to gives themselves time to secure control of Easter Asia before the US military could respond

Japan planned a large-scale attack against the U.S. Naval fleet at Pearl Harbor because...

Benito Mussolini

Leader who gained complete control of Italy in 1922

Policy allowing the U.S. to aid any nation vital to its defense?

Lend-Lease Act


form of government that allows no (indiviual) freedom and usually is ruled by a dictator


Nazi program of mass murder against the Jewish. About 6 million Jews were murdered- Nazis also killed millions of other people

D-Day landing site where almost 3,000 Allied soldiers were killed or wounded?

Omaha Beach

Why was D-Day so important? (Once the French beaches were secured Allied troops could drive toward Paris and establish a free government under DeGaulle, Once the French beaches were secured Allied troops could begin their drive east toward Germany, It tricked the Germans by opening up a front where they least expected it in France not Italy, With France under Allied control bombing raids could be launched against German cities and industry)

Once the French beaches were secured Allied troops could begin their drive east toward Germany


Political system in which the government is seen as more important than individuals

How did Harry Truman come to take over as president? (President Roosevelt died of a stroke in April 1945, President Roosevelt lost his re-election bid in 1944, President Roosevelt chose not to run for a 4th term in 1944, President Roosevelt focused his efforts on peace in Europe)

President Roosevelt died of a stroke in April 1945


T/F: Britain and France pledged to defend Poland if GermNy attacked it in 1939


T/F: Hitler violently overthrew the elected German chancellor in 1933 and quickly seized all government power.

Why was Joseph Stalin angry with Allied forces in July 1942? (The Allies didn't give the Soviet Union enough help in fighting off German attacks, Roosevelt and Churchill didn't let Stalin participate in their strategy meetings, The Allies didn't give the Soviets credit for inventing sonar technology, Long-range Allied planes dropped bombs on Soviet factories, railroads, and cities)

The Allies didn't give the Soviet Union enough help in fighting off German attacks

What was the result of the Battle of Coral Sea? (The Japanese clearly lost, as many of their men were killed, the U.S. suffered its worst loss of the war, The Japanese assault was halted although there wasn't a clear victor, The U.S. failed to halt the Japanese attack of Port Moresby)

The Japanese assault was halted although there wasn't a clear victor

What was the Holocaust? (The Nazis' attempt to exterminate the entire Jewish population of Europe, Hitler's attempt to overthrow the U.S. through military force, the liberation of a country that had previously been Communist-controlled, a German military strategy of controlling key portions of land)

The Nazis' attempt to exterminate the entire Jewish population of Europe


The policy of avoiding war with an aggressive country by agreeing to their demands

Benjamin O. Davis

U.S. Air Force general and commander who led the Tuskegee Airmen in WWII. He was the first African American general/ officer in the U.S. Air Force.

Hitler's rebuilding of the German military the (Monroe Doctrine, Treaty of Versailles, Munich Conference, Geneva Convention)

Treaty of Versailles

Britain and France pledged to defend Poland if Germany attacked it in 1939. (True/False)


During the Holocaust, the Germans forced many Jews into urban centers called ghettos. (True/ False)


Half of the Japanese Americans held in the U.S. camps during the war were children. (True/ False)


In the Battle of El Alamein, the British defeated Germany's Afrika Corps. (True/ False)


Unable to stop Japan's advance in the Philippines, U.S. General MacArthur left the islands, while over 70,000 American and Philipino soldiers were taken prisoner by the Japanese. (True/False)


Germany's surrender on May 8, 1945, was known as (D-Day, Peace Day, V-E Day, Ardennes Day)

V-E Day

Harry S. Truman

Vice President who became President after Roosevelt died in 1945- faced the challenge of winning the war in the Pacific.

Italy, USSR, Germany, Japan

What are the totalitarian nations that were existing during WW2?

Pearl Harbor

Where the U.S. fleet was attacked by the a Japanese in December 1941

Benito Mussolini

Which fascist leader tried to expand his country's territory by attacking Ethiopia?

They had pledged to defend Poland against Hitler, who attacked it from the West.

Why did Great Britain and France finally declare war on Germany in September 1939?

He blamed them for Germany's economic depression and its deafeat in WW1

Why did Hitler direct his anger towards intellectuals, Communists, and Jews in the 1930s?

Douglas MacArthur

a general who commanded U.S. troops in the Pacific. In 1941, when Japan attacked the Philippines, Filipino troops fought with American troops to drive off the invaders. The Japanese won and took over the island. Then the islands were taken back by American forces led by General MacArthur (1944-1945)

policy of avoiding was with an aggressive nation by giving in to its demands?


In 1942, the War Production Board (WPB) (drafted millions of soldiers to fight in the U.S. Army, banned the production of cars so that auto plants could make military equipment, produced ships, tanks, jeeps, guns, and ammunition, ferried planes between factories and air bases for use by women pilots)

banned the production of cars so that auto plants could make military equipment

Battle of El Alamein

battle of WWII that took place in Egypt. The British stopped the Afrika Korps in July. Before, General Erwin Rommel began an offensive to take Egypt (German leader of the Afrika Korps). Gerneral Bernard Montgomery led the British forces to stop the Germans. Germans and British were battling for control because the Axis leaders wanted control of the Suez Canal- supply route in Egypt.

Which tactic was part of President Roosevelt and Winston Churchill's strategy to defeat the Axis Powers? ( placing "Asia first", building up troops in Great Britain to invade France, attacking Italian forces in West Africa, aiding Japan in the fight against China)

building up troops in Great Britain to invade France

The Battle of Stalingrad affected the rest of WWII by (causing the Axis powers to retreat from the Soviet Union and turning the tide of the war in the East, boosting the morale of Soviet troops and leading them to take control of Germany later in the war, giving the Allied time to plan an attack on France, forcing Stalin to command his troops to surrender)

causing the Axis powers to retreat from the Soviet Union and turning the tide of the war in the East

The U.S. was expected to be responsible for postwar rebuilding because the U.S. ( had to make reparation for dropping atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, escaped much destruction and was the strongest power in the world at the time, was given millions of dollars by Germany after Germany surrendered, was the richest country and much of the war was fought on its soil)

escaped much destruction and was the strongest power in the world at the time


extermination of an entire group of people- it was Hitler's "final solution". He planned to get rid of all of the Jewish people- murdered millions in death/work concentration camps

What is one way that WWII affected the American economy? (The unemployment rate skyrocketed, factories ran 24 hours a day producing military supplies, the effects of the Depression became more severe, Agriculture production suffered because there were fewer consumers)

factories ran 24 hours a day producing military supplies

Sonar technology helped the Allied war effort during the WWII by ( helping Allied pilots avoid anti-aircraft fire when they flew daytime bombing raids over Germany, helping Allied ships find the destroy German U-boats, allowing Allied pilots to fly bombing raids at night when targets were normally invisible to pilots, allowing long-ranged Allied planes to drop bombs in France)

helping Allied ships find the destroy German U-boats


imprisonment of people for military or political reasons

Tactic of purposely crashing piloted planes into enemy ships?


Battle of Midway

key Pacific battle in which Japanese navy was severely weakened. A large Japanese force attempted to seize Midway Island in preparation for a thrust at Hawaii. In the battle (June, 1942), the Japanese navy suffered a major defeat. The threat to Hawaii was removed.

Battle of the Bulge

key battle at the Ardennes forest; Allies were victorious after initially successful German attack. In December, 1944, the Germans counterattacked in the Ardennes Forest in Belgium. The German attack threatened the annihilation of a large American force at Bastogne. Refusing to surrender, our outnumbered soldiers held back the enemy until General George S. Patton's Third Army came to their rescue and won the battle. The Allies resumed the offensive, pushed forward into Germany, crossed the Rhine River in the spring of 1945, and advanced eastward to the Elbe River. Here, in April, they joined forces with the Russian Army, which had fought its way across Poland and had occupied most of Eastern Germany- December, Hitler ordered a big attack against the Allies- Allied planes were grounded because of bad weather- Germans pushed 65 miles, creating a bulge in front lines- Allies recovered fast and their planes were able to fly.

Battle of Leyte Gulf

largest naval battle in history; American navy defeated the Japanese navy to retake the Philippines. In October, 1944 General MacArthur led his forces to retake the Philippines- after the battle MacArthur's troops fought for many months to drive out the remaining Japanese forces.

Battle of the Coral Sea

naval battle in which American fleet prevented Japanese invasion of the Australia. The Japanese sent an invasion fleet to seize Port Moresby in southern New Guinea, a base that they could use as a springboard for an attack on Austria. In the battle (May, 1942), both sides suffered heavy losses, but the Japanese fleet was turned back, and the threat to Australia was removed. The battle was the noteworthy as the 1st naval engagement in history in which surface vessels didn't exchange a single shot. It was fought by planes based on aircraft carriers.

Adolf Hitler

rose to power and became leader/ Führer of Germany in 1933. He destroyed the Republic, persecuted the Jews ( and many others such as Catholics and people with mental/physical disabilities), drove out or killed his political foes, and abolished all freedoms. Germany became a totalitarian state.

Manhattan Project

secret American research program to develop the atomic bomb. Even before the U.S. entered the war, several scientists, among them Albert Einstein, told Pres. Roosevelt that it was possible to unleash the energy locked in the atom. Atomic bombs, with enormous destructive power, could be produced. The Pres. persuaded Congress to appropriate a big sum of money for this top-secret venture. The undertaking drew together many of the world's greatest scientists. They completed their work in the summer of 1945, when a test bomb was secretly exploded in New Mexico. The 1st atomic bomb to be used in warfare was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima (August 6th, 1945). The frightful force of this new weapon of destruction wiped out a large part of the city and brought death or injury to nearly 130,000 people. A few days later a second bomb was dropped in Nagasaki.

Benito Mussolini

seized power, became dictator, and made Italy a fascist state in 1922. He destroyed such democratic political institutions as free speech, free press, independent labor unions, and political parties- began to rearm Italy for the purpose of establishing a new Roman Empire.

The Lend-Lease Act allowed the U.S. to (stay out of the war in Europe, lend armed forced to the war effort in Europe, allow American land to be used by Polish refugees, send billions of dollar's worth of supplies to Allied countries)

send billions of dollar's worth of supplies to Allied countries

Island Hopping

strategy of attacking only key Pacific Islands. It was successful but hard to execute. The Allied forces slowly moved across the Pacific. They needed places to stop for planes- (refuel or fix)

Bataan Death March

took place in the Philippines- when the Japanese captured Americans and forced them on a march. Anyone who fell behind and couldn't keep up were killed. - forced march of American/ Filipino prisoners on the Bataan peninsula, during which many died. More than 600 Americans and 10,000 Filipinos died

Battle of Stalingrad

turning point of the war- Germans and Soviets fighting- German forces were advancing to the city of Stalingrad. Joseph Stalin was willing to hold on to the city of Stalingrad. The opposing sides fought vigorously for a long time. Finally, in late January, 1943, the German commander at Stalingrad defied Hitler and surrender the rest of his troops.

Immediately following the attack of December 7, 1941, Congress (voted to freeze all Japanese funds in U.S. banks and end trade with Japan, voted to declare war on Japan and enter WWII, instituted the internment of all Japanese-born citizens of the U.S., instituted a draft of all Japanese-American men over 18)

voted to declare war on Japan and enter WWII

Atomic Bomb

weapon that produces tremendous power by splitting atoms

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