Social Studies ORELA Test

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Suez Canal

A ship canal in northeastern Egypt linking the Red Sea with the Mediterranean Sea

Checks and Balances

A system that allows each branch of government to limit the powers of the other branches in order to prevent abuse of power

War of 1812

A war (1812-1814) between the United States and England which was trying to interfere with American trade with France.


A wetland ecosystem in which shrubs and trees grow


Ability or capacity of a good or service to be useful and give satisfaction to someone.


a member of a senate

Immigration and nationality act

(1965) This law made it easier for entire families to migrate and established "special categories" for political refugees. This act increased the amount of immigration.

National Environmental Policy Act

(1969) Environmental Impact Statements must be done before any project affecting federal lands can be started

Byzantine Empire

(330-1453) The eastern half of the Roman Empire, which survived after the fall of the Western Empire at the end of the 5th century C.E. Its capital was Constantinople, named after the Emperor Constantine.

what causes inflation

1. Demand rises faster than supply 2. Rapid increase in the money stock

two ways to measure GDP

1. Expenditure Approach 2. Income Approach

Franklin Pierce

14th President

Society for the Promotion of Temperance


When did the womans right movement start?


Emergency Quota Act

1921 Act that stipulates only 3% of 1910 immigrants are allowed in



Battle of the Coral Sea

A battle between Japanese and American naval forces that stopped the Japanese advance on Australia.

Economic Recovery Tax Act

A federal law passed to boost the economy, reduce inflation and increase employment.


A mixture of gases that surrounds a planet or moon.

Henry Clay

A northern American politician. He developed the American System as well as negotiated numerous compromises.


A strong feeling of pride in and devotion to one's country

24th amendment

Abolishes poll taxes


An extremely cold, dry biome.

legal tender

Any kind of money that a creditor must by law accept in payment for debts

Archduke Franz Ferdinand

Archduke of Austria Hungary assassinated by a Serbian in 1914. His murder was one of the causes of WW I.

John Wilkes Booth

Assassinated Abraham Lincoln

Why did WW1 start

Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand


Australia and New Zealand

Victory Gardens

Backyard gardens; Americans were encouraged to grow their own vegetables to support the war effort

Major Ideas of the Enlightenment

Belief in existence of natural laws, natural rights, power of human reason, and progressive improvement on human society; heliocentric world, importance of individual, and secular outlook


Breaks in Earth's crust where rocks have slipped past each other.

brick and mortar stores

Brick-and-mortar stores are those that have a physical presence at which you can shop

ww1 allies

Britain, France, Russia, Italy and the United States

August 4, 1814

British invades and burned down the white house

Emperor Leo III

Byzantine emperor who founded Syrian dynasty and sucessfully avoided Arab invasions, , Byzantine emperor who banned the use of icons., 730 AD; banned the use of icons; had his army break into churches and smash icons


Certificates of debt that carry a promise to buy back the bonds at a higher price


Consumer willingness and ability to buy products

ice core data

Data gathered by climate scientists to compare the composition of the atmosphere today to its composition in the past.

trophic level

Each step in a food chain or food web

Thomas hobbes

English materialist and political philosopher who advocated absolute sovereignty as the only kind of government that could resolve problems caused by the selfishness of human beings (1588-1679)

map legend

Explains the meaning of symbols used on a map.

output market

Firms supply goods and services in response to demand on the part of consumers

human systems

Geographers study how humans live and what systems they create, such as economic systems


Gross Domestic Product


Huge circular moving current systems dominate the surfaces of the oceans.

Indian Boarding Schools

Indians were forced to attend to learn new customs, religions and language of the "white men"

Bhola Cyclone 1970


The Black Codes

Laws denying most legal rights to newly freed slaves; passed by southern states following the Civil War

Jim Crow Laws

Laws designed to enforce segregation of blacks from whites

Geronimo's Surrender

Led Native Americans to work to preserve their culture rather than fight for their lands

Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull

Led Sioux and Cheyenne troops in the Battle of Little Bighorn in 1876, defeating George Custer

What branch declares war

Legislative Branch

Artists of the Renaissance

Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo focused on realism

urban heat island

Local heat buildup in an area of high population density


National Aeronautics and Space Administration

11th amendment

One State cannot be sued by another state

Anti federalist leaders

Patrick Henry was the foremost leader of the Anti-federalists.


Place where an organism lives



Sea route to Asia

Portugal explorers set to out to find new lands.....started the Atlantic slave trade 1498


Process in which sediment is laid down in new locations.


South Asia

market research

The activity of gathering information about consumers' needs and preferences.


The adoption of cultural traits, such as language, by one group under the influence of another.


The layer of Earth's atmosphere immediately above the stratosphere

soil horizon

The layer of soil that differs in color and texture from the layers above or below it.

Which of the following might happen if the FOMC uses Treasury Bills to persue a contractionary monetary policy?

The money supply increases - the international value of the american dollar increases - the price of US goods to foreigners increases

foreign sector

Trades goods and services, financial assets, and currencies with the country's residents

United Fruit Company

U.S. corporation that controlled the banana trade in much of Latin America


Upward-arching folds in the Earth's crust.

Anti federalist papers

a series of essays written to counter and defeat the proposed U.S. Constitution

market equilibrium

a situation in which quantity demanded equals quantity supplied


amounts of money borrowed which will accumulate interest

how do banks create money?

by loans



variable costs

costs that vary with the quantity of output produced



Hatch Act of 1887

extended the Morrill Act and provided federal funds for the establishment of agricultural experiment stations in connection with the land-grant colleges.

Fort Sumer

first shot of the Civil War was fired

which country is the most industrialized in ASia



layers of rock

California Trail

major overland emigrant route across the Western United States from Missouri to California in the middle 19th century. It was used by 250,000 farmers and gold-seekers to reach the California gold fields. Largely superseded by the railroads

Mechanical erosion

physically breaking down of rock by wind and water


the strongest Aboriginal nation on the Plains

Treaty of Versailles

the treaty imposed on Germany by the Allied powers in 1920 after the end of World War I which demanded exorbitant reparations from the Germans

Low Latitude Climates

tropical moist climate, wet-dry tropical climate, dry tropical climate rainforests, savanas, deserts


Native Americans living in the Pacific Northwest of the present- day united States.

midnight judges

The 16 judges that were added by the Judiciary Act of 1801 that were called this because Adams signed their appointments late on the last day of his administration.

relief map

a map that shows the elevation of an area using colors or shading

isopleth map

a map using lines to connect locations of equal data value

perfect competition

a market structure in which a large number of firms all produce the same product

monopolistic competition

a market structure in which many companies sell products that are similar but not identical

imperfect competition

a market structure that does not meet the conditions of perfect competition

elasticity of demand

a measure of how consumers react to a change in price

Species interactions

predation, competition, parasitism


the ability to do work

First Council of Nicaea

325 AD

Contractory Policy

Feds want, slows down the economy


little swirls of water


people who buy and sell goods

rapid growth

when population grows quickly


A biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment.


A later native group to the eastern woodlands. They blended agriculture and hunting living in common villages constructed from the trees and bark of the forests

firm level

"How should we compete against a particular firm?"

how long ago did the universe begin?

13.7 billion years ago

climate change vs global warming

Climate change is the change of climate globally and global warming is the earths average temp rising significantly


Elevation above sea level


Known as a warrior people who ruthlessly conquered neighboring countries; their empire stretched from east to north of the Tigris River all the way to centeral Egypt; used ladders, weapons like iron-tipped spears, daggers and swords, tunnels, and fearful military tactics to gain strength in their empire - Horse drawn carts - Military


Non-living things

market surveys

Structured questionnaires or market research panels


Study of past and present distribution of organisms


The second-lowest layer of Earth's atmosphere.

cultural complexes

a cluster of interrelated traits

How banks make money

lend out everything but reserve requirement and charge interest (10%)


mountain building


the study of soil

Clayton Antitrust Act

1914 act designed to strengthen the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890; certain activities previously committed by big businesses, such as not allowing unions in factories and not allowing strikes, were declared illegal.

Fluvial Civilizations

Civilizations that arose in river valleys (Mesopotamia, Egypt, etc.) - Water for drinking, crops, animals - Gathering place for wild aniimals to be hunted - Rich soil deposits as a result of regular flooding

Which of the following best describes a major cause of World War I1?economic competition in Central Europerevolutionary activity in Russiarepression of ethnic minorities in Germanynationalist tensions in the Balkans

Class of warriors in feudal Japan who pledged loyalty to a noble in return for land.nationalist tensions in the Balkans

separation of powers

Constitutional division of powers among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches, with the legislative branch making law, the executive applying and enforcing the law, and the judiciary interpreting the law

Austro-Hungarian Empire

Empire in which a dual monarchy was set up in order to bring compromise to a series of different ethnicities.

World War two

Event that brought the United States completely out of the Great Depression, we entered because of Japanese bombing at Pearl Harbor

1st amendment

Freedom of Religion, Speech, Press, Assembly, and Petition

Labor movement

Generally, the economic and political expression of working-class interests; politically, the organization of working-class interests.


German Nazi dictator during World War II (1889-1945), Nazi leader and founder; had over 6 million Jews assassinated during the Holocaust

Red Scare

A period of general fear of communists

intellectual property rights

A product of the intellect, such as an expressed idea or concept, that has commercial value.

Vietnam War

A prolonged war (1954-1975) between the communist armies of North Vietnam who were supported by the Chinese and the non-communist armies of South Vietnam who were supported by the United States.


A series of holy wars from 1096-1270 AD undertaken by European Christians to free the Holy Land from Muslim rule.

Cooperative Federalism

A system of government in which powers and policy assignments are shared between states and the national government. They may also share costs, administration, and even blame for programs that work poorly.

parliamentary system

A system of government in which the legislature selects the prime minister or president.


Accumulation of salts in soil that can eventually make the soil unable to support plant growth.

Jelly Roll Morton

African American pianist, composer, arranger, and band leader from New Orleans; Bridged that gap between the piano styles of ragtime and jazz; Was the first important jazz composer

Booker T. Washington

African American progressive who supported segregation and demanded that African American better themselves individually to achieve equality.

Stages of Economic Development

Agricultural stage Manufacturing stage Service sector stage

Federalist leaders

Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay

animal husbandry

An agricultural activity associated with the raising of domesticated animals, such as cattle, horses, sheep, and goats.


An urban settlement that has been legally incorporated into an independent, self-governing unit.

Hwang Ho

Ancient Chinese civilization along the Yellow River

Geography of North America

Appellation mountain Mississippi River is surrounded by oceans third-largest continent shows signs of human life everywhere

cumulus clouds

Fluffy, white clouds, usually with flat bottoms, that look like rounded piles of cotton.

Italian Campaign

The allied campaign to take Italy. It took 18 months, from 1943-1944. Italy surrendered after many beach landings and other dangerous tactics.


The amount of biological or living diversity per unit area. It includes the concepts of species diversity, habitat diversity and genetic diversity.

topological space

The amount of connectivity between places regardless of the absolute distance separating them.

manufacturing stage

The time periods when a product is produced and distributed to customers; in contrast to the research, development, and engineering stage or the post-sales service and salvage stages.

gross national product

The total value of goods and services, including income received from abroad, produced by the residents of a country within a specific time period, usually one year.

Niccolo Machiavelli

a statesman of Florence who advocated a strong central government (1469-1527)

Bronze age

a period of human culture between the Stone Age and the Iron Age, characterized by the use of weapons and implements made of bronze Beginning 3,000 BCE - first civilizations emerged


a person who is the legal property of another and is forced to obey them.

southern colonies

Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia

New England colonies

Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire


Massive rock in the Great Sandy Desert also known as Ayer's Rock. [Australia]


Measures the number of people who are able to work, but do not have a job during a period of time.


New Stone Age Growth of a sense of family and the ideas of religion and government.

trade winds

Prevailing winds that blow northeast from 30 degrees north latitude to the equator and that blow southeast from 30 degrees south latitude to the equator

Panic of 1893

Serious economic depression beginning in 1893. Began due to rail road companies over-extending themselves, causing bank failures. Was the worst economic collapse in the history of the country until that point, and, some say, as bad as the Great Depression of the 1930s.

Russian revolution of 1905

Spontaneous rebellion that erupted in Russia after the country's defeat at the hands of Japan in 1905; the revolution was suppressed, but it forced the government to make substantial reforms.


Spread of Greek culture

rapid industrialization

Stalin's attempt to free Russia from dependence on capitalist states for goods

Presidential candidates in 1860

Stephen Douglas -North Dakota John Breckinridge-south Dakota John Bell - constitution Union Abe Lincoln-republican

D.W. Griffith

groundbreaking American film director, directed The Birth of a Nation

George Eastman

invented the Kodak camera

financial reports

summarized information about the financial status of a business

new federalism

system in which the national government restores greater authority back to the states

atmospheric pressure

the pressure caused by the weight of the atmosphere

Which of the following best describes the likely effect of a decrease in the foreign exchange value of the U.S. dollar?- The price of foreign goods in U.S. markets will increase- U.S. firms will pay less for raw materials obtained from foreign suppliers- The U.S. balance of payments deficit will increase- U.S. firms will be forced to reduce prices to maintain sales in foreign markets

the price of foreign goods in U.S. markets will increase

State's rights

the rights and powers held by individual US states rather than by the federal government.

corollas effect

winds blowing from the northeast to the southwest near the North Pole


currency, demand deposits, traveler's checks, and other checkable deposits

hydrological cycle

cycle of water, the movement of water and its transformation between the gaseous (vapour), liquid, and solid forms.

general election

election in which voters decide which candidates will actually fill elective public offices

September Equinox

equator faces sun directly; neither pole tilts toward sun; all regions on earth experience 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness

Aleuts and Inuit

far north, skin tents/igloos, kayaks, umiaks, hunted caribou, seals, whales, walrus

population growth

increase in the number of people who inhabit a territory or state

what type of democracy is the united states

indirect democracy representative democracy


something of value that can be sold to pay a debt

economic sectors

"sections" of an economy. The three sectors are the primary, secondary, and tertiary sectors.

Elizabeth cady stanton

(1815-1902) A suffragette who, with Lucretia Mott, organized the first convention on women's rights, held in Seneca Falls, New York in 1848. Issued the Declaration of Sentiments which declared men and women to be equal and demanded the right to vote for women. Co-founded the National Women's Suffrage Association with Susan B. Anthony in 1869.

Alliance for Progress

(JFK) 1961,, a program in which the United States tried to help Latin American countries overcome poverty and other problems, money used to aid big business and the military

Liberal politics

(adj, n) favorable to progress or reform; believing in maximum possible individual freedom; tolerant, open-minded; generous (adj); a person with such beliefs or practices (noun)

Desegregation of Little Rock

(highschool) 9 blacks were denied entrance, crisis with mobs forced eisenhower to order soldiers so the men could attend class, but kept getting harrassed and the school was shutdown; not continuing integration


(n.) a lessening in value; a belittling

The work of Sigmund Freud, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Fyodor Dostoyevsky shared which of the following characteristics? - A determination to explore beneath surface appearances. - A focus on the relationship between class and culture - a commitment to. moral and material progress - the application of all reason to all aspects of life

- A determination to explore beneath surface appearances.

economic phases

1. Boom 2. Recession 3. Trough (lowest point in recession) 4. recovery

Conditions used to classify markets

1. Existence of competition 2. Number and size of suppliers 3. Influence of supplier over price 4. Variety of available products 5. Ease of entering the market

Alexander hamilton

1789-1795; First Secretary of the Treasury. He advocated creation of a national bank, assumption of state debts by the federal government, and a tariff system to pay off the national debt.


A body of water that is surrounded by land it can be fresh water or salt water.


A council of representatives


A document which spells out the principles by which a government runs and the fundamental laws that govern a society

storm surge

A dome of water that sweeps across the coast where a hurricane lands

great plains

A mostly flat and grassy region of western North America

Era of Good Feelings

A name for President Monroe's two terms, a period of strong nationalism, economic growth, and territorial expansion. Since the Federalist party dissolved after the War of 1812, there was only one political party and no partisan conflicts.


A relationship between countries in which they rely on one another for resources, goods, or services

Count Baise

A style of jazz known as swinging blues is most often associated with: (swinging blues)


A sum paid or charged for the use of money or for borrowing money


A supercontinent containing all of Earth's land that existed about 225 million years ago.


A system in which power is divided between the national and state governments


A system in which power is divided between the national and state governments

Patronage system

AKA Spoils System. Filling government bureaucracy based on connections & political favors not merit (cronyism); ended by Pendleton Act (1883)

Geography of South Africa

All of South Africa's Natural Resources were located near its cities, which were populated by the white minority during Apartheid. All of the Bantustans, were the entirety of South Africa's black population lived, were located around these cities.

The Liberator

An anti-slavery newspaper written by William Lloyd Garrison. It drew attention to abolition, both positive and negative, causing a war of words between supporters of slavery and those opposed.

Who fought in the Peloponnesian War?

Athens and Sparta

atmospheric energy budget

Balance between incoming and outgoing solar radiation

Pearl Harbor

Base in hawaii that was bombed by japan on December 7, 1941, which eagered America to enter the war.

how to lose citizenship

Be convicted of treason pledge citizenship to another country serves in the military of another country engaged in hostilities with the US.

Russian culture

Blending of Slavs, Byzantines, and Vikings people. Or a blending of Slavic and Greek tradition.

Orders in Council

British laws which led to the War of 1812. Orders-in-council passed in 1807 permitted the impressment of sailors and forbade neutral ships from visiting ports from which Britain was excluded unless they first went to Britain and traded for British goods.

Battle of Seratoga

British surrendered to Americans. Led to the Franco-American alliance

British defeat Spanish Armada

Caused Spain's decline 1588

Immigrants from this country were the main targets of late nineteenth century laws restricting asian immigration


Guatemala Geography

Classic Highland Maya and Lowland Maya thrived in southern Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras. Tikal Collapse of cities primarily occurred in the southern lowlands and highlands of Guatemala. Other regions of the Mayan culture continue to thrive. 7,500,000 Maya alive today in Mexico and Guatemala

5 types of market failure

Competition is inadequate information is inadequate, resources are not mobile negative externalities, or side effects failure to provide public goods

What is the most common type of volcano on earth?

Composite volcano

Which of the following conquistadores unwittingly gave smallpox to the Indians and destroyed the Aztec empire in Mexico? - Balboa - Ponce de Leon - Cortes - De Vaca


Three major types of projection

Cylindrical projection Conical projection Flate-Plane projection

17th amendment

Direct election of senators

38th Parallel

Dividing line between North and South Korea


Division of population into five equal groups with respect to the distribution of a variable, such as income. Example: The lowest income quintile refers to the 20% of the population with the lowest income.

force theory

Government emerged when all the people of an area were brought under the authority of one person or group.


Form of relocation diffusion involving permanent move to a new location.

Agricultural Adjustment Administration

Gave farmers money to reduce crop size to reduce production and bring up the value of crops

Chandragupta Maurya

He founded India's first empire. He was an Indian prince who conquered a large area in the Ganges River valley soon after Alexander invaded western India.

Great compromiser

Henry Clay


Homo sapiens 46 chromosones

22nd amendment

Limits the president to two terms.


Nutrients that occur naturally in rocks and soil

capital of canada

Ottawa, Ontario


Overall weather in an area over a long period of time

sixth amendment

Right to a speedy trial

second amendment

Right to bear arms

Confederate states

South Carolina, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, and Georgia

federal reserve system

The country's central banking system, which is responsible for the nation's monetary policy by regulating the supply of money and interest rates

head of state

The executive role that symbolizes and represents the people both nationally and internationally.


an area of low land between hills or mountains

Map scale

The relationship between the size of an object on a map and the size of the actual feature on Earth's surface.

Bolshevik Revolution (1917)

The second stage of the Russian Revolution in November 1917 when Vladimir Lenin and his Bolshevik party seized power and established a communist state. The first stage had occurred the previous February when more moderate revolutionaries overthrew the Russian Czar.


The study of how people seek to satisfy their needs and wants by making choices


The study of how people seek to satisfy their needs and wants by making choices

human geography

The study of the spatial variation in the patterns and processes related to human activity.

Santa Fe Trail

Trail from independence Missouri to Santa Fe New Mexico in the mid-1800s

great american desert

Vast arid territory west of the Missouri River & east of the Rocky Mountains; encouraged westward expansion after Stephen Long's Expedition

Richard Nixon

Vice President under Eisenhower and 37th President of the United States

Viking Invasions

Waterborne invasions from Scandinavia that hit and raided villages and monasteries in Medieval Europe. Caused widespread disorder and suffering until the invaders converted to Christianity and became farmers.

Catholic Reformation

a 16th century movement in which the Roman Catholic Church sought to make changes in response to the Protestant Reformation

Federal Trade Commission

a federal agency established in 1914 to investigate and stop unfair business practices

Ulysses S. Grant

an American general and the eighteenth President of the United States (1869-1877). He achieved international fame as the leading Union general in the American Civil War.

checkable deposits

any deposit in a commercial bank or thrift institution against which a check may be written

on which type of map would Nigeria be bigger than Austria? - countour map of elevation - floww line map of spice trade - mercator projection - cartogram of population

cartogram of population

Which civilization is the oldest uninterrupted?

chinese civilization

where do half of the worlds populations live?


General Douglas MacArthur

commander of the US forces in the Philippine Islands who directed the Allied occupation of Japan

What judicial system did America borrow from England? A. Due process B. Federal law C. Commerce law D. Common law

common law

Equal Rights Amendment

constitutional amendment passed by Congress but never ratified that would have banned discrimination on the basis of gender

free media

coverage of a candidate's campaign by the news media


depriving of human qualities


describes magma or igneous rock that is rich in magnesium and iron and that is generally dark in color

India's Gupta Empire

developed by Chandra Gupta around 320 CE

Sherman's March to the Sea

during the civil war, a devastating total war military campaign, led by union general William Tecumseh Sherman, that involved marching 60,000 union troops through Georgia from Atlanta to Savannah and destroying everything along there way.

different forms of unemployment

frictional structural cyclical seasonal technical

The factors of production can best be used to examine which of the following features of economic activity.- inputs and outputs- elasticity of supply and demand- profits and losses- economies of scale and scope

inputs and outputs

variable factors of production

inputs the manager can adjust to alter production


large natural stream of water that runs through the land

Bull moose party

nickname for the new Progressive Party, which was formed to support Roosevelt in the election of 1912

factor income

payments for the use of factors of production owned by residents of other countries

Inflationary pressures intensify.Finding new workers becomes increasingly difficult.Interest rates increase.Demand begins to overtake supply.During which phase of the business cycle is an economy most likely to experience the developments described in the list above?expansionpeakcontractiontrough


inherent powers

powers claimed by a president that are not expressed in the Constitution but are inferred from it

4 elements of a market plan

product price place promotion

Judicial review

review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act.


science dealing with the atmosphere and weather

A filibuster is used to delay a bill. Where can a filibuster take place?


diffuse radiation

shortwave radiation that has been scattered by gases in the atmosphere

equal area map

shows correct size of land masses, but usually distorts their shapes.

Susan B. Anthony

social reformer who campaigned for womens rights, the temperance, and was an abolitionist, helped form the National Woman Suffrage Assosiation

Moderate politics

some liberal and some conservative ideas

map title

tells the subject of the map


the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large

Executive branch (president)

the branch of government that carries out laws

Legislative Branch (congress)

the branch of government that makes the laws

river systems

the main river and all its tributaries (smaller rivers and streams that flow into the main river).

Reconstruction period

the time after the Civil War ended


to get around; to bypass

frictional unemployment

unemployment that occurs when people take time to find a job

subpolar lows

A belt of low pressure in the three-cell model between the polar easterlies and midlatitude westerlies.


A form of government in which the leader has absolute power and authority.

cylindrical projection

a map projection that is made by moving the surface features of the globe onto a cylinder


a small area of land that is higher than the land around it


the transfer of powers and responsibilities from the federal government to the states

founding of chinas tang dynasty


how many countries are in north and central america


Osama Bin Laden

Arab terrorist who established al-Qaeda (born in 1957)

Harriet Beecher

Author of Uncle Tom's Cabin

civil liberties

Constitutional freedoms guaranteed to all citizens


Fees for the support of government required to be paid by people and businesses.

Napolean Bonaparte

French emperor & Leader of the French Army during French Revolution

Stephen Douglass

Illinois Senator, debated Lincoln, Democrat, popular sovereignty, Kansas-Nebraska Act

ocean trenches

Long, deep, steep troughs in the seafloor where an oceanic plate sinks beneath an overlying plate.

third amendment

No quartering of soldiers

ocean names

Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Southern, Arctic

implied powers

Powers not specifically mentioned in the constitution

seventh amendment

Right to trial by jury


The Mediterranean society that formed on the island of Crete and who were a big maritime society. - Linear A - Linear B - 4000 - 1400 BCE

information age

The present time, during which infinite quantities of facts are widely available to anyone who can use a computer

Big Band

a mid- to large-size dance band that emerged in the 1930s to play the style of jazz called swing

American Union Against Militarism

formed in 1916; a group created to protest US entry into WWI; attracted membership from many prominent progressive figures; pressured Wilson to continue pursuing his path of peace instead of involving the US in the war

Lowell Female Labor Reform Association

fought for rights of female factory workers, especially that someone come to observe the mills, and a 10 hour workday


government aid to the poor


huge, slow moving sheets of ice


people who have left the country of their birth to live in another country


to set apart or designate for a special purpose; to distribute

James Madison

"Father of the Constitution," Federalist leader, and fourth President of the United States.

industry level

"How should we compete in this industry?"


"White Huns"; pastoral nomads from Central Asia who invaded Persia and India, briefly creating an empire; contributed to the demise and eventual fall of the Gupta Empire.

compromise of 1850

(1) California admitted as free state, (2) territorial status and popular sovereignty of Utah and New Mexico, (3) resolution of Texas-New Mexico boundaries, (4) federal assumption of Texas debt, (5) slave trade abolished in DC, and ( 6) new fugitive slave law; advocated by Henry Clay and Stephen A. Douglas

Glass-Steagall Act

(Banking Act of 1933) - Established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and included banking reforms, some designed to control speculation. Repealed in 1999, opening the door to scandals involving banks and stock investment companies.

Public Works Administration

(FDR) , 1935 Created for both industrial recovery and for unemployment relief. Headed by the Secretary of Interior Harold L. Ickes, it aimed at long-range recovery and spent $4 billion on thousands of projects that included public buildings, highways, and parkways.

Peace Corps

(JFK) , volunteers who help third world nations and prevent the spread of communism by getting rid of poverty, Africa, Asia, and Latin America

what does the atmosphere do

- Controls the weather, hydrologic cycle, and the climate of the Earth - Allows for life to exist on Earth

Technological advances during WW2

- Discovery of Penicillin (1928) - Supersonic air travel (1947 - Orbital satellite leading to manned space flight (Sputnik, 1957) - First man on the moon (1969)

Which of the following statements is not true regarding English expansion in the 16th century? - England's defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588 brought a decisive end to their war with Spain - King Henry VIII's desire to divorce Catherine of Aragon strengthened English expansionism. - Queen Elizabeth's support for the Protestant Reformation strengthened English expansionism - Sir Francis Drake and other English sea captains plundered the Spaniards' plunders of Indians.

- England's defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588 brought a decisive end to their war with Spain

French, spanish, Duch and British goals in colonization of the Americas

- Fur trade (french colonies) - Wealth, convert natives to christianity ( Spanish colonists - Fur trade, import slaves (Dutch) - Additional income, escape religious persecution (British colonists)

which of the following did not contribute to ending America's neutrality in WW1? - Germany's declaration of a war zone surrounding the British Isles in Feb. 1913. - Germany's declaration of a war on Russia after Archduke Ferdinand;s assassination - Germany's striking the British ship Lusitania, which killed 128 American passangers - Germany's declaration of unrestricted submarine warfare on all ships in the war zone

- Germany's declaration of a war on Russia after Archduke Ferdinand;s assassination

Three events of the Civil Rights Movement

- Montgomery Bus boycott - Desegregation of Little Rock - Birmingham Campaign

Developments of the Scientific Revolution

- New technology - Scientific Method - Advancements in anatomy, medicine, biology, and chemistry. - Leads to the Enlightenment.

Which of the following statements is true regarding the end of the first world war? - the treaty of Versailles brough peace among all countries involved in the war - the treaty of Versailles contained a clause for establishing the united nations - President Woodrow Wilson had proposed forming a coalition of world nations - President woodrow wilson succeeded in getting the USA to ratify the leage of nations

- President Woodrow Wilson had proposed forming a coalition of world nations

List the 3 stages of economic development

- agricultural stage - manufacturing stage - service sector stage.

a major difference between ancient Egyptian civilization and early Mesopotamian civilizations was that the Egyptians: - created a communication system based on written documents - worshipped a more diverse variety of gods - made major advancement sin the generation of scientific knowledge - developed a more centralized form of government

- developed a more centralized form of government.

what demographics have recently shown support for democratic candidates? - men and young voters - women and young voters - women and gun owners - men adn gun owners

- women and young voters

types of clouds

-Cirrus -Stratus -Cumulonimbus -Altostratus

Gerald Ford Presidency

-pardons Nixon *Last thing nation needs is a show trial *Defending the presidency

factors that earn income

1. Land= earns rent 2. labor= earns wages 3. capital= earns interest 4. entrepreneurs= earn profit

Three Phases of Reconstruction

1. The Freedmen's Bureau- acting on behalf of African Americans; the bill extends the time for this 2. Civil Rights Act (1866)- civil rights attempt to show this amendment extends the benefit of all laws to people of all race (remove race card) 3. The 14th Amendment- defines american citizenship without regards to race (most important, causes problems in the immediate aftermath)

the earliest civilizations were:

1. The nile river valley in egypt 2. Mesopotamia 3. The Indus Valley 4. Hwang Ho in China

Powers of the President

1. commander in chief 2,. sign a bill (to make it a law) 3. pocket veto-(bill that is brought up within the last 10 days of congressional session, and pres. ignores it) 5. power of foreign policy (diplomatic recognition-power to send and receive ambassadors 6. power of appointment 7. pardon 8. required to give a state of union message

Neolithic age goes back to>

10,000 BCE

Which of the following gives the clearest relative location of Milwaukee? - in Wisconsin - On Lake Michigan - 44 N, 88W - 100 miles north of Chicago

100 miles north of chicago

Julius Caesar

100-44 B.C. Roman general who became the republic's dictator in 45 B.C.

right of citizens

14th amendment/bill of rights

Kansas nebraska Act

1854 - Created Nebraska and Kansas as states and gave the people in those territories the right to chose to be a free or slave state through popular sovereignty.

Massacre at Wounded Knee

1890 shooting of a group of unarmed Sioux by army troops

Homestead Strike

1892 steelworker strike near Pittsburgh against the Carnegie Steel Company. Ten workers were killed in a riot when "scab" labor was brought in to force an end to the strike.

International workers of the world

1905 - Also known as IWW or Wobblies - created in opposition to American Federation of Labor

senators were originally chosen by state legislatures. in what year was the constitution amended to allow for them to be elected by popular vote?


Clayton Antitrust Act

1914 law that strengthened the Sherman Antitrust Act

Bolshevik revolution

1917 uprising in Russia led by Vladimir Lenin which established a communist government and withdrew Russia from World War I.

Sedition Act

1918 law that made it illegal to criticize the government

Russian Purges under Stalin

1921-1953, numbers vary (3-60 million, most think 20 million), deaths both directly and indirectly caused by Stalin's regime

When was the USSR formed?


Wagner Act

1935, also National Labor Relations Act; granted rights to unions; allowed collective bargaining

Rome-Berlin Axis

1936; close cooperation between Italy and Germany, and soon Japan joined; resulted from Hitler; who had supported Ethiopia and Italy, he overcame Mussolini's lingering doubts about the Nazis.



Yalta Conference

1945 Meeting with US president FDR, British Prime Minister(PM) Winston Churchill, and and Soviet Leader Stalin during WWII to plan for post-war

First Indochina War

1946-1954. was fought in French Indochina between French and Vietnamese. End result was division of Vietnam at Geneva Conference.

Truman Doctrine

1947, President Truman's policy of providing economic and military aid to any country threatened by communism or totalitarian ideology, mainly helped Greece and Turkey

Malcolm X

1952; renamed himself X to signify the loss of his African heritage; converted to Nation of Islam in jail in the 50s, became Black Muslims' most dynamic street orator and recruiter; his beliefs were the basis of a lot of the Black Power movement built on seperationist and nationalist impulsesto achieve true independence and equality

Brown v. Board of Education

1954 - The Supreme Court overruled Plessy v. Ferguson, declared that racially segregated facilities are inherently unequal and ordered all public schools desegregated.

Civil Rights Act

1964; banned discrimination in public acomodations, prohibited discrimination in any federally assisted program, outlawed discrimination in most employment; enlarged federal powers to protect voting rights and to speed school desegregation; this and the voting rights act helped to give African-Americans equality on paper, and more federally-protected power so that social equality was a more realistic goal

Woodrow Wilson

28th president of the United States, known for World War I leadership, created Federal Reserve, Federal Trade Commission, Clayton Antitrust Act, progressive income tax, lower tariffs, women's suffrage (reluctantly), Treaty of Versailles, sought 14 points post-war plan, League of Nations (but failed to win U.S. ratification), won Nobel Peace Prize

how many judges are on a panel that decides federal appeals?


Franklin D. Roosevelt

32nd US President - He began New Deal programs to help the nation out of the Great Depression, and he was the nation's leader during most of WWII

Tuskegee Airmen

332 Fighter Group famous for shooting down over 200 enemy planes. African American pilots who trained at the Tuskegee flying school.

how many immediate directions are there


George W Bush

43rd president of the US who began a campaign toward energy self-sufficiency and against terrorism in 2001

Anglo-Saxon Invasion

449 AD

Council of Chalcedon

451 AD

When were the Persian wars fought?

499 BCE - 449 BCE

The votes of how many states were needed to ratify the Constitution? A. 5 B. 10 C. 9 D. 7


the votes of how many states were needed to ratify the constitution


Martin Luther

95 Thesis, posted in 1517, led to religious reform in Germany, denied papal power and absolutist rule. Claimed there were only 2 sacraments: baptism and communion.

Boston Tea Party

A 1773 protest against British taxes in which Boston colonists disguised as Mohawks dumped valuable tea into Boston Harbor.

Universal declaration of human rights

A 1946 United Nations covenant binding signatory nations to the observance of specified rights.

Internal Security Act

A 1950 act requiring the registration of all communists

Molasses Act of 1733

A British law that established a tax on imports of molasses, sugar, and rum from non-British colonies. The law was loosely enforced and New England imported great quantities of West Indian sugar for manufacturing rum. Example of mercantilism

Soviet Union

A Communist nation, consisting of Russia and 14 other states, that existed from 1922 to 1991.

Fourth crusade

A Crusade from 1202 to 1204 that was diverted into a battle for Constantinople and failed to recapture Jerusalem causing damage to Byzantine Empire


A city in the Holy Land, regarded as sacred by Christians, Muslims, and Jews.

Norte Chico Civilization

A civilization of the Neolithic period, significant for its low warfare, strong fishing economy, and many smaller cities, located on the west coast of South America 5,000 years ago

steppe climate

A climate with very hot summers and very cold winters, with little precipitation


A close relationship between two species that benefits at least one of the species.

Code of Hammurabi

A collection of 282 laws. One of the first (but not THE first) examples of written law in the ancient world.

Federalist papers

A collection of 85 articles written by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison under the name "Publius" to defend the Constitution in detail.

hoover dam

A dam built in the 1930s, with funding from the federal government, to control the Colorado River.

glen canyon dam

A dam on the Colorado River at Page, Arizona. The dam has been controversial since its inception, because it caused the flooding of Glen Canyon to create a man-made reservoir, Lake Powell.


A derogatory term for Southerners who were working with the North to buy up land from desperate Southerners


A device for rapid, long-distance transmission of information over an electric wire. It was introduced in England and North America in the 1830s and 1840s.

Fertile Crescent

A geographical area of fertile land in the Middle East stretching in a broad semicircle from the Nile to the Tigris and Euphrates


A global network connecting millions of computers, making it possible to exchange information.

Popular Sovereignty

A government in which the people rule by their own consent.

reference map

A map type that shows reference information for a particular place, making it useful for finding landmarks and for navigation.


A market in which there are many buyers but only one seller.


A market structure in which a few large firms dominate a market

low pressure

A mass of rising warm air that usually bring wet, stormy weather.

high pressure

A mass of sinking cool air that usually bring fair weather.

voting machine

A mechanism used in elections; with a systems of buttons and levers, the voter has no need of writing utensils.

republican national convention

A meeting held every 4 years to determine who the Republican nominee for President will be.


A person who is chosen or elected to represent a person or group


A policy of nonparticipation in international economic and political relations

Jacksonian Democracy

A policy of spreading more political power to more people. It was a "Common Man" theme.

Tiananmen Square Massacre

A political and social protest by university students in Beijing, China in 1989. The protest called for political and social reforms and resulted in the government using the military to end it, which caused hundreds of deaths, thousands of injured, and many more imprisoned.


A region between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers that developed the first urban societies. In the Bronze Age this area included Sumer and the Akkadian, Babylonian and Assyrian empires, In the Iron Age, it was ruled by the Neo-Assyrian and Neo-Babylonian empires.


A region in Germany designated a demilitarized zone by the Treaty of Versailles; Hitler violated the treaty and sent German troops there in 1936

Tennessee Valley Authority

A relief, recovery, and reform effort that gave 2.5 million poor citizens jobs and land. It brought cheap electric power, low-cost housing, cheap nitrates, and the restoration of eroded soil.


A religion based on the teachings of the prophet Mohammed which stresses belief in one god (Allah), Paradise and Hell, and a body of law written in the Quran. Followers are called Muslims.


A religion based on the teachings of the prophet Mohammed which stresses belief in one god (Allah), Paradise and Hell, and a body of law written in the Quran. Followers are called Muslims. "submission to God's will"


A rigid layer made up of the uppermost part of the mantle and the crust.

Bleeding Kansas

A sequence of violent events involving abolitionists and pro-Slavery elements that took place in Kansas-Nebraska Territory. The dispute further strained the relations of the North and South, making civil war imminent.

Nuremberg Trials

A series of court proceedings held in Nuremberg, Germany, after World War II, in which Nazi leaders were tried for aggression, violations of the rules of war, and crimes against humanity.


A series of holy wars from 1096-1270 AD undertaken by European Christians to free the Holy Land from Muslim rule.

dual federalism

A system of government in which both the states and the national government remain supreme within their own spheres, each responsible for some policies.

Representative Democracy

A system of government in which citizens elect representatives, or leaders, to make decisions about the laws for all the people.

Global Positioning System (GPS)

A system that determines the precise position of something on Earth through a series of satellites, tracking stations, and receivers.


A theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state.


A time of fast economic growth


A tropical cyclone occurring in the western Pacific or Indian oceans


A tropical forest, usually of tall, densely growing, broad-leaved evergreen trees in an area of high annual rainfall.

Benny Goodman

A twentieth-century American jazz clarinetist and bandleader. He was known as the "King of Swing."

thematic map

A type of map that displays one or more variables-such as population, or income level-within a specific area.

metamorphic rock

A type of rock that forms from an existing rock that is changed by heat, pressure, or chemical reactions.

sedimentary rock

A type of rock that forms when particles from other rocks or the remains of plants and animals are pressed and cemented together


A very rapid rise in the price level; an extremely high rate of inflation.


A weak spot in the crust where magma has come to the surface

John Bell

A wealthy slaveowner from Tennessee who served in both the House and the Senate, he ran for U.S. President against Lincoln, Breckinridge, and Douglas in 1860 with the Constitutional Union Party on a moderate pro-slavery platform.

humid subtropical

A wet and warm climate found on the edges of the tropics.

Alien Registration act

AKA - Smith Act of 1940 made it a criminal offense for anyone to conspire to overthrow the government. It also required all non-citizen adult residents to register with the government. The Act is best known for its use against political organizations and figures, mostly on the left. A series of United States Supreme Court decisions in 1957 threw out numerous convictions under the Smith Act as unconstitutional.

John Brown

Abolitionist who was hanged after leading an unsuccessful raid at Harper's Ferry, Virginia (1800-1858)

cultural assimilation

Absorption of a culturally distinct group into a dominant or prevailing culture


Accepting the risk of starting and running a business.

place utility

Adding value to products by having them where people want them.

Radical Republicans

After the Civil War, a group that believed the South should be harshly punished and thought that Lincoln was sometimes too compassionate towards the South.

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

Agreement that created a free-trade area among the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

three-fifths compromise (1787)

Agreement that each slave counted as three-fifths of a person in determining representation in the House for representation and taxation purposes (negated by the 13th amendment)

Battle of Britain

An aerial battle fought in World War II in 1940 between the German Luftwaffe (air force), which carried out extensive bombing in Britain, and the British Royal Air Force, which offered successful resistance.

Oslo Accords

An agreement in 1993 in which Israeli prime minister Rabin granted Palestinian self-rule in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.


An agreement to stop fighting

fair deal

An economic extension of the New Deal proposed by Harry Truman that called for higher minimum wage, housing and full employment. It led only to the Housing Act of 1949 and the Social Security Act of 1950 due to opposition in congress.


An instrument used by sailors to determine their location by observing the position of the stars and planets


An interaction in which one organism kills another for food.

nominating convention

An official public meeting of a party to choose candidates for office

Geography: space

An organizational method that arranges a presentation by components such as location or geography


Ancient Greek state that believed in war and physical activity.

John Stuart Mill

Arguably the most famous English philosopher and politician of the 1800s. Champion of liberty over unlimited state control. Also famous for adding falsification as a key component of the scientific method.

Meriwether Lewis

Army captain appointed by President Jefferson to explore the Louisiana Territory and lands west to the Pacific Ocean

Harry Truman

Became president when FDR died; gave the order to drop the atomic bomb

Four divisions of anthropology

Biological anthropology cultural anthropology linguistic anthropology Archaeology


Biome that is characterized by coniferous (pines, firs, and other trees with needles for leaves).Winters are cold and snowy

Joseph Stalin

Bolshevik revolutionary, head of the Soviet Communists after 1924, and dictator of the Soviet Union from 1928 to 1953. He led the Soviet Union with an iron fist, using Five-Year Plans to increase industrial production and terror to crush opposition

Compare and contrast the Spartans and the Athenians

Both powerful city-states, Sparta and Athend fought each other in the Peloponnesian War (431-404) BCE. Despite their proximity, the Spartans and the Athenians nurtured contrasting cultures: - The Spartans, located in Poloponnesus, were ruled by an oligarchic military state. They practiced farming, disallowed trade for Spartan citizens, and valued military arts and strict discipline. They emerged as the strongest military forced in the area, and maintained this status for many years. In one memorable encounter, a small group of Spartans held off a huge army of PErsians and Thermopylae - The Athenians were centered in Attica, where the land was rocky and unsuitable for farming. Like the Spartans, they descended from incaders who spoke Greek. Their government was very diferent from Sparta's; it was in Athens that democracy was created by Cleisthenes of Athens in 508 BCE Athenians excelled in art, theater, architechture, and philosophy.

Compare and contrast the American Revolution and the French Revolution

Both the American and French Revolution came about as a protest against the excesses and overly controlling nature of their respective monarchs. In America, the British colonies were left mostly to self-govern until the British monarchs increased control, spurring the colonies to revolt. In France, the nobility's excesses had led to increasingly difficult economic conditions, with inflation, heavy taxation, and food shortages creating great burdens on the lower class. Both revolutions led to the development of republics to replace the monarchies that were displaced. However, the French Revolution eventually led to the rise of the dictator Napoleon Bonaparte, while the American Revolution produced a working republic from the beginning.

News of the California Gold Rush was an important factor pulling many early immigrants from this country to the United STates


The formation of guilds and clan associations helped people from this country adjust to life in the United States


convection currents

Circular currents in the mantle caused by the magma being heated by the core off the Earth.

15th amendment

Citizens cannot be denied the right to vote because of race, color , or precious condition of servitude


City in Russia, site of a Red Army victory over the Germany army in 1942-1943. The Battle of Stalingrad was the turning point in the war between Germany and the Soviet Union. Today Volgograd.

Civil Liberties vs. Civil Rights

Civil Liberties are about freedoms we possess, mostly outlined in the bill of rights. Civil Rights involves equal treatment/protection under the law

Russia's Bolshevik Revolution

Civil war over unfair social class system. Lenin and the Bolshevik's seize power of Russia

Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria

Columbus's three ships

Connecticut compromise

Compromise agreement by states at the Constitutional Convention for a bicameral legislature with a lower house in which representation would be based on population and an upper house in which each state would have two senators.

marble cake federalism

Conceives of federalism as a marble cake in which all levels of government are involved in a variety of issues and programs, rather than a layer cake, or dual federalism, with fixed divisions between layers or levels of government.

Soil Conservation Service

Conducted research into controlling wind and water erosion, set up demonstration project and technical assistance to farmers. Now called the Natural Resources Conservation Service.

20th amendment

Congress begins on January 30th; President starts on January 20th


Date: Columbus "Sailed the Ocean Blue"

What does the Secretary of State do?

Deals with foreign affairs

Treaty of Ghent

December 24, 1814 - Ended the War of 1812 and restored the status quo. For the most part, territory captured in the war was returned to the original owner. It also set up a commission to determine the disputed Canada/U.S. border.

When did Texas become a state

December 29, 1845

history of islam

Developed in the Middle East in the 7th century C.E. by the Prophet Muhammad who was given the Qua-ran by an Angel. He made a pilgrimage from Mecca to Medina

Ancient Persians

Developed the alphabet, contributed the religions and philosophies of Zoroastrianism, Mithraism and Gnosticism. They allowed conquered peoples to retain their own customs, laws and religions.

the train tracks seemed to be moving as I drove by the stationary train. Which of the following terms would explain this? - difference threshold - Interposition - Linear perspective - Motion parallax

Difference threshold

Economic Disparity

Differences in income and assets that exist when comparing individuals and for populations within a society.


Dynasty that succeeded the Kushans in the 3rd century C.E.; built empire that extended to all but the southern regions of Indian sub-continent; less centralized than Mauryan Empire.

discuss the importance of e-commerce in today's marketplace

E-commerce makes it possible for nearly any individual to set up a direct market to consumers and direct interaction with suppliers. In many instances, e-commerce can provide nearly instantaneous gratification, with a wide variety of products. Whoever provides the best product most quickly often rises to the top of a marketplace.

Stick Charts

Earliest form of navigational or oceanographic map made of bamboo and shells, they were made by the Polynesian people among the south pacific islands. Shells represented Islands and palm strips represented patterns of waves between Islands.


Earth has seasons because because its axis is tilted as it moves around the sun.

discus accomplishments and events from the presidency of Dwight D. Eisenhower

Eisenhower carried out a middle-of-the-road foreign policy and brought the US several steps forward in equal rights. he worked to minimize tensions during the cold war, and negotiated a peace treaty with russia after the death of stalin. he enforced desegregation by sending roop to little rock central high school in arkansas, as well as ordering the desegregation of the military. organizations formed during his administration included the department of health, education and welfare, and the NASA

Northwest ordinance

Enacted in 1787, it is considered one of the most significant achievements of the Articles of Confederation. It established a system for setting up governments in the western territories so they could eventually join the Union on an equal footing with the original 13 states


Engaging in activities aimed at influencing public officials, especially legislators, and the policies they enact.

Federal government powers

Enumerated, delegated, expressed, and exclusive powers are all powers that belong to this part of our government.

Origins of State Theories

Evolutionary Theory Force Theory Divine Right Theory Social Contract

Roman empire

Existed from 27 BCE to about 400 CE. Conquiered entire Mediterranean coast and most of Europe. Ruled by an emperor. Eventually oversaw the rise and spread of Christianity.

which part of a hurricane features strongest winds and greatest rainfall?

Eye Wall

name the 6 major principles of government as outlines in the USA constitution

Federalism: the power of the government does not belong entirely to the national government, but is divided between federal and state governments - Popular sovereignty: the government is determined by the people, the gains its authority and power from the people - Separation of powers: the government is divided into three branches, executive, legislative, and judicial, with each branch having its own set of powers Judicial review: courts at all levels of government can declare laws invalid if they contradict the constitution of individual states or the federal constitution, with the supreme court serving as the final judicial authority on decisions of this kind. - Checks and balances: no single branch can act without input from another, and each branch has the power to check any other, as well as balance other branches' powers - Limited government: governmental powers are limited and certain individual rights are defined as inviolable by the government

caravel ship

First European ship in which sails are reversible and have a flat hull. This means you can manipulate the wind however you want and you can easily explore coastlines for the first time.


Followers of a belief which stressed self-reliance, self- culture, self-discipline, and that knowledge transcends instead of coming by reason. They promoted the belief of individualism and caused an array of humanitarian reforms.

International Refugee Organization

Formed by the U.N. in 1946 to help deal with the great deal of Europe refugees

Anwar el-Sadat

Former President of Egypt (1st Arab leader to recognize and make peace with Israel) He was assassinated Oct. 6 1981 for making peace with Israel.

Philadelphia Female Anti-Slavery Society

Founded for women who wanted to become part of the abolitionist movement but couldn't join the American Anti-Slavery Society: created an open market that didn't sell "slave goods"

19th amendment

Gave women the right to vote

Friedrich Nietzsche

German philosopher who said that "God is dead," that lackadaisical people killed him with their false values. Said that Christianity and all religion is a "slave morality." He also said that the only hope for mankind was to accept the meaninglessness of human life, and to then use that meaninglessness as a source of personal integrity and liberation. Also stated that from this meaninglessness people called Supermen would exert their mind on other and rise to power. he appealed to people who liked totalitarianism.

Which of the following best describes the main cause of the US intervention in WW1? - German mistreatment of civilian noncombatants in conquered territories - German submarine attacks on ships of neutral countries - large-scale use of mustard gas and other lethan chemical agents by the German military - German negotiation of the treaty with Rusias Bolshevik government

German submarine attacks on ships of neutral countries

List and describe the most popular map projections.

Globe: Earth's features are shown on a sphere. No distortion of distances, directions, or areas occurs. Mercator: Projects earth's features onto a cylander wrapped around a globe. Generates a rectangular map that is not distorted at the rquator but is greately distorted near the poles. Lines or latitude and longitude form a square grid. Robinson: Projects Earth's features onto an oval-looking map. Areas near the poles are truer to size than in the Mercator. Some distortion affects every point. Orthographic: Earth's features are shown on a circle, which is tangent to the globe at any point chosen by the mapmaker. Generates a circular, 3D-appearing map similar to how Earth is seen from space. Conic maps: a family of maps drawn by projecting the globes features onto a cone set onto the globe. Some distortion affects most points. Polar maps: A circle onto which the land around the poles has been projected. Provides much less distortion of Antartica and the land around the North Pole than other map types.

Overland Campaign

Grant started this campaign in a brutal attempt to end the war. Despite over 66,000 casualties in six weeks, he pressed against Lee, pinning down the Confederate army in the Siege of Petersburg, where the two armis engaged in trench warfare for over nine months

Which of the following best decribes a significant consequence of the battle of yorktown? - the british army shifted its main military operations from New Englans to the south - Great Britain lost its resolve to continue fighting to retain its American colonies - The French government agreed to form a military alliance with the USA - the continental congrss declared the independence of the USA

Great Britain lost its resolve to continue fighting to retain its American colonies

Shah of Iran

Great friend of the US for two and a half decades but Iranians want to nationalize their oil and improve economy, sparks Iranian Revolution and Shah is overthrown (1979)

battle of salamis

Greek victory over the Persian navy during the Second Persian War


Gross National Product


Ground that is permanently frozen

Moderate Republicans

Group of Republicans that agreed with Lincoln that the Southern states should be re-admitted into the Union as simply as possible

Ethnic group

Group of people who share common ancestry, language, religion, customs, or combination of such characteristics

Mikhail Gorbachev

Head of the Soviet Union from 1985 to 1991. His liberalization effort improved relations with the West, but he lost power after his reforms led to the collapse of Communist governments in eastern Europe.

natural greenhouse effect

Heat buildup in the atmosphere due to the presence of 'greenhouse' gases like carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapor.

A monotheistic religious practice was central to which of the following cultures? - Egyptians - Hebrews - Sumerians - Babylonians


Ancient Hebrews

Hebrews were ancestors of modern Jews. The descendants of the biblical Patriarch Abraham. They are known for their input into world culture, because their beliefs have influenced 3 major religions of the world. 1800 BCE


Highest-ranking officials representing a government in a foreign country.

Maurya Empire (321 BCE-185 BCE)

Hindu Caste System Buddhism forms leader was Chandragupta who began to rule India after the power vacuum left from Alexander the Great's conquests Chandragupta Maurya 322 BCE - 185 BCE


His ideas on science influenced Muslim and European scholars from Roman times until the Scientific Revolution. He was a Greco-Roman writer famous as a mathematician, astronomer, geographer, astrologer, and poet. He lived in the city of Alexandria in the Roman province of Egypt, wrote in Greek, and held Roman citizenship.

During the early 21st century, debated over international initiatives to end global warning centered on which of the following questions? - Should states surrender sovereign authority over pollution within their borders? - How can states reduce greenhouse gas emissions without causing damage to national economies? - Does economic development in tropical environments contribute to rising global temperatures? - Which international organizations should have the authority to enforce regulations for pollution control?

How can states reduce greenhouse gas emissions without causing damage to national economies ?

Discuss human development from the Lower Paleolithic to the Iron Age.

Human development has been divided into several phases: - LowerPaleolithic or Early Stone ago, beginning two to three million years ago - early humans used tools like needles, hatchets, awls, and cutting tools - Middle Paleolithis or Middle stone age, beginning approzimately 300,000 BCE - sophisticated stone tools were developed, along with hunting, gathering, and ritual practices. - Upper Paleolithic or Late Stone Age, beginning approximately 40,000 BCE - includig the Mesolithic and Neolithic eras, textiles and pottery are developed. Humans of this era discovered the wheel, began to practice agriculture, made polished tools, and had some domesticated anumals. - Bronze age, beginning in approximately 3,000 BCE - metals are discovered and the first civilizations emerge as humans become more technologically advanced. - Iron age, beginning in 1,200 to 1,000 BCE - metal tools replace stone toold as humans develop knowledge of smelting.

Judiciary Act of 1789

In 1789 Congress passed this Act which created the federal-court system. The act managed to quiet popular apprehensions by establishing in each state a federal district court that operated according to local procedures.

Iran Hostage Crisis

In November 1979, revolutionaries stormed the American embassy in Tehran and held 52 Americans hostage. The Carter administration tried unsuccessfully to negotiate for the hostages release. On January 20, 1981, the day Carter left office, Iran released the Americans, ending their 444 days in captivity.

Give an overview of Mycenaean civilization

In conftrast to the Minoans, whom they displaced, th Mycenaeans relid more on conquest than on trade. Mycenaean states included Sparta, Athens, and Cornth. The history of this civilization, including the Trojan War, was recorded by the Greek poet, Homer. His work was largely considered mythical until archeologists discovered evidence of the city of Troy is Hisarlik, Turkey. ARheologists continue to add to the body of information about the ancient culture, translating documents written in Linear B, a script derived from the Minoan Linear A. It is theorized that the Mycenaaen civilization as eventually destroyed in either a Dorian invasion or an attack by Greek invaders from the north.

Outline the development of the Byzantine Empire from the Roman empire

In the early 4th century, the roman empire split with the eastern portion becoming the eastern empire or the byzantine empire. In 330 ce, constantine founded the city of constantiople, which became the center of the byxantine empire. its major influenced came from mesopotamia and persia, in contrast to the western empire, which maintained traditions more closely linked to greece and carthage. Byzantium's position gave it an advantage over invaders from the west and the east, as well as control over trade from both regions. It protected the Western empire from invasion from the PErsians and the Ottomans, and practiced a more enteralized rule than in the West. The Byzantines were famous for lavish art and architecture, as well as the code of Justinian, which collected Roman law intoa clear system. The Byzantine Empire finally fell to the Ottomans in 1453.


Inability to meet basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter.

senate standing committees

Included are Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; Appropriations; Armed Services; Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs; Commerce, Science and Transportation; Energy and Natural Resources; Environment and Public Works; Finance; Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions; Foreign Relations; Homeland Security and Government Affairs; Judicial; Rules and Administration; Small Business; and Veteran Affairs

house standing committees

Included are Ways and Means, Veteran's Affairs, Transportation and Infrastructure, Standards of Official Conduct, Small Business, Science, Judiciary, Rules, Resources, Oversight of Government Reform, House Administration, Homeland Security, Foreign Affairs, Financial Services, Energy and Commerce, Education and Labor, Budget, Armed Services, Appropriations, and Agriculture.

Mahatma Ghandi

Indian leader who used civil disobedience and passive resistance against British rule in India

War Relocation camps

Internment camps where Japanese Americans were held against their will from 1942 to 1945.

NAACP national association for the advancement of colored people

Interracial organization founded in 1909 to abolish segregation and discrimination and to achieve political and civil rights for African Americans.

Nikola Tesla

Invented the Alternating Current (AC current) for electricity.

George Westinghouse

Invented the air brake for trains.

Eli Whitney

Invented the cotton gin

Cyrus McCormick

Invented the mechanical reaper

Alexander Graham Bell

Invented the telephone

Charles Goodyear

Invented vulcanized rubber

Menachem Begin

Israeli Prime Minister who signed the Camp David Accords in 1979

Emancipation Proclamation

Issued by abraham lincoln on september 22, 1862 it declared that all slaves in the confederate states would be free

Regulator Movement

It was a movement during the 1760's by western North Carolinians, mainly Scots-Irish, that resented the way that the Eastern part of the state dominated political affairs. They believed that the tax money was being unevenly distributed. Many of its members joined the American Revolutionists.

Galileo Galilei

Italian astronomer and mathematician who was the first to use a telescope to study the stars

Explain the term fertile crescent

James Breasted, an archeologist from the Univeristy of Chicago, popularized the term Fertile Crescent to describe the area in Southwest Asia and editerranean basin where the earliest civilizations arose. The region includes modern day Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Isreal, Palestine, and Jordan. It is bordered on the south by Syrian and Arabian desers, the west by the Mediterranean Sea, and to the north and east by the Taurus and Zagros mountains respectively. This area not only provided the raw materials for the development of increasingly advnced civilizations, but also saw waves of migration and invasion, leading to the earliest wars and genocides as groups conquered and absorbed each other's cultures and inhabitants.

Founding Fathers

James Madison, Thomas Jefferson and other leaders who laid the groundwork for the United States

442nd Regimental Combat Team

Japanese American combat team that became the most decorated military unit in American history

General Tojo

Japanese army officer who initiated the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and who assumed dictatorial control of Japan during World War II


Japanese city in which the second atomic bomb was dropped (August 9, 1945).

Holy Land

Jerusalem and parts of the surrounding area where Jesus lived and taught

major events of the Carter (D, 1977 - 1981) presidency

Jimmy Carter was elected as president in 1976. Faced with a budget deficit, high unemployment and continued inflation, Carter also dealt with numerous matters of international diplomacy including: - Torrijos-Carter Treaties: the US gave control of the Panama canal to Panama - Camp DAvid Accords: negotiations between Anwar el-Sadat, the president of Egypt, and Manachem Begin, the Ireaeli Prime Minister, led to a peace treaty between Egypt and Isreal - Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT): these led to agreements and treaties between the us and the soviel union - Iran Hostage Crisis: after the Shah or Iran was deposed, an Islamic cleric, Ayatollah Khomeini, came to power. the shah came to the us for medical treatment and Iran demanded his return so he could stand trial. in retaliation, a group of Iranian students stormed the us embasy in hiran. 52 American hostages were held for 444 days jimy carter won the noble peace prize in 2002

When did the Korean war end

July 27, 1953

George |||

King of England during the American Revolution

Explain the importance of the Kushite culture in ancient history

Kush, or Cush, was located in Nubia, south of Ancient Egypt, and the eariest existing records of this civilization were found in Egyptian texts. At one time, Kush was the largest empure on the Nile Rver, ruling not only Nubia but pper and Lower Egypt as well. In Neolithic times, Kushites lived in villages, with buildings mde of mud bricks. They were settled rather than nomadic and practiced huntig and fishing, cultivating grain, and also hearded cattle. Kerma, the capital, was a major center of trade. - Kush determined leadership through matrilineal descent of their kings, as did Egypt. Their heads of state, the Kandake or Kentake, were female. Their polytheistic religion included the primary Egyptian gods as well as regiional gods including a lion-headed god, which is comonly found in African cultures. Kush was conquered by the Aksumite empire in the 4th centure CE.

Which of the following was the most significant aspects of strikes by. Mexican agricultural workers acress the Southwest during the great depression - the strikes achieved substantial economic and social gains for the workers who participated in them - labor militancy promoted growers to abandon their reliance on Mexican labor - the strikes enabled Mexican Americans to become an integral part of the US labor movement - Labor military forcefully challenged long-standing stereotypes of Mexican passivity

Labor militancy forecully challenged long-standing stereotypes of Mexican passivity

Louisiana territory

Land from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains purchased from France for 15 million dollars. It doubled the size of the US at the time, getting more land than the US wanted.

factors of production

Land, labor, and capital, entrepreneurship; the 4 groups of resources that are used to make all goods and services


Large cracks in the ice sheet- they can be more than 100 feet deep. Watch your step! Cravasses are dangerous

Which of the following best describes a major effect of WW2 on the Us economy? - Disruptions in international trade resulting from the war reduced the domestic supply of fossil fuels - labor unition memeberhsip declines as employers in war industries reestablished their dominant position in labor relations - general living standards declined as a result of government restrctions on the sale of consumer goods - large number of Afican American workers migrated from the south to obtain jobs in war insustries in other parts of the country

Large numbers of African American workes migrated from the South to obtain jobs in war industies in other parts of the country

Navigation Acts

Laws that governed trade between England and its colonies. Colonists were required to ship certain products exclusively to England. These acts made colonists very angry because they were forbidden from trading with other countries.

Chief Joseph

Leader of Nez Perce. Fled with his tribe to Canada instead of reservations. However, US troops came and fought and brought them back down to reservations

Eugene Debs

Leader of the American Railway Union, he voted to aid workers in the Pullman strike. He was jailed for six months for disobeying a court order after the strike was over.

Pope urban ||

Leader of the Roman Catholic Church who asked European Christians to take up arms against Muslims, starting the Crusades

American Railway Union

Led by Eugene Debs, they started the Pullman strike, composed mostly of railroad workers.


Led by Protestand evendelical leader, the second great awakening occurred betwen 1800 and 1830. Several missionary groups grew out of the movement, including he American home missionary society, which formed in 1826. the ideas behind the second great awakening focused on personal responsibility, both as an individual and in response to injustice and suffering. The american bible society and the american tract society provided literature, while various traveling preachers spread thre word. New denominations arese, including the latter day saints and seventh day adventists.Another movement associated with the second great awakenig was the temperance moement, focused on ending the producion and use of alcohol. one majoe organization behind the temperance movement was rhe society for the promotion of temerance, formed in 1826 in boston


Led by Thomas Jefferson, believed people should have political power, favored strong STATE governments, emphasized agriculture, strict interpretation of the Constitution, pro-French, opposed National Bank

Ancient cultures are known to have existed in the Americas. Discuss these cultures and their importance

Less is known of ancient American civilizations since less was left behind. Some of the more well known culures include: - The norte Chico civilization in Peru, an agrisultural society of up to 30 individual communities, existed over 5,000 years ago. This culture is known as the Caral-Supe civilization, and is the oldest known civilization in the Americas - The Anasazi or ancestral Pueble People, lived in what is now the southwest united STates. Emerging about 1200 BCE, the Anasazi build complex adobe dwellings and were the forerunners of later Pueblo indian cultures. - The Maya emerged in southern Mexico and northern central America as early as 2,600 BCE. They developed a written language and a complex calendar.


Line drawn on a weather map that connects points having equal temperature


Lines joining places that have the same temperature

26th amendment

Lowered the voting age from 21 to 18


M1 plus savings accounts, certificates of deposit, and other liquid assets

total quantity of available money

M1+ M2 = Total Quantity of available money

Explain how to identify main ideas in a document.

Main ideas in a paragraph are often found in the topic sentence, which is usually the first or second stnecne in the paragraph. Every following sentence in the paragraph should relate to that initial information. Sometimes, the first or second entences dowsn't obviously set up the main idea. When that happens, each sentence in the paragraph should be readcarefully to find the common theme between them all. This common theme is the main idea of the paragraph. Main ideas in an enture document can be found by analyziing the structure of the document. Frequently, the document begind with an introductory paragraph or abstract that will summarize the main ideas. Each paragraph often discusses one of the main ideas and contributed to the overall goal of the document. Some documents are divided up into chapters or sections, each of which discusses a main idea. The way that main ideas are described in a document (either in sentences, paragraphs, or chapters) depends on the length of the document.

Describe how to comare maps with datasets or texts to draw comclusions and make generalizations

Maps can provide a great deal of information about an area by showing specific locations where certain types of settlement, land use, or population growth occurred. Datasets and texts can provide more specific information about events that can be hypothesized from maps. This specific information may provide dates of significant events (for example, the date of a fire that gutted a downtown region, forcing suburban development) or important numerical data (population growth by year). Written datasets and texts enable map interpretation to become concrete and allow observed trends to be lined with specific causes (real estate prices rise in 2004, causing middle-class citizens to move northwest to the city.) Without specific information from additional sources, inferences drawn from maps cannot be put in context and interpreted in more than a vague way.

When did Texas declare independence from Mexico?

March 2, 1836


Mesoamerican civilization concentrated in Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula and in Guatemala and Honduras but never unified into a single empire. Major contributions were in mathematics, astronomy, and development of the calendar. 2,600 BCE

condensation nuclei

Microscopic particles on which water vapor condenses to form cloud droplets.

Iraq's invasion of Kuwait

Middle East event that triggered the Gulf War in 1990.

Latitude 36, 30 north

Missouri Compromise Line

Latter-Day Saints


Which of the following is the main reason that most Canadians live within 200 miles of the US border?- most of candada has a climate and natural environment that is unsuitable for large populations- large immigrant populations from the US want to remain close to friends and family in their home country- Native American peoples have retained control over much of their land in Canada- Rich mineral and energy resources near the US-Canadian border support a wide range of industries in the region

Most of Canada has a climate and natural environemtn that is unsuitable for large populations

Geography of Europe

Mountains, rivers, peninsulas, N. European plains, seas, bays, oceans, hills, forests, islands, climate, vegetation varies by regions.

abolition movements

Movement to end slavery

6 International alliances

NATO Common Market EU UN Caribbean Community Council of Arab Economic Unity

National Woman Suffrage Association

NWSA American organization, founded in New York City, that was created by Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. An organization founded in 1890 to demand the vote for women

Scottsboro Boys

Nine young black men between the ages of 13 to 19 were accused of of raping two white women by the names of Victoria Price and Ruby Bates. All of the young men were charged and convicted of rape by white juries, despite the weak and contradictory testimonies of the witnesses

Richard Nixon Presidency

Nixon gets us out of vietnam, opens up trade talks and visits communist china, detente, SALT agreement with soviets, strategic arms limitations talks to minimize nuclear weapons.

Spiro Agnew

Nixon's vice-president resigned and pleaded "no contest" to charges of tax evasion on payments made to him when he was governor of Maryland. He was replaced by Gerald R. Ford.

eighth amendment

No cruel and unusual punishment

Presidential reconstruction

No revenge on the South; lenient policy after Civil War

germanic tribes

Nomadic groups that invaded the Roman Empire from the North and East. They caused the fall of Rome. - Visigoths - ostrogoths - vandals - saxons - Franks

primary election

Nominating election held to choose party candidates who will run in the general election

nongovernmental organizations

Nonprofit international organizations devoted to investigating human rights abuses and providing humanitarian relief. Two NGOs won the Nobel Peace Prize in the 1990s: International Campaign to Ban Landmines (1997) and Doctors Without Borders (1999).

Birmingham Campaign

Nonviolent protests for Civil Rights in Birmingham, AL during the late '50s and throughout the 60s. During one march, Birmingham Sheriff Bull Connor turned fire hoses on the peaceful protesters, shocking the public with a cruel act that gathered the media attention important to the success of the Civil Rights Movement

Ancient cultures in the Americas

Norte Chico Anasazi Maya

Cheyenne tribe

North American Indian people of the western plains, in central Minnesota and North and South Dakota, and now divided between Montana and Oklahoma


North American people that lived in southern New York State, in what is now Long Island and the Hudson River Valley


North Atlantic Treaty Organization; an alliance made to defend one another if they were attacked by any other country; US, England, France, Canada, Western European countries

Socialist republic of vietnam

North Vietanemese reunite country under Communist rule of this, ending the war

tropical oceans

Oceans that are located near the equator; Nutrients limit the amount of primary productivity; referred to as biological desserts

Assassination of JFK

On November 22, 1963, Kennedy arrived in Dallas with his wife, Jacqueline. As the president and the First Lady rode through the streets in an open car, several shots rang out. Kennedy slumped against his wife. The car sped to a hospital, but the president was dead. Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson took the oath of office as president. Johnson appointed Earl Warren, chief justice of the United States, to head a commission to investigate the Kennedy shooting. After months of study, the Warren Commission issued its report. Oswald had acted on his own. Many people believed the assassination was a conspiracy, or secret plot.

subtropical high pressure cells

One of several dynamic high-pressure areas covering roughly the region from 20° to 35° N and S latitudes; responsible for the hot, dry areas of Earth's arid and semiarid deserts.

Frank Sinatra

One of the greatest entertainers in history; unique singing style & silky voice; starred in over 60 movies; led the Rat Pack during the 60s; created the role of the lead singer

Protestant Christianity

One of the three major traditions in Christianity (along with Roman Catholicism and Orthodoxy), Protestantism began in the sixteenth century as a reaction against medieval Roman Catholic doctrines and practices.


One who believes in limited government interference in personal and economic liberties


Opponents of the American Constitution at the time when the states were contemplating its adoption.

The stortest distance between New York and Paris goes - over florida and spain - along thr 42nd parallel - over Labrador and Greenland - Over Philedalphia and London

Over Labrador and Greenland

Americans with Disabilities Act

Passed by Congress in 1991, this act banned discrimination against the disabled in employment and mandated easy access to all public and commerical buildings.

National Security Act

Passed in 1947 in response to perceived threats from the Soviet Union after WWII. It established the Department of Defense and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and National Security Council.

immigration reform and control act

Passed in 1986, it was an update of the 1965 Immigration Act and outlawed the hiring of undocumented immigrants, but offered legal status to aliens who had lived in the U.S. for five years. Debates over immigration policy persisted, however, as did efforts to tighten U.S. border controls.

The French and Indian War created circumstances for which the British needed more revenue. These were:

Paying off war debt, defending the expanding empire, governing Britains 33 far-flung colonies, including the American colonies

democratic system

People hold supreme power by electing officials to represent them. ALL people have equal rights. (United States).


People living in the ancient Greek city-state of Athens.


People who hunt animals and gather wild plants, seeds, fruits, and nuts to survive


People who wanted the United States to stay out of world affairs

Darius 1

Persian emperor, he restored order to the Persian Empire after a period of rebellion. He built roads and made other improvements to Persian society. Became king in 522 BCE

debit cards

Plastic cards used to pay for purchases with funds you have in a bank account.

civil rights

Policies designed to protect people against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government officials or individuals.

Eisenhower Doctrine

Policy of the US that it would defend the Middle East against attack by any Communist country

Socialist party

Political Party in the United States which supports socialism - working people own and control the means of production and distribution through democratically- controlled public agencies, cooperatives, or other collective groups.


Political groups that agree on objectives and policies; the origins of political parties.

totalitarian system

Political system in which individuals govern without the support of the people, tightly control people's lives, and do not tolerate opposing viewpoints.

Feudalism in Europe

Political system in which land is exchanged for protection. 1. King (no real power; only figurehead) 2. Lords (receive a fief from the king) 3. Vassals (lesser lords) 4. Knights (warrior class) 5. Serfs (provided free labor)


Powerful postclassic empire in central Mexico (900-1168 C.E.). It influenced much of Mesoamerica. Aztecs claimed ties to this earlier civilization. (p. 305)

Describe the three different periods of prehistory. Also, define "prehistory"

Prehistory is the period of human history before writing was developed. The three major periods of prehistory are: - Lower Paleolithic - humans used crude tools. - Upper Paleolithic - Humans began to develop a wider variety of tools. These tools were better made and moe specialized. They also began to wear clothes, organize in groups with definite social strutures, and to practice art. Most lived in caves during this time period. - Neolithic - Social structures became even more complex, including growth of a sense of family and the ideas of religion and government. Humans learned to domesticate animals and produce crops, build houses, start fires with friction tools and to knit, spin, and weave.

president James Polk

President (1845 - 1849) Secured Oregon Territory in Compromise Line of 1846. Supported Texas Rebellion in 1830's as senator from Tennessee. Won election by promising to annex Texas in 1844. President during Mexican American War, some argue exploited annexation of Texas to drive Westward expansion.

"modern republicanism"

President Eisenhower's views. Claiming he was liberal toward people but conservative about spending money, he helped balance the federal budget and lower taxes without destroying existing social programs.

Great Society

President Johnson called his version of the Democratic reform program the Great Society. In 1965, Congress passed many Great Society measures, including Medicare, civil rights legislation, and federal aid to education.

John F. Kennedy

President of the US during the Bay of Pigs Invasion and the Cuban Missile Crisis

25th amendment

Presidential Succession; Vice Presidential Vacancy; Presidential Inability

isotope dating

Process of using relative proportions of parent to daughter isotopes in radioactive decay to determine the age of a given rock or rock stratum


Processes by which rock, sand, and soil are broken down and carried away (i.e. weathering, glaciation)

4 P's

Product, Price, Place, Promotion "Marketing mix"

plantation agriculture

Production system based on a large estate owned by an individual, family, or corporation and organized to produce a cash crop. Almost all plantations were established within the tropics; in recent decades, many have been divided into smaller holdings or reorganized as cooperatives

18th amendment

Prohibited the manufacture, sale, and distribution of alcoholic beverages

Robinson projection

Projection that attempts to balance several possible projection errors. It does not maintain completely accurate area, shape, distance, or direction, but it minimizes errors in each.

north american culture

Promotes independent self. Open, self-expressive. Selfish.

cult of personality

Promotion of the image of an authoritarian leader not merely as a political figure but as someone who embodies the spirit of the nation and possesses endowments of wisdom and strength far beyond those of the average individual.

Seventh Day Adventists

Protestant denomination or sectarian movement believing in infallibility of the Bible, honoring Saturday as the Sabbath, and anticipating the "end times."

Marie Antoinette

Queen of France (as wife of Louis XVI) who was unpopular her extravagance and opposition to reform contributed to the overthrow of the monarchy; she was guillotined along with her husband (1755-1793)

List major events of the George HW bush (R, 1989-1993) presidency

Reagen's presidency was followed by a term uder his formed VP George HW Bush. Bush's run for president included the "thousand points of light" speech, which was instrumental in increasing his standing in the election polls. during Bush's presidency, numerous events took place - fall of the berin wall and germany's unification -panamanian dictator manual norega captured and tried on drug and racketeering charges - dissolution of the soviet union - gulf wat, or operation desert storm, triggered by iraq's invasion of Kuwait - Tiannaman Square Massacre in Baijing China - ruby ridge - the arrival of the WWW

21st amendment

Repeal of Prohibition

George H. W. Bush (1989-1993)

Republican Major Items: • Fall of the Berlin Wall (1989) • Revolutions in Europe (1989) • Savings & Loan Scandal (1990) • Invasion of Panama (1990) • Gulf War (1991) • Fall of the Soviet Union (1991)

Sherman Silver Purchase Act

Required the government to purchase an additional 4.5 million ounces of silver bullion each month for use as currency.

The Social Contract, Rousseau, 1762

Revolutionary work that opposed hereditary monarchy and argued that man is happiest in the "natural state" and that civilization is corrupting. He favored the "general will" or democracy. "Man is born free, yet everywhere he is in chains"

fifth amendment

Rights of people accused of crimes

October manifesto

Russia - marked the end of the unlimited autocracy and marked the beginning of the constitutional monarchy. (1905), issued by Nich. II, attempted to quiet strikes, local revolts, promised freedom of speech and assembly, called the Duma into session

Leon Trotsky

Russian revolutionary and Communist theorist who helped Lenin and built up the army

Crops in the middle atlantic colonies

Rye, oats, potatoes, wheat, barley

Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)

Satellite navigation system that provides autonomous geospatial positioning with global coverage. It allows small electronic receivers to determine their location (longitude, latitude, and altitude) to within a few meters using time signals transmitted along a line of sight by radio from satellites.


Scientific study of interactions among organisms and between organisms and their environment

David Hume

Scottish philosopher whose sceptical philosophy restricted human knowledge to that which can be perceived by the senses (1711-1776)

Horace mann

Secretary of the Massachusetts Board of Education; "Father of the public school system"; a prominent proponent of public school reform, & set the standard for public schools throughout the nation; lengthened academic year; pro training & higher salaries to teachers

Migration and Refugee Assistance Act

Seeking better living situations- better economic situations human rights and legal benefits. (1962)

John Breckinridge

Senator from Kentucky and V.P. under James Buchanan. An unsuccessful candidate for President in 1860, nominated by the Southern faction of the split Democratic party, losing to Abraham Lincoln but receiving more electoral votes than the other major candidates, John Bell of the Constitutional Union Party, and Stephen A. Douglas, the Northern Democrats' nominee. Breckinridge won the South with his pro-slavery platform, but was unable to win the Border States; received almost no support in the North. Strongly for slavery and states' rights.

conformal map

Shape is correct but other properties are distorted

sequential landforms

Shaped by weathering, erosion, and mass wasting

Ayatollah Khomeini

Shiite religious leader of Iran, led the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran and ordered the invasion of the US Embassy.

Tripartite Pact

Signed between the Axis powers in 1940 (Italy, Germany and Japan) where they pledged to help the others in the event of an attack by the US

Discuss the Phoenicians as well as early culture in India and ancient China

Skilled seafarers and navigators, the Phoenicians used the stars to navigate their ships as night. They developed a purple dye that was in great demand in the ancient world, and worked with glass and metals. They also devised a phonetic alphabet, using symbols to represent individual sounds rather than whole words or Syllables. - In the Indus Valley, an urban civilization arose in what is now India. These ancient humans developed the concept of zero in math, practiced an early form of the Hindu religion, and developed the caste system which is still used in India today. Archeologists are still uncovering info about this higly developed ancient culture. - In ancient china, human civilization developed along the Yangtze River, These people produced Silk, grew millet, and made pottery, including Longshan black pottery.

Geography of South America

South America has a diverse geography, the coastal Plain is dry and desert like, further inland there are the snow capped Andes Mountains. To the east of the mountains was dense rainforest stretching from Peru into Brazil. The Amazon River Valley had the greatest impact on the development of the Incan Civilization

Explain how to distinguish between fact and opinion.

Students easily recognize facts are true statements that everyone agrees on, such as an object's name or a statement about a historical event. Students also recognize that opinions vary about matters of taste, such as preferences in food or music, that rely on people's interpretation of facts. Simple examples are easy to spot. Fact-based passages include certainty-grounded words like is, did, or saw. On the other hand, passages containing opinions often include words that indicate possibility rather than certainty, such as would, should, or believe. First-person verbs also indicate opinions, showing that one person is talking about his experience. Less clear are examples found in higher-level texts. For example, primary-source accounts of a civil way battle might include facts and also opinions. At the same time as students learn to interpret sources critically, they should practice sifting facts from these types of opinions. Other examples were fact and opinion blend together are self-authored internet websites.


Study of the origins and development of people and their societies

Ming Dynasty

Succeeded Mongol Yuan dynasty in China in 1368; lasted until 1644; initially mounted huge trade expeditions to southern Asia and elsewhere, but later concentrated efforts on internal development within China.

Us Naval forces

Successfully defeat Britain at Lake Champlain pushing them beck into Canada.

Explain the structure of Sumer, as well as at least 5 of the legacies of Sumerian Culture

Sumer, located in the southern part of Mesopotamia, consisted of a dozen city-states. Each city-state has its own gods, and the leaders of each city-state also served as the high priest. Cultural legacies of Sumer include: - The invention of writing - The invention of the wheel - the first library - was established in Assyria by Ashurbanipal - The hanging Gardens of Babylon - one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world - First written laws - Ur-Nammu's Codes and the Codes of Hammurabi - The Epic of Gilgamesh - the first recorded play

Major Civilizations of Mesopotamia

Sumerians Amorites Hittites Assyrians Chaldeans Persians

Row V Wade

Supreme Court decision in which abortion was made legal

Miranda v. Arizona

Supreme Court held that criminal suspects must be informed of their right to consult with an attorney and of their right against self-incrimination prior to questioning by police.

property taxes

Taxes paid by anyone who owns property such as land, a home or commercial real estate

Banana Republic

Term used to describe a Central American nation dominated by United States business interests

Cuban Missile Crisis

The 1962 confrontation bewteen US and the Soviet Union over Soviet missiles in Cuba.

Challenger Space Shuttle

The 25th flight of this space shuttle was a disaster after it exploded 73 seconds after liftoff.

Trail of Tears

The Cherokee Indians were forced to leave their lands. They traveled from North Carolina and Georgia through Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, and Arkansas-more than 800 miles (1,287 km)-to the Indian Territory. More than 4, 00 Cherokees died of cold, disease, and lack of food during the 116-day journey.


The Indian tribe that defeated Custer and put up the greatest resistance to U.S. domination was the:

Woodrow Wilson's 14 points

The President's vision for US involvement to promote principles such as peace in the post war world


The amount of goods available


The amount of water vapor in the air

R horizon

The bedrock, which lies below all of the other layers of soil, is referred to as the R horizon.

Social Darwinism

The belief that only the fittest survive in human political and economic struggle.

social contract theory

The belief that people are free and equal by natural right, and that this in turn requires that all people give their consent to be governed; espoused by John Locke and influential in the writing of the declaration of independence.


The breaking down of rocks and other materials on the Earth's surface.

commerce clause

The clause in the Constitution (Article I, Section 8, Clause 1) that gives Congress the power to regulate all business activities that cross state lines or affect more than one state or other nations.

marine climate

The climate of some coastal regions, with relatively warm winters and cool summers

Cultural Enclave

The clustering of a particular cultural group that is surrounded by different cultural groups (Amish in rural America or Harlem in NYC)

November 15, 1777 and March 1 1781

The day the Article of confederation were approved; the day the articles of confederation went into effect

November 25, 1783

The day the Revolutionary War finally ended, as the British troops evacuated New York City and George Washington led his troops into New York

head of government

The executive role that deals with the everyday tasks of running the state, such as formulating and executing policy

Article of Confederation

The first government of the U.S. ratified in 1781. Put much of the power with the state governments (including the power to tax and regulate trade), this left the national government weak and unable to raise money to pay back war debts.

Dark ages

The first part of the Middle Ages from around 500-1000 A.D.

Government providing public services

The government should promote general welfare as stated in the preamble to the constitution by providing whatever is needed to its citizens

circle of illumination

The great circle that separates daylight from darkness.


The head libration at Alexandria during the third century B.C; one of the first cartographers. Performed a remarkably accurate computation of Earth's circumference. He is also credited with coining the term geography


The height of land above sea level

plane of the ecliptic

The imaginary plane that connects Earth's orbit with the celestial sphere


The institution through which a society makes and enforces its public policies

Rwandan Genocide

The killing of more than 500,000 ethnic Tutsis by rival Hutu militias in Rwanda in 1994. The conflict between the dominant Tutsis and the majority Hutus had gone on for centuries, but the suddenness and savagery of the massacres caught the United Nations off-guard. U.N. peacekeepers did not enter the country until after much of the damage had been done.

C horizon

The least-weathered soil horizon, which always occurs beneath the B horizon and is similar to the parent material.

Yangtze river

The longest river of Asia, River found in China; 3rd longest river in the world (3915 miles long)

income approach

The method that adds all the income generated by the production of final goods and services to measure the gross domestic product.


The most sacred temple of Islam, located at Mecca

Lower Paleolithic or early stone age

The oldest part of the period during which the first stone tools were created and used, beginning with the Oldowan Complex. - beginning two to 3 million years ago, early humans used tools like needles, hatchets, awls, and cutting tools

O horizon

The organic horizon at the surface of many soils, composed of organic detritus in various stages of decomposition


The people who dominated southern Mesopotamia through the end of the third millennium B.C.E. They were responsible for the creation of many fundamental elements of Mesopotamian culture-such as irrigation technology, cuneiform, and religious conceptions.


The people who dominated southern Mesopotamia through the end of the third millennium B.C.E. They were responsible for the creation of many fundamental elements of Mesopotamian culture-such as irrigation technology, cuneiform, and religious conceptions. - Created the wheel - Irrigation systems


The period of rebirth of learning in Europe between about 1300 and 1600


The physical and logical design of a computer network; examples include mesh, bus, ring and star; the physical layout of the network devices and the cabling, and how all the components communicate with each other

Meiji Restoration

The political program that followed the destruction of the Tokugawa Shogunate in 1868, in which a collection of young leaders set Japan on the path of centralization, industrialization, and imperialism.

secondary sector

The portion of the economy concerned with manufacturing useful products through processing, transforming, and assembling raw materials.


The process by which oceanic crust sinks beneath a deep-ocean trench and back into the mantle at a convergent plate boundary.

seafloor spreading

The process that creates new sea floor as plates move away from each other at the mid-ocean ridges

planning authority

The responsible entity that coordinates and integrates transmission facility and service plans, resource plans, and protection systems.

French revolution

The revolution that began in 1789, overthrew the absolute monarchy of the Bourbons and the system of aristocratic privileges, and ended with Napoleon's overthrow of the Directory and seizure of power in 1799.

Which of the following developments of the 1930s convinced Hitler that Germany was ready to invade Poland and participate in a wider European war? - The Germany remilitarization of the Rhineland - The formation of the Rome-Berlin Axis - the signing of the Nazi-Soviet nonaggression pact - the fascist victory in the Spanish Civil War

The signing of the Nazi-Soviet nonaggression pact

costs of production

The total opportunity costs incurred by firms in order to acquire resources for use in production.


The uppermost layer of the atmosphere, in which temperature increases as altitude increases

income distribution

The way the national income is divided into "shares" ranging from the poor to the rich.

E horizon

The zone of leaching that forms under the O horizon or, less often, the A horizon.

dot density map

Thematic map that uses dots to represent the frequency of a variable in a given area

Laissez-faire economics

Theory that opposes governmental interference in economic affairs beyond what is necessary to protect life and property.

which of the following is not included in a geographical definition of SE ASia? - Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, and Thailand - Vietnam, the Malay Peninsula, and Brunei - East Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philipines - These are all geographical parts of SE Asia

These are all geographical parts of SE ASia

Orville and Wilbur Wright

These brothers were bicycle mechanics from Dayton, Ohio who built and flew the first plane at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina on December 17, 1903.

Which of the following best describes the significance of the sit-ins of the early 1960s for the civil rights movement?They marked the beginnings of widespread student participation in the movement.They reflected the growing influence within the movement of the philosophy of Black Power.They signaled a shift in movement aims from political goals to economic objectives.They represented the end of efforts by the movement to achieve racial equality through peaceful means.

They marked the beginnings of widespread student participation in the movement.

Marbury v. Madison (1803)

This case establishes the Supreme Court's power of Judicial Review


This country was created after WWI, uniting ethnicities that spoke similar Slavic languages.

Central High School in Little Rock

This high school was the scene of a civil rights showdown. After the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Brown v. Board of Education (1954), the school board announced its intention to comply with federal constitutional requirements. When nine African American students arrived on the first day of school, the Arkansas National Guard blocked their entrance, thus directly challenging the federal government. On September 24, 1957, President Eisenhower ordered 1,000 federal troops to Little Rock.. Troops continued to patrol the school for the rest of the school year. The press coverage focused national attention on enforcement of the Brown decision and also added fuel to the fire of the growing civil rights movement.

Nobel Peace Prize

This is a type of award given to someone who promotes peace; it was named after a Swedish Chemist by the name of Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite

Postdam Conference

This is the conference where Stalin, Truman, and Churchill came together to decide how Germany would be administered. Their goals were to establish order, settle peace treaty issues, and deal with the effects of WWII.

Espionage Act

This law, passed after the United States entered WWI, imposed sentences of up to twenty years on anyone found guilty of aiding the enemy, obstructing recruitment of soldiers, or encouraging disloyalty. It allowed the postmaster general to remove from the mail any materials that incited treason or insurrection.

American Revolution

This political revolution began with the Declaration of Independence in 1776 where American colonists sought to balance the power between government and the people and protect the rights of citizens in a democracy.

Latin America

This region in the 19th century experienced a wave of independence movements following the American and French Revolutions.

Coercive acts

This series of laws were very harsh laws that intended to make Massachusetts pay for its resistance. It also closed down the Boston Harbor until the Massachusetts colonists paid for the ruined tea. Also forced Bostonians to shelter soilders in their own homes.

Battle of Thermopylae (480 BC)

This took place before salamis and was the massacure of 300 spartans, was a moral victory.

War of Austrian Succession

This war was over the inheritance of the throne by Maria Theresa, for the Salic law prevented a woman from solely ruling the state 1740 -1748

Leviathan (1651) book

Thomas Hobbes published this work stating that people needed a ruler

Relief, Recovery, Reform

Three components of the New Deal. The first "R" was the effort to help the one-third of the population that was hardest hit by the depression, & included social security and unemployment insurance. The second "R" was the effort in numerous programs to restore the economy to normal health, achieved by 1937. Finally, the third "R" let government intervention stabilize the economy by balancing the interests of farmers, business and labor. There was no major anti-trust program.

Age of exploration

Time period during the 15th and 16th centuries when Europeans searched for new sources of wealth and for easier trade routes to China and India. Resulted in the discovery of North and South America by the Europeans.

Describe how timelines are used in social science

Timelines are used to show the relationships between peoople, places, and events. They are ordered chronologically, and usually shown left-to-right or top-to-bottom. Each event on the timeline is associted with a date, which determines its location on the timeline. On electronic resources, timelines oten contain hyperlinks associated with each event. Clicking on the event's hyperlinks will open a page with more information on the event. Cause-and-effect relationships can be observed on timeline, which often show a key event and then resulting events following in close succession. These can be helpful for showing the order of events in time or the relatioships between similar events. They help make the passage ot time a concrete concept, adn show that large periods pass between some events, and other events cluster very closely.

Oregon Trail

Trail from independence Missouri to Oregon used by many pioneers during the 1840s


Turkish empire based in Anatolia. Arrived in the same wave of Turkish migrations as the Seljuks.

Martin Luther King Jr.

U.S. Baptist minister and civil rights leader. A noted orator, he opposed discrimination against blacks by organizing nonviolent resistance and peaceful mass demonstrations. He was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee. Nobel Peace Prize (1964)

President Tyler

U.S. President that favored annexation of Texas and sent an annexation treaty to the Senate for approval. It made TX a territory, US would pay the public debt, and public lands would belong to the US govt

a systems analyst leaves a low-paying job to pursue a better opportunity as a department manager

U.S. gross domestic product is falling

Uriah Stephens

U.S. labor leader. He led nine Philadelphia garment workers to found the Knights of Labor in 1869, a more successful early national union.

Capture of Fort Henry

Ulysses S. Grant, 1862, Union's first victory in the civil war

Capture of Constantinople

Under Sultan Mohammed II (r. 1451-1481), the Ottomans captured Europe's largest city in May of 1453. Renamed Istanbul, the city became the capital of the Ottoman Empire

Smith Lever Act

Under Wilson, provided money for agricultural education

William Tecumseh Sherman

Union General who destroyed South during "march to the sea" from Atlanta to Savannah, example of total war


Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Sojourner Truth

United States abolitionist and feminist who was freed from slavery and became a leading advocate of the abolition of slavery and for the rights of women (1797-1883)

Externalities (positive and negative)

Unpriced costs/damages and benefits that exist within a transaction between a buyer and seller Positive (benefits) and negative (unpriced costs/damages) externalities

Saddam Hussein

Was a dictator in Iraq who tried to take over Iran and Kuwait violently in order to gain the land and the resources. He also refused to let the UN into Iraq in order to check if the country was secretly holding weapons of mass destruction.

US Presidents

Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Adams, Jackson, Van Buren, Harrison, Tyler, Polk, Taylor, Fillmore, Pierce, Buchanan, Lincoln, Johnson, Grant, Hayes, Garfield, Arthur, Cleveland, Harrison, Cleveland, McKinley, Roosevelt, Taft, Wilson, Harding, Coolidge, Hoover, Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama Trump, Biden

trade routes

Waterways, paths, and trails that traders used to move goods for exchange from one place to another.

Preamble of the US Constitution

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Geography of Russia

West of Ural Mountains - dividing line between Europe and Asia. Black Sea to Baltic Sea. Grasslands (steppes) in the south, dense forests and swamps in the north. 3 great rivers: Dneiper, Don, and Volga. Proximity to Byzantine Empire led to high levels of CD.

The Nullification Crisis of the early 1830s centered on which of the following questions?What are the powers of the judiciary in a government based on separation of powers?What are the rights of individuals in a democratic system of government?What are the powers of executive officials in a government based on the rule of law?What are the rights of the states in a federal system of government?

What are the rights of the states in a federal system of government?

A central cause of the Cold War that developed after World War II was U.S. Soviet disagreement concerning which of the following questions? - What types of governments should be established in Eastern-Europe. - How should power be distributed among members states of the United Nations - Should Germany and Japan be required to pay reparations? - Should Britian and France be allowed to retain their overseas colonies?

What types of governments should be established in Eastern-Europe.

economic recovery

When short-run economic growth takes place after a recession

Liberty Bonds

Where people bought bonds so the government could get that money now for war. The bonds increased in interest over time.

John Locke's Two Treatises on Government

While government is supreme, it is bound to follow "natural laws" based on the rights of the people

majpr events of the Clinton (D, 1993-2001) presidency

William Jefferson, "Bill" Clinton was the 2nd president in the US history to be impeached, but he was not convicted, and maintained high approval ratings in spite of the impeachment. - family and medical leave act - don't ask don't tell - NAFTA - defense of marriage act - also accords - siege at Walco, Texas involving the branch Davidiand led by David Koresh - bombing of the murrah federal building in oaklahoma cita - troops sent to haiti, bosnia and somalia to assist with domestic problems in those areas

Species competition

With limited resources, both species are harmed and have decreased amount of resources and population size

Two Treaties on Government (1689)

Work written by John Locke, people have natural rights and best type of government was a limited government

African slaves

Workers imported by force; owned by another person; not paid or free to leave

what petition is needed to be files to request that the supreme court hear a case?

Writ of certiorari

The Prince Book

Written by machiavelli, described that power is more important, "better to be feared than loved"

Thomas Jefferson

Wrote the Declaration of Independence

Chinese Dynasties

Xia, Shang, Zhou, Qin, Han, Tang, Song

Goode Homolosine Projection

a 20th century map of Earth with equal area of landmasses but interruptions of the oceans to more accurately represent a "flattened" sphere.

International Monetary Fund

a United Nations agency to promote trade by increasing the exchange stability of the major currencies

savings account

a bank account that earns interest

Iwo Jima

a bloody and prolonged operation on the island of Iwo Jima in which American marines landed and defeated Japanese defenders (February and March 1945)

unfunded mandate

a federal order mandating that states operate and pay for a program created at the national level

expansionary policy

a fiscal policy used to encourage economic growth, often through increased spending or tax cuts

Voting Rights Act of 1965

a law designed to help end formal and informal barriers to African-American suffrage

A horizon

a layer of soil

tropic of cancer

a line of latitude about 23 degrees North of the equator

tropic of capricorn

a line of latitude about 23 degrees South of the equator

gold rush

a period from1848 to 1856 when thousands of people came to California in order to search for gold.


a region in which several large cities and surrounding areas grow together

corn belt

a region of the U.S. Midwest that specializes in growing corn


a representative of a country's government who takes part in talks with representatives of other nations


a separate part of a society, group, or area

Democratic National Convention

a series of presidential nominating conventions held every four years since 1832 by the United States Democratic Party.

market failure

a situation in which a market left on its own fails to allocate resources efficiently

authoritarian government

a system of rule in which the government recognizes no formal limits but may nevertheless be restrained by the power of other social institutions

Hadley Cell

a system of vertical and horizontal air circulation predominating in tropical and subtropical regions and creating major weather patterns.

In which of the following situations would an individual most likely be considered frictionally unemployed?- A textile worker is laid off when a recession causes a drop in consumer demands for textiles.- A journalist is unable to find full-time employment in his for her chosen field and must accept a part-time job.- A systems analyst leaves a low-paying job to pursue a better opportunity as a department manager.- A welder is left jobless after an automobile factory replaces its welders with robots

a systems analyst leaves a low-paying job to pursue a better opportunity as a department manager


ability to rationally consider and make reasoned decisions about the interconnections between human and physical systems

13th amendment

abolished slavery

discuss the dred scott decision and its ramifications

abolitionist factions coalesced around the case of dred scott, using his case to testify the country's laws regarding slavery. scott, a slave, had. been taken. by his owner from missouri, which was a slave state. he then traveled to illinoid, a free state, then on to the minnesota territo, a free stated based on the missouri compromise. after several years, he returned to missouri and his owner died. abolitionists took scott's case to court, stating that scott was no longer a slave but free, since he had lived in a free territory, this case went to the supreme court. the supreme court stated that because scott as s lave ws not a us citizen, his time in free states did not change his status. he also didnot have the right to sue. in addition, the court deteermined that the missouri compreomise was unconstitutional, stating that congess had overstepped its bounds by outlawing slavery inthe terrotiries.

Cro-Magnon Man

about *40,000-10,000* years ago -name for the *earliest modern humans* that lived in EUROPE

Torrijos-Carter Treaties

abrogated Hay-Bunau Varilla Treaty and agreed to give Panama Canal back to Panama after 1999

Booker T. Washington achieved recognition as one of the most influention African American leaders of the 20th centry mainly by: - establishing an independent African American presence in national politics - Advocating for the vocational education of young African Americans - championing efforts to promote the nerthward migration of African Americans from the South - organizing African American resistance to segregation and disenfranchisement

advocating for the vocational education of young African Americans

Treaty of Paris

agreement signed by British and American leaders that stated the United States of America was a free and independent country


air pollution by a mixture of smoke and fog


all natural resources used to produce goods and services

which of the following will bring about greater income equity in society? - imposing a progressive income tax - imposing high estate tax - imposing a gift tax - all of the above

all of the above

checking accounts

an account at a bank against which checks can be drawn by the account depositor.


an expert who studies and creates maps of Earth's natural and human-made features

intergovernmental organizations

an organization composed of several nations or international organizations (UN, EU, OPEC)


any intermediary between the manufacturer and end-user markets

the great rift valley

area in africa where parts of the plateau's surface dropped and early human fossils are found

money is used in 3 ways

as an accounting unit as a store of value as an exchange medium

Which of the following best describes a major trend in the US economy during the late 19th century? - as demand for consumer goods rose, regional disparities in manufacturing output gradually disappeared - as indistrial production boomed, prices for a wide range of goods fell steadily - as foreign imports increased, increasing numbers of corporations merged to meet the mounting competition - as food costs rose, the real wages of most industrial workers declined markedly

as industrial production boomed, prices for a wide range of goods fell steadily

"The Bomb"

atomic bomb

Demand for which of the following commodities is most responsive to changed in the price of those commodities?- Electricity and water- Wheat and potatoes- automobiles and furniture- gasoline and coal

automobiles and furniture

Battles of the persian wars

battle of marathon battle of thermopyle battle of salamis battle of plataea

Atomic Bomb

bomb dropped by an American bomber on Hiroshima and Nagasaki destroying both cities

who wrote about the concept of the Social Contract, which was incorporated into the Declatation of Independence? - John Locke - Thomas Hobbes - Netiher - both


No Entangling Alliances

both George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were opposed to forming any permanent alliances with other countries or becoming involved in other countries' internal issues

Every citizen 18 years of age and older has the constitutional right to vote. What do states govern in the voting process? - the registration for elections - the administration of elections - both a and b - state governments are not involved in federal elections

both a and b

polar front

boundary at which cold polar air meets the warmer air of the middle latitudes

explain the missouri compromise and how it affected tensions between the north and the south

by 1819, the united states had developed a tenuous balance between slave and free states, with exactly 22 senators in congress from each faction. however, missouri was ready to join the union. as a slave state, it would tip the balance in congress. to prevent this imbalance, the missouri compromise brought the northern part os massachusets into the union as maine, establishing it as a free state to balance the admision ofmissouri as a slave state. in addition, the remaining portion o the louisiana purchase ws to remain free north of latitude 36 30. since cotton did not grow well this far hnorth, this limitation was acceptable to congressmen representing the slave states. however, proposed missouri constitution presented a problem ,as it outlawed immigration of free blacks into the state. another compremise was in order, this time proposed by Henry Clay. according to this new compromise, missouri's would never pass a law that prevented anyone from entering the state. though this and other work, clay earned his title of the great compromiser.

chemical erosion

changes the molecular structure of the soil compounds

When the senate held an impeachment hearing against Andrew Johnson for pverstepping his authority, what did they invoke? - Checks and balances - Bicamerialism - Legislative oversight - supremacy

checks and balances

cyber communication

communication thru technology or apps

Compared with countries in southern Asia, European countries are more likely to have populations that are:evenly distributed across urban and rural regions.concentrated in urban areas.densely settled in river valleys and low-lying plains.concentrated in coastal regions.

concentrated in urban areas.

Powers of the senate

confirm presidential appointments by a majority vote, ratify (approve) treaties made by the president by a 2/3rds vote (67 senators), hold impeachment trial to remove a president

The Regulator movements of the Carolinas during the 1760s best illustrate which of the following features of colonial development in British North America? - conflict between large landowers and tenant farmers - conflict between the ipper and lower houses of colonial asseblies - conflict between eastern elites and western settlers - conflict between the Church of England and religious dissenters

conflict between eastern elites and western settlers

earth layers

crust, mantle, outer core, inner core

Branch Davidians

cult led by David Koresh, sieged by federal agents, had illegal firearms, building caught fire and no one survived

Federal government powers (specific)

declare and wage war, regulate foreign trade and tax, make money, regulate immigration, grant copyrights and patents, maintain army and navy

describe the process by which the constitution was initially proposed and drafted

delegates from 12 of the 13 states (rhode island was not represented) met in philedelphia in may of 1787, initially intending to revise the articles of confederation. however, it quckly became apparent that a simple revision would not provide the workable governmental structure the newly formed country needed. after vowing to keep all the proceedings secret until the final document was completed, the delegates set out to draft what would eventualy become the constitution of the unted states of america. by keeping the negotiation secret, the delegates were able to present a completed document to the country for ratificatoin, rather than having every small detail hammered out by the general public

Contributions of Ancient Greece

democracy philosophy literature drama Olympics architecture - columns language (word roots)

The Federal Reserve System has a responsibility to carry out which of the following functions in the U.S. economy?- Regulating the exchange of stocks, bonds, and other securities- Determining the amount of money in circulation- Setting the intrnational exchange rates for the U.S. dollar- Insuring savings and checking deposits

determining the amount of money in circulation

Koppen climate classification system

developed by Wladimir Koppen, a system for classifying the world's climates on the basis of temperature and precipitation

A third-century statue of the Indian prince Siddhartha reveals a mixture of artistic styles. The curly hair, stocky physique, and deeply carved drapery of his robe are elements of Greek artistic tradition. The nimbus of light around the figure's head is an element that originated in Iranian statues of sun gods. The facial expression is typical of Indian mysticism. Carved in Pakistan, the crossroads of Eurasian travel routes, the statue combines artistic ideas from several of the cultures that met there to trade. The blending of artistic styles in this statue is an example of the process cultural: innovation. convergence. assimilation. diffusion.


two forms of democracy

direct and indirect

The philosophy of the late 17th-18th centuries that influenced the Constitution was from the Age of: A. Enlightenment B. Empire C. Discovery D. Industry


Industrialization most influenced the lives of 19th century women by - reducing the number of gender determined roles in society - expanding the range of wage-earning opportunities avaliable to women - enouraging men to take a greater part in the management of their homes. - Creating soial changes that led to an increase in average family size.

expanding the range of wage-earning opportunities avaliable to women

global biomes

forest, savanna, grassland, desert, tundra

4 types of utilities

form, place, time, possession


formal agreements between nations

American Tract Society

founded in 1825, distributed tracts and devotional books

Indian Citizenship Act

gives Native Americans citizenship and the right to vote in federal elections 1924

promote the general welfare

government is focused on the public interest and that every state and individual can benefit from what the government can provide

State department job

handles relations with other nations

indus valley

home of a major civilization that emerged in what is now Pakistan during the third millennium BCE in the valleys of the Indus and Saraswati rivers, noted for the uniformity of its elaborately planned cities over a large territory

Swing Jazz

hoppin rhythm and big band sound created a lively mood that made people want to dance

self-actualization is a term associated with the (what) approach to underaatanding human behavior?



idea that the United States should get involved in world affairs

A historian would most likely employ the concept of a dynastic cycle when studying: - The territorial expansion of the Islamic Empire - Imperial change in China - The political development of the Aztec Empire - Imperial consolidation in Russia

imperial change in china

outline the sequence of events that led the US to declare war and actively enter WW2

in 1937 japan invaded china, prompting the US to eventually halt exports to Japan. Roosevelt did not allow japanese interests to withdraw money held in US banks. In 1941, General Tojo rose to power as the japanese prime minister. recognizing america's ability to bring a halt to japan's expanion, he authorized the bombing of pearl harbor on december 7. The US responded by declaring war on japan. partially because of the Tripartite pact among the axis powers, germany an italy then declared war on the US, later following bulgaria, hungary, and other axis nations.

Pullman Strike

in Chicago, Pullman cut wages but refused to lower rents in the "company town", Eugene Debs had American Railway Union refuse to use Pullman cars, Debs thrown in jail after being sued, strike achieved nothing

Intolerable acts

in response to Boston Tea Party, 4 acts were passed in 1774, Port of Boston closed, reduced power of assemblies in colonies, permitted royal officers to be tried elsewhere, provided for quartering of troops in barns and empty houses "Coercive acts"

discuss the end of the cold war and the dissolution of the soviet union

in the late 1980s, Mikhail Gorbachev led the soviet union. .he introduced a series of reform programs. Ronald Regan famously urged Gorbachev to tear down the berlin wall as a gesture of growing freedom in the Eastern hBloc, and in 1989 it was demolished, ending the separation of east and west germany. the soviet union relinquished its power over the various republics in eastern europe, and they becae independent naitons with their own individual governments. in 1991, the USSR was dissolved and the cold war also came to an end

Matrilineal inheritance systems most often developed in pre-Columbian Native American societies: - that engages in extensive trade with other indigenous groups - in whic people obtained most of their food through hunting and gathering - that were constantly moving from one place to another - in which farming formed an important part of subsistence activities

in which farming formed an important part of subsistence activities

Boston Massacre

incident in 1770 in which British troops fired on and killed American colonists

Powers of the supreme court

include the power to declare a law unconstitutional (judicial review)

Judicial Branch (Supreme Court)

interprets the constitution and other laws, reviews lower-court decisions

Jeremy Betham

introduced the philosophy of utilitarianism; believed the individual should be free to pursue his or her own advantage w/out interference from the state

Samuel Morse

invented the telegraph

Which of the following best describes a major political consequence of the rise of Letheranism during the Protestant Reformation? - It bolstered the independence and strength of emergent monarchies - It contriuted to a revival of feudal political arrangements - It magnified the role of established churches in European political life - It encouraged subjects to challenge the dictates of secular rulers

it bolstered the independence and strength of emergent monarchies

Which of the following. best defines the youth cultrue that emerged during the 1960s in the US? - its economic and philosophical ideals - its career objectives - its political and cultural perspectives - its religious orientation

its political and cultural perspectives

cyrus the great

king of Persia and founder of the Persian empire (circa 600-529 BC)

aral sea

lake that has lost 80% of water volume from irrigation projects; runoff with chemicals inside it flows into this lake and has made it polluted

continental effect

land areas have greater range of temperatures from day to night and during different seasons

Geography of Australia

large island country, roughly size of US; situated in South Pacific, southeas of Asia; extends into tropics, but southern 1/3 of country within latitude of 30 degrees south (this is where most vyds found): South Australia, New South Wales, Victoria but also Western Australia and island of Tasmania


large nomadic group from northern Asia who invaded territories extending from China to Eastern Europe. They virtually lived on their horses, herding cattle, sheep, and horses as well as hunting.

lithospheric plates

large pieces of Earth's lithosphere that move over the asthenosphere


long and narrow strip of water made for boats or for irrigation

Richard Gatling

machine gun

Flat-Plane projection

made with a flat piece of paper that touches the globe only at one point -often used to show the areas of the north and south poles

Judicial branch responsibility

makes decisions on challenges as to whether laws passed by congress meet the requirements of the US constitution

Robinson-Patman Act (1936)

makes it unlawful to discriminate in prices charged to different purchasers of the same product, where the effect may substantially lessen competition or help to create a monopoly


map documenting where all of the ingredients in your food come from

Remote sensing is a geographical tool that would be most useful for which of the following research tasks? - tracing the diffusion of an infectious disease in East Asia - analyzing the relationship between transportation systema dn population densities in LA - measuring rates of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest - determining the impact of Dam consttruction on agricultural production in Iraq

measuring rates of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest

The process of acculturation most often occurs in circumstances when: - two adjoining societies share smilar custome, traditions, adn religious belifs - members of one culture feel they will benefit from adopting traits of another culture - two or more societies compete for control over the same land and resources - members of a society become isolated from their culture and develop new customs

members of one cultrue feel they will benefit from adopting traits of another culture



fiat money

money that has value because the government has ordered that it is an acceptable means to pay debts

Securities and Exchange Commission

monitors the stock market and enforces laws regulating the sale of stocks and bonds

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

monitors the stock market and enforces laws regulating the sale of stocks and bonds


mostly remembered for his 17-volume work Geographica, which literally means "Geography". It presented a descriptive history of people and places from different regions of the known world for his era.

Upton Sinclair

muckraker who shocked the nation when he published The Jungle, a novel that revealed gruesome details about the meat packing industry in Chicago. The book was fiction but based on the things Sinclair had seen.

During the late 20th century, federal court decisions designed to prevent discrimination against women in higher education and the workplace were generally based on which of the following provisions of the constitution?-no state shall...deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.- the enumeration in the constitution of certain rights shall not be constructed to deny or disparage other rights retained by the people- no personal shall be... deprived of life, liberty, or property, without du process of law.- the right of citizens of the US to vote shall not be denied to abridged by the united states or any state on account of sex

no state shall deny to any oerson within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws

Culture in central asia


How long have primitive humans been on earth?

one million years

American Bible Society

organized in 1816 to distribute Bibles to frontier families

Civil Rights Act of 1964

outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin

the civil rights act that outlawed segregation in schools and public places also: - gave minorities the right to vote - established women's right to vote - outlawed unequal voter registration - provided protection for children

outlawed unequal voter registration

vertical climate

overall weather patterns of a region as influenced by elevation; higher the elevation, the colder the climate.




part of Earth in which life exists including land, water, and air or atmosphere

Renaissance science

people became inspired by the early works of the Greeks and Romans. People began to study math, astronomy, and other fields of science. Earth is not the center of the solar system

stateless nations

people groups without established sovereign borders; such as Kurds or Palestinians


people that conquered Egypt in 633 B.C., used bronze and stone weapons, defeated Assyrians


people who favor the equal distribution of wealth and the end of all forms of private property


people who leave a country to live somewhere else


people who oppose all forms of organized government

4 kinds of market structures

perfect competition monopoly monopolistic competition oligopoly

Defence of Marriage Act

permits states to refuse to recognize gay marriages issued in other states

Although Spanish and Portuguese are the dominant languages in Latin America, more than 20 million people speak indigenous languages. The continues use of indigenous languages is primarily a reflection of the :- Persistence of distinct cultural identities among many indigenous groups in latin america- geographic isolation of most indigenous pepole in latin american countries- long0standing economic and social connections between many indigenous groups in latin america- impact of latin american language presevation movements in the post-independence perios

persistence of distinct cultural identiies among many indigenous groups in latin america


person who studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services

define the second great awakening

place in which workers and machines are brought together to produce large quantities of goods

on which type of map are different countries represented in different colors, with no two ajacent countries sharing a color? - physical map - political map - climate map - countour map

political map

multi party system

political party system that recognizes 3 or more major political parties

nonpoint source pollution

pollution that comes from many sources rather than from a single, specific site

expressed powers

powers directly stated in the constitution

who negotiates treaties?


According to George Murdock, which of the following is not a general characteristic of all cultural practices - religion - folklore - laws - property disputes

property disputes

William Patterson

proposed the New Jersey Plan

Edmund Randolph

proposed the Virginia Plan

William Proviso

proposed to outlaw slavery, in any territory in the united states that we acquire from the war with Mexico (it was rejected)

Sigmund Freud is associatd with which of the following approaches? - Behaviorist - humanist - psychodynamic - Constuctivist


race vs ethnicity

race related to a person's appearance and ethnicity refers to nationality, culture, and ancestry.

developing nations obstacles

rapid, uncontrolled population growth - trade restrictions - misused resources, often perpetuated by the government - traditional beliefs that can slow or reject change

what does renissance mean


Gerrymandering is a term used to describe which of the following political practices? _ Restricting participation in a primary election to party members- postponing debate to obstruct passage of a bill- using negative advertisements to attack political opponents- redrawing congressional districts for political advantage

redrawing congressional districts for political advantage

"Speak softly and carry a big stick"

refers to Roosevelt Diplomacy, which allowed for aggressive foreign policy. "big stick" = the US Navy

spatial relations

relate objects in relationship to each other or self (up/down, front/back, under/over)

species adaptation

response built into an organism through evolution (response to past environment)

Most patriot leaders favored the creation of bicameral legislatures in the new state governments formed during the Revolutionary War primarily because such political bodies: - Restricted popular power while reserving representative government - expanded suffrage rights and increased the accountability of legislators - Redistributed political power while maintaining the dominant position of chief executives - simplified the lawmaking process and contributed to governmental efficiency

restricted popular power while preserving representative government

issues coming from cybernomics

secure online trading - intellectual property rights rights to provacy bringing developing nations into the fold

The initial split between Sunni and Shia Muslims centered on differences concerning the: - Selection of Muhammad's spiritual successors - importance of prayer and fasting - existence of life after death - treatment of christains and jews in an Islamic society.

selection of Muhammad's spiritual successors

12th amendment

separation of votes for President and Vice President

The price of oil drops dramatically, saving soda pop manufacturers great amounts of money spent on making soda pop and delivering their product to market. Prices for soda pop, however, stay the same. This is an example of what? A. Sticky prices B. Sticky wages C. The multiplier effect D. Aggregate expenditure

sticky prices

Operation Desert Storm

the United States and its allies defeated Iraq in a ground war that lasted 100 hours (1991)

define the age of exploration

the age of exploration is also called the age of discovery. it is generally considered to have begun in the early 15th ventury and continues into the 17th century. major developments of the age of exploration included technological advances in navigation, mapmaking and shipbuiliding. these advances led to expanded european exploration of the rest of thr world. explorers set our from several european countries, including portugal, spain, france, and England, seeking new routes to asia. these efforts led to the discovery of new lands, as well as colonization in india, asia, africa, and north america

aggregate demand

the amount of goods and services in the economy that will be purchased at all possible price levels

Which of the following best describes a major difference between civil trials and criminal proceedings?- the burden of proof that is needed to establish guilt is greater in criminal proceedings- judges hve a greater influence on the outcomes of criminal proceedings- the defense and prosecution can call witness to testify in criminal proceedings- lawyers can question prospective jurors in criminal proceedings

the burden of proof that is needed to establish guilt is greater in criminal proceedings


the business of organizing travel for pleasure.


the buying and selling of goods


the changing of landforms by slowly moving glaciers

private property rights

the concept that people have the right and privilege to control their possessions as they wish

Roaring Twenties

the decade of the 1920's which got this nickname because of the times prosperity and excitement

The immigration restriction legislation of the 1920s was primarily a response to concerns about which of the following?the impact of immigration from Latin America on the U.S. economythe consequences of immigration from eastern and southern Asia on U.S. national securitythe effects of immigration from southern and eastern Europe on U.S. culturethe results of immigration from western Europe on U.S. political life

the effects of immigration from southern and eastern Europe on U.S. culture

latent heat of condensation

the energy released when water vapor condenses to liquid water

In their efforts to end occupational segregation and achieve comparable pay for comparable work, leaders of the modern women's movement expanded the meaning of which of the following provisions of the U.S. Constitution?the privileges and immunities clause of Article IVthe freedom of assembly clause of the First Amendmentthe due process clause of the Fifth Amendmentthe equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment

the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment

international trade

the exchange of goods and services among nations

ensuring national security

the government protects against international, domestic and terroritst attacks and also ensures ongoing security through negotiating and establishing relationships with other governments

Government ensuring social order

the government supplies means of settling conflicts among citizens as well as making laws to govern the nation, state, or city.

net primary production

the gross primary production of an ecosystem minus the energy used by the producers for respiration.

Havana Harbor

the harbor where the USS Maine was sailing into when it exploded

Prime minister

the head of an elected government; the principal minister of a sovereign or state.


the largest of all the ecosystems. The ocean regions are separated into separate zones: intertidal, pelagic, abyssal, and benthic. All four zones have a great diversity of species.

test marketing

the limited introduction of a product and a marketing program to determine the reactions of potential customers in a market situation

house of representatives

the lower house of Congress, consisting of a different number of representatives from each state, depending on population

describe and discuss the ming dynasty

the ming dynasty lasted in china from AD 1368 to 1644. this dynasty was established by a buddhist monk, Zhu Yuanzhang, who quickly became obsessed with consolidating power in the central government and was knownh for the brutality with which he achieved his ends. It was during the Ming Dynasty that China developed and intriduced its famous civil service examinations, rigirous tests on hthe confucian classics. The future of an ambitious chinese youth depended on his prManjing to Beijing during this period, and the firbidden city was conructed inside the new capital. the ming period, despite its constant expansionary wars, also continued chinas artistic resurgance; the porcelain of this period is especially admired.


the minimum amount to sustain life


the name given to a place on Earth

Our American Cousin

the play Lincoln was watching when he was assassinated in Ford's Theater


the political and economic practices where common people owe loyalty and service to an overlord

Powers of the House of Representatives

the power to initiate revenue bills, impeach federal officials, and elect the President in the case of an electoral college tie

Which of the following best describes an important late 20th century change in the general trade patters on Australia and the nations of Oceania?- Manufacturing goods have relaced raw materials as the main export products- International trade has declines markedly as a result of increased trade between countries of the region- The primary focus of trade has shifted from European to Asian markets- Regionwide efforts to develop self-sufficient economies have resulted in a general decline in trade.

the primary focus of trade has shifted from European to Asian markets

open market operations

the purchase and sale of U.S. government bonds by the Fed

terrestial radiation

the radiation emitted by Earth to outer space

During the first years of the New Republic, James Madison most influenced: - the creation of the Articles of Confederation - the passage of the Alien and Sedition and NAturalization acts - the ratificacation of the US constitution - the founding of the bank of the united states

the ratification of the US constitution

Which of the following was the main source of inspiration for the philosophers of the European Englightenment? - the social doctrines of prominent Reformation theologians - The workd of ancient Greek and Roman writers - The rational laws discovered by major figures of the scientific revolution - the discoveries of 16th-century Europen explorers

the rational laws discovered by major figures of the scientific revolution

Counter Reformation

the reaction of the Roman Catholic Church to the Reformation reaffirming the veneration of saints and the authority of the Pope (to which Protestants objected)

Which of the following developments of the 1930s convinced Hitler that Germany was ready to invade Poland and participate in a wider European war? - the German remilitarization of the Rhineland - The formation of the Rome-Berlin Axis - The signing of the Naazi-Soviet nonagression act - the facist victory in the Spanish civil war

the sining of the Nazi-Soviet nonaggression pact

Tigris and Euphrates Rivers

the two rivers that surround Mesopotamia. These rivers would flood and provide silt that made the soil fertile.

political advertising

the use of ad techniques to promote a candidate's image and persuade the public to adopt a particular viewpoint

form utility

the value producers add to materials in the creation of finished goods and services

Why do most state governors have a greater ability than the president of the USA to shape legislation? - they can help establish the legislative agenda - they have the authority to prepare state budgets - they have the power to issue executive orders - they can veto individual items in a spending budget

they can veto individual items in a spending bill

Which of the following best describes the main objectivve of British imperialism in India during the late 19th century? - to control strategic points in India vital to national security and trade - To settle Great Bitain's excess population on Indian land - to spread the beliefs of Protestant Christianity throughout India - To compel indians to produce raw materials for British businesses

to commpel Indians to produce raw materials for British businesses

The principles of federalism, separation of powers, and the rule of law were all incorporated in the US Constitution primarily to achieve which of the following objectives?- to eliminate social inequalities- to increase government efficiency- to promote national unity- to limit the powers of government

to limit the powers of government

define triangular trade

triangular trade began in the colonies with ships setting off for africa, carrying rum. in Africa, the rum was traded for gold or slaves. ships then went from africa to the west indies, trading slaves for sugar, molasses, or money. to complete the triangle, the ships returned to the coonies with surar or molasses to make more rum, as well as stores of gold and silver. this trade triangle violated the molasses act of 1733, which required the colonists to pay high duties to britain on molasses squired from French, Diuch, and spanish colonies. the colonists ignored these duties, and the british government adopted a polict of salutary neglect by not enforcing them.

Maine battleship

was a battleship (launched in 1889) whose sinking by an explosion on February 15, 1898 at 9:40 p.m. killing 266, precipitated the Spanish-American War.

Most American colonists strongly opposed the Stamp Act of 1765 primarily because it threatened to: - disrupt the operation of colonial courts - bankrupt colonial farmers and merchants - undermine the property rights of colonial landowners - weaken the powers of colonial assemblies

weaken the powers of colonial assemblies

In the burial sites of late Paleolithic peoples, some graves contain tools, weapons, and objects of value. Types of items vary among graves, with some containing objects that are of a clearly higher value than those found in others. This evidence can best be used to show that: - religious beliefs in the society included the concept of reincarnatioin - the society participated in regional trade networks - wealth was not distributed equally among all members of a society - there was extensive speicalization of labor within the society

wealth was not distributed equally among all members of the society

Linear B writing

writing of the Mycenaeans. It led to the development of Greek writing.

Uncle Tom's Cabin

written by harriet beecher stowe in 1853 that highly influenced england's view on the American Deep South and slavery. a novel promoting abolition. intensified sectional conflict.

Countee Cullen

wrote "Any Human to Another," "Color," and "The Ballad of the Brown Girl;" American Romantic poet; leading African-American poets of his time; associated with generation of poets of the Harlem Renaissance

Redemption after the Civil War

• Congress created a special Electoral Commission that determined that Hayes won because of the likelihood that intimidation and violence effected the results in three southern states- Florida, Louisiana, and South Carolina.- and gave these tree plus one vote in Oregon to Hayes

Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995

• Requires CBO to analyze impact of unfunded mandates on states. • Requires separate congressional vote on bills that impose unfunded mandates.

retail distribution

• Requires a large and costly amount of floor space for storing and displaying merchandise at brick-and-mortar facilities. • Wholesalers relieve the space problem by storing merchandise and restocking store displays frequently.

Which of the following statements regarding the Branch Davidians in 1993 is not true? - The branch davidians were a seventh day adventist sect living on. compund located near Waco, Texas - the Bureau of alcohol, tobacco and firearms got a search warrant for the branch Davidian compound - When attempts to look for weapon stockpiles led to gunfire and deaths, the FBI attacked the compound - The incident at the Branch Davidian compund in Waco developed into a siege that lasted for 6 months

- The incident at the Branch Davidian compund in Waco developed into a siege that lasted for 6 months

which of the following came chronologically the earliest in what is now the republic of Ghana? - The kindgom of Ghana - The Akan state of Bono - The Ashanti federation - the states of the Fante

- The kindgom of Ghana

Which of the following is not a true statement regarding the Louisiana Purchase? - Jefferson sent a delegation to Paris to endeavor to purchase only the city of New Orleans from Napolean. - Napoleon, anticipating US intrusions into Louisiana, offered to sell the US the entire lousisiana territory - The american delegation accepted napoleans offer, though they were only authorized to buy New Orleans - The louisiana purchase, once it was completed, increased the territory of the Us by 50% overnight.

- The louisiana purchase, once it was completed, increased the territory of the Us by 50% overnight.

Of the following, which is true about the March of Versailles during the French Revolution? - The march on Versailles was an action undertaken by equal numbers of both men and women - The march on Versailles was an action undertaken by primarily women - The march on Versailles happened prior to the stoming of the Bastille - The march on Versailles was not effective n accomplishing its purpose

- The march on Versailles was an action undertaken by primarily women

Which is not correct regarding black activism during the 1960s? - there was a riot in the LA ghetto of Watts in 1965 - There was a riot involving black activists in Newark, New Jersey, after the Watts riot - The mississippi freedom democrats unseated the state;s delegation at the convention - there was a riot involving black activists in Detroit, michigan after the riot in Watts

- The mississippi freedom democrats unseated the state;s delegation at the convention

Which of the following statements is not an accurate statement about the puritans in England? - The puritans unconditionally gave all their support to the English Reformation - The puritans saw the church of England as too much like the Catholic Church - the puritans became a chief political power because of the English Civil War - The puritans' clergy mainly departed from the church of england in 1662

- The puritans unconditionally gave all their support to the English Reformation

which of the following is not true regarding public schools in the early 19th century? - virtually no public schools existed in America prior to around 1815. - Schools were mainly financed by private corporate or religious groups. - Thomas Jefferson's plan for a free school in virginia was realized - American schools were elitist, catering to the rich and to males in academics.

- Thomas Jefferson's plan for a free school in virginia was realized

When can government restrict individual freedom?

- To prevent harm to others - Aged-related laws (drinking age) - To protect individuals from their own actions?-controversial

which of the following statements regarding events in the middle east that took place during the Reagan administration is not correct? - Isreal invaded Lebannon to get rid of the Palestinian Liberation Organization's camps there. - When a terrorist bombing kiled 240 US marines, eagan escalated military action - Lebanon was already in the midst of a civil war when Israeli troops invaded the country - President Reagan deployed US MArines to Lebanon in 1982 on a peacekeeping mission

- When a terrorist bombing kiled 240 US marines, eagan escalated military action

Four specific types of map projections

- Winkel Tripel projection - Robinson projection - Goode homolosine projection - Mercator projection

Which of the following events did not contribute to the growth of the Italian Renaissance ? - The black death killed 1/3 the population in europe - the lower class benefited from the need for laborers - the middle classes developed from a need for services - all of these events contributed to the italian renaissance

- all of these events contributed to the italian renaissance

European expansion during the Age of Exploration was a major cause of which of the following international developments? - a reduction in global economic inequality - an emergence of protestant christianity - an expansion of coercive labor systems - the decline of Asian and African populations

- an expansions of coercive labor systems

Which of the following is not correct regarding the growth of america in the first half of the 19th century? - by 1840, two thirds of all americans resided west of the Allegheny mountains - the population of america doubled every 25 years during this time period - the tren fo westward expansion increased as more people migrated west - immigration to America from other countries was not substantial prior to 1820.

- by 1840, two thirds of all americans resided west of the Allegheny mountains

Which of the following statement is not true regarding the tea act of 1773? - The British East India company was suffering financially because Americas were buying tea smuggled from holland - Parliament granted concessions to the British East India Company to ship tea straight to America, bypassing England - colonists found that even with added taxes, tea directly shipped by the British East India company cost less, and they bought it. - American colonists refused to buy less expensive tea from the British East India company on the principle of taxation.

- colonists found that even with added taxes, tea directly shipped by the british east india company cost less, and they bought it.

Which of the following did not occur during the war of 1812? - early in the war, the US executed a three-pronged invasion of Canada and succeeded on two of the 3 fronts - early in the war, Americans won naval battles against the British, but were soon beaten back by the British - Admiral Oliver Hazard PErry's fleet defeated the british navy on lake erie in september, 1813 - william henry harrison invaded canada and defeated the british and the indians in the battle of the thames.

- early in the war, the US executed a three-pronged invasion of Canada and succeeded on two of the 3 fronts

how communities develop

- easy access to resources - ability to transport goods - room for housing and work

Which of the following best describes a shared aim of leaders of the English Revolution of 1688-1689 and the American Revolution of the 18th century? - Establishing limits on the authority of central government - enacting legislative programs to reduce social inequities - removing obstacles to popular participation in the political process - reducing government involvement in the national economy

- establishing limits on the authority of central government

Industrialization most influenced the lives of 19th century women by: - reducing the number of gender-determined roles in society - expanding the range of wage-earning opportunities available to women - encouraging men to take a greater part in the management of their homes - creating social changes that led to an increase in average family size

- expanding the range of wage-earning opportunities available to women

The author of a history research paper would likely find bibliographies and periodical indexes most useful when: - organizing information collected in the research process - checking the accuracy of info used in the paper - selecting a suitable topic for research - gathering background info on the topic to be researched

- gathering background info on the topic to be researched.

which statement about relations between the middle east and the US and Eurpose in the 1950s is incorrect? - president nasser of Egypt refused to align with the US in the cold War - President Eisenhower removed US funsing from ASwan Dam in 1956 - President Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal, which was owned by England - in 2956, Egypt attacked Isreal, adn England and France joined the war

- in 2956, Egypt attacked Isreal, adn England and France joined the war

which of the following is not correct regarding assumptions of mercantilism - the money ad the weath of a nation are identical properties - in order to prosper, a nation should try to increase its imports - in order to prosper, a nation should try to increase its exports - Economic protectionism by national governments is advisable

- in order to prosper, a nation should try to increase its imports

how did the homestead act impact westward migration to the great plains between 1860 and 1880? - it allowed business owners tax breaks for opening new businessed in the great plains - it provided settlers with free land in exchange for a commitment to cultivate the land - it gave buyers monetary incentives for irrigating the land to improve the land quality - it privided farmers with monetary aid in planing trees on newly purchased land

- it provided settlers with free land in exchange for a commitment to cultivate the land

Major elements of the study of geography include

- locations, regional characteristics, spatial relations, natural and manmade forces that change elements of the earth

Describe the 5 major characteristics of a developing nation

- low GDP - Rapid growth of population - an economy that depends on subsistence agriculture - Poor conditions, including high infant mortality rates, high disease rates, poor sanitation, and insufficient housing - Low literacy rates. Developing nations often function under oppressive governments that do not provide private property rights and withhold education and other rights from women. They also often feature an extreme disparity between upper and lower classes, with little opportunity for the lower classes to improve their position

5 characteristics of a developing nation

- low GDP - rapid growth of population - economy that depends on subsistence agriculture - poor conditions, including high infant mortality rates, high disease rates, poor sanitation, and insufficient housing - low literacy rate

Which of the following statements is not true of daily life for the average European in the 1500s? - life was not siginificantly different from the medieval era - the majority of people worked in agriculture - life expenctancy was short - most people were literate, due to well-financed public education programs

- most people were literate, due to well-financed public education programs

Major development of the age of exploration

- navigation - mapmaking - shipbuilding

Duties of citizens

- obey laws - pay taxes - serve in the armed forces if called - serve on a jury or as a witness in court, when summoned - loyality to govenment

variables studies in macroeconomics

- output - consumption - investment - government spending - net exports

Which of the following ideas is a principal belief of Buddhism? - seemingly opposite forces are interconnected in the natural world - people from all social backgrounds can attain release from the cycle of death and rebirth - an all-powerful and all-knowing deity governs the universe - personal ties of loyalty and obedience hold communities together.

- people from all social backgrounds can attain release from the cycle of death and rebirth.

funding for political campaigns

- personal funds -donations - special interest groups

name and describe the 3 phases of reconstruction

- presidential reconstruction: largely driven b Andrew Johnson's policies, the presidential phase of reconstruction was lenient on the south and allowed continued discrimination against and control over blacks - congressional reconstruction: congress, controlled largely by radical republicans, took a different stance, providing a wider range of civil rights for blacks and greater control over southern government. congressional reconstruction is marked by military control over former confederate states - redemption: gradually, the confederate states were readmited into the union. during this time, white democrats took over the government of most of the south. in 1877, president retherform hayes withdrew the last federal troops from the south

A historian who is seeking information about patterns of consumption in eighteenth-century New England communities would likely find which of the following sources most useful? - church records - minutes of town meetings - probate data - personal correspondence

- probate data

list the 4 main obstacles developing nations face regarding economic growth

- rapid, uncontrolled population growth - trade restrictions - misused resources, often perpetuated by the government - traditional beliefs that can slow or reject change

Legislation is introduced and passed in the senate. The procedural route taken would be ... before it comes a law

- referred to house subcommittee- reported by full committee- debated on floor of the house- sent to conference committee- approved by the president

which of the following choices is/are not considered among causes of the French Revolution? - Famines causing malnutrition and starvation - War debt, Court spending, bad monetary system - Resentment against the catholic church's rule - resentment against the protestant reformation

- resentment against the protestant reformation

major events of the George W. Bush (R, 2001-2009) presidency

- setemer 11, 2001 - troops sent to afganistan to hunt down Al-Queda leaders, including Osama Bin Laden, beginning of the war on terror - US troops sent to iraq, along with a multinational coalition, to depose Saddam Hussein and prevent his deployment of suspected weapons of mass destruction - subprime mortage crisis and near collapse of the financial industry, leading to the great recessionl first of multiple government bailouts of the financial industry

Major events influence US involvement in WW1

- sinking of the Lusitania - German UBoat aggression - Zimmerman Telegram

Ancient Minoan Civilization ammenities

- syllabic writing system - built large, colorful palaces. - Sewage systems - running water - bathtubs - flushing toilets

Which of the following statements regarding immigration to America during the 1980s is not true? - Twice as many immigrants came to america during the 1980s than during the 1970s - latin americans comprised the largest proportion if immigrants to america in the late 1980s - most immigrants to the US in the 1980s were latin american, asian and caribbean - the 1986 immigration reform and control act impeded illigal mexican immiration

- the 1986 immigration reform and control act impeded illigal mexican immiration

which of the following statements is incorrect regarding these religions under the roman empire? - the romans generally protected the jews until the rebellion in Judea (66 CE) - Julius Ceasar curcumvented Roman law to help jews have freedom of worship - the Druids were a religious group that the romans ignored but also tolerated - romans viewed christianity as a jewish sect for its first 2 centuries

- the Druids were a religious group that the romans ignored but also tolerated

Which statement regarding US international trade policy in the 1990s is incorrect? - in 1994, the general agreement on tarrifs and trade (GATT) was approved by congress - the GATT included 57 countries who agreed they would remove or reduce many of their tarrifs - the GATT created the world trade organization (WTO) to settle international trade - the NAFTA (north american free trade agreement) ratified in 1994, had originally been set up by the George H.W. Bush's administration

- the GATT included 57 countries who agreed they would remove or reduce many of their tarrifs

which of the following is not true about the crusades? - their purpose was or european rulers to retake the middle east from muslims - the crusades succeeded at European kings' goal of reclaiming the holy land - the crusades accelerated the already incipient decline of the Byzantine Empire - Egypt saw a return as a major middle easters power as a result of the crusades

- the crusades succeeded at European kings' goal of reclaiming the holy land

the development of agriculture was a major cause of which of the following changes in Neolithic societies? - the establishment of permanent settlements - the division of work roles between men and women - the consolidation of nuclear families into larger kin groups - the production of stone tools and weapons

- the establishment of permanent settlements.

which of the following is not true about democracy and the formation of the USA? - the founding fathers atated in the constitution that the USA would be a democracy - the declatation of independence did not dictate democracy but stated its principles - the USA consitution stipulated that government be elected by the people - the US constitution had terms to protect some, but not all, of the people

- the founding fathers atated in the constitution that the USA would be a democracy

Which of the following statements is not true about the Gilded Age in America? - the gilded age was the era of "robber barons" in the business world - the gilded age got its name from the excess of the wealthy upper class - the gilded age had philanthropy carnegie called the gospel of wealth - the gilded age is a term whose origins have not been identified yet

- the gilded age is a term whose origins have not been identified yet

Which of the following is not correct concerning the growth of American labor unions? - The new factory system separated workers from owners, which tended to depersonalize workplaces - the goal of attaining an 8 hour work day stimulated growth in labor organizing in the early 1800s - the first organized workers' strike was in paterson, new jersey in 1828 and was by child laborers - recurring downturns in the eonomy tended to limit workers' demand for rights until the 1850s

- the goal of attaining an 8 hour work day stimulated growth in labor organizing in the early 1800s

List the major objections expressed against the Constitution when it was presented for ratification

- the lack of a bill of rights to protect individual freedoms - states felt too much power was being handed over to the central government - voters wanted more control over their elected representatives

which of the following exemplifies the multiplier effect of large cities? - the presence of specialized equipment for an industry attracts even more business - the large population lowes the price of goods - public transportation meand more people can commut to work - a local newspaper can affotd to give away the sunday edition

- the presence of specialized equipment for an industry attracts even more business

Which of the following was the main source of inspiration for the philosophers of the European Enlightenment? - The social doctrines of prominent Reformation theologians - The works of ancient Greek and Roman writers - the rational laws discovered by major figures of the scientific revolution - the discoveries of 16th-century European explorers

- the rational laws discovered by major figures of the Scientific Revolution

which statement about factors related to the growth of the US economy between 1945 and 1970 is incorrect? - the baby boom's greately increased birth rates contributed to economic growth during the time - the reduction in military spending after WW11 contributed to the stronger US economy - Governemnt programs and growing affluence nearly quadrupled college enrollments in 20 years - increased mobility and bigger families caused fast urban expansion, especially in the sunbelt

- the reduction in military spending after WW11 contributed to the stronger US economy

which of the following is not a characteristic of the Renaissance in 14th - 16th century Europe? - the development of linear perspective in the art of painting - the rejection of classical antiquity as a source of education - the educational reform that grew slowly but spread widely - the innovation of using the scientific method for learning

- the rejection of classical antiquity as a source of education

Which of the following is true concerning the formation of new state governments in the new united states of america following freedom from british rule? - By the end of 1777, new constitutions had been created for 12 of the american states. - The states of connectiut and massachusets retained their colonial charters, minus the british parts - the state of massachusets required a special convention for its constitution, setting a good example - the state of massachusets did not formally begin to use its new constitution until 1778

- the state of massachusets required a special convention for its constitution, setting a good example

Which of the following statements does not describe the aberage european diet before the expansion of trade routes? - Eurpoeans ate for survival, not enjoyment - they had an abundance of preservatives such as salt that could make food last longer - grain-based food such as porridge and bread were staples - spices were unavaliable

- they had an abundance of preservatives such as salt that could make food last longer

Which of the following best describes the main objective of British imperialism in India during the late 19th-century? - to control strategic points in India vital to national security and trade - to settle Great Britain's excess population on Indian land - to spread the beliefs of Protestant Christianity throughout India - to compel Indians to produce raw materials for British businesses

- to compel Indians to produce raw materials for British businesses

Which of the following best describes a major objective of Greek and Hellenistic scholars and philosophers?- to understand nature and society through rational observation and deduction- to develop a philosophical system consistent with traditional religious beliefs- to devise a system of rewards and punishments to motivate human behavior- to create a flexible ethical code adaptable to diverse individual needs and a variety of social settings

- to understand nature and society through rational observation and deduction

discuss problems that can come about when industrialoization happens too quickly

- use of technology not suited to the products or services being supplied - a poor investment of capital - lack of time for the population to adapt to new paradigms - lack of time to experience all stages of development and adjust to each stage

the economic system that drives an individual society is based on

- what goods are produced - how those goods are produced - Who aquires the goods or benefits from them

A central cause of the Cold War that developed after World War II was U.S. Soviet disagreement concerning which of the following questions? - What types of governments should be established in Eastern Europe. - How should power be distributed among member states of the United Nation - Should Britain and France be allowed to retain their overseas colonies? - Should Germany and Japan be required to pay reparations?

- what types of governments should be established in Eastern Europe?

Which of the followig was not an immediate effect of rapid urban growth in the 1800s? - Poor sanitation conditions in the cities - epidemics of diseases in the cities - inadequate police and fire protection - widespread urban political corruption

- widespread urban political corruption

Post-war period

-Boom in prosperity -Americans cranked out cars, tv, and appliances (envy of the world) -US only had 6% of the world's pop but had 2/3 of worlds manufactured goods -Large middle class, almost every family had a car and tv

Roosevelt's Alphabet Organizations

-Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) provided jobs in the forestry service -Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA) adjusted production and pricing to increase agricultural income -Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) organized jobs centered on the Tennessee River -Public Works Administration (PWA) and Civil Works Administration (CWA) initiated tens of thousands of projects and created jobs -Works Progress Administration (WPA) helped the unemployed secure jobs

Johann Fichte

-Combined Locke and Rousseau o blank slate and child good-natured -"school must fashion the person and fashion him in such a way that he simply cannot will otherwise than what you wish him to will" -Destroy individualism -Germans came to revere govt (Hitler)

Lee's Surrender

-at Appomattox Court House -brings Civil War to an end -Lee surrenders the Confederate forces of Virginia to Grant - April 9, 1865

Council of Arab Economic Unity (CAEU)

-established in 1964 to promote trade and economic integration among its 18 North African and Middle Eastern members

allocation of resources

-how much of each good is produced -which producers produce it -which consumers consume it

Objections against the constitution

-lack of a bill of rights to protect individual freedoms -states felt too much power was being given to the central government -voters wanted more control over elected representatives -led to the Federalist vs Anti-Federalist split

explain the various goals of the french, spenish, dutch, and british in the colonization of the americas

France, Spain, the Netherlands, and Englans each had specific goals in the colonization of the Americas.- initial French colonies were focused on expanding the fur trade. Late,r French colonization led to the growth of plantations in louisiana wihich brough numberous african slaves to the new world- spanish colonists came to look for wealth, and to convert the natives to christianity. for some, the desire for gold led to mining in the new world, while others established large ranches- the dutch were also oinvolved in the fur trade, and imported slaves as the need for laborers increased- british colonists arrived with various goals. some were simply looking for additional income, while others were fleeing britain to escape religious persecution

Reconstruction acts

1867 - Pushed through congress over Johnson's veto, it gave radical Republicans complete military control over the South and divided the South into five military zones, each headed by a general with absolute power over his district.

Gilded age

1870s - 1890s; time period looked good on the outside, despite the corrupt politics & growing gap between the rich & poor

Dawes Act

1887 law that distributed reservation land to individual Native American owners

Ronald Reagan

1981-1989,"Great Communicator" Republican, conservative economic policies, replaced liberal Democrats in upper house with consevative Democrats or "boll weevils" , at reelection time, jesse jackson first black presdiential candidate, Geraldine Ferraro as VP running mate (first woman)

When did the USSR collapse?


W.E.B. DuBois

1st Black person to earn Ph.D. from Harvard, encouraged blacks to resist systems of segregation and discrimination, helped create NAACP in 1910

John Jay

1st Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, negotiated with British for Washington

George Washington

1st President of the United States; commander-in-chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolution (1732-1799)

Freedom of religion

1st amendment

Freedom of speech

1st amendment

Knights of Labor

1st effort to create National union. Open to everyone but lawyers and bankers. Vague program, no clear goals, weak leadership and organization. Failed

Bicameral congress

2 chambers, House of Representatives and the Senate

Democrats and Republicans

2 major parties since mid-1800s; inform Americans on issues

presidential candidates are eligible for public funding if they rase $5,000 per state in how many states? - 20 - 10 - 25 - 17


Barack Obama

2008; Democrat; first African American president of the US, health care bill; Gulf of Mexico oil spill disaster; economy: huge stimulus package to combat the great recession, is removing troops from Iraq, strengthened numbers in Afghanistan; repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell; New Start treaty with Russia

Grover Cleveland

22nd and 24th president, Democrat, Honest and hardworking, fought corruption, vetoed hundreds of wasteful bills, achieved the Interstate Commerce Commission and civil service reform, violent suppression of strikes

Mayan empire

2500 BC to 900 AD. Located in southeastern Mexico. Had independent city-states that were unified by culture, religion and trade. Had religious rulers who had cerimonies and made sacrifices to the gods. Charted planets, moon and sun and developed calendar). Economy based on agriculture and trade.

William McKinley

25th president responsible for Spanish-American War, Philippine-American War, and the Annexation of Hawaii, imperialism. Is assassinated by an anarchist

How many amendments does the Constitution have?


walking inflation


When did Mesopotamia start?

3500 BC

Bill Clinton

42nd President advocated economic and healthcare reform; second president to be impeached

When did the agricultural revolution start?

6,000 years ago

How long have humans or near humans existed?

600,000 years

last year, 4 residents of Henrytown died. The population of Henrytown is 500. What is the death rate of Henrytown?


Culture in Sub-Saharan Africa

800 Ethnic Groups, 1000+ languages, Family is the basic economic unit, mainly farming

Jacob Riis

A Danish immigrant, he became a reporter who pointed out the terrible conditions of the tenement houses of the big cities where immigrants lived during the late 1800s. He wrote How The Other Half Lives in 1890.

Define the term "Dorian invasion."

A Dorian invasion does not refer to an invasion by a particular group of people, but rather is a hypothetical theory to explain the end of the Mycenaean civilization and the growth of classical Greece. Ancient tradition refers to these events as "the return of the Heracleidae," or the sons (descendents) of HErcules. Archeologists and historians still do not know exactly who conquored the Mycenaeans, but it is believed to have occurred around 1200 BCE, contemporaneous with the destruction of the Hittie Civilization in what is not modern Turkey. The Hittites speak of an attack by people of the Aegean Sea, or the "Sea People." Only athens was left intact.

Farmer's Alliance

A Farmers' organization founded in late 1870s; worked for lower railroad freight rates, lower interest rates, and a change in the governments tight money policy

Aristotle (political science)

A Greek Philosopher, taught Alexander the Great, started a famous school, studied with Plato political science would lead to order in political matters, and that this scientifically organized order would create stable, just societies.


A Greek poet, author of the Iliad and the Odyssey

Dred Scott Decision

A Missouri slave sued for his freedom, claiming that his four year stay in the northern portion of the Louisiana Territory made free land by the Missouri Compromise had made him a free man. The U.S, Supreme Court decided he couldn't sue in federal court because he was property, not a citizen.

Ottoman empire

A Muslim empire based in Turkey that lasted from the 1300's to 1922.


A Native American tribe in the southwest who were farmers, lived in pueblos, and were excellent builders and potters. Descendants of the Anasazi.


A Native American who lived in what is now southern Colorado and Utah and northern Arizona and New Mexico and who built cliff dwellings 1200 BCE


A Pueblo complex where the Spanish massacred hundreds of Indians and amputated the right foot of male survivors over the age of 25 in order to instill fear in the Indians.

Lucretia Mott

A Quaker who attended an anti-slavery convention in 1840 and her party of women was not recognized. She and Stanton called the first women's right convention in New York in 1848

Thaddeus Stevens

A Radical Republican who believed in harsh punishments for the South. Leader of the Radical Republicans in Congress.


A Shoshone woman whose language skills and knowledge of geography helped Lewis and Clark

American Colonization Society

A Society that thought slavery was bad. They would buy land in Africa and get free blacks to move there. One of these such colonies was made into what now is Liberia. Most sponsors just wanted to get blacks out of their country.

Winkel Tripel Projection

A Winkel Tripel projection is a type of pseudocylindrical projection map in which both the lines of latitude and longitude are curved. The Winkel Tripel projection was adopted by the National Geographic Society in the late 1990s (replacing the Robinson projection).

Which of the following were dispatch riders notifying Americans of British troop movements reported by American surveillance in 1775? - Paul Revere - William Dawes - John Parker - A and B

A and B


A belief that government can and should achieve justice and equality of opportunity.

Popular Sovereignty

A belief that ultimate power resides in the people.

Jesse Jackson

A black candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 1988 election who attempted to appeal to minorities, but eventually lost the nomination to Michael Dukakis

Dred Scott

A black slave, had lived with his master for 5 years in Illinois and Wisconsin Territory. Backed by interested abolitionists, he sued for freedom on the basis of his long residence on free soil. The ruling on the case was that He was a black slave and not a citizen, so he had no rights.


A body of representatives that makes laws for a nation

Political theory

A body of work aimed at developing knowledge about politics and political systems.


A branch of Islam whose members acknowledge the first four caliphs as the rightful successors of Muhammad

Watergate scandal

A break-in at the Democratic National Committee offices in the Watergate complex in Washington was carried out under the direction of White House employees. Disclosure of the White House involvement in the break-in and subsequent cover-up forced President Nixon to resign in 1974 to avoid impeachment.

Erie Canal

A canal between the New York cities of Albany and Buffalo, completed in 1825. The canal, considered a marvel of the modern world at the time, allowed western farmers to ship surplus crops to sell in the North and allowed northern manufacturers to ship finished goods to sell in the West.

what is the main difference between a primary election and a caucus?

A caucus is privately run by political parties, and a primary election is an indirect election run by state and local governments

traveler's check

A check used in place of cash when traveling for greater security

Cold War

A conflict that was between the US and the Soviet Union. The nations never directly confronted each other on the battlefield but deadly threats went on for years.

New Jersey Plan

A constitutional proposal that would have given each state one vote in a new congress

mid latitude cyclone

A cyclone that forms in the middle latitudes at the polar front.

black death

A deadly plague that swept through Europe between 1347 and 1351

American Red Cross

A disaster relief organization founded in Washington, D.C. on May 21, 1881 by Clara Barton to aid US military and conduct peace time relief work.

Reformation Theology

A discipline within historical theology focusing on the theological developments of the Protestant Reformation and its aftermath, from about A.D. 1500-1700.

Gulf War

A dispute over control of the waterway between Iraq and Iran broke out into open fighting in 1980 and continued until 1988, when they accepted a UN cease-fire resolution.

the dust bowl

A drought in the 1930s that turned the Great Planes very dry.


A federal program of health insurance for persons 65 years of age and older

life expectancy

A figure indicating how long, on average, a person may be expected to live


A form of government in which citizens choose their leaders by voting

direct democracy

A form of government in which citizens rule directly and not through representatives

Federal Government

A form of government in which powers are divided between a central government and several local governments.


A formal and organised choice by vote of a person for a political office or other position


A formal message requesting something that is submitted to an authority


A general and progressive increase in prices


A government ruled by a king or queen

the welfare state

A government that undertakes responsibility for the welfare of its citizens through programs in public health and public housing and pensions and unemployment compensation etc.


A group of ecosystems that share similar climates and typical organisms


A group of reformers who worked to solve problems caused by the rapid industrial urban growth of the late 1800s.


A group of states or territories controlled by one ruler


A high-pressure center of dry air


A kingdom that was destroyed by the Greeks in the Trojan War. It is located on the western coast of Asia Minor


A landform made of sediment that is deposited where a river flows into an ocean or lake


A landform with high elevation and high relief.


A large area of flat land elevated high above sea level


A large area of flat unforested grassland in southeastern Europe or Siberia.

Ocean current

A large volume of water flowing in a certain direction

Fugitive Slave Act

A law that made it a crime to help runaway slaves; allowed for the arrest of escaped slaves in areas where slavery was illegal and required their return to slaveholders

Ida Tarbell

A leading muckraker and magazine editor, she exposed the corruption of the oil industry with her 1904 work A History of Standard Oil.


A legal process to obtain citizenship


A legislature consisting of two parts, or houses


A long period of dry weather

cotton Gin

A machine for cleaning the seeds from cotton fibers, invented by Eli Whitney in 1793

Ring of Fire

A major belt of volcanoes that rims the Pacific Ocean

Scientific Revolution

A major change in European thought, starting in the mid-1500s, in which the study of the natural world began to be characterized by careful observation and the questioning of accepted beliefs.

Civilian Conservation Corps

A major public works program in the United States during the Great Depression.

cartogram map

A map in which the shape or size is distorted in order to demonstrate a variable such as travel, population or economic production


A meeting of local party members to choose party officials or candidates for public office and to decide the platform.


A member of a Viking people who raided and then settled in the French province later known as Normandy, and who invaded England in 1066


A member of a political group advocating or fighting for national independence, a strong national government, etc.


A native Indian of America, daughter of Chief Powahatan, who was one of the first to marry an Englishman, John Rolfe, and return to England with him; about 1595-1617; Pocahontas' brave actions in saving an Englishman paved the way for many positive English and Native relations.

nonrenewable resource

A natural resource that is not replaced in a useful time frame.

United Mine Workers of America

A new union organized in 1890 to bring together mine workers in the Eastern half of the United States in one organization that eventually became a national union.


A northerner who went to the South immediately after the Civil War; especially one who tried to gain political advantage or other advantages from the disorganized situation in southern states

Winston Churchill

A noted British statesman who led Britain throughout most of World War II and along with Roosevelt planned many allied campaigns. He predicted an iron curtain that would separate Communist Europe from the rest of the West.

Manifest destiny

A notion held by a nineteenth-century Americans that the United States was destined to rule the continent, from the Atlantic the Pacific.

Camp David Accords

A peace treaty between Israel and Egypt where Egypt agreed to recognize the nation state of Israel

Harlem Renaissance

A period in the 1920s when African-American achievements in art and music and literature flourished

interglacial period

A period of warmer temperatures between two ice ages.

US citizen

A person born in the U.S., Naturalized, or one who has obtained a Certificate of Citizenship from the Department of State.

transform boundary

A plate boundary where two plates move past each other in opposite directions earthquack

convergent boundary

A plate boundary where two plates move toward each other.

convergent boundary

A plate boundary where two plates move toward each other. volcano

Claude McKay

A poet who was a major figure in the Harlem Renaissance movement and wrote the poem "If We Must Die" after the Chicago riot of 1919.

affirmative action

A policy designed to redress past discrimination against women and minority groups through measures to improve their economic and educational opportunities


A policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force.


A policy of nonparticipation in international economic and political relations

Iron Curtain

A political barrier that isolated the peoples of Eastern Europe after WWII, restricting their ability to travel outside the region

Free Soil Party

A political party dedicated to stopping the expansion of slavery


A political system headed by a dictator that calls for extreme nationalism and racism and no tolerance of opposition


A political system in which nobles are granted the use of lands that legally belong to their king, in exchange for their loyalty, military service, and protection of the people who live on the land

one party system

A political system in which only one party exists

Pancho Villa

A popular leader during the Mexican Revolution of 1910. An outlaw in his youth, when the revolution started, he formed a cavalry army in the north of Mexico and fought for the rights of the landless in collaboration with Emiliano Zapata.

limited government

A principle of constitutional government; a government whose powers are defined and limited by a constitution.


A process in humid regions whereby soluble materials are leached from upper soil layers, leaving residual soils that are frequently infertile and acidic.

Congressional Reconstruction

A process led by the Radical Republicans that led to the usage of military force to protect blacks' rights.

intellectual property

A product of the intellect, such as an expressed idea or concept, that has commercial value.

Vietnam war

A prolonged war (1954-1975) between the communist armies of North Vietnam who were supported by the Chinese and the non-communist armies of South Vietnam who were supported by the United States.

Rosie the Riveter

A propaganda character designed to increase production of female workers in the factories. It became a rallying symbol for women to do their part.

pork barrel spending

A provision in a bill that benefits a specific congressional constituency

Sons of liberty

A radical political organization for colonial independence which formed in 1765 after the passage of the Stamp Act. They incited riots and burned the customs houses where the stamped British paper was kept. After the repeal of the Stamp Act, many of the local chapters formed the Committees of Correspondence which continued to promote opposition to British policies towards the colonies. The Sons leaders included Samuel Adams and Paul Revere.


A religious group who wanted to purify the Church of England. They came to America for religious freedom and settled Massachusetts Bay.

Protestant Reformation

A religious movement of the 16th century that began as an attempt to reform the Roman Catholic Church and resulted in the creation of Protestant churches.

Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact

A secret agreement between the Germans and the Russians that said that they would not attack each other

Klu Klux Klan

A secret organization that used terrorist tactics in an attempt to restore white supremacy in the South after the Civil War.

Nullification crisis

A sectional crisis during the presidency of Andrew Jackson created by the Ordinance of Nullification, an attempt by the state of South Carolina to nullify a federal law - the tariff of 1828 - passed by the United States Congress.

rock cycle

A series of processes on the surface and inside Earth that slowly changes rocks from one kind to another

New Deal

A series of reforms enacted by the Franklin Roosevelt administration between 1933 and 1942 with the goal of ending the Great Depression.

Second Great Awakening

A series of religious revivals starting in 1801, based on Methodism and Baptism. Stressed a religious philosophy of salvation through good deeds and tolerance for all Protestant sects. The revivals attracted women, Blacks, and Native Americans.

Persian wars

A series of wars between the Greeks (mainly Athens) and the Persians in which the Greeks were usually victorious.


A serious (often fatal) disease of the immune system transmitted through blood products especially by sexual contact or contaminated needles.

Radiation poisoning

A sickness caused by exposure to radiation as a result of nuclear explosions, nuclear reactor accidents, and other causes.


A side effect of an action that affects a third party other than the buyer or seller.


A situation in which quantity supplied is greater than quantity demanded

William Clark

A skilled mapmaker and outdoorsman chosen to explore the Louisiana Territory


A slow motion of Earth's axis that traces out a cone over a period of 26,000 years


A slowdown in a nation's economy

B horizon

A soil horizon composed primarily of mineral material with very little organic matter

world bank

A specialized agency of the United Nations that makes loans to countries for economic development, trade promotion, and debt consolidation. Its formal name is the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

Homo sapiens

A species of the creatures Hominid who have larger brains and to which humans belong, dependent of language and usage of tools.

Checks and balances

A system that allows each branch of government to limit the powers of the other branches in order to prevent abuse of power


A term used to describe supporters of the Constitution during ratification debates in state legislatures.

Choropleth Map

A thematic map that uses tones or colors to represent spatial data as average values per unit area.

plate tectonics

A theory stating that the earth's surface is broken into plates that move.

Hydrogen Bomb

A thermonuclear bomb which uses the fusion of isotopes of hydrogen

Mercator Projection

A true conformal cylindrical map projection, the Mercator projection is particularly useful for navigation because it maintains accurate direction. Mercator projections are famous for their distortion in area that makes landmasses at the poles appear oversized.


A type of cumulus cloud that is tall and gray, and associated with thunderstorms.

fuller projection map

A type of map projection that maintains the accurate size and shape of landmasses but completely rearranges direction such that the four cardinal directions--north, south, east, and west--no longer have any meaning.

Which of the following phrases best describes the relationshpi between state and local governments in the US?- an autonomous relationship in which local governments exercise most powers independent of state government- a unitary relationsip in which ultimate governing power is held by state government- a confederal relationshpi in which state government derives its power from the consent of local governments- a federal relationship in which powers are shared by state and local governments

A unitary relationship in which ultimate governing power is help by state government

Berlin Wall

A wall separating East and West Berlin built by East Germany in 1961 to keep citizens from escaping to the West

Berlin wall

A wall separating East and West Berlin built by East Germany in 1961 to keep citizens from escaping to the West

Walsh-Healey Act

Act that extended concept of prevailing wage to employers who manufacture or supply goods under government contracts and required time and a half.

Declarations of the rights of man

Adopted during the liberal phase of the French Revolution (1789); stated the fundamental equality of all French citizens; later became a political source for other liberal movements.

Marcus Garvey

African American leader durin the 1920s who founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association and advocated mass migration of African Americans back to Africa. Was deported to Jamaica in 1927.

Langston Hughes

African American poet who described the rich culture of african American life using rhythms influenced by jazz music. He wrote of African American hope and defiance, as well as the culture of Harlem and also had a major impact on the Harlem Renaissance.

Zora Neale Hurston

African American writer and folklore scholar who played a key role in the Harlem Renaissance

explain the Gadsden Purchase and the 1853 post-war treaty with Mexico

After the mexica-american war, a second treaty in 1853 determined hundreds of miles of america's southwest borders. in 1854, tge Gadsden Purchase as finalized, providing even more territory to aid in the building of the transcontinental railroad. this purchase added what would eventually become the southernmost regions of Arizona and New Meico to the growing nation. the modern outine of the us was by this time nearly complete.

Nazi-Soviet nonaggression pact

Agreement between Hitler and Stalin that said they would both invade Poland and not attack one another

Gadsden Purchase

Agreement w/ Mexico that gave the US parts of present-day New Mexico & Arizona in exchange for $10 million; all but completed the continental expansion envisioned by those who believed in Manifest Destiny.

The Indus valley or Harappan civilizations existed in what is now" - Iran - India - Pakistan - All of the above

All of the above


All the water at and near the surface of the earth, 97% of which is in oceans

Axis Powers

Alliance of Germany, Italy, and Japan during World War II.


Allied invasion of France on June 6, 1944

Missouri Compromise of 1820

Allowed Missouri to enter the union as a slave state, Maine to enter the union as a free state, prohibited slavery north of latitude 36˚ 30' within the Louisiana Territory (1820)

Family and medical leave act

Allows employees of government agencies and companies with more than fifty employees to take up to three months of unpaid leave during or after a pregnancy.

progressive party

Also known as the "Bull Moose Party", this political party was formed by Theodore Roosevelt in an attempt to advance progressive ideas and unseat President William Howard Taft in the election of 1912. After Taft won the Republican Party's nomination, Roosevelt ran on the Progressive party ticket.

Johnson Reed act

Also known as the Immigration Act of 1924 Federal law limiting the number of immigrants that could be admitted from any country to 2% of the amount of people from that country who were already living in the U.S. as of the census of 1890.

Iran-Contra Scandal

Although Congress had prohibited aid to the Nicaraguan contras, individuals in Reagan's administration continued to illegally support the rebels. These officials secretly sold weapons to Iran in exchange for the release of American hostages being held in the Middle East. Profits from these sales were then sent to the contras.

16th amendment

Amendment to the United States Constitution (1913) gave Congress the power to tax income.

John Marshall

American jurist and politician who served as the chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1801-1835) and helped establish the practice of judicial review.

Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers

American labor union formed in 1876 to represent iron and steel workers

David Koresh

American leader of the Branch Davidians religious sect, believing himself to be its final prophet. Waco, Texas Incident, many wives, brainwashed people into believing in his cult.

Henry David Thoreau

American transcendentalist who was against a government that supported slavery. He wrote down his beliefs in Walden. He started the movement of civil-disobedience when he refused to pay the toll-tax to support him Mexican War.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

American transcendentalist who was against slavery and stressed self-reliance, optimism, self-improvement, self-confidence, and freedom. He was a prime example of a transcendentalist and helped further the movement.

retained earnings

An amount earned by a corporation and not yet distributed to stockholders.

intertropical convergence zone

An area of Earth that receives the most intense sunlight; where the ascending branches of the two Hadley cells converge.


An area of grassland with scattered trees and bushes

Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA)

An association that promoted black pride and black unity. It also encouraged African Americans to move permanently to Africa.

Two-party system

An electoral system with two dominant parties that compete in national elections.

two party system

An electoral system with two dominant parties that compete in national elections.

Mogul empire

An empire established by the Mongol conquerors of India that reigned from 1526 to 1857

multi-national corporations

An example of economic globalization in which the business has centers of operation in many parts of the globe.

Affordable Care act

An expansion of medicaid, most of employers must provide health insurance, have insurance or face surtax, prevents rejection based on pre-existing condition. Also referred to as "Obamacare", signed into law in 2010.


An extremely dry area with little water and few plants


An imaginary circle around the middle of the earth, halfway between the North Pole and the South Pole

Ellis Island

An immigrant receiving station that opened in 1892, where immigrants were given a medical examination and only allowed in if they were healthy

Abolitionist movement

An international movement that between approximately 1780 and 1890 succeeded in condemning slavery as morally repugnant and abolishing it in much of the world; the movement was especially prominent in Britain and the United States.

United nations

An international organization formed after WWII to promote international peace, security, and cooperation.

European union

An international organization of European countries formed after World War II to reduce trade barriers and increase cooperation among its members.


An officeholder who is seeking reelection.

Temperance movement

An organized campaign to eliminate alcohol consumption

market economy

Economic decisions are made by individuals or the open market.

American System

Economic program advanced by Henry Clay that included support for a national bank, high tariffs, and internal improvements; emphasized strong role for federal government in the economy.


Economic system during the Middle Ages that revolved around self-sufficient farming estates where lords and peasants shared the land.


Economics driven by the Internet, in which the buyer rules.

Chief Justice Marshall

Federalist whose decisions on the U.S. Supreme Court promoted federal power over state power and established judiciary as a branch of government equal to legislative and executive; established judicial review, which allows Supreme Court to declare laws unconstitutional

strong central government


Sherman Antitrust Act

First federal action against monopolies, it was signed into law by Harrison and was extensively used by Theodore Roosevelt for trust-busting. However, it was initially misused against labor unions

Sherman Antitrust Act

First federal action against monopolies, it was signed into law by Harrison and was extensively used by Theodore Roosevelt for trust-busting. However, it was initially misused against labor unions (1890)


First known kingdom in sub-Saharan West Africa between the sixth and thirteenth centuries C.E. Also the modern West African country once known as the Gold Coast. gold and salt trade.

Battle of Bunker hill

First major battle of the Revolutions. It showed that the Americans could hold their own, but the British were also not easy to defeat. Ultimately, the Americans were forced to withdraw after running out of ammunition, and Bunker Hill was in British hands. However, the British suffered more deaths.

Secret ballot / Australian ballot

First used in Australia in the 1880s. All candidates names were to be printed on the same white piece of paper at the government's expense and polling was to be done in private. It was opposed by the party machines, who wanted to be able to pressure people into voting for their candidates, but it was implemented and is still in use.

Adam Clayton Powell

Flamboyant Congressman from Harlem and chairman of the House and Labor Committee, he was elected to the House of Representatives in 1968, but removed from office for alleged misuse of funds.

Bill Clinton's Presidency

Focus on the economy, Impeachment scandal

Democrats and Whigs

Following Missouri Compromise, Democrats supported states rights, Whigs supported strong Federal gov't

exogenic processes

Forces generally originating in the atmosphere that, aided by gravity, shape Earth's surface; erosion by running water, glaciers, wind, and waves are examples

endogenic processes

Forces within Earth that affect its surface, such as plate tectonics, volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes

Dollar Diplomacy

Foreign policy created under President Taft that had the U.S. exchanging financial support ($) for the right to "help" countries make decisions about trade and other commercial ventures. Basically it was exchanging money for political influence in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Moral Diplomacy

Foreign policy proposed by President Wilson to condemn imperialism, spread democracy, and promote peace

Describe some approaches for formulating research questions or hypotheses.

Formulating reseach questions or hypotheses is the process of finding questions to answer that have not yet been asked. The first step in the provess of reaching backdoung information. Knowing about a general topic and reading about how other people have addressed it helps identify areas that are well understood. Areas that are not as well understood may either be lightly addressed in the abaliable literature, or distinctly identified as a topic that is not well understood and deserves more study. Research questions or hypitheses may address such an unknown aspect, or they may focus on drawing parallels between similar, wellresearched topics that have not been connected before. STudents usually need practice in developing research questions that are of the appropriate scope so that they will find enouch information to answer the question, yet not so much that they will become overhwlped. Hypotheses tend to be more specific than research questions.

Han Dynasty in China

Founded by Liu Bang (a peasant) Second imperial dynasty of China Considered a golden age in Chinese history - economic prosperity, military advancement, newly conquered territories, science, technology, and mathematics Lasted for four centuries (206 B.C to 209 AD) During this period, the Chinese court sponsored the teaching of Confucianism in education and court politics Confucianism was a religion, tradition and a way of life

American Anti-Slavery Society

Founded in 1833 by William Lloyd Garrison and other abolitionists. Garrison burned the Constitution as a proslavery document. Argued for "no Union with slaveholders" until they repented for their sins by freeing their slaves.

Industrial Workers of the World

Founded in 1905, this radical union, also known as the Wobblies aimed to unite the American working class into one union to promote labor's interests. It worked to organize unskilled and foreign-born laborers, advocated social revolution, and led several major strikes. Stressed solidarity.

National Organization for Women

Founded in 1966, the National Organization for Women (NOW) called for equal employment opportunity and equal pay for women. NOW also championed the legalization of abortion and passage of an equal rights amendment to the Constitution.


Founder of Islam born 570 CE died in 632 BE

Define the goals of Franklin D Roosevelt's " New Deal" and how it was intended to end the Great Depression

Franklin D. Roovevelt was elected president in 1932 with his promise of a new deal for americans. his goals were to provide government work programs to provide jobs, wages and relief to numerous workers throughout the beleaguered us. congress gave roosevelt almost free reign to produce relief legislation. the goals of this legislation were- relief: creating jobs for the high number of unemplyed- recovery: stimulating the economy through the national recovery system- reform: passing legislation to prevent future, similar economic crashesthe roosevelt admin also passed legislation regarding ecological issues, including the soil convervation service, aimed at prevening another dust bowl

middle east

Geo-Political designation of the area stretching from the eastern Mediterranean Sea to the western side of the Indian subcontinent. Consists of countries such as Israel, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt.

A Thousand Points of Light

George H Bush's encouragement to Americans to give to charities

Marshall Plan

George Marshal the US secretary of state saw Europe as very important to the USA, he saw the best way to keep them out of communism is to help restore their countries in 1947, June, and he proposed a plan to provide massive economic aid to Europe

German U-boats

German submarines in WWI and WII which were most effective during naval blockade against enemy shipping, primary targets were from Canada, British empire and the US to Great Britain

Virginia plan

"Large state" proposal for the new constitution, calling for proportional representation in both houses of a bicameral Congress. The plan favored larger states and thus prompted smaller states to come back with their own plan for apportioning representation.

William Marbury

"Midnight Judge" appointed in the Judiciary Act of 1801. Sued government because he was never appointed, which resulted in Marbury v. Madison and Judicial Review.

V-J Day

"Victory over Japan day" is the celebration of the Surrender of Japan, which was initially announced on August 15, 1945

Compromise of 1850

(1) California admitted as free state, (2) territorial status and popular sovereignty of Utah and New Mexico, (3) resolution of Texas-New Mexico boundaries, (4) federal assumption of Texas debt, (5) slave trade abolished in DC, and (6) new fugitive slave law; advocated by Henry Clay and Stephen A. Douglas

September 11

(1) the date 19 al-Qaeda members hijacked passenger airplanes and used them to destroy a small section of the Pentagon & destroy the twin towers of the World Trade Center in NYC; 3,000 people were killed & 6,000 were injured; (2) these events led to an unsuccessful manhunt for Saudi-born extremist Osama Bin Laden, heightened security in the US, and expanded military action abroad

Pope Gregory

(1020-1085) powerful medieval pope; fought with Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV over the power to choose church officials

Activities of Political Parties

(11) Running candiates for office, raising money, mobilizing support and getting out the vote.

King williams war

(1689-1697) Small war between French and English that had small battles fought in Northern New England.


(1689-1755) wrote 'Spirit of the Laws', said that no single set of political laws was applicable to all - depended on relationship and variables, supported division of government


(1712-1778) Believed that society threatened natural rights and freedoms. Wrote about society's corruption caused by the revival of sciences and art instead of it's improvement. He was sponsored by the wealthy and participated in salons but often felt uncomfortable and denounced them. Wrote "The Social Contract."

French and Indian War

(1754-1763) War fought in the colonies between the English and the French for possession of the Ohio Valley area. The English won.

the sugar act

(1764) British deeply in debt partl to French & Indian War. English Parliament placed a tariff on sugar, coffee, wines, and molasses. colonists avoided the tax by smuggling and by bribing tax collectors.

John Quincy Adams

(1767-1848) Son of President John Adams and the secretary of state to James Monroe, he largely formulated the Monroe Doctrine. He was the sixth president of the United States and later became a representative in Congress.

Georg Hegel

(1770-1831), believed each age is characterized by a dominant set of ideas, giving history pattern and purpose

Reign of Terror

(1793-94) during the French Revolution when thousands were executed for "disloyalty"

Frederick Douglass

(1817-1895) American abolitionist and writer, he escaped slavery and became a leading African American spokesman and writer. He published his biography, The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, and founded the abolitionist newspaper, the North Star.

Martin Van Buren

(1837-1841) Advocated lower tariffs and free trade, and by doing so maintained support of the south for the Democratic party. He succeeded in setting up a system of bonds for the national debt.

potato famine

(1840s) one of the worst famines in modern history; Irish peasants relied on potatoes, but a plant fungus killed most of them → millions starved→ mass immigration to US, Canada, and Australia

Mexican American war

(1846-1848) The war between the United States and Mexico in which the United States acquired one half of the Mexican territory.

Seneca Falls Convention

(1848) the first national women's rights convention at which the Declaration of Sentiments was written

Second industrial revolution

(1871-1914) Involved development of chemical, electrical, oil, and steel industries. Mass production of consumer goods also developed at this time through the mechanization of the manufacture of food and clothing. It saw the popularization of cinema and radio. Provided widespread employment and increased production. guilded age

Chinese exclusion act

(1882) Denied any additional Chinese laborers to enter the country while allowing students and merchants to immigrate.

Mao Zedong

(1893-1976) Leader of the Communist Party in China that overthrew Jiang Jieshi and the Nationalists. Established China as the People's Republic of China and ruled from 1949 until 1976.

Russo-Japanese War

(1904-1905) War between Russia and Japan over imperial possessions. Japan emerges victorious.

World War 1

(1914-1918) First time all European Countries are engulfed in one war (Italy, Austria-Hungry, and Germnay, against France, Russia, Great Britain) as a result of industrial revolution, scramble for africa, and alliance system, and at least 20 million people die, the assignation of Archduke Ferdinand was the breaking point, end of empire system.

Byzantine empire

(330-1453) The eastern half of the Roman Empire, which survived after the fall of the Western Empire at the end of the 5th century C.E. Its capital was Constantinople, named after the Emperor Constantine.

Plato (political science)

(430-347 BCE) Was a disciple of Socrates whose cornerstone of thought was his theory of Forms, in which there was another world of perfection. political science would lead to order in political matters, and that this scientifically organized order would create stable, just societies.

Peloponnesian war

(431-404 BCE) The war between Athens and Sparta that in which Sparta won, but left Greece as a whole weak and ready to fall to its neighbors to the north.

Social Security Act

(FDR) 1935, guaranteed retirement payments for enrolled workers beginning at age 65; set up federal-state system of unemployment insurance and care for dependent mothers and children, the handicapped, and public health

Thomas Aquinas

(Roman Catholic Church) Italian theologian and Doctor of the Church who is remembered for his attempt to reconcile faith and reason in a comprehensive theology Took political science theories from Plato and Aristotle and turned them Christian

Warshaw Pact

(The Soviet Unions"Alliance Plan") it included the Soviet Union, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and Albania

Union Pacific Railroad

(USG) , railroad that started in Omaha, Nebraska and it connected with the Central Pacific Railroad in Promentary Point, Utah; hired Chinese immigrants

Work Progress Administration

(WPA) a main federal relief agency for the depression, it put relief workers directly on the federal payroll

Which of the following is not necessarily an example of an educator ntroducing his own bias into the educational process? - A teacher only using materials and sources that he knows are reputable and declining to use unverified materials in his lessons - a textbook author chosing to only use sources that place his favorite US president in a goo light and his least favorite president in a bad light - a teacher only using primary sources that he agrees with and ridiculing a student who provides a verifyable primary source that offers a conflicting opinion - all of the above are examples of bias

- A teacher only using materials and sources that he knows are reputable and declining to use unverified materials in his lessons

Which of the following statements is true regarding the puritans? - In terms of their theology, Puritans were considered Calvinists - Many puritans agreed with the radical criticisms of the Swill Calvinists - Many of those identified as Calvinists as opposed to Puritans - All of these statements are true

- All of these statements are true

Major Genocides in the modern world

- Armenian Genocide - Russia purges under Stalin - Rwandan genocide - Holocuast

Major events in the American Civil War

- Battle of Bull Run - Capture of Fort Henry - Battle of Gettysburg - Overland Campaign - Sherman's March to the Sea - Lee's Surrender

Battles of the Revolutionary War

- Battle of Lexington adn Concord (April, 1775) first engagement of Revoutionary War - Battle of Bunker Hill (June, 1775) one of the blood is of the entire war. - Trenton was first colonial victory Delware River on Chirstmas Day 1776 - Battle of Saratoga ended a plan to separate New England colonies from their Southern counterparts. - October 19, 1781, General Cornwallis surrendered after a defeat in the Battle of Yorktown

which of the following events of communism occured the earliest? - Chairman Mao's communist party in China formed the people's republic - Joseph Stalin became party leader in Russia and made his first 5 year plan - Lenin created the New Economic policy allowing capitalism within limits - Bolsheviks instituted a policty of "war communism" nationalizing property

- Bolsheviks instituted a policty of "war communism" nationalizing property

3 pieces of legislation from the civil rights movement

- Brown v Board of education - Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Voting Rights Act of 1965

Which of the following best describes a major difference between the Roman Empire and China's first imperial dynasty? - China's first imperial dynasty exhibited greater cultural homogeneity - The Roman empire based its legitimacy on a concept of centralized political authority - The roman empire established more orderly and effective bureaucracy - China's first imperial dynasty used new organizational methods to form a strong military.

- China's first imperial dynasty exhibited greater cultural homogeneity

Compared with their medieval predecessors, Renaissance scholars placed greater emphasis on the study of: - Islamic mathematics and theology - Byzantine law and politics - Christian logic and metaphysics - Roman history and literature

- Christain logic and metaphysics

Compared with their medieval predecessors, Renissance scholars placed greater emphasis on the study of: - Islamic mathematics and theology - Byzantine law and politics - Christian logic and metaphysics - Roman history and literature

- Christain logic and metaphysics

Which of these is true regarding the French Revolution, America, and Europe? - When France's revolution spread and they went to war with other European countries, George Washington allied with France - During the time period around 1792, American merchants were trading with countries on both sides of the war - American traders conducted business with various countries, profiting the most from the British West Indies - The Spanish Vacy retalitated against America fro trading with the French by capturing American trading ships

- During the time period around 1792, American merchants were trading with countries on both sides of the war

Which group overtook Rome in the mid-600s BCE and established much of its infastructure, includinf sewers, roads, and fortifications, only to be driven out of the city by 509 BCE? - Latins - Etruscans - Greeks - Persians

- Etruscans

the people who formed the first administration of the new US government

- George washington - John Adams - Thomas Jefferson - Alexander Hamilton

government fiscal policy

- Government policy: reduces swings in business cycle and it creates stable prices. - Fiscal policy: government intervention through spending and taxation to stabilize pace of economic activity.

Wholesale Distribution

- Independent operations that buy products from manufacturers and sell them to various consumers or other businesses. - Usually provide storage, delivery, and additional value adding services, including credit, marketing advice, and merchandising services, such as marking prices and setting up displays.

Three major ideas driving American foreign policy during its early years

- Isolationism - No entangling alliances - Nationalism

Which of the following best describes a major consequence of the rise of Lutheranism during the Protestant Reformation? - It bolstered the independence and strength of emergent monarchies - It contributed to a revival of feudal political arrangements - It magnified the role of established churches in European political life - It encouraged subjects to challenge the dictates of secular rulers

- It bolstered the independence and strength of emergent monarchies

Which statement is not true regarding ancient Greek democracy? - Democracy began to first develop approximatey 500 BCE - once of the first, best known democracies was in Athens - It was a direct democracy, not using any representatives - It was a democracy completely open to all of the public

- It was a democracy completely open to all of the public

The writers of the federalist papers published under the pen name "Publius" Who were the authors? - James Madison, John Jay, and Alexander Hamilton - George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison - Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson - Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, and Thomas Jefferson

- James madison, John Jay, and Alexander Hamilton

Ernestine Rose

- Jewish immigrant from Poland -Worked for laws that gave women the right to own and control their own property

Which of the following statements is not true regarding the colony of Jamestown? - The colony of Jamestown was established by the Virginia Company of London in 1607 - The colony of Jamestown became the first permanent English colony in North America - The majority of settlers in early Jamestown died of starvation, disease, or Indian attacks - John Smith's governance helped Jamestown more then John Rolfe's tobacco discovery.

- John Smith's governance helped Jamestown more then John Rolfe's tobacco discovery.

Which statement describes the authority of most local officials? - Members of local government are generally elected by the people, but their authority is granted by the state - Members of local government are given their authority directly from the people - Members of local government have constitutionally=granted authority - Members of local government are elected by the people, but the state Supreme Court determines their authority

- Members of local government are generally elected by the people, but their authority is granted by the state

Which of the following is not true regarding the Virginia Compromise? - One of these companies, the Virginia Company of Plymouth, made its base in North America - One of these companies, the Virginia Company of London, made its base in Massachusetts - One company had a charter to colonize America between the Hudson and Cape Fear rivers. - One company had a charter to colonize America from the Potomac River to north Maine.

- One of these companies, the Virginia Company of London, made its base in Massachusetts

Wagon trails

- Oregon Tril - California Trail - Santa Fe Trail

What caused the great depression

- Over-speculation of stocks, - Banking collapse - Farming dust bowl

which of the following can best be used to illustrate cause-and-effect relationships between historical events and developments? - the restoration of Stuart rule and the Glorious Revolution of 1688-1689 - British appointment of colonial governors and the American revolution - the death of Louis XIV and the French revolution - Russian participation in WW1 and the Russian Revolution of 1917

- Russian participation in WW1 and the Russian Revolution of 1917.

which of the following questions would most likely be asked y a historian concerned with the philosophy of history - What issues shaped the writing of Plato's Republic? - Should history be measured by changes in individual lives or by larger political trends? - Why were religions of Shinto and Buddhism able to merge in Japan - Should historians study modern primitive cultures as a menas of learning about past civilizations?

- Should history be measured by changes in individual lives or by larger political trends?

During the decolonization of the Cold War years, which of the following events occurred chronologically latest? - The Easters Bloc and Satellite states became independent from the Soviet Union - Canada became totally independent from British Parliament via the Canada Act - The Bahamas, in the Caribbean, became independent from the United Kingdom - The Algerian War ended, and Algeria became independent from France.

- The Easters Bloc and Satellite states became independent from the Soviet Union

Of the following international diplomatic conferences, which one made US-Soviet differences apparent? - The Potsdam conference - the conference at Yalta - Dumbarton Oaks conference - the Tehran conference

- The Potsdam conference

Which of these factors was not a direct contributor to the beginning of the American Revolution? - The attitudes of American colonists toward Great Britian following the French and Indian Revolution - The attitudes of leaders in Great Britian toward the American colonies and imperialism - James Otis's court agument again Great Britian'd Writs of Assistance as breaking natural law - Lord Grenville's Proclamation of 1763m SUgar Actm Currency Act and especially Stamp Act

- The attitudes of American colonists toward Great Britian following the French and Indian Revolution

The Animal and Plant Health Inspection SErvice, the Food adn Nutrition SErvice, adn The Forest SErvice are members of which department? - The deparment of health and human services - The deparment of agriculture - the deparment of the interior - the deparmtne of transportation

- The deparment of agriculture

Bill of Rights, 1791

The Bill of Rights is the collective name for the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution. Proposed to assuage the fears of Anti-Federalist

Explain the significance of the Nicene Creed and events that led to uniform doctrines in Christianity

The Byzantine empire was christain-based byt incorporated GReek languae, philosophy, and literature and drew its law and government policies from Rome. However, there was as yet no unified doctrine of Christianity, as it was a relatively new religion that hs spread rapidly and without a great deal of organization. In 325, the First Concil of Nicea addressed this issue. From this conference came the Nicene Creed, addressing the Trinity and other basic Christian beliefs. The council of Chalcedom in 451 further defined the view of the Trinity

Explain the importance of rivers and water to the growth of early civilizations

The earliest civilizations are also referred to as fluvial civilizations because they were found near rivers. Rivers and the water they provide were vital to these early grouping, offering: - Water for drinking, cultivating crops, and caring for dometicated animals. - A gathering pplace for wild anumals that could be humted - Rich soil deposits as a result of regular floowing Irrigation techniques helped direct water where it was most needed, to sustain herds of domestic anumsla and to norish crops of increasing size and quality.

Battle of Lexington and Concord

The first military engagement of the Revolutionary War. It occurred on April 19, 1775, when British soldiers fired into a much smaller body of minutemen on Lexington green.

Discuss how information should be collected, as for a research paper, adn how results should be orgnanized and repoirted.

The first step of writing a research paper involves narrowing down on a topic. The student should fist reas backround information to dientify areas that are interesteing or need further study and that the students does not have a stong opinion about. The research question should be identified, and the student should refer to general souces that can pount to more specific information. When be begins to take notes, his information must be organized with a clear system to identify the source. Any information from outside ources must be acknowledged with footnotes or a bibliography. To gain most specific information about his topic, the student can then research bibliographies of the general souces to narrow down on information pertinent to his topic. He should then draft a thesis statement that summarizes tha main point in a logical order. A rough draft should incorporate the results of the research in the outlines order, with all citations clearly inserted. The paper should then be edited for clarity, style, flow, and content.

Federalists and Democratic-Republicans

The first two political parties. Many of the Democratic-Republicans had earlier been members of the Antifederalists, which had never organized into a formal political party.

Nicene Creed

The formal statement or profession of faith commonly recited during the Eucharist.

discount rate

The interest rate on the loans that the Fed makes to banks

Manchu Dynasty (Qing)

The last imperial dynasty of China. Ruled from 1644 until 1911. The Manchu imposed their will by force- men forced to have the same haircut. People were submissive to the state. China was exposed as weak at turn of 20th century (Opium wars, Sino-Japanese War, Boxer Rebellion) and had an underdeveloped economy. They attempted to modernize in 1900 but it was too late. They were taken over in 1911.

Upper Paleolithic - late stone age

The last part (10,000 to 40,000 years ago) of the Old Stone Age, featuring tool industries characterized by long slim blades and an explosion of creative symbolic forms. - Beginning approx 40,000 BCE including the Mesolithic and neolithic eras, textiles and pottery are developed. humans of the era discovered the wheel, began to practice agriculture, made polished tools and had some domesticated animals

Continental congress

The legislative assembly composed of delegates from the rebel colonies who met during and after the American Revolution


The lowest layer of Earth's atmosphere

Discuss major civilizations of Mesopotamia and common elements of their culture

The major civilizations of mesopotamia in what is now called the middle east were: - Sumerians - Amorites -Hittites - Assyrians - Chaldeans - Persians These cultrues controlled different areas of Mesopotamia during various time periods, but were similar in that they were autocratic: a single ruler served as the head of the government and often was the main religious ruler as well. These rulers were often Tyranical, militaristic leaders who controlled all aspects of life, including law, trade, and religious activity. Portions of the legacies of these civilizations remain in cultures today. These include mythologies, religious systems, math innovations, and even elements of various languages

humid tropical

Warm and rainy year round, with rain totaling everything from 65 to more than 450 in. a year.

Ford's Theatre

Washington, D.C. theater where Lincoln was shot

cradle of humanity

What east Africa is known as

cirrus clouds

Wispy, feathery clouds made of ice crystals that form at high levels.

Stokely Carmichael

a black civil rights activist in the 1960's. Leader of the Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee. He did a lot of work with Martin Luther King Jr.but later changed his attitude. Carmichael urged giving up peaceful demonstrations and pursuing black power. He was known for saying,"black power will smash everything Western civilization has created."


a broad, regional type of ecosystem characterized by distinctive climate and soil conditions and a distinctive kind of biological community adapted to those conditions.

prairie schooner

a canvas-covered wagon used by pioneers in the mid-1800s


a change in the shape, size, or position of a place when it is shown on a map

Mediterranean climate

a climate marked by warm, dry summers and cool, rainy winters

humid continental

a climate or climate zone with warm, rainy summers and cool, snowy winters

middle-latitude climate

a climate that has an average maximum temperature of 8 degrees Celsius in the coldest month and an average minimum temperature of 10 degrees Celsius in the warmest month mediteranian climate humid-subtropical humid-continental

national security

a collective term for the defense and foreign relations of a country; protection of the interests of a country

entrepreneurial income

a combination of proprietor's income and corporate profit

The war of spanish sucession

a conflict, lasting from 1701 to 1713, in which a number of European states fought to prevent the Bourbon family from controlling Spain as well as France.

Which of the following is a major demographic consequence of the process by which a society becomes fully indistrialized and predominantly urban?- a decrease in population doubling time- a decline in birth rates- a decrease in immigration from other regions- a decline in average life expectancy

a decline in birth rates


a flat-topped hill with steep sides

electromagnetic radiation

a form of energy that exhibits wavelike behavior as it travels through space

regulated federalism

a form of federalism in which Congress imposes legislation on states and localities, requiring them to meet national standards

environmental policy

a general plan and principle related to the interactions between humans and the environment


a geographer who makes maps

foreign policy

a government's strategy in dealing with other nations

Which of the following best describes the initiative process at the state level?- a group of citizens gathers signatures to have a proposed law placed on an election ballet- a state legislature submits a measure to voters before voting on a bill- a group of citizens circulates a petition to have an existing law resubmitted to votes- a state legislature places a constitutional amendment on an election ballot

a group of citizens gathers signatures to have a proposed law placed on an election ballot

Common Market

a group of countries that have eliminated tariffs and harmonized trading rules to facilitate the free flow of goods among the member nations


a group of people that makes laws


a group of people who leave their native country to form in a new land a settlement subject to, or connected with, the parent nation.


a group of people who settled on the Greek mainland around 2000 B.C.; leading city called Mycenae which could withstand any attack; nobles lived in splendor; these people invaded many surrounding kingdoms

what is a cloud

a group of water droplets or ice crystals that you can see in the atmosphere

racial group

a group that is set apart from others because of physical differences that have taken on social significance

Female Vigilant Society

a group that raised money for food, transportation, and other assistance for refugee slaves

Equal protection under law

a guarantee under the 14th Amendment that a state must treat a citizen or class of citizens the same as it treats other citizens or classes in like circumstances


a hill at the base of a mountain

capital flight

a large and sudden reduction in the demand for assets located in a country


a large area of flat land with few trees


a large crater caused by the violent explosion of a volcano that collapses into a depression

the economy of the USA in the early 21st century is referred to as postindustrial primarily because:- high technology products and associated activities are major components of the economy- the country is fully industrialized with all aspects of the economy linked in some way to industrial production- agriculture and industrial production are no longer important national economic activities- a large proportion of the labor force is engaged in the service sector and professional economic activities

a large proportion of the labor force is engaged in service sector and professional economic activities

contour lines

a line on a map joining points of equal height above or below sea level.

economic trough

a low turning point or a local minimum of a business cycle

metropolitan area

a major population center made up of a large city and the smaller suburbs and towns that surround it

Conical projection

a map projection in which an area of the earth is projected onto a cone whose vertex is usually above one of the poles, then unrolled onto a flat surface.

mercator projection

a map projection of the earth onto a cylinder

thematic map

a map that shows a particular theme, or topic

natural monopoly

a market that runs most efficiently when one large firm supplies all of the output


a member of the Pueblo people living in western New Mexico


a member of the branch of Islam that regards Ali as the legitimate successor to Mohammed and rejects the first three caliphs

geographic monopoly

a monopoly based on the absence of other sellers in a certain geographic area

government monopoly

a monopoly created by the government

ocean currents

a movement of ocean water that follows a regular pattern

Second bank of the united states

a national bank overseen by the federal government. Congress had established the bank in 1816, giving it a 20 year charter. The purpose of the bank was to regulate state banks, which had grown rapidly since the First Bank of the US went out of existence in 1811. Went out of existence during Jackson's presidency.


a natural depression in the surface of the land often with a lake at the bottom of it

natural disasters

a natural event such as a flood, earthquake, or hurricane that causes great damage or loss of life.

Which of the following most distinguished the decade of the 1920s from the preceding era in US history? - a new empasis on civic duty and moral decency - a new emphasis on comsumption and leisure - a strong commutment to social and political reform - a strong commitment to promoting cultural diversity

a new emphasis on consumption and leisure


a philosophy which regards the entire world as one giant community that should be unified politically and economically


a philosophy which regards the entire world as one giant community that should be unified politically and economically

Open Street Map (OSM)

a project aimed squarely at creating and providing free geographic data such as street maps to anyone who wants them


a small group of people having control of a country, organization, or institution.

the knowledge economy

a society no longer based primarily on the production of material goods but instead on the production of knowledge


a storm with heavy rains and high winds that blow in a circular pattern around an area of low atmospheric pressure

market socialism

a subtype of socialism that adopts certain traits of capitalism, like allowing limited private ownership or consulting market demand

presidential system

a system of government in which the legislative and executive branches operate independently of each other

indirect democracy

a system of government that gives citizens the opportunity to vote for representatives who work on their behalf

Map grid

a system of imaginary lines that divides up the space on a map

Treaty of New Echota (1835)

a treaty between the U.S. Government and a minority representation of the Cherokee tribe that ceded all Cherokee land in the Southeast to the United States and allowed for their move to Indian territory (Oklahoma); three of the Cherokee signers of the treaty (Major Ridge, John Ridge, and Elias Boudinot) were killed for signing over Cherokee land for personal profit.

igneous rock

a type of rock that forms from the cooling of molten rock at or below the surface

Trojan war

a war, fought around 1200 B.C., in which an army led by Mycenaean kings attacked the independent trading city of Troy in Anatolia

map projection

a way of representing the spherical Earth on a flat surface

marketing plan

a written document that acts as a guidebook of marketing activities for the marketing manager

Five major elements of a map

a. Title - basic information about the map, such as the area it represents b. Legend - aka the key, it explains the symbols on a map c. Grid - latitude and longitude marks d. Direction - compass rose used to indicate cardinal direction e. Scale - the relation of distance on a map to actual distance on the ground

sales taxes

added to the price of goods and services at the time of purchase

poverty guidelines

administrative guidelines used to determine eligibility for certain federal programs

Which of the following best describes a major feature of ancient Greek government during the golden age of Athenian democracy- Although most adult males could vote, public officials placed severe limits on freedom of speech and assembly- Nearly every citizen could vote, but officeholding was confined to members of the elite- Women could influence the political process by participating in open debates on public issues- Adult male citizens from nearly all social classes could vote, hold office, and speak in the popular assembly.

adult male citizens from nearly all social classes could vote, hold office, and speak in the popular assembly.

Which of the following is not one of the Big Five personality traits? - aggression - conscientiousness - extroversion - Neuroticism



agreements between nations to aid and protect one another

which of the following is a supply shock likely to produce? - an increase in input prices - an increase in price levels - a decrease in employment - a drcrease in GDP

all of them

which of the following empire(s) no longer existed following the armistice ending WW1? - The Austro-Hungarian Empire - The Ottoman Empire - The German Empire - All of these empires

all of these empires

discuss the presidency of John F. Kennedy

although his term was cut short by his assassination, JFK instituted economic programs tha led to a period f continuous expansion in the US unmatched since before WW2. he formed the alliance for progress and the peace corps, organizations intended to help developing nations. he also oversaw the passage of new civil rights legislation, and drafted plans to attack pverty and its causes, along with supoprt of the arts. kennedy's presidency ended when he was assassinatd by Lee Harvey Oswald in 1963.

salutary neglect

an English policy of relaxing the enforcement of regulations in its colonies in return for the colonies' continued economic loyalty

which of the following innovations was a significant accomplishment of the ancient Maya civilization? - an accurate calendar based on astronomical observations - an alphabetic system of writing - a process for shaping bronze into tools and weapons - a wheeled transportation vehicle.

an accurate calendar based on astronomical observations

colorado river compact

an agreement signed in 1926 that allocated to Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, California, and Mexico different portions of the Colorado River's normal and stored river flow.


an approach to explaining politics that argues that political institutions are crucial to understanding political behavior

divergent plate boundary

an area beneath the ocean where tectonic plates move away from each other

divergent plate boundary

an area beneath the ocean where tectonic plates move away from each other trench

alluvial plain

an area of fertile soil deposited by river floodwaters


an area of land with its own government

Geography: place

an area that is defined by everything in it. All places have features that give them personality and distinguish them from other places.

supply and demand

an economic concept that states that the price of a good rises and falls depending on how many people want it (demand) and depending on how much of the good is available (supply)

market economy

an economy that allocates resources through the decentralized decisions of many firms and households as they interact in markets for goods and services


an estate on which crops such as coffee, sugar, and tobacco are cultivated by resident labor.

European expansion during the Age of Exploration was a major cause of which of the following international developments? - a reduction in global economic inequality _ the emergence of Protestant Christianity - an expansion of coercive labor systems - the decline of Asian and African populations

an expansion of coercive labor systems

Which of the following best describes a major global trend of the last quarter of the 20th century? - A more equitable distribution of natural resources - an expansion of democratic political rights - a decrease in cross-border population movement - a decline in regional military conflicts

an expansion of democratic political rights

fixed factors of production

an input whose quantity cannot be altered in the short run


an instrument containing a magnetized pointer that shows the direction of magnetic north and bearings from it.

League of nations

an international organization formed in 1920 to promote cooperation and peace among nations

store of value

an item that people can use to transfer purchasing power from the present to the future

Ironclad Oath

an oath that the Wade-Davis Bill required a majority of voters and government officials in Confederate states to take; it involved swearing that they had never supported the Confederacy

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

an organization founded in 1920 to defend Americans' rights and freedoms as given in the Constitution

special interest group

an organization of people with some common interest who try to influence government decisions


are large bodies of salt water; smaller than oceans.

tropical savana

biome characterized by grasses and scattered trees, and herd animals such as zebras and antelopes

outline the history of islam and its role in bringing unity to the middle east

born in 570 CE, Muhammad began preaching around 613, leading his followes in a new religion called islam, which means "submission of god's will." Before this time, and Arabian Peninsula was inhabited largely by Bedouins, nomads who battled amongst each other and lived in tribal organizations. But y the time Muhammad died in 632, most of Arabia has become Muslim to some extant.Muhammad conquered Mecca, where a temple called the Kaaba has long served as a center of the nomadic religions. He declared this temple the most sacred of Islam, and Mecca as the holy city. His writings became the Koran, divine revelations he said has been deliered to him by the angel Gabriel. Muhammads teachings gave the formerly tribal Arabian people a sense of unity that had not existed in the area before. After his death, the converted Muslims of Arabia conquered a vast territory, creating an empire and bringing advances in literature, technology, science, and art as Europe was declining unde4r the scoourge of he black death. Literature in this period includes the Arabian Nights and the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam.Later in its development, Islam split into two factories, the Shiite and the Sunnhi Muslims. Conflict continues today between these groups.

tranform boundary

boundary between two lithospheric plates where the plates are sliding past each other

List the strengths of the Ottoman Empire and describe their political structure

by 1400, the Ottomans had grown in power in Anatolia and had begun attempts to take constantinople. In 1453 they finally conquered the Byzantine capital and renamed it Istanbul. The ottomanh empire's major strength, mush like Rome before it, lay in its abiloity to unite widely disparate poeple through religous tolerance. This tolerance, which stemmed from the idea that Muslims, Christains, and Jews could coexist, enabled the Ottomans to develop a widely varied culture. They also believed in just laws and just government, with government centered in a monarch, known as the sultan.

During the 1950s, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) primarily relied on which of the following strategies to improve the status of Aftrican Americans in the USA? - Challenging racial segregation and discrimination in the courts - promoting the development of African American businesses - Mobilizing street protests thorugh appeals to black nationalism - registering American Americans to vote in state and federal elections

challenging racial segregation and discrimination in the courts

List the major factors that led to the fall of the Western Roman Empire

Germanic tribes, including the Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Vandals, Saxons, and Franks, controlled most of Europe. The Roman Empire faced major opposition on that front. The increasing size of the empire also made it harder to manage, leading to dissasitification throughout the empire as Roman government became less effecient. Germanic tribes refused to adhere to the Nicene Creed, instead following Arianism, which led the Roman Catholic Church to declare them heretics. The Franks proved a powerful military force in their defeat of the Muslims in 732. In 768, Charlemagne became king of the Franks. These tribes wages several wars agains Tome, including the invasion of Britannia by the Angela sna Saxons. Far-Flung Rome lost control over this area of its empire, and eventually rome itself was invaded.

Zimmerman Telegrams

Germany's foreign secretary Arthur Zimmermann sent a telegram to Mexico saying that they'd help Mexico reconquer their land from the US if Mexico would ally with Germany. This made the US very angry and on April 2, 1917, president Woodrow Wilson asked the congress to declare war on Germany. The US entered the war on the "Allies" side.

Central powers ww1

Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire

Axis Forces

Germany, Italy, Japan

Axis nations

Germany, Italy, Japan

23rd amendment

Gives Washington DC electoral college votes as if it were a state (DC still has no representation in Congress)

Geography of China

Gobi to North, Himalaya to West & Southwest, sea to East, mountain ranges to south.

divine right theory

God created the state and that God had given those of royal birth a "divine right" to rule

monetary policy

Government policy that attempts to manage the economy by controlling the money supply and thus interest rates.

Briefly discuss the development and growth of the Chinese Empires

In China, history as divided into a series of Dynasties. The msot famous of these, the Han Dynasty, existed from 206 BCE to 220 CE. Accomplishmnets of the Chinese Empires included: - Building the Great Wall of China - Numerous inventions, including paper, paper money, printing, and gunpoweder. - High level artistic development - Silk production The Chinese synasties were comparable to Rome as far as their artstic and intellectual accomplishments, as well as the size and scop of their influence

Crossing the Delaware

In December 1776 Washington secretly led his troops across the Delaware River to launch a surprise attack on the Hessian troops guarding Trenton and took most of them prisoner.

physical characteristics of the earth

Include such features as rivers, lakes, mountains, wildlife, soil, precipitation, beaches, and the like.

income gap

Income difference between rich and poor

disposable income

Income remaining for a person to spend or save after all taxes have been paid

assume a nation's economy is in recession. The nation has MCP of 0.9 and the government wants to enact fiscal policy to shift the AD curve by $10Billion dollars. What must the government o to its current spending rate?

Increase spending by 1$ billion dolalrs

In which of the following countries did a national campaign of nonviolent resistance play a central role in efforts to achieve independence from European rule during the 20th century? - Algeria - Indonesia - India - Angola


In which of the following countries did a national campaign of nonviolent resistance play a central role in efforts to achieve independence from European rule during the 20th century? - Algeria - Indonesia -India - Angola


War on Terror

Initiated by President George W. Bush after the attacks of September 11, 2001, the broadly defined war on terror aimed to weed out terrorist operatives and their supporters throughout the world.


Iron-rich rocks can preserve the orientation of the Earth's magnetic field at the time of their formation


Is Canada's first commercial Earth observation satellite

ancient china

Isolated by mountains and the Gobi desert to the north, Believed in dynastic cycle and mandate of Heaven. Local lords controlled their religion but owed military service. Experienced a Golden age = advancements in science, math, and technology.


Italian astronomer and mathematician who was the first to use a telescope to study the stars

Where did the rennisance begin?

Italy, florence

Harper's Ferry

John Brown's scheme to invade the South with armed slaves, backed by sponsoring, northern abolitionists; seized the federal arsenal; Brown and remnants were caught by Robert E. Lee and the US Marines; Brown was hanged

tabula rasa

John Locke's concept of the mind as a blank sheet ultimately bombarded by sense impressions that, aided by human reasoning, formulate ideas.

Andrew Johnson's Impeachment

Johnson dismissed his secretary of war which causes the house of representatives to issue articles of impeachment calling for his removal from presidency because he fired a cabinet member without the senates approval. Clinton was accused of lying under oath but since the lies had concerned his private life many people thought the questions have been inappropriate.


Journalists who wrote about corruption in business and politics in order to bring about reform. - Ida Tarbell - Jacob Riis - Linclon Steffens - Upton Sinclair

discuss McCulloch v Maryland and its ramifications

Judicial review was further exercised bgy the Supreme court in McCulloch v. MAryland. when congress chartered a national bank, the second bank of the united states, Maryland voted to tax any bank business dealing with banks chartered outside the state, including the federally chartered bank. Andrew McCulloch, an employee of the second bank of the US in baltimore, refused to pay this tax. the resulting lawsuit fromthe state of maryland went to the supreme court of judgmentJohn Marshall, Chief Justice of the supreme court, stated that congress was within its rights to charter a national bank. in addition, the state of maryland did not have the power to levy a tax on federal bank or on the federal government i ngeneral. in cases whre state and federal government collided, prcedent was set for the federal government to prevail.

Battle of Bull run

July 21, 1861. Va. (outside of D.C.) People watched battle. Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson: Confederate general, held his ground and stood in battle like a "stone wall." Union retreated. Confederate victory. Showed that both sides needed training and war would be long and bloody

when did ww1 start

July 28, 1914

When did the korean war start?

June 25, 1950

What was the frist way the UN worked with

Korean war

Tectonic plates

Large movable plates under the Earth's surface.

Battle of Yorktown

Last major battle of the Revolutionary War. Cornwallis and his troops were trapped in the Chesapeake Bay by the French fleet. He was sandwiched between the French navy and the American army. He surrendered October 19, 1781.

Louis Armstrong

Leading African American jazz musician during the Harlem Renaissance; he was a talented trumpeter whose style influenced many later musicians.

Conservative politics

Limited involvement in the ay to day lives of Americans by the Federal government, Retreat from foreign affairs and return to isolationism, and supports American business interest

Jimmy Carter presidency (1977-1981)

Politically unsuccessful demonstrated by its re-relection loss, this presidency achieved peace between Israel and Egypt, emphasized human rights in American foreign policy, began the successful fight against inflation with the appointment of Paul Volcker as Federal Reserve Chair, and emphasized conservation of energy resources while overseeing a return of stagflation and the Iranian hostage crisis

types of money

commodity: Commodity money is tied to the value of a specific commodity, and the market determines that value. Commodity money works when multiple members of a society assign a value to a certain good. representative: Representative money refers to any form of exchange that stands for a backing store of value. Yet this representing money itself usually has little to no value intrinsically, or by itself. This is a different concept from fiat money which might or might not possess a valuable store underlying it. fiat: Fiat money is the currency declared as the legal tender by the government and has no backing of physical commodities like gold. Rather, the value of fiat money is derived from the demand-supply relationship in the market. For example, the Indian rupee and the U.S. dollar are the fiat currencies of India and America, respectively.

Opponents of free trade fail to see that current trends in international commerce are the result of differences between nationals that are likely to persist well into the future. Such critics also refuse to recognize that poor nations benefit by producing for export markets and opening their own exconomies to foreign goods ad investment, which enables them to focus on what they do bestThe author's assertions in the passage above are based mainly on which of the following economic concepts?- Comparative advantage- economies of scope- law of supply and demand- allocative efficiency

comparative advantage

the supreme court has 9 members. how is this number determined? - it is outlines in the constitution - congress determines the number - the president determines the number - the court decides on the number

congress determines the number

27th amendment

congressional pay raises are not begun until the next election


conservatives and popular with pro-Bank people and plantation owners. They mainly came from the National Republican Party, which was once largely Federalists. They took their name from the British political party that had opposed King George during the American Revolution. Their policies included support of industry, protective tariffs, and Clay's American System. They were generally upper class in origin. Included Clay and Webster

4 economic sectors that make up a country's macro economy

consumers business government foreign sector

third cursade

crusade that was organized to re-capture Jerusalem; Muslims and Crusaders agreed on a truce after man battles

Declaration of Sentiments

declared that all "people are created equal"; used the Declaration of Independence to argue for women's rights

hyperinflation is most likely to be associated with - demand-pull inflation - cost-push inflation

demand-pull inflation

John Marynard Keynes advocate what? - Supply-side economics - Demand-side economics - Laissez Faire economics - the laffer curve

demand-side economics

Federalism's effect on public policy

determine whether the local,s tate, or national government originates policy Affecting how policies are made Ensuring policy-making functions under a set of limitations


developed from volcanic material, particularly ash

Major events of the Obama presidency

first black president - multiple bailout packages and spending efforts, in an attempt to inject more money into a stagnent economy - massice increase in the national debt from 10T to 18T - reinforcement of the war on terror in afganistan and iraq; aditional deployment of troops in libya and syria - capture and execution of osama bin laden - passage of the affordable care act, legislation that greatly increased involvement in the healthcare industry, and required every person living in the US to maintain health insurance - moves to broaden gay rights, including the repeal of cinton's dont ask dont tell policy

Mauryan Dynasty

first ruler was Chandragupta Maurya; unified much of the entire subcontinent; large armies with thousands of chariots and elephant borne troops; developed a substantial bureaucracy with a postal service; autocratic government

Sandra Day O'Connor

first woman supreme court justice. appointed by Reagan

Whch map describes the movement of people, trends, or materials accross a physical area? - political map - cartogram - qualitative map - flow-line map

flow line map

per capita

for each person; in relation to people taken individually.

topical geography

geography that focuses primarily on understanding and identifying regions. (specialized geography)

oppressive governments

governments (often in Eastern Europe and Asia) that limit the freedoms and quality of life of their citizens

The opening of the Suez Canal in 1869 most influenced the expansion of economic ties between:- China and the United States- Egypt and France- Great Britain and India- Italy and Ethiopia

great britain and india

Allied Forces

group of nations in WWI that included Britain, France, Russia, China, and Japan

what are campaign funds given directly to a candidate called?

hard money


hardening of a tissue due to calcium salt deposit

subtropical steppe

has very high summer temperatures.

Archduke Franz Ferdinand

heir to the Austria-Hungarian throne, was assassinated in Sarajevo, started World War I.

South American culture

high power distance, family orientated, catholic influenced

south american culture

high power distance, family orientated, catholic influenced

Which of the following bst describes Frederick Douglass's main contribution to the antislavery movement? - his political lobbying advanced the passage of antislavery legislation - his speeches and newspaper editorials persuaded many people to oppose slavery - he organized the escape of numerous slaves from the south - he played a leading role in the formation of the free-soil and republican parties

his speeches and newspaper editorials persuaded many people to oppose slavery

The Indus Valley

home of a major civilization that emerged in what is now Pakistan during the third millennium BCE in the valleys of the Indus and Saraswati rivers, noted for the uniformity of its elaborately planned cities over a large territory

list major ocurrences of ww2 that led to the surrender of germany after the US entered the Fray

in 1941 Hitler violated the non-aggression pact he had signed with Stalin years earlier by invading the USSR. Stalin then joined the allies. Stalin, Roosevelt and winston churchill planned to defeat Germany first, then japan, bringing the war to an endin 1942-1943, the allies drove axis forces out of africa. in addition, the germans were soundly defeated at stalingradthe italianh campaign involved allied operations in italy between jul y1943 and may 1945, including italy's liberation. on june 6, 1944 known as D-day, the allies invaded france at normandy. soviet troops moved on theeasters front at the same time, driving german forces back. by april 25, 1945, berlin was surrounded by soviet troops on may 7, germany surrendered

define popular sovereignty and how it led to the compromise of 1850

in addition to the pro-slavery and anti-slavery factions, a third group rose who felt that each individual state should decide whether to allow or permit slavery within its borders. the idea that a state could make its own choices was referred to as popular sovereignty. when California applied to join the union in 1849, the balance of congressional power was again threatened. the compromise of 1850 introduced a group of laws meant to bring an end to the conflict - California's admittance as a free state - the outlaw of the slave trade in Washington DC - an increase in efforts to capture escaped slaves - the right of new Mexico and Utah territories to decide individually whether to allow slavery

Excelsior Paper Products and the International writing paper company are two independently owned suppliers of paper goods that have decided to merge their business. Before the merge can be completed, however, it must first be approved by a government regulatory agency to make sure that it will not have an adverse effect on competition in the paper good industry.This scenario would most likely occur in with of the following types of economic systems?- Traditional- mixed- Pure market- command



money added to a bank account

Name three factors that led to increasing discontent in the american colonies

more and more colonists were born on american soil, decreasing any sense of kinship with the far away british rulers. Their new environment had led to new ideas of government and a strong view of the colonies as a separate entity from britain. colonists were allowed to self-govern in domestic issues, but britain controlled international issues. in fact, the american colonies were largely left to form their own local government bodies, giving them more freesom than any other colonial territory. this gave the colonists a sense of independence, which led them to resent control from britain. threats during the french and indian war led the colnists to call for unification in order to protect themselves.

When can government restrict freedom of the press

national security falsehood

types of monopolies

natural, geographic, technological, government


nearest point to the sun in the orbit of a heavenly body

most state governments have a bicameral ligislature. which one of the following state does not? - utah - nebraska - washington - louisiana


The influence of social Darwinish theory on late 19th centrury Us foreign policy can best be seen in the belief that the USA: - should promote free trade with other nations - had an obligation to support democratic movements everywhere - needed to expand if it was to survive - could best protect its interests by avoiding foreign alliances

needed to expand if it was to survive `

assume that aggregate demand (AD) decreases. How will this decrease affect real GDP if there is a lot of unemployment as opposed to full employment? - If there is a lot of unemployment, prices will ride dramatically - If there is a lot of unemployment, GDP will remain the same - If there is full unemployment, GDP will increase - none of the above

none of the above

who found iceland

nordic people

Which of the following is a nonrenewable source of energy?- hydroelectric- nuclear fission- geothermal- biomass

nuclear fission

representative money

objects that have value because the holder can exchange them for something else of value

commodity money

objects that have value in themselves and that are also used as money

technological monopoly

occurs when a firm controls a manufacturing method, invention, or type of technology

cultural homogeneity

occurs when cultures become the same, or uniform, and local diversity is decreased

test markets

offer a product for sale in a small geographic area to help evaluate potential marketing actions

explain the significance of the monroe doctrine

on december 2, 1823, president monroe delivered a message to congress in whcih he introduced the monrow doctrine. in this address, he stated that any attempts. by european powers to establish new colonies in NA continent would be considered interference in American politics. the US would stay out of European matters, and expected Europe to offer America the same courtesy. this approach to foreign policy stated in no uncertain terms that america would not rolerae any new european colonies in the new world, and that events occurring in europe would no tlonger influence the policies and doctrines of the us

how many southern states originally ratified the 14th amendment?


consistent scale maps

one inch = 12 miles is used throughout the entire map just an example it doestn have to be this exact measurement


one of the First Nations groups that live in the Northwest Coast, relied on salmon

project grant

one type of federal grants-in-aid; made for specific projects to States, localities, and private agencies who apply for them

diplomatic solutions

one which gives priority to negotiation over threat and/or use of force

why do climates change?

orbital causes atmospheric causes - volcanos, asteroids continents and oceans changes in greenhouse gas levels

Anti-Defamation League

organization formed in 1913 to defend Jews against physical and verbal attacks and false statements

Political parties

organization that tries to influence gov. policy by promoting its ideas and backing candidates for office

Mary Harris "Mother" Jones

organized coal miners, their wives, and their children to fight for better working conditions

Alien and Sedition Acts (1798)

passed by Federalists, signed by President Adams;; increased waiting period for an immigrant to become a citizen from 5 to 14 years, empowered president to arrest and deport dangerous aliens, & made it illegal to publish defamatory statements about the federal government or its officials.

orographic precipitation

precipitation that develops when warm, moist air cools and condenses as it rises against mountains

George W. Bush Presidency

presidency took place in the most dramatic of times due to the terrorist attacks, and his time in office began and ended in controversy

us department of state

president's principal diplomatic arm for carrying out diplomatic affairs

consumer goods

products and services that satisfy human wants directly

Age discrimination act

prohibits discrimination against applicants and employees 40 years of age or older in hiring, promotion, termination, and other employment practices.

Roger Sherman

proposed the Great Compromise

Which of the following functions is a major responsibility of the Federal Trade Commission?- Protecting consumers from unfair business practices- refulating financial markets- promoting the nation's international commerce- collecting duties on imported goods

protecting consumers from unfair business practices

The Compromise of 1850 contributed to mounting intersectional tension in the United States by: - increasing Southern concerns about the protection of slave property in the territories - provoking Northern resistance to the enforcement of fugitive slave legislation - promoting northern boycotts of goods produced by southern slave labor - reinforcing southern fears that the north controlled the federal government

provoking northern resistance to the enforcement of fugitive slave legislation

Of the factors listed, which one is not among Max Weber's independent factors associated with his theory of social stratification? - social class - personal power - social status - race


One can best understand the conflicts that occurred in the Balkans during the 1990s by examining the:- economic history of the region- region's location relative to major powers- physical geography of the region- region's ethnic and religious history

region's ethnic and religious history

galloping inflation

relatively intense inflation, usually ranging from 100 to 300 percent annually

Creeping inflation

relatively low rate of inflation, usually 1 to 3 percent annually

Which of the following best describes a shared characteristic of the English colornis of Maryland, Rhode Island, and Pennsylvania? - the white populations of all three colonies came from a variety of European countries - religious considerations were a major factor in the founding of all three colonies - the economies of all three colonies were heavily dependent on slave labor - diplomatic considerations were a major factor in the founding of all three colonies

religious considerations were a major factor in the founding of all three colonies

public disclosure

requirement forcing a business to reveal information about its products or its operations to the public

Davis-Bacon Act

requires contractors and subcontractors working on federal government construction projects to pay "prevailing wages" to their employees

freedom of the press

right of newspapers and other public media to publish articles believed to be accurate

Which of the following best describes why people living on the island in the South Pacific Ocean are particularly concerned about an increase of global warming?- climate change could alter ecosystems and destroy the habitats of many rare species of plant and animal life- Rising ocean levels could submerge some island and reduce the land are of other- Change in atmospheric temperature could alter seasonal wind and currents and cause increased hurricane activity- higher ground temperatures could increase regional aridity and diminish water supplies

rising ocean levels could submerge some islands and reduce the land area of others

Where did the earliest civilizations develop?

river valleys

ownership utility

satisfies wants by smoothly transferring ownership of goods and services from seller to buyer

Strategic Arms Limitation Talks

series of meetings in the 70s, in which leaders of the US and the Soviet Union agreed to limit their nations' stocks of nuclear weapons

distribution channel

set of people and organizations responsible for the flow of products and services from the producer to the ultimate user

Great Recession

severe economic downturn that lasted from late 2007 through mid-2009

Lyndon B. Johnson

signed the civil rights act of 1964 into law and the voting rights act of 1965. he had a war on poverty in his agenda. in an attempt to win, he set a few goals, including the great society, the economic opportunity act, and other programs that provided food stamps and welfare to needy famillies. he also created a department of housing and urban development. his most important legislation was probably medicare and medicaid.

Geography of New Zealand

situated in Pacific Ocean, 1200 miles east of Australia; two main islands: North and South; 36-45 degrees south latitude; Southern Alps (mtn chain along western coast of South Island) - keep eastern part of island drier and sunnier; North Island volcanic mtns

The main purpose of the redistricting process is to realign state and congressional legislative district boundaries so that they reflect changes in the:- number of registered voters in the state- size and spatial distribution of the state's population- economic activity in different regions of the state- relative size of major political parties in the state

size and spatial distribution of the state's population

discuss the mexican-american war, including the wilmot proviso

spain had held colonial interests in america since the 1540s, early even than great britain. in 1810, mexico recolted against spain and became a free nation in 1821. Texas followed suit, declaring its independence after 1836 revolution. in 1844, the democrats pressed president tyler to annex texas. unlike his prececessor, andrew ackson, tyler agreed to admit texas into the union and in 1845 texas became a state.during mexico's war for independence, the nation incurred $4.5 million in war debts to the US. POLK offered to forgive the debts in retuen for new mexico and upper california, but mexico efuled. in 1846, war was declared in response to a mexican attack on american troops along the southern border of texas, additional confluct arose inc ongress overthe Wilmot Proviso, hich states that slavera was prohibited in any territory the US acquired from mexico as a result of the mexicanamerican war in 1848.

outline events leading up to the Spanish-American war and the war's outcome

spain has controlled cuba since the 15th century. over the centuries, the spanish had quashed a variety of revolts. in 1886, slavery ended in cuba, and another revolt was the meantime, the us had expressed interest in Cuba, offering Spain $130 million for the island in 1853, during Franklin Pierce's presidency. In 1898, the Cuban revolt was underway. In spite of various factions supporting the cubans, the US president, William McKinley, refused to recognize the rebellion, preferring negotiation over involvement in war. Then the Maine, a US battleship in Havana Harbor, was blown up, killing 266 crew members. the US declared war two months later, and the war ended with a spanish surrender in less than 4 months.

which of the following is not part of the business cycle? - expansion - contraction - recovery - stagflation


Evolutionary theory

state developed naturally out of the early family

Define the term state sovereignty

state sovereignty recognizes the division of geographical areas into areas controller by various governments or groups of people. these groups control not only the territory but also all its natural resources and the inhabitants of the area. the entire planet earth is divided into political or administratively sovereign areas recognized to be controller by a particular government with the exception of the continent of antartica

ninth amendment

states that people's rights are not limited to just those listed in the Constitution.

Middle Paleolithic (Middle Stone Age)

stone tool industries that used prepared core technologies Beginning 300,000 BCE, sophisticated stone toold were developed along with hunting, gathering and ritual practices.

club warehouse stores

store that carries a limited number of brands and items in large quantities and is less expensive than grocery stores

Ivy loses her job because her skills as a seamstress are no longer required due to a new piece of machinery that does the work of a seamstress more quickly and for less money. Which type of unemployment is this? A. Frictional B. Structural C. Cyclical D. Careless


which is considered part of the natural rate of unemployment? - structural unemployment - frictional unemployment - cyclical unemployment

structural unemployment frictional unemployment


study of the distribution of organisms around the world


study of the evolution, development, and functioning of human society

Political Science

study of the organization and operation of governments

regional geography

study of the ways unique combinations of environmental and human factors produce territories with distinctive landscapes and cultural attributes

representative government

system of government in which public policies are made by officials selected by the voters and held accountable in periodic elections

the sociologist who is credited with developing the action theory of society is

talcott parsons

one reason that the articles of confederation created a weak government was because it limited congresses ability to do what? - Tax - Declare war - conduct a census - vote


corporate profits tax

tax on profits earned by corporations

Oregon Territory

territory of Oregon, Washington, and portions of what became British Columbia, Canada; land claimed by both U.S. and Britain and held jointly under the Convention of 1818

Which of the following early 19th century US industries based its success primarily on a combination of female labor, improved technology, and tariff protection? - show manufacturing - meat packing - textile production - paper making

textile production

A geogrpher would most likely define the term "region" as an area: - in which human groups live and interact with one another and the physical environment - that is unified by one or more natural or human characteristics - that has experienced limited cultrual or physical change over an extended period of time - in which no part can be altered without affecting other parts

that is unified by one or more natural or human characteristics

Armenian Genocide

the Turkish government organized the department of the armenians in the Ottoman Empire and over a million were murdered or starved - one of the first genocides of the 20th centuries

economic growth

the ability of the economy to increase the production of goods and services

comparative advantage

the ability to produce a good at a lower opportunity cost than another producer

Which of the following was the most significant cuase of the growing honogeneity of Aftrican American slave culture in the half-century befoe the civil war? - the enactment of laws regulating the treatment of slaves - the decline of the domestic slave trade - the westward expansion of cotton, tobacco, and rice production - the abolition of the transatlantic slave trade

the aboltion of the transatlantic slave trade

Refugee Relief Act

the act defined refugees as people who lack the "essentials of life (1953)

give a brief summary of the formation of the american civil liberty union

the american civil union (ACLU), founded in 1920, grew from the american hunion against militarism. the ACLE helped conscientious objectors avoid going to war during ww1, and also helped those being prosecuted under the espionage act (1917) and the sedition act (1918), many of whom were immigrants. their major goals were to protect immigrants and other citizens who were threatened with prosction for their political beliefs, and o support labor unions, which were also under threat by the government during the red scare.

discuss various efforts made in the US during ww1 to support the war effort

the americna hred cross supported the war effort by kniting clothes for army and navy troops. they also helped supply hospital and refugee clothing and surgical dressings. over 8 million people participated in this effort. to generate wartne funds, the goernment sold liberty bonds. in 4 issues, they sold nearly 23 million$ - more than one fifth of americans purchased them. After the way, a fifth bond drive was held, but sold "voctory liberty bonds"

pressure gradient

the amount of pressure change occurring over a given distance

fertility rate

the average number of children a woman of childbearing years would have in her lifetime, if she had children at the current rate for her country

normal lapse rate

the average rate of temperature decrease with increasing altitude in the lower atmosphere

raw materials

the basic material from which a product is made.


the branch of knowledge concerned with the production, consumption, and transfer of wealth.


the breakdown of clay particles, which results in the leaching of silicon from the soil, leaving oxides of iron and aluminum to predominate throughout the soil profile


the capital of the Byzantine Empire; a city founded by the Roman Emperor Constantine

Conflict between President Andrew Johnson and congressional Republicans during Reconstruction centered on which of the following issues? - the civil and political rights of former slaves in the south - land redistribution in the postwar south - the due process rights of former confederate leaders in the south - economic development in the postwar south

the civil and political rights of former slaves in the south

Of the following, which person or group was not instrmental in advancement of civil rights and desegregation during the 1940s and 1950s? - the president - the supreme court - the congress - the NAACP

the congress

summarize the events of the cuban missile crisis

the cuuban missile crisis occured in 1962 during john f kennedy's presidency. russian premier nikita khrushchev decides to place nuclear missiles in cuba to protect the isldnd from invation by the US. an americanh U-2 plane flying over the issland photographed the missile bases as they were being built. tensions rose, awith the US concerned abut nuclear missiles that had been placed in turkey. eventually, the missiles were removed, and a US naval blockage turned back soviet ships carrying missiles to cuba. during negotiations, the US agreed to remove their missiles from turkey and agreed to sell surplus wheat to the USSR. a telephone hotline between moscow and washington was set up to allow instnt communication between the two heads of state to prevent similar incident in the future

discuss the general structure of government proposed by the delegates

the delegates agreed that the new nation required a strong central government, but the overall power shouold be limited.the various branches of the government shouold have balnced power, so that no one group could control the others. final pwoer belonged with the citizens who voted officials into office based on who would provide the best representation


the delivery rate of solar radiation per unit of horizontal surface

which organization is maintained by congress to oversee the effectiveness of government spending? - the house committee on oversight and government reform - the office of managemenet and government - Government accountability office - the department of the interior

the department of the interior

corporate profit

the difference between the value of sales and the cost of goods sold; the income earned by the stockholders who own the firm

98th Meridian

the dividing line where east of the line is favored with good soil and abundant rain and west of the line to the west coast receives less than 20 inches of rain a year

incoming solar radiation

the driving force for the Earth's weather and climate insolation

Great Depression

the economic crisis beginning with the stock market crash in 1929 and continuing through the 1930s

Great depression

the economic crisis beginning with the stock market crash in 1929 and continuing through the 1930s


the economic policies of Ronald Regan; also called supply-side economics. Regan hoped to promote growth and investment by deregulating business, reducing corporate tax rates, and lowering federal tax rates for upper and middle income Americans

Which of the following developments was a major consequence of the treaties that ended WW1 - The reduction of Japan's colonial possessions in East Asia - the establishment of new nation-states in eastern Europe - the liberation of Southeast Asian nations from European rule - the creation of the Soviet Union in the former Russian empire

the establishment of new nation-states in Eastern Europe

Which of the following developments was a major consequence of the treaties that ended WW1? - the reduction of Japan's colonial possessions in East Asia - The establishment of new national-states in Eastern Europe - The liberation of southeast Asian nations from European rule - the creation of the Soviet Union in the former Russian empire

the establishment of new nation-states in eastern Europe

Which of the following characteristics of the US federal government most distinguishes it from Great Britain's central government?- Te executive and legislative branches of government are separate- Members of the upper house of the legislature may propose bills- the judiciary is an independent branch of government- members of the lower house of the legislature are elected by the people

the executive and legislative branches of government are separate

Department of Agriculture

the federal department that administers programs that provide services to farmers (including research and soil conservation and efforts to stabilize the farming economy)

Nile Valley

the fertile land on the banks of the Nile River conducive to agriculture and irrigation

define the tea act and how it led to the boston party

the majority of the townshed acts were repealed after the Boston mssacre in 1770, but Britain kept the tax on tea. in 1773, the tea act was passed. this allowed the east India company to sell tea for much lower prices, and also allowed them to bypass American distributors, selling directly to shopkeepers instead. colonial tea merchants saw this as a direct assault on their business. in December of 1773, the sons of liberty boarded ships in Boston harbor and dumped 342 chests of tea into the sea in protest of the new las. this act of protest became to be known as the Boston tea part.

Two different maps of Cuba measure 18 by 26. Map A displays the entire island of Cuba. The other only displays the city of Havana. Which of the following most accurately explains the primary difference between these two maps? - Map A is a political map and Map B is a thematic map - The maps were drawn at different scales - Map A is a topographic map and Map B is a resource map - the maps were created with two different projections

the maps were drawn at different scales

expenditures approach

the method that adds all expenditures made for final goods and services to measure the gross domestic product

Name the Middle or Middle Atlantic Colonies, their origins, geography and economic mainstays

the middle or middle atlantic colonies were new york, new jersey, pannsylvania, and delaware. unlike the new england colnies, where most colonists were from england and scottland, the middle colonies founders were from various contries including the netherlands and sweden. various factors led these colonists to america. more fertile than new england, the middle colonies became major producers of crops including rye, oats, potatoes, wheat, and barley. some particularly wealthy inhabitants ownded large farms and/or businesses. farmers in general were able to produce enough to have a surplus to sell. tenant farmer also rented land from larger land oweners.

explain the provisions and importance of the national origins act of 1924.

the national origins act placed limitations on immigration. the number of immigrants allowed into the us was based on the population of each nationalisty of immgrants who ere living in the country in 1890. only two percent of each nationality's 1890 population numbers were allowed to immigrate. this led to great disparities between immirants frm various nations, and asian immigration was not allowed at all. some of the impetus behind the johnson-Reed act (naional origins act) came as a result of paranoia following the russian revolution. fear o communists influences in the US led to a general fear of immigration

Geographic distribution

the natural arrangements of animals and plants in particular regions or districts.

list major events of ww2, after the US endered the fray, which led to the surrender of japan

war continued with japan after germany's surendr. japanese forces had taken a large portion of southeast asia and the western pacific, all the way to the Aleutian Islands in alaska. General Doolitle bombed several japanese cities while american troops scored a voctory at midway. additional fighting in the battle of coral sea further weakened japan's position. as a final blow, the US dropped two atomic bombs on japan, one on hiroshima and the other on nagasaki. this was the first atomic bomb gthat had ever been usedin warare, adn the devastaion was horrific and demoralizing. japan surrendered on september 2, 1945, which became V-J Day in the us.

Fyodor Dostoevsky

was a Russian writer of novels, short stories and essays. His literary works explore human psychology in the troubled political, social and spiritual context of 19th-century Russia. He is often acknowledged by critics as one of the greatest and most prominent psychologists in world literature. He wrote Crime and Punishment

Tokugawa Shogunate

was a semi-feudal government of Japan in which one of the shoguns unified the country under his family's rule. They moved the capital to Edo, which now is called Tokyo. This family ruled from Edo 1868, when it was abolished during the Meiji Restoration.

universal solvant


distribution of income

way in which the nation's income is divided among families, individuals, or other designated groups

weather and climate

weather is "now" and climate is the average weather over a period of time

humid subtropical climate

weather pattern characterized by hot, humid, rainy summers and short, mild winters

climate patterns

weather patterns that an area typically experiences over a long period of time


were a Native American people that inhabited the Pacific coastland and offshore islands of southern Alaska and western Canada.


wetlands without trees

A political science researcher would most likely consult an almanac to answer which of the following questions?- What are the primary objectives of major political parties in various countries?- what are the rights and responsibilities of citizenship in various societies- what are the motives behind the foreign policy decisions that various governments make?- what are the most widely practiced forms of government in various word regions?

what are the msot widely practiced forms of government in various world regions

When can government restrict freedom of religion

when religion espouses illegal activity

In the 15 years before the outbreak of the American Revolution, the growing conflict between the British government and British colonists in North America centered primarily on:what share of colonial revenues belonged to Great Britain.who would make decisions regarding the colonists' property and political rights.who was responsible for defending the colonies from military the settlement of territory west of the Appalachian Mountains would be controlled.

who would make decisions regarding the colonists' property and political rights.

Dolley Madison

wife of president Madison, who rescued documents and George Washington's portrait before it could be burned in White House by British

How are ocean currents formed?

wind, density of the water masses cause by temperature and salinity

Isaac Newton

Defined the laws of motion and gravity. Tried to explain motion of the universe.

First continental congress

Delagates from all colonies except georgia met to discuss problems with britain and to promote independence

American Banking System

Depository: Commercial Banks, Savings and Loan Associations/Thrifts, Credit Unions Non Depository: Life Insurance Companies, pension funds, Brokerage firms, Finance Companies


Describes magma or igneous rock that is rich in feldspars and silica and that is generally light in color.

Vladamir Lenin

led the Bolshevik (Communist) Revolution in Russia in 1917. He would lead the Communists to victory in the Civil War and would rule until his death in 1924.

Thomas Edison invented

light bulb, motion pictures, phonograph

Which part of a chart is best at representing the cycle of demographic transition?

line graph


living things


located on eastern Mediterranean coast; invented the alphabet which used sounds rather than symbols like cuneiform used the stars to navigate their ships at night created purple dye worked with glass and metal

Ruby ridge

location of a 1992 standoff between alleged survivalists and U.S. federal law enforcement officers in Idaho during which a U.S. Marshal and survivalist Randy Weaver's wife and son were killed

stratus clouds

look like flat blankets and are usually the lowest clouds in the sky

three divisions of climate

low latitude middle latitude high latitude

name the major players in the federalist and anti-federalist camps and how the constitution was changed to accommodate both sides

major federalist leaders included alexander hamilton, john jay, and james madison. they wrote a series of letters, called the federalist papers, aimed at convincing the states to ratify the constitution. these were published in new york papers. anti-federalists included thomas jefferson and patrick henry. they argued againstthe constitution as it was originally drafted in a series of anti-federalist papersthe final compromise produced a strong central government controlled by checks and balances. a bill of rights was also addes, becoming th first 10 amendments to the constitution. these amendments protected rights such as freedom of speech,freedom of religion, and other basic rights. aside from various amendments added throuhgout the years, the united stated constitution has remained unchanged.

what does the secretary of defense do

manages a budget larger than the entire budget of most nations and is the presidents main civilian advisor on the national defense matters.

Pullman Palace Car Company

manufactured sleeping cars for railraods, constructed a "model town" for its employees

knowledge of the law of diminishing returns would be most useful to a:- factory manager who is attemptin to improve workplace safety- retailer who is attempting to increase sales- manufacturer who is attempting to maximize worker productivity- banker who is attempting to ensure the safety of loans

manufacturer who is attempting to maximize worker productivity



Tools Used in Geographical Study

mapping, field studies, statistics, interviews, mathematics, and various scientific instruments

2 types of consumer behavior in macroeconomics

marginal propensity - utility

middle latitude climate regions

marine, steppe, desert

3 steps to evaluate a product's market

market research, market surveys, test marketing

product, price, place, promotion

marketing mix


material formed from decaying leaves and other organic matter

technological unemployment

unemployment caused by technological developments or automation that make some workers' skills obsolete

seasonal unemployment

unemployment that occurs as a result of harvest schedules or vacations, or when industries slow or shut down for a season


the study of how households and firms make decisions and how they interact in markets

geography (physical)

the study of natural features on the surface of Earth

geography (human)

the study of people as they spread over the Earth

Physical Geography

the study of physical features of the earth's surface

physical geography

the study of physical features of the earth's surface


the study of the earth's physical and cultural features


the study of the economy as a whole, including topics such as inflation, unemployment, and economic growth

Human Environment Interaction

the study of the interrelationship between people and their physical environment


the study of water and its effects on and in the earth and in the atmosphere

tectonic cycle

the sum of the processes that build up and break down the lithosphere

dew point

the temperature at which the water vapor in the air becomes saturated and condensation begins

define the guilded age

the time period from the end of the civil war to the beginning of the first world war is known as the guilded age, or the second industrial revolution. the us was changing from an agricultural based economy to an industrial economy, with rapid growth accompanying the shift. in addition, the country itself as expanding, spreading into the seemingly unlimited west this time period saw the beginning of banks, department stores, chain stores, and trusts - all familiar features of the modern-day landscape. cities also grew rapidly, and large number of immigrants arrived in the country, swelling the urban ranks

aggregate supply

the total amount of goods and services in the economy available at all possible price levels


the total mass of organisms in a given area or volume.

economic output

the total value of all goods and services produced in an economy

Gross domestic product

the total value of goods produced and services provided in a country during one year.

the unreliability of income from farming In South America, population patters show growing numbers of people leaing rural areas for urban centers. Making a living has become increasingly difficult for farmers, many of whom see little hope of improvement in their economic situation. Looking to the cities, people anticipate that they will be able to earn a predictable income. They also expect educational opportunities for their children, access to medical care, and the possibility of upward mobilityIn the migration pattern described in the passage above, which of the following is a push factor?- the chance to improve social position- the unreliability of income from farming- the greater access to healthcare- the superior educational facilities avaliable in urban areas

the unreliability of income from farming

structural unemployment

unemployment that results because the number of jobs available in some labor markets is insufficient to provide a job for everyone who wants one

cyclical unemployment

unemployment that rises during economic downturns and falls when the economy improves

religious persecution

unfair or abusive treatment toward a person or group of people based on religious beliefs

block grants

Federal grants given more or less automatically to states or communities to support broad programs in areas such as community development and social services

Power divided between local and central branches of government is a definition of what? - Federalism - Bicameralism - Checks and Balances - Legislative oversight


Battle of Plataea

In 479 B.C. The Spartans and the Athenians unite and the Persians flee. This is the last battle.

Jazz Age

Name for the 1920s, because of the popularity of jazz-a new type of American music that combined African rhythms, blues, and ragtime

purpose of government

National security provide public services ensure social order make decisions about the economy

Executive branch responsibilities

veto bills calls special sessions of Congress nominates Supreme Court Justices appoints federal judges Commander in chief carries out the laws

theory of realism

Nations are by nature aggressive, and work in their own self-interest. relations are between nations are determined by military and economic strength. The nation is seen as the highest authority.

developing nations

Nations that are economically and technologically less developed than industrialized nations.


Native American who helped the English colonists in Massachusetts develop agricultural techniques and served as an interpreter between the colonists and the Wampanoag.

Navajo Code Talkers

Native Americans from the Navajo tribe used their own language to make a code for the U.S. military that the Japanese could not desipher

The yellow river valley began to emerge as a cultural center during the: - shang dynasty - neolithic era - xia dynasty - Paleolithic era

Neolithic era

Middle Atlantic Colonies

New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware

which of the following countries are separated by a geometric border - turkish cyprus and Greek Cyprus - North Korea and South Korea - France adn Spain - England and Ireland

North Korea and South Korea

Map directions

North, South, East, West

Patrick Henry (1736-1799)

One of the main opponents of the Constitution, he worked against its ratification in Virginia.

human geography

One of the two major divisions of Geography; the spatial analysis of human population, its cultures, activities, and landscapes.

Napoleon Bonaparte

Overthrew the French revolutionary government (The Directory) in 1799 and became emperor of France in 1804. Failed to defeat Great Britain and abdicated in 1814. Returned to power briefly in 1815 but was defeated and died in exile.

delegates awarded to Puerto Rico, Guam and American Samoa in hte Democratic National Convention are

PLEO delegates

Manuel Noriega

Panama leader who was overthrown in a 1989 US invasion; Tried and imprisoned for drug trafficking

Explain how political cartoons can be used in social science studies

Political cartoons are drawins that memorably convey an opinion. These opinions may be supportive or critical, and may simmarize a series of events or pose a fictional situation that summarizes n attitude. Political cartoons are therefore secondary sources of information that provide social and cultural context about events. Political cartoons may have captions that help describe the action or put in into context. They may also have dialogue, labels, or other recognizale cultural symbols. For example, Uncle Sam frequently appears in political cartoons to represent the USA government. Political cartoons frequently employ caricature to call attention to a situation or a person. The nature of the carcature helps show the cartoonist's attitude toward the issue being portrayed. Every element in the cartoon is included to support the artist's point, adn should be considered in the cartoon's interpretation. When interpreting political cartoons, students should examine what issue is being discussed, what elements the artist chose to support his or her point, and what the message is. Considering who might agree or disagree witht he cartoon is also helpful in determining the messge of the catoon.

Which of the following best describes a major aim of Japan's Meiji Restoration - to reduce social inequities in Japan - To expand the power of landed aristocrats - to modernize the Japanese ecomony - To purge Japanese society of forign influences

to modernize the japanese economy

Theodore Roosevelt

1858-1919. 26th President. Increased size of Navy, "Great White Fleet". Added Roosevelt Corollary to Monroe Doctrine. "Big Stick" policy. Received Nobel Peace Prize for mediation of end of Russo-Japanese war. Later arbitrated split of Morocco between Germany and France.

Second Phase of the Industrial Revolution

1860s - 1914 steel, chemicals, gasoline engine

American Civil War

1861-1865: War between North (union states) and South (confederate states) over slavery and succeeding.

Freedmen's Bureau

1865 - Agency set up to aid former slaves in adjusting themselves to freedom. It furnished food and clothing to needy blacks and helped them get jobs

Which of the following accurately lists four significant historical developments during the period 1350 to 1871 in the order in which they occurred? 1. the abolition of feudalism in Japan 2. the first use of steam engines in English textile mills 3. the rise of the Ottoman Empire4. the Glorious Revolution in England 1. the Glorious Revolution in England 2. the rise of the Ottoman Empire3. the abolition of feudalism in Japan 4. the first use of steam engines in English textile mills 1. the rise of the Ottoman Empire 2. the Glorious Revolution in England 3. the first use of steam engines in English textile mills 4. the abolition of feudalism in Japan 1. the first use of steam engines in English textile mills 2. the abolition of feudalism in Japan 3. the Glorious Revolution in England 4. the rise of the Ottoman Empire

1. the rise of the Ottoman Empire2. the Glorious Revolution in England3. the first use of steam engines in English textile mills4. the abolition of feudalism in Japan

Civilizations are defined as having the following characteristcs

1. use of metal to make weapons and tools 2. written language 3. a defined territorial state 4. a calendar

Reformation period

1517 - 1648 Protestant Reformation and Catholic Counter-Reformation

Abraham Lincoln

16th President of the United States saved the Union during the Civil War and emancipated the slaves; was assassinated by Booth (1809-1865)

First Phase of the Industrial Revolution

1730s - 1860s textiles, iron production, steam power

the quartering act

1765 - Required the colonials to provide food, lodging, and supplies for the British troops in the colonies.

the stamp act

1765; law that taxed printed goods, including: playing cards, documents, newspapers, etc.

the townshed acts

1767 - series of taxes on paint, glass, lead, paper and tea that the colonists boycotted

Tea act

1773 act which eliminated import tariffs on tea entering England and allowed the British East India Company to sell directly to consumers rather than through merchants. Led to the Boston Tea Party.

Declaration of independence

1776 statement, issued by the Second Continental Congress, explaining why the colonies wanted independence from Britain.

American Constitution

1787, establish justice, defense, Peace, welfare, basic human rights.

Great compromise

1787; This compromise was between the large and small states of the colonies. The Great Compromise resolved that there would be representation by population in the House of Representatives, and equal representation would exist in the Senate. Each state, regardless of size, would have 2 senators. All tax bills and revenues would originate in the House. This compromise combined the needs of both large and small states and formed a fair and sensible resolution to their problems.

Naturalization Act

1798, (JA) Act that increased the time to become a US citizen from 5 to 14 years

Andrew Johnson

17th President of the United States, A Southerner form Tennessee, as V.P. when Lincoln was killed, he became president. He opposed radical Republicans who passed Reconstruction Acts over his veto. The first U.S. president to be impeached, he survived the Senate removal by only one vote. He was a very weak president.

John Locke

17th century English philosopher who opposed the Divine Right of Kings and who asserted that people have a natural right to life, liberty, and property.

Indo-Greek Kingdoms

180 - 10 BCE

Hittite Civilization

1800 BCE Now modern day turkey

Lewis and Clark Expedition

1804-1806 - Meriwether Lewis and William Clark were commissioned by Jefferson to map and explore the Louisiana Purchase region. Beginning at St. Louis, Missouri, the expedition travelled up the Missouri River to the Great Divide, and then down the Columbia River to the Pacific Ocean. It produced extensive maps of the area and recorded many scientific discoveries, greatly facilitating later settlement of the region and travel to the Pacific coast.

William Lloyd Garrison

1805-1879. Prominent American abolitionist, journalist and social reformer. Editor of radical abolitionist newspaper "The Liberator", and one of the founders of the American Anti-Slavery Society.

McCulloch v. Maryland

1819, Cheif justice john marshall limits of the US constition and of the authority of the federal and state govts. one side was opposed to establishment of a national bank and challenged the authority of federal govt to establish one. supreme court ruled that power of federal govt was supreme that of the states and the states couldnt interfere

Monroe Doctrine

1823 - Declared that Europe should not interfere in the affairs of the Western Hemisphere and that any attempt at interference by a European power would be seen as a threat to the U.S. It also declared that a New World colony which has gained independence may not be recolonized by Europe. (It was written at a time when many South American nations were gaining independence). Only England, in particular George Canning, supported the Monroe Doctrine. Mostly just a show of nationalism, the doctrine had no major impact until later in the 1800s.

List five contributions of ancient Greece that still exists today.

Ancient Greece made numerous major contributions to cultural development, including: - Theatre - Aristophanes and other Greek playwrights laid the groundwork for modern theatrical performance. - Alphabet - the Greek alphabet, derived from the Phoenician alphabet, developed into the Roman alphabet, and then into our modern-day alphabet. - Geometry - Pythagoras and Euclid pioneered much of the system of geometry still taught today. Archimedes made various mathematical discoveries, including calculating a very accurate value of Pi. - Philosophy - Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle served as the fathers of Western philosophy. Their work is still required reading for philosophy students. - Historical writing - much of ancient history doubles as mythology or religious texts. Herodtus and Thucyduses made use of research and interpretation to record historical events

Ancient india

Ancient civilization that developed south of the Himalayan Mountain Range along the Indus and Ganges rivers; circa 2500 BCE - Hinduism - Buddhism

Define anthropology

Anthropology is the study of human culture. Anthropologists study groups of humans, how they relate to each other, and the simiarities and differences between these different groups and cultures. Anthropological research takes two approaches: cross-cultural research and comparatice research. most anthropologists wirk by living among different cultures and participating in those cultures in order to learn and participating in those cultures in order to learn about them. There are four divisions in anthropology: - Biological anthropology - Cultural anthropology - Linguistic anthropology - Archaeeology

Discuss the science of archeology and how it tells us about human development and evolution.

Archeology studies past human cultures by evaluating what they leave behind. This can include bones, buildings, art, toold, pottery, graves, and even trash. Archeologists maintain detailed notes and records of their findings and use special tools to evaluate what they find. Photographs, notes, maps, artifacts, and surveys of the area can all contribute to evaluation onf an archeological site. By studying all these elements of numerous archeological sites, scientists have been able to theorize that humans or near humans have existed for about 600,000 thousand years. Before that more, primitive humsns are believed to have appeared about one million years ago. These humans eventually developed into Cro-Magnon man and then Homo sapiens, or modern man.

Some countries in the Americas still have a large population of indigenous or partly indigenous peoples. Of the following, which pair of countries does not have comparatively as large of an indigenous population as other countries? - Guatemala and Peru - Ecuador and Bolivia - Paraguay and Mexico - Argentina and Uruguay

Argentina and Uruguay

Describe how to analyze artifacts in a social science context.

Artifacts or everyday obects used by previous cultures, are useful for understanding life in those cultures. STudents should first discover, or be provided with, a description of the item. This description should tell during what period the artiact was used and what culture used it. From that description adn from examination of the artifact, students should be able to discuss what the artifact is, what it is made of, its potential used, and the people who likely used it. They should ten be able to draw conclusions from all these pieces of eveidenace about life in that culture. For example, analuysis of coins from an early American archeological site might show that settlers brought coins with them, or that some classes of residents were wealthy, or that trade occurred with many different nations. The interpretation will bary depending on the curcumstances surrounding the artifact. Students should condier these circumstances when drawing conclusions.

Sigmund Freud

Austrian physician whose work focused on the unconscious causes of behavior and personality formation; founded psychoanalysis.

Why was U.S. industrialization confined to the Northeast until after the Civil War? A. Because the Civil War delayed the development of water-powered manufacturing B. Because the Northeast had faster-running rivers than the rivers found in the South C. Because Slater's first cotton mill with horse-drawn production lost so much money D. Because the technical innovations for milling textiles had not as yet been invented

B. Because the Northeast had faster-running rivers than the rivers found in the South

Of the programs enacted by President Lyndon B. Johnson's administration, which was most closely related to John F. Kennedy's legacy? A. The Economic Opportunity Act B. The Civil Rights Act C. The Great Society program D. All of these were equally related to JFK's legacy

B. The Civil Rights Act

Federalism and political balance of power

Because federalism makes victories in state and local elections possible each political party has a chance to win some elections somewhere in the system.lessening the risk of one political party gaining a monopoly on political powers ensures individuals can participate in the politial system at carious levels Makes it possible for individuals working within the system to be able to affect policy at some level, whether local or widespread.

Explain how to determine the adequacy, relevance, and consistency of information.

Before information is sought, a list of guiding questions should be developed to help determine whether information found is adequate, relevant, and consistent. These questions should be based on the research goals, which should be laid out in an outline of concept map. For example, writing a report on na Navajo social structure might begin with questions concerning the general lifestyle and location of Navajos, and follow with questions about hoe Navajo society was organized. While researching questions, he will come up with pieces of information. This information can be compared to his research questions to determine whether it is relevant to his report. Information from several sources should be compared to determine if information is consistent. Information that is adequate helps answer specific questions that are part of the research goals. Inadequate information for this particular student might be a statement such as "Navajos had a strong social structure," because the student is probably seeking more specific information.

Alexander the great

Between 334 and 323 B.C.E. he conquered the Persian Empire, reached the Indus Valley, founded many Greek-style cities, and spread Greek culture across the Middle East.

The senate and the house of representatives are an example of - Bicameralism - Check and balances - Legislative oversight - Federalism


The first 10 amendments to the Constitution

Bill of Rights

Duke Ellington

Born in Chicago middle class. moved to Harlem in 1923 and began playing at the cotton club. Composer, pianist and band leader. Most influential figures in jazz.

Summarize the importance of Alexander the Great

Born to Philip || of Macedon and tutoried by Aristotle, Alexander the Great is considered one of the greatest conuerors in history. He conquered Egypt, the Achaemenid/Persion empire, a powerful empire founded by Cyrus the Great that spanned three continents, and he traveled as far as India and the Iberian Peninsula. Though Alexander died from malaria at age 32, his conquering efforts spread Greek culture into the east. This cultural diffusion left a greater mark on history than did his empre, which fell apart due to internal conflict not long after his death. Trade between the East and West increades, as did an exchange of ideas and beliefs that influeced both regions greatly. The Hellenistic traditions his conquest spread were prevalent in Byzantine culture until as late as the 15th century.

General Cornwallis

British general who fought the Patriots in the south; surrounded at Yorktown and surrendered to George Washington

Clement Attlee

British statesman and leader of the Labour party who instituted the welfare state in England (1883-1967)

department of defense

Cabinet-level agency in charge of the armed forces and military policy. HQ = The Pentagon


Capital of the Ottoman Empire; named this after 1453 and the sack of Constantinople.

Explain cartographic distortion, and descrive how it influced map projections.

Cartagraphic distortion caused by projecting a three dimensional structure, in thei care the surface of the warth, onto the two-dimensional surface of a map. Numerous mao projections have developed to minimize distortion, but the only way to eliminate distortion completely is to render the earth in three dimensions. Most map projections have minimal distortion in some location, usually the canter, and the distortion becomes greater close to the edges of the map. Some map projections try to compromise and distribute the distortion more evenly across the map. Different categories of maps presere, or do not distort, different features. Maps that preserve directions accurately are azimuthal, and maps that preserve shapes properly are conformal. Area preserving maps are called equal-area maps, and maps that preserve distance are called distance-presering. Maps that preserve the shoertest routes are gnominic projections.

Discuss how to recognize cause-and-effect relationships, and descirbe how to compare similarities and differences.

Cause and effect relationships are simply linkages between an event that happened (the effect) because of some other event (the cause). Effects are always chronologically ordered after causes. Effects can be found by asking why something happened, or looking for information following words like so, consequently, since, because, therefore, this let to, as a result, and this. Causes can be found by asking what happened. Comparing similarities and differences involves mentally setting two concepts next to each other and then listing the ways they are the same and the ways they are different. The level of comparison varies by student level, for example, younger students may compare the physical characteristics of two animals while older students compare the themes of a book. Similarity. Different comparisons can be done in several graphic ways. Venn diagrams are commonly used to organize information, showing non-overlapping clouds filled with information about the different characteristics of A and B, and the overlapping area shows ays in which A and B are the same. Idea maps using arrows and bobbles can also be developed to show these differences.

Second Crusade (1147-1149)

Cause: Church urged people to renew battle. Muslims began recapturing crusader states around Jerusalem. Christians eventually lost Jerusalem Failure.

coriolos effect

Causes moving air and water to turn left in the southern hemisphere and turn right in the northern hemisphere due to Earth's rotation.

Henry Cabot Lodge

Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, he was a leader in the fight against participation in the League of Nations

Milankovitch cycles

Changes in the shape earth's orbit and tilt that cause glacial periods and interglacial periods.

regional characteristics

Characteristics of a place such as a landform and climate, types of plants and animals, and kinds of people who live there and how they use the land

Discuss how to interpret charts and tables used in social science

Charts used in social science are a visual representation of data. They combine graphic and textual elements to convey information in a concise format. Often, charts divide the space up in blocks, which are filled with text and/or pictures to convey a point. Charts are often organized in tabular form, where blocks below a heading all have information in common. Charts also fivide information into conceptual, non-numeric groups (for example, favorite color), whicha re then plotted against a numericalaxis (number of students). Charts shouold be labled in such a way that a reader can loate a point on the chart and then consult the surounding axes or table headings to understand how it compares to the other points. Tables are a type of chart that divides textual information into rows and columns. Each row and column represent a characteristic of the information. For example, a table might be used to convey demographic information. The first column would prvide "year", and the second one would provide "population". Reading across the rows, one could see that in the year 1966, the population of Middletown was 53,847. Tracking the columns would show how frequently the population was ocunted.

by the early 20th century, members of this country has created communities in SF and other major cities


Church of England

Church created in England as a result of a political dispute between Henry VIII and the Pope, Pope would not let Henry divorce his wife

responsibilities of citizens

Citizens should: vote, attend civic meetings, be informed, respect others, volunteer in their community. respect others rights and beliefs


City in Japan, the first to be destroyed by an atomic bomb, on August 6, 1945. The bombing hastened the end of World War II.


City in western Arabia; birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad, and ritual center of the Islamic religion.

Mongomery Bus Boycott

Civil rights protest led by Martin Luther King, Jr. in which African Americans in Mongomery, Alabama boycotted public transportation in reponse to the arrest of Rosa Parks. African Americans refused to use public buses until they were finally integrated.

Define the requirements for civilization and state where the earliest civilizations developed.

Civilizations are defines as having the following characteristics: - Use od metal to make weapons and tools - Written language - A defined territorial state - A calendar The earliest civilizations developed in river valleys where reliable, fertile land was easily found, including - The Nile River Valley in Egypt - Mesopoamia - The Indus Valley - Hwang Ho in China The very earliest civilizations developed in te Tigris-Euphrates valley in Mesopotamia, which is now part of Iraq, and in Egypt's Nile Valley. These civilizations arose between 5,000 and 3,000 BCE. The area where these civilizations grew is knows as the Fertile Crescent. Geography and the avaliability of water made large-scale human habitation possible

Battle of the Bulge

December, 1944-January, 1945 - After recapturing France, the Allied advance became stalled along the German border. In the winter of 1944, Germany staged a massive counterattack in Belgium and Luxembourg which pushed a 30 mile "bulge" into the Allied lines. The Allies stopped the German advance and threw them back across the Rhine with heavy losses.

July 4, 1776

Declaration of Independence was signed

Dont ask dont tell

Clinton managed to gain support for a compromise measure under which homosexual servicemen and servicewomen could remain in the military if they did not openly declare their sexual orientation

Powers of Congress

Collect taxes, borrow money, regulate commerce with other nations, coin money, declare war, control armed forces, make necessary laws.

No taxation without representation

Colonists did not want to be taxed if they did not have a representative in Britain's Parliament.

Transcontinental railroad

Completed in 1869 at Promontory, Utah, it linked the eastern railroad system with California's railroad system, revolutionizing transportation in the west

Robert E. Lee

Confederate general who had opposed secession but did not believe the Union should be held together by force

North African culture

Conquered by Muslims in AD 650 Timbuktu was a major trading center. Sub-Saharan trade

Which of the following sentences best describes a major difference between market economies and commany economies?- Governments in market economies are more likely to adopt measures to protect domestic producers from foreign competition- Firms in market economies are more likely to take advantage of economies of scale- Consumers in market economies are more likely to make decisions about purchases on the basis of price, quality, or personal preference- Market economies are likely to have larger manufacturing sectors and smaller service sectors

Consumers in market economies are more likely to make decisions about purchases on the basis of price, quality, or personal preferences

The Birth of a Nation

Controversial but highly influential and innovative silent film directed by D.W. Griffith. It demonstrated the power of film propaganda and revived the KKK.

Second continental congress

Convened in May 1775, the Congress opposed the drastic move toward complete independence from Britain. In an effort to reach a reconciliation, the Congress offered peace under the conditions that there be a cease-fire in Boston, that the Coercive Acts be repealed, and that negotiations begin immediately. King George III rejected the petition.

What does the National Security Council do?

Coordinates foreign policy, defense policy, and reconcile diplomatic and military commitments and requirements

equatorial trough

Core of low pressure zone associated with the Intertropical Convergence Zone.

Carnegie Steel Company

Corporation under the leadership of Andrew Carnegie that came to dominate the American steel industry.

fixed costs

Costs that do not vary with the quantity of output produced

Papa New Guinea

Country know for cultural diversity because of traditional tribal villages. It is also home to rain forests, coral reefs, and volcanoes.

Sinking of the Lusitania

Cruise ship that was sunk by German submarines and helped bring the US closer to involvement in WWI

Thai food has become increasingly popular in the USa, though it is prepared in slightly different ways here. This is an example of

Cultural convergence

14th amendment

Declares that all persons born in the U.S. are citizens and are guaranteed equal protection of the laws

Descrive the appropriate situations for using electronic resources and periodicals for reference.

Electronic resources are often the quickest, most convenient way to get background information on a topic. One of the particular strngths of electronic resources is that they can also provide primary-cource multimedia video, audio, or other visual information on a topic that would not be accessible in print. Information abaliable on the internet is not often carefully screened for accuracy or for bias, so choosing the source of electronic information is often very important. Electronic elcyclopedias can provide excellnt overview information, but publicly edited resources like Wikipedia are open to error, rapid change, incompleteness, or bias. Students should be made aware of the different types and reliabilities of electronic resources, and they should be taught how to distinguish between them. Electronic resources can often be too detailed and overwhlm students with irrelevent information. Periodicals provide current information on social science events, but they too must be screened for bias. Some amount of identifiable bias can actually be an important source of information, because it indicated prevailing cutlrure adn standards. Periodicals generally habe tighter editorial standards thatn electronic resouces, so completeness and overt errors are not usually as problematic. Periodicals can also provide primary-sources information with interviews and photographs.

discuss iconoclasm and how it led to conflict between the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches

Emperor Leo ||| ordered the destruction of all icons throughout the Byzantine Empire. Images of Jesus were replaced with crosses, and images of Jesus, Mary or other religious figures were considered blasphemy on grounds of idoltary. Pope Gregory || called a synod to discuss the issue. The synos declared that the images were not heretical, and that strong disciplinary measures would result for anyone who destroyed them. Leos response was an attempt to kill Pope Gregory, bt this plan ended in failure.


Emperor of Rome who adopted the Christian faith and stopped the persecution of Christians (280-337)

Explain how an encyclopedia, bibliography, or an almanac would be used for social science research.

Encyclopedias are ideal for getting background information on a topic. They provide an overview of the topic, and link it to other concepts that can provide additional keywords, information, or subjects. They can helps tudents narrow their topic by showig the sub-topics within the overal topic, and be relating it to other topics. Encyclopedias are often more useful than the internet because they prvide a clearly organized, concise overview of matierial. Bibliographies are bound collections of references to periodicals and books, organized by topic. Students can begin researching more effeciently after they identify a topic, look it up in a bibliogrphy, and look up the references listed there. This provides a branching network of information a student can follow. A pitfall of bibliographies is that when in textbooks or other journal articles, the references in them are chosen to support the author's point of view, and so may be limited in scope. Almanacs are volumes of facts published annually. They provide numerical information on just about every topic, and are organized by subject or grographical region. They are often helpful for supporting arguments made using other resources, adn do not provide any interprestation of their own.

End of the Vietnam War

Ended in 1975 when North Vietnam gained control over all of Vietnam.

Fair Employment Practices Commission

FDR issued this committee in 1941 to enforce the policy of prohibiting employment-related discrimination practices by federal agencies, unions, and companies involved in war-related work It guaranteed the employment of 2 million black workers in the war factories.

Displaced Persons Act of 1948

Facilitated the admission of more than 400,000 persons from Europe.


Facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis

agricultural recession early 1920s

Farmers income dropped due to people not buying crops

formula grant

Federal categorical grants distributed according to a formula specified in legislation or in administrative regulations.

Discuss how to interpret graphs and diagrams in social science

Graphs are similar to charts, except that they graphically show numeric information on both axes. For examples, a graph might show population through the years, with years on the X-axis and population on the Y-axis. One advantage of graphs is that population during the time in between censuses can be estimated by locating that point on the graph. Each axis should be labeled to allow the information to be intepreted correctly, adn the graph should have an information title. Diagrams are usually drawings that show the progression of events. The drawing can be fairly scematic, as in a flow chart, or they can be quite detailed, as in a depiction scene from a battle. Diagrams usually have arrows connecting the events or boxes shown. Each event or box should be labeled to show what it represents. Diagrams are intepreted by following the progression along the arrows through all evnets.


Greatest good for greatest amount of people, cost and benefit analysis


Greco-Bactrian king who took advantage of a lapse in leadership to concur southern Afghanistan and Pakistan around 180 BCE forming the indo-greek kingdom

Hellenistic Culture

Greek culture blended with Egyptian, Persian and Indian ideas, as a result of Alexander the Great's Empire.

battle of marathon

Greek victory over the Persian army that ended the First Persian War

chinese empires

Han=Most famous dynasty (220 BCE-206 CE), built great wall, silk production, artistic development, paper, paper money, gun powder, printing

Which of the following best describes a major contribution of Niccolo Machiavelli to the development of political thought?- He developed an ethical political philosophy based on the application of basic moral standards- He developed a utopian political philosophy that emphasized the achievement of the greatest good- he developed a realist political philosophy based on the use of critical objectivity- He developed a libertarian political philosophy that emphasized the freedom of the individual

He developed a realist political philosophy based on the use of critical objectivity


He is very much like Ghengis Khan; a military leader who conquered the lands of Persia; his empire was decentralized with tribal leaders.

Christopher Columbus

He mistakenly discovered the Americas in 1492 while searching for a faster route to India.


Human effort directed toward producing goods and services

humid continental climate

Humid climate type that possesses warm-to-cool summers and bitterly cold winters.

free press

If a country has a free press, its newspapers, magazines and television and radio stations are able to express any opinions they want, even if these criticize the government and other organisation

Bill Clinton's impeachment

Impeached for perjury, suborning perjury, and obstruction of justice stemming from his affair with intern Monica Lewinsky; he was acquitted of all charges.

Battle of Little Bighorn

In 1876, Indian leaders Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse defeated Custer's troops who tried to force them back on to the reservation, Custer and all his men died

Immigration act of 1882

In 1882, this act placed restrictions on the immigration of undesirable persons, such as paupers, criminals, convicts, and mentally incompetent. (p. 362)

Spanish-American War

In 1898, a conflict between the United States and Spain, in which the U.S. supported the Cubans' fight for independence

Spanish Civil War

In 1936 a rebellion erupted in Spain after a coalition of Republicans, Socialists, and Communists was elected. General Francisco Franco led the rebellion. The revolt quickly became a civil war. The Soviet Union provided arms and advisers to the government forces while Germany and Italy sent tanks, airplanes, and soldiers to help Franco.

which of the following correctly states the equation of exchange? - MV = PQ - MP x VQ - MP / VQ - VP = MQ


equatorial currents

Major ocean currents that move parallel to the Equator


Major winds in the Indian Ocean that blew into India for half the year, and blew away from India for the other half. Helped facilitate trade in the Indian Ocean.

Summarize the significance of the earliest civilizations in China

Many historians believe Chinese civilzations is the oldest uninterripted civilization in the world. The Neolithic age in China goes back to 10,000 BCE, with agriculture in China beginning as early as 5,000 BCE. Their system of writing dates to 1,500 BCE. The Yellow River served as the center for the earliest Chinese settlements. In Ningxia, in the northwest China, there are carvings on cliffs that date back to the Paleolithic Period, indicating the extreme antiquity of Chinese culture. Literature from ancient China includes Confucious' Analects, the Tao Te Ching, and a variety of poetry.

Discuss how to compare and contrast the natural, political, and cultural features on maps.

Map legends will provide information about the types of natural, political, or cultural features on a map. Some maps show only one of these three features. Natural features such as wayerways, wetlands, beaches, deserts, mountains, highlands, and plains can be compared between regions by type, number, distibution, or any other physical characteristic. Political features such as state and county divisions or rads and railroads can be compared numerically, but examining their geographic distribution may be more informative. This provides information on settlement density and population. In addition, road and railroad density may show regions of intense urbanization, agricultural regions, or industrial centers. Cultural features may include roads and railroads, but might also include historic areas, museums, archaeological digs, early settlements, and even campgrounds. Comapring and contrasting the number, distribution, and types of features may provide information on the histroy of an area, the duration of settlement of an area, or the current use of the area (for exmple, many museums are found in current-day cultural centers).

Discuss how to compare maps of the sma eplace from different rtime periods, and descrie the information the provides

Maps of the same place from ddifferent time periods can ofren be initially aligned by geographic features. Political and land use boundaries are most liekly to change beterrn time periods, whereas locations of waterways and geological features such as mountains are relatively constant. Once geographic features have been used to align maps, they can be compared side by side to examine the changing locations of human settlement, smaller waterways, etc. Thism kind of map interpretation, at the smallest scale, provides information abot how small groups of humans interact with their envirionment. For example, such analysis might show that major citites began around ports, and them moves inald as modes of transportation, like railroads and cars, became more common. Lands that were initallly used for agriculrure might become inforporated into a nearby city as the population grows. This kind og map analysis can also show the evolution of the socio-economics of an area, providing information about the relative importance of exonomic actiities (manufacturing, agriculture or trade) and even the commuting behavior of workers.

Compare and contrast primary and secondary resources for social science research.

Primary sources provde information about an event from the perspective of people who were present at the event. They might be letters, autobiographies, interviews, speeches, artworks, or anything created by people with first-hand experience. Primary sources are valuable because they provide not only facts about the event, but also information about the surrounding circumstances; for example, a letter might provide commentary about how a political speech was recieved. The internet is a source of primary information, but care must be taken to evalueate the perspective of the website providing the primary that information. Websited hosten by individuals or special interest organizations are most likely to be biased than those hosten by public organizations, governaments, educational institutions, or news associations. Secondary resouces provide information about an event, but were not wirttenn at the time that the event occured. They draw information from primary sources. Because secondary sources were written later, they have the added advantage of historical perspective, multiple points of view, or resultant outcomes. Newsmagazines that write about an event even a week after is occurred count as secondary sources. Secondary couces tend to analyze events more effectively or thouroughly than primary sources.

Which of the following is a major role of labor unions in the U.S. economy?- introducing labor-saving production methods- eliminating wage distinctions acress different industries- reducing the social costs of economic change- expanding the global exchange of goods and services

Reducing the social costs of economic change

Arsenal of democracy

Referred to America's Ability to supply its European allies with war supplies prior to the U.S. entry into WWII.

As the 1912 presidential candidate of the Progressive Party, Theodore Roosevelt called for the creation of a New Nationalism that would use governmental authority to: a. Regulate and balance the actions of concentrated economic power b. Protect the right of industrial workers to form unions c. Increase the influence of small businesses in U.S. economic life d. Ensure that nothing obstructed the free operation of market forces

Regulate and balance the actions of concentrated economic power

list major events of the Nixon (R, 1969-1974) presidency

Richard nixon is best known for the watergate scandal during his presidency, but other important events marked his tenure as president, including:- end of vietnam war- improved diplomatic relations between the US and china, and the US and USSR- national environmental policy act passed, providing for environmental proection- compulsory draft ended- supreme court legalizaiton of Roe. V. Wade- WatergateThe watergate scandal of 1972 ended Nhixon's presidency. rather than face impeachment and removal from office, he resigned in 1974.

the colorado river

River in south west US which starts in the Rocky mountains and ends in the gulf

Which of the following is a primary function of political systems in every society?- to resolve disputes between groups and individuals- to create a common culture- to promote economic exchange and development- to maintain social hierarchies

to resolve disputes between groups and individuals

Give a brief overiew of the Roman empire and republic

Rome began humbly, in a single town that grew out of Etruscan settlements and traditions, founded, according to legend, by twin brothers Romulus and Remus, who were raised by wolves. Rmulus killed Remus, and from his legacy grew Rome. A thousand years later, the Roman Empire covered a significant portion of the known world, from what is now Scotland, across Europe, and into the Middle East. Hellenization, or the spread of Greek culture throughout the word, served as an inspiration and a model for the spread of Roman culuture. Rome brought in belief systems of conquered peoples as well as their technoogical and scientific accomplishments, elding in the disparate parts into a roman core. Rome began as a republic ruled by consuls, but after the assassination of Julius Cesear, it became an empire led by emperors. Rome's overall government was autocratic, but local officials came from the provinces where they livd. This limited adminstrative system was probably a major factor in the long life of the empire.

major events of the Reagan (R, 1981-1989) presidency

Ronald Regan at 69 becme the oldest American president. the two terms of his admin included: - regamonics, also known as supply side, trickle down, or free market economics, involving major tax cuts - economic recovery act of 1981 - first female justice appointed to the supreme court - Sandra Day O-conner - massive increase in the national debt from 1 T to 3T - reduction of nuclear weapons via negotiations with Mikhail Gorbachev - Iran-Contra scandal - cover up on US involvement in revolutions in El Salvador and Nicaragua -deregulation of savings and loan industry - loss of the space shuttle challenger


Russian leader who succeeded Lenin as head of the Communist Party and created a totalitarian state by purging all opposition (1879-1953)

Panama Canal

Ship canal cut across the isthmus of Panama by United States, it opened in 1915.


Small East European democracy betrayed into Hitler's hands at Munich

direct radiation

Solar radiation that flows directly to the surface of Earth and is absorbed

Review how to draw conclusions and make generalizations about a topic

Students reading about a topic will encounter different facts and opinions that contribute to their overall impression of the material. The student can critically examine the material by thinking about what facts have been included, how they have been presented, what they show, what they relate to ourside the writen material, and what the author's conclusions, based on the student's interpretation of the facts the author presented. When working on a research project, a students's research questions help them gather details that will enable him to draw a conclusion about the research material. Generalizations are blanket statemenst that apply to a wide number of examples. They are similar to conclusions, but do not have to summarize the information as competely as conclusions. Generalizations in reading material may be flagged by words such as all, most, none, many, several, sometiems, often, never, overall, or in general. Generalizations are often followed by supporting information consisting of a list of facts. Generalizations can refer to facts or the author's opinions, and they provide a valuable summary of the text overall.

High Latitude Climates

Subarctic, Tundra, Ice Cap


Subdivision of Earth Science that studies how the landforms on the planet's surface are created

indirect business taxes

Such taxes as sales, excise, and business property taxes, license fees, and tariffs that firms treat as costs of producing a product and pass on (in whole or in part) to buyers by charging higher prices.

What was the earliest written language in Mesopotamia ? - Sumerian - Elamite - Akkadian - Aramaic


Charles Lindbergh

United States aviator who in 1927 made the first solo nonstop flight across the Atlantic Ocean (1902-1974)

Rosa PArks

United States civil rights leader who refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white man in Montgomery (Alabama) and so triggered the national civil rights movement (born in 1913)

Discuss the major accomplishments of the Egyptian, Sumerian, Babylonian and Assyrian cultures.

The Egyptians were one of the msot advanced ancient civilizations, haveing developed onstruction methods to bulild the great pyrimids as well as a form of writing called hieroglyphics. Their religion was highly developed and complex, and included advanced techniques for the preservation of bodies after death. They also made paper by processing papyrus, a plant commonly found along the nile, invented the ecimal system, devised a solar calendar, and advanced knowledge overall regarding math. - The Sumerians were the first to invent the wheel, and also brought irrigation systems into use. Their cuniform writing was simpler that Egyptian heirogliphs, and they developed the timekeeping system we still use today - The Babylonians are best known for the Code of Hammurabi, an advanced law code. - The Assyrians developed horse-drawn chariots and an organized military.

Discuss the major accomplishments of the Hebrew, Persian, Minoan, and Mycenaean cultures

The Hebrew or ancient Israelite culture developed on the monotheistic religion that eventually developed into modern Judaism and Christianity. - The Persians were conquerors, but those they conquored were allowed to keep their own laws, customs, and religious traditions rather than being forced to accept those of their conquerors. They also developed an alphabet and practiced Zoroastrianism and Mithraism, religions that have influenced modern religious practice. - The Minoans used a syllabic writing system and build large, colorgul palaces. These ornate buildings included sewage systems, running water, bathtubs, and even flushing toilets. Their script, known as Linear A, has not been deciphered. - The Mycenaeans practiced a religion that grew into the Greek Pantheon, worshipping Zeus and other Olympian gods. They developed Linear B, a writing system used to wrote the earliest known form of Greek.

Discuss the importance of the Hittite Empire

The Hittites were centered in what is not Turkey, but their empire extended into Palestine and Syria. They conquered the Babylonian civilization, but adopted their religion, laws, and literature. Overall, the Hittites tended to tolerate other religions, unlike many other contemporary cultures, and absorbed foreign gods into their own belief systems rather than forcing their religion onto peoples they conquered. The hittite Empire reached its peak in 1600-1200 BCE. After a way with Egypt, which weakened them severely, they were eventually conquored by the Assyrians.

Describe the Maurya Empire

The Maurya Empire was a large, powerful empire established in India. It was one of the largest ever to rule in the Indian subcontinent, and existed from 322 to 185 BCE, ruled by Chandragupta Maurya after the withdrawal from India of Alexander the Grear. The Maurya empire was highly developed, including a standardized economic system, waterways, and private corporations. Trade to the Greeks and others became common, with goods including silk, exotic foods, and spices. Religious development included the rise of Buddhism and Jainism. The laws of the Maurya Empire protected not only civil and social rights of the citizens, but also protected anumals, estabblishing protected zones for economically important creatures such as elephants, lions, and tigets. This period of time in Indian history was largely peaceful, perhaps deu to the strong Buddhist beliefs of many of its leaders. The empire finally fell after a succession of weak leaders, and was taken over by Demetrius, a Greco-Bacterian king who tool advantage of his laspe in leadership to conquer southern Afghanistan and Pakistan around 180 BCE, forming the Indo-Greek kingdom

Summarize the history of Minoan civilization

The Minoans lived on the island of Crete, jsut off the coast of Greece. This civilization regined from appx 4000 to 1400 BCE and is considered to be the first advanced civilization of Europe. The Minoans developed writing systems knwn to linguistics as Linear A and linear B. Linear A has not yet been translated; Linear B evolved into classical Greek script. "MMinoans" is not the name they used for themselves, but is instead a cariation on the name of King Minos, a king in Greek mythology believed by some to have been a denizen of Crete. The Minoan civilization subsisted on trade, and their way of life was often disrupted by earthquakes and volcanos. Much i still unknown about the Minoans, and archeologists continue to study their archetechture and archeological remains. The Minoan culture eventually fell to Greek invaders and was supp;anted by the Mycenaean civilization.

Which of the following best explains why northwestern Europe experiences a significantly warmer climate than regions of western Russia at the same latitude?Prevailing wind patterns from the Arctic are more common in western Russia.The North Sea moderates temperatures in northwestern Europe.The Ural Mountains create a significant barrier trapping cold air in western Russia.Annual precipitation levels are higher on average in northwestern Europe.

The North Sea moderates temperatures in northwestern Europe.

Lincoln Steffens

United States journalist who exposes in 1906 started an era of muckraking journalism (1866-1936), Writing for McClure's Magazine, he criticized the trend of urbanization with a series of articles under the title Shame of the Cities.

Outline the general history of the Persian Wars

The Persian Empire, ruled by Cyrus the Great, emcompassed an area from the Black Sea to Afganistan, and beyone into Central Asia. After the death of Cyrus, Darius | became king in 522 BCE. The empire reach its zenith during his reign and Darius attempted to conquer Greece as well. From 499-449 BCE, the Greeks and Persians fought in the Persian Wars. The Peace of Callias brought an end to the fighting, after the greeks were able to repel the invasion. Battles of the persian wars included: - The battle of Marathon: Heavily outnmbered Greek forces managed to achieve victory. - The battle of Thermopylae - a small band of Spartans held off a throng of Persian troops for several days before Persia defeated the Greeks and captured an evacuated Athsn. - The battle of Salamis - thi was a naval battle that again saw outnumbered Greeks achieving victory. - The battle of Plataea - this was another Greek victory, but one in which they outnmbered the Persians. This ended the invasion of Greece.

William Pitt

The Prime Minister of England during the French and Indian War. He increased the British troops and military supplies in the colonies, and this is why England won the war.

Pueblo Indians

The Pueblo Indians lived in the Southwestern United States. They built extensive irrigation systems to water their primary crop, which was corn. Their houses were multi-storied buildings made of adobe.

Which of the following best illustrates how the principle of separation of powers operates in the U.S. government?The Senate refuses to ratify a treaty negotiated by the president.The House of Representatives proposes an amendment to a bill that originated in the Senate.The president dismisses a member of the cabinet.The Supreme Court refuses to hear a case on appeal from a state supreme court.

The Senate refuses to ratify a treaty negotiated by the president.

Second American Revolution

The War of 1812

specific heat

The amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of a substance by 1 degree celcius

relative humidity

The amount of water vapor in the air at any given time is usually less than that required to saturate the air. Expressed as a percentage.

Confucian classics

The ancient texts recovered during the Han Dynasty that Confucian scholars treated as sacred scriptures

On a political map of india, the northernmost part of the border with Pakistan is represented as a dotted line. why is this so?

The borders of the Kashmir region remain in dispute

Name major elements of ancient Indian civilization that affect today's world

The civilizations of ancient India gave rise to both Hinduism and Buddhism, major world religions that have influenced countries far from their place of origin. Practices such as yoga, increasingly popular in the West, can trace their roots to these earliest Indian civilizations, and the poses are still formally referred to by Sanskrit names. Lierature from ancient India includes the Mahabharata containing the Bhagavad Gita, and Remayana, Arthashastra, and the Vedas, a collection of sacred texts. Indo-European languages, including English, find their beginnings in these ancient cultures. Ancient Indo-Aryan languages such as Sanskrit are still used in some formal Hindu practices.


The collapse of colonial empires. Between 1947 and 1962, practically all former colonies in Asia and Africa gained independence.


The condition of Earth's atmosphere at a particular time and place.

Korean war

The conflict between Communist North Korea and Non-Communist South Korea. The United Nations (led by the United States) helped South Korea.


The destruction of holy images; a term most often used to describe the Byzantine state policy of image destruction from 726 to 843.


The direct transfer of heat from one substance to another substance that it is touching.

Four division of geographical study and tools used are

topical physical regional human

Discuss how to interpret a map, using features such as its legend, keys, scale, and latitude or longitude

The map legend is an area that provides interpretation information such as the key, the scale, and how to interpret the map. The key is the area that degines symbols, abbreviations, and color schemes used on the map, Any feature identified on the map shoule be degines in the key. The scale is a feature of the map legend that tells how distance on the map relates to distance on the grouns. It can either be presented mathematically in a ratio or visually with a line segment. For example, it could say that one inch on the map equals one foot on the gorund, or it could show a line segent and tell how mich distance on the map the line symbolizes. Latitude and longitude are often shown on maps to relate their area to the world. Latidude shows how fat a location is north or south from the earth's equator, and longitude shows how far a location is east or west from the earth's prime meridian. Latitude runs from 90 N (North Pole) - 0 (equator) - 90 S (South Pole), and longitude runs 180 E (International date line) - 0 (Prime meridian) - 180 W (international date line).

market structures

The nature and degree of competition among firms operating in the same industry.


The northeastern sector of Asia or the Eastern half of Russia.

primary sector

The portion of the economy concerned with the direct extraction of materials from Earth's surface, generally through agriculture, although sometimes by mining, fishing, and forestry.

tertiary sector

The portion of the economy concerned with transportation, communications, and utilities, sometimes extended to the provision of all goods and services to people in exchange for payment.

tenth amendment

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

government intervention

The practice of government to intervene in markets, preventing the free functioning of the market, usually for the purpose of achieving particular economic or social objectives.

fourth amendment

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

rights to privacy

The right to be left alone; a judicially created principle encompassing a variety of individual actions protected by the penumbras cast by several constitutional amendments, including the First, Third, Fourth, Ninth, and Fourteenth Amendments.


The seasonal migration of livestock between mountains and lowland pastures.

service sector

The sector of the economy that provides services--such as health care, banking, and education--contrast to the sector that produces goods.


The shaking that results from the movement of rock beneath Earth's surface.

nutrition transition

The shift in diet to one that is high in saturated fat and sugar; a cause of the global obesity epidemic.

marginal propensity

The smaller marginal propensity to save, the larger the multiplier; the larger the marginal propensity to consume, the larger the multiplier

state sovereignty

The state has the political power to govern itself rather than the federal government

Cultural geography

The subfield of human geography that looks at how cultures vary over space.


The transfer of heat by the movement of a fluid

National origins act

Very restrictive immigration legislation passed in 1924, which lowered immigration to 2 percent of each nationality as found in the 1890 census. This lowered immigration dramatically and, quite intentionally, almost eliminated immigration from Eastern and Southern Europe.

Describe how to evaluate which type of graphic format is most appropriate for conveying information in social science.

The type of information being conveyed guides the choice of format. Textual information and numeric information must be displayed with different techniques. Text-only information may be most easily summarized in a diagram or a timeline. If text includes numeric information, it may be converted into a chart that shows the size of groups, connects ideas in a table or graphic, or shows information in a hybridized format. Ideas or opinions can be effectively conveyed in political cartoons. Numeric infomation will be referred to an looked up again and again, tables are often most helpful for thr reader. When the trends in the numeric information are most important than the numbers themselves, graphs are often the best choice. Information that is linked to the land and has a spatial component is best conveyed using maps.

Forbidden city

The walled section of Beijing where emperors lived between 1121 and 1924. A portion is now a residence for leaders of the People's Republic of China.

How are ocean trenches formed?

These trenches are formed where an Ocean Tectonic plate, pushes against the continental plate, as they push against each other, due to the much larger size and weight of the Continental plate, the Ocean plate is forced to move steeply beneath the Continental plate.

Treaty of Paris (1783)

This treaty ended the Revolutionary War, recognized the independence of the American colonies, and granted the colonies the territory from the southern border of Canada to the northern border of Florida, and from the Atlantic coast to the Mississippi River

Review how to organize information chronologically and analyze the sequence of events

To organize information chronologically, each piece of information must be associated with a time or a day. Events are ordered according to the time or date at which they happened. In social studies, a chronological organization is the most straightforward way to arrange information because it relies on a uniform, fixed scale - the passage of time. Information can also be organized based on any of the "who, what where, when, why?" principles. Analyzing the sequence of chronological events involved not only examining the event itself but the preceding and following events. This can put the event in question into perspective, showing how a certain thing might have happened based on preceding history. One large disadvantage of the chronological organization is that it may not highlight important events clearly relative to less important events. Determining the relative importance of events depends more strongly on interpreting their relationships to neighboring events.

Morrill Land Grant Act (1862)

Transferred public acreage to the state governments which could sell land and use proceeds for the establishment of agricultural colleges (for example, Texas A&M). Called "Land-Grant" colleges, it help spread public education in America.

solar radiation

Transmission of energy from the sun in the form of electromagnetic waves.

Peace of callias

Treaty that ended the Greco-Persian war (450b.c.)

Battle of Gettysburg

Turning point of the War that made it clear the North would win. 50,000 people died, and the South lost its chance to invade the North.

Populist Party

U.S. political party formed in 1892 representing mainly farmers, favoring free coinage of silver and government control of railroads and other monopolies

Containment Policy

US policy to stop expansion of Soviet Union and Communism

Where is the area of greatest corn producation?


a father from a patriarcial society who passes on his property to his youngest son is practicing?


discuss the significance of the virginia plan, the new jersey plan, and the great compromise (connecticut compromise)

disagreement immediately occurred between delegates from large states and those from smaller states. James madison and edmund randolph (the governor of virginia) felt that representation in congress should be based on state population. this was the virginia plan. the new jersey plan presented by willian paterson, from new jersey, proposed each state have equal representation. finally, roger sherman, from connectiut formulated the connecticut compromise, also called the great compromise. the result was the familiar structure we have today. each state has the equal representatives of two senators in the senate, with the number of representatives in the house of representatives based on population. this is called a bicameral congress. both houses may draft bills, but financial matters must originate in the house or representatives.

Mid-Atlantic Ridge

divergent boundary in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean

mid atlantic ridge

divergent boundary in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean

Plate boundaries

divergent, convergent, transform

in which stage of demographic transition does fertility remain high while mortality declines? - High stationary stage - early expanding stage - late expanding stage - low stationary stage

early expanding stage


earnings distributed to stockholders

national economy

economic activities belonging to or characteristic of a nation

President Eisenhower claimed that his administration was guided by a philosophy of modern republicanism that took a conservative approach to: - foreign affairs and an experimental approach to domestic policies - constitutional issues and a bold, modern approach to law enforcement - economic matters and a liberal approach to humanitarian problems - public morality and an open, innovative approach to cultural issues

economic matters and a liberal approach to humanitarian probems

Industrial economy

economy in which the primary business activity is the manufacturing of products

planned economy

economy that relies on a centralized government to control all or most factors of production and to make all or most production and allocation decisions


electronic business or exchange conducted over the internet

The philosophy of the late 17th-18th centuries that influence the consititution was from the age of? - Enlightenment - Empire - Discovery - Industry


March Equinox

equator faces sun directly; neither pole tilts toward sun; all regions on earth experience 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness march 21

Which of the following best describes a shared aim of leaders of the English Revolution of 1688-1689 and the American Revolution of the 18th century? - establishing limits on the authority of the central government - enacting legislative programs to reduce social einequities - removing obstacles to popular participation in the political process - reducing government involvemtn in the national economy

establishing limits on the authority of the central government


extended their empire and helped bring civilization to other parts of the Middle East; famous for Hammurabi's Law Code

describe the causes and effects of the panic of 1893

far from a US-centric event, the panic of 1893 ws an economic crisis that affected most of the globe. as a response, President Grover Cleveland repealed the sherman silver purchase act, afraid it has cuased the downturn rahther than boosting the economy as intended. the panic led to bankrupcies, with banks and railroads going under and factory unemployment rising as high as 25 percent. in ehe end, the republican party regained power due to the economic crisis

Which of the following best describes a major weakness of the US economy in the late 1920s? - Declining productivity hampered the operation of major industrial firms - high levels of taxation limited consumer spending - Farmers never recovered from the agricultural recession of the early 1920s - Government regulation discouraged industrial investment

farmers never recovered from the agricultural recession of the early 1920s


fear of strangers or foreigners

Victory liberty Bonds

federal government asked US citizens to buy the bonds to finance WW1

social security

federal program of disability and retirement benefits that covers most working people

In McCulloch v. Maryland (1819), the US Supreme Court ruled that "the states have no power, by taxation or otherwise, to retard, impede, burden, or in any manner control, the operations of the constitutional laws enacted by congress to carry into execution the powers vested in the general government." The court's decision in this case centered on which of the following principles? - separation of pwoers and checks and balances - federalism and consitutional supremacy - popular sovereigntyn and the rule of law - due process of law and uniform taxation

federalism and constitutional supremacy

Layer Cake Federalism

federalism characterized by a national government exercising its power independently from state governments.

The Nile River valley in Egypt

fertile land in North Africa near the Nile River, society was ruled by a pharaoh considered the incarnation of the sun god who controled acces to the Nile; they had hieroglyphics, the 365-day calender, they were polythestic and worshipped the dead

near moneys

financial assets that can't be directly used as a medium of exchange but can be readily converted into cash or checkable bank deposits

international financial markets

financial markets in which borrowers and lenders are residents of different countries

briefly discuss the causes and progression of the russian revolution of 1905, including the significance of the october manifesto

in russia, rule lay in the hands of the Czars, and the overall structure was feudalistic. beneath the Czard was a group of rich nobles, landowners whose lands were worked by peasants and serfs. the russo-japanese was (1904-1905) ade conditions much worse for the lower classes. when peasants demonstrated outside of the czar's winter palace, the palace guard fired upon the crows. the demonstrators had been organized by a trade union leader, and after the violent response, many inions as well as political parties blossomed and began to lead numerous attacks. when the enconomy ground to a halt, czar nicholas || signed a socument known as the october manifesto, which established a constitutional monarchy and gave legislative power to parliament. however, he violated the manifesto shortly thereafter, disbanding paliament and ignoring the civil liberties granted by the anifesto. this eventually led to the bolshevik revolution.

discuss the importance of the Yalta Conference and the Potsdam Conference

inFeb 1945, Joseph Stalin, Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill met in Yalta to discuss the post-war treatment of the Axis nations, particularly Germany. Through Germany had ot yet surrendered, its defeat was imminent. After Germany's official surrender, Joseph Stalin, Harry Truman, and Clement Attlee met to formalize those plans. This meeting was called the Potsdam Conference. Basic provisions of these agreements include- dividing germany and berlin into 4 zones of occupation- demilitarization of germany- poland remaining under soviet control- outlawing the nazi party- trials for nazi leaders- relocation og numerous german citizens- the ussr joining the united nations, established in 1945- establishment of the united nations security council, consisting of the US, the UK, the USSR, China and France

PLains Tribes

included the Sioux, Cheyanne, Apache, Comanche, and Arapaho who lived in the Great Plains area; nomadic peoples; depended mainly on the buffalo for sustenance

Pueblo tribes

included the Zuni, Hope, and Acoma. They lived in the Southwest deserts in homes made of stone or adobe. They domesticated animals and cultivated corn and beans.

economic input

includes the resources used to make products


incoming solar radiation

increase aggregate demand During periods of high unemployment, Keynesian economists would most likely recommend the adoption of fiscal policies designed to:- eliminate government deficits- promote international trade- reduce the rate of inflation- increase aggregate demand

increase aggregate demand

on a map of Africa, ther is a small box around Nairobi. This city is depicted in greater detail in a box at the bottom of the map. What is the name for this box at the bottom of the map? - inset - legend - compas - key



international cooperation but recognizes ther perceptions countries have of each other can affect their relaitons.

Walter Hunt, Elias Howe, Isaac Singer

invented the sewing machine

West indies

islands that lie between southeastern North America and northern South America, and separate the Caribbean Sea from the Atlantic Ocean

what is the name for a line that conencts points with equal and total rainfall - isotherm - isoline - isobar - isohyet


Which of the following best describes a major effect of the Emancipation Proclamation - it forced the confederacy to devote greater resources to suppressing revolts among slaves - it unified the Republican party behind Lincoln's leadership - It weakened the commitment to continuing the war in the border states of the confederacy - it strengthened foreign support for the Union cause inthe civil war

it strengthened foreign support for the union cause in the civil war


killings by mobs, usually by hanging, without trial

Geographical features

landforms such as mountains, rivers, and valleys making up surface features of an area

air masses

large bodies of air that have uniform temperature, humidity, and pressure

factors affecting climate

latitude, ocean currents, wind, elevation, relief (LOWER) and close to a large body of water

Legislative branch responsibility

law making all laws must be approved by Congress Responsible for regulating money and trade, approving presidential appointments, establishing organizations like the postal service, Can propose amendments to the constitution Can impeach a president Can declare war

Governments making decisions regarding the economy

laws help form the economic policy of the country, regarding both domestic adn international trade adn realted issues. The government also had the ability to distribute goods and wealth to come extend among its citizens.

explain the goals of the first contenential congress and the result of this meeting

the first continental congress met in philly in 1774. their goal was to achieve a peaceful agreement with britain. ade up of delegates from 12 of the 13 colonies, the congress affirmed loyalty to britain and the power of the palriament. however they demended that the intolerable acts be repealed, and instituted a trade embargo with britain until this came to pass in response, george 3 of england declared that the american colonies must submit of face military action. the british sought to end assembilies that opposed their policies. these assemlies gathered weapons and began to form militias. on april 19 1775, the british military was ordered to disperse a meeting of the massahusetts assembly. a battle ensued on lexington common as the armed colonists resisted. the resulting battles became the battle of lexington and concord, the first battles of the american revolution

product's market

the forces created by buyers and sellers that establish the prices and quantities exchanged of goods and services

reserve ratio

the fraction of deposits that banks hold as reserves


the government insurance program for low-income individuals & familys that is funded both by the federal government & each individual state

summarize the condtions that led to the rise of the Nazi party in Germany

the great depression had a particularly devastating effect on Germany's economy, espcially after the US was no longer able to supply reconstruction loans to help the country regain its footing. With unemployment rising rapidly, dissatisfaction with the government grew. Fascist and communist parties rose, promising change and improvement.Led by Adolf hitler, the fascist nazi party gained power in Parliament based on these promises and the votes of desperate german workers. when hitler became chancellor, he launched numerous expansionist policies, violating the peace treaties that had ended WW1. His military buildup and conquering of neighboring countries sparked the aggression that soon led to WW2.

what is the great depression and what caused it

the great depression, which began in 1929 with the stock pmarket crash, grew out of several foctors that had developed over the previous years including:- growing economic disparity beteen the rich and middle classes, with the rich amassing wealth much more quicly than the lower class.- disparity in economic distribution industires- growing use of credit, leading to an inflated demand for some goods- government suppot of new industries rather than agriculture- risky stock market investments, leading to the stock market crashadditional factors contributing to the depression also included the labor day hurricane in the florida keys (1935) and the great hurricane of 1938 in new england, along with the dust bowl in the great plains, which destroyed crops and resulted in the displacement of as many as 2.5 million people.

tree line

the highest elevation where trees grow on a mountain

Supreme court

the highest federal court in the United States

proprietor's income

the income of unincorporated businesses

time utility

the increase in customer satisfaction gained by making a good or service available at the appropriate time

Norman Conquest

the invasion and settlement of England by the Normans following the Battle of Hastings (1066)

assume a society has a given prodution possibilities frontier (PPF) representing the production of guns and butter. Which of the following would cause the PPF to more outward? - the invention of a new machine that makes guns more efficiently - an increase in the production of butter - an increase in the prouction of guns - a decrease in the production of guns and butter

the invention of a new machine that makes guns more effectively


the kingdom created when the more powerful Nubian villages gradually took over the weaker ones


the land masses of North America, Central America, and South America

describe the role of the middle east in international relations and economics

the location on the globe, with ease of access to europe and asia, and its preponderance of oil deposits makes the middle eastern countries crucial in many international issues, both diplomatic and economic. because of its central location, the middle east has been a hotbed for violence since before the beginning of recorded history. conficts over land, resources, and religious and political power continue in the area today, spurred by conflict over control of the area's vast oil fields as well as over territories that have been disputed for thousands of years.

snow line

the lowest elevation on mountains where snow remains year-round

explain the significance of Marbury v. Madison and how affected the development of the supreme court and its powers

the main dut of the supreme court today is judicial reciew. this power was largely established by Marbury v. Madison. When John Adams was voted out of office in 1800, he worked during his final days in office, to appoint federalist judges to supreme court positions, knowing jefferson, his replacement, held opposing views. as late as march 3, the day before jefferson was to take office, adams made last-minute appoinments referred to as midnight judges. one of the late appointments was william marbury. the next day, MArch 4, jefferson ordered his secretary of state, James Madison, not to deliver MArbury's commission. this decision was backed by chief justice MArshall, who determined that the judiciary act of 1789, which granted the power to deliver commissions, was illegal in that it gave the judicial branch powers not granted under the constitution. this case set precedent for the supreme court to nullify laws it found to be unconsitiutional.

United Nations Security Council

the main governing body of the United Nations, it has the authority to identify threats to international peace and security and to prescribe the organization's response, including military and/or economic sanctions

Which of the following skills is most essential for effective citizen participation in the policy-making process?- anticipating the counterarguments of opponents- understanding the costs and benefits of alternative courses of action- corresponding regularly with lawmakers- being able to cite respected authorities in support of an argument

understanding the cost and benefits of alternative courses of action

name the 4 new england colonies and discuss the general characteristics of the region, including easons they were founded, their geography and economics

the new england colonies wer new hampsire, conneticut, rhose island, and massachusets. these conolies were founded largely to escpe religious persecution in england. the beliefs of the puritans, who migrated to america in the 1600s, signigicantly influenced th development of these colonies. situated in the northeast coastal areas of america, the new england colonies features numerous harbors as well as dense forests. the soil, however, was rocky and had a very short growing season, so was not well suited for agriculture. the economy of new england durin the colonial period centered around fishing, shipbuilding and trade along with some small farms, life centered mainly in towns and cities where merchants largely controller the trade economy. coastal cities such as bostom grew and thrived

During which of these periods were pyrimids not build in Egypt? - the old kingdom - the middle kingdom - the new kingdom - the third dynasty

the new kingdom

Union Army

the northern army during the American Civil War

orbit (revolution)

the orbital motion of one object around another due to gravity

Iron age

the period following the Bronze Age; characterized by rapid spread of iron tools and weapons Beginning 1,200 - 1,000 BCE - metal tools replace stone tools as humans develop knowledge of smelting.

high middle ages

the period from 1000 to 1300 in which the church had a key role shaping the new world

cultural appropriation

the process by which cultures adopt customs and knowledge from other cultures and use them for their own benefit

Which of the following best describes a major consequence of the deiindustralization of the US economy during the final three decades of the 20th century? - the proportion of married women in the labor force decreased - the proportion of wage earners who belonged to labor unions decreased - Geographic mobility in the US declined - Economic inequality in the US declines

the proportion of wage earners who belonged to labor unions decreased


the proportional reflectance of solar energy from Earth's surface, commonly expressed as a percentage

The 19th century works of transcendentalist authors, such as Ralph Waldo Emerson and Hendy David Thoreau, shared which of the following major themes? - disillusionment with the US ideas of freedom and democracy - human progress through science and technology - the relaitonship between nature, individualism, and spirituality - the values and beliefs of evangelical christianity

the relationship between nature, individualism, and spirituality


the religious doctrine that Martin Luther developed; it differed from Catholicism in the doctrine of salvation, which Luther believed could be achieved by faith alone, not by good works; Lutheranism was the first Protestant faith


the right to vote


the right to vote

parent material

the rock material from which the inorganic components of a soil are derived

remote sensing

the scanning of the earth by satellite or high-flying aircraft in order to obtain information about it.

map projection

the scientific method of transferring locations on Earth's surface to a flat map


the scientific study of the oceans and oceanic phenomena

discuss the significance of the second continental congress

the second continental congress met in philly on may 10, 1775, a month after lexington and concord. their discussins centered on defense on the american colonies and how to conduct the growing war, as well as local government. the delegates also discussed declaring independence from britain, with many members in favor of this drastic move. they established an army, and on june 15, names george washington as its commander in chief. by 1776, it was obvious that there was no turning back from full-scale war with britain. the colonial delegates of the continential congress drafted the declarationh of independence on july 4, 1776

Which of the following best illustrates the operation of the system of checks and balances in the US government?- the hosue of representatives censures one of its memebers for unethical conduct- the attorney general reviews an executive order of the president- the supreme court rules on a case involving a dispute between a state and citizens of another state- the senate rejects an appointment to the federal judiciary

the senate rejects an appointment to the federal judiciary


the solid part of the earth consisting of the crust and outer mantle

name the southern colonies and attributes of the area

the southern colonies were maryland, north carolina, south carolina, and georgia. of he southerm colonies, virginia was the firt permanent english colony and georgia the last. the warm climate and rich soil of the south encouraged agriculture, and the gorwing season was long. as a result, economy in the south was based largely on lobor intensive pantations. crops included robacco, rice, and indigo, all of which became valuable cash crops. most land in the south was controlled bgy wealthy plantation owners and farmers. labor on the farms came in the form of indentured servants and african slaves. the first of these african slaves arrived in viriginia in 1619.

MArket efficiency

the speed at which new information is reflected in investment prices suggesting that security prices are reflective of their true value at all times because publicly available information has driven market prices to the correct level


the study of Earth's climate and the factors that affect past, present, and future climatic changes


the study of economy-wide phenomena, including inflation, unemployment, and economic growth

spatial analysis

the study of geographic phenomena in terms of their arrangement as points, lines, areas, or surfaces on a map


the study of how households and firms make decisions and how they interact in markets

For many years the Cheyenne people planted crops and built villages in the north Central woodlands of the present-day USA. Beginning in the 18th centiry, other Native American nations forced them to migrate to the Great Plains. In this new environment, they learned to ride horses and hunt bison. As they became increasingly dependent on these animals for food and clothing, the Cheyenne abandoned their villages to follow the bison herds. This led in time to dramatic changes in the various institutions of their society. The passage above best illustrated which of the following characteristics of culture? - cultural knowledge is socially transmitted among members of a society - the various elements of a culture and interdependent - culture provides norms and values that allow people to cooperate with one another - people of different cultural traditions classify reality in different ways

the various elements of a culture are interdependent

explore the causes and eventual result of the war of 1812

the war of 1812 grew out of the continuing tension between france and great britain. napoleon continued striving to conquer britain, while the us continued trade with both countries, but favored france and the french colonies. ecause of what britain saw as alliance between america and france, they determined to bring an end to trade with the french nd the french preventing trade with the british, James Madison's presidency introduced acts of regulate international trade. if either britain or france removed their restrictions, america would not trade with the other country. Napoleon acted first, and Madison prohibited trade with England. England saw this as the US formally siding with the French, and war ensued in 1812.The war of 1812 has been called the second american revolution. it established the superiority of the US naval forces and reestablished US independence from Britain and Europe. The British had two major objections to America's continued trade with France. First, they saw the US as helping france's war effort by providing supplies and goods. Second, the US had grown into a competitor, taking trade and money away from british ships an tradesmen. in its attempts to end american trade with france, the british put into effect the orders of the council, which made any and all french-ownded ports ff limits to american ships. they also began to seize american ships and conscript their crews.

Linear A script

the writing system of the Minoans. It got picked up by the Mycenaeans who created their own version Linear B. it's not pictographic not yet translated

explain how Roosevelt's big stick diplomacy infuenced american foreign policy in latin america

theodore roosevelt's famous quote, "speak softly and carry a big stick" is suposedly of African origins, at least according to Roosevelt. he used this proverb to justify expanded involvement in foreign affaird during his tenure as president. the US military was deployed to protect american interests in Latin America. Roosevelt also worked to maintain an equal or greater influence in Latin America than those held bgy European interess. as a result, the US navy grew larger, and the US generally became more involved in foreign affairs. Roosevelt felt that is any country was left vulnerable to control by europe, due to economic issues or political instability, theUS had not only a right to intervene, but was obligated to do so. this led to us involvement in cuba, nicaragua, haiti and the dominican republic over several decades leading ito te first and second wrld wars

Dorian invasion

theoretical 12th century invasion that ended Mycenaean civilization - 1200 BCE

Free Speech Restrictions

this can be restricted if excersize of free speech endangers other people

Arkansas National Guard

this is what governor Faubus sent in to keep the little rock nine out of Central High

explain the major factors leading to the bolshevik revolution of 1917

throughout its mode3rn history, russia has laged behind other countries in development. the continues eistence of a feudal systen, combined with harsh conditions and the overall size of te country, led to massice food shortages and inreasingly harsh conditions fo the majority of the population. the tyrannical rule of the Czars only made this worse, as did repeated losses in various militry conflicts. increasing poverty, decresing supplies, and the Czar's violation of the october manifesto which had given some poitical power and civil rights to the people finally came to a head with te bolshevik revolution

Progressive Era

time at the turn of the 20th century in which groups sought to reform America economically, socially, and politically

Which of the following best describes the main purpose of the Monroe Doctrine? - To discourage European intervention in the Affairs of American nations - to establish AS claims over foreign territories in north America - to ensure US neutrality in the wars between European governments - to provide aid to independence movements in Latin America

to discourage European intervention in the affairs of American nations

According to the First Amendment to the Us Constitution, Congress shall pass no law "abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceable to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."Which of the following best describes a. major purpose of the amendment?- to guarentee that the laws apply equally to all citizens- to promote ational unity- to establish guidelines for political competition- to ensure government accountability

to ensure government accountability

to maintain social order Confucian thought makes relations between family members and the. basis for relations between the peple in broader society. As the son honors and obeys the father, so the citizens should honor and obey the prince. As family members bend their will to the good of the family, so all citizens should cubordinate their individual desires to the general welfare of the state.- to preserve traditional custoe- to promote economic development- to maintain social order- to guarentee personal freedoms

to maintain social order

Which of the following best describes a major aim of Japan's Meiji Restoration? - To reduce social inequities in Japan - to expand the power of landed aristocrats - to modernize the Japanese economy - To purge Japanese society of foreign influences

to modernize the Japanese economy

discuss how the WW2 and the ensuring diplomatic climate led to the cold war

with millions of military and civilian deaths and over 12 million persons displaced, WW2 left large regions of europe and asia in disarray. communist governments moved in with promises of renewed prosperity and economic stablity. the soviet untion backed communist regimes in much of eastern europe. in china, mao Zedong led communist foces in the overthrow of the chinese nationalist party and instituted a communist government in 1949. while the new communist governments restoreed a measure of stability to much of eastern europ, it brought its own problems with dictatorial governments and an oppressive police force. the spread of communis, also led to several years of tension between communist countries and the deomcraticwest, as the west fought to slow the spread of oppressive regimes throughout the world. with both sides in posession of nuclear weapons, tensions rose. each side feared the other would resort to neuclear attack. this standoff lasted until 1989, when the berlin wall fell. the soviet union was dissolved two years later.

In which of the following situations is the president of the United States most likely to invoke the right of executive privilege? nominating justices to the Supreme Court pardoning a member of the executive branch withholding information from Congress authorizing the use of force against another country

withholding information from Congress

issues in political climate

women's rights affirmitive aciton gay people should minorities be compensated for past discrimitory prsctices. (reparations_ Public's right to know vs national security

which of the following would not cause aggregate supply (AS) to change? - an increase or decrease in land avaliablility - the labor force suddenly increases dramatically - a new oil discovery causes dramatic decreases in power production - worker productivity remains the same

worker productivity remains the same


written and other recorded events of people

summarize the events of WW1 in the european theatre

ww1 began in 1914 with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinant, heir to the throne of Austria=Hungary, by a serbian national. this led to a conflict between Austria-Hungary and Serbia that quickly escalated into the first world war. Europe split into the allies - Britian, France, and Russia, and later, Italy, Japan and the US against the central powers- Austria-Hungary, Germany, the Ottoman Empre, and Bulgaria. AS the war spread, countries beyond Europe becae incolved. The war left europe deeply in debt, and particularly devastated the German economy. The ensuring Great Depression made matters worse, and economic devastation opened the door for communist, fascist, and socialist governments to gain power.

outline major events in the first world war

ww1 occured from 1914 to 1918 and was fought largely in Europe. Trigered by the assassination of Austrian Archdke FRanz Ferdinand, the war rapidly escalated. at the beginning of the confluct, woodrow wilson declared the US neutral. major events influencing US involvement included:- sinking of the Lusitania - the british passageer liner RMS lusitania was sunk by a german u-boat in 1915. among the 1,000 civilian victims were over 100 american citizens- German u-boat invasion: wilson continued to keep the US out of the war, using as his 1916 reelection slogan, "he kept us out of war" while he continued to work toward an end of the war, geman u-boats began to indiscriminaely ttack american and canadian merchant ships carrying supplies to germany's enemies in europe.- Zimmerman elegram: the final event that rought the US into ww1 was the interception of the Zimmerman telegra. in this telegram, germany proposed forming an alliance with Mexico id he Us entered the war

Egyptians (3000BC-300BC)

· Wrote the first accurate health records · Prescriptions were written on papyrus · Temples were used for worships, medical schools, & hospitals · Priest were doctors · Embalming led to underst&ing of anatomy & disease · Embalming was done by priest · Gauze used to wrap bodies is much like the gauze used today · Most people could not read · Used bloodletting & leeches as medical treatments o Using leeches to suck out the 'bad' blood - Most advances ancient culture - Hieroglyps - religion - Reservation of bodies - Paper - Decimal system - Solar calendar - Mathmetics

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