Social Studies Praxis

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The Townshend Acts established what?

American Customs Board in Boston to collect taxes, courts in America to prosecute smuggles (without using a local jury), and the right of British officials to search colonists houses and businesses

Who was the new world named after?

Amerigo Vespucci

13th amendment

Abolish slavery

John Adams

Lawyer and diplomat, 2nd US president , Federalist

Patrick Henry

Lawyer from VA, served as VA's first governor, leader of the Anti-Federalists who opposed the ratification of the 1787 US Constitution

Who discovered Vinland (New England) in 1000?

Leif Erikson

Erie Canal (1825)

Man made waterway that connects the At,antic Ocean through NYC to the Great Lakes

Southern colonies

Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia

New England Colonies

Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire

Constitutional Convention

Meeting with delegates to establish stronger constitution, felt the constitution increased the power of the executive branch but failed to provide protection of individual rights, eventually bill of rights was added to appease the anti federalists and ratify the constitution in 1787

John Hancock

Merchant, smuggler, fire warden

George Washington

Military general and 1st US President, no political party affiliation

Who won the war of 1812

Neither the British nor the US. Both sides wanted the war to end and agreed to restore the status quo of antebellum

Middle Colonies

New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware

John D. Rockefeller

Oil industry

Paul revere

Patriot, midnight ride,

John Locke

Philosopher of the social contract theory, impacted the Declaration of Independence

What was America's first Puritan settlement

Plymouth Colony

Samuel Adams

Political writer, founder of the Sons of Liberty

Key features of the industrial revolution

Population shifting, people move from all areas and agriculture's work to cities and factory work, good for mass produced, increased efficiency, increased production, lower cost, wages increased, technology development increased, many wealthy industrialist became east, and the government regulations increased which led to standards in healthcare and education

Chinese exclusion act of 1882

Prohibited integration of Chinese laborers

15th amendment

Prohibits federal or state government from denying citizens the right to vote based on color

Boston tea party

Protest by American colonists against the British government on December 16, 1773- result of the Tea Tax in 1773- dumped 90,000 pounds of tea in Boston Harbor- perpetrated by the sons of Liberty

Abraham Lincoln

Republican; blockade of the south; delivered by Mark Gettysburg address; preserved the union in the worst political and more crisis in US history; abolished slavery; assassinated while in office; served one term

Rutherford B. Hayes

Republican; with Drew troops from the reconstruction state and end of the reconstruction era; lead the way to civil service reform appointed to federal position; made financial appropriations; served one term

Rhode Island Colony was founded by who in 1636 and why

Roger Williams- for religious freedom and fair treatment of Native Americans

Ferdinand Magellan

Sailed around the world in 1521

Sons of Liberty

Secret organization created in the 13 American colonies to advance the rights of the colonists and to fight taxation by the British government

War of 1812

Series of trade restrictions introduced by Britain to impede American trade with France, the British support for the Native Americans who were offering armed resistance to the expansion of the American frontier to the northwest, refusal by the British to give up lands in the western part of America, seizure of American ships

Motives of French to explore

Spread Christianity; northwest passage

What is the oldest city in the United States

St Augustine , founded in 1565 by the Spanish

Andrew Carnegie

Steel industry

Stamp Act

Tax out on the American colonies by the British in 1765

During the war of 1812, several Native American tribes fought with...

The British to stop westward expansion into their homeland

The Mayflower compact

The first document of self governance signed by the passengers of the mayflower on sept 16, 1620

Hat was the ship that transported puritans from England to the new world.

The mayflower

Civil war (1861-1865)

The war between the union parentheses north parentheses in the confederacy parentheses south parentheses, and it resulted in roughly 700,000 deaths they were many positive effects including: dissolution of the confederacy, uniting the country, abolishing slavery, beginning of the reconstruction era, passing the 13th 14th and 15th amendment or the Reconstruction amendments,.

Jefferson Davis

Elected president of the confederate states of America during the Civil War

Oregon trail

Major route from Missouri to Oregon that pioneers used to migrate west

What was the Northwest Passage?

a water route through North America to Asia

Industrial revolution

Begin in the middle of the 18th century (approximately 1750), with a transition from an agrarian (farming)economy industrialized economy

John Quincy Adams

Auto all republican; defeated Andrew Jackson for presidency, which split the democratic Republican Party into two parties; oversaw the completion of the Erie Canal, served one term


Before the war

Manifest destiny

Belief that the Us was destined byGod to expand control and spread across the continent

John Brown

Business from Rhode Island First Political Parties

Magna Carta

1212 English common law that established that individuals have natural rights of security, Liberty, and property.

Christopher columbus

1492 when he sailed from Spain in search for Asia and the indies but instead ground the New World- the Americas

Hernan cortes

1519- landed in Mexico with 600 men and less than 200 horses- desired gold from finding Aztec wealth- first phase of colonization of Spanish and conquered Aztec empire

Townshend Acts

A series of laws passed by the British parliament in 1767- taxed goods (paper, paint, lead, glass, and tea) imported to the American colonies


A social and political philosophy at values for society as superior to urban society. Property ownership and family farming, which is a way of life That can shape the ideal social values, or central to the thought

Whig Party

An opposite to Jackson, transitions into the Republican Party

Motives for England to explore

Colonize, northwest passage

Eli whitney

Cotton gin

What was the first permanent English colony in the americas that was established in 1607?

Jamestown, VA

Lewis and Clark Expedition (1803)

Jefferson instructed to explore the area gained in Louisiana Purchase- 8000 mile expedition

Who discover continental North America

John Cabot

14th Amendment

Granted equal civil and legal rights to freed slaves

Second political parties- Republican Party

Henry Clay faction

Nationalist movement

Industrialism created a strong sense of collective society

Reconstruction era

A time in history with a mystery build a union after the Civil War

Push pull factors of immigration and migration dinner late 19th and early 20th century three reasons

Agarianism, industrialism, urbanization

Second Political parties- democratic

Andrew Jackson faction

Benedict Arnold

Businessman, future general in the. Continental Army, traitor, coward

Impacts of the industrial revolution

Child labor - children were exploited by manufacturers they received extremely low pay and often involves an accident resulting in dismemberment or death Poor sanitation - people are living in areas of higher concentration. Poor sanitation caused outbreaks of infectious diseases. The slave trade - the textile industry was still reliant on slave labor.

Stonewall Jackson

Confederate general doing civil war

Boston Massacre

Confrontation where a British soldier shot and killed several people in Boston, leading patriots likes Paul revere and Samuel Adams used this as propaganda for the revolutionary war

1st political parties-Federalist

Created by Alexander Hamilton- "big government party"

1st political parties- Democratic-Republican Party

Created by Tho,as Jefferson and James Madison, "small government party"

Andrew Johnson

Democrat; assumed office after this fascination of Abraham Lincoln during the week instruction era; vetoed the Friedmans bureau in the civil rights bill; first American president to be impeached; served one term

Martin Van Buren

Democrat; president in economic panic of 1837; served one term

Andrew Jackson

Democrat; supported states rights to expand slavery, implement,enter the Indian removal act, which allowed the government to forcibly move Native Americans west of the Mississippi River (trail of tears), implemented poor economic policies that created the financial crisis of 1837, served two terms

James Madison

Democratic-Republican, president during the war of 1812 and the burning of the national capitol, served two terms

James Monroe

Democratic-republican; signed the Missouri compromise making Maine a free state and Missouri a slave state; gave the famous "Monroe doctrine" speech to warn Europeans against further colonization; served two terms

Franklin Pierce

Democrats; signed the Kansas Nebraska act, which allowed people of these territories to choose to become a free or slave state parentheses also known as popular sovereignty parentheses; exacerbated the rift within the Democratic Party and increased tension over slavery; served one term

James K Polk

Democrats; significantly expanded the country with the annexation of Texas, Oregon compromise with Great Britain, in Mexican succession after the Mexican American war; supported Jacksonian democracy in slavery; served one term

James Buchanan

Democrats; supported the supreme court decision in Dred Scott versus Sanford, which stated that black people, quotation were not incurred never become citizens of the United States quotation; fanned the fury between abolitionist and proslavery supporters; served one term


English puritans separatists seeking religious freedom

Federal reserve act of 1913

Establish the federal reserve system and central bank to oversee monetary policy

Articles of Confederation

First US Constitution, weak central government, inability to levy taxes, inability to regulate interstate and international trade, each state was represented by one vote regardless of its size

Alexander Hamilton

Founding Father, Federalist

Thomas Jefferson

Founding father, 3rd US president, principal author of Declaration of Independence, broker of Louisiana Purchase

Sam adams

Founding father, politican

Robert E Lee

General who turned down Lincolns offered to command union forces in favor of commanding the Army of Northern Virginia for the confederacy

Fuel for the Westward Expansion

Gold Rush, the Oregon Trail, Manifest Destiny

Gold rush

Gold discover in California in 1848

Motives of Spanish to explore

Gold, northwest passage

Ulysses S Grant

Top union general after General George B McClellan's termination; wage total war against the south starting in 1863, including major victory at Vicksburg; Assumed office in the middle of the reconstruction era; work to reconcile the north and south; protected the civil rights of freed slaves; signed legislation that limited the activities of white terrorist groups of the KKK; negotiated the 1871 treaty of Washington; served two terms

Fort Laramie Treaty of 1851

Treaty between US and representatives of several Native American tribes assigned each tribe a territory (reservation) was later broken by Us government when gold was discovered on that land

What treaty ended the War of 1812?

Treaty of Ghent

Louisiana Purchase (1803)

US acquired 827,000 square miles of land west of the Mississippi River for $15 million from France by Thomas Jefferson- 15 states added

Charles Francis Adams

US diplomat for Abraham Lincoln who effectively kept France and Great Britain out of the war

The Sherman antitrust act of 1890

Was the first federal law that outlawed monopolistic business practice

William Henry Harrison

Whig party; Died 32 days after taking office; known for the shortest presidency in US history; serves less than one term

John Tyler

Whig party; Vice president to William Henry Harrison in successor after Harrison's death; vetoed several bills, which led his own party to attempt to impeach him; served one term

Zachary Taylor

Wig party; opposed new slave states; supported statehood of California as a free state; negotiated the compromise of 1850 in parentheses finalized two months after his death parentheses; died of cholera while in office

Millard Fillmore

Wig party; vice president to Zachary Taylor and successor after Taylor's death; served one term

Suffragette movement

Women's groups organized to gain political rights. Suffrage was granted in 1920 with the ratification of the 19th amendment, which granted women the right to vote

Karl Marx

Worker revolution

Trade unions and working class movements

Workers organized to demand better conditions

Marxism during the industrial revolutiom

Wrote Das Capital and The Communist Manifesto. Are you capitalism exploited the workers and anticipated an overthrow of capitalism

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