Sociology Exam #2

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Which of the following questions best describes the interests of ethnomethodologists?

How do we know how to interact in a given situation?

Which of the following is the best illustration of the characterization of roles as relational?

In order for a teacher to perform in that role, there must be at least one student.

__________ refers to goal- or task-oriented leadership.

Instrumental leadership

__________ cannot always be met by one person, so being in a group enables one to complete tasks or fulfill a specific goal.

Instrumental needs

Identify a true statement about the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS).

It collects information on nonfatal crimes reported and not reported to the police.

Which of the following is a criticism of Weber's ideal-type analysis of bureaucracies?

It largely failed to take into account the informal side of bureaucracy.

Which of the following sociologists applied ideal-type analysis and borrowed from the field of economics to study bureaucracies?

Max Weber

The least amount of interaction between members occurs in a(n) __________.


Sociologist Erving Goffman used the term __________ to refer to the ways in which an individual shows an awareness that another is present without making this person the object of particular attention.

civil inattention

According to Cloward and Ohlin, __________ emerge in communities that do not provide either legitimate or illegitimate opportunities.

conflict gangs

__________ include robbery, burglary, larceny, motor vehicle theft, and arson. In most of these crimes, the primary motive is to obtain money or some other desired valuable.

Property crimes

From the __________, social institutions are not organized for the common good of everyone.

conflict perspective

__________ maintain that in capitalistic societies, where a few people control the labor of many, the social structure reflects a system of relationships of domination and subordination.

conflict theorists

Ali is pursuing a medical degree at one of the best universities in the United States. He wants to become a successful surgeon and works hard to excel at what he does. In the context of Merton's types of social adaptation, Ali most likely subscribes to __________.


Which of the following statements about social networks is false?

Social networks work equally well for people of all social classes.

Sociologist __________ coined the terms ingroup and outgroup to describe people's feelings toward members of their own and other groups.


Which of the following is not true about a postindustrial society?

The production of goods within a postindustrial society is mechanized

Which of the following questions was Emile Durkheim most interested in as a theorist?

What holds societies together?

Part of the movement to humanize bureaucracy includes __________.

a greater emphasis on sharing information

Sociologist Helen Ebaugh concluded that role exit occurs in four stages. The second stage is __________, in which people may step away from their existing roles.

a search for alternatives

__________ argue that the lifestyles considered deviant by political and economic elites are most likely to be defined as illegal.

Conflict theorists

__________ do not believe that social institutions work for the common good of everyone in society. They emphasize that social institutions are most likely to meet the needs of those with the greatest amount of power in a society.

Conflict theorists

__________ suggest that groups involve unequal power relationships so that all members of a group are not equally likely to have their needs met.

Conflict theorists

The sociologist who first defined the differences between primary and secondary groups is __________.


Which of the following is not a function of deviance described by contemporary functionalists?

Deviance prevents anomie.

Sociologist __________ believed that deviance is rooted in societal factors such as rapid social change and lack of social integration among people. As social integration (bonding and community involvement) decreased, deviance and crime increased.​

Emile Durkheim

Schools, churches, and corporations are examples of __________.

secondary groups

Which of the following characteristics do virtual communities and face-to-face communities have in common?

shared interests

A __________ is a set of organized beliefs and rules that establishes how a society will attempt to meet its basic social needs.

social institution

The family, religion, education, the economy, the government (politics), mass media, sports, science and medicine, and the military are examples of __________.

social institutions

A __________ is a socially defined position in a group or society characterized by certain expectations, rights, and duties, and it exists independently of the specific people occupying the position.


Teacher, student, professional athlete, rock musician, and homeless person are socially defined positions characterized by certain expectations. These positions are examples of __________.


__________, such as better education and jobs and affordable housing, are more effective than military-style boot camps in addressing the challenges involved in dealing with juvenile offenders. In the past, measures such as these have made it possible for youths who initially committed street crimes to leave the streets, get jobs, and lead productive lives.

structural solutions

Sociologist Erving Goffman noted that people consciously participate in __________, a face-saving technique in which one role player ignores the flaws in another's performance to avoid embarrassment for everyone involved.

studied nonobservance

We act on reality as we see it. Sociologists describe this process as __________, meaning that we analyze a social context in which we find ourselves, determine what is in our best interest, and adjust our attitudes and actions accordingly.

the definition of the situation

Michel Foucault studied prisons from the mid-1800s to the early 1900s and found that prison officials used surveillance techniques to maintain social control and were able to use their knowledge as a form of power over inmates. Foucault's study best illustrates __________.

the postmodernist perspective on deviance

In his study of conformity, Solomon Asch found that __________.

the subjects chose to conform to the incorrect responses of Asch's assistants about one‑third (33 percent) of the time

Several employees at a fast-food restaurant call in sick at the last minute. The manager tries to fill in but doesn't know how to run the drive-through intercom or use the machines installed in the kitchen or perform basic tasks such as customer billing. This is because the manager performs the specialized task of supervising his team members and has become so accustomed to it that he is unable to perform other basic tasks. In the context of the problems that arise within bureaucracies as a result of division of labor, this scenario exemplifies __________.

trained incapacity

Gangs provide members with a means of attaining higher status and material rewards that may otherwise seem unavailable to them. Cloward and Ohlin have coined the concept of __________ to refer to this.​

​illegitimate opportunity structures

Sociologist Arlie Hochschild suggests that we acquire a set of __________ that shapes the appropriate emotions for a given role or specific situation, including how, where, when, and with whom an emotion should be expressed.

feeling rules

From a __________, if groups exist to meet the instrumental and expressive needs of their members, then leaders are responsible for helping the group meet those needs.

functionalist perspective

Organized crime is generally not associated with __________.

insider trading

The __________ explains women's deviance and crime as a rational response to the gender discrimination that women experience in families and the workplace.

liberal feminist approach

Media stories that focus on the lack of education or work history among the homeless rather than on structural factors such as economic recession or the lack of affordable housing fail to account for the __________ of the situation.

macro view

At the __________, the social structure of a society has several essential elements: social institutions, groups, statuses, roles, and norms.


Some theories examine how the legal system responds to individual offenders based on their social location in hierarchies based on gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic class. Such theories most likely subscribe to the __________.

multiracial feminist approach

A person's class (socioeconomic status based on a person's education, occupation, and income) is the most significant predictor of whether he or she will participate in a mainstream __________.

normative organization

Weber used the term __________ to refer to the process by which traditional, informal, and spontaneous methods of social organization are gradually replaced by efficiently administered formal rules and procedures.


Based on their research, sociologists Richard Cloward and Lloyd Ohlin identified three basic gang types on the basis of the type of illegitimate opportunity structure available in a specific area. Which of the following is not one of the types they identified?

rebellist gangs

Which of the following is not a characteristic of an industrial society?

relationships based primarily on an ascribed status

_________ refers to the number of potential members a group can have

relative size

Carlos is a freshman at the local college. As a student, he is feeling pressure. He wants to party like the rest of his fraternity brothers, but at the same time, he wants to maintain his 4.0 grade point average. Sociologists would say that Carlos is experiencing __________.

role strain

In Stanley Milgram's experiments on people's obedience to authority, the "teachers" were asked to give an electric shock to the "learners" as punishment for giving incorrect answers to questions and to increase the shock level by 15 volts for every incorrect response. Despite being told that the shocks may be extremely painful, none of the teachers challenged the process before they had applied __________ volts.


The turnout for a protest against a new U.S. legislation that increased taxation on the middle class was 450. Opponents of this group argued that most people in the middle class did not consider the legislation to be a problem because the turnout for the protest was low when compared with the number of people who belong to the middle class in the United States. In this scenario, 450 refers to the protesting group's __________.

absolute size

The "grapevine" spreads information (with varying degrees of accuracy) much faster than do official channels of communication, which tend to be slow and unresponsive. Within a bureaucracy, the "grapevine" is an example of __________.

an informal structure

According to Emile Durkheim, rapid social change and reduced social integration contribute to __________, a social condition in which people experience a sense of futility because social norms are weak, absent, or conflicting.


Both Emile Durkheim and Ferdinand Tӧnnies __________.

developed typologies to explain changes in the social structure of societies

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