Sociology of the family Midterm

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Jesus and Maria live together (as intimate partners) but are not married. For census purposes, they are defined as

Household feedback: jesus and maria are not legally married so the census does not recognize them as a family household according to its definition. A legal family is two or more individuals related by birth, marriage or adoption

We can argue that elevating marriage to the status of a true love relationship, instead of a relationship based on tradition and economic necessity, might contribute to a(n) __________ acceptance of divorce.

Increased feedback: the belief that marriage should be based on love may contribute to the belief that a marriage that does not meet this standard of emotional fulfillment is not acceptable. In the past the expectation of love as the primary basis for marriage was less common and couples stayed married out of tradition and economic necessity

What contributed to the decline of courtship in the process of mate selection?

Increasing freedom for young adults feedback: as young adults became more emotionally and financially independent from their parents, dating, became the primary way to find a spouse

patriarchal family

sunniva and karl live with their children, sunniva's parents, and her younger sister

The baby boom refers to births in the United States in which years?

1946-1964 feedback: as men returned from world war II and the economy revived, people married younger and had more children than in previous decades

Sarah, a U.S. citizen, was working in Argentina when she met and married Marcos. When Sarah's job transferred her back to the United States, Marcos was able to immigrate because of the ______.

1965 amendments to the immigration and nationality act feedback: the 1965 amendments to the immigration and nationality act lifted restrictions on the number of immigrants allowed into the united states when those people are family members of U.S. citizens


Amy and Sarah are married and work hard to prioritize their relationship and support each other's goals and dreams

Patriarchal family

Anne's parents choose john as a suitable spouse for her because his family's resources would help them maintain their property

The expansion of the prison system impacted Black families in what way?

Black grandparents were most likely to live with their grandparents feedback: increased separations often lead to other hardships, including poverty, crime, and violence. Black parents concerned about the threat of police violence's were increasingly likely to engage in a protective kind of parenting. One response to the new challenges facing black parents was to increasingly rely on the assistance of grandparents

According to the text, what had a significant impact on the emergence of the dating system in the early to mid-twentieth century?

Cars feedback: young people became more independent, and with the availability of cars, were able to easily go on unsupervised dates. This was connected to the move toward companionate marriage. Young adults spent time with a variety of dating partners, eventually choosing the one who they thought would make them happiest

patriarchal family

Charlie makes all significant decisions in his family and expects his wife to care for the home and children


Elaine and Alex both work outside the home and share the housework and child care as equally as they can

Lin marries someone from inside his cultural group. Which term best applies to this situation?

Endogamy feedback: even though laws against interracial marriage have been ruled unconstitutional and many of the informal boundaries between racial-ethnic groups have faded, people still tend to marry and reproduce within their own racial-ethnic groups

Feminist Theory

Family life differs dramatically for women and men and these experiences are also shaped by race, ethnicity, and social class

Symbolic Interactionism

Family members enact their particular roles (parent, child, sibling, spouse) based on others' expectations of them

Growing family diversity has come from which type of household becoming less common?

Married couples feedback: married couple families have become a smaller proportion of household types. For example, there are more people living alone and more single parents than there were in the past


Lorna and Martin are married and live with their biological and adopted children

In the American legal tradition, the definition of "family" is based on

Marriage and Biology feedback: In the U.S. a family is defined by law as a "group of individuals related by birth, marriage, or adoption." individuals may or may not consider these people as family and they may define others as family, but this is the legal definition

Compared to the U.S. population, how likely are American Indian families to be living in poverty

More likely feedback: although those who self identify as American Indian and another race are in some ways doing better than those who are only American Indian. Figure 3,4 shows that those who self identify as American Indian are more likely to have families in poverty than the total U.S. population

patriarchal family

Natasha and Jordan feel a sense of duty to fulfill the expectations of their parents

exchange theory

Rational individuals enter into family relationships that satisfy needs or necessities they cannot satisfy on their own

Consensus- Structural Functionalism Theory

Nuclear family with a breadwinner man and homemaker woman and their children in which their complementary roles result in harmony

Rosa thinks of her mother's best friend, Maria, as her aunt, and Maria treats Rosa as her niece. According to your textbook, Rosa and Maria could be labeled a

Personal family Feedback: This broad definition of family allows individuals to determine who they include in their definition of family. This may be a broader definition than the government uses ("two or more people related by birth, marriage, or adoption")

Elizabeth graduated from Princeton, as did her father. Her sister and brother graduated from Yale like their mother. After graduation, Elizabeth was able to use her __________ to help her get several interviews and ultimately her dream job.

Social capital feedback: Elizabeth has a good deal of social capital because she has access to a network of people who have connections and resources to help her make connections

conflict perspective

Wives care for home and family, allowing men to work for pay. Men, in turn, have the power in the family as a result of their economic support

James and Natasha identify as African American. Reflecting a dominant pattern for African Americans, they have children together and are not married. Sociologists might explain their family structure as reflecting

a response to social and economic challenges. feedback: the family resilience approach emphasized the economic and political discrimination African Americans have long faced. These challenges have helped to shape the structure of black families

According to your textbook, the issue of undocumented immigration is less a matter of border security and increasingly a question of how to treat the immigrants and their families because________

about 2/3 of undocumented immigrants have been in the country 10 years or more feedback: the flow of undocumented immigrants has decreased since 2009 and most undocumented immigrants have been living in the united states for more than 10 years. their children are legal citizens, meaning expelling their parents would break up families and cause great harm to children

Census categories have ______, so we can argue ________.

changed; ideas about what constitutes a family have evolved Feedback: changes in who is viewed as part of family and relationships between individuals in a family are reflected in changes in the census. The census no longer presumes a man is the head of the household and while unmarried partners and foster children are not included in the definition of family, they are counted in the census.

Elizabeth takes piano lessons, plays on a travel soccer team, attends after-school tutoring sessions, goes to science camp, and is encouraged by her parents to question teachers, doctors, and other adults in positions of authority. Elizabeth's college-educated professional parents engage in a style of parenting called

concerted cultivation feedback: sociologist Annette Lareau found that middle-class parents worked hard to actively develop their children's abilities. To do so they enrolled them in lots of activities and encouraged them to interact with and question adults in positions of authority. Lareau calls this parenting practice "concerted cultivation"

What contributed to the Black "retreat from marriage"

deindustrialization feedback: deindustrialization led to concentrated poverty in urban areas. Black men were unemployed and unable to support their families and were thus not desirable marriage partners

Jose and Maria came to the United States from Mexico with their parents. They quickly learned English, but their parents struggle with it and also want to continue to speak Spanish at home in order to maintain their culture. This is an example of

dissonant acculturation feedback: dissonant acculturation occurs when children learn the dominant language and more quickly integrate into the host society

Kai and his family live in a small town in Minnesota and Amelia and her family live in Boston. According to the federal poverty line, both families are poor. However, the poverty line __________, making things even more difficult for Amelia's family in such an expensive city.

does not consider geographical differences in cost of living feedback: the federal poverty guidelines do not account for geographical differences in cost of living (except for Alaska and Hawaii) so families who live in an area with a higher cost of living may have more difficult time getting by

Maria, a Latina immigrant, set aside her dreams of continuing her education in order to work to send money to her family in her country of origin. This is an example of the cultural trait of

familism feedback: familism is a belief and practice in putting family before personal desires. It is common among Latinos, who are more likely to live in extended families

in 2020, the U.S. census plans to add a new category, "middle Eastern or North African" according to your textbook, this is what type of designation

geographic designation feedback: middle eastern or north African (MENA) represents a regional origin, covering roughly the area from Morocco in North Africa east to Iran, including the northern African countries of Algeria, Libya, and Egypt, the Arab countries of the middle East (such as Syria, Iraq, Palestine, and Saudi Arabia) and Isreal

The pattern of high educational achievement and intergenerational living by Asian Americans may be explained by cultural traditions, but also by

highly educated professional parents who provide models and opportunities for their children feedback: highly educated immigrants are more likely to be able to obtain good-paying jobs and send their children to high-quality schools. they are also able to afford to bring their elderly parents to the united states and care for them as they age

Since the 1950s, family income inequality in the United States has

increased dramatically feedback: income inequality has increased dramatically and fairly consistently since the 1960s. This means that there is a larger gap between the wealthy and everyone else than in the past


individuals choose their own type of family and their role within it in order to find personal fufillment

Why is intermarriage the "litmus" test of racial and ethnic difference?

its frequency allows the measurements of the integration of two groups feedback: when people from different racial or ethnic groups marry, the groups become integrated. they are less separated in daily life because they likely interact with another's families and integrated communities. If people marry from different racial or ethnic groups marry and their extended families interact, we can actually observe the acceptance of difference


jorge and sandra enjoy many similar interests and their children make every effort to return to the family home to enjoy large gatherings and celebrations

Patriarchal family

juan is viewed as the leader of the family and the respect his family has for him holds the family together through difficult times

Alyssa was born to a young single mother and grew up in a poor rural area with low-quality schools. According to the sociological concept of life chances, she has a __________ of becoming rich because __________.

low chance; the practical chance of doing so is small feedback; in the united states we tend to think that when there are a few formal obstacles to moving up the social ladder people should be able to do so regardless of their family circumstances. Weber's concept of life chances focuses on the "practical ability to achieve. A child born to a young single mother has a higher chance of living in poverty than a child born to a dual earner couple or even to an older single mother. Living in a poor area makes it more likely that the public schools will be under-funded. practically, that child's life chances are shaped by their family situation and will shape her/his class position

From 1638 to the end of the trans-Atlantic slave trade in 1807, the marriages of enslaved Africans were not legally recognized and children were the property of the slave owner. In this context,

most slaves married and most children lived with both parents feedback: particularly on large plantations, most slaves lived in nuclear families

For the purposes of the contemporary census, a family

must occupy the same household feedback: for the sake of practicality, the government limits each family to one household. It is easy to imagine how difficult it would be to collect data if the guidelines included extended families who live in different households

Lisa has a White mother and a Black father, but when asked to self-identify her race, she chooses Black, not White or mixed. This reflects which of the following (CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY)?

people tend to apply the same identities to themselves as others apply to them feedback: people tend to self-identify based on how others see their races and ethnicities

In her research on social class and parenting, Annette Lareau found that poor and working-class parents engaged in a style of parenting she called the accomplishment of natural growth. These parents believed their children's success would be the natural outcome of a childhood spent

playing informally and hanging out in mixed age groups of friends and family feedback: laureau found that working class and poor parents felt their children would be successful if they were provided with protection, comfort, and care. their own social class background and access to the funds to enroll their children in lots of activities influenced their emphasis on informal play and spending time with mixed age groups in their neighborhoods. unlike their middle class counterparts, these parents tended to defer to professionals and taught their kids to do the same

According to Cohen, what is the strongest predictor of a person growing up to be poor

poverty and family structure in childhood are related and equally strong predictors feedback; women on average earn less than men and low-wage work often has variable hours that include nights and weekends making childcare challenging. Children who grow up in poor neighborhoods are likely to attend poorly financed schools and so are less likely to go to college than their better off peers

Rose is often told she "looks Latina," and in fact, her grandparents came to the United States from Mexico. This is an example of

racial ethnicity feedback: racial ethnicity is a concept that describes an ethnic group that is perceived to share physical characteristics

Functionalists theories argue that since social inequality exists in all societies it

serves an essential purpose feedback: because it exists in all societies (to varying degrees) functionalists argue that social inequality in necessary. Unequal rewards, they argue, provide incentives for people to get the best jobs they can, which may include acquiring the education and training to do difficult work. Inequality is beneficial and necessary for society to function well

Pallavi's parents are professionals, as are their siblings and most of their friends. They are able to draw on their social networks to help Pallavi achieve her goals. This is an example of

social capital feedback: social networks can be important resources for gaining opportunities and access to education, jobs, experiences, friends, and romantic partners

the fact that the U.S. government has changed the census categories for race every decade is a good example of how race and ethnicity are_______.

socially constructed feedback: categories like race and ethnicity are the outcome of social interactions and beliefs, they change over time, and they differ from place to place. These factors are clues that they are socially constructed

The granting of marriage licenses is an example of which institutional arenas interacting?

state and family feedback: legal marriage as a family form is regulated by the state. The government determines who is able to legally marry


sylvia and leonard had quite different childhoods, but they fall in love and marry without consulting their parents

Which of these factors does the textbook cite as a reason family sizes became smaller over the course of the nineteenth century

the logic of child rearing changed to require more resources feedback: the rate of infant deaths has declined dramatically since the 1800s. Mass production of condoms began in the mid-1800s and most couples practiced withdrawal or limited the frequency of intercourse. Children's individuality emerges as a valued ideal and parents invested more in fewer children

A reporter is writing an article about social mobility in the United States. As a sociologist, you advise her that

there is little substantial upward social mobility. feedback: American children are more likely than children in other wealthy countries to remain in the same social class of their parents. It is particularly difficult for poor children to escape poverty and quite unlikely that the children of wealthy parents will move down the social ladder

Since the nineteenth century, what has happened to children?

they lost economic value and gained emotional value feedback: as families became less dependent on children's labor and infant mortality declined, they had fewer children and relationships between parents and children became emotionally closer

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