SOCY 3052 test 4

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how much money is spent yearly on supplements in the US

$12 billion/year

how much is the cost of a one-day hospital stay in 2017


explain the 4 year training programs for chiropractors

- 3 years in classroom - 1 year in practice at the college - no requirement of internship or residency

describe Curanderismo healing (11 main points)

- Curanderos/Curanderas (Mexican-American Healers) - God provides them with powers - examines root causes rather than symptoms - requests in small donations - individuals learn through suffering - blends religion with folk medicine (prayer, counseling, drugs, herbs, etc.) - based on body equilibrium - balance of hot and cold - witchcraft is used to cause harm - Curanderos can fight evil with good - reduces anxiety and provides social support

what is a D.O degree

- Doctor of Osteopathy - is a physician - considered mainstream - training in spinal procedures and manipulation - more holistic approach

explain Native healers in the Navajo tribe (5 main points)

- Native healers treat causes of illness - rituals; lasts several days and lead by singer - illnesses may be due to witchcraft, taboo violation, spirit possession - decline in practices due to fewer individuals trained, rituals are expensive, and the ceremonies are long - individuals go to physicians for treating symptoms like cuts, broken bones, or childbirth

list the 3 types of marijuana ingredients

- THC - CBD - Terpenes

describe restrictions on marijuana

- US government classified marijuana as schedule 1 drug in 1970 (high risk of abuse and no documented medical use) - still heavily regulated in the US, but more states allow its usage

explain acupuncture

- ancient Chinese treatment - becoming more mainstream - considered effective - insertion of needles into body to treat asthma, allergies, addiction, and stimulate body function - 5 needle protocol

what are the different types of CAM therapy

- aromatherapy - ayurveda - shiatsu - crystal healing - biofeedback - yoga, tai chi, meditation - folk healers- spiritual or faith healing - cupping therapy - coining - medical marijuana

List out reasons why some individuals would use CAM (9 reasons)

- availability - cultural - religious - services rendered - financial- dissatisfied with physicians - displeased with insurance companies - want more control over health - desire greater health, longer life

Describe African American folk healers (5 main points)

- being sick can be a misfortune - addresses cause rather than symptoms - problems are interconnected; by fixing one problem you could fix multiple others - some illnesses cured by magic rather than medicine - illness caused by abuse of environment (overeating or drinking alcohol) or punishment from God (cure through prayer or contact God intermediary)

why do individuals use microdoses of natural substances

- boost immunity - restore flow of energy

list the 9 different kinds of qualifying conditions for medical marijuana in Colorado

- cachexia (wasting syndrome) - cancer - HIV/AIDs - glaucoma - seizures - severe nausea - muscle spasms - severe pain - PTSD

what are potential problems with CAM

- can overstate benefits of natural supplements - geophagy

compared to physicians, chiropractors... (finish the sentence with 5 statements)

- charger less - are friendlier - devote more time to patients (by listening) - use more understandable words (speak to patients and human beings) - help people with back problems

what are the 6 potential risks of marijuana usage

- create anxiety attacks - affect developing brains - (biggest problem) smoke produces high level of carbon monoxide and tar - co-occurring substances - increase in heart rate - increase risk of schizophrenia

explain the administrative side of dual system of authority (3 points)

- enforces hospital policy - may create rules and regulations for doctors - focuses on efficiency

what is kaolin

- fine white dirt/clay - found in Georgia - common to eat in the South (esp. among African American) - eases digestion problems

explain the 1994 dietary supplement health and education act

- food products can be sold as cures, but cannot include beneficial health claims on labels - claims can be included on books, pamphlets, store signs

Who is Andrew Taylor Still

- founder of osteopathy (1860s) - illnesses causes by dislocation of bones in the spinal column, and believes that spine is central cause of health

explain chiropractors (5 main points)

- illness caused by spine misalignment (D.D Palmer 1895) - manipulate bone in spinal column - 4 year training program - licensed to practice in all states - medical opposition due to weak theories, low education standards

explain for profit hospitals

- increasing trend

describe the 4 main points of the U.S hospital system

- initially housed the poor, but also cared for sick in early 1700s - founded by private citizens in mid-1700s, as nonprofits - funded by government beginning in 1798 - decline in number of hospitals from 1975-2018 because it's hard to manage, for consolidation

explain government hospitals

- less prestigious - low-income individuals rely as major source of care

how does having a higher religious attendance impact one's health

- longevity (longer lives) - less physical disability - lower levels of depression - better able to cope with illness - healthier behavior (less smoking, drug/alcohol usage, risky sexual practices) - strong social support and integration

what are the three different ways hospitals are divided into categories

- maternity-obstetrics - pediatrics - neurology-orthopedics

how is CAM increasing in some social circles

- migration and travel contributes to CAM - some forms work, such as acupuncture - other forms don't, such as crystals - some can be considered child abuse - many reduce anxiety and stress - medical marijuana becoming more mainstream

explain nonprofit hospitals

- most common - board of trustees provides control - do not pay federal income taxes

what are the three types of hospital ownership

- nonprofit - for profit - government (federal, state, or local)

cupping therapy is used to treat ___ (10 things)___

- pain - scar tissue - swelling - muscle knots - blood disorders - rheumatic diseases - fertility disorders - skin problems - back pain - cancer

Describe the Christian Science Church (3 main points)

- pain and sickness are illusions - disease indicates negative spiritual conditions (prayer heals that bad spiritual condition) - medicine is unnecessary or prohibited (except for when something is physically wrong - ie/ broken bone)

Describe faith healers (3 main points)

- promote healing with prayer, faith in God, and power of suggestion - John Denton's 1978 two basic beliefs - 5 categories of healing

what are the health care delivery benefits to society?

- protects family from burden of caregiving - care for sick where they're less disruptive to society - essential service

What are John Denton's two basic beliefs when it comes to faith healers

- psychological processes avenue toward healing - God intervenes (sometimes performs miracles or it's simply God's will)

What results can be seen with African American folk healers

- quick results - failures of sorcery/witchcraft might be due to God's will - best addresses emotional/social problems by easing anxiety and stress that underlie various health problems

3 main things herbal supplements can do

- reduce drug effectiveness - increase drug effects and negative side effects - affect drugs with narrow therapeutic range

explain the benefits of yoga, tai chi, or meditation

- reduces stress - increase in balance/flexibility (aids in reduce risk of falls) - increase in core strength

explain nature therapy (ecotherapy) (3 main points)

- reduces stress and high blood pressure - boosts mood, creativity, and immune system - accelerates recovery from illness

list out the benefits of spiritual healing (7 of them)

- relieves stress - alleviate symptoms - improve life situations - acceptance of health problems - redefines conditions as less serious - greater sense of support from God - adopts another's perspective about situation

Why is manipulating the bones in the spinal column beneficial

- relives pressure on the nerves - ease pain in back, shoulder, neck, etc. - reduces illness

How do African American folk healers gain their abilities/powers

- result of learning - altered state of conscience - at birth

what is depersonalization in regards to the hospital-patient role (5 main points)

- result of the way many patients are managed; embarrassed, devalued, disoriented, objectified, isolated - related to the patient's subjective experience of feeling sick; may feel stigma behind their sickness - devalued social status; Goffman's (face) and clothes removed for hospital gowns - lack of control of events and resources; belongings taken, restriction on visitors, controlled diets/sleep/social life, control items in room/information about a condition - restriction of mobility; sick people in gowns restricted to different wards and discharged via wheelchair

What are Denton's 5 categories of healing in relation to faith healers treated by

- self through prayer - layperson who communicates with God - official church leader - full-time healer (unaffiliated with religion) - full-time religious healer

explain the nurses side of dual system of authority (4 points)

- trained nurses transformed day-to-day work in hospitals - most affected by the system of authority - carry out doctor's orders - answer to supervisors and hospital admin

describe folk healers (2 main points)

- uncommon in the US - more common among lower incomes, in rural areas and among race/ethnic minorities (African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans)

explain homeopathy

- use microdoses of natural substances - ineffective, may cause harm (no better than a placebo)

explain the 5-needle protocol

- used for stress relief, relaxation, pain management - used for first responders

Describe the Pentecostal Church (4 main points)

1) Devil causes Illness; evil spirits possess individuals 2) Devine healing; in order to heal, one can use the Holy Spirit, exorcise demons, or through faith 3) Healing process consists of laying on of hands, anoint with holy oil, and/or a prayer for health or demon removal 4) members are still allowed to seek professional medical care

what are the four phases of development when looking at hospitals (in order)?

1) center of religious practice 2) poorhouses 3) death houses 4) centers of medical technology

list 6 reasons why hospitals serve as multipurpose institutions

1. treat patients (primary goal) 2. provide laboratories 3. train practitioners 4. conduct medical research (clinical trials or new intervention) 5. support health education program

how much does hospital spending represent for all of the money that is spend on health


what time period was the third hospital development believed to be around?

18th century (1700s)

how many DO schools are there in the US


What was the result of the controversy in regards to the Christian Science Church

Court ruling: freedom of religion doesn't include risking child's health or life

T or F hospitals are NOT a major social institution


describe the 4th phase of hospital development (name it and it's 4 main points)

NAME: center of medical technology - everyone is a patient, doesn't gear towards any class level - antiseptic practices reduce infection - use of scientific/empirically-based methods - improved training of hospital personnel and was a major center for human technology and education

describe the 1st phase of hospital development (name it too) (4 main points)

NAME: center of religious practice - Christians beliefs emphasized that human beings were duty-bound to help sick, needy, disadvantaged - Roman Catholic church had nuns and clergies that had paths to spiritual salvation and rudimentary training and expertise - hospitals were community centers for care of lower-class sick - provided basic measures: food, shelter, prayers, healthcare

describe the 3rd phase of hospital development (name it and it's 4 main points)

NAME: death houses - rudimentary treatment produced mixed results - high mortality in hospitals; dirty, crowded, limited ventilation, all patients housed together (high rates of infection= risky medical procedures; low success rates of procedures, bloodletting, use of potions to purge illnesses, unsanitary conditions - ether not used during surgeries, and there were only basic surgeries being done

describe the 2nd phase of hospital development (name it and its 5 main points)

NAME: poorhouses - reduction in monastery system - increase secular control with a decline in development of hospital systems in Europe - treat sick individuals so that they can function in society (similar to boarding houses) - provide basic services without being comfortable to keep individuals longer: food, shelter, treatment to sick - doesn't help people recover in dramatic way (ie/ sickness)

what time period was the second hospital development believed to be around?

Renaissance and reformation (mid 1500s)

how do herbal supplements increase drug effects and negative side effects

Some herbs reduce blood sugar. Which may be bad as it may result in blood sugar dropping too much when it's combined with anti-diabetes drugs

T or F chiropractors can receive payments from insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid


T or F dual authority can result in inconsistency with hospitals


T or F marijuana is still understudied


T or F marijuana usage dates back several thousand years


what are the two dual systems of authority

administrative and medical

which drugs have decreased effects when it comes to St. John's wort

anti-anxiety, antidepressant, diabetes, birth control, transplant anti-rejection drugs

explain the risks and benefits to coining (Gua sha)

benefits: stimulates blood flow, gain of energy, healing, reduces fevers risks: swelling, breathing difficulty, infections (bruising may appear in about 3 days)

what is warfarin used as

blood thinner

Who is Dr. Oz

board-certified celebrity cardiologist who "sold" many dietary products with false/deceptive ads

what is CBD

cannabidiol; no psychoactive effect

What do African American folk healer focus on?

cause of a problem and its solution through sorcery and witchcraft

What is CAM?

complimentary and alternative medicine

What is the major controversy relating to the Christian Science Church

controversies over children's needs vs. parents' rights

what is shark cartilage used for when it comes to supplements

cure cancer

what did Goffman deem as a potential unintended result of the hospital-patient role in 1961


Gillian Allen and Roy Wallis (1976)

discuss the Pentecostal church

Deborah Glik 1990

discusses benefits with spiritual healing

What is the Dr. Oz effect?

dramatically boosting sales and driving scam artists to pop up overnight using false and deceptive ads to sell questionable products

what is geophagy

eating earth, soil, clay

explain cupping therapy's effectiveness and risks

effectiveness: limited risks: more risks than benefits, bruising, risky for those that are thin/obese, may be more of a placebo

Nocebo effect

expectation that treatment will create problems can increase anxiety and pain, and reduce treatment efficacy

Placebo effect

expectation that treatment will fix an illness can work, in part, because brain can send healing signals (e.g., medicate with hormones and neurotransmitters)

what is terpenes

flavor and aroma of weed

what is algae used for when it comes to supplements

increase alertness

Why is health care delivery important?

it meets complex health needs of the society

what are the health care delivery benefits to individuals?

it's centralized with medical expertise, knowledge, technology, and advanced care

Terri Winnick states that chiropractors are ______ compared to physicians

less likely to resort to "pills, tests, technology"

explain the medical side of dual system of authority

makes medical decisions

what time period was the first hospital development believed to be around?

medieval era through 1450, although some may believe to might've been the Romans

what is garlic used for when it comes to supplements

prevent blood clot

what is fish oil used for when it comes to supplements

reduce heart attacks

what is THC

tetrahydrocannabinol; psychoactive effect

what is body equilibrium to Curanderos

the four humors (blood, phlegm, black/yellow bile) any imbalance of these causes harms

What happens when an individual who practices geophagy moves

they find poor substitutes, such as detergent

What is levothyroxine used for

treat thyroid problems

what is balancing hot and cold in terms of Curandero healing

treating cold conditions (chills) with hot foods and treating hot conditions (fevers) with cold foods.

Define osteopathy

type of alternative medicine that emphasizes physical manipulation of the body's muscle tissue and bones.

Explain cupping therapy

usage of heat or suction to draw skin into cup

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