SPTE Ch 15-->

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Illegal wagers result in up to $______ annually

$380 billion

Ron Artest

-"Malace at the Palace" -Went into stands and fought fans

Athletes make up ____% of college population, but account for ____% of sexual assaults and ____% of domestic assaults on campus.

-3% -19% -35%

Up to ____% of female athletes reported to have eating disorders (________ than non-athletes)

-33% -Higher

General population conviction rate is _____% for sexual assaults, but only _____% for athletes.

-80% -38%

Types of Education: Development Programs for Children and Youth (4)

-Academic development and sport (sport as vehicle to develop academic skills) -At-risk prevention programs (e.g., YMCA, Boys and Girls Clubs, Up2Us) -Academic enrichment and sport programs (safe haven, combining school and sport) -Stand-alone sport and physical activity programs (skill-focused, foundational)

Reasons For Steroid Use (3)

-Accepted Medical Uses -To Enhance Athletic Performance -To Improve Appearance

Performance Enhancers

-Athletes may use steroids and other drugs to enhance athletic performance: -Not a new phenomenon, but more media exposure

Cyclists Scandal

-Blood Doping -Erythropoietin

Use of Sport to Promote Social Values (3)

-Capitalist society -Socialist society -Potential to integrate people from diverse backgrounds in areas of conflict

Christian Influences on Sport

-Churches attract people through sports and gymnasiums -YMCA, Springfield College, basketball

Government's Use of Sport to Promote Unity and Identity (4)

-Cities work to attract pro teams to increase the attractiveness of the city. -Sport unifies strangers and provides topics of conversation. -Sport promotes collective identity through apparel. -Cities and countries hold special sporting events.

John Wooden

-Coached Men's Basketball at UCLA -Most NCAA Championships -Didn't allow players to get involved in social issues

Benefits of Sport and Physical Activity (6)

-Cognitive development -Personal development -Social integration -Moral development -Better health -Fun

Avenues for Getting and Staying Trained

-College (179 in U.S. offer coaching education) -National governing body (NGB) -Often have training certification based on knowledge, skill, and competency; often geared toward a specific group -Certification through a national agency -For example, American Sport Education Program, National Youth Sport Coaches Association Many opportunities for self-improvement!

Groups of Users (5)

-College Athletes -Olympic Athletes -Weightlifters -Professional Athletes -Adolescent Age School Children

Capitalist society (3)

-Competition, hard work, winner

Athletes use religion to ________ ________ and ________ _________ ________ in sport

-Conquer Fears - Find Deeper Meaning

General Description of Coaches

-Conservative, clear concept of right and wrong -Respect for tradition and authority -Focus on development -Model behavior on past coaches -The stereotype has changed in recent years: less autocratic, more team-centered, business approach, perhaps more tolerant of differences

On-Field Violence in Sport

-Demands of collision and contact sports -Enforcer roles -Societal view of masculinity encouraging warrior mentality -Part of the game (5 for fighting, NFL's Dirtiest Player)

Role of Government in Sport (5)

-Designates the USOC but does not provide its funding. -Intervenes when there are scandals or social issues in sport (MLB steroid use and drug testing). -Protects rights of Americans. -Promotes equal opportunities. -Protects financial interests of the public.

Challenges Facing Future Coaches

-Develop national coaching standards for different coaching levels. -Adoption of coaching standards by all organizations -National certification process for all coaches -Mandated continuing education -Public awareness of coach education and certification -Recruit and retain good coaches. Recruit female coaches at all levels. Ensure safety of athletes. Develop a recognition system for coaches that is not based on winning and losing. Recruit minority coaches.

Female Athlete Triad

-Disordered Eating -Amenorrhea -Osteoporosis

Olympics Stance on Religion

-Do not formally endorse it -Do allow it though

East Germans Scandal

-Doping -Entire Association was in on illegal substances

Effects of Technology

-Equipment and facility improvements will result in higher performance. -Training methods will improve. -New and improved drugs and performance enhancers will appear. -Ability to recover from injury will improve.

Suggestions for Improving Coaching

-Establish preseason meetings with parents and players. -Develop organizational expectations for coaches. -Train coaches in effective coaching skills. -Develop a procedure for filing complaints. -Develop consequences for inappropriate behavior.

Three core values of the Olympic Movement are _________, __________, _________.

-Excellence -Friendship -Respect

Coaching at Various Levels: Interscholastic Sport

-Extra job for supplemental pay -Skilled at teaching fundamental skills -Organizational and administration skills -Knowledge of personal and skill development

Use of Sport (Organizations) to Promote Religion (4)

-Fellowship of Christian Athletes (1954) -Athletes in Action -Pro Athletes Outreach -National Christian College Athletic Association (NCCAA )

Coaching at Various Levels: Males and Females

-Females and males look for similar coach qualities. -Females motivated to improve own performance. -Males motivated to beat others.

Pete Rose Gambling

-Gambled on baseball while playing -Bet on his own team to win

Steve Courson

-Gamecock -5'11 260 lbs -4.6 40 yard dash -Post Career heart issues, needed transplant -Part of hearings in Congress studying Steroid use in Sport

U.S. Social Trends That Will Affect Sport

-Global trends (terrorism, global economy) -Increase in older athletes -Protection of citizen rights -Protection of sport investments -Increase in sport management -Records being broken -Increase in coaching competency

Developmental Possibilities for Sport (3)

-Growing area that recognizes sport as social capital has opportunities to improve lives for social and personal development for all populations, especially disenfranchised. -Body of research, programming growing. -Not development in traditional sense (athlete development, economic development).

Potential Issues With Drug Use

-Growing rejection by fans, parents, kids -Withdrawal of financial support -Acceptance -Long-term health risks -Youth athletes emulating the big leagues -Females: Risks to future pregnancies -Genetic engineering

Sport instills Protestant Values such as ________ (3)

-Hard Work -Self-Discipline -Striving for Success

Gambling in Sport

-Has always been an important issue for sports organizers -Without public confidence in integrity of the games, the popularity of the games will decline.

Coaching at Various Levels: Youth Sport

-Have concern for athletes' needs and welfare. -Teach rules of the game and basic strategy. -Create a safe and fun environment. -Possess knowledge of personal and skill development.

Participation Sport

-Health struggles will continue to grow. -Development programs will use sport as vehicle for other social efforts. -Connection between physical activity and better health, less disease, and greater quality of life will become more evident. -Community programs, extreme sports will increase. Funding will continue to face challenges.

Responding to Drug Use in Sport

-IOC and WADA efforts -Government involvement (hearings) -Sport organizations caring for athletes and seeing it as management and labor issue -Media being fair and balanced (not blaming) -Parents, educational programs -Sport and exercise scientists

Stimulants in Sport (2)

-In use for decades -Increased arousal and energy levels

Role of Excitement and Emotion (Fans)

-Increase in excitement and arousal with tailgating, alcohol use -Hooliganism

Anabolic Steroids (2)

-Increase muscle size, speed, and strength -Improves ability of muscles to train quickly after exhaustion

Potential Funding Sources for Sport Development Programs

-International groups (UNESCO, IOC) -Multinational corporations -Government groups -Social organizations and institutions (schools, community centers, recreation departments, faith-based organizations) -Charitable organizations

Gambling on Sport (by Fans)

-Internet makes gambling much easier. -Involvement of organized crime is concern. -Online betting is increasing, not yet illegal. -College students who gamble also more likely to engage in other risky behaviors.

Hank Greenberg & Sandy Koufax

-Jewish athletes who refused to play on Yom Kippur

Use of Religion by Athletes (4)

-Justify commitment to high performance -Reduce pressure and uncertainty -Enhance bonds between teammates -Guide moral decision making

Jose Conseco

-MLB Player -Openly admitted to using PEDs

Judaism and Sport (2)

-Maccabiah Games -Early American Boxing

Violence in Society

-Media exposure and occasional leniency to accused offenders who are athletes give perception that athletes are more violent than other segments of society. -Sport mirrors society in violent acts and acceptance of violent acts.

Examples of Rule Breaking

-Modifying equipment -Committing intentional fouls -Faking injuries for time-outs -Participating in brawls -Often done for strategic advantage

Status of Coaching

-More than 3 million youth sport coaches (mostly volunteers) -Few standards for coaches at any level -Standards often set by organizing group -Standards in youth sport often very low -National Standards for Athletic Coaches -Difficulty defining coaching as profession

Hakeem Olajuwon

-Muslim Basketball Player -Fasted during NBA playoffs

Muhammad Ali

-Muslim Boxer -Refused to go to war, as it went against his beliefs

Tim Donaghy Gambling

-NBA Referee -Bet on games while reffing

Coach Training: High School

-NFHS Coach Education Program started in 2007 (90,000 coaches have taken course). -44 of 51 NFHS member state associations have adopted it. -Advanced-level courses being planned. -This provides an accepted body of knowledge that coaches must master. -Still great variation among requirements.

Conrad Doble

-NFL Player -St. Louis Cardinals -"NFL's Dirtiest Player"

Todd Bertuzzi

-NHL Player -Canucks -Tried to instigate fight -Hit opposing player (Steve Moore) from behind -Broke Steve Moore's vertebrate -Suspended for rest of season

Politics in Youth Sport Organizations (2)

-National Federation of State High School Associations has minimal central control, state by state variations in rules, policies. -There are single-sport organizations and multisport (Amateur Athletic Union) organizations.

Problems With Relying on Volunteers

-Need for coaches is great, so volunteers welcomed and needed for leagues to exist. -Results in inexperienced, untrained coaches. -Even if they are trained, high turnover rate. -Result is only short-term benefit to that knowledge base before new coaches are educated.

Charlie Weis

-Notre Dame Football coach, also coache NFL -$30 million intake after being released -One of few non-players to go to coach

Use of Sport to Promote Religious Schools (3)

-Notre Dame in football -St Joseph's in basketball -Brigham Young University in football, Director's Cup

Rule Breaking in Sport

-Occurs accidentally and intentionally. -Probably less of this behavior now with increase in officiating, media, TV replays. -Organizations promote good behavior. -Include steeper penalties for different types

Coaching at Various Levels: Professional

-Often have experience playing at this level. -Accept business of sport and commitment to winning. -Need to help athletes develop mental skills.

Methods of Administration (4)

-Orally -By Injection (Intramuscularly) -Topically -Sublingually (under tongue)

Performance Sport: United States

-Participation in performance sport at the youth level will increase for those who can afford it. -Schools will invest more in college athletic programs but will face continued financial struggles. -Professional sport will continue to dominate and may develop true world championships.

Nationalism and Sport (6)

-Patriotic symbols and colors at international competitions -National anthem played before games -Army-Navy game -Expression of loyalty in hard times -Historic Olympic boycotts -Olympics, major events as terrorist targets

Effects of Spectatorship

-Pay-per-view and Internet viewing will continue to revolutionize fan experiences. -The growing spectatorship will increase participation if the boom of electronic spectatorship does not prevent it. -Legalization of sport gambling will be attempted. -Competition for fans' time and commitment will increase.

The goal of Olympism is to.....

-Place sport at the service of the harmonious development of humanity, with a view to promoting a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity.

College Basketball Gambling

-Point Shaving -Underworld figures recruited and bribed some Boston College Eagles men's basketball players -Ensure the team would not win by the required margin (not cover the point spread), allowing the gamblers in the know to place wagers against that team and win.

Examples of the Use of Religion by Coaches, Owners, and Organizations

-Prayer breakfasts at Olympic Games -Informal prayer at school events -Faith nights in minor leagues -Christian outreach at Olympics for years

Types of Drugs Used by Modern Athletes

-Prescription (over-the-counter) -Stimulants -Anabolic Steroids

President John F. Kennedy created the ________ in 1961

-President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports

Prescription Drugs in Sport (3)

-Promote Healing -Mask Pain -Risks are long term

Negative Influences of Coaches

-Punish poor performance. -Focus on winning at all costs. -Instill prejudice. -Inflict physical and mental abuse.

Sport can lead to a _________(3) society

-Safer, more tolerant, and peaceful

How Sport Can Contribute to Peace Building

-Security -Rebuilding economies -Rebuilding traumatized populations -Political structure -Communication -Reconciling torn societies

Effects of Steroid Use

-Short-Term vs. Long-Term -Physical and Physiological vs. Psychological -Long-Term Effects not very well documented. -Many short-term effects are reversible when use ceases.

Consequences of On-Field Violent Behavior

-Shortened careers (and reduced earnings) -Pressure to return from injuries, regardless of source -Concussions: a change in view recently -Negative publicity for teams, leagues, organizations -Poor behavior modeling

Coaching at Various Levels: High-Level Amateurs

-Skilled at teaching fundamental skills -Knowledge of personal and skill development -Knowledge of the mental side of sport -Ability to communicate with parents and agents

Performance Sport: International

-Soccer participation and spectatorship will increase around the globe (including United States). -Olympics will become more professional. -Female sport will continue to grow. -Drug-testing programs will expand.

Effects of Electronic Media

-Sport action will be viewed on demand. -Fantasy teams and leagues will be interactive. -Sports wagering over the Internet will grow. -Athletes will become more accessible to fans through social media and business necessities. -Giants like ESPN will continue to grow.

Sport and Society (4)

-Sport distracts from difficult times of life (distraction = passivity). -Sport helps maintain the status quo (male dominance, traditional values). -Sport can change society (Muhammad Ali, Arthur Ashe, Billie Jean King). -Sport can promote politicians (photo opportunities, athletes turned politicians).

Peace Initiatives Through Sport

-Sport for Development and Peace International Working Group (SDP IWG) was created in 2004 to work with governments as they develop their sport systems. -Tolerance and friendship toward disparate groups essential to strong civic societies. -Sport is a safe place to face conflict in structured environment, with rules in place.

IOC initiatives toward achieving this goal

-Sport to rural and underdeveloped communities -Local economic development -Rehabilitation of war victims -HIV/AIDS prevention -Joy to refugee camps

Politics Within Sport Organizations (5)

-Sports are run by international or national governing bodies (NGBs). -If there is more than one organization for a particular sport, each struggles for control. -Federations have less control, so their role is confusing. -The NCAA has unchecked control. -Difficult to create new pro leagues, tours.

Ben Johnson Scandal

-Sprinter -9.9 100 m dash -Anabolic Steroids

Role of Excitement and Emotion (Athletes)

-Stress of competition -Consumed by emotion -Optimal levels of arousal and intensity

Positive Influences of Coaches

-Teach how to set goals. -Help learn skills. -Help develop discipline. -Aid maturation. -Teach leadership skills. -Encourage integrity.

Use of Religion by Coaches, Owners, and Organizations (3)

-Team unity -Moral code for athletes -Being a religious role model for players

Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids

-Testosterone (Primary Natural Male Hormone) -Also present in females in lesser amounts

Effects of Social Changes

-The U.S. Civil Rights Act increased opportunities for diversity in sport, but opportunities for minorities still lag. -Women will increase participation, influence. -As the average age of the U.S. population moves up, demand for leagues will grow. -Opportunities for athletes with same-sex orientation or with disabilities may rise.

Role of Government in Physical Activity (PA) and Health (2)

-U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention -1950s Council on Youth Fitness

Off-Field Violence in Sport

-Unclear if on-field violence leads to off-field violence. -Alcohol use escalates violence incidence (athletes more prone to binge drinking). -Some sports may not cause more violent off-field behavior, but rather attract people who are already more violent. -Challenges to manhood occur off the field.

Bode Miller

-Used cocaine/was drunk while skiing

Coaching at Various Levels: Intercollegiate Sport

-Variations based on divisional status of school -Experience playing or coaching the sport -Knowledge of NCAA rules -Commitment to winning

Conflict Between Sport and Religion (4)

-Violent nature of some sports -Athletes' ways of overcoming internal conflicts, justifying their dedication to sport, and validating their sport experience -Separate beliefs -Question of meaning and value

Rollen Stewart

-White guy, afro -At all sport events -Always on camera -Always had "John 3:16" sign

Islam and Sport: Differences between Genders

-Women banned or wear traditional dress, but are beginning to have greater impact on international sport -For males, no prohibition against sport participation, and sport and games have long been a part of the expected teachings

Chinese Swimmers Scandal

-Younger Swimmers used most

Athletes commit ______ sexual assaults.

1 in 3

________ tests were carried out at the London 2012 Paralympics

1,200 tests

_________ of athletes (31) admitted reaching a crisis in their careers trying to reconcile their religious beliefs with their sport.


_____ out of the 50 states allow some type of gambling

48 states

More than ________ Blood and Urine Tests administrated at the London 2012 Olympics

5,000 tests

Worldwide, more than ____% of adults don't engage in sufficient levels of activity.


_____% of college athletes have been hazed


Most Alarming Group of Steroid Users

Adolescent Age School Children

Every action of Islamic Faith is meant to glorify _______


Deviant behavior

Behavior that is beyond "normal" behavior; can be good or bad

Jimmy Carter 1980 Olympics

Boycotted because Soviet Union infiltrated Afghanistan

Soviet Union 1984 Olympics

Boycotted to spite America


Breaking the rules, not adhering to norms

Steroids Original Use

Burn victims

Coach Training: College and Pros

College -Most colleges require coaches to have a degree. -Other qualifications include playing experience. -Most professional sports require experience as a player or coach.

International Outreach Through Sport

Conditions and diseases that can be addressed through physical activity now an emphasis by World Health Organization.

Post war, Jewish families focused on _________

Education, not sport

Benefits and Challenges of Sport (Adult)

Form close relationships, challenge self; physical activity priority can slip

Hazing in Sport

Includes mental or physical harm or anxiety and demeaning or degrading behavior regardless of intent or consent. All athletes are at risk. Seen as a rite of passage. Dangerous acts (excessive physical punishment, sexual assault) increase.

Amateur Sports Capital



Internalizing the rules to the extreme

Effects of Androgenic Steroids (3)

Masculinizing Effects - Growth of Facial Hair - Growth of Body Hair - Deepening of the Voice

College Students who gamble are ________ likely to engage in other risky behaviors


Benefits and Challenges of Sport (Childhood)

Most rapid development; learn basics of skills, social interaction, rules

Religion and Sport both considered _________

Opiate of the Masses

Frank Aguirre

Recruited white, catholic, New York basketball players

American Puritans viewed sport as_______


Benefits and Challenges of Sport (Older Adults)

Social; body in decline

Eating Disorders in Sport

Sport attracts the disciplined, determined. Includes anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, disordered eating, compulsive exercise. Coaches and parents can inadvertently encourage eating disorders.

Socialist society (3)

Teamwork, fitness, friendship

Chicago "Black Sox"

The Chicago White Sox lost the World Series to the Cincinnati Reds -Eight White Sox players were later accused of intentionally losing games in exchange for money from gamblers -The players were acquitted in court but were nevertheless banned for life from baseball.


Tissue-Building Effects - Increases in Muscle Cell Size

Benefits and Challenges of Sport (Youth)

Transitions of many kinds; critical time for dropouts

Ireland: Protestants vs. Catholics

Used sports with roster of mixed religion to unify

Christian emperor banned sports for their _________



World Anti-Doping Agency

Eating disorders among female athletes have ________ since Title IX


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