Teacher Exam

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Which of the following would be the most appropriate language arts goal for a 17-year-old who receives instruction within a life skills curriculum? A. Finding a doctor's telephone number in a telephone book B. Asking about a job delivering papers in the local neighborhood C. Computing the cost of a box of cereal purchased with a discount coupon D. Keeping a daily diary of food eaten from each food group

A.Finding a doctor's telephone number in a telephone book

A ninth-grade student with dyslexia has an Individual Education Program (IEP) goal to improve his independent writing skills. Which of the following is the most appropriate accommodation the IEP team can recommend for the student? A. A peer tutor to work one-on-one with the student in developing his ideas and correcting his mechanics and spelling B. Posters that outline the writing process and lists most frequently used and the most often misspelled words C. A computer with software that can outline and graphically present his thoughts and check his grammar and spelling D. A talking dictionary that he can use to help increase his productive vocabulary as he works on his writing assignments

A peer tutor to work one-on-one with the student in developing his ideas and correcting his mechanics and spelling

Johnny is a preschooler with autism spectrum disorder. He has frequent tantrums throughout the day that include screaming, throwing himself on the floor, and banging his head on the ground. To best help, Johnny adjust to changes and transitions during the school day, the teacher is most likely to provide him with which of the following? A. Physical support when he needs to transition B. A visual schedule she he can anticipated his daily activities C. A negative consequence each time he throws a tantrum D. A positive reinforce each time he completes a transition successfully

A positive reinforce each time he completes a transition successfully

Of the following, the most effective means for creating consistency from preschool through kindergarten is to provide students.. A. A developmentally appropriate program in both preschool and kindergarten that is responsive to individual differences B. A preschool environment that strongly emphasizes the development of socialization skills above academics C. An environment in both preschool and kindergarten that requires children to collaboratively plan and problem solve D. A preschool program that stresses the development of independent work habits and the ability to follow directions

A. A developmentally appropriate program in both preschool and kindergarten that is responsive to individual differences

Which of the following is an effective strategy for assisting students in becoming independent learners? A. Assigning work at an appropriate level of difficulty for students B. Condensing the quantity of work assigned to students on a daily basis C. Allowing students to redo work that is incorrect D. Spending most of the instructional time modeling for students

A. Assigning work at an appropriate level of difficulty for students

Samuel is a ninth grader diagnosed with a learning disability (LD). He receives special education services to improve his reading skills. He comprehends best when information is provided through lecture or whole-class discussion. Ms. Larson, his English teacher, suggests that the admission, review, dismissal (ARD) committee investigate an assistive device to help Samuel better comprehend printed materials. Which of the following accommodations should be considered when developing Samuel's Individualized Education Program (IEP)? A. Augmentative communication software B. Electronic organizer C. Text-to-speech software D. Electronic spelling and grammar check

A. Augmentative communication software

Phil, a high school student diagnosed with an emotional disturbance, has high intelligence and strong reasoning skills in mathematics. Based on teacher recommendations and standardized test results, Phil's annual Admission Review Dismissal (ARD) committee decides to place him in an advanced mathematics course. Which of the following strategies is most likely to promote Phil's success in the course? A. Ensuring Phil understands the goals and expectations of the course B. Providing Phil with a modified curriculum based on his interests and weaknesses C. Reminding Phil regularly that alternate classes are available to him should he drop the advanced-level mathematics class D. Maintaining a non-judgemental attitude toward Phil, with no expectations either way regarding his success or failure

A. Ensuring Phil understands the goals and expectations of the course

An early intervention teacher can best support the transition process of children and their families who are moving from infant/toddler programs to preschool by.. A. Ensuring that the new program will continue to follow guidelines for developmentally appropriate instructional practices B. Knowing the individual children and the difficulties and similarities between their current programs and the one the children will enter C. Meeting the staff members in the new setting and informing each family regarding the most appropriate teacher for their child D. Encouraging families to develop relationships with other families who will be going through the same process

A. Ensuring that the new program will continue to follow guidelines for developmentally appropriate instructional practices

A special education teacher is working with a group of students who are struggling with decoding skills. Which of the following would be the best type of instruction for the teacher to use to increase the students' decoding skills? A. Guided reading B. Independent reading C. Round robin reading D. Sight word reading

A. Guided reading

A school's special education staff has begun collaborating with local employers to develop and institute a program of community-based vocational training. Students will spend several weeks at each site receiving training in a variety of jobs. Such a program would be especially useful for.. A. Helping students develop a high degree of proficiency at a wide range of jobs B. Building community support for the school's special education program by providing local employers with volunteer workers C. Assessing students' competence, interest, and needs in regard to specific types of employment D. Facilitating early exit from high school for those students who demonstrate aptitude for particular jobs

A. Helping students develop a high degree of proficiency at a wide range of jobs

When reinforcing a math objective, a teacher uses math software games. Which of the following strategies would help promote more independence in a student who is hearing impaired? A. Previewing the logistics of the program with the student B. Having the student work with a peer tutor during class C. Sending the software home with the student first D. Giving the student an easier version of the software

A. Previewing the logistics of the program with the student

Jerome is a 7-year-old second grader diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD). Standardized tests indicate that Jerome is performing at grade level in all content areas. However, Ms. Bell his general education teacher, notices that Jerome is struggling with the poetry writing unit. He complains that he does not know what to write and becomes extremely agitated. Which of the following modifications would be most effective in supporting Jerome in this area? A. Providing explicit, scaffolded instruction with opportunities for Jerome to make his own choices B. Providing Jerome with a cloze activity and a word bank so that he can just fill in the blanks and create a poem C. Allowing Jerome to walk around the school with his paraprofessional during writing time D. Sending Jerome out of the classroom with his paraprofessional the next time he starts to complain and get agitated

A. Providing explicit, scaffolded instruction with opportunities for Jerome to make his own choices

A first-grade teacher is instructing students on how to read and solve simple story problems. As the students being to work independently in their workbooks, the teacher notices that a student has visual-spatial difficulties when setting up the problems. Which of the following strategies would most likely support the students' needs? A. Providing the student with graph paper to set up and solve the problems B. Providing a number line to help the student with a subtraction and addition C. Referring the student to the example posted on the wall D. Giving the student a calculator to help with the computation

A. Providing the student with graph paper to set up and solve the problems

While Jaida reads aloud, her teacher uses a standard scale to track her phrasing, pace, and expression. By using this informal assessment, the teacher is most likely assessing Jada's.. A. Reading fluency B. Vocabulary development C. Decoding skills D. Functional reading skills

A. Reading fluency

Which of the following is a basic premise of an effective functional skills curriculum for secondary school students with intellectual disabilities? A. Students should learn job-related and life skills specific to many different types of communities (e.g., rural, urban) B. Academic, job-related, and life skills should be presented as separate components of the curriculum C. Students should learn life skills that pertain to recreation and leisure as well as employment D. School based simulations should be the main strategy for learning about different types of jobs and work routines

A. Students should learn job-related and life skills specific to many different types of communities (e.g., rural, urban)

A fourth-grade student was diagnosed with a severe learning disability in reading and found eligible for special education and related services. Assessment results indicated that the student's oral reading fluency is 143 words per minute at grade level. The student scored in the 70th percentile on a test of basic word identification and the 23rd percentile in reading comprehension. Given the results of the data, which of the following strategies is most critical for the special education teacher to use to address the student's reading needs? A. Teaching letter-knowledge activities and phoneme segmentation strategies B. Using choral reading activities and repeated reading of the same text C. Teaching a systematic phonics program combined with explicit vocabulary instruction D. Using prediction strategies and story mapping activities

A. Teaching letter-knowledge activities and phoneme segmentation strategies

A middle school student with a visual impairment receives community-based instruction (CBI). Which of the following is an appropriate mathematics objective for the student? A. The student will know the cost of personal-care items and use real money to practice buying them. B. The student will demonstrate an understanding of positional concepts such as "top," "bottom," "middle," "over," and "under." C. The student will use scales on maps to compute the distances between local towns D. The student will create a schedule for the first half of the school year using user-friendly software

A. The student will know the cost of personal-care items and use real money to practice buying them.

A student makes the responses listed below on an oral reading test. Stimulus Response chip /kip/ string /strig/ shut /sut/ tooth /tut/ The student's errors indicate that he would likely benefit most from instruction on which of the following topics? A. Vowel digraphs B. Consonant digraphs C. Consonant clusters D. Medial vowels

A. Vowel digraphs

Which of the following is the most common relative strength of students with a learning disability and students with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) ? A. Ability to attend to more than one idea at a time B. Possession of effective self-motivational strategies C. Self-confidence in managing time and tasks D. Normal intelligence and capability to learn

Ability to attend to more than one idea at a time

To best facilitate successful collaboration between general education and special education teachers within a co-teaching setting, teachers will primarily need.. A. Schedule changes for students B. Larger classrooms in which to teach C. Fewer students in the classes D. Additional planning time

Additional planning time

Which of the following types of informal assessment is most appropriate for gathering information on the frequency with which specific student behaviors occur? A. Anecdotal record B. Structured interview C. Event recording D. Graduated rating scale

Anecdotal record

A second-grade student with limited English proficiency is enrolled in an English-language program, but struggles with receptive and productive oral language and developing reading comprehension skills. Which of the following is the most appropriate action for the Admission Review Dismissal (ARD) committee to take to determine whether the student is eligible for special education services? A. Conducting an oral language-proficiency test in the student's second language B. Arranging for the student to take a written language-proficiency test in the primary language C. Utilizing standardized screening instruments to measure the student's current level of academic functioning D. Assessing the student formally and informally in both the second language and the primary language

Assessing the student formally and informally in both the second language and the primary language

An eighth-grade student has been having difficulty with note taking in class due to a degenerative medical condition affecting the use of his limbs but not specifically his fingers. Which of the following accommodations would be most appropriate to support this student's independence in the task of note taking? A. A jumbo-sized pencil and pencil grip B. A portable word processor or computer C. A copy of all the class notes D. A tape recorder to tape the lessons

B. A portable word processor or computer

A general education second-grade teacher routinely takes anecdotal observations of students. Below are anecdotal observations of a student, Maxwell, taken over a one-week period of time during mathematics lessons. • Monday: Maxwell read a math problem orally today. He switched the words "boy" and "ran" in "The boy ran to his house 25 yards away" but self-corrected. Max also read "202" as "220". • Wednesday: In his math, Maxwell wrote, "I will use miles to find the lengt of my deske." • Friday: Maxwell failed the measurement quiz today and received a score of 55. The text was on a second grade level. Based on the anecdotal observations of Maxwell, which of the following is the most appropriate next step for the general education teacher? A. Conferencing with his parents to determine environmental factors affecting his ability to process information B. Discussing intervention strategies in language arts and mathematics with other teachers and specialists C. Referring him to the Admission Review Dismissal (ARD) committee for diagnosis of a learning disability in language arts and mathematics D. Researching mathematics instructional strategies for students with dyslexia, since he is reversing words and numbers

B. Discussing intervention strategies in language arts and mathematics with other teachers and specialists

Anthony is a fifth-grade student with a learning disability in mathematics. He struggles with addition and subtraction computation. His inclusion mathematics class is working on the following problems: 8 - ? = 3 + (1 + 2) 4 + (3+2) = 10 + ? Anthony's teacher wants to use semi-concrete instruction to help him with the problems. Which of the following is the best example of a teacher's use of semi-concrete instruction with Anthony? A. Anthony using a hundreds chart to learn the concept B. Anthony drawing a graphic representation of the problem to aid in solving it C. Anthony arranging a row of pegs in a Peg-Board to match each of the problems D. Anthony reviewing relevant vocabulary, such as addend, sum, minuend, and subtrahend

B. Anthony drawing a graphic representation of the problem to aid in solving it

Lisa, a high school senior, is meeting with her special education teacher, her job coach, and her supervisor at her job. Lisa's supervisor reports that she and a coworker had a loud public argument at work the previous day. Which of the following would be the best strategy for using this incident to foster Lisa's social growth? A. Talking to Lisa about what the supervisor said and pointing out the social mistakes Lisa apparently made B. Asking Lisa to describe what happened and guiding her to analyze how and why it occurred C. Emphasizing to Lisa that such interactions may hurt her prospects of getting and keeping a good job D. Prompting Lisa to call her coworker and apologize for her behavior of the previous day

B. Asking Lisa to describe what happened and guiding her to analyze how and why it occurred

A child with a hearing impairment might have difficulty with phonemic awareness because it involves A. Understanding words that people speak B. Distinguishing sounds within words C. Connecting sounds with graphemes D. Identifying sound in reading

B. Distinguishing sounds within words

Students in a second-grade class will be participating in a number of art activities over the course of the year. Which of the following would be the best way to adapt these activities for 8-year-old Susan, a student with severe delays in fine motor development? A. Providing Susan with a separate supply of art materials that are reserved for her use only B. Ensuring that a wide range of art materials, including some that Susan can easily manipulate, are always available C. Arranging for Susan to have an aide available during all art activities to glue and paste at her direction D. Ensuring that other activities are going on at the same time as the art activities and guiding Susan to those activities instead

B. Ensuring that a wide range of art materials, including some that Susan can easily manipulate, are always available

In Ms. Arcaro's seventh-grade math class, there are several students who tend to forget arithmetic algorithms quickly unless given frequent practice. Ms. Arcaro's math curriculum includes a considerable amount of hands-on project work that does not always directly reinforce students' computational skills. How could Ms. Arcaro best adapt her math curriculum to meet these students' needs? A. Have these students spend approximately half of their math time on project work and half on computational practice B. Establish a 5-10 minute period at the beginning of class when all students do computational drills at levels appropriate for them C. Eliminate any project work from the curriculum that does not include computation D. Hold weekly "computation bees" in which all students compete against one another doing computational problems

B. Establish a 5-10 minute period at the beginning of class when all students do computational drills at levels appropriate for them

Which of the following learning goals would most likely be addressed in functional academic skills instruction for a high school student with multiple disabilities? A. Retell the order of important events in stories B. Follow directions for recipes C. Read from a variety of genres D. Understand why water boils when it is heated

B. Follow directions for recipes

1. A criterion-referenced test would be most useful in assessing which of the following capabilities? A. How well a student can solve problems B. How well a student masters specific learning objectives C. How a student's performance compares with that of his or her peers D. How a student's attitude impacts his or her learning

B. How well a student masters specific learning objectives

Picture arrangement, story retelling, and think alouds are examples of which of the following? A. Formal reading assessments B. Informal reading assessments C. Commercial reading assessments D. Fluency assessments

B. Informal reading assessments

A special education teacher is teaching the skill of counting by ones to an elementary student with Down Syndrome. The most effective strategy for teaching the student the skill involves the use of.. A. A number line that shows positive and negative integers B. Manipulatives that are similar in shape and size C. Detailed visual organizers D. An abacus for computations

B. Manipulatives that are similar in shape and size

According to current research on literacy development, which of the following practices best promotes the long-term growth of oral and written vocabulary? A. Engaging in extensive independent reading B. Performing semantic feature analysis C. Writing new vocabulary words in sentences D. Receiving explicit definition of new vocabulary words

B. Performing semantic feature analysis

Use the information below to answer the question that follows. Teacher: I want you to say the word mat. Can you say mat? Child: Mat. Teacher: Good! Now, tell me what is the first sound you hear in the word mat? Child: Mmm. Mmm. Teacher: Yes, the first sound in mat is mmm. Now, what is the last sound in mat? A teacher uses the informal assessment method shown above with a child who is a native English speaker. Using this assessment, the teacher will learn the most about the child's.. A. Sound blending B. Phonemic awareness C. Vocabulary development D. Understanding of print concepts

B. Phonemic awareness

Which of the following is the best way to ensure that a student with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) feels comfortable in the school environment? A. Offering multiple lunch choices B. Providing a predictable school routine C. Offering varying leadership opportunities D. Providing outside recess time

B. Providing a predictable school routine

A student's Individualized Education Program (IEP) includes the goal that he will learn to read with more expression. Which of the following strategies best supports this goal? A. Teaching the student self-monitoring skills B. Selecting texts with predictable patterns for to student to read independently C. Modeling read-alouds and echo reading with the student D. Providing flash cards for the student to use at home to build his vocabulary

B. Selecting texts with predictable patterns for to student to read independently

When planning social skills instruction from culturally and/or linguistically diverse background, which of the following should be a special educator's most important consideration? A. The results of informal social skills checklists B. The similarities and differences among students' cultural backgrounds C. The availability of social skills curricula in the students' primary language D. The expectations of the students' families

B. The similarities and differences among students' cultural backgrounds

As part of a lesson on story elements, students are given a work sheet with these categories: Characters, Setting, Problem, Solution, and Conclusion. The students are to read and take notes on the work sheet, rereading as necessary. This activity is helping students do which of the following? A. Check organization and structure as they read expository text B. Use elements of narrative text in order to construct meaning C. Make connections to their own experiences to enhance understanding D. Create mind pictures using the story elements

B. Use elements of narrative text in order to construct meaning

An eighth-grade student who has been identified as having a specific learning disability in mathematics reasoning is placed in an inclusive general education class. Which of the following situations would provide the best reason for allowing the student to use a calculator in class? A. When teaching basic computation skills B. When asking questions involving higher order thinking C. When working on tasks designed to increase mathematics fluency D. When assessing mathematics skills using an alternative response to traditional paper and pencil test

B. When asking questions involving higher order thinking

Which of the following statements by a special educator best exemplifies the use of positive behavior techniques to promote a student's self-management skills? A. "Logan, if you do not finish the sentences now, you will have to do them during recess." B. "Logan, I'll bet you can finish the sentences by the time I come back." C. "Logan, you are sitting so quietly writing the sentences as I assigned." D. "Logan, if you finish all of your work, you will be able to have free time."

C. "Logan, you are sitting so quietly writing the sentences as I assigned."

A fourth-grade student with a disability in reading has difficulty with fluency. Which of the following skill is most impacted by the difficulty? A. Decoding B. Written language C. Comprehension D. Phonics

C. Comprehension

A high school student with a behavior disorder has been exhibiting persistent aggressive behaviors. The student's Annual Dismissal Review (ARD) committee has recommended that a functional behavioral assessment be conducted. Which of the following procedures would most likely be included in this assessment? A. Administering one of more projective tests to the student B. Documenting any history of aggressive behavior in the student's family C. Conducting interview to determine the precise nature and timing of the student's problem behavior D. Having the student keep a journal to clarify his or her perceptions regarding the aggressive incidents

C. Conducting interview to determine the precise nature and timing of the student's problem behavior

Which of the following should most likely be the primary focus of language instruction for a first-grade student with delayed language development? A. Building a large vocabulary B. Learning about language structures C. Developing conversation skills D. Using correct word forms

C. Developing conversation skills

Karen, a fourth-grade student with a Specific Learning Disability (SLD), is in an inclusion classroom. She refuses to work in collaborative groups and when the teacher asks her why she is not willing to participate, Karen responds that she feels stupid. Which of the following would be most appropriate for the inclusion teacher to implement prior to collaborative activities? A. Giving Karen alternate assignments to complete B. Assigning a classroom aide to monitor Karen's response C. Discussing the topics with Karen before beginning the activity D. Allowing Karen to participate in only those activities she chooses

C. Discussing the topics with Karen before beginning the activity

A seventh-grade mathematics teacher plans to present a new concept to his class and wants to ensure that Evan, a student with a learning disability, will be able to understand the concept. The teacher could best accomplish this by.. A. Photocopying the relevant pages in the mathematics text for Evan, with important explanations and examples marked B. Meeting with Evan privately before the presentation, advising him that he may find the concept difficult, and promising to work with him on it afterward C. Giving Evan opportunities before the presentation to work with manipulative materials that concretely demonstrate the mathematical ideas to be discussed D. Encouraging Evan to read the relevant pages of his mathematics text several times before the teacher makes his presentation in class

C. Giving Evan opportunities before the presentation to work with manipulative materials that concretely demonstrate the mathematical ideas to be discussed

Students in the emergent-reader stage of literacy development benefit most from.. A. Experience with rhyming and other word play B. Using spelling patterns when writing short stories C. Guidance and practice with specific comprehension strategies D. Reading silently multiple times throughout the day

C. Guidance and practice with specific comprehension strategies

Children often overgeneralize language rules in the course of typical language development. Which of the following sentences includes a common overgeneralization of a language rule?. A. Simon shooted the ball into the basket. B. He wants me to went home. C. I don't want none. D. Brenda and Lynette go the movies together.

C. I don't want none.

Which of the following strategies is most effective in promoting students' automatically in recalling addition facts? A. Scheduling extended whole-group review sessions once a week B. Using fact charts while solving addition and subtraction word problems C. Incorporating short daily practice sessions into the class routine D. Using manipulatives and stick figures to illustrate the addition facts

C. Incorporating short daily practice sessions into the class routine

Jana is a tenth-grade student who has been diagnosed as having Down syndrome. She hopes to work with animals at the zoo and live in an apartment with her cousin after high school graduation. Her educational needs include learning skills related to independent living, self-care, and social relationships. Which of the following will be the most appropriate transition statement on her Individualized Education Program (IEP)? A. Jana will complete job application forms for competitive employment in the community B. Jana will participate in a curriculum that addresses skills and content needed to care for animals C. Jana will participate in a curriculum that addresses functional daily living and work skills D. Jana will complete career inventories and job shadowing to identify goals for her life after high school

C. Jana will participate in a curriculum that addresses functional daily living and work skills

Thomasina, a tenth grader with a learning disability, is in an inclusion classroom and struggles to make passing grades in her world history class. She says that she cannot remember the important information when it is presented through lectures. Which of the following strategies is most likely to her succeed on tests? A. Modifying the curriculum to remove complex topics that require memorization B. Encouraging her to join a study group to participate in meaningful discussions C. Modeling strategies for taking notes to use as a reference when studying D. Shortening the required length of assignments to reduce her anxiety

C. Modeling strategies for taking notes to use as a reference when studying

Which of the following literature response activities would be most effective for promoting student awareness of how the elements of character, plot action, and setting work together? A. Choosing a topic of interest that arises in the course of reading a novel, then researching the topic as a cooperative learning group project B. Preparing an oral reading of a high-interest, age-appropriate story for fellow students C. Planning and presenting a dramatic story reenactment in small cooperative groups D. Writing an original poem that expands on the descriptive imagery in a novel and reflects the novel's mood

C. Planning and presenting a dramatic story reenactment in small cooperative groups

Students in a middle school class are learning about the resources available in the reference section of the school library (e.g., encyclopedia, almanac, atlas, collection of quotations, biographical dictionary). The teacher reviews the resources with students and provides them to browse through the materials. As a next step, which of the following assignments would best help the teacher assess students' knowledge about these resources? A. Each student selects one of the references works to investigate in depth and writes an essay about its value as a research tool B. Students conduct research for individual projects and include at least two encyclopedias as references in their bibliographies C. Small groups of students prepare oral presentations describing the types of information available in the reference section of the library D. Students participate in a fact-finding exercise by using reference works to locate answers to specific questions provided by the teacher

C. Small groups of students prepare oral presentations describing the types of information available in the reference section of the library

Ms. Darden always schedules sessions for students to practice new techniques and skills after being taught new math materials. In order to support the effectiveness of the practice sessions for students with math disabilities, it would be most important for her to ensure that.. A. Sessions focus on practical applications of the math B. Sessions are held at the same time every day C. Students are monitored during the session to avoid reinforcement of their misunderstandings D. Student attend the sessions on a consistent basis

C. Students are monitored during the session to avoid reinforcement of their misunderstandings

In preparing for a classroom with general and special education students, the general education teacher may have to make adjustments for students with disabilities. Which of the following actions should the teacher take? A. The teacher should publicly distinguish between general and special education students B. The teacher should expect to allow all students in the classroom to have extra time on any times assignment C. The general education teacher should review each student's Individualized Education Program (IEP) with the special education teacher D. The teacher should construct lesson plans with just students with disabilities in mind

C. The general education teacher should review each student's Individualized Education Program (IEP) with the special education teacher

Postgraduation transition planning for a student is likely to be most successful if planning is based primarily on which of the following? A. The special education teacher's professional judgement regarding wht is best for the student B. The employment opportunities that are available in the community C. The student's personal goals and priorities D. The adult services that are available to the student locally

C. The student's personal goals and priorities

Teachers can enhance a student's ability to learn spelling words by differentiating instruction according to a student's particular learning style. Which of the following strategies would most likely promote learning in a kinesthetic learner? A. The student acts out the meaning of the spelling word in a guessing game B. The students says and spells each word into a tape recorder and plays back the tape C. The teacher provides tic-tac-toe or crossword patterns and directs the students to fill in the words D. The teacher reads a short story and asks the student to clap when the spelling word is heard

C. The teacher provides tic-tac-toe or crossword patterns and directs the students to fill in the words

A second-grade inclusion teacher is working with a group of struggling readers. During reading workshop, the teacher covers the title of the book and the text on each page. She then asks the student to tell a story only using the pictures. The teacher's strategy is most useful in developing students' ability to.. A. Interpret visual images B. Determine the purpose of the story C. Use sensory details to visualize D. Tell a story with proper intonation

C. Use sensory details to visualize

In order to best address the learning needs of a second-grade student with a receptive language disorder, the teacher should provide instructional support in which of the following areas? A. Following spoken directions B. Articulating words correctly C. Using nonverbal cues D. Decoding sight words

C. Using nonverbal cues

A sixth-grade student with a mild intellectual disability has severe outbursts throughout the day. Which of the following actions is most appropriate for the teacher to address the behavior issue? A. Reinforcing classroom rules each time the behavior occurs B. Conducting a functional behavioral assessment (FBA) C. Providing the student with a copy of a visual schedule D. Modifying the student's individualized education program (IEP)

Conducting a functional behavioral assessment (FBA)

When the progress of a student is being monitored, which of the following is an advantage of curriculum-based measurement (CBM) over norm-referenced tests? A. CBMs are more reliable measures than norm-referenced tests. B. CBMs can be used at more frequent intervals than norm-referenced tests. C. CBMs measure a variety of skills within one test. D. CBMs can be administered only by certified evaluation specialists.

CBMs can be used at more frequent intervals than norm-referenced tests.

Behavior sampling would most likely be used by a special education teacher to.. A. Understand how a student is doing based on his or her behavior in the general education classroom B. Anticipate disruptive or dangerous behaviors by a student C. Collect data about the duration or frequency of a particular behavior exhibited by a student D. Use a student's spontaneous behavior to understand his or her personal preferences among school subjects

Collect data about the duration or frequency of a particular behavior exhibited by a student

Rachel, a student with a visual impairment, accesses teacher notes and assignments using a computer software program that enlarges print for her. At her annual Admission Review Dismissal (ARD) committee meeting, Rachel's parents ask that the school purchase an electronic reader that has large font and text-to-speech capabilities. Which of the following is the most appropriate response by the ARD committee to provide to the parents? A. Accepting the parents' request since the electronic reading is cutting-edge technology and will likely be used by Rachel and other student at the school in the future B. Offering to reimburse the parents if they purchase the electronic reader and Rachel shows improved performance over the next school year C. Recommending that the visual impairment specialist review currently available electronic readers and report back to the ARD committee with the findings D. Considering the parents' recommendation and deciding as a team the most appropriate technology Rachel should use to have success in the classroom

Considering the parents' recommendation and deciding as a team the most appropriate technology Rachel should use to have success in the classroom

A sixth-grade social studies teacher is teaching a unit on different types of governments. The class will be comparing and contrasting communist regimes and fascist dictatorships, using a reading selection from a supplemental textbook. To best help the students with learning disabilities understand the reading material, the special education teacher should provide the students with a copy of.. A. The text in large-print to take home for homework B. A pictorial retelling of the story which contains some face from the selection C. The reading selection, so that the student can read it during sustained silent-reading time D. A graphic organizer to assist with identifying similarities and differences

D. A graphic organizer to assist with identifying similarities and differences

Which of the following types of skills are most useful to the greatest number of students who are receiving special education services and are explicitly taught to students to help them function independently in the community? A. Academic study skills B. A team membership skills C. Problem-solving skills D. Computer skills

D. Computer skills

If a student begins to show signs of an epileptic seizure, it is important that emergency action be taken immediately to protect the student's body from damage. Which of the following is the first step that should be taken when a student is experiencing an epileptic seizure? A. Slip a soft object in the mouth to prevent damage to the tongue B. Hold the student in one position on the floor to protect the body from hitting objects C. Avoid touching the student, and call immediately for an ambulance and medical attention D. Cushion the head to protect the brain from trauma when the head strikes against the floor

D. Cushion the head to protect the brain from trauma when the head strikes against the floor

A special education teacher has formed a book study with a group of students struggling with comprehension. Which of the following strategies will most effectively increase students' comprehension? A. Writing a reader's theater script for the book B. Using word patterns to determine unknown words C. Taking turns reading the book aloud to the group D. Generating questions about the text while reading

D. Generating questions about the text while reading

grader with a learning disability on study strategies to use in content-area classes. The teacher could best promote the student's application of such strategies by.. A. Requiring that the student keep a list of the strategies in a regular place so that she will always have it with her B. Focusing on one particular strategy at a time to use in all content areas for a period of two or three weeks C. Teaching the strategies in the context of actual assignments and materials from the student's classes D. Giving her a chart that associates strategies with specific types of assignments

D. Giving her a chart that associates strategies with specific types of assignments

After teaching a small-group mathematics lesson, a special education teacher has the student spend a few minutes on computation practice. Which of the following would be the most important guideline for the teacher to follow during this activity? A. Encourage the students to complete as many problems as possible within the allotted time B. Offer frequent, generalized praise to motivate the students to do their best work C. Create an atmosphere of friendly competition to make the activity fun for the students D. Monitor students' work closely to ensure that they do not inadvertently introduce and reinforce errors

D. Monitor students' work closely to ensure that they do not inadvertently introduce and reinforce errors

Alternate keyboards, optical head pointers, and voice recognition software would be most helpful to students who have difficulty A. Focusing attention visually B. Interpreting visual information C. Processing auditory information D. Physically accessing standard technology

D. Physically accessing standard technology

Ms. Ingram is teaching the writing process to her eighth-grade English class. Which of the following is the most effective method to demonstrate writing as a process-based rather than a product-based activity? A. Provide students with lists of key words to use in their writing B. Assign penalties for spelling and punctuation mistakes C. Assign creative-writing prompts as a daily warm-up activity D. Provide edited first drafts of the students' writing

D. Provide edited first drafts of the students' writing

Challenging behaviors that are not socially motivated do not require intervention from others in the environment. These behaviors may serve the function of obtaining or escaping internal stimulation. Which of the following is a non-socially motivated challenging behavior? A. Hitting, biting, or spitting at the sight of an undesirable object B. Throwing objects around in order to indicate a desire to end an activity C. Continually spinning in a circle D. Stealing from a classmate

D. Stealing from a classmate

Which of the following statements would characterize best practice in an effective co-teaching situation in which the general education and special education teachers are working together? A. The special education teacher provides explicit instruction to the classified students, individualizing goals and instruction. B. The special education teacher uses a copy of the general education teacher's plans and applies accommodations that are explicit to each student's IEP. C. The general education teacher delivers the main part of the lesson, while the special education teacher keeps students on task and reteaches as needed. D. The general and special education teachers share responsibilities and alter roles, teaching the full range of abilities represented in the classroom.

D. The general and special education teachers share responsibilities and alter roles, teaching the full range of abilities represented in the classroom.

Derek, a student with an intellectual disability, has just been assigned to Ms. Maldonado's first-grade class. When preparing for Derek's entry into her classroom, Ms. Maldonado should be aware that, compared with his classmates, Derek is less likely to.. A. Develop learning strategies without teacher intervention B. Form emotional attachments to adults C. Follow the typical order of learning stages D. Be concerned about the acceptance by his classmates

Develop learning strategies without teacher intervention

A student of average ability who is receiving special education services is diagnosed with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Which of the following is a classroom management technique that will best support the needs of the student? A. Using fast-paced instructional activities that include rapid questioning sessions B. Setting the same time requirements for all students to complete tasks C. Focusing on an auditory approach when delivering content instruction D. Establishing clear classroom rules and consistent routines

Establishing clear classroom rules and consistent routines

A 9-year-old student diagnosed with an emotional disturbance recently transferred to a new school. The student's family moved from a Native American reservation. The general education teacher notes that the student has difficulty relating to peers and adults, demonstrating quiet, withdrawn behavior and rarely making eye contact. At times, the student reacts to teacher directives with physical aggression. When the Admission Review Dismissal (ARD) committee designs behavioral interventions for the student, it is most critical to.. A. Ignore the behavior that is culturally influenced B. Focus first on what the student is most motivated to change C. Consider the student's background when deciding which behaviors to target D. Provide professional development on multiculturalism for the teacher

Focus first on what the student is most motivated to change

Shay is a second-grade student who has been diagnosed as having attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Which of the following is a sign of ADHD that Shay is most likely to display? A. Sleeps during reading time B. Cries frequently over minor frustrations C. Shows an inflated sense of self-importance D. Forgets to turn in homework on a daily basis

Forgets to turn in homework on a daily basis

After completing a unit on reptiles, Ms. Evan's third-grade class is recording observations of a box turtle for their classroom portfolios. Mary, a student who read above grade level and is hard of hearing, chose to write about the turtle's shell pattern and eating habits. Which of the following modifications would be most appropriate for Mary? A. Allowing her to respond orally B. Assigning a peer buddy to help her with the assignment C. Giving her the assignment in writing D. Having a paraprofessional help her write her response

Giving her the assignment in writing

Which of the following will be most difficult for a student with autism spectrum disorder who is entering a secondary educational setting? A. Refraining from stereotypical behaviors and maintaining appropriate proximal distance with peers B. Maintaining attention during lectures and identifying small errors when reviewing completed work C. Remembering multistep instructions and keeping track of supplies and assignments D. Giving sustained attention to uninteresting and engaging quietly in individual reading

Giving sustained attention to uninteresting and engaging quietly in individual reading

Which of the following is the most appropriate reason for teaching students who have learning disabilities in the area of mathematics reasoning to use a mnemonic-based strategy for problem solving? A. Having a strategy to follow will decrease the possibility for confusion during calculations B. Having a strategy to follow will eliminate time off task and help students focus C. Having a strategy to follow will decrease the number of supplemental aids needed D. Having a strategy to follow will eliminate the need for students to formulate problem-solving plans

Having a strategy to follow will decrease the possibility for confusion during calculations

A special education teacher will be meeting weekly with middle school students in a social-skills improvement group. Which of the following is the most appropriate way for the teacher to help the students increase their self-advocacy? A. Allowing each student to invite a close friend to join the group B. Having students set personal goals and track their progress C. Inviting parents to attend one session a month and observe interactions D. Expecting students to take turns leading the group sessions

Having students set personal goals and track their progress

A tenth-grade student who is diagnosed with a speech and language disorder does not participate in history class discussions. The general education teacher asks the special education teacher to recommend an intervention to use with the student. Which of the following interventions would be most effective for the general education teacher to try first? A. Speaking louder and slower to the student B. Allowing the student to work independently C. Increasing wait time for the student's response D. Providing the student with lower-level reading material

Increasing wait time for the student's response

Which of the following accommodations is best for a teacher to make to help a sixth-grade student with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) increase on-task behavior and perform well on an assessment? A. Assigning a scribe to answer questions B. Providing colored overlays for reading test items C. Limiting the number of test questions on each page D. Allowing the student to answer every other question

Limiting the number of test questions on each page

Ms. Bettor is a middle school resource room teacher. Several of her students read at grade level but have difficulty with verbal learning and memory. They particularly struggle with acquisition of content-area vocabulary. Which of the following learning strategies is most appropriate for Ms. Bettor's students? A. Provide students with a list of key words in advance and have them look up and copy the definitions from the dictionary B. Link the key words to familiar, acoustically similar words and provide a visual cue associating the word to its definition C. Have students highlight key words in their textbooks and tell them that the terms will be on the end-of-chapter quiz D. Provide a tape-recorded version of the textbook and chapter outline summaries for students to follow as they read the passage

Link the key words to familiar, acoustically similar words and provide a visual cue associating the word to its definition

Louann's comprehensive cognitive ability was calculated to be 93 SS, with a 90% confidence interval of 89 to 98. Which of the following is a true statement? A. Confidence intervals tell us what Louann should be able to do on a good day and a bad day B. Louann's cognitive ability score will fall between 89 and 98, 90 times out of 100 C. Louann's cognitive ability score will fall between 89 and 98, 10 times out of 100 D. The average of Louann's 100 repeated administrations will fall between 89 and 98.

Louann's cognitive ability score will fall between 89 and 98, 90 times out of 100

Maya has been disrupting her fourth-grade class repeatedly. Instead of using negative consequences, Ms. Chang, the fourth-grade teacher, begins to reward Maya for the times she behaves well in class. The teacher's approach can best be described as an example of which of the following? A. Operant conditioning B. Stages of cognitive development C. Social development D. Progressive education

Operant conditioning

Matthew, a high school student with autism spectrum disorder, is enrolled in mathematics class co-taught by a general education teacher and a special education teacher. Which of the following is the most appropriate way for the teacher to provide scaffolding for Matthew during instruction? A. Placing Matthew in a small-group setting supervised by the special education teacher B. Establishing set routines for Matthew to follow while he attends class with his peers C. Allowing Matthew to decide which of the general education teacher's groups he will join D. Creating a stimulating, highly interactive environment to stimulate Matthew's understanding

Placing Matthew in a small-group setting supervised by the special education teacher

In order to develop a hypothesis about why a student displays a certain type of behavior in a particular setting, the student must be observed directly and which of the following information recorded? A. Setting, time, behavior B. Setting, behavior, outcome C. Antecedent, behavior, consequence D. Task, tasker, outcome

Setting, time, behavior

Nikki is a third-grade student with a specific learning disability in the areas of reading comprehension and fluency. She is currently on a first-grade independent reading level. When-third grade level passages are read aloud to her, she comprehends them successfully. Nikki is currently receiving extensive instruction on a daily basis to increase her reading level, fluency, and comprehension. Which of the following strategies is the most appropriate way to modify Nikki's independent reading assignments at this time? A. Preteaching academic vocabulary found in the texts of the reading assignments B. Having an older student or paraprofessional read assignments aloud to Nikki C. Utilizing simplified version of the reading assignments D. Providing Nikki with prerecorded version of reading assignments

Preteaching academic vocabulary found in the texts of the reading assignments

Which of the following is the best example of multisensory instruction in a reading/language arts program that would improve basic reading skills and comprehension? A. Using basal textbooks at sequential reading levels with accompanying workbooks and work sheets B. Providing learning opportunities for students using visual, kinesthetic, tactile, and auditory methods C. Encouraging students in a systematic, teacher-led approach using controlled vocabulary with emphasis on sound-symbol relationships D. Allowing students opportunities to review and practice sight words on a scheduled basis

Providing learning opportunities for students using visual, kinesthetic, tactile, and auditory methods

Which of the following general instructional approaches would most significantly help an English-language learner with a receptive language disorder grasp concepts taught in the classroom? A. Emphasizing discovery learning B. Using an English-language immersion approach C. Augmenting direct instruction with peer tutoring D. Providing new information in context

Providing new information in context

A kindergarten student who experienced prenatal exposure to drugs and who exhibits self-regulatory problems is likely to be best served in a classroom which.. A. Individual activities are emphasized over group activities B. Children are assigned to specific activities rather than permitted to choose C. Routines, activities, and caretakers are consistent and predictable D. Teachers and aides generally refrain from being overtly directive

Routines, activities, and caretakers are consistent and predictable

A special education teacher is considering transition goals for a student who will turn 16 by the end of the year to ensure they contain appropriate information. Which of the following must be included in the individual transition goals? A. Past level of performance by the student B. Monthly educational goals for the student C. Services and post-school outcomes for the student D. Ending dates of special education services for the student

Services and post-school outcomes for the student

Phillip is a fifth-grade student in an inclusion classroom. He will be provided a modified version of the state-mandated assessments for reading, mathematics, and science. His Individualized Education Program (IEP) goals should.. A. Include adaptations for all three subject areas B. Include adaptations in only one subject area C. Show evidence of adapted content requirements in all three subject areas D. Demonstrate a need for adaptation in reading only

Show evidence of adapted content requirements in all three subject areas

Ben, an 11-year-old fifth grader, took a standardized achievement test in the second month of fifth grade. The test included items in language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. Ben's overall score is reported as 6.5. Which of the following is an accurate interpretation of this information? A. Since Ben performed 1.3 grade levels above his actual grade level of 5.2, he ranks in the 75th percentile of students taking the test. B. Ben performed about as well on the test as did the average student in the norming sample who was in the fifth month of sixth grade. C. Although Ben's score may justify a higher grade placement, no change should be considered unless his score falls outside the confidence interval covering fifth grade. D. Since Ben has mastered content typically covered through the fifth month of sixth grade, he should be considered to be performing at a sixth-grade level.

Since Ben has mastered content typically covered through the fifth month of sixth grade, he should be considered to be performing at a sixth-grade level.

Which of the following types of assistive technology would be most appropriate for a student who has writing difficulties due to fine-motor-skill delays? A. A personal FM listening device B. An optical character-recognition system C. A digital tape recorder D. Speech-recognition software

Speech-recognition software

A special education teacher has noticed that students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds who have been referred for possible language disorders frequently demonstrate no language impairments. The special education teacher's best response is this situation would be to.. A. Use a faculty meeting as an opportunity to remind classroom teacher of the importance of treating all students in an unbiased manner B. Distribute a memo to all classroom teachers urging them to investigate the distinction between language disorders and language differences C. Provide classroom teachers with the data comparing typical percentages of students needing special services, by ethnic group, with referral figures at their school D. Suggest to the campus leadership team that the faculty receive in-service training on issues related to cultural influences on language development

Suggest to the campus leadership team that the faculty receive in-service training on issues related to cultural influences on language development

Leon is a third grader currently enrolled in a private school. He has struggled in school and has not learned to read despite several interventions from his teacher and his mother. All stakeholders are concerned because he is falling significantly behind his peers. Leon's teacher and the school administrator have suggested to Leon's mother that an evaluation would be beneficial to determine if he has a learning disability. His mother requested an evaluation from the administrator of the public school where Leon would attend if he were not enrolled in private school. What guidelines would the public school administrator apply to this situation? A. The same as for any other special education referral. B. Referral of the parent to a community service agent. C. Completion of a full individual evaluation after Leon enrolls in the public school. D. The private school is responsible for the evaluation.

The same as for any other special education referral.

Which of the following is the most appropriate use of a norm-referenced test? A. To determine where a student's instruction should begin based on a continuum of content B. To compare a student's performance to a predetermined mastery criterion C. To determine whether a student has benefitted from recent instruction in a particular subject area D. To compare a student's performance to that of age=level or grade-level peers

To compare a student's performance to that of age=level or grade-level peers

Ethan is a second-grade student with dysgraphia. At Ethan's annual Admission Review Dismissal (ARD) committee meeting, his teacher explains that the quality of his written answers is far below that of his oral answers. Which of the following accommodations will best meet Ethan's needs? A. Using voice recognition software B. Completing extra homework C. Using an augmentative and alternative communication device D. Attending after-school tutoring

Using an augmentative and alternative communication device

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