Test 1: Ch 1-3, 5

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A trauma patient has a gunshot wound to the left side of the chest, away from the nipple. How should the injury location be described? a. anterolateral b. inferoposterior c. anteroposterior d. inferomedial


Which of the following skills would a layperson most likely be trained to perform before the arrival of EMS? a. bleeding control using a tourniquet b. administration of supplemental oxygen c. obtaining a manual blood pressure d. insertion of an oropharyngeal airway

bleeding control using a tourniquet

A patient has bilateral femur fractures. This means that: a. both fractures are closer to the hips b. the femur is fractured in two places c. both femurs are fractured d. both fractures are closer to the knee

both femurs are fractured

As an EMT, it is important to remember that the signs and symptoms of cumulative stress: a. cannot be identified and can cause health problems b. are most effectively treated with medications c. might not be obvious or present all the time d. usually manifest suddenly and without warning

might not be obvious or present all the time

Which of the following is a specific example of the Mobile Integrated Healthcare (MIH) model? a. paramedics pick up a patient from an acute care clinic b. the paramedic administers a patient's flu vaccination c. EMTs respond to a woman who complains of high fever d. EMTs assess a patient whose lung disease is "acting up"

the paramedic administers a patient's flu vaccination

The ___ deals with the well-being of the EMT, career progression, and EMT compensation. a. EMS administrator or chief b. Human Resources department c. office of the medical director d. local public health department

Human Resources department

EMT training in nearly every state meets or exceeds the guidelines recommended by the: a. individual state's EMS protocols b. National Association of EMTs c. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) d. National Registry of EMTs

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)

A newborn has four anatomic abnormalities of the heart. What prefix is used to describe this? a. Dipl- b. Multi- c. Uni- d. Tetra-


In which of the following situations does a legal duty to act clearly exist? a. the EMT hears of a cardiac arrest after his or her shift ends b. the EMT witnesses a vehicle crash while off duty c. a call is received 15 min prior tp shift change d. a bystander encounters a victim who is not breathing

a call is received 15 min prior tp shift change

Shortly after you load your patient, a 50-year-old man with abdominal pain, into the ambulance, he tells you that he changed his mind and does not want to go to the hospital. The patient is conscious and alert and has no signs of mental incapacitation. You are suspicious that the man has a significant underlying condition and feel strongly that he should go to the hospital. Which of the following statements regarding this situation is correct? a. any patient who refuses EMS treatment must legally sign a patient refusal form b. a mentally competent adult can withdraw his or her consent to treat at any time c. once the patient is in the ambulance, he cannot legally refuse EMS treatment d. because of your suspicions, the best approach is to transport him to the hospital

a mentally competent adult can withdraw his or her consent to treat at any time

Why are prehospital emergency care guidelines updated on a regular basis? a. statistical data indicates that an increasing number of people are being diagnosed with a particular illness b. the federal gov. requires the implementation of changes to existing emergency care protocols at least every five years c. EMS providers should be encouraged to actively participate in research and become familiar with data analysis d. additional information and evidence indicate that the effectiveness of certain interventions has changed

additional information and evidence indicate that the effectiveness of certain interventions has changed

Which of the following scenarios most accurately depicts a post traumatic disorder (PTSD) reaction? a. an EMT with many years of field experience becomes irritable with her coworkers and experiences headaches and insomnia b. an EMT is emotionally exhausted and depressed after a school bus crash involving critical injuries and the death of several children c. a newly certified EMT becomes extremely nauseated and diaphoretic at the scene of an incident involving grotesque injuries d. an EMT becomes distracted at the scene of a motor vehicle crash involving the same type of car which a child was previously killed

an EMT becomes distracted at the scene of a motor vehicle crash involving the same type of car which a child was previously killed

Which of the following statements regarding the EMS medical director and an EMTs scope of practice is correct? a. an EMTs scope of practice may be expanded by the medical director after proper training and state approval b. the EMS medical director can expand the EMTs scope of practice but cannot limit it without state approval c. the EMS medical director can expand or limit an individual EMTs scope of practice without state approval d. An EMTs scope of practice is exclusively regulated by the EMS office, not the EMS medical director

an EMTs scope of practice may be expanded by the medical director after proper training and state approval

During your monthly internal quality (QI) improvement meeting, you review several patient care reports (PCRs) with the staff of your EMS system. You identify the patient's name, age, and sex, and then discuss the treatment that was provided by the EMTs in the field. By taking this approach to the QI process, you: a. acted appropriately but must have each EMT sign a waiver stating that he or she will not discuss the cases with others b. violated the patient's privacy because you should have discussed the information only with the EMTs involved c. are in violation of HIPAA because you did not remove the PHI from the PCR beforehand d. adequately safeguard the patient's PHI because the cases were discussed internally

are in violation of HIPAA because you did not remove the PHI from the PCR beforehand

A proximal humeral fracture is one that is located: a. between the shoulder and the elbow b. at a point closest to the elbow c. at the upper part of the humerus d. at a point closest to the body

at the upper part of the humerus

When faced with a situation in which a patient is in cardiac arrest, and a valid living will or DNR order cannot be located you should: a. notify the coroner immediately b. determine the patient's illness c. contact medical control first d. begin rescue resuscitation at once

begin rescue resuscitation at once

You are assessing a woman who was thrown from a horse. She is located in a large field and you can see that a thunderstorm is rapidly approaching. Suddenly you feel your skin begin to tingle and the hair on your arms stands on end. The ambulance is located about 30 yards away. You should: a. crouch down in a position so that only your feet are touching the ground b. quickly cover the patient with a blanket and then lie down flat on the ground c. immediately lie down on your side and draw your knees into your abdomen d. sit down, bend your knees, and hold your crossed arms close to your body

crouch down in a position so that only your feet are touching the ground

Which of the following is an effective stress management strategy? a. modestly increasing a social network outside of EMS b. developing a social network outside of EMS c. frequently reflecting on troublesome calls d. requesting overtime to occupy your mind

developing a social network outside of EMS

Your partner, a veteran EMT who you have worked with regularly for the past 4 years, seems unusually agitated during a call involving an elderly patient. Upon arrival back at your station, you note the obvious smell of alcohol on his breath. What should you do? a. discreetly report your suspicions to your supervisor b. tell your partner that he must seek professional help c. remain quiet and simply request another partner d. report the incident to your EMS medical director

discreetly report your suspicions to your supervisor

A woman amputated the tip of her finger. Which directional term should be used to describe her injury location? a. superior b. medial c. lateral d. distal


You are dispatched to an office building for a 49 year old male with chest pain. When you arrive at the scene, you find the patient to be conscious and alert but in obvious pain. He tells you that he did not call 911, a coworker did. He further states that he does not want to be treated or transported to the hospital. You should: a. tell him that he is having a heart attack and needs medical care b. ensure that he is aware of the risks of refusing medical care c. have him sign a refusal of care form and then return to service d. err in the best interest of the patient and transport him at once

ensure that he is aware of the risks of refusing medical care

Which type of consent is involved when a 39-year-old mentally competent female with a severe headache asks you to take her to the hospital? a. informed b. implied c. expressed d. formal


According to the National EMS Scope of Practice Model, an EMT would require special permission from the medical director and the state EMS office to: a. insert a peripheral intravenous catheter b. give aspirin to a patient with chest pain c. use an automatic transport ventilator d. apply and interpret data from a pulse oximeter

insert a peripheral intravenous catheter

If an action or procedure that was performed on a patient is not recorded on the written report: a. it can be qualified by the EMT in charge b. it cannot be used in establishing negligence c. it was not performed, according to the eyes of the law d. it was performed haphazardly by the EMT

it was not performed, according to the eyes of the law

All of the following are considered to be protected health information (PHI) except: a. patient history b. assessment findings c. treatment rendered d. location of the call

location of the call

You are summoned to a convalescent center for an 88-year-old female with an altered mental status. A staff nurse advises you that the patient has terminal cancer and her physician stated that she would probably die within the next few hours; a valid do not resuscitate (DNR) order is presented to you. When caring for this patient, you should: a. make her comfortable and provide emotional support b. begin chest compressions if she experiences cardiac arrest c. depart the scene and allow her to die with dignity d. provide no intervention and transport to the hospital

make her comfortable and provide emotional support

The person who is responsible for authorizing EMTs to perform emergency medical care in the field is the: a. EMS administrator b. medical director c. shift supervisor d. field training officer

medical director

As an EMT, you may be authorized to administer aspirin to a patient with chest pain based on: a. medical director approval b. the transport time to the hospital c. the patient's condition d. an order from a paramedic

medical director approval

A patient has kidney disease that is causing him severe pain. What condition does he have and what would be administered for his pain? a. neuropathy; antibiotic b. myopathy; anesthetic c. dysuria, anti-inflammatory d. nephropathy; analgesic

nephropathy; analgesic

In the recovery position, the patient is: a. on his or her side b. lying face down c. sitting upright d. lying face up

on his or her side

A patient lacerated the dorsal aspect of his hand. This means that the injury is: a. proximal to the fingers b. on the side of the hand c. closer to the wrist d. on the back of the hand

on the back of the hand

Physiological manifestations of stress include: a. perspiration, increased blood glucose levels, and dilated pupils b. slow heart rate, low BP, and severe headaches c. increased BP, decreased blood glucose levels, and chest pains d. flushed skin, decreased muscle control, and vomiting

perspiration, increased blood glucose levels, and dilated pupils

Relative to the ankle, the knee is: a. proximal b. superior c. medial d. lateral


You arrive at the scene of a domestic violence situation. As you approach the doorway of the apartment, you hear screaming and the statement, "He has a gun!". Your most appropriate action should be to: a. get in your ambulance and leave the scene immediately b. continue into the apartment and apprehend the gunman c. seek a safe place and request law enforcement assistance d. continue into the apartment using extreme caution

seek a safe place and request law enforcement assistance

Which of the following statements regarding the different stages of the grieving process is correct? a. the stages of the grieving process might occur simultaneously b. bargaining is the most unpleasant stage of the grieving process c. it is rare that people will jump back and forth between stages of the grieving process d. the grieving process typically begins with severe depression

the stages of the grieving process might occur simultaneously

EMR's such as firefighters, law enforcement, and park rangers, are an integral part of the EMS system because: a. they are usually trained to assist paramedics with certain procedures b. the average response time for the EMT crew is approx. 15 minutes c. they often arrive at the scene before the ambulance and EMT d. they can initiate certain ALS procedures before EMS arrival

they often arrive at the scene before the ambulance and EMT

Your BEST protection against legal liability when a competent patient refuses EMS care and transport is to: a. thoroughly document the entire event b. advise medical control of the situation c. err on the side of caution and transport d. ensure that the family is aware of the crisis

thoroughly document the entire event

During your assessment of a patient with a chest injury, you note that only one side of his chest moves when he breathes. How should you describe his chest movement? a. medial b. bidirectional c. paradoxical d. unilateral


Gloves, a mask, eye protection, and a face shield should be used: a. when performing endotracheal intubation b. during routine cleaning of the ambulance c. whenever you touch non-intact skin d. while handling needles or other sharps

when performing endotracheal intubation

When is forcible restraint permitted? a. anytime the EMT feels threatened b. only if law enforcement personnel have witnessed threatening behavior c. when the patient poses a significant threat to self or others d. only if consent to restrain is given by a family member

when the patient poses a significant threat to self or others

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