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A __________ receives a weak signal and re-transmit it at a higher power on another frequency

Wilderness paramedic

A group of people is planning an expedition in a large state park. Which of the following individuals would MOST likely accompany them ?

Federal emergency management agency

A hospital emergency management coordinator utilize standards set by the:

Cannot move his right side

A patient experience the stroke involving the left cerebral hemisphere has contralateral hemiplegia this means that the patient:


A patient has a gunshot wound just below the right nipple how should you describe the injury location?

Sitting straight up with the knees bent or straight

A patient is placed in the Fowler position in this position the body is:


A patient with blepharospasm has spasm of the:

May raise questions by others as to the paramedics quality of patient care

A poorly written patient care report:

May raise questions about the confidentiality practices of the EMS agency

Additions or notations added to a completed patient care report by someone other than original author:

Visible blood in the ear canal

All of the following are subjective findings except:

Should be complete to the point where anyone who reads it understands exactly what transpired on the call

An accurate and legible patient care report

Transverse plane

An imaginary plane passing horizontally through the body at the waist, creating top and bottom portions is called the:


Apgar score is an example of a(n) ________

Listen to make sure that the channel is clear of traffic

Before you begin to transmit over the radio you should check the volume and then

an enlarged heart

Cardiomegaly is a term used to describe

Willingness of EMS to return to the scene if the patient changes his or her mind

Components of a thorough patient refusal document include:

Average cost per call

Data collected from the state EMS office for the purpose of research would likely not include:

the ambulance crew

During a mass casualty incident (MCI), who completes the pcr on each patient?

Makes nonsensical statements

For purposes of refusing medical care a patient's mental status may be considered impaired if he or she:

Functioning as a field paramedic and perform direct life-saving activities

General responsibilities of a mobile integrated healthcare provider (MIHP) include

The MIHP's focus in on working with the patient in the home to prevent acute emergencies

How does the role of a mobile integrated healthcare provider (MIHP) differ from that of the traditional Paramedic?

Explain why you need his or her name and date of birth

If a patient is reluctant to share personal information with you, you should

Transverse plane

If the body is sliced so the result is a top and bottom portion this is referred to as the:

Leave an abbreviated form with pertinent data with the receiving provider and complete the patient care report as soon as possible

If the paramedic is unable to complete his or her patient care report before departing the emergency department he or she should:

Use different colored ink when drawing a single line through the error

If you make an error when completing a written patient care report you should:

Manage the scene so you can ask such questions quietly and privately

If you want reliable answers to personal questions you should


Ilium and ileum are examples of:


In order for the paramedic to talk and transmit an ECG simultaneously on one frequency a _________ system is required

Radio the dispatcher after an event occurs

In order to ensure that all recorded times associated with an incident are accurate the paramedic should:

Assess your current skills honestly

In order to know where to begin making decisions about your personal career development you should:


In the anatomic position all extremities are:

Tall buildings

In urban settings radio dead spots most often occur in areas with:

State park

In which of the following locations with a bicycle emergency response Paramedic most likely respond?

Mass casualty incident

In which of the following situations with the documentation on a patient care report most likely be limited?

Evaluate the patient's neurologic status

Maintaining eye contact with a patient enables the paramedic to:


Many ___________ believe that touching the head may put their soul in jeopardy

0.05 mg

Medical control request you to administer 50 micrograms of a drug you should recognize that this is equivalent to:

Controlled substance is checked, used, discarded, or replaced

Most EMS agencies require a double signature system any time a:


Movement of the distal point of an extremity toward the trunk is called:

A bystander and notifies the dispatcher via telephone

Notification of EMS usually occurs win:

Providers are not well prepared to conduct clinical research

One of the reasons that there are such limited peer reviewed EMS research publications is that:

Move the patient to the restroom and begin their assessment

Paramedics respond to a dimly lit bar for a woman with chest pain the jukebox is playing and several patrons are present what should they do?

Start iv lines, administer medication, and provide advanced airway procedures

Paramedics serving in a technician role in hospitals and clinics may perform which of the following skills?

The paramedic who authored the report to review it carefully

Prior to submitting a patient care report to the receiving hospital it is most important for:

Active listening

Repeating the key parts of a patient's responses to your questions demonstrates

The same

Something that is homogeneous is:


The Greek prefix burs/o refers to the


The US Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that EMT and Paramedic positions would grow by ___________________ from 2014 to 2024


The abbreviation "amp" refers to


The ability of multiple agencies or systems to share the same radio frequency is called:

The severity of the patient's condition

The accuracy of your patient care report depends on all of the following factors except


The correct abbreviation for hypertension is _____________


The medical term for a phenomenon (such as pain, swelling or a rash) affecting both sides of the body is ________?

An error in patient care

The most significant problem associated with making up your own medical abbreviations and documenting them on the patient care report is:

Collects relevant data from each state and uses it for research

The national emergency medical services information system (NEMSIS)


The patient will orchitis has inflammation of the:

Elicit a specific response from the patient

The purpose of a closed ended question is to:

The number of loss of the oscillations per second of the carrier wave

The term frequency as it applies to radio communications is most accurately defined as:


The topographic term used to describe the location of body parts that are closer to the midline is:

Perform chest compressions

Under the instructions of a good EMD a layperson should be able to


What is the appropriate abbreviation for the patients pupillary response?


What is the correct abbreviation when a patient has No medication allergies?


What is the prefix for "fast"

using specific strategies to encourage the patient to express ideas and feelings

What is the therapeutic communication?

The caller's name and address are automatically displayed

When A caller requests EMS in an area that uses an enhanced 911 system:

Ensure that the patient is well informed about the situation at hand

When a competent adult patient refuses medical care it is most important for the paramedic to:

simple, brief, and direct

When communicating medical information via radio you should be

Treat the patient with the utmost respect at all times

When communicating with a patient whose cultural background differs from the paramedics, the paramedic should:

Use a normal conversational tone of voice

When transferring information of your radio you should:

Right iliac

Which abdominal region contains the appendix?

EMS researcher

Which career opportunity requires a specific skill set that you can achieve through attending conferences or teaming up with institutions of higher learning?

wilderness paramedic

Which of the following EMS specialty roles must apply the principles and concepts of traditional emergency medicine for an extended period of time with limited resources?

Tactical Paramedic

Which of the following EMS specialty roles trains with and works as members of a specialty trained team that includes the law enforcement officers?

Self assessment

Which of the following components is a key step to career development as a dedicated EMS or professional?

The ability of the data to be shared between healthcare facilities

Which of the following is a significant benefit of electronic documentation?

A complaint of chest pressure

Which of the following is a subjective finding?

increased lifespan for patients who live at home with chronic conditions

Which of the following is an example of a factor that influences the need for paramedics

Altitude Physiology

Which of the following is unique to the training of a paramedic will transport patients via fixed wing aircraft?

The patient complains of nausea but denies vomiting

Which of the following statement includes a pertinent negative?

Paramedic may be able to suture uncomplicated wounds

Which of the following statements regarding a paramedic works works in an emergency department is correct?

5 mg

Which of the following would be a proper way of documenting a drug dosage?

Ineffective treatment could be rendered

Which of the following would be the most significant complications associated with incorrect use of medical terminology?


You are treating a girl with a puncture wound approximately 3 inches in length on her right upper arm, just above the elbow. in what position is the wound relative to the elbow


____________ is a false verbal statement that injures a person's reputation

notify the appropriate supervisor and complete a supplemental report

after you have completed and submitted your electronic report, supplemental information becomes available. which of the following actions would be the MOST appropriate to take?


compared to the frontal region of the school that occiput is:


dispatch assigns a single tactical frequency to be used by all responders for on scene communications. this type of communications system is called a ___________ system

minimum data sheet

documentation of the chief complaint. vital signs, level of consiousness,patient demographics, and assessment information is referred to s the _________

pertinent negative

in your pcr, you write "patient denies any shortness of breath with her chest pain and denies any radiation of chest pain to other parts of the body". This is an example of a ______________


judging the belief systems of a different cultural group based on your own cultural standards is an example of ____________

clear text

most current ems systems use ____________ in radio communications


tetralogy of fallot is a congenital anomaly involving an atomic _________ abnormalities of the heart

the amount of background noise does not affect the range of a transmitter

the range of a transmitter depends on all of the following EXCEPT:


this is an example of which type of pcr?

subjective information, objective information, assessment, plan

what information do you gather when you're using the soap method?

each participating agencys communication systems being compatible

what is interoperability?

2-3 inches

what is the ideal distance you should hold the radio microphone to your mouth when transmitting?

start at the feet and move toward the head

what should you do when you are examining a 2 year old child?

Your partner

when providing patient care it is most important to maintain effective communication with:

Hospital Ems coordinator

which health care administration role acts as vital link between a hospital and the ems community?

protection from litigation

which of the following is NOT a reason for completing a pcr?

the condition of the patients home

which of the following would be considered objective data?


you are assessing a 40 year old woman who seems reluctant to full answer your questions. to get her to respond more completely, you ask her to elaborate. this is an example of __________

Contact Medical Control

you are on scene at a car pedestrian accident and the pedestrian refuses medical attention, even though he is clearly injured. what should you do?


you respond to a call for a stabbing outside a local bar. upon arrival you find a 37 year old male lying on his back on the sidewalk. he presents with a `1 inch puncture just above the right of his umbilicus. the patient has been stabbed in which abdominal quadrant?


you send a 12 lead ecg to the medical control physician. the technology used to send this tracing is called _____________

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