TExES History 7-12 (233)

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The Plains Tribes

Lived between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains. These nomadic tribes lived in teepees and followed the buffalo herds. They included the Sioux, Cheyenne, Comanche, and Blackfoot.

Primary Source

Letters, legal documents, recordings and other sources of information that were created during the time period under study. (competency 020)

Jim Crow

State and local laws established after Reconstruction ended in 1877 that mandated racial segregation in public facilities in Southern states. (competency 012)

House of Representatives

States are allotted representatives according to population. EST. 1787


"Social and political problems can be solved through the application of reason to practices and institutions," was a position held by most during this particular time in history. (1685-1815 B.C.) (competency 004)

The Declaration of Independence

"That to secure these rights [i.e., life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness], Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed." Is one of the core ideas of this historical document. (competency 014)

King Philip's War

(1675-1676) This war marked the last major effort by the Native Americans of southern New England to drive out the English settlers. With tensions spilling over following the collapse of trade partnerships and aggressive expansion of colonist territories, Pokunoket chief Metacom — a.k.a. King Philip — led a bloody uprising of Wampanoag, Nipmuck, Pocumtuck and Narragansett tribes.

King William's War

(1689-1697) Also known as The Nine Years War. Fought mostly in Flanders. The first war in the French and English power struggle.

The War of Spanish Succession

(1702-1713) Also known as Queen Anne's War. The second war in the power struggle between France and England.

The War of Austrian Succession

(1740-1748) Also known as King George's war. The third war in the power struggle between France and England.

The French and Indian War

(1754-1763) Largely fought in the North American theater and resulted in the end of France's reign as a colonial power. Logistically the French should have won. Costs incurred sparked discontent between the colonies and Britain.

Pequot War

1637 Conflict between an alliance of Massachusetts Bay and Plymouth colonies, with American Indian allies (the Narragansett, and Mohegan Indians), against the Pequot Indians. This war saw the elimination of the Pequot in New England, and is exemplary of the Puritan use of genocide towards Native Americans.


A Genoan sea trader credited for discovering the Americas. However, he was convinced that he only discovered the West Indes.


A Shoshone Indian, served a vital role in the Lewis and Clark expedition when the two explorers hired her as their guide in 1805

Venn Diagram

A graphic organizer used to display the similarities and differences between two or more groups. It can display possible logical relationships between different attributes. (competency 020)

Dred Scott

A landmark 1857 Supreme Court decision that stated that a person of African ancestry was not a citizen of the United States and therefore had no rights and would not become free by moving to a free state. This exacerbated tensions between the North and the South. (competency 010)

Chief Joseph

A leader of the Nez Perce who supported peaceful interaction with white settlers, attempted to relocate his tribe to Canada rather than move them to a reservation

Sea route to Asia

A major Portuguese discovery in 1498 as part of the Age of Exploration.

Taiping Rebellion

A movement led by the messianic figure of Hong Xiuquan. This movement promised its followers a combination of heterodox quasi-Christian theology and communal or communist-like reforms, including an official ban on the private ownership of land and a promise of radical redistribution of agricultural land. (1850-1864) (competency 004)

Monroe Doctrine

A principle of US policy, originated by President James Monroe in 1823, that any intervention by external powers in the politics of the Americas is a potentially hostile act against the US.

Secondary Source

A source that was created later by someone who did not experience first-hand or participate in the events or conditions you're researching. (ex. Text books and articles) (competency 020)


A term that is often used by historians to refer to the process by which cultural traits, such as technology, are spread between two or more cultures across space. (competency 020)


A term that refers to the evolutionary or social process by which organisms become better able to survive in a habitat or society through changes in biology, culture or beliefs. Even technology. (competency 020)

Natural Selection

A term that refers to the process by which biological traits become more or less common throughout a population. A key mechanism of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution. (competency 020)


A type of graph used to organize continuous data by displaying the frequency in which certain ranges of data appear. (competency 020)

Oveta Culp Hobby

After serving as head of the War Department's Women's Interest Section, she became the Director of the Women's Army Corps. The first to serve in the Army in uniform, the women under her leadership were organized to fill the roles of men who had been sent into combat during the World War II. As Director, she was the first woman to receive the Distinguished Service Medal and was promoted to the rank of colonel for her efforts. (competency 018)

Taxation Without Representation

After the French and Indian war, Britain saw fit that taxing the colonies (whom they protected) to help pay for the incurred costs of the war was SOP. However, the colonists had begun a practice of elected representatives. Legislative bodies were comprised of individuals the people elected to represent them. Parliament had representation based on class not by elected official. So when taxation policies were implemented by Parliament the New World colonists felt that they were not properly represented in the governing body. This caused great dissent.

Far Northern Tribes

Aleuts and Inuit lived in skin tents or igloos. Talented fishermen, they built kayaks and umiaks and also hunted caribou, seals, whales, and walrus.

Dutch Colonists

Also involved in fur trade and imported slaves to the New World as the need for labor increased.

Republican Ideology

American revolutionaries believed that government should be based on the consent of the governed. (competency 009)


An Algonquian Indian, became famous as a liaison with John Smith's Jamestown colony in 1607


An Algonquian Indian, helped early English settlers survive the hard winter by teaching them native methods of planting corn, squash, and pumpkins

Roosevelt Corollary

An addition to the Monroe Doctrine articulated by President Theodore Roosevelt in his State of the Union address in 1904 after the Venezuela Crisis of 1902-03. It asserted the right of the United States to intervene to "stabilize" the economic affairs of small states in Central America and the Caribbean if they were unable to pay their international debts.


During the period circa 1300-1500 A.D. this religious belief was widely spread primarily by trade throughout Southeast Asia. (competency 005)

Fertile Crescent

An area in the Near East where the earliest civilizations arose. Includes modern day Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Palestine, and Jordan. Surrounded in the south by the Syrian and Arabian Deserts, the west by the Mediterranean Sea, and the north and east by the Taurus and Zagros Mountains. (Respectively).

The Green Revolution

Beginning in the late 1950s and early 1960s, agricultural scientists began systematically developing new crop varieties that were better suited to tropical and subtropical climates where growing conditions were suboptimal and yields had been low. (competency 005)

Booker T. Washington

Believed that the social and political discrimination against African Americans in his time was wrong, he felt that African Americans should take a gradualist approach to combating it. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, he argued that African Americans should pursue economic advancement as a first step prior to agitating for political and social equality. (competency 014)

Spanish Colonists

Came to the New Word looking for wealth and to convert the natives to Christianity. The desire for gold led some to mining, others established large ranches.

Triangular Trade

Colonies-rum >> Africa-gold/slaves >> West Indies-sugar/molasses/money >> Colonies This was in direct violation of of the Molasses Act of 1733. The colonies did not pay Britain the duties owed and Britain did not properly enforce the policy.


Each state is allotted two seats regardless of population. EST. 1787

The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Document that officially ended the Mexican-American War (1846-1848) in 1848, establishing the Rio Grande as the southern border of Texas. (competency 017)


Due to industrialization of the US economy the United States Census Bureau recorded in the 1920 census the first time in which over 50 percent of the United States population was defined as ____________ (living in towns or cities with at least 2,500 people). (competency 013)

First Industrial Revolution

During the 18th and early 19th centuries England had ease of access to coal deposits in central and northern England, southern Scotland, and southern Wales. This in combination with a well developed transport infrastructure due to relatively flat terrain and high population density England was primed and ready for this. (competency 004)

The Inca Empire

During the early 15th and 16th centuries, this South American civilization was best known for its far-reaching and elaborate system of paved roads. Originally developed to assist soldiers in moving through this empire's mountainous terrain, these roads became pivotal for commercial function as well as developing a cohesive political and cultural aspects across its vast territories and and ethnic groups. (competency 007)

Age of Exploration (Discovery)

Early fifteenth to early seventeenth century. Technological advances in navigation, mapmaking and shipbuilding. These advances led to further exploration of the world. Portugal, Spain, France and England all sought new routes to Asia. This led to the colonization of India, Asia, Africa and North America.


East coast tribe, spoke a different language than the Algonquians, and lived in rectangular longhouses


Eastern part of the US lived in wgwams. The northern tribes subsisted on hunting and gathering, while those who were farther south grew crops such as corn

Navigation Acts

Enacted in 1651 were an attempt by Britain to dominate international trade. Banned foreign ships (specifically Dutch) from transporting goods to the British Colonies, and from transporting goods to Britain from elsewhere in Europe. Angered and benefited colonists, many of the ships of the British Armada were built by colonists. So the trade interests and restrictions by Britain were profitable to them.

Yuan (Mongol) Dynasty

Established a practice of issuing paper money and copper coins as the primary means of exchange in China prior to the mid-1400s. (competency 007)

New Look

Established by the Eisenhower administration, this change to the United States military force involved a rapid increase in the number of nuclear weapons such as weapons and bombs. It was believed that they would give the US a significant advantage in a possible conflict with the Soviet Union during the Cold War. (competency 011)

King Ferdinad & Queen Isabella

Financially backed Columbus' desire to discover a westward trade route to India in 1492.

French Colonists

Focused on expanding the fur trade. Later their colonization led to the growth of plantations in Louisiana which brought numerous African slaves to the New World

The Punic Wars

Fought between the Roman Republic and Carthage from 264-146 B.C. A total of three wars but best known for the Second and ultimate third. During the Second, Hannibal crossed the Alps and invaded Italy from the north before being forced back to North Africa. During the third and final war, Rome destroyed the city of Carthage itself. Resulting in Rome gaining uncontested hegemony over the western Mediterranean. (competency 001)

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

From the Seneca Falls Convention of 1848 until her death in 1902, this woman was at the forefront of every major initiative to expand the civic and legal rights of women. She wrote the Declaration of Sentiments. (competency 012)

British Colonists

Had various goals. Some were looking for income while others were fleeing to escape religious persecution.

British North American Colonies

Historians estimate that between 1700 and 1770 the population of this region of colonists grew from about 250,000 to over 2 million. While many factors influenced this growth, the need for farm labor in the colonies in the eighteenth century was one of the most important factors. Most colonists lived on farms, and having more children to help them work the land allowed them to increase productivity, which in turn led to increased supplies of food to feed larger families. (competency 008)

Indentured Servants

Immigrants who received passage to America in exchange for a fixed term of labor

Jose de Escandon

In 1727, he was selected to colonize land in Texas. Although he met with American Indian resistance throughout his expeditions, he found success in establishing over twenty settlements along the Rio Grande. (competency 016)

Mandate of Heaven

In ancient China, this provided divine sanction for an emperor's right to rule. Establishing a code of conduct for emperors. Those who behaved immorally or exercised their power in a tyrannical manner lost their right to rule and could be removed through revolution. (competency 001)

Pueblo Tribes

Included the Zuni, Hopi, and Acoma Indians. They lived in the southwest deserts in homes made of stone or adobe. They domesticated animals and cultivated corn and beans.

Barbed Wire

Invented in the 1860s and introduced in the West in the 1870s, this transformed the landscape. It was used by farmers, railroad companies and others to protect land from cattle and, increasingly, by ranchers themselves. Eventually, as the use of this expanded, it became increasingly difficult for cattle to move freely across the plains. Ultimately it contributed to the end of the open range and cattle drives in Texas. (competency 017)


Involves the study of the methodology and changing interpretations of history as a discipline. Studying a variety of interpretive sources would provide students with examples of the differing ways that historians study and write about certain topics. (competency 022)


Is a term that refers to the process by which minorities within a population, such as immigrants to a new country, adjust and adapt to a society dominated by a majority culture group. (competency 020)

Flow Chart

Is a type of chart that represents the steps of a process or algorithm. (competency 020)


Knowledge of this device came to Europe from Arab navigators and traders. They refined its design originally created by the ancient Greeks. An instrument formerly used to make astronomical measurements.


Labor obligations imposed by Inca rulers on their subjects to maintain its system of paved roads. (competency 007)

William Pitt

Led the British to victory in the French and Indian War.

Boston Masacre

March 5, 1770 Protesters of the Stamp and Townshend Acts taunted British soldiers by throwing snowballs. Their response was to open fire. This particular clash led to 5 deaths and 8 injuries. Shortly after this conflict, Britain repealed most of the Townshend Acts.

Southern Colonies

Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. Climate encouraged agriculture and the growing season was long. Economically was reliant upon large labor-intensive plantations, that predominantly came from slaves (first arrived in 1619) and indentured servants.


Method of long-distance communication used by the Inca. They did not have a fully developed written language, so a system of knots in string in cotton was used by messengers to communicate between individuals. (competency 007)


Ming Emporer Yongle initiated a policy of currency reform to phase out paper money due to inflation. The increased demand for this substance increased in Ming China in the mid-1400s. The predominant importer was Japan until the mid-16th century when the newly opened Spanish mines in Potosi and Zacatecas discovered vast deposits and began shipping it across the Pacific. This ultimately had a profound effect on the world economy, as it increased Europe's overall long-distance trade and greatly stimulated the consumption of luxury items. (competency 007)

New England Colonies

New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts. Most were settled in the 1600's by Puritans. This significantly influenced their social development. Coastal communities and mostly city and town developments. Economically focused on fishing, shipbuilding, and trade.

Middle or Middle Atlantic Colonies

New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. Founders came from various locations. Fertile growing conditions allowed these colonies to be strong producers of crops. Farms were the center of life and the wealthy owned LARGE farms. In general most were able to produce enough for surplus.

"King Philip"

Or Pokunoket chief Metacom - led a bloody uprising of Wampanoag, Nipmuck, Pocumtuck and Narragansett tribes. The fighting lasted fourteen months and destroyed twelve frontier towns, ending shortly after Metacom was captured and beheaded. Some of his supporters escaped to Canada, while others who surrendered were sold into slavery.

Declaratory Act, 1765

Parliament has the right to govern the colonies.

The Adams-Onis Treaty

Recognized the United States seizure of Florida from Spain and delineated a boundary with Spanish Mexico that clearly made Texas a part of Spanish Mexico (and not of the United States). This aspect of the treaty ended uncertainty between the United States and Spain over the boundary created after the Louisiana Purchase. (competency 016)

Tenant Farmer

Rented land from larger land owners to produce crops and support their family.

Molasses Act of 1733

Required colonists to pay high duties to Britain on molasses acquired from French, Dutch and Spanish colonies.

Quartering Act, 1765

Required colonists to provide accommodations and supplies for British troops. Colonists were also prohibited from settling west of the Appalachians until given permission by Britain.

Sugar Act, 1764

Required taxes to be collected on Molasses brought to the colonies, but also gave British officials the right to search the homes of anyone suspected of violating it.

Tertiary Source

Sources that contain a summary or analysis of many secondary and primary sources, and attempt to provide a broad overview or summary of a topic. (ex. Encyclopedia) (competency 020)

Townshend Acts, 1765

Taxed paper, paint, lead, and tea that came into the colonies. These acts resulted in boycotts in protest. Leaders like Samuel and John Adams began to organize resistance.

Stamp Act, 1765

Taxed printed materials such as newspapers and legal documents. This act was protested and repealed in 1766, but its repeal led to the Declaratory Act.

Bicameral Legislature

The Great Compromise (or Connecticut Compromise) of 1787 settled a dispute between large states and small states about legislative representation. Creating this type of legislature consisting of the House of Representatives and the Senate. (competency 009)

Pacific Coast Tribes

The Tlingit, Chinook and Salish tribes lived on fish as well as deer, native berries and roots. Their rectangular homes housed large family groups and they used totem poles.

John Brown

The raid on Harpers Ferry was an attempt by this abolitionist to start an armed slave revolt in Virginia in 1859. It exacerbated tensions between the North and the South. (competency 010)

Land Grants

These were given to families, like Stephen F. Austin, from the United States for two reasons. One was to protect northern Mexico from Native American attacks, particularly from the Comanche, and a second was to buffer northern Mexican states against the effects of westward expansion of the United States. (competency 017)

Harpers Ferry

Was attempted raid by abolitionist John Brown to start an armed slave revolt in Virginia in 1859.


This ancient civilization had little to no natural barriers protecting it from neighboring invaders, therefore they experienced frequent invasions that often resulted in the conquest or collapse of existing states. (competency 005)


This city became a center for refineries and petrochemical plants during the oil boom of the early twentieth century in Texas. It also benefited from the opening of a ship channel in 1914 that made the city attractive for industrial development. The town's population grew by over 500 percent between 1900 and 1930. (competency 018)

Whitney's Cotton Gin

This device revolutionized the cotton industry in the South, making it a tremendously profitable business. Cotton production expanded from 750,000 bales in 1830 to 2.85 million bales in 1850. This increase in production created a demand for more slave labor. A single slave took about 10 hours to separate a single pound of short-staple cotton fibers from the seed, but a team of two or three slaves (using a cotton gin) could process about fifty pounds of cotton in a day. (competency 015)

Tree Chart

This is used to display the hierarchical relations of a structure in graphical form. This type of graphic organizer would best be used to display the relationships among, for example, the federal, state and local governments. (competency 020)

Mexican Revolution

This movement was ultimately launched by peasant land-hunger and dissatisfaction with high rates of indebtedness and abuse at the hands of large landowners. These major contributing factors led to the events that brought down the Porfirio Diaz dictatorship in Mexico. (1910-1920) (competency 004)

Expansion Abroad

US foreign policy like the Monroe Doctrine and the Roosevelt Corollary in the late 19th and early 20th centuries was vastly focused on this through military, cultural, and economic power. (competency 011)

magnetic compass

Used by Chinese navigators from approximately 200 B.C.E

nonlinguistic representation

Used to enhance students' ability to use mental images to represent and elaborate on knowledge. To back up slightly, knowledge is stored in two forms: linguistic form (as language) and nonlinguistic form (as mental images and physical sensations). EXAMPLE: After a lesson on vocabulary words about the United States government, displaying the working relationships of the branches in a _________________ __________________ would best facilitate students' understanding of the separation of powers. This is because it would require them to process information in a different mode. (competency 022)

Francisco Hidalgo

Was a Franciscan missionary who came to the Americas to found the missionary College of Santa Cruz de Querétaro. He later traveled to an East Texas mission and, when the mission failed, he became an advocate for missionary efforts among the Caddo Indians. (competency 017)

A Short History of the Destruction of the Indies

Written by Bartolomé de Las Casas', a Dominican missionary, this document is one of the first Spanish attempts to depict the unfair treatment of the indigenous people of the Americas (he called the Indes). (competency 008)


a small, fast Spanish or Portuguese sailing ship developed in the 1400s. It incorporated navigational advancements and the ability for long sea voyages.

Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull

led Sioux and Cheyenne troops in the Battle of the Little Big Horn in 1876, soundly defeating George Armstrong Custer

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