The Cold War

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How much money was given to Turkey to fight communism immediately after the Truman doctrine?

$150 million

How much money did Stalin demand from Germany in reparations?

$20 billion

How much money was given to Greece to fight communism immediately after the Truman doctrine?

$250 million

What sum of money did the Marshall Plan invest in Europe?

$5 billion

The Marshal Plan

- 1948 - Effort to revive the economies of Western European States using US credits -Marshal Plan introduced June 1947 **offered aid to any country recovering from the war **criteria for aid included allowing the US to examine financial records and allowing for free enterprise **Open to USSR + Eastern Europe, however they were guaranteed to reject the terms **USSR Called dollar diplomacy - Congress initially opposed Marshal Plan -Feb 1948 Communist coup in Czechoslovakia changes view **Agrees to give $4 bil to Europe - August 1948 W, Europe asks for $28 bil; US grants $17 bil


- Set up Sept. 22, 1947, stands for Communist Information Bureau -Intended to coordinate different communist governments of E. Europe -keep communist parties in Europe under Moscow's control -vehicle for USSR to push for governments in E. Europe modeled after USSR

Hungary (Soviet Take-Over)

-1945 Smallholder's Part wins w/Nagy as PM -1946 Coalition government is formed, but fails in 1947 -1947 New elections = communist victory

Romania (Soviet Take-Over)

-1946 election voting is rigged = communists near unanimous victory -1947 all opposition parties close = King abdicates = People's Republic of Romania

Czechoslovakia (Soviet Take-Over)

-1946 free + fair elections = 38% of vote to communists -1947 harassment of non-communists -1948 non-communist PM resigns -1948 New elections = 66% communist victory

Truman Doctrine

-1947 -Truman announces change on policy to 'containment' -Truman Doctrine: **All countries must choose between 'freedom of the west or the subjugation of communism' **US will assist any country resisting 'armed minority' or 'outside pressure' -Feb 1947 = Britain unable to maintain economic or military aid to Greece + Turkey **Congress approves aid to Greece ($300 mil) and Turkey ($100 mil) + military advisors

Berlin Blockade

-1948 -in response to Trizonia + deutschmark -try to prevent creation of W. German state by putting pressure on Germany by holding W. Berlin hostage -USSR cutes off roads, rails, and freight traffic connecting W. Berlin to W. Germany -Supply of electricity cut off in W. Berlin

Change in Leadership

-1953 Stalin dies = Khrushchev emerges leader in 1955 -Eisenhower sown into office in 1953

Hungarian Crisis

-1956 -July 1956 Communist dictator Rakosi resigned due to popular opposition -October 1956 ex-PM Imre Nagy is appointed as Premier -November 1956 Soviet Red Army enters Hungary **Red Army + 6,000 tanks **30,000 Hungarians (including Nagy) and 7,000 Soviet troops are killed -Communist leadership restored

The Berlin Crisis

-1958 -Mass migration was taking place from E. Berlin to W. Berlin because W. Berlin was thriving, while E. Berlin wasn't **allowed relocation out of communism **hurt E. Berlin/E. Germany economy **1961 E. Germany had lost 2.5 mil residents -1958 speech Khrushchev demands the unification of W. Berlin and E. Germany, so that soviets can regain lost work force -Eisenhower + Kennedy remain adamant that W. Berlin remain haven for capitalism and continued Western influences -1960 Soviets shoot down US U2 spy plane in soviet territory; tensions rise -1961 Khrushchev gives US ultimatum to remove all troops from W. Berlin -Midnight August 31, 1961, thousand of Soviet workers construct the Berlin Wall **ran right through downtown Berlin; cutting off W. Berlin from E. Berlin + E. Germany **12 ft. high, 100 mi. long, guarded by armed towers and dogs **wall becomes symbol of Cold War and stark contrast of E. Berlin and W. Berlin **W. Berlin life remained relatively normal, but E. Berlin suffered

Churchill Iron Curtain Speech

-Delivered March 1946 in Missouri -Claims USSR is expansionist state - Says that the US must take over the job of making the world safe for democracy

Yalta Conference

-February 4, 1945 -Set up four zones of occupation in Germany + Berlin -Eastern European nations "friendly" to Soviet regime, and Soviets must allow free elections in the nations

Potsdam Conference

-July 17 - August 2, 1945 -Allied Control Commission = Britain, US, USSR, and France will govern Germany together - Soviets must only take reparations from their own zone (agrarian)

Berlin Airlift

-Lasted 1948-1949 -in response to Berlin Blockade -US + Britain airlift supplies into the city **Have legal right to do so: Operation Vittles = USSR must provide 3 airways into W. Berlin -About 278,000 flights were made, and 2.3 mil tons of food delivered -Stalin ends blockade after a year due to failure -1949 = creation of Germany Democratic State (E. Germany) -1949 = creation of West German State

Suez Crisis

-October 29, 1956, Israeli armed force enter Egypt near Suez Canal, due to Egyptian nationalization of the canal -French + British forces join Israel -Soviets, hoping to get foothold in Middle East, supplied arms to Egypt and threatened nuclear attack on Western Europe -US admonished Khrushchev for his reckless talk of nuclear war, cautioned him to refrain from directly entering the conflict -US threatened economic sanctions on Israel, Britain, and France is they didn't pull out of Egypt -1957 Israel, France, and Britain pull out of Egypt due to US pressure

Reparations Issue

-Potsdam 1945: **Soviets could only take reparations from E. Germany = less industrialized **granted 25% of machinery in W. Germany, but had to return 60% of value of goods received in form of raw materials -Issue of Economic Reconstruction of Germany **soviets want weak, pastoralized economy **US + UK want industrialized economy -1946 W. Germany stops reparation deliveries to USSR due to lack of all-German trade agreement (including 25 mil. tons of coal) -1946 USSR insists on getting $10 bil in reparations from Germany **allies refuse because Germany economy is weak -1946 Bizonia is formed w/ US + UK combining their zones -1948 France joins Bizonia and creates Trizonia -1948 New currency deutschmark is introduced in W. Germany + W. Berlin w/out consulting USSR


-Set up in 1949, stands for Council of Mutual Economic Assistance -used to force Soviet bloc nations to follow Soviet policy -make sure new communist states follow same economic policies of USSR **collectivization + state control of industry -created a big trade group and financially supported E. European states post WWII **rebuilds economies **gives USSR access to resources of satellite states -Used in combination with Cominform

Geneva Summit - "Spirit of Geneva"

-Summit in 1955 -propagated the idea of 'peaceful coexistence' -1956 to Britain: 'You do not like Communism. We do not like Capitalism. There is only one war out - peaceful coexistence' -really meant 'peaceful competition': arms race + space race begin

Tensions of 1945

-US + USSR have stand down over access to Iranian oil; Stalin backs down -Stalin pressures Turkey for concessions, but backs down due to Western opposition

Kennan Long Telegraph

-Written in 1945 -Viewpoints become basis of US foreign policy -Containment = Origin of this policy **USSR is a dangerous and expansionist state **USSR is 'highly sensitive to the logic of force'

Bulgaria (Soviet Take-Over)

-communist party ignored Soviet agreement about allowing opposition involvement in the government -1946 elections lead to more control by Soviets - 1947 activities of main opposition increasingly restricted

Warsaw Pact

-created 1955 -collective defense treaty among communist states -main goal = establish soviet ideology across Eastern Bloc, USSR dominated alliance -Soviet troops stationed all over soviet satellite states -1956 = Hungary withdrew from Warsaw Pact due to some leniency, Soviets come in an crush new government -Akin to NATO

Poland (Soviet Take-Over)

-elections postponed from Feb. 1946 to Jan. 1947 -communist manipulation insured victory


-launched on October 4, 1957 at low orbit around the earth -first artificial earth satellite in space (launched by Soviet Union) -Gave the soviets a leg up in the same race

Soviet Take-Over of Eastern Europe

-started as early as 1946 -speeds up process in response to Marshal Plan and Truman Doctrine w/increased control of Eastern Europe -aim to use Eastern Europe to rebuild Russia


-started by Khrushchev in 1955 -denounced cult of personality + dictatorship -reduced size of Gulag - made labor system less punishing -now genuine liberalization of Soviet state: still totalitarian

By what percentage of votes did the USSR's goverment in Hungary voted out of power in 1989?


How many cities lay in ruin in Russia at the end of World War 2?


When did Stalin sign the Nazi-Soviet Pact?


When was the Cairo Declamation?


When was the Tehran conference?


When did Churchill and Stalin make the Percentages Agreement?


When was a Second Front finally initiated?


When did Roosevelt die?


When did the USA drop bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?


When did Byrnes give his speech (Stuttgart Speech) at the Paris Conference marking the end of US appeasement of Russia?


When did Kennen send his 'Long Telegram'?


When did Stalin give his 'election speech'?


When did Truman test two more atomic bombs as a show of strength to the Russians?


When was Churchill's Iron Curtain Speech?


When was the Clifford-Elsley report, warning the President that the USSR sought world domination?


What year did the USA begin its policy of "containment"?


What year was Bizonia created?


What year was the CIA created, thus showing aggressive action?


What year was the CIA formed?


What year were the British and American zones of Berlin merged into Bizonia?


When did Truman introduce his Truman Doctrine?


When did the UK pull military and economic aid from the Mediterranean (Greece and Turkey)


When did the US prevent communism taking power in Italy?


When was Germany divided into Bizonia?


When was the Marshall Plan envisioned?


What year did the US and UK reform the currency of West Germany?


What year was the Berlin blockade?


When did communists seize power in Czechoslovakia?


When was Tito expelled from COMINFORM?


When was the Berlin Airlift?


What year did the USSR successfully launch their first Atomic bomb?


What year was NATO formed?


When was the FDR proclaimed?


When did Tito sign an agreement with the US, thereby receiving a sum of $150 million


What year did Truman's presidency end? What year did Stalin die?

1952, 53

How many Americans died in WW2?


How many Russians died in WW2?


How long was the Long Telegram?

8000 words

By how much did US industry grow during World War 2?


When did Stalin sign the "Declaration of Liberated Europe"?

At Yalta, in 1945

What did Stalin create in 1947 as an equivalent to the Marshall Plan?


What organisation did Stalin create in 1947 to unite communist parties all over the world?


Who was Churchill's successor?

Clement Attlee

Discuss the ideological beliefs of the USSR in terms of the economy.

Communism (extreme version of socialism): No desire to produce a better good b/c government will do for you • Capitalism creates divisions between rich & poor->all businesses & farms should be owned by the state on behalf of the people • Goods will be distributed to individuals by the state -> Everyone will get what is needed & will be working for the collective good

Why did Stalin initially want to upkeep post-war relations with the USA?

Damaged by war

What two Turkish naval bases did Stalin try to secure after Churchill's 'Iron Curtain' speech?

Dardanelles and Bosporus

When was the Yalta conference?

February 1945

What did the Declaration of Liberated Europe promise Eastern European countries?

Free Elections

Which historian shares the Orthodox view in regard to the origins of the Cold War?


According to the Realpolitik School, what isn't responsible for the Cold War?


When was the Potsdam conference?

July 1945

Which historian shares the post-revisionist view in regard to the origins of the Cold War?


What did Czeckoslovakia initially want to receive, but was forced not to by Stalin?

Marshall Aid

What battleship did Truman send to Turkey as a show of power to Stalin?


According to the post-revisionist view, who is responsible for the Cold War?

Nobody, the war was fuelled by misunderstandings

What American action did Molotov denounce as an attempt to split Europe into two camps?

The Marshall Plan

What US action was taken as a result of the UK's withdrawal from Turkey and Greece in 1947

The Truman Doctrine

Discuss the increasing hostility between the West and the USSR.

The mutual suspicion between the West and the USSR manifested itself in various ways between the Bolshevik Rev (1917) and the start of WWII (1939): o The intervention of the West in the Russian Civil War (1918-1922) o The fact that the USSR did not receive diplomatic recognition nor join the League of Nations until the 1930's o The Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact (1939) allowed Hitler to concentrate on attacking the West

Who was Roosevelt's successor?


According to the Revisionist view, who is responsible for the Cold War?

USA (Dollar Imperialism)

According to the Orthodox view, who is responsible for the Cold War?



West Germany joins NATO in 1955; triggers Warsaw pact

Which historian shares the Revisionist view in regard to the origins of the Cold War?


In which conference was it decided that Germany AND Berlin would be divided into four zones of occupation?


Discuss the ideological beliefs of the West in terms of politics.

liberal democracy: • Individuals choose the gov't through voting. There is a range of political parties to choose from • Individuals have certain rights, such as freedom of speech & freedom of press

Discuss the sef-interest of the US.

• No need to est markets & open doors to free trade • The desire to avoid another economic of the magnitude of 1929 • President Truman and most of the post-war US admin behind....

Describe the economic reasons the US and USSR became superpowers.

• The US economy was able to out-produce all the other powers put together. • US was committed to open trade, wanting to insure liberal trade conditions and market competition. The US took a lead in international collaboration: International Monetary Fund (IMF); General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) • The US had the economic strength to prevent a return to instability in Europe. • Small Eastern European countries were not economically viable on their own; the Soviet Union would support them.

Describe the military reasons the US and USSR became superpowers.

• The US had acquired the largest air force in the world, with almost 73,000 aircraft. Additionally, 12 million men were in the armed forces, and the navy consisted of over 70,000 vessels. Oh yea...and we had the A-bomb. • The USSR had acquired the largest land army in the world • France and Britain's inability to defeat

Discuss the ideological beliefs of the USSR in terms of politics.

• There is no need for a range of political parties, as the Communist Party truly represents the views of all the workers & rules on behalf of the people • Individual freedoms valued by the West aren't necessary • This is a one-party state

Discuss the ideological beliefs of the West in terms of the economy.

•Capitalism: Individuals should be able to compete w/ each other w/ a minimal state interference & make as much $ as they wish • Individuals thus encouraged to work hard by the promise of individual reward

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