The Culture Map

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What are general traits of hierarchical cultures?

- An effort is made to defer to the boss's opinion especially in public - People are more likely to get the boss's approval before moving to action - If you send your boss, they will send their boss. If your boss cancels, their boss also may not come - Communication follows the hierarchical chain - With clients or partners you may be seated and spoken to in order of position

Which countries are on the egalitarian side of the leading scale, respectively?

- Denmark, Netherlands, Sweden - Israel -Australia - Canada and Finland - US

Which countries are on the direct negative feedback side of the scale, respectively?

- Israel -Netherlands -Russia -Germany - Denmark -France -Norway -Spain -Australia -Italy

What are general traits of egalitarian cultures?

- It's okay to disagree with the boss openly even in front of others - People are more likely to move to action without getting the boss's okay - If meeting with a client or supplier, there is less focus on matching hierarchical levels - It's okay to email or call people several levels below or above you - With clients or partners you will be seated and spoken to in no specific order

Which countries are on the indirect negative feedback side of the scale, respectively?

- Japan and Thailand -Indonesia -Saudi Arabia -korea -Ghana -China -Kenya and India -Mexico

Which countries are on the hierarchical side of the leading scale, respectively?

- Japan, Korea, Nigeria - Saudi Arabia, India, China - Russia and Peru - Poland -Mexico -Italy

Low context countries include, respectively:

- US - Australia -Canadá - Netherlands - Germany -Denmark -UK -Finland

Which countries are on the principles-first side of the persuading scale, respectively?

-France -Italy -Spain -Russia -Germany

Which countries are on the linear-time side of the scheduilng scale, respectively?

-Germany and Switzerland -Japan -Sweden -Netherlands -Denmark -US -UK

Which countries are on the confrontational side of the disagreeing scale, respectively?

-Israel -France -Germany -Russia -Netherlands -Denmark -Spain -Italy -Australia

What countries fall on the consensual side of the deciding scale, respectively?

-Japan -Sweden -Netherlands -Germany

Which countries are on the avoids confrontations side of the disagreeing scale, respectively?

-Japan and Indonesia -Thailand -Ghana -China -Peru and Saudi Arabia -India -Mexico -Sweden -Singapore -Brazil

High context countries include, respectively:

-Japan, Korea, Indonesia - China -Kenya -Saudi Arabia -Iran -India -Singapore

What countries fall on the top-down side of the deciding scale respectively?

-Nigeria -China -India -Russia

Which countries are on the relationship-based side of the trusting scale, respectively?

-Nigeria -Saudi Arabia -India -China -Brazil and Thailand -Turkey -Mexico -Russia -Japan

Which countries are on the flexible-time side of the scheduling scale, respectively?

-Nigeria -Saudi Arabia -Kenya -India -China -Brazil and Turkey -Mexico

Which countries are on the applications-first side of the persuading scale, respectively?

-US -Canada -Australia -UK -Netherlands -Denmark -Sweden

Which countries are on the task-based side of the trusting scale, respectively?

-US -Netherlands -Denmark -Australia -Germany -Finland -UK

What are strategies for working with people from higher-context cultures?

-communicating is not just about speaking, but also listening. -learn to listen to what is meant instead of what is said. Reflect more, ask more clarifying questions, and make an effort to be more receptive to body language cues. - Ask open ended questions rather than backing the person into a corner that requires a yes or no response. -Don't form opinions too quickly -If you're sending the message, you don't need to repeat yourself so frequently when talking to a high context colleague. -Self deprecation allows you to accept the blame for being unable to get the message and then ask for assistance in understanding

Quadrant D countries in the evaluation and communication matrix:

Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, India, Kenya, China, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, and Japan

What do low and high context refer to?

Communication styles

What is the Asian approach to persuasion?

Holistic thought patterns instead of a specific approach. Think from macro to micro. Traditionally emphasized interdependencies and interconnectedness. Give more attention to backgrounds and to the link between the backgrounds and central figures of pictures

What does flexible-time mean?

Project steps are approached in a fluid manner, changing tasks as opportunities arise. Many things are dealt with at once and interruptions accepted. The focus is on adaptability, and flexibility is valued over organizations.

What does linear-time mean?

Project steps are approached in a sequential fashion, completing one task before beginning the next. One thing at a time. No interruptions. The focus is on the deadline and sticking to the schedule. Emphasis is on promptness and good organization over flexibility.

What is possible the most interesting thing about the scheduling scale?

Those from each side of the scale see those from the other side as inefficient and imagine they must lead lives that are terribly difficult and stressful.

Where does the US fall on the persuading scale?

Towards the middle, but more prominently on the egalitarian side. The UK, Germany, and Brazil fall in line to the right of the US shifting to the middle of the scale.

What do confrontational and avoids confrontation refer to?

the disagreement scale

high-context culture

Good communication is sophisticated, nuanced, and layered. Messages are both spoken and read between the lines. Messages are often implied but not plainly expressed.

low-context culture

Good communicstion is precise, simple, and clear. Messages are expressed and understood at face value. Repetition is appreciated if it helps clarify the communication.

People from all cultures believe in:

Constructive criticism. Yet what is considered constructive in one culture may be viewed as destructive in another.

What is quadrant B in the evaluation and communication matrix?

Countries are high-context/implicit with communicating and on the direct negative feedback side for evaluating

What is quadrant A in the evaluation and communication matrix?

Countries are low-context/explicit with communication and on the direct negative feedback side for evaluating.

What is quadrant D for evaluation and communication matrix?

Countries are on the high-context/implicit side for communicating, and on the indirect negative feedback side for evaluating.

What is quadrant C for evaluation and communication matrix?

Countries are on the low-context/explicit side for communicating and on the indirect negative feedback side for evaluating

What do consensual and top-down styles refer to?

Deciding scale

What is top-down?

Decisions are made by individuals (usually the boss)

What does consensual mean?

Decisions are made in groups through unanimous agreement

What does avoids confrontation mean?

Disagreement and debate are negative for the team or organization. Open confrontation is inappropriate and will break group harmony or negatively impact the relationship.

What does confrontational mean?

Disagreement and debate are positive for the team or organization. Open confrontation is appropriate and will not negatively impact the relationship.

What do direct and indirect negative feedback refer to?

Evaluating styles

What do principles first and applications first refer to?

Persuading scale

Which countries are emotionally inexpressive?

Germany, Netherlands, Denmark, UK, Sweden, China, Korea, Japan

Where does the US fall on the disagreement scale?

In the center with the UK

What is applications-first?

Individuals are trained to begin with a fact, statement, or opinion and later add concept to back up or explain the conclusion as necessary. The preference is to begin a message or report with an executive summary or bullet points. Discussions are approached in a practical, concrete manner. Theoretical or philosophical discussions are avoided in a business environment.

What is principles-first?

Individuals have been trained to first develop the theory or complex concept before presenting a fact, statement, or opinion. The preference is to begin a message or report by building up a theoretical argument before moving on to a conclusion, The conceptual principles underlying each situation are voided.

Quadrant B countries for evaluation and communication matrix:

Israel, Russia, France, Spain, and Italy

Which countries are emotionally expressive?

Italy, France, Greece, Spain, Italy, US, Brazil, Mexico, India, Saudi Arabia, Peru, Philippines

Which country has the distinction of being the highest-context culture in the world?


An explicit, low-context communication style gives Americans what reputation?

Lacking subtlety

What do egalitarian and hierarchical refer to?

Leading styles

Which side if the scale is the US on for communication styles?

Low context side

What side of the scale is the US on for the evaluating styles?

Middle between indirect and direct negative feedback

direct negative feedback

Negative feedback to a colleague is provided frankly, bluntly, honestly. Negative messages stand alone, it softened by positive ones. Absolute descriptors are often used (totally inappropriate, completely unprofessional) when criticizing. Criticism may be given to an individual in front of a group.

Indirect negative feedback

Negative feedback to a colleague is provided softly, subtly, diplomatically. Positive messages are used to wrap negative ones. Qualifying descriptors are often used (sort of inappropriate, slightly unprofessional) when criticizing. Criticism is given only in private.

Quadrant A countries for evaluation and communication matrix:

Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, and Australia

What does big D little d refer to?

The deciding scale

What is hierarchical?

The ideal distance between a boss and a subordinate is high. The best boss is a strong director who leads from the front. Status is important. Organizational structures are multilayered and fixed. Communication follows set hierarchical lines.

What is egalitarian?

The ideal distance between a boss and a subordinate is low. The best boss is a facilitator among equals. Organizational structures are flat. Communication often skips hierarchical lines.

What do linear time and flexible time refer to?

The scheduling scale

What does task-based mean?

Trust is built through business-related activities. Work relationships are built and dropped easily, based on the practicality of the situation. You do good work consistently, you are reliable, I enjoy working with you, I trust you.

What does relationship-based mean?

Trust is built through sharing meals, evening drinks, and visits at the coffee machine. Work relationships build up slowly over the long term. I've seen who you are at a deep level, I've shared personal time with you, I know others well who trust you, I trust you.

What do task-based and relationship-based refer to?

Trusting scale

Where does the US fall on the deciding scale?

UK in the dead center, the US towards the right pulling towards the top-down side. Grouped with Brazil, France, and Italy

Which country is the lowest-context culture in the world?


Quadrant C Countries in the evaluation and communication matrix:

US, Canada and UK

More direct cultures use ____ and ____ words preceding or following negative feedback to make it feel stronger or softer.

Upgrades; Downgraders. These are "absolutely, totally, or strongly" and "kind of, sort of, a little, a bit, maybe and slightly"

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