The Digestive System

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What bones comprise the hard palate?

2 maxillae and 2 palatines


A group of processes that break complex nutrients into simpler ones, thus facilitating their absorption; mechanical digestion physically breaks large chunks into small bits; chemical digestion breaks molecules apart

What are the functions of the pancreas

Acinar units secrete digestive enzymes, beta cells secrete insulin, and alpha cells secrete glucagon

Name the 4 sections of the colon

Ascending, transverse, descending, and sigmoid

Why is the liver considered an exocrine gland?

Because it secretes bile into ducts, the liver qualifies as an exocrine gland

Name the substance formed in the liver that aids in the absorption of fats


Name the 3 divisions of the large intestine

Cecum, colon, and rectum

Name the 3 stages of gastric secretion

Cephalic, gastric, and intestional

What are the 3 major secretory cells found in the gastric glands of the stomach?

Chief cells, parietal cells, and endocrine cells


Coordination of digestive activity (motility, secretion, etc.)

What are the 3 main parts of a typical tooth?

Crown, Neck, and Root

Name the 2 types of teeth

Deciduous and permanent teeth

Name the 3 divisions of the small intestine

Duodenum, jéjunum, and ileum


Excretion of the residues of the digestive process (feces) from the rectum, through the anus; defecation

Name the 3 divisions of the stomach

Fundus, body, and pylorus

What is the term used to describe the backward flow of stomach acid up through the lower esophageal sphincter and into the lower esophagus?

Gastroesophageal reflux disease. (GERD)

What is another name for the digestive tract?

Gastrointestinal tract or alimentary canal.

Explain the effect of the hormone gherkin on digestive function

Ghrelin is secreted by the endocrine cells, Ghrelin stimulates the hypothalamus to increase appetite and gastrin, which influences digestive functions.

What is the term for enlargements of the veins in the anal canal?


Bile enters the gallbladder by way of which 2 ducts?

Hepatic and cystic ducts

Identify the 2 points at which the colon bends on itself to form 90-degree angles.

Hepatic flexure (right colic flexure) and splenic flexure (left colic flexure)


Hormones regulate blood glucose levels; bicarbonates neutralize stomach acid; trypsin and chymotrypsin digest proteins; amylase digests polysaccharides; lipase digests lipids; nuclease digests RNA and DNA

What are the various mechanisms used by the digestive system to bring essential nutrients into the internal environment so they are available to each cell of the body?

Ingestion, digestion, secretion, and absorption

What is the lingual frenulum?

It is a fold of mucous membrane in the midline of the undersurface of the tongue that helps anchor the tongue to the floor of the mouth

How does mechanical digestion differ from chemical digestion?

Mechanical digestion involves physically breaking down ingested food material into smaller pieces. Chemical digestion completes the breakdown process by mixing digestive secretions resulting in the release of nutrient "end products" such as glucose and amino acids. Enzymes catalyze the chemical reactions that break chemical bonds and facilitate chemical digestion.

What is the term for the fan shaped projection of the parietal peritoneum from the lumbar region of the posterior abdominal wall?



Movement by the muscular components of the digestive tube, including processes of mechanical digestion; examples include peristalsis and segmentation


Movement of digested nutrients through the GI mucosa and into the internal environment.


breaks up food particles; assists in producing spoken language

small intestine

completes digestion; mucus protects gut wall; absorbs nutrients, most water; peptidase digests proteins; sucrase digests sugars; nucleotidases and phosphatases digests necleotides

What is the primary function of the colon?

formation of feces and the reabsorption of water from the feces


process of taking food into the mouth, starting it on its journey through the digestive tract


stores and concentrates bile




transports food


breaks down and builds up many biological molecules; stores vitamins and iron; destroys old blood cells; destroys poisons; bile aids in digestion


Opening for elimination of feces

Name the 3 stages of swallowing, or deglutition

Oral stage (mouth to oropharynyx), pharyngeal stage (oropharnyx to esophagus), and esophageal stage (esophagus to stomach)

Name the 3 pairs of salivary glands

Parotids, submandibulars, and sublinguals

Identify the various enzymes found in the intestinal juice

Peptidases, sucrase, lactase, and maltase

Which serous membrane lines the abdominopelvic cavity and covers its organs?


Large intestine

Reabsorbs some water and ions; forms and stores feces


Release of digestive juices (containing enzymes, acids, bases, mucus, bile,, or other products that facilitate digestion); some digestive organs also secrete endocrine hormones that regulate digestion or metabolism of nutrients

What is the term that describes the folds lining the inner wall of the stomach?


Salivary glands

Saliva moistens and lubricates food; amylase digests polysaccharides

Identify the accessory organs of the digestive system

Salivary glands, tongue, teeth, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and vermiform appendix

Identify the 3 functions of the gallbladder

Storage of bile, concentration of bile fivefold to tenfold. and ejection of the concentrated bile into the duodenum


Stores and churns food; pepsin digests protein; HCL activates enzymes, breaks up food, kills germs; mucus protects stomach wall; limited absorption


Stores and expels feces

Why are the submandibular glands called mixed or compound glands?

Submandibular glands are called mixed or compound glands because they contain both serous (enzyme) and mucus-producing elements

Describe the purpose of the villi and microvilli in the walls of the small intestine

The presence of the villi and microvilli increases the surface area of the small intestine hundreds of times, thus making this organ the main site of digestion and absorption.

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