The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

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What does Crane say as he is nearing the bridge and the church as he is being pursued?

"If I can but reach the bridge, I am safe."

What is said about Ichabod's eyes?

"Large green glassy eyes", "had the dilating powers of an anaconda", "he rolled his great green eyes".

What does Crane say to this mysterious thing/person/monster/ghost repeatedly?

"Who are you?"

What is the whip-poor-will?

A bird which is only heard at night. It received its name from its note; which is thought to resemble those words.

Whose style is Crane trying to emit by dressing up and riding a horse?

A cavalier

What does Crane see as he is crossing the stream?

A dark figure, not sure what it is, looks like a monster. (Headless Horseman)

What is said to "hang over the land?"

A drowsy, dreamy influence. Its residents all seem to move a little slower, daydream a little more, and be more prone to believe in the supernatural. The town is under some enchantment.

Who is said to have bewitched the land?

A high German Doctor, drying the the early days of settlement; others say that it was an old Indian chief, the prophet or wizard of his tribe, held his powwows there before the country was discovered by Master Hendrick Hudson.

Who comes to the school house unexpectedly?

A messenger, who is a negro wearing a cap, like the cap of Mercury, with an invitation for Crane to attend a party at Mynheer Van Tassel's.


A private conversation between two people.

Tarry Town

A town about 15 miles above New York City Limits

What connects the church to the town? (A stream is in between)

A wooden bridge

What lies ahead after the tree?

About 200 yards away is Wiley's Swamp.

Where is the headless horseman most likely to be encountered?

At the wooden bridge

How did Crane make money?

Because his school virtually made no money, he lived a week at a time by living and being fed at his students' homes, and made a little money giving singing lessons because he was the "singing master of the neighborhood".

Who is also trying to win over the affections of Katarina?

Brom Van Brunt aka Brom Bones, who is famed for his knowledge and skill of horseback riding. Viewed sort of as a hero.

Who was in the tale of where the Headless Horseman throws him into the the brook and then disappears?



Cheat; trickster

What book was Crane a perfect master of?

Cotton Mather's history of New England Witchcraft in books such as "Memorable Providence Relating to Witchcrafts" and "The Wonders of the Invisible World".

Examples of lucrative legends told at the Van Tassel's party?

Crying and wailing was heard at the tree where Major André was taken and a woman in white was haunting the dark glen at Raven Rock, who died there, and stories of the Headless Horseman patrolling the church yard.

What was the name of Brom Bones's horse?


Tappan Zee

Extension of the Hudson River

What was the name of the horse Crane rides?


What happens the next morning?

Gunpowder returns to his owners gate, without his saddle, and Crane is not seen all day or at his school house. They find the saddle near the bridge & church and his hat and a smashed pumpkin next to it, and also Crane's worldly effects.

What happens when they reach the road that turns off to Sleepy Hollow?

Gunpowder seemingly is "possessed by the Devil" and instead of keeping up it, made an opposite turn, and went downhill to the left towards the infamous bridge in the goblin story, and beyond this bridge is the whitewashed church.

Who does Crane borrow the horse from?

Hans Van Ripper

What kind of practical jokes does Brom play on Crane, to embarrass him in front of Katarina?

He fills the school house with smoke, trains a dog to follow Ichabod around howling, and sets many other pranks to frustrate and humiliate Ichabod.

What happens as Crane is crossing the bridge?

He looks back to see if the legend is true that the goblin (Headless Horseman) will vanish in a flash of fire. It does not. Instead it hurls its head at Crane. Crane is unable to avoid it, and as it encounters his cranium, he falls off his horse to the ground as his horse and Headless Horseman on the black steed, pass by like a whirlwind.

What was Brom's tale of how he encountered the Headless Horseman?

He met him while returning from another town, Sing Sing. Brom offered to race the headless horseman and the winner would get a bowl of punch. Brom feels cheated because he would've won, but the Headless Horseman bolted and and vanished in a flash of fire as they came to the church bridge.

Why does the Headless Horseman sometimes pass through the hollow like "a midnight blast?"

He needs to return to the churchyard before daybreak.

What did Brom do to Katarina's past suitors?

He physically intimidated them into giving up. He scared them all away.

What does the thing/person/monster/ghost do after not answering Crane's question and what can Crane see?

He puts himself in motion and places himself in the center of the road. Crane can see it is the shape of a person riding a horse.

What does Crane think about as he is riding away from the party crestfallen?

He recollects all of the stories of ghosts and goblins that he has heard.

What did Brom do in response to Crane avoiding him?

He relies so much on physical intimidation, but he couldn't do that, so he resorted to doing Norris's practical jokes.

What does Crane do when he sees this?

He remembers Brom's story and quickly rides his horse quickly in hopes of leaving this person behind. The stranger does the same thing. Then Crane slows down his horse and the stranger does the same thing.

What does Crane do as he reaches the tree and what happens as he is passing by the tree?

He starts whistling, the seed something in the tree and stops but he realizes it's just a hole, but then he thinks he hears a groan but it was also just the rubbing against each other of two boroughs. He ends up passing safely

What does Crane think about while looking at the Van Tassels land?

He thinks about how Katarina will inherit all of this, and if they got married he could turn this all to cash.

What does Crane try to do to win over Katarina?

He visits her farm frequently and tries to woo her.

Why was Crane always greeted with satisfaction by females?

He was a travel long gazette, carrying the whole budget of local gossip from house to house. He was also a man of erudition (well read) which was admired.

"Spare the rod and spoil the child"

Ichabod is a strict teacher but not a cruel one, doling out his punishment of the rod only to those who can handle it. (Pg. 286)

What happens to Crane?

Ichabod is never heard from again in Sleepy Hollow.

What are some of the speculations about the disappearance of Crane?

It is said by some that he is alive elsewhere and has recently become a justice of the Ten Pound Court and has told his story. Some of the townspeople believe that Brom Bones pulled off a great prank—which put Brom in the final position to marry Katrina—but the old women and local folklore maintain that he was taken by the Headless Horseman.

What happens as Crane is waiting to have a tête-à-tête with the heiress, as he believed he was on the high road to success?

It is unclear as to what happens. But we can imply that Katrina disappoints him somehow which causes Ichabod to leave crestfallen.

How did Ichabod Crane get by because his revenue from his school was small? (He ate a lot)

It was customary in the village for the farmers whose sons he teaches to feed and let him stay in their house in rotation.

Who does Crane fall in love with?

Katarina Van Tassel

Which place did Crane approach that was the setting for where many of the ghost stories had been laid?

Major Andre's tree, which was an enormous fearful looking tulip tree.

What does the thing/person/monster/ghost reply?


What did Crane do about Brom?

Nothing, he avoided him. Even when he heard Brom say that he was going to "double the schoolmaster up..." he avoided him, not giving him the opportunity to do anything.

Oly koek

Oil cake



What does Crane see in the Van Tassel's hall? (Formed the center of the mansion and the place of usual residence)

Rows of resplendent pewter, a huge bag of wool, a quantity of Linsey-Wolsey, ears of Indian corn, and strings of dried apples, a great ostrich egg, etc.

Describe the Headless Horseman

Said to be the ghost of a Hessian trooper, whose head was carried away by a cannonball in a nameless battle in the revolutionary war. He goes riding in the night in search of his missing head.

Who is the commander in chief of all the powers of the air?

The Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow

Who is Katarina Van Tassel?

The daughter and only child of a substantial farmer, Old Baltus Van Tassel

What does "and the nightmare, with her whole nine fold..." In reference to?

The nightmare is a demon. The nine fold are her nine foals (offspring of a mare) were imps.

Who is Ichabod Crane?

The school teacher in the vicinity.

"Like the cap of Mercury"

The winged cap, symbol of the speed of his messenger of the gods.

Describe Wiley's Swamp?

There are a few rough logs, laid side by side, which serve as a bridge over the stream. To pass this bridge was the severest trial. This was where Major André was captured, and under the covert of those chestnuts and vines were the sturdy yeomen concealed who surprised him. This is considered a haunted stream.

Where did Ichabod Crane keep all of his worldly effects?

Tied up in a cotton handkerchief

Why does Katarina wear a provoking lyrics short petticoat?

To display the prettiest foot in the country round.

What were Crane's worldly effects?

Two shirts and a half; two socks for the neck; a pair of two of worsted stockings; an old pair of corduroy small clothes; a rusty razor, a book of psalm tunes, full of dogs' ears; and a broken pitch-pipe.


Various pliant, woody vines, then often used for walking sticks

What kind of crops did the Van Tassel grow?

Wheat, rye, buckwheat, Indian corn, and ruddy fruit.

What horrifies Crane?

When he sees that this stranger is headless (and rides a horse), and even more so that the head, which should've rested in the shoulder, was carried before him on the pommel of the saddle.

With whom did Crane gain favor with and how?

With the mothers. He was very gentle and caring to their sons, particularly the youngest one.

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