The Schlieffen Plan
What were the 4 reasons for the Schlieffen Plan failure?
1. The plan was prepared by Alfred von Schlieffen in 1907. By 1914 there was a new general (von Moltke) who changed the plan and weakened the hammer blow. 2. Russia mobilized faster than anticipated. 3. Belgium slowed German advance. 4. French stopped the German army before Paris.
What made the Schlieffen plan significant?
Britain entered war (to defend neutral Belgium). Both sides became bogged down and dug trenches. Trench warfare was born; massive casualties over the next four years.
What was the plan?
Majority of the German army (hammer blow) to march through neutral Belgium to attack France and take Paris. The rest of the army would attack along the border; then retreat to draw French into German territory.
What was the overall strategy of the Schlieffen Plan?
To avoid a two-front war between France and Russia, Germany would attack and defeat France quickly and then turn its focus on Russia.
What was the key to quick victory?
Speed and deception
Did the Schlieffen Plan succeed?