The Seed Plants Quiz

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Why are Angiosperms so successful?

2 and 3 (Both pollen dispersal, double fertilization leading to an embryo and an endosperm, and seed dispersal are important)

Which of the following type of seed is likely to be dispersed by a mammal?

2 and 3 which were (Dry seeds with pronged appendages and seeds contained within large fleshy fruits) (seeds with prongs on them often are good at catching in the fur of mammals Fleshy seeds offer food reward to mammals)

What is an imperfect flower?

A flower that is missing either stamens or carpels

In angiosperms, how is the female gametophyte formed?

A megaspore mother cell (megasporocyte) in the ovule undergoes meiosis to produce a megaspore which in turn develops by mitosis into a seven celled, eight nucleate female gametophyte

Which of the following accurately represents some pros and cons of asexual reproduction in plants?

Asexual reproduction is cheaper, faster and does not require finding mates, and is effective in stable environments.

In Taiga forests, Angiosperms dominate because they are better adapted to cold conditions


Seeds are critical for gamete dispersal


Which of the following helps to explain the purpose of flowers?

Flowers are adaptations that increase the probability that pollination will occur

Why is seed dormancy advantageous for many plants?

Plants can hold off on germination until environmental conditions are ideal for growth of the new seedling

Which of the following do Gymnosperms and Angiosperms have in common?


Which of the following is a true statement about life cycles as we "go up" the plant evolutionary tree (i.e. from earliest land plants to most recently evolved)?

Primitive non vascular land plants are gametophyte dominant with a dependent sporophyte, seedless vascular plants have alternation of generation (independent free-living sporophytes and gametophytes) and seed plants have dominant sporophytes with a dependent gametophyte

Which of the following is NOT part of the pollination process of flowering plants?

The egg contained within the female gametophyte is fertilized by a sperm cell contained within the male gametophyte

Why are the seed plants important in evolution of plants?

They encapsulated male gametes in pollen which allowed dispersal of gametes and protection from dessication

Gymnosperms evolved before Angiosperms


When can you encounter monoecy and dioecy in flowering plants?

When plants have unisexual flowers (containing only stamens or only carpels but not both together)

Which of the characteristics below are major evolutionary innovations found mainly in the angiosperms

all of the above

Which of the following are gymnosperms?

all of the above

Which pollination vector is likely to be effective for a plant which produces red flowers with lots of nectar and a narrow tubular shape?


Which of the following characteristics are an accurate list of things which differentiate gymnosperms from angiosperms?

double fertilization, insect pollinators, endosperm

Which of the choices below are a prime common characteristic of both the gymnosperms and angiosperms?


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