Theology Semester 2 Exam

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The holy spirit was not fully revealed until A. after the apostles were baptized B. after Jesus' death and resurrection C. after acts of apostles were written D. after jesus raised Lazarus from the dead

B. After Jesus' death and resurrection

st thomas aquinas described ______________ as a "foretaste of the knowledge that will make us blessed in the life to come" A. sin B. faith C. hopelessness D. mortal sin

B. Faith

what gift does God offer us so that we may freely choose the good? A. predetermination B. free will C. consciousness D. omniscience

B. Free will

The false teaching that claimed Jesus was not human but a semi-divine being who came to give special, secret teaching to a small group of elite souls is known as ___________________ A. arianism B. gnosticism C. docetism D. catholicism

B. Gnosticism

In Christian theology, what is the word for an incorrect belief or false teaching? A. Mystery B. Heresy C. Doctrine D. Monophysitism

B. Heresy

the person considered to be the first disciple was__________ A. abraham B. mary, mom of jesus C. peter D. joseph

B. mary, mom of jesus

what do we call a revealed truth that is beyond our ability to fully grasp? A. doctrine B. mystery C. liturgy D. theory

B. mystery

what term do we use for the unfolding of God's plan for redeeming humanity? A. the incarnation B. revelation C. salvation history D. paschal mystery

B. revelation

WHat divinely inspired book would Jesus have studied as he was growing up? A. old testament B. new testament C. epistles D. book of revelation

A. Old Testament

____________ is a feast day in the liturgical year of the church on which catholics are obligated to go to mass A. Holy days of obligation B. second saturday C. first friday D. passover

A. Holy days of obligation

What early ecumenical council taught that Jesus was of the same substance as God the Father as well as being of the same substance as humans? A. Nicea B. Chalcedon C. Constantinople D. Ephesus

A. Nicea

Which of the following errors in the early church denied that Jesus was God? A. Arianism B. Docetism C. Gnosticism D. Monophysitism

A. Arianism

The person of the trinity through whom all things are generated and is the origin of all life is the A. father B. son C. holy spirit D. all of the above

A. Father

A story that teaches a lesson by comparing one thing to another, like the story of the prodigal son, is called a A. parable B. creation story C. apocalyptic D. epistle

A. Parable

The Second Vatican Council, held from 1962-1965, dealt with a variety of topics, including the liturgy and all of the following except A. adding new saints to the communion of saints B. christian education C. religious freedom D. the relationship of the church to non- christian religions

A. adding new saints to the communion of saints

we are god's crowning achievement of creation because we _______________ A. are made in God's image B. evolved from the highest form of mammal C. can make decisions about where we want to live D. live creative lives

A. are made in God's image

through the celebration of the eucharist, we experience all of the following except: A. being guaranteed a high place in heaven B. being united by our baptism C. being strengthened by jesus in his body and blood D. being sent out to be light and life for the world

A. being guaranteed a spot in heaven

as the body of christ in the world, the church is holy because,____________________ A. christ is holy B. its ministers are holy C. sinners are not part of the body of christ D. the pope is the leader of the infallible

A. christ is holy

they were the teachers and writers in the early church, many of whom were bishops A. church fathers B. holy trinity C. holy spirit D. saint paul

A. church fathers

none of us can make the decision to believe on our own, rather it is _____________ that makes our faith possible A. divine grace and the help of the holy spirit B. listening to scriptures at mass C. virtues of hope and love D. prayer & fasting

A. divine grace and the help of the holy spirit

a gathering of bishops, convened by the pope, to discuss the challenges facing the church at a certain is called a A. eucmenical council B. apostolic council C. conclave D. ecclesial meeting

A. ecumenical council

Based on the word for "good news" _________________ refers to the authors of the gospels A. evangelists B. gospel writer C. pope D. disciple

A. evangelists

the term "sexualtiy" refers to all of the following except: A. having sexual relations every time we find someone we love B. the capacity to love and procreate C. a sign of our call to love D. the aptitude for forming dos with others

A. having sexual relations every time we find someone we love

What does it mean to say the holy spirit is an advocate for us? A. he helps, strengthens, and empowers us for holiness B. he is the anointed one C. he took on human nature in order to redeem us D. he loves us with infinite love and tender mercy

A. he helps, strengthens, and empowers us for holliness

in the new testament, giving the title Kyrios to jesus indicates ___________ A. his divinity B. his humanity C. his place as son of mary D. the importance of the greek scripture

A. his divinity

the feast of the immaculate conception commemorates the fact that ______________ A. mary was conceived without original sin B. jesus was conceived without original sin C. angels have no sin D. adam & eve were forgiven for original sin

A. mary was conceived without original sin

the parable of the great feast tells us that the kingdom of heaven is ___________________ A. meant for all, especially those not welcome anywhere else B. by invitation only C. meant for a select chosen few D. meant for only the poor and not the rich

A. meant for all especially those not welcome anywhere else

the evangelist chose the parables, teachings, and miracles of jesus that would be most useful for_________ A. nurturing the faith communities for whom they were writing B. making interesting for their followers C. the conversion of people in years to come D. telling the story of jesus the way everyone could understand

A. nurturing the faith communities for whom they were writing

Monotheism is a belief in _________________ A. one god B. many gods C. all of the above D. NOTA

A. one god

through his passion, death, and resurrection, Jesus did what? A. redeemed humanity from sin B. rejected humanity C. rid the world of suffering D. saved only a chosen few

A. redeemed humanity from sin

the _____________ is the biblical event in which the angel gabe visits mary and tells her she is to be the mother of god A. the annunciation B. the assumption C. the ascension D. christmas

A. the annunciation

which parts of the new testament were written first? A. the gospels B. the epistles C. the book of revelation D. none of the above

A. the gospels

what is the name of the church teaching that states that Mary was conceived without original sin? A. the immaculate conception B. the assumption C. infallibility D. the hypostatic union

A. the immaculate conception

the witness of the very early followers of jesus is to be found in________ A. the writings of the new testament B. the words of jesus at the last supper C. the prayers said at the offertory of the mass D. the book of revelation

A. the writings of the new testament

the incarnation truly united humanity with god, for sharing i our humanity, God allowed us ______ A. to share in his divinity B. to seen into the mind or god C. to become one with the holy spirit D. to be part of his crucifixion and resurrection

A. to share in his divinity

What do we call a revealed truth that is beyond our ability to fully grasp? A. doctrine B. Mystery C. Liturgy D. Theory

B. Mystery

For at least 20 years after Jesus' death & resurrection, the apostles and disciples shared their experiences of jesus through _________ A. letters and poems B. oral tradition C. meetings with leaders of the community D. hidden signs and symbols

B. Oral tradition

Which of the following heresies viewed Jesus as less than God but more than human? A. nestorianism B. arianism C. gnosticism D. monophysitism

B. arianism

the heresy of _______________ stated that jesus was more than a man but less than god A. gnosticism B. arianism C. pelagianism D. quietism

B. arianism

when we pray to mary and the saints we are____________ A. asking them to answer our prayers directly B. asking them to intercede for us with god C. worshiping them as they deserve D. recognizing our humble lives in relation to them

B. asking them to intercede for us with god

We demonstrate the church in the means of God's plan by all of the following except _________________ A. being called by baptism B. by doing whatever we feel like at all times C. practicing our love for one another D. speaking out for justice and advocating for moral issues

B. by doing whatever we feel like at all times

the title given to jesus that identifies Him as the Anointed One is A. prince of peace B. christ C. son of god D. the nazarean

B. christ

_______________ is an official authoritative teaching of the church based on divine revelation A. epistle B. doctrine C. gospel D. apostolic exhortaion

B. doctrine

these are the earliest new testament writings A. gospels B. epistles written by saint paul C. acts of the apostles D. book of revelation

B. epistles written by saint paul

the chief punishment of hell is being ____________ A. burned with unquenchable fire B. eternally separated from god C. made to face all those one has hurt on earth D. tormented by lucifer

B. eternally separated from God

being made in God's image means that we ___________ A. look like God inside of us B. have a fundamental dignity C. will never die D. live our daily lives as God lives his

B. have a fundamental dignity

the heresy of nestorianism stated that ___________ A. jesus was more than a man but less than god B. in jesus existed 2 separate persons, one divine and one human C. jesus was not born of mary D. jesus did not really rise from the dead

B. in jesus existed 2 separate persons one divine and one human

when Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth, she prays the "________________" praising the mighty one who has done great things for her A. our father B. magnificat C. both D. neither

B. magnificat

all of the following are ways we can evangelize our lives except _____________ A. volunteering at a food bank B. telling your friends they will be condemned unless they change their ways C. inviting a friend to go to mass with u D. asking ur friends to say grace before lunch

B. telling your friends they will be condemned unless they change their ways

When we profess that God is our father, we are saying all of the flowing about God except A. that he is the source of all life B. that he will come to make us accountable on the last day C. that he is all powerful and desires to be in an intimate, loving relationship with his creation D. that all creation exists because of god

B. that he will come to make us accountable on the last day

what group was the first to hear the Word of God? A. the magisterium B. the chosen people of israel C. the apostles D.the holy family

B. the chosen people of Israel

Which of the following means that Jesus Christ, the son of God, became human to accomplish salvation? A. arianism B. the incarnation C. the writing of the gospels D. the assumptions

B. the incarnation

Which of the following best describes the relationship of the three persons of the trinity to each other? A. they are completely separate, each with a different work and mission B. they are inseparable, but distinct, working in us but each bringing different divine qualities to the work C. they are each incarnate D.their unique ways of being divide up the divide unity

B. they are inseparable, but distinct, working in us but each bringing different divine qualities to the work

all of the following can be said about the Doctors of the Church except A. they were not only theologians but saints as well B. they were not only theologians but had medical knowledge as well C. they guide us in understanding and interpreting the revelation of the divine plan in salvation history D. they help us through the witness of their lives and wisdom of their writing

B. they were not only theologians but had medical knowledge as well

if we live lives of prayer & discipleship, we will share in all of the following that Jesus promised except___________ A. new and resurrected life B. union with the blessed trinity C. a place next to mary in heaven D. a vision of our truine god in heavenly glory

B. union with the blessed trinity

In passages such as Jesus' conversation with the rich young man and the great commandment we learn_____________ A. how the apostles acted after they were called B. what jesus asks of those who commit to being his disciple C. what it was like to be rich in jesus' day D. what heaven is like

B. what jesus asks of those who commit to being his disciple

________________ is a key component of religion; without it we cannot say we are truly practicing our faith A. giving donations to church B. worshiping god C. praying the rosary D. praying for our enemies

B. worshiping god

Which of the following things are we affirming when we call god "Father" ? A.God's love will never disappoint us, even if human beings let us down B. God's love has some characteristics that we associate with human parents C.both A & b D. Neither a or b

C. Both A & B

in the old testament, the feast of pentecost celebrates ________________ A. the exodus of the israelites from egypt B. the covenant with abraham C. God's gift of the Toray, or the Law, to the Israelites D. the creation of the holy spirit

C. God's gift of the Toray, or the Law, to the Israelites

The person of the Holy Trinity through whose power Jesus became incarnate of the Virgin Mary was _______ A. Father B. Son C. Holy Spirit D. All of the above

C. Holy spirit

after ___________ his disciples continued to follow his example by creating communities of faith A. jesus' miracle at Cana B. jesus' raising Lazarus from the dead C. Jesus' death & resurrection D. Jesus' transfiguration

C. Jesus' death & ressurection

The Ecumenical Council of Ephesus affirmed Mary as the Theotokos, the____________. A. Defender of the Faith B. Mother of Humanity C. Mother of God D. First Saint in Heaven

C. Mother of God

The greek title given to Mary to express the way in which she brought God to the world is ________ A. Queen of Heaven B. Annunciation C. Theotokos D. Pentecost

C. Theotokos

The holy spirit has been active since the day of creation, speaking to God's people and A. working with the judges to rule Israel B. telling moses which ten commandments to keep C. anointing jesus for his special mission to redeem and save us D. forcing the apostles out into the streets of Jerusalem

C. anointing jesus for his special mission to redeem and save us

what effects does Jesus' embrace of a fully human life and human nature, with all of its joys and struggles, have in our lives? sanctifies every part of the human experience B. it redeems humanity C. both A & B D. neither A nor B

C. both A & B

showing his close relationship with the natural world, saint francis of assisi used such terms as ________________ A. father tree, mother roots B. cousin fish, nephew fox C. brother sun, sister moon D. uncil bird aunt bee

C. brother sun, sister moon

The heresy of _________ alleged that Jesus' humanity was a sort of disguise A. arianism B. jansenism C. docetism D. gnosticism

C. docetism

What qualities or actions of God do we associate with the holy spirit? A. being the generator or origin of all including the other two persons of the Trinity B. taking on human flesh and a human nature C. dwelling in each believer's heart and guiding the church until the end of time D. establishing the covenant with Abraham

C. dwelling in each believer heart and guiding the church until the end of time

today, catholics face challenges to all of the following except A. the sanctity of life B. the treatment of the poor C. getting to heaven D. the sacraments of marriage

C. getting to heaven

Which of the following best describes Jesus' relationship to the Hebrew Scriptures found in the Old Testament? A. he considered them unnecessary for salvation B. he was unaware of them C. he became deeply familiar with them through long study and prayer D. he knew that others valued them but he ignored them

C. he became deeply familiar with them through long study and prayer

the fact that _____________ demonstrates the poverty of jesus A. he did not own sheep B. he had to borrow money from the apostles C. he did not have a permanent home D. he worked for his father as a carpenter

C. he did not have a permanent home

How does Jesus want his followers to live? A. alone in isolation B. with privilege C. in community D. in luxury at the expense of the poor

C. in community

when we pray for the dead we are ______________ A. really praying for ourselves B. wasting our time unless the soul is worth saving C. interceding for the souls in purgatory D. asking for god to give the souls in hell another chance

C. interceding for the souls in purgatory

before becoming christian, saint augustine followed the Persian religion_____________ A. hare krishna B. islam C. manichaeism D. hinduism

C. manichaeism

The person considered to be the first disciple of jesus was ________________ A. adam B. st joseph C. mary mom of jesus D. mary mag

C. mary mom of jesus

any deliberate, offense, in thought word or deed, against the will of god is a _________________ A. good thing B. indulgence C. personal sin D. beatitude

C. personal sin

What does the Feast of Pentecost celebrate in the new testament? A. the building of the temple in Jerusalem B. the giving of the Law to the Jewish people C. the descent of the holy spirit upon the church which then became Christ's presence in the world D. the institution of the eucharist

C. the descent of the holy spirit upon the church which then became Christ's presence in the world

in the sermon on the mount, jesus speaks of all the following except ___________ A. love of enemies B. judging others C. prayer D. how jesus reproduced the loaves and the fishes

D. how jesus reproduced the loaves and the fishes

What is Pentecost? A. the decision of the priest after the sacrament of reconciliation about what penance you will recieve B. a time at the end of history when jesus will come to judge all members of the human race C. The sending of the holy spirit to guide the church until the end of time D. an ecumenical council where the church made statements about the human and divine natures of jesus

C. the sending of the holy spirit to guide the church until the end of time

the parables of the treasure in the field and the pearl of great price invite what response in us? A. to be thrifty with our money incase an opportunity arises B. to never stop searching for something lost C. to commit ourselves fully to our lives of discipleship D. to always be looking for a chance to gain grace

C. to commit ourselves fully yo our lives of discipleship

when we _____________ Mary and the saints, we are showing them honor, respect, and devotion A. worship B. adore C. venerate D. idolize

C. venerate

Jesus' first miracle, in which he changes water into wine takes place at the __________ A. feast of pentecost B. last supper C. wedding at cana D. feeding of the multitudes

C. wedding at cana

What does it mean to say that Jesus has a filial relationship with God the Father? A. Jesus' relationship with the father is direct, personal and loving B. Jesus' relationship with the father is expressed in parables C. Jesus experiences his relationship with the father as a source of unconditional love, strength, and guidance D. A and C but not B

D. A. and C but not B

God become part of human history through the A. exodus of the israelites from egypt B. miracles at Cana and in Samaria C. annunciation to the blessed virgin mary D. incarnation of jesus christ

D. incarnation of jesus christ

an example where the whole body of bishops, including the pope can share in the gift of infallibility on matters of faith and morals is when they speak together with one voice in an ___________ A. jubille year B. canonization of a saint C. mass for deceased clergy D. ecumenical council

D. Ecumenical Council

The _______________ were Jewish government officials and scholars of the law A. scribes B. sadducees C. apostles D. pharisees

D. Pharisees

this saint took someone elses' place in a starvation bunker in Auschwitz A. st paul B. st elizabeth ann seton C. st pope john paul II D. st maximilian Kobe

D. St. Maximillian Kobe

What catholic teaching means that the consecrated bread and wine at Mass are truly the Body and Blood of Christ, in which he is present in a real, substantial and unique way? A. The Assumption B. The Incarnation C. The Redemption D. The Real Presence

D. The real Presence

In the Nicene Creed, it is stated that the Holy Spirit has spoken A. only to the apostles B. as a voice from heaven C. through the angel Gabe D. Through the prophets

D. Through the prophets

the Nicene Creed states that Jesus is ________ the Father A. not related to B. the same as C. completely different from D. consubstantial with

D. consubstantial with

A summary statement of beliefs of an individual or community is referred to as a _________________ A. prayer B. dogmatic constitution C. apostolic exhortation D. creed

D. creed

we celebrate God's gift of bringing Mary into heaven on the ____________ A. sacred triduum B. feast of the ascension C. feast of pentecost D. feast of the assumption

D. feast of the assumption

Ordained ministry is conferred through A. inheritance B. power of holy spirit C. baptism D. holy orders

D. holy orders

in john's gospel, jesus states that "no one has greater love than this, to _______________________" A. die fighting for god B. give everything one has to the poor C. preach the word of god to the world D. lay down one's life for one's friend

D. lay down one's life for one's friend

we live the first commandment when we worship and pray faithfully resisting the temptation to _____________ A. love another man's wife B. steal money from our friends C. use the name of the lord in vain D. make other things more important than god

D. make other things more important than god

Which of the following titles does NOT belong to Jesus? A. son of god B. second person of the holy trinity C. redeemer D.none of the above

D. none of the above

the vatican II decree on ecumenism stressed that the ______________unites all christians A. bible B. sacrament of the eucharist C. mass D. sacrament of baptism

D. sacrament of baptism

all of the following were names Doctors of the church except________________ A. saint catherine of sienna B. saint theresa of avila C. saint therese of lisieux D. saint mary magdalene

D. saint mary magdalene

saint paul uses the analogy of the ______________ to explain the relationship between Judaism and Christianity A. loaves and the fishes B. mystical body of christ C. servant and master D. tree and its branches

D. tree and its branches

the 3 fundamental truths at the heart of human dignity consists of all of the following except: ____________ A. we are created as good B. we are in need of salvation C. we are meant for eternal life in God's presence D. we need to do nothing to ensure our salvation

D. we need to do nothing to ensure our salvation

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