Theology: unit 3

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Joseph told Pharaoh that each dream had the same meaning. There would be seven years of.........and then seven years of.........

Great abundance, famine

Before leaving, Joseph ordered that placed in Benjamin's sack.

Silver goblet

What did the cutting in two and walking between the animals accomplish?

The cutting in two and walking between the animals accomplished making a treaty in antiquity.

Who is the leader of the group? Who are the other two?

The leader of the group is the Lord and the other two are angels.

What do the men from Sodom try to do?

The men from Sodom try to sexually abuse the two guests of Lot.

As gifts for Joseph, the brothers brought with them...........

some of the land's best products: some balm and honey, gum and resin, and pistachios and almonds

oral tradition

stories passed down from generation to generation by word of mouth

For this crime, Joseph was taken to.........where he was placed in charge of the other prisoners.


Abraham is collecting firewood for Isaac himself to carry up mt. Moriah

Jesus carries the cross on his back to be crucified.

List what Abraham takes with him for the journey.

Abraham brings his donkey, two of his servants, his son Isaac, and wood for the burnt offering.

Abraham died at the age of.......and was buried in the cave to his wife named..........

175, Machpelah, Sarah

Who else initially reacted in the same way to the same news?


Examples of covenants with God

Abraham builds a covenant with God saying that he is to be the father of all nation and that he is have descendants as numerous as the stars if he is to be faithful to God.; Abraham builds another covenant with God in that all males among Abraham should be circumcised, for it will be an everlasting covenant in their flesh.


Abraham is hospitable when travelers, that are really the Lord and two angels, come to his village and he serves them, doing what they want. He and Sarah find out they they are to have a son and he should be named Isaac.; Lot is hospitable when two travelers, who are angels come to his village and he vows to protect them as he is their servant. He protects them from the villagers who want to abuse these travelers sexually. He fights to protect them and he even offers his own daughters to the crowd in place for the guests.


Abraham is in a dreamlike stage when God makes his covenant with him. God talks to Abraham in this dream and promises him land and descendants that are numerous as the stars.; Jacob has a dream at Bethel, where he sees a staircase reaching up to heaven with angels going up and down the staircase. The Lord was standing beside him in this dream and talking to him.

What did Abraham name the place? What does it mean?

Abraham named the place Yahweh-yireh. It means the Lord will see/provide.


Abraham travels to the land of Canaan, as God tells him to do, with his wife Sarah and his nephew Lot and his wife.; Abraham and Sarah travel to Egypt because they was a severe famine in the land they were inhabiting at the time.; Joseph's brothers migrate to Egypt to buy grain during the famine and they run into Joseph who is now the lord of Egypt. They go back again to Egypt with the now youngest brother Benjamin for Joseph says that they should not see him unless their youngest brother is with them.

By showing the 10th trial as a culmination of these tests, the writer is attempting to teach what about God and about Abraham?

Abraham went to such great lengths to show his faithfulness and loyalty.

From where would Abraham have been looking?

Abraham would have been looking down from the height east of Hebron.


Abraham's faith is tested when the Lord and angels come to his village and he is to be hospitable and treat them well, as he must act as their servant.; Abraham's faith is tested when God tells him to take his family and leave his home to go to Canaan which God is giving to them.; Abraham's faith is tested again when God tells him to sacrifice his son Isaac. He is about to do it when God tells him not to and provides a sheep for him to actually sacrifice.

What is the name of Abraham's wife? What does it mean?

Abraham's wife's name is Sarai or Sarah which both mean princess.

Also buried there were five others:............

Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rebekah, and Leah

Explain Abram's name change and its significance

Abram and Abraham, the name that his name changes to, are two forms of the same name both meaning the same thing, "the father is exhausted." However there is another meaning of Abraham that is fitting to the covenant that he makes with God. The other meaning is, "father of a multitude of nations."

Name changes

Abram's name is changed to another form which is Abraham, meaning the father of a multitude of nations.; Sarai's name is changed to Sarah.; Jacob's name is changed to Israel, which means wrestling with divine beings.

God calls on Sarah to have a son which will be sacrificed. Sarah was skeptical because she was old.

An angel tells Mary she will have the son of God. Mary is skeptical because she is a virgin.

Abraham gets Isaac a wife by sending his servant to the land of

Aram Naharaim

Joseph married the woman named...........and had two sons named..........and...........

Asenath, Manasseh, Ephraim

It for the.........but good news for the..........

Bad, chief baker, cupbearer

Jacob's last son is named.........


The only son to stay behind was..........


When the rations finally ran out, the brothers convinced their father to let them go back to Egypt get Simeon and purchase more grain.


Laban also assigns maidservants to Jacob's wives through whom Jacob can also have children. They are..........and.........

Bilhah, Zilpah

What is "bitumen"?

Bitumen is a black viscous mixture of hydrocarbons obtained naturally or as a residue from petroleum distillation, it is essentially tar.

She would make an appetizing dish so he could get his father's..........


The brothers dipped Joseph's tunic in.........and showed it to Israel as proof of Joseph's.........

Blood, death

Israel told his remaining sons to go to Egypt and........

Buy grain

Joseph and Pharaoh made arrangements for Joseph's entire family to move to Egypt and settle in the land of.............


What is circumcision? What is the significance with regard to the covenant with Abraham?

Circumcision is the removal of the foreskin of the penis. It is the sign of the eternal covenant between God and Abraham and his descendants. It symbolized that this person belonged to the people of God and was required by the covenant God made with Abraham.

What is the significance of covenant?

Covenant is a powerful word with significance because it expresses the intimate relationship between God and God's people. It is a promise made by both parties involved to do certain things.

Since Esau was hairy and Jacob smooth-skinned, Rebekah covered up Jacob's hands and neck that Isaac would think Jacob was Esau.

Goat skins

Firstborn males belong to


The brothers, however, knew that Benjamin was their father's favorite since Joseph's disappearance, and if he lost Benjamin, too, Israel would............


Joseph ended up in the country of........working as slave in the house of.........the chief steward of the pharaoh.

Egypt, Potiphar

After many years, Jacob and Laban have a falling out and their relationship is very strained. Jacob decides to return home to Canaan to reunite with his brother............


The first to be born was reddish and hairy, so they named him


Isaac favored the son named.........because this boy liked to hunt and eat wild game, while Rebekah favored........

Esau, Jacob

When Jacob brought the prepared dish to his father, he lied to him. Jacob told the blind Isaac that he that Isaac would give him his...........

Esau, blessing

The book of Genesis concludes with the death of Joseph and sets the stage for the most important book in the Torah, the book of..............


When Isaac was so old that his........had failed him, he called his older son named........and asked him to go out and hunt some game for him so that Issac could give him a special.........before he died.

Eyesight, Esau, blessing

In the Hebrew Scriptures, fire/flame is an important symbol; of what?

Fire is an important symbol of two aspects of God, which are presence and holiness.

What does God instruct Abraham to do once he gets to Moriah?

God instructs him to offer Isaac, Abraham's son as a burnt offering on one of the heights that God was to point out to him.

God is asking Abraham to sacrifice his son- "Only one, whom you love"

God is describing Jesus as his son before being sacrificed.- "this is my beloved son"

How is the "nearness and mysterious elusiveness of God" expressed in the story?

God is there talking to Abraham, Abraham doesn't recognize a God. It is shown through the fluidity of actors as they describe these two things.

God identifies Isaac as the sheep for burnt offerings.

God recognizes Jesus the lamb which takes away the sins of the world.

How is God speaking to Abram?

God speaks to Abram through a vision or a dream as Abram falls into a deep sleep.

Joseph claimed that it wasn't his brothers who arranged for him to be sent to Egypt, that Joseph could be there in order to.................

God, ensure them a remnant on earth and to save their lives in an extraordinary deliverance

Seven years later when the famine began, Joseph rationed out the........


What is the result of Abraham's final test?

He repeats the promise of giving him descendants and land.

If Abraham decided he had to do it, where would he do it? How does this play out in the story?

He was going to take a three day trip with his son far away from his tribe so he callus sacrifice his son without getting people mad.

Mamre, located near Hebron, was a Canaanite shrine to their god of the sky. What does this suggest about Abraham's theology?

He was maybe a practical monotheists that believed in one God, but doesn't deny other gods existence.

His brother came next, gripping the.........of firstborn


Joseph did say that he would release them, a hostage until they returned prove their story.

His brothers, their youngest brother

What sign could convince him that God did not want him to do what the farmers said?

If it started raining or another strong sign to signal that he is doing something wrong and shouldn't sacrifice his son.

Sibling rivalry

Isaac is preferred and gets the inheritance over his older brother Ishmael due to Sarah telling Abraham to banish his son Ishmael and her mother.; Jacob not only takes the birthrights away from his older brother Esau, but also steals his blessing from their dying father with help from his mother Rebekah.; Joseph is the preferred child of Jacob as he is the favorite and the youngest. His brothers do not like him because of this so they sell him as a slave and pretend that he is dead when the go back to their father.

Significant meetings at wells

Isaac meets his future wife Rebekah at a well as she is going there with women to draw out water. Laban her brother and Bethuel her mother tell him to take her so she could become his wife.; Jacob meets Rachel his future wife at a well. She is the daughter of his mother's brother, Laban. They talk at the well and Jacob kisses her realizing she is related to Laban his uncle.

This man give Jacob a new name.........., which means...............

Israel, he who has contended with divine and human beings and have prevailed

The entire Hebrew people will take their name from the man who will represent the whole chosen people of God because he fathers the twelve sons or tribes. Thus, the people God has chosen will now be named after Jacob's new name, the..............


What is meant by the "corporate notion of salvation"?

It is God calling everyone to holiness and not just individual persons. It is a call for people to do what we can to come to the final judgement and to the banquet of the Lord not as individuals, but as a group.

The abruptness of Abraham's response indicates his shock at the question. Given the requirements of hospitality, how might Abraham have interpreted this as a shocking question?

It is a question that comes out of nowhere and Abraham thinks that this question leads to the idea that Abraham thinks they want to have something with Sarah.

Where is Mt. Moriah?

It is the Temple Mount that is identified as the place where Abraham was to have sacrificed Isaac.

What does the specific reference to 400 years of slavery (15:13) say about the text?

It says that after the four hundred years of servitude, Abram's descendants will actually possess the land. It tells us that sometimes the journey may be tough to get the reward, but if we stay faithful to God and our promise the reward will be granted eventually. It refers to the event of God leading these people out of slavery in exodus. The authors wrote this story after the story of exodus occurred.

What did the fate of the animals communicate?

It shows a form of self-imprecation in which violators invoke the fate of the animals upon themselves.

In this alternative view, what does this story TEACH to the descendants of Abraham about God and fidelity to the Covenant?

It teaches that you should be loyal to God no matter what, and God doesn't want you to sacrifice your child.

Since the Hebrew name for this is aqeb, the second son was named


The first three patriarchs of the Hebrew faith are Abraham, Isaac, and........


In the case of Jacob receiving God's blessing over his older brother Esau, God is still able to accomplish God's plan despite the lying and plotting of.........and his mother

Jacob, rebekah

The cupbearer remembered that Joseph was able to interpret his dream, so he suggested to Pharaoh to bring.........from interpret his dreams.

Joseph, dungeon

Because Jacob (aka Israel) loved his son...........the best, his other sons were............

Joseph, hateful to Joseph

Another brother, therefore, offered to take Benjamin's place. That brother was.........


Jacob is justifiably nervous about the reception Esau will give him when he returns, even though it has been many years since Jacob wrongly deprived Esau of his rightful inheritance. The reception Jacob receives, however, could be characterized as..........


Joseph had a dream that he would be..........


He asks her brother.......if she would marry Isaac


When Rebekah discovers that Esau plans to kill Jacob for his treachery, she makes plans to send him away to Haran to live with her brother...........


In the circumcision covenant God is called

Lord and the God almighty, when He appeared to Abraham

To what lengths does Lot go to protect the visitors? Though this seems horrible to us, why might an ancient audience not have found this so shocking?

Lot offers his two daughters to the mob. An ancient audience might not have found this so shocking because this action was expected of a host trying to protect his guests at this time period.

From what you seen of him up to now, how would you describe Lot's character in contrast to that of Abraham?

Lot who is young has a character of impetuous and foolish in contrast with Abraham who is old has a character of patient and obedient.

In the circumcision covenant God will

Make Abraham exceedingly fertile and will make nations from him Maintain His covenant with Abraham and Abraham's descendants after him throughout the ages as an everlasting covenant Give to Abraham and his descendants after him the land that Abraham was residing as aliens as a permanent possession and God says "I will be their God"

The ugly cows ate up the.......

Nice cows

What is the difference between "practical monotheism" and "universal monotheism"?

Practical monotheism is the belief and worship of one particular god, where they don't deny the existence of other gods. On the other hand, universal monotheism is the belief and worship of one god, and they deny the existence of other gods.

The one whose bag contained the stolen object was to become Joseph's slave as.............for the crime


After Jacob arrives in Canaan, his last son is born of his favorite wife........


Of the two, Jacob loved........more


What difficulty does Rachel experience?

Rachel is barren and had not borne children to Jacob and since Leah did she became envious of her her sister.

Jacob marries two women, daughters of Laban. They are.........and........

Rachel, Leah

When........overheard her husband's conversation, she told her younger son go and get two choice young goats from the flock.

Rebekah, Jacob

There he meets a woman a........

Rebekah, well

...........convinced the brothers not to kill Joseph but to sell him to the........

Reuben, Ishmaelites

He asked Jacob for a portion, but Jacob replied, "First, give me exchange

Right as firstborn

What does "righteousness" mean?

Righteousness means that you have a fully expressive relationship with God.

Bareness/ miraculous births

Sarah is bare, but God gifts her with her child Isaac in her old age.; Rachel is bare, but in her old age is able to have Benjamin and Joseph.

Two years later, Pharaoh had two dreams. In the first, Pharaoh saw............

Seven cows

Jacob is an especially important patriarch because he is the father of twelve..........who later would be become the heads of the twelve tribes of Israel.


When the brothers arrived to buy grain, Joseph recognized them and accused them of being........


St. Paul mentions that Abraham is a model of what? Where does he mention this?

St. Paul makes Abraham's faith as a model for Christians. He mentions this in Rom 4: 1-25, and Gal 3:6-9.

When the brothers had left, Joseph had them tracked down and accused of..............

Stealing his silver goblet

Once when Jacob was cooking a........Esau came in from the open field feeling extremely hungry.


It is apparent from what Isaac says to Esau in Genesis 27:33 that Isaac cannot..........the blessing even though he knows he blessed the wrong son

Take back

Summarize the developing concept of God among the Hebrew people.

The Israelite people had the benefit of hindsight as the Scriptures were being written. Often many years passed between the historical event that occurred and the recording of that event in the biblical text. During that time they were able to reflect upon how God was active throughout human history. The Hebrew people believed God to be active at all times and in all instances. This gave gave meaning to their community, and it meant God was always present, always active, and always caring for the people. Their belief in one God also gradually developed.

What is "The Shema"

The Shema is a jewish prayer taken directly from Deuteronomy and it is much like the Lord's Prayer is to Christians as this prayer is to Jews.

The location of Sodom and Gomorrah is also called the "Valley of Siddim." What is the description of the Valley of Siddim according to Gn 14:10?

The Valley of Siddim was full of bitumen pits, which the kings fell in as they fled.

What is to be made of the "blinding light"?

The blinding light is an extraordinary flash that temporarily dazed the wicked men and revealed to Lot the true nature of his guests.

The boundaries of the land promised to Abram are similar to those of what?

The boundaries of the land promised to Abram are similar to those of a Davidic empire at its greatest extent, and a boundary between the settled land and the Sinai desert.

How did the people's awareness of God's love change throughout Israelite history?

Their awareness of God's changed from on an individual level to working its way up to everyone. It goes from God loves individuals to God loves the Israelite people to God loves all good people to God loves all people.

What was the water situation where Abraham originated?

There was lots of water.

How is this especially true concerning Isaac

This is especially true concerning Isaac because Sarah became pregnant and bore Abraham a son in his old age at the set time God had stated. So Isaac's birth is due to God which makes him belong to God especially true.

What does this suggest about the cause of Sodom's destruction?

This term is consistently used to describe the destruction of the cities of the plain. The imagery of earthquake and subsequent fire fits the geology of this region.

After a long, Rebekah became pregnant with


Although the traditional pattern for inheritance is the oldest first, in the Bible God often picks the second born for his blessing, in order to show that God is not controlled by human........


After his arrival in Haran, Jacob meets a woman at a


What indicates that Isaac may be beginning to smell a rat?

When Isaac makes the fire and has the wood for the offering he sees no sheep for the burnt offering.

Joseph was accused by the..........of Potiphar for a crime which he did not commit.


Obviously, in those days, when you gave your word on something or blessed somebody, you could not take back your..........


In Genesis 32:23-31, Jacob.........with a man until the break of dawn


What is the origin of Isaac's name?

Yishaq which means laughed

On his way to Haran, Jacob has a dream and a vision of..........

a stairway on the ground that reached the heavens at the top, and God's angels were going up, and down it

When Esau returned and found out what Jacob had done, he.............

asked Isaac to bless him too and wept

In the second dream, Pharaoh saw seven..........and seven..........

ears of grain that were fat and healthy, ears of grain that were thin and scorched

by not demanding the sacrifice of Isaac, God is showing


To summarize, the promise of a son is a reward for Abraham's


Pharaoh was so impressed with Joseph that Pharaoh placed him...........

in charge of the the whole land of Egypt

While in jail, both had dreams which Joseph was able to..........

interpret them

The outward sign of the covenant

is circumcision so God's covenant will be in their flesh as an everlasting covenant


it was custom back then to have more than one wife at the same time as they were treated as property

In the circumcision covenant the people will

keep the covenant with God throughout the ages

Joseph's brothers feared that after their father's death, Joseph would take revenge on them (50:20), but Joseph reassures them that "even though you meant much harm to me, God...............

meant it for good, to achieve this present end, the survival of many people

Meanwhile, the royal cupbearer and the royal baker both offended the Pharaoh and were........

put in custody in the house of the chief steward

The seven thin ears swallowed the.........

seven fat, healthy ears

How does Sarah initially react to the news?

she laughs

shepherds vs. farmers

shepherds tend to and guide flocks where farmers tend to the land in which is farmed

Jacob and his family moved to Egypt and Israel was united with his son Joseph. When Israel died, he asked to be buried the cave purchased by Abraham.

the field of Ephron the Hittite

Where were the cities of the plain (Sodom and Gomorrah) probably located?

the southern end of the Dead Sea


the state or fact of being organized into a tribe or tribes

What is the water situation where he currently lives?

there wasn't a lot of water

What may the desperate Canaanite farmers pressure Abraham to do at that time?

to do a human sacrifice

The verb "overthrew" literally means

turned upside down


were burnt offerings to God

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