To Kill a Mockingbird 150 Questions

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Describe Scout's character at this point in the novel.

(still childish) courageous since she continues to explain the nuances of Maycomb life (the Cunninghams) when Miss Caroline had showed annoyance to her before. She also seemd to be quite stubborn as she continues to explain how things function in a slightly 'know-it-all' fashion.

Why does Bob Ewell bear a grudge?

because he knows that no one really believed his and Mayella's claims against Tom Robinson

Why was he trying to escape?

because he wanted to take his own chance to be free instead of relying on the slim chances that awaited for him at the hands of white men

Why does Rev. Sykes tell Scout to stand?

because her father is passing below them, shows their respect and appreciation

Why does the jury believe Tom is guilty?

because of their racism towards Tom as they would rather believe the lies from white people like Mayella and Bob instead of Tom, they might also believe he's guilty because he ran from the crime and had been previously convicted of disorderly conduct

Why does Scout get into trouble at school?

because she already knows how to read and write above her grade level, which upsets Miss Caroline because she's insistent that Scout needs to learn her way. She also thinks that Scout's lying when she says that she learned to read on her own.

Why do the group of men go to the jail?

because tom robinson was moved there and they probably want to kill him before his trial.

Why does Jem follow Atticus to town?

he 'has a feeling,' most likely a suspicion that something harmful will happen to Atticus

What does Atticus ask Bob Ewell to do?

he asks Bob Ewell to write his name on an envelope to see what his predominant hand is. He turns out to be left-handed, which makes him a suspect for beating Mayella and not Tom Robinson (tom is crippled on his right side

What has happened to Bob Ewell?

he died from a kitchen knife being stabbed into his ribs

Why did Tom visit the Ewell house?

he had to pass by for work everyday so Mayella would ask him to help her with chores, she offered to pay him once but he refused because he just wanted to be kind and help her out. On the particular day, she asked him to help her with the door, but there was nothing wrong with it, then she asked him to get a box from on top of the chiffarobe

Where in the United States in Maycomb?


Who is Francis?

Alexandra and Jimmy's grandson, Henry's son, annoying cousin to Scout and Jem, teases Scout about Atticus.

How is Boo's disposition in this chapter consistent with his character throughout the novel?

As the quiet haunting appearance of the Radley house is mimicked through Boo's silent haunting presence as he does not seem to understand certain social communications.

Why doesn't Jem want Scout to tell Atticus about this?

Because she should not be afraid or worried since Mr. Ewell was just threatening without actually meaning anything, so he did not want Atticus to have to worry about it.

Why does Aunt Alexandra think Atticus should fire Calpurnia?

Because she wants to take over cooking for the family and claims that they won't need Calpurnia anymore.

Why does Atticus tell the kids they shouldn't play the game?

Because what Arthur did was his own business and their game was putting his whole life on display for the people of the neighborhood.

What explanation does Atticus give for Bob Ewell's attack and threat?

Ewell attacked Atticus becuase Atticus destroyed all of his credibility during the trial

What are Aunt Alexandra's ideas about family?

Family is the passing down of traits and bloodiness, so some families are either good or bad, since the Finch family is good Jem and scout have to maintain their heritage.

Where do Scout and Jem go with Calpurnia?

First Purchase African M.E. Church.

What event is being planned in Maycomb?


What three things does Bob Ewell do that alarm Aunt Alexandra?

He accused Atticus of getting his job after he was fired, he broke into Judge Tatlor's house, and he did not let Helen Robinson cross by the local road without getting harassed.

What does Scout claim Dill could "tell"?

He could tell the "biggest ones she ever heard" meaning he was a compulsive liar and would tell extravagant stories.

What does Jem do to Mrs. Dubose when he can't take it anymore?

He cuts all of Mrs. Dubose's camellia bushes.

What are Atticus's ideas about family?

He does not think that people should be haughty just because of their name, people adorn their own personalities.

How does Atticus respond to the suggestion?

He does not want Aunt Alexandra to over work for the family and that Calpurnia is a vital member of the family, who they still need and who has been extraordinary with Scout and Jem.

What does Atticus emphasize when questioning Heck Tate?

He emphasizes which side of Mayella's face is bruised (Heck Tate restates that it was actually her right side), he also asks multiple times if a doctor was called.

Why does Dill get sick?

He got 'sick' because of Mr. Gilmer's hardened questioning style of Tom Robinson that seemed rather mean and demeaning, especially on how he looked down on Tom Robinson just because of his race and kept calling him 'boy'

Discuss Judge Taylor's attitude towards the trial.

He has a very laidback and informal attitude in the courtroom, but Scout says he has a firm control on what happens even if it does not look like it.

What is his punishment?

He has to read to Mrs. Dubose for one month every day for 2 hour.

How does Reverend Sykes help the children see the trial?

He invites the children to come to the balcony with him (it is a section for black people).

What do we learn about Jem based on his comments about Aunt Alexandra?

He is starting to become more understanding of the thoughts and ideas of people by trying to come up with a mature compromise instead of bursting out in anger, he stands up for what Atticus believed in by saying that people are not defined by their family, he is becoming more mature.

How does Jem's treatment of Scout when they return from the jail show his maturity?

He kindly allows her to sleep in his bed with him and does not nag at her when she begins to cry about the weight of the events that just occurred.

What did Bob Ewell say at the end of the chapter foreshadowing bad things to come?

He said 'one down and about two more to go' insinuating that Atticus was next to go (be attacked/killed).

What does Mr. Underwood write about Tom's death?

He says that it is a sin to kill crippled people like Tom.

How did Jem break the "code" of childhood?

He snitched on Dill by calling Atticus.

What does Walter Cunningham do during lunch at the Finch house?

He talks with Atticus about farm regulations, heavy-handed with the molasses drowning his food in it.

Why does Atticus think it took so long for the jury to convict Tom?

He thinks it took a lot longer because there was one member of the jury, possibly a connection to the Cunninghams, who wanted a complete acquittal.

Who does Atticus think caused Bob Elwell's death?

He thinks that Jem grabbed Bob Ewell's knife and stabbed him

What has changed in Jem's attitude about the tree

He thinks that it might just be some child's area to store items, and he considers everything hidden in that tree to now be their property, he thinks it is harmless.

What does Atticus think about insults like "N-lover"?

He thinks that they are only used by ignorant people as a way to provide an ugly label to someone.

Near the end of the chapter, Atticus cuts off Heck Tate as he is speaking to Jem. What might Heck have been about to say, and why would Atticus want to stop him?

He was about to comment on how good of a shot Atticus is, but Atticus cut him off because he does not think a good shot is an honorable or peacful trait.

Describe Jem's health at the end of the chapter.

He was bruised on his face and his elbow was broken

What are the main points that Heck Tate makes during his testimony?

He was called by Mr. Ewell because his daughter had been beaten and raped. He saw her on the floor beaten and she washed her face and told him that it was Tom Robinson that had raped herand she positively identified him as the one who hurt her. (saw her hurt on the right side of her face, she was also choked)

What were the main points Bob Ewell made during his testimony?

He was coming from the forest with wood, he heard mayella scream, dropped the wood, tripped and got tangled in wire, then saw Tom Robinson raping and choking Mayella.

How did Tom die?

He was shot 17 times when trying to escape jail

How does Dill explain Jem's missing item?

He won them from Jem while they were playing strip poker.

How does Boo look when he finally appears?

He's extremely pale since he doesn't ever go outside in the sun, he's thin with hollow cheeks, grey eyes, and has thin, dead hair

Who is Heck trying to protect? Why?

He's trying to protect Boo Radley because he doesn't want it to get out that he was the one who killed Bob Ewell because than his quiet shy life would be disturbed by people coming to thank him for ridding the town of an Ewell

Why does Heck insist that Bob Elwell caused his own death?

Heck says that Bob Ewell fell on his own knife because it was incredibly dark and he could not see the tree roots in front of him, so he accidentally fell on his knif, he is trying to protect Boo.

What is Miss Gates' lesson about?

Her lesson is about democracy, dictatorship, persecution and prejudice regarding the Jews and Nazis.

What is Jem missing when it is all over?

His pants

What is Atticus's philosophy on defending Tom?

If he did not he would not be able to hold his head up in town, he could not represent Maycomb in legislature, and he would not have the proper authority to tell Scout or Jem not to do something.

Describe the town.

Maycomb is an old town, with rainy weather, clay roads with grass growing from it, it is extremely hot, people were physically slow (days seemed long due to the heat).

What happens when they try to put a thank you note in the hole in the tree?

Nathan Radle filled it with cement because he said the tree was dying when it was actually healthy.

What is the result?

One of the Radleys shot at them because they thought that the kids were intruders.

Why does Calpurnia speak differently in her church than at the Finch house?

People do not like having someone around that knows more than they do. Speaking proper English around others won't motivate them to learn, they have to want that themselves, so if they don't want to, it is best to "keep your mouth shut or learn their language."

Who is Dolphus Raymond?

Rich man from an old land-owning family; has an African-American wife and mixed race children; wants everyone to think he is a drunk; drinks Coca-cola from a bottle in a bag

Why does Aunt Alexandra come to stay at the Finch house?

Scout and Jem are both starting to grow up so Scout needs a feminine influence.

Jem and Scout have different views about telling people at school how well Atticus can shoot. Explain this difference

Scout is extremely proud of her father's talent and is excited to ramble about it to everyone at school, but Jem does not because he wants to be humble like Atticus and wants his father to be known as a gentleman.

What makes Scout sad?

Scout is saddened by how they haven't given to Boo in return for all he has given them (their lives, all of the items he put into the tree trunk)

What caused the "one to two little puncture marks" on Bob Ewell's arms?

Scout's ham costume lacerating him.

What were the very first two things Aunt Alexandra said when she came to the Finch house?

She asks Calpurnia to bring her belongings in the front bedroom and for Scout to stop scratching her head.

How does she react to Atticus's politeness?

She assumed that atticus is mocking her

How does Aunt Alexandra involve herself in Maycomb's social life?

She became hostess of the house for certain foods for her missionary club, she became secretary of the maycomb amanuensis club.

Why doesn't Scout want Jem to go get his pants back?

She does not want him to get shot or killed but would just rather he get in trouble.

Why is Scout confused after hearing comments about her father's defense of Tom Robinson

She is confused to learn that her father eas forced into defending Tom Robinson and that he did not have a choice inthe matter, but he never said that while the others were angry with him for defending Tom. Scout's alsoconfused because the court appointed Atticus to defend Tom Robinson, so he will defend Tom, but people do not like that he is, which doe snot make a lot of sense.

Describe Mayella's relationship with her father.

She is forced to do all of the labor, most likely an abusive relationship as her father has kissed her before

According to Atticus, what did Mayella do wrong?

She put a man's life at stake to get rid of her own guilt, and the act that caused her this guilt was tempting an African American

What occurs to change the relationship between Scout and Aunt Alexandra?

She reflects similarc thoughts to Jem as she is upset that the whole town is willing to destroy atticus's health just because they are afraid of equal justice for blacks and whites; she also quickly composes herself after this, showing Scout that being a lady is not bad but admirable.

Miss Maudie claims that "things are never as bad as they seem." What reasons does she give for this view?

She says that men like Atticus have difficult jobs to do, and even though he didn't win, he was able to make baby steps in convincing the jury against racial prejudice; judge Taylor and Hack Tate also supported Tom Robinson since judge Taylor specifically chose Atticus for the job.

What does Scout do that makes them leave?

She talks to him about his son and his entaiment, which makes him realize he is an individual and not a part of the mob, embarrasses him.

How does Scout respond to meeting Boo?

She tears up and says hello

What does Miss Maudie tell Scout about Boo?

She tells them that he is still alive and probably a victim of his father and that most of the rumors are about him are false.

As Scout awaits the verdict, what does she think about, and why?

She thinks about the tension in the room and the earlier events that involved the morning when Atticus shot the rabid dog Tim Johnson, she thinks about this as she realizes that Atticus is helpless to defeating the racism in the courtroom which contrasts to how he was able to shoot Tim Johnson easily; thinks about how Atticus came to shot but his gun was empty, he was going to lose before he even attempted.

What does Scout think of current trends in education?

She thought the Dewey Decimal System of teaching was boring and had cheated her out of a good education.

Who is Heck Tate?

Sherriff of Maycomb County; fair man; concerned about Tom Robinson and his safety.

What practical joke had persuaded the grown-ups to have an organized event?

Some children moved all of the furniture in Miss Tutti's and Frutti's house into their cellar to hide all of it (they're deaf so they did not hear anything)

What is the neighborhood's interpretation of what happened?

Someone had broken into the Radley's collard patch and shot in the air to scare him away.

What are the main points of Atticus's closing remarks?

That Mayella committed a horrible crime of tempting a black man and in turn, her father beat her savagely and for it. He states that the witnesses were unreliable and were only confident because they did not think that anyone would believe a black man. He disregards this by saying this assumption that all black men are shady liars covers only some people in the entire male gender not just because of race. He also covers that it is obvious that all men are not equal since some have better opportunities than others, but he says that a court is the only place where men are truly equal, but it really depends on the people who make up the injury, he also states that Bob hurt Mayella and not Tom because of Tom's crippled left arm.

What does Atticus tell Scout about his visit to the Radley house?

That Mrs. Radley died of natural causes and that he did not see Mr. Arthur (Boo).

What explanation does Atticus give for Bob Ewell's attack?

That he was crazy, but he could not believe that he would stoop so low as to harm his children fro revenge.

What does Heck Tate give as the reason for the attack?

That he was mean with enough alcohol in him to make him to make him brave enough to attempt to kill Atticus's children because he was not brave enough to face off with Atticus himself.

What is Bob Ewell's threat?

That he would 'get'Atticus no matter how long it would take, most likely a threat to kill him.

What do these comments tell you about her?

That she is cold, serious, and demanding, she is also very strict.

What does this simple reaction tell us about Scout?

That she is maturing enough to recognize that Boo is not a horrifying figment of a child's imagination, nu ta real person with thoughts, feelings, aspirations, and concerns.

What does Scout try and explain to Miss Caroline about Walter Cunningham?

That the Cunninghams are poor and do not take anything that they cannot give back, especially the quarter that Miss Caroline offers to him.

What are some of the rude things Mrs. Dubose says to the kids?

That they will amount to nothing, she accuses Jem of ruining Miss Maudie's flowers, she claims that Scout will work at a diner if she does not wear proper clothes, and she makes fun of their father for defending an African American.

Who are the Ewells?

The Ewells are a family with a lot of kids and their mother died. They are very poor. They live at the dump. Their dad is drunk.

Who is Calpurnia?

The Finch's cook.

How does Atticus advise Jem to respond to her rudeness?

The Finch's old, prejudice, and judgmental neighbor.

Explain the contrast Scout draws between the court where Tom was tried and "the secret courts of men's hearts."

The court where Tom was tried had due process of the law, tried openly, convicted him by twelve honest men, and he had been strongly defended by Atticus, but even if Atticus did everything he could defend Tom, The Secret Court's of men's hearts were unfair and condemned him the second Mayella, a white person, accused him.

What is unusual about how long it takes for them to reach a verdict?

The jury took a long time because there actually was some debate on whether or not Tom was guilty when usually the jury would quickly call a black man guilty. The amount of time it took shows that Atticus's words had some effect.

What do we learn about the attitude of the townswomen based on their conversation about the Mrunas?

The women are sympathetic towards the cause of Grimes who is helping the uncvilized people of Mruna, but they are completely unsympathetic towards the black people living near them, shows their hypocracy.

Describe the feeling in Maycomb as they get ready for the trial.

There seems to be an increase in buzzing anticipation as people from all over town pass through.

What superstitions do the kids have about the Radley house?

They believed that they had to run whenever they crossed the Radley house after school, they believe in a Hot steam which is a spirit stuck between heaven and hell who will suck your breath away, they also believed they had to retrieve things as fast as they could from the Radley house.

What causes the kids to be so interested in the Radley place?

They create rumors about how terrifying Boo is and are morbidly curious at what he does when he's locked in the house, they also dare each other to be brave enough to approach it.

Describe the game they create related to the Radley house.

They created a game called Boo Radley where they played different roles in the family: Scout was Mrs. Radley and had to sweep the porch, Dill was Mr. Radley and he walked down the sidewalk, and Jem was Boo Radley and he went under the front steps and would shriek, they would also act like the boys who got in trouble.

Scout and Jem have "mixed feelings" about Christmas. What are these feelings, and why?

They harbor feelings of slight happiness because they are able to see Uncle Jack Finch and a Christmas tree, but they also have to experience Aunt Alexandra who is incredibly cold and Francis who enjoys everything Scout disapproves of.

What did we learn about the Ewell home during the trial?

They live in filth behind the town dump, Mr. Ewell is a drunk, they have a lot of children; the only decent part of the Ewell abode is the Mayella's small patch of flowers in jars.

Why does Heck Tate not want to shoot Tim Johnson?

They only get one shot, and Heck isn't a good shot. He knew Atticus was, so he gave the gun to Atticus so he could do it.

How does Maycomb react to the news of Tom's death?

They think of it as typical and have a racial prejudice against Tom's actions of a black person.

Why does he come to visit Atticus?

To inform Atticus that his client is being moved to the county jail to be wary of trouble from others.

Who is Mayella?

the daughter of Bob Ewell and is the women who claims to have been raped by Tom Robinson; she was also slightly less dirty than Bob, but was accustomed to heavy labor

Who is Aunt Alexandra, and what is she like?

the sister of Atticus, incredible cold and unlikeable.

What do the kids learn from Dolphus?

they learn that he's pretending to be a drunk so the people of maycomb have something to blame for his 'poor' actions, he also explains that as the children get older they will no longer cry at racial injustices because they are so common

What do the children think of Miss Maudie?

they think she's kind, and appreciate her wonderful cakes.

What does Scout say that Atticus was right about?

when he detailed that you never really know a person until you stand in his shoes and walk around in them

What lesson does Atticus teach Scout?

you can only understand a person by imagining yourself in their position, he tells her that she would've understood Miss Caroline's honest mistake (the quarter) if she imagined herself in her shoes.

How does Atticus explain the concept of rape to Scout?

Very upfront, provides exact definition of sexual intercourse without consent.

What is Scout's costume?

A chunk of ham.

What causes the "shiny clean line" on the otherwise "dull wire" of Scout's costume?

A cut from a knife that Bob Ewell was holding

Who is Miss Maudie?

A kind young women who likes the kids; like a motherly figure to Scout.

Who is Mrs. Dubose?

A mean old lady who lives on the Finch's street.

Who is Tom Robinson?

A member of Calpurnia's church, he lives in a settlement beyond the town dump. Calpurnia claims they are clean-living folks.

What happens to the kids on the walk home?

A mysterious man was following the kids (Mr. Ewell) and suddenly attacked them, breaking Jem's arm, and bruising Scout; Atticus and another countryman came to their rescue

Describe the conversation between Atticus and Jem

Atticus asking Jem to get wrapping paper to send the blanket back to Mr. Nathan, but Jem is incredibly concerned due to his past interactions with Mr. Nathan (Jem think's he's crazy), and ends up spilling all of his secrets with Mr. Nathan, which Atticus doesn't catch unto.

What does Atticus expect the verdict to be?

Atticus hinted earlier in chapter 9 that they would not win the trial, he seems unsure when Jem asked, but in reality, he knows that he's going to lose because no court is going to believe a black man over a white one

Discuss how the different family members treat Walter.

Atticus treats Walter with respect and kindness, Scout treats Walter with disrespect and bewilderment, Calpurnia is defensive towards Walter's actions, and Jem is friendly towards Walter.

What does Scout learn from the conversation she overhears between Atticus and Uncle Jack?

Atticus wants her to know that she and Jem will face coming problems and contentions with the father's case at defending an African American man from the accusations of a white family.

Who is Uncle Jack?

Atticus' brother, funny, doctor, gets along with Scout, needs to see both sides of story.

Who are the members of the Finch family?

Atticus, Scout, Jem, Calpurnia, Uncle Jack, and Aunt Alexandra

Why was it a mistake for Tom to say that he felt sorry for Mayella?

BY feeling sorry for her he is putting himself above her, which as a black man is seen as incredibly wrong since people in Maycomb believed that whites are superior than black.

Why does her statement that the American people "don't believe in persecuting anyone" sound puzzling to Scout?

Because American people are indeed persecuting others, specifically African Americans that live in America.

Why does Bob Ewell feel so angry with Atticus?

Because Atticus played a strong defense against Tom Robinson and exposed the Ewell family for their wrongdoings even if the Ewells won the case in the end.

Why does Atticus say that it's a sin to kill a mockingbird?

Because Mockingbirds do not do anything wrong but sing their hearts out and make music for others.

Why are Jem and Scout among the last to leave?

Because Scout accidentally fell asleep before she was meant to go onstage so she came out late and was embarrassed to go through the crowd afterwords so they waited until some people left

Why does Atticus say that Mrs. Dubose was more courageous than "a man with a gun in his hand"?

Because courage is actually when you know you will lose but you continue to complete anyways.

Why does Jem say that he has to go and get them?

Because he does not want to get into trouble with Atticus.

What is Jem's theory about why Boo hasn't left his house in so long?

Because he wants to stay inside, most likely because of the prejudice attitude of society.

Why does Scout's question upset Jem?

Because it brings up the unfair prejudice and hypocrisy in Maycomb County, which infuriates Jem, so his solution is to store up his emotions until he can deal with it later, which is why he gets upset at Scout.

Why does Atticus save Miss Maudie's old rocking chair?

Because it was what Miss Maudie valued most.

How is the mockingbird a symbol of Tom?

Because like how songbirds are unreasonably killed by hunters and children, Tom was killed without sense

What happened to Boo Radley?

Boo or Arthur Radley was part of a gang in Maycomb (the cunninghams), one night they were too rowdy and resisted arrest by an officer and locked him in a bathroom; they were charged and Boo was released on the condition that Mr. Radley would make sure he didn't cause any trouble; rumored that Boo stabbed his father with a pair of scissors at one point, Mr. Radley wouldn't send him to an asylum so he was placed in the courthouse basement, after that Mr. Radley kept Boo hidden at home.

Describe Zeebo's education.

Calpurnia, his mother, taught him from the Bible and from a book that she was taught from by Miss Buford that Calpurnia had received from Grandaddy Finch.

Who jumps out at the kids on the way to the pageant?

Cecil Jacobs

What sneaky thing do the kids do in relation to the Radley house?

Dill and Jean wanted to peek into the loose shutter at the Radley house to see if they could spot Boo.

What do we learn from Dill's account of his running away?

Dill's new father and family does not pay much attention to him, he traveled an incredibly long way to get to Maycomb, shows how distressed he is about being ignored.

Who is Dill?

Dill's real name is Charles Baker Harris and he was from Meridian, Mississippi spending the summer with his aunt, Rachel.

When Atticus asks Jem about the blanket around Scout's shoulders, what does he realize?

It belongs to Boo Radley.

What is the "near libel" which Jem puts in the front yard?

Jem creates a snow/mud man in the front yard that looks suspiciously like Mr. Avery.

What does Jem expect the verdict to be?

Jem expects the verdict to be not guilty

Atticus defends Jem's right to know what has happened; what are his reasons for this?

Jem has to learn to cope with the racial unfairness of Maycomb since it's his home too, he also wants them to be mature and doesn't want to hide them from reality.

Describe Jem's personality at this point in the novel

Jem is quite feisty as he was angered by Atticus telling him that the game he was playing was wrong, but he still has respect for his father since he only yells back at him when he is oof ear-shot. Jem is also a people-pleaser since he is always trying to prove his bravery and courage.

Connect these final words from Atticus with the broader themes of the novel: "Most people are [real nice], Scout, when you finally see them."

Meant to connect with the broader themes of racism and prejudice that abounded in Maycomb society and in the world of gossip that existed for the children. The people of Maycomb, through prejudice and gossiped stories, made up imaginative versions of people based on myths when, in reality, those people (Boo, Tom, the African American community) are kind, honest, and humble, but can only really be seen as such when gossipers leave behind their prejudice and walk in their shoe

Describe Miss Caroline's style of teaching.

Miss Caroline teaches through experience and does not rely as much on books or through written curriculum methods.

Compare the reactions of Miss Maudie and the other ladies when Scout says she is wearing her "britches" under her dress.

Miss Maudie is serious because she never laughs at Scout when Scout does not mean to say anything funny, while all the other ladies were laughing at her (Scout thought Miss Maudie was talking about her underwear here)

What might be the cause of the laughter from inside the house?

Possibly Boo or Nathan Radley had seen Scout rushing down the hill in a tire and found intense amusement from her display, or were amused at her fear of them.

Who is Mr. Gilmer?

Prosecuting attorney in Tom Robinson's trial.

What do they learn from the experience?

Tom Robinson is in trouble because he has been accused of raping an Ewell daughter, and his wife can't get work because of it. They also learn that most people in the church can't read (except Calpurnia and three others), they learn that Calpurnia is laso older than Atticus.

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