Topic 6.1 pabustan

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How did foreign conflict play a role in Charles V's abdication of the throne?

"His greatest foe was the Ottoman empire, which at the time controlled the Balkans in southeast Europe." The ottomans crossed central Europe, Vienna, and Austria.They also had much of Hungary's land after the Battle of Mohacs. "The empire proved to be to scattered and comber some for any one person to rule. Exhausted, Charles gave up his titles in 1556 and entered a monastery."

How did Richelieu's treatment of the nobles and the Huguenots strengthen the monarchy?

"Richelieu was determined to destroy the power of two groups that defied royal authority—nobles and Huguenots. He defeated the private armies of the nobles and destroyed their fortified castles. While reducing their independence, Richelieu tied the nobles to the king by giving them high posts at court or in the royal army. At the same time, he smashed the walled cities of the Huguenots and outlawed their armies. Yet he allowed them to continue to practice their religion." This strengthened the central government.

Hapsburg Empire

Central European empire that lasted from the 1400s to the 1900s and at its height included the lands of the Holy Roman Empire and the Netherlands.

Charles V

Charles V was the Holy roman emperor during the time of Martin Luther's reformation efforts.

Look at the map of the Wars of Philip II. Which battles shown took place in territory ruled directly by Spain?

Defeat of the Spanish Armada, and the Netherlands revolts.

El Greco

El Greco was a master of Spanish painting who also worked as a sculptor and an architect during Spain's golden Age.


French Protestants of the 1500s and 1600s.

Henry !V

German King who become emperor in 1084. His efforts to increase power of the monarchy led him to conflict with the Pope Gergeory VIII over lay legislature.

Study the infographic on Louis XIV and absolutism. What does it take to be a successful absolute monarch?

Give jobs to wealthy middle class men to cement ties with the middle class. Appointed intendants. recruited soldiers carried out policies attended government affairs. followed policies expanded Bureaucracy

How did Louis control the nobles? Use examples from the text.

He offered jobs to wealthy middle class men so he could make sure he made ties with the middle class and limited noble influence.

Louis XIV called himself the "Sun King" and said, "I am the State." Describe how each statement reflects absolutism, and explain which you find to be the best "slogan" for Louis XIV.

He took the word Sun as a symbol of his absolute power. Sun King was used so people know that he stands at the center of the nation. Louis XIV never called an Estates meeting so he said that he is the state. Both statements show how he had power over everything including the state. I think the saying "I am the state" is the better slogan because it shows how he had control over everything and anything involving the state.

What role did religion play in the policies of Charles V?

He was a Catholic so he fought to suppress Protestantism in the German states. He was forced to allow the German princes to choose what religion they wanted after so many years of conflict.

What are some possible effects (both foreign and domestic) from Louis XIV's many costly wars?

He would lose soldiers because he could no longer pay them. could no longer make luxury trades. Raise taxes for the middle class. Lose economic power.

Determine Author's Point of View What do you think Henry IV meant when he said, "Paris is well worth a Mass"?

I think Henry IV meant that because the population of Paris was predominantly Catholic, it was worth converting to Catholicism because "Paris is well worth a Mass", meaning they we very Catholic.

Why did Louis XIV expel the Huguenots? In your opinion, was it a good decision or a bad decision? Why?

Louis XIV expelled the Huguenots because they were Protestants and they were a threat to religious and political unity. I think it was a bad idea to expel them because they were the hardest working and most prosperous of Louis's subjects. There expulsion also hurt the French economy.

Why did Philip try to invade England? What was the result?

Philip tried to invade England because Queen Elizabeth supported the Dutch against Spain. Because of this, Philip made an armada to go to England and invade. The result was the Spanish being "outmaneuvered" by the English and sailing back home defeated.

Reread the text "Battles in the Mediterranean and the Netherlands." Why do you think Spain joined with Venice and other Italian states in the Battle of Lepanto?

Spain joined with Venice and other Italian states so they could stop the Ottoman Empire.

What is one reason the arts might have flourished during this period of Spanish history?

Spain's feudal past inspired Miguel De Cervantes to write fun medieval tales of chivalry. Spain's golden century produced many outstanding writers.

If Louis XIV truly ruled by divine right, what risk did his subjects run if they questioned his authority?

They questioned the authority God.

What decisions did Spanish rulers make that weakened Spain's economy?

To attack the English (Spanish Armada) Overseas wars drained the wealth out of Spain. "The government heavily taxed the small middle class, weakening a group that in other European nations supported royal power. The expulsion of Muslims and Jews from Spain deprived the economy of many skilled artisans and merchants. Finally, the influx of American gold and silver led to soaring inflation."

Miguel di Cervantes

a Spanish novelist, playwrite, and a poet, was the most important figure in Spanish literature.


a fleet of ships

Absolute Monarchy

a form of government in which a ruler has complete authority over the government and lives of people he or she governs.

Cardinal Richelieu

considered one of the greatest politicians in history, he played an important role in France's history while serving as chief minister to Louis XIII.

Balance of Power

distribution of military and econmic power that prevents any one nation from becoming to strong.

Divine Right

idea that the ruler's authority came from God.

Edict or Nantes

law issued by French king


morning ritual during which nobels would wait upon French King Louis XIV.


offical appointed by French King Louis XIV to govern the provinces, collect taxes, and recruit soldiers.

Philip II

restored internal peace to Macedonia, built an effective army, and then formed alliances with Greek city-states or conquered them.


royal French residence and seat of government established by King Louis XIV.

Louis XIV

served as king of France (1643-1715) and is considered the king of absolute monarchy.

Jean Baptiste Colbert

served under King Louis XIV of France as controller genral of finance and secretary of state for the navy. He carried out economic programs that helped make France the strongest power in Europe.

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