Trivia 43K

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What First Did American "Gertrude Ederle's" Achieve In 1926

1st Woman To Swim Channel

What uniform number was worn by Larry Bird & Kareem Abdul Jabbar


What is a sorbet?

A Water Ice

1B.In the Roman Catholic church, what is a devotion of prayers or services on nine consecutive days called

A novena

What chemical symbol is used for the element actinium


What is it that turns blue litmus paper red


Yellow translucent fossil resin


The Shadows first record went straight to no 1 - what was it


In which continent would you find the yangtze river


What is the capital of Eritrea


Plant what city did general sherman burn in 1864


What Frenchman was the king of chefs and chef of Kings

August Escoffier

Whose ghost appears at the dinner table in 'Macbeth'?


Anti tank rocket launcher


Phalacrophobia is the fear of

Becoming bald

In ancient Japan public contests were held to find what

Best Farter loud and long

What is the 13.5 ton chime on london's tower clock

Big ben

What word for taking tissue for microscopic examination was coined by French dermatologists in 1879

Biopsy a biopsy

What do you kiss to be endowed with great powers of persuasion

Blarney stone

Who Used The Pseudonym Lieutenant Lush For Early Stage Appearances As A Member Of Bow Wow Wow

Boy George

Where do the english monarchs live

Buckingham palace

French cup of coffee flavored with apple brandy

Cafe calvados

Hemp plant part of which can be used as a narcotic


Hercules performed twelve labours what was number seven

Capture of the Cretan Bull

Who is the biggest landowner in New York city

Catholic Church

In which country was paper money first used?


Caractacus Potts drove what car

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

The Aztecs reckoned it was the food of the gods what was


The word "cumulus" refers to a type of ___________.


What two natural resources are used to make steel

Coal & limestone limestone & coal

An addition to a will is called a


Italians often eat a whole what to cover garlicky breath

Coffee Bean

Can you give me the two former names of the modern Turkish capital of Istanbul?

Constantinople, Byzantium

What is the Greek word for Egyptian


Which Has A Black Bill The Crow Or The Rook


Rich crescent shaped roll


Signal or time after which people must remain indoors


Which Dickens novel is considered an autobiography

David Copperfield

Who Played Anna In The 1956 Film "The King And I"

Deborah Kerr

This award is the mystery writers equivalent of an Oscar


This is the only animal that can't jump.


There are 42 what in a standard deck of cards (exclude jokers)


Which word refers to all the animal life of a specific place or time


How did Marc Quinquadron die while setting a new world record

Food Poisoning ate 7 snails 3 min

In 1972 which flash new motor was advertised with the slogan, `The car you always promised yourself'?

Ford Capri

Brother Benedict translated name of what port and food product

Fray Bentos

Who rode a horse called Magnolia

George Washington

What, during World War Two, was the German or Nazi equivalent to the Japanese Kempei Tai


What color is the 1-up mushroom in Super Mario Bros.?


Vodka, orange juice and Galliano make up which type of cocktail

Harvey Wallbanger

Picture representing word or syllable


Which is the second largest of the Japanese islands


What is the flower that stands for: am i forgotten?


What Do We Call A 3D Picture Created By Lasers


This Indian group ruled in early Peru.


Indianapolis is the capital of ______


Who wrote the thriller "The Eagle has Landed"

Jack higgins

Who wrote Finnegan's Wake in 1939

James joyce

The Windhover Is The Country Name For Which Bird?


Who wrote mirc

Khaled mardam-bey

The gigantic Badshashi mosque is in which city in Pakistan


In 1977 Manhattan Tranfer Had A Uk Hit With The Song "Chanson D'Amour" But What Does It Mean When Translated Into English

Love Song Or The Song Of Love

Which country consumes the most wine per capita 16.7 gal per


Secret Identities: Jonn Jonzz

Martian manhunter

Where is gorky park


A 42_foot sperm whale has about 7 tons of __________ in it.


Where Was The Royalist HQ During The English Civil War?


Who Was The First Black Footballer To Captain England

Paul Ince

What was the name of the show that featured Larry Appleton and his zany foreign cousin?

Perfect Strangers

What is the flower that stands for: assignation


What is a 'kartoffel' in germany


Which Band Sang "Love My Way" On The "Valley Girl" Soundtrack

Psychadelic Furs

__________ have scent glands between their hind toes. The glands help them leave scent trails for the herd. Researchers say the odor smells cheesy.


What Beatles album spent the longest time atop the charts, at 15 weeks?

Sgt. pepper's lonely hearts club band

In photography what does S.L.R stand for?

Single Lens Reflex

Gazpacho is a type of what?


What instrument do doctors usually have around their necks


What is the name of the group of Muslim scholars who have fought for control of Afghanistan in recent years


What country formed the union of Tanganyika and Zanzibar?


What is the second largest of the United States?


Bon Jovi and Ritchie Sambora both list this band as their influence?

The Beatles

Which band member was Boy George allegedly seeing in Culture Club during the eighties? (Just name the instrument he plays)

The Drummer

Which Famous Book Contains The Line 'In A Hole In The Ground There Lived A'

The Hobbit

What Was The No.1 hit For Early Eighties Band Tight Fit

The Lion Sleeps Tonight

What do English speakers call the region that the Spanish know as 'el Pais Vasco'

The basque country

The most shoplifted book in the world is ________

The bible

John Lennon was shot outside of what New York building

The dakota

Cat stevens 'want's to try to love again but ______'

The first cut is the

According to Hindu myth, what river once flowed through heaven

The ganges ganges

What does a sacerdotal person study for

The priesthood

What organization's launch was FDR preparing to attend when he died

The united nations united nations

What connects composers such as Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven and Schubert with the city of Vienna?

They All Died There

The Germans call them Stumphhose - what are they


Which player was thrown out of Wimbledon in 1995 after he belted a ball in anger and it hit a Ball Girl?

Tim Henman

Where is ancient troy


If you had a Brassica Rapa what vegetable would you have


Which country (capital Kiev) lies just south of Belarus


In Computing Quite Simply What Does The Abbreviation USB Stand for

Universal Serial Bus

What is the capital of Lithuania ?


What is a '/'

Virgule or solidus

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