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output methods

1.The FullText method is the default method and good enough in most cases. It is the fastest, it can extract hidden text, it has 100% accuracy, and can work in the background. 2.The Native method is compatible with applications that use Graphics Design Interface (GDI), the Microsoft API used for representing graphical objects. It doesn't extract hidden text and it cannot work in the background; and just like FullText, it doesn't support virtual environments 3.OCR (or Optical Character Recognition) is the only output method that works with virtual environments and with "reading" text from images. Its technology relies on recognizing each character and its position. On the other hand, it cannot work in the background, it cannot extract hidden text, and its speed is by far the lowest.

Ways to access logs

1.output panel of studio 2.In the %localappdata%\UiPath\Logs\<shortdate>_Execution.log file trace and above, maybe verbose from studio 3.In the %localappdata%\UiPath\Logs\<shortdate>_Execution.log file for all processes ran on the machine from UiPath Assistant. The logs are generated at the level defined in UiPath Assistant and above. 4.In Orchestrator, in the Logs section when running processes while connected to Orchestrator. The logs are generated at the defined level and above.

How to add global exception handler

A Global Exception Handler can be created by adding a new workflow file with this type. It can also be created by setting an existing workflow as Global Exception Handler from the Project panel.

Which of the following statements about stopping a job is true?

A job started from Orchestrator can be stopped only from Orchestrator.

What is the type of selector that's generated while using the Modern design activities?

A partial selector

How would you access the Robot Execution Logs in Studio?

Access the Debug Ribbon > Click Open Logs > Open the execution log file

type into activity properties

Activate: if enabled, the specified UI element is brought to foreground and activated before the text is written. If this is not enabled, then the activity will type into the current active window. This property is enabled by default.

What is active Active Accessibility

Active Accessibility - This represents an earlier solution from Microsoft that makes apps accessible. It is recommended when using legacy software, if the default framework does not work as expected.

Which of the below options are true for 'SendWindowsMessages'? Output method Activity Property Input method Actvity

Activity Property Input method

WHAT IS inter connectivity?Orchestrator capability

Acts as the centralized point of communication for third-party solutions or applications.

Click activity properties

AlterIfDisabled: if enabled, the click action is executed even if the specified UI element is disabled KeyModifiers: enables users to add a key modifier so that the specific key is pressed while performing the action. The following options are available: Alt, Ctrl, Shift, Win. SendWindowMessages: if enabled, the click action is executed by sending a specific message to the target application. This input method can work in the background SimulateClick: if enabled, it simulates the click action by using the technology of the target application. This input method can work in the background.

Which of the following is recommended to have in a Catch block?

An alternative to the approach that fails A LogMessage activity

Which approach uses a UI element that is stable and is linked to the target UI element to fine-tune the selector?

Anchor base

The actions which aren't compatible with working with background mode are:

Any activities using image as targeting method. Native text automation. All keyboard shortcuts. Minimizing opened applications. The Take Screenshot Activity.

You are building an automation with Notepad. You want it to perform a UI action on a specific Notepad file. To indicate the required Notepad file to be opened, which property of Use Application/Browser activity do you need to configure?

Application arguments

Which of the following types of collection is the best option when you have to extract the unique ID's of employees from a database?

Arrays are the best option when you have to extract the unique IDs of employees from a database.

Which of the following types of resources can be shared across folders?


Headless process is an alternative name for...


How to set log verbose level locally?

By default, running a process in Studio will record trace level logs. To set logging to verbose level locally, access the Debug ribbon, enable the Log Activities option, and run the process in debug mode.

What is full selectors

Contain all the tags and attributes needed to identify a UI element, including the top-level window. Generated by the Basic Recorder. Best suited when the actions performed require switching between multiple windows.

What kind of nexyt behaviors we can set in global handler

Continue - The exception is re-thrown. Ignore - The exception is ignored, and the execution continues from the next activity. Retry - The activity which threw the exception is retried. Abort - The execution stops after running the current handler.

WHAT IS Provisioning Orchestrator capability

Creates and maintains the connection with robots and attended users.

The data required for a process is contained in a single Excel file with one sheet and multiple columns. A REFramework project is used to automate the process. Orchestrator is not used for this process. In this case, what type of data will be stored in the TransactionItem variable?


Type of UI frameworks

Default , Active Accessibility UI automation

What is partial selectors?

Dont contain tags and attributes, Desktop recorder generates,Multiple actions in same window Activities with partial selectors must be enclosed in containers.

By using table extraction wizard you have already scraped the structured data with the required configuration. Later you realized that you didn't set a limit for the extraction. How can you solve that?

Edit the value in the properties panel of Extract Table Data Activity. Accessing the Editing Extract Data option in the context menu of Extract Table Data Activity.

Which one of the following activities enables your project to take multiple different courses of action, depending on whether a series of specified conditions are met?

Else If activity lets you add multiple conditions using the drop-down options Else If and Else.

Which of the following five events generates log entries by default when executing a process in run mode?

Execution end start, transaction start end, error

List manupulation examples

Extracting items and converting them to other data types. Sorting the objects. Searching for an element. Looping through the items. Adding and removing items.

Active Directory users can be configured in Orchestrator only to have an Unattended Robot automatically created, but not an Attended Robot. T/F


How does the Parallel Activity perform its execution asynchronously?

From top to bottom, left to right

While retrieving E-mails from Gmail which activity is used.

Get IMAP Mail Messages

In the Mail Activities Packages, what are the activities which contains built-in filtering?

Get Outlook MailMessages Get Exchange MailMessages Get IMAP Mail Messages

What is the functionality of Show all matches option?

Highlights all User Interface or UI Elements identified by selected targeting method.

What is short key of advance options in modern design?

Image Selection mode F3 Hovarable element F6 Enable text (-) Enforce element checkbox

A developer builds a process using the REFramework template. The process must read the transaction data from the Excel file. Where should the maximum number of retries for the transaction item be set?

In the Constants sheet of the Config file

What happens if you use a Write Range activity and try to write data in an .xlsx file that does not exist?

It will create that file for you and write the data in it.

Consider a Windows Server machine connected to Orchestrator using a machine template configured with 3 licenses (runtimes). If the only job running uses a background process, how many licenses are consumed?

Licenses are consumed when the connection between the machine and Orchestrator is in effect. So, all 3 licenses are consumed.

What is the supported variable type in the Output property field of all Get Mail activities (POP3, IMAP, Outlook, Exchange)?

List (MailMessage)

?Which of the following entities need to be mapped to the folder in order to run an unattended job?

Machine template USER ROBOT PROCESS

Which of the following three (3) fields are mandatory when creating a variable in the variable panel?

Name Variable type Scope

Which of the following Activities gets generated using the table extraction wizard?

Only in modern design extract data table

What is the most effective way to handle the click on a UI Element that is not always available?

Place the Click activity inside a Try/Catch block.

Which of the following are the three ways to create a new variable in UiPath Studio?

Press Ctrl+K in an activity input field that requires a variable. Select the Create new Variable option in the Variables panel. Press Ctrl+K in an input field that requires a variable in the Properties panel. By performing right-click in the input field and selecting the create variable option.

You have just created a new project. How would you set the classic experience for this specific project?

Project Settings > General

How to change the design experience at Project level

Project tab > Project Settings > General.

What are the different methods that UiPath offers for List Manipulation?

Remove from Collection Add to Collection Clear Collection Exists in Collection

What changes we do in get transaction item for tabular data

Remove the Get Transaction Item activity from the GetTransactionData workflow. Add read range activity to read data from a local Excel file in the GetTransactionData workflow. Add the logic required to read the source data only once. Add the required activities for obtaining one row from read data each time. Include the activities to determine if all rows/transaction items are processed from the read data.

What are the types of logs generated by the execution of a process?

Robot Execution Logs

Review Question: Which of the following actions can be easily performed by Studio users that are signed in to Orchestrator?

Run jobs using published processes. Publish a package to Orchestrator.

Which targeting methods does the Unified targeting method use to identify the Required UI Element?

Selector Fuzzy Selector Image

Features of Modern Design Targeting Options

Selector, Fuzzy Selector, and Image to determine the most reliable option. This targeting technology is called Unified Targeting method.Modern Design also uses Native Text targeting method. It helps to automate legacy applications, in which UI elements aren't correctly defined.

What activity can you use to send an email without entering the username and password of the email account?

Send Outlook Mail Message

Which of the following methods can be used to populate a list of strings type variable with the values John, Paul, George and Ringo?

Set the Default value in the Variables panel to New List(of String) from {"John", "Paul", "George", "Ringo"} Initiate the variable with New List(of String) and use Add To Collection activities to populate the list.

A developer is building an execution report in a REFramework implementation with tabular data. The report must include the transaction identifier and the transaction status. Which workflow would be the best place to include logic for reporting?


What kind of logs we have?

Studio logs. Setup logs. Orchestrator diagnostic logs. Robot logs.

consists of a conditional expression and a collection of cases, with a corresponding set of activities?


If you are using the For Each activity to loop through a list of MailMessage variables, what should you set the TypeArgument property to?



The Picture-in-Picture feature allows you to run attended processes in collaboration with the Robot. A process started in the Picture-in-Picture mode runs in an isolated Windows session, thus allowing you to use the machine while the process is running.

What is UI explorer

The UI Explorer is the functionality in UiPath Studio that allows you to analyze and edit selectors. It contains a status button showing users the state of the selector, a visual tree panel that displays a navigable UI of each application running at that moment, as well as the selected UI element. The UI Explorer displays all the available tags and attributes and gives you the option to check them in or out.

what happens when the automation built includes these actions which aren't compatible with the Background mode?

The automation will run as expected, without breaking or throwing exceptions. But the activities with which the Background mode isn't compatible will be run in the foreground. Once execution completes, it'll return to background mode.

You have more than one exception type defined in the Catch block and an exception occurs that fits two types. Which one of the following block is executed?

The block with most specific match

Which one of the nodes of a selector is named the "root node"?

The highest-level node, corresponding to the application

Can we use the Recorder for all other applications' automation?

The recorder works only on automating user interfaces. It will not work for tasks involving Excel, Outlook, Word, or files and folders automation, where you still need to add the activities one by one.

Which two sentences are true about Robot Execution Logs?

They can be either default logs or user-defined logs. They are messages generated by the execution of a process.

What is UI Automation?

This is the improved accessibility model from Microsoft, which is recommended when using newer applications in case the default framework does not work as expected.

Which of the following is a VB.NET data type that measures the duration between two variables of the type DateTime.


What is UiExplorer used for?

To create and fine tune selectors,To explore the UI tree

What category in the Output panel would you leave enabled to check the Fatal level logs?


In the REFramework template, which variable is used to store the collection of read data, when an Orchestrator queue isn't in use?


The Global Exception Handler is not available for library projects, only processes. T or F?


Transaction item can be any type of element inside of collection T/F


UI automation is the process of automating application user interfaces by simulating human input and output actions through specific UI activities. The first step in automating UIs is understanding the logical sequence of steps that a human user would take. The second step consists in translating these steps into UiPath Studio activities and configuring them. The complexity of the UI or of the application is irrelevant. All desktop applications can be automated by using universal or application tailored activities.


From the given options, which option lets us to see the list of activities used inside a project.

UI Activities

Which panel in the UiExplorer displays all the nodes of a selector?

UI Hierarchy

Match the following UiPath Platform components with the descriptions provided:

UiPath Studio - Designing automation workflows. UiPath Orchestrator - Managing and monitoring the execution of automation. UiPath Robot - Executing automation workflows. UiPath Automation Hub - Discovering automation opportunities and managing their journey from discovery to implementation.

The convert to dynamic text target option is available ... where

Under Target Element

What happens when the "Extract as Workflow" option is used?

Variables are automatically turned into arguments

What is property explorer?

What is it? The Property Explorer is a functionality of the UI Explorer that displays all the attributes of a certain UI element, including those that are not displayed in the selector, like position, visibility, innertext, and so on.

Choose two activities that you can use if you want to add data to an existing .xlsx document without overwriting existing data.

Workbook Append Range, excel Append Range

Consider a developer having access to several folders in which resources are stored, including their own personal workspace. Can they work with the resources in all the folders in Studio if they are signed in to Orchestrator?

Yes - they will see the resources in the folder selected and they are able to switch from the panel.

How to change the default design experience at Studio level


What are the 2 arguments of global handler

errorInfo with the In direction - contains the information about the error that was thrown and the workflow that failed. bullet result with the Out direction - used for determining the next behavior of the process when it encounters the error.

The workflow contains a Get Text Activity and the scraping method is set to Full text. While running the automation, the application is minimized. What's the outcome of the Get Text Activity?

extract full text

App/web recorder doesn't support image targeting method.


What is defult value of Continue on error


How would you describe what a log is in terms of data type?

json key value

An automation process using UI Interaction activities set to the default input method is running on Michelle's machine. Would you recommend that Michelle works on her machine while the process is running?


What activity can you use to write a data table to a string variable?

output dt

To use a selector in the selector property of an activity, you can store it in a variable. What's the variable type?


Feature of classic design targeting options

the selector is the most common targeting method for UI elements (99% of the time). In scenarios where it's unreliable, you have the possibility to manually change the update Activity to use fuzzy selectors or anchors.

Check App state activity can be used outside the scope of Use application browser card.


IN RETRY condition can have zero and one activity TRUE or False


If the same workflow deals with information from two or more Excel files, an Excel Application Scope has to be used for each file. True or False?


Which panel of UI Explorer interface contains all the UI elements of an opened application?

visual tree

What are Tags in selectors?

wnd (window) html (web page) ctrl (control) webctrl (web page control) java (Java application control)

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