Unit 11 Vocab

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gothic (definition)

(adj.) characterized by or emphasizing a gloomy setting and grotesque or violent events; such a literary or artistic style; a type of medieval architecture

quixotic (definition)

(adj.) extravagantly or romantically idealistic; visionary without regard to practical considerations

parlous (definition)

(adj.) full of danger or risk, perilous

effusive (definition)

(adj.) highly demonstrative; unrestrained

lugubrious (definition)

(adj.) sad, mournful, or gloomy, especially to an exaggerated or ludicrous degree

consensus (definition)

(n.) a collective or general agreement of opinion, feeling, or thinking

metamorphosis (definition)

(n.) a complete transformation, as if by magic

impasse (definition)

(n.) a dead end; a position from which there is no escape; a problem to which there is no solution

bravado (definition)

(n.) a display of false or assumed courage

dichotomy (definition)

(n.) a division into two contradictory or mutually exclusive parts; a branching or forking in an ancestral line

euphoria (definition)

(n.) a feeling of great happiness or well-being, often with no objective basis

punctilio (definition)

(n.) a minute detail of conduct or procedure; an instant of time

raconteur (definition)

(n.) a person who tells stories and anecdotes with great skill

vendetta (definition)

(n.) a prolonged feud, often between two families, characterized by retaliatory acts of revenge; any act motivated by vengeance

mystique (definition)

(n.) an aura or attitude of mystery or veneration surrounding something or someone

sine qua non (definition)

(n.) an essential or indispensable element or condition

non sequitur (definition)

(n.) an inference or conclusion that does not follow logically from the facts or premises

apostate (definition)

(n.) one who forsakes his or her religion, party, or cause

quagmire (definition)

(n.) soft, soggy mud or slush; a difficult or entrapping situation

constrict (definition)

(v.) to make smaller or narrower, draw together, squeeze; to stop or cause to falter

raconteur (synonym)


quagmire (antonym)

bedrock, solid footing, terra firma

vendetta (synonym)

blood feud, rivalry

metamorphosis (synonym)

change, makeover

mystique (synonym)


constrict (synonym)

contract, curb, restrain

consensus (antonym)

dissension, discord, disagreement

lugubrious (synonym)

doleful, melancholy, dismal

euphoria (synonym)

elation, bliss, ecstasy, rapture

constrict (antonym)

enlarge, dilate, expand

quixotic (synonym)

fanciful, impractical, utopian

quagmire (synonym)

fen, marsh, morass

effusive (synonym)

gushy, lavish

parlous (synonym)

hazardous, risky, dangerous

non sequitur (antonym)

illogical reference, unsound conclusion

lugubrious (antonym)

jovial, hilarious, funny

euphoria (antonym)

melancholy, depression, gloom

bravado (antonym)

mettle, bravery, pluck

sine qua non (synonym)

necessity, desideratum

punctilio (synonym)


quixotic (antonym)

realistic, down-to-earth, pragmatic

apostate (synonym)

renegade, defector

effusive (antonym)

restrained, reserved, muted, subdued

parlous (antonym)

safe, secure, risk-free

dichotomy (synonym)

schism, bifurcation

gothic (synonym)


impasse (synonym)

standoff, stalemate

bravado (synonym)

swagger, bluster, braggadocio

apostate (antonym)

true believer

consensus (synonym)

unanimity, concord, accord, harmony

dichotomy (antonym)

uniformity, oneness

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