Unit 2: Chapter 12 Wrap It Up Quiz, Chapter 3 MindTap, Gov Ch 14 Wrap It Up Quiz, Ch 16 Wrap It Up Quiz, Unit 2: Chapter 13 Wrap It Up Quiz

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Which amendment declares "powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people"?


Which amendment prohibited slavery throughout the nation?


In the 1967 case Loving v. Virginia, the Supreme Court declared that under the Constitution "the freedom to marry, or not marry, a person of another race resides with the individual, and cannot be infringed by the State." Which amendment is violated when a state like Virginia denies people the freedom to marry on the basis of racial classifications?


What is the minimum age for a House of Representatives member and a U.S senator, respectively? a. 25; 30 b. 21; 25 c. 18; 21 d. 30; 35

25; 30

The only way to stop a filibuster is by invoking cloture, a motion to end debate that requires a supermajority. How many senators constitute a supermajority? a. 60 b. 25 c. 10 d. 75


Most governors have the power to veto certain parts of a bill. What is this called?

Line-item veto

To which collective body does unanimous consent apply? a. House b. Senate c. House and the Senate d. Congress, president, and judiciary


Which level of government has the most power in a unitary system?


Which clause makes the Constitution more powerful than state law?

Supremacy clause

In 2010, which state passed a law allowing police officers to inquire about immigration status when individuals were stopped for another police inquiry? a. Arizona b. California c. Alabama d. Texas


Most congressional powers are listed in which section of the Constitution? a. Article I, Section 2 b. Article II, Section 1 c. Article I, Section 8 d. Article III, Section 1

Article I, Section 8

Which Supreme Court case established judicial review whereby laws could be declared unconstitutional? a. Bush v. Gore b. Marbury v. Madison c. McCulloch v. Maryland d. Wickard v. Filburn

Marbury v. Madison

How do freshman congress members typically choose their committee assignments? a. Based upon national issues on the public radar b. Based upon the needs of their district or state c. By polling their constituents and determining on which committee they want representation d. By choosing a mentor and joining his or her committee

Based upon the needs of their district or state

Which plan did President Reagan favor for giving money to the states?

Block grants

Prior to the Seventeenth Amendment in 1913, how were senators elected? a. By state citizens in elections b. By presidential nomination c. By selection from members of state legislatures d. By selection from the major political parties

By selection from members of state legislatures

Who are the president's key advisers responsible for carrying out federal policies for areas under their jurisdictions? a. Pentagon b. Supreme Court c. Senate d. Cabinet


Which countries actively participate in the North American Free Trade Agreement? a. Cuba and the United States b. The United States and China c. Canada, Mexico, and the United States d. Canada and Mexico

Canada, Mexico, and the United States

During which war did nations align themselves either with democracy or communism? a. World War I b. Cold War c. Spanish-American War d. World War II

Cold War

What powers belong to both the federal and state governments?


In which system of government does ultimate authority rest with regional governments (e.g., state governments) and hardly any power is granted to the national government?


Which program was meant to help children who entered the country illegally with their parents gain citizenship if they met certain requirements? a. 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act b. DOMA c. Immigration and Nationality Act of 1990 d. DREAM Act


Which Supreme Court case ruled that the federal government had no authority to regulate slavery in the territories?

Dred Scott v. Sandford

In 2012, the Washington Post reported that a Georgia congressman secured $6.3 million in taxpayer money to replenish a beach close to his vacation home. Similarly, a Michigan representative secured $486,000 to build a bike lane near her home. While the ethics behind these actions are questionable, they are legal. What type of funding projects are these congresspeople using? a. Earmarks b. Reconciliations c. Omnibus bills d. Block grants


What law makes an act illegal after the fact?

Ex post facto

What is the primary purpose of the Affordable Care Act (aka. Obamacare)? a. Provide political gains for legislators supporting its passage b. Reduce Americans' dependence on private health insurance c. Move responsibility for providing health care from employers to the government d. Extend health insurance coverage to uninsured Americans

Extend health insurance coverage to uninsured Americans

What policy encourages the exchange of goods between countries with the requirement that working conditions and wages be comparable between the two countries? a. Protectionist b. Free trade c. Trade equalization d. Fair trade

Fair trade

Where does the government maintain official records of all executive branch rules, regulations, and orders? a. Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs b. Federal Register c. Office of Management and Budget d. Congressional Record

Federal Register

As of 2018, a number of states have legalized marijuana for medicinal or recreational use. Which system allows for this variation?


In the summer of 2017, Connecticut senator Christopher S. Murphy took control of the Senate floor for 15 hours in an attempt to force the majority leader, Senator Mitch McConnell, to allow votes on Democrats' amendments to an annual bill that sought to tighten U.S. gun laws. In what tactic is Murphy engaging? a. Cloture b. Unanimous consent c. Filibuster d. Gerrymander


Whose New Deal and Great Society programs expanded federal authority?

Franklin Roosevelt's; Lyndon Johnson's

In 1966, which act established a procedure by which ordinary citizens could directly request nonclassified reports from the federal government for a nominal fee? a. General Services Administration b. Government Accountability c. Government in the Sunshine d. Freedom of Information

Freedom of Information

What plan favored by President Richard Nixon gave the states the greatest amount of leeway in spending money from the national government?

General revenue-sharing

Which act was created in response to the mistrust of the federal government that grew out of the Vietnam War and the Watergate scandal? a. Voting Rights b. Freedom of Information c. Government in the Sunshine d. Economic Stabilization

Government in the sunshine

How did Alexander Hamilton's and Thomas Jefferson's preferred governments differ?

Hamilton favored nation-centered government, and Jefferson favored state-centered.

Where do bills concerning raising revenue originate? a. Senate b. House of Representatives c. Executive Branch d. Supreme Court

House of Representatives

Which political body is subject to redistricting, or the redrawing of the boundaries of congressional districts in a state to make them approximately equal in population size? a. Congress b. Supreme Court c. Senate d. House of Representatives

House of Representatives

Which description best depicts whistleblowers? a. Members of the executive branch who referee disputes between two or more agencies when there is conflict b. Regulators who have authority to shut down businesses that do not comply with federal standards c. Individuals who report mismanagement, corruption, or illegal activity within their agencies d. Members of Congress who have oversight authority over agencies that are mismanaged

Individuals who report mismanagement, corruption, or illegal activity within their agencies

What is the primary disadvantage to the hierarchical decision-making process that exists within the federal bureaucracy? a. It fails to ensure that policies are administered equally. b. It often results in uninformed decisions. c. It can present an obstacle to speedy decision making. d. It blocks governmental transparency.

It can present an obstacle to speedy decision making

Which Supreme Court case resolved the debate over the national authority to establish a bank?

McCulloch v. Maryland

Which program provides health insurance for people over the age of 65 and the disabled? a. Medicaid b. Affordable Care Act c. Social Security Act d. Medicare


"The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is the principal Federal agency responsible for programs concerned with the Nation's housing needs, fair housing opportunities, and improvement and development of the Nation's communities...It takes steps to encourage a strong private sector housing industry that can produce affordable housing; and to stimulate private sector initiatives, public/private sector partnerships, and public entrepreneurship." What is this formal summary that agencies like HUD offer to the general public called? a. Handbook b. Mission c. Preamble d. Constitution


Who was the first female Speaker of the House? a. Jan Brewer b. Hillary Clinton c. Jeanette Rankin d. Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi

Which department or agency is responsible for promoting road safety by trying to limit drunk driving? a. Department of Health and Human Services b. Environmental Protection Agency c. National Highway Transportation Safety Administration d. Transportation Management Service

National Highway Transportation Safety Administration

Which office has final authority over the federal budget? a. Securities and Exchange Commission b. Office of Management and Budget c. U.S. Department of Treasury d. Internal Revenue Service

Office of Management and Budget

Which U.S.-government funded organization, established in 1961, sends individuals on educational and cultural missions around the globe? a. United Nations b. Peace Corps c. Teach for America d. Voice of America

Peace Corps

Signed into law by President Chester A. Arthur in 1883, the first reform that helped slowly change the federal bureaucracy from a corrupt, partisan insider organization to a neutral, policy-based organization is known as the a. Government in the Sunshine Act. b. Pendleton Act. c. General Services Administration. d. Office of Personnel Management.

Pendleton act

What set of laws regulates political and social life in order to meet a need or accomplish a goal? a. Diplomatic policy b. Political agenda c. Public policy d. Public opinion

Public Policy

While waiting for the commuter train, a woman with a clipboard and pen approaches you. She asks you to sign a petition that would potentially remove a candidate from office before his term expires. You listen to her argument and then sign the list. In what procedure are you participating?


What are the terms of office in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, respectively? a. Eight; four b. Two; four c. Four; six d. Six; two

Six; two

Which is the top leadership position in the House of Representatives? a. President pro tempore b. Majority whip c. Committee chairman d. Speaker of the House

Speaker of the House

Which type of congressional committee is permanent and reports to the full chamber? a. Select b. Joint c. Special d. Standing


Which level of government has the most power in a confederation?


What were the first three departments created by Congress in 1789? a. State, Agriculture, and Interior b. State, Justice, and Treasury c. State, Agriculture, and Education d. State, Treasury, and War

State, Treasury, and War

What program provides low-income individuals with a subsidy for food that is funded through general taxation? a. Supplemental Security Income b. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program c. Social Security d. Medicaid

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

What authority given to Congress has been the most instrumental in expanding its power relative to the other branches of government? a. War powers b. Regulation of commerce c. Taxation and appropriation d. Appointments and treaties

Taxation and appropriation

In which plan for selecting state judges does a board of experts recommend candidates to the governor, who then selects judges from the list?

The Missouri Plan

What determines the amount of Social Security retired workers receive? a. The tax percentage of where they lived while paying into the program b. The amount they made per year while paying into the program c. The amount of time they worked while paying into the program d. The number of years they expect to receive benefits

The amount of time they worked while paying into the program

Which of the following powers is granted to governors in all fifty states?

The authority to veto laws subject to override by the state legislatures

The fact that a same-sex marriage performed in Massachusetts is valid in any other state is based on what constitutional clause?

The full faith and credit clause

Which clause requires that states treat people from other states equally to their own residents?

The privileges and immunities clause

Why did the Framers establish Congress as a bicameral institution? a. To increase the power of Congress relative to the other branches b. To increase efficiency and the speed by which Congress could operate c. To limit members of Congress to only two terms d. To allow each chamber to check each other's power

To allow each chamber to check each other's power

Referendum and initiative are forms of direct democracy used by the states. T/F


The reason delegates to the 1787 Constitutional Convention moved to a federalist system is they recognized the system of government established by the Articles of Confederation was failing. T/F


What nation is the largest shareholder in the World Bank? a. Germany b. China c. Russia d. United States

United States

Who can break a tie vote in the Senate? a. Vice president b. President c. Senate majority leader d. Speaker of the House

Vice president

Speaking to the U.S. Senate in 1850, Daniel Webster proclaims, "Peaceable secession! Sir, your eyes and mine are never destined to see that miracle. There can be no such thing as a peaceable secession. Peaceable secession is an utter impossibility." Which political action is Webster opposing here?

Wanting to withdraw from a nation-state

In recent sessions, how do the House and Senate compare demographically to the U.S. population? a. Women make up about the same percentage in the House and Senate as their percentage of the total population, but ethnic minorities are underrepresented. b. Women and ethnic minorities make up smaller percentages in the House and Senate than their percentages in the overall U.S. population. c. Ethnic minorities make up about the same percentages in the House and Senate as their percentages in the U.S. population, but women are underrepresented. d. Women and ethnic minorities make up similar percentages in the House and Senate as their percentages in the U.S. population.

Women and ethnic minorities make up smaller percentages in the House and Senate than their percentages in the overall U.S. population.

The League of Nations is a provision of a treaty that ended which war? a. The Cold War b. World War I c. World War II d. The Spanish-American War

World War 1

In July 2017, President Trump nominated Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. This judicial nomination required the approval by two-thirds of the Senate in a Congressional power known as a. advice and consent. b. judicial review. c. impeachment. d. pocket veto.

advice and consent.

Which section of the Constitution gave the president the power of appointment and helped lay the foundations of the modern bureaucracy? a. Article IV b. Article III c. Article II d. Article I

article 2

Congress can hold the bureaucracy accountable through which two powers that allow it to evaluate federal agencies and withhold funds if there are dissatisfactions? a. Authorization and appropriation b. Interpretation and approval c. Evaluation and implementation d. Intervention and organization

authorization and appropriation

During the moments following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, President George W. Bush instructed his vice president to force any suspicious planes in U.S. airspace to land immediately. If the pilots did not comply, Bush ordered the planes to be shot down. Which role of the presidency is Bush fulfilling? a. Chief executive b. Chief legislator c. Commander in chief d. Chief diplomat

commander in chief

Who exercises power of the purse to keep the bureaucracy accountable and responsive? a. President b. Cabinet c. Vice president d. Congress


The Department of Homeland Security was created to purportedly remedy the lack of coordination among the nation's national security and disaster relief agencies. The new department consolidated several key units that had been operating independently and created new intelligence offices that would try to serve as bridges between the FBI and the CIA. Which component of a bureaucracy was this change meant to fix? a. Decision-making process b. Culture c. Mission d. Expertise


The Department of Justice, the Department of State, and which other department share jurisdiction over immigration policy? a. Department of Education b. Department of Homeland Security c. Department of Health and Human Services d. Department of Interior

department of homeland security

Who is responsible for formulating foreign policy using nonmilitary methods? a. Department of State b. Department of Defense c. Homeland Security d. Attorney General

department of state

Which office was created to implement the 1970 Clean Air Act? a. Department of Energy b. Department of Interior c. Environment Protection Agency (EPA) d. Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

environment protection agency

Which federal organization issues regulations and creates policy like reducing waste and chemical risks, protecting U.S. water supplies, and limiting emissions from coal-fired plants? a. National Transportation Safety Board b. Department of Agriculture c. National Park Service d. Environmental Protection Agency

environmental protection agency

The federal bureaucracy is a collection of departments, agencies, boards, and commissions that carry out the responsibilities of the federal government for which group? a. Congressional committees b. Executive branch c. Legislative branch d. Judicial branch

executive branch

The Framers wanted to make sure the president followed the intent of Congress, but they gave him wide discretion in how he carried out the laws. In Article II, Section 3, they gave him the power to "take Care that the Laws be a. morally applied." b. summarily discharged." c. legally administered." d. faithfully executed."

faithfully executed

What describes government use of taxing and spending as a method of intervening in the economy? a. Trade policy b. Domestic policy c. Monetary policy d. Fiscal policy

fiscal policy

Members of Congress may send mail to their constituents free of charge. This is called a. gerrymandering. b. franking. c. bulk mailing. d. pork-barreling.


Redrawing district boundaries so most voters in a district favor one party is called a. gerrymandering. b. electioneering. c. franking. d. redistricting.


The way members of Congress portray themselves to constituents is known as a. personal politics. b. home style. c. reconciliation. d. pork-barrel politics.

home style.

The terrorist attacks of 9/11 prompted the creation of which department? a. Veterans Affairs b. Homeland Security c. Interior d. Defense

homeland security

Congress may remove judges and executive officials from office via a. advice and consent. b. impeachment. c. gerrymandering. d. pocket veto.


Government seeks public policy that a. minimizes benefits and maximizes costs. b. maximizes benefits and minimizes costs. c. minimizes benefits and minimizes costs. d. maximizes benefits and maximizes costs.

maximizes benefits and minimizes costs

A pregnant woman whose family income falls below the U.S. federal poverty level needs an ultrasound and other forms of prenatal care. To which program can she turn? a. Medicare b. Medicaid c. Welfare d. Social Security


In 1970, what was created to discourage the development of nuclear weapons technology? a. Truman Doctrine b. United Nations c. Nuclear Test Ban Treaty d. Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

nuclear non-proliferation treaty

The Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 led to the creation of which agency? a. Office of Personnel Management b. Interstate Commerce Commission c. Internal Revenue Service d. Environmental Protection Agency

office of personnel management

In the early days of government, civil service jobs were given to those who pledged their loyalty to the president. What was this early system called? a. Merit b. Nonprofit c. Civil servant d. Patronage


The president may wait for Congress to go out of session and simply not sign a bill. This decision is called a(n) a. override. b. executive agreement. c. tabling of the bill. d. pocket veto.

pocket veto.

In 1952, Oregon was the first state to issue comprehensive legislation concerning air pollution. From then on, other states began implementing similar legislations. This example demonstrates what process? a. Policy diffusion b. Policy sharing c. Devolution d. Regulation

policy diffusion

Federal employees who have connections to politically powerful people, who have participated in other presidential administrations, and/or who carry out the president's political and partisan agenda are called a. merit system employees. b. career civil servants. c. political appointees. d. executive employees.

political appointees

The first step in the policy process, where there is recognition that something might warrant government action, is known as what? a. Problem identification b. Policy implementation c. Policy formulation d. Evaluation

problem identification

What were the layer of federal employees President Eisenhower appointed to oversee civil service employees? a. Oversight Committee appointees b. Civil Service appointees c. Senior Executive Service d. Schedule C appointees

schedule c appointees

Who is ultimately responsible for the policy decisions that come out of a federal department? a. Assistant secretary b. Bureau chief c. Deputy secretary d. Secretary


Which group is comprised of experienced personnel the president assigns to senior management positions throughout the federal bureaucracy? a. Civil Service Commission b. Foreign Service c. Schedule C appointees d. Senior Executive Service

senior executive service

Who nominates the board of governors that leads the Federal Reserve System? a. The president b. The Federal Reserve chair c. The House of Representatives d. The Senate

the president

Why was the Department of the Interior established? a. To regulate the sale of federal lands and the management of Indian affairs b. To negotiate agreements among different independent agencies c. To handle the design and remodeling of the White House d. To oversee border disputes with Canada and Mexico

to regulate the sale of federal lands and the management of Indian affairs

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