Unit 2: Linkage Institutions

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____ are used by corporations, interest groups, and unions to donate money to candidates

Political Action Committees (PACs)

American political parties differ from interest groups in that parties

are policy generalists

PAC money goes overwhelmingly to incumbents because incumbents...

are the most likely to be able to return the investment

What is litigation?

bringing lawsuits to the court to progress IG cause

how do lobbyists typically seek to influence members of congress?

by providing specialized expertise

In ____ supporters of candidates attend a series of open meeting to express POTUS nominee preferences.


what does hyperpluralism cause

confusing and contradictory policies

all of the following are appropriate lobbying strategies EXCEPT


This elects the president

electoral college

why are intertest groups important for democracy?

they provide a means for citizens to participate in the government

voting for a candidate for one party and a candidate from another party on the SAME ballot

ticket splitting

which of the following is NOT a linkage institution


How many electoral college votes are needed to become president


____ don't have 2 report donations FEC and they're limited to only spending 1/2 $ on campaigning

501 (c) groups

Which of these is a written argument submitted to the courts in support of one side of a case?

Amicus curiae briefs

court ruled that there cannot be a limit on how much an individual can donate to their own campaign

Buckley v. Valeo

court ruled that corporations, unions, and IGs have the right to free speech in electoral politics. Created Super PACs

Citizens United v. FEC

____ required candidates 4 federal offices to disclose all contributions made to campaigns

Federal Election Campaign Act of 1974

Bipartisan group responsible for administering/ enforce campaign finance laws & keep track of spending.

Federal Election Commission (FEC)

Who pick the president if no one wins a majority of Electoral College votes?


what is the first caucus?


which of the following bans unlimited soft money?

McCain-Feingold Act (Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act)

which of the following groups has primarily used litigation to change public policy?

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

which of the following is an example of an equality interest group?

National Organization for Women

where is the first primary?

New Hampshire

Most politicians and voters will act in their own self-interest. Politicians do what it takes to get elected

Rational Choice Theory

President who created Southern Strategy: win conservative voters for REP party (law and order, states' rights)

Richard Nixon

These are states that could vote for either candidate in the presidential election

Swing States

___ requires states to offer voter registration when people get or renew their driver's license

The Motor Voter Act

which of the following makes it more difficult to vote by adding more costs?

Voter/Photo ID laws

____ enables a group of similarly situated people to combine similar grievances into one suit

a class action lawsuit

the democratic and republican candidates for president are nominated by the ____

delegates at the national party conventions

when there are different parties in control of one or more houses of congress and/or the white house

divided party government

Which of these is NOT a component of sub governments (iron triangles)

federal courts

Which of these is FALSE about the Republican Party?

increase regulations and taxes on businesses

An advantage of single issue groups is their


organization of ppl w/ shared policy goal entering the policy process to try and achieve goals

interest groups

____ the election winner has authorization from the voters to carry out campaign promises

mandate theory of elections

a team of men and women seeking to control the government through winning elections


which interest groups theory offers the most positive view if how IGs impact the government


which of these is NOT one of the strategies used by interest groups to influence policy?

policy implementation

which of the following is the belief that ordinary people can influence the government?

political efficacy

elite theory believes

political power is unequally distributed within society

In ____ citizens vote on secret ballots to indicate their preferences for POTUS nominee to their state delegates



pro choice and against gun control want to abolish minimum wage and legalize marijuana oppose death penalty and only want military for defense

how many electoral college votes does each state get

same # as house and senate seats

which states tend to have higher voter turnout

states with Election Day voter registration

which of these is FALSE about the green party

support death penalty and increasing defense spending

which is FALSE about super PACs

there is a limit to how much they can spend

which of these factors is NOT more likely to votes compared to their demographic counterpart

voters with a high school diploma

which is FALSE about Libertarians

want to overturn same sex marriage

which is FALSE about the democratic party

want to overturn same sex marriage

Super PACs

were create after Citizens United v. FEC independent expenditure only groups can endorse candidates

the feature of he electoral college that awards ALL EC votes to the person who wins the majority of the state popular

winner take all

The winning candidate becomes to office holder; there is no reward for 2nd place. Evolves into 2 party system

winner-take all/ first past the post

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