Unit 3 US History 2022 Midterm

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The diagram above provides details about the origins of World War I. Which phrase completes the diagram?

Alliance System

The cartoon above was published in May 1917. Which was NOT one of the "new bureaus" referred to in this cartoon?

American Federation of Labor

The map above shows the world in 1917. Which conclusion can best be drawn from this map?

American imperialists saw their nation's main opportunities in the Pacific and the Caribbean.

The timeline above provides details about American imperialism. What was one of the arguments used in favor of these changes?

American industries need raw materials and markets found overseas.

The message below was sent in secret code by the Foreign Minister of Germany to the German Ambassador to Mexico in January 1917. It was discovered and deciphered by the British government. "We intend to begin on the first of February unrestricted submarine warfare. We shall try in spite of this to keep the United States of America neutral. If this does not succeed, we will make a proposal of alliance to Mexico on the following terms: we make war together, we make peace together, we give generous financial support and an understanding that Mexico is to regain the lost territory in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona.... Please call the attention of the President [of Mexico] to the fact that the ruthless employment of our submarines now offers the prospect of compelling England to make peace in a few months." What was the impact of the publication of this letter?

American opinion was outraged

Before 1898, most Americans had opposed imperialism. Why did imperialism suddenly become more popular in the United States by the end of the century?

Americans wanted to sell goods to new markets and buy raw materials for new industries.

The excerpt below is from the Supreme Court in Schenck v. United States (1919). "The most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theatre and causing a panic.... The question in every case is whether the words used are used in such circumstances and are of such a nature as to create a clear and present danger that they will bring about the substantive evils that Congress has a right to prevent." What action was taken in consequence of this decision?

Charles Schenck was imprisoned for distributing thousands of leaflets urging young men to resist the draft

Which of these was a negative result of the construction of the Panama Canal?

Colombia and other Latin American countries resented U.S. interference in the Panamanian revolt against Colombia.

Which of the following provides the best evidence in support of the view that Americans went to war with Spain in 1898 for humanitarian purposes?

Congress passed the Teller Amendment promising that the United States would not annex Cuba, even if it won the war.

The photograph above shows American infantry in France in 1918. What would be the best caption for this photograph?

Crossing "No Man's Land" to reach an enemy trench

What is the main idea of the cartoon?

Dangerous Communists and anarchists should be sent out of the country.

The excerpt below is from Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes' opinion in Schenck v. United States (1919). "The question in every case is whether the words used are used in such circumstances and are of such a nature as to create a clear and present danger that they will bring about the substantive evils that Congress has a right to prevent." Based on the excerpt, with which statement would Oliver Wendell Holmes have agreed?

Freedom of speech is not absolute.

H. T. Johnson wrote "The Black Man's Burden" in response to Rudyard Kipling's poem, "The White Man's Burden." What point of view does Johnson express?

Imperialism seeks to conquer and exploit weaker peoples rather than to help them.

Why is the Spanish American War of 1898 often considered a major turning point in U.S. history?

It revealed that the United States had become a world power.

Which exiled Cuban leader raised money in Ybor City and other cities in Florida to organize a new revolt against Spanish rule in Cuba?

José Marti

Why did the United States Senate fail to ratify the Treaty of Versailles in 1919?

Many Senators feared the League of Nations would involve the United States in foreign wars.

Which sentence best describes the impact of World War I on Florida?

Military training centers were located in Florida, the state's farmers sold more crops, and a thousand Floridians gave their lives.

The political cartoon above appeared on the cover of Puck magazine on December 1, 1897. Its caption says "Another Shotgun Wedding, with Neither Party Willing." The cartoon depicts President William McKinley as a minister conducting a wedding. He is reading from a book entitled "Annexation Policy." The man in the Confederate uniform holding the shotgun is U.S. Senator John Tyler Morgan, a former Confederate general and a prominent imperialist. Kneeling before the minister are Uncle Sam and a Hawaiian woman. What is the main idea of this political cartoon?

President McKinley and the Senate pushed through the annexation of Hawaii despite opposition at home and in Hawaii.

The political cartoon above was published in December 1903. The hill in the background says "Bogota," the capital of Colombia. Eight years later, Theodore Roosevelt stated: "I took the Canal Zone and let Congress debate; and while the debate goes on, the Canal does also." To what event do the cartoon and President Roosevelt's statement refer?

Roosevelt's decision to help Panamian rebels against Colombia in exchange for the Canal Zone

Which best describes how American women reacted to American participation in World War I?

Some protested but most supported the war effort and many filled men's jobs

Which American city served as the main port of embarkation for the "Rough Riders" and other American forces sent to Cuba during the Spanish-American War?

Tampa, Florida

How did the Platt Amendment differ from the Teller Amendment?

The Platt Amendment preserved Cuban independence but claimed the right to intervene in Cuban affairs.

After observing how the European great powers had carved out "spheres of influence" in China, what action did U.S. Secretary of State Hays propose?

The United States and other foreign nations should enjoy equal trading rights in China.

The cartoon on the left was published on February 1, 1917. The letter from Germany to Uncle Sam reads: "Ruthless warfare at sea. Ships enter blockade zone at their risk. Pledges as to warnings cancelled." What was the effect of the message shown in this cartoon?

The United States declared war after Germany sank American ships in the blockaded zone.

The card above was used by a 33 year-old man to register with the Selective Service in 1917. Why did Congress feel this registration was necessary?

The United States needed to raise troops to fight overseas.

Which problem was demonstrated by events at Rosewood in 1923?

The continuing prevalence of racism in inland Southern towns

Multiple Choice | Item The excerpt below is from the Covenant of the League of Nations, a part of the Treaty of Versailles. ARTICLE 10 The Members of the League undertake to respect and preserve the territorial integrity and existing political independence of all Members of the League against external aggression. In case of any such aggression or threat of such aggression, the (Executive] Council shall advise on the means by which this obligation shall be fulfilled. Why did many U.S. Senators object to this article?

The feared Americans would be required to act against aggression in Europe.

Why was there racial unrest in Northern cities after World War I?

The migration of African Americans and returning African-American veteran had created greater competition for jobs and housing.

The excerpt below is from a speech by Senator Albert J. Beveridge to the U.S. Senate on January 9, 1900. "Mr. President, the times call for [honesty]. The Philippines are ours forever, 'territory belonging to the United States,' as the Constitution calls them. And just beyond the Philippines are China's [unlimited] markets. We will not repudiate our duty in the archipelago. We will not abandon our opportunity in the Orient." Based on this speech what conclusion can be made about the views of American imperialists in 1900?

They saw the Philippines as a useful base for increasing American trade with East Asia.

Geography of Panama -Tropical climate with prolonged rainy season -Coastal plains and rugged mountainous interior -Large interior lake elevated above sea level How did engineers overcome the obstacles that the geography of Panama posed to the building of the Panama Canal?

They sprayed insecticides to kill mosquitoes and built concrete locks to raise ships to a higher elevation.

What did the Washington Naval Conference, the Nine-Power Treaty, and the Kellogg-Briand Pact have in common?

They were attempts at promoting world peace without the League of Nations.

Which sentence describes the experiences of African-American soldiers during World War I?

They were segregated but many engaged in combat under French command.

The cartoon on the left was published on May 16, 1917 What was the purpose of the bonds being sold in the cartoon?

To help finance the American war effort

The diagram above provides details about United States involvement in the Philippines during the early 1900s. Which phrase completes the diagram?

U.S. forces fight a three-year war against Filipino rebels seeking independence

The excerpt below is from Alfred Thayer Mahan's The Influence of Sea Power upon History, published in 1890. "England's naval bases have been in all parts of the world and her fleets have at once protected them, kept open the communications between them, and relied upon them for shelter... Colonies attached to the mother-country afford, therefore, the surest means of supporting abroad the sea power of a country.... Britain's power was everywhere that her ships could reach." In this book, Mahan urged Americans to build a large navy and acquire colonies as Britain had. What other strategy did Mahan advocate for the United States to succeed as a naval power?

building a canal through Central America

What did the rejection of the League of Nations, the higher tariffs imposed by the Fordney-McCumber Act, and the Emergency Quota Act all point to during the early 1920s?

increasing isolationism

Which was NOT one of President Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points?

lenient treatment of the Central Powers

What caused African-American demographic patterns in the United States to shift during World War I?

more job opportunities in Northern cities

Which step was taken by Herbert Hoover as head of the U.S. Food Administration during World War I?

persuading Americans to eat less wheat and meat

Which best describes the activities of the Ku Klux Klan during the 1920s?

promoted anti-immigrant, anti-African-American, anti-Catholic, and anti-Jewish sentiments

What was the primary cause of the changes to the unemployment rate in the US in 1920 and 1921?

the effects of demobilization

Women had many new experiences as a result of World War I, including working at new jobs, wearing new fashions, and acting more independently. What other new change came to women just after World War I?

the right to vote

What did African-American writers, artists, and musicians hope to achieve during the Harlem Renaissance?

to demonstrate that African Americans could produce great works of literature and art

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