Unit 7-9 Test Study Guide Synonyms and Antonyms
What is a Antonym for Evict
admit, insert
What is a Synonym for Ordain
annoint, concencrate, enact, decree
What is a Synonym for Disputatious
argumentive, quarrelsome, contentious
What is a Synonym for Onslaught
assault, chrage, foray, onset
What is a Synonym for Vigilant
What is a Synonym for Legible
clear, indecipherable
What is a Synonym for Graphic
colorful, descriptive
What is a Antonym for Incentive
curb, check, restrain, hindrance
What is a Synonym for Swerve
disgress, sheer off
What is a Synonym for Parch
dry up, dehydrate
What is a Antonym for Wrath
favor, approval, pleasure, blessing
What is a Antonym for Prudent
foolish, unwise, rash
What is a Antonym for Proficient
incompetent, inept, unskilled, ignorant
What is a Synonym for Proficient
incompetent, inept, unskilled, ignorant
What is a Antonym for Decrease
increase, grow, develop, wax
What is a Synonym for Nub
kernel, nucleus, crux
What is a Synonym for Entice
lure, lead on
What is a Antonym for Melancholy
merry, happy, cheerful, joy, elation
What is a Antonym for Entice
nauseate, sicken, revolt, repel
What is a Antonym for Nurtue
neglect, ignore, discourage, hinder
What is a Antonym for Abnormal
normal, usual, regular, typical
What is a Antonym for Insubordinate
obedient, submissive, docile, tractable
What is a Synonym for Simultaneously
occuring at the same time, concurrent
What is a Synonym for Pervade
permeate, diffuse, imbue
What is a Antonym for Fledgling
pro, expert, veteran
What is a Synonym for Amiss
What is a Synonym for Wrath
rage, ire, choler, indignation
What is a Synonym for Nurture
raise, rear, foster
What is a Antonym for Detest
relish, love, admire, esteem
What is a Synonym for Paradox
riddles, enigma, anomaly, absurdity
What is a Antonym for Puny
robust, brawny, mammoth, gigantic
What is a Antonym for Vigilant
sleepy, inattentive, unobservant
What is a Antonym for Parch
soak, drench, saturate
What is a Synonym for Quibble
spilt hairs, cavil, squabble
What is a Synonym for Accelerate
step up, quicken, hasten
What is a Synonym for Presume
surmise, trespass, infringe
What is a Antonym for Catastrophe
triumph, victory, success
What is a Antonym for Notable
undistinguished, unremarkable, unknown
What is a Antonym for Downtrodden
uplifted, liberated
What is a Antonym for Flourish
wither, die, fade, shrivel up