unit three (world civ 2)

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Hitler implemented his planned "Endlösung" ("Final Solution") of European Jews beginning in January ________.


In 1920, the _________gave American women the right to vote.

19th amendment

According to China's "one-child" policy, what happens in the case of a third pregnancy if the couple has two children already?

a mandatory abortion is required

What was stagflation, in reference to the 1970s?

a mixture of an economic downturn and price inflation

The planned massacre of _______ was the one large-scale atrocity of World War I.


The United States military began to bomb North Vietnam in 1964 in retaliation for what alleged event?

attacks on U.S. ships in the gulf of tonkin

The German army in Poland had pioneered a new kind of warfare referred to as lightning war


When U.S. President John F. Kennedy said "Ich bin ein Berliner," he was protesting what Soviet action?

building of the berlin wall

The "Brown vs. the Board of Education" of Topeka, Kansas, decision by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1954 decided that what must happen to American schools?


What actions led Bishop Desmond Tutu to win the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984?

he called for public sanctions of south africa

As a result of the Versailles Peace Treaty which brought World War I to an end, a new supra-national _________was entrusted with the maintenance of peace.

league of nations

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed by the U.S. government under the leadership of

lyndon b. johnson

Ending in February 1943, the Battle of Stalingrad:

marked the turning point in the european war, with a soviet victory

After World War I, the most strategically important focus of British and French colonialism was _________.

middle east

Estimates of those slaughtered in the brutal "Rape of _______" of 1937-1938 range between 200,000 and 300,000 people


What did the Soviets and OPEC boycott shipments of in the mid-1970s?


The anti-Vietnam War movement in the U.S. began

on college campuses

In 1939, the German army pioneered a new kind of warfare, a "Blitzkrieg" or "lightning war", in _______.


Johnson's "Great Society" plan was aimed at ending what in the U.S.?

poverty and a lack of jobs

In March 1930, Mohandas Gandhi protested a British tax on Indian ______ by embarking on a famous 24-day march.


In his struggle for Indian independence, Mohandas Gandhi pursued a strategy of "satyagraha" or "________".

soul force

One of the most significant reasons for the continued stagnation of the British economy after World War I was:

that nearly half of its budget in the interwar period went to paying off debt from the war

Glasnost, or openness in the press and politics, began when the Soviet Union could not conceal what event from the world press?

the nuclear accident at chernobyl, in the ukraine

In 1959 China took control of what territory, which eventually led to border disputes with India?


Why did OPEC raise prices on oil exports to the United States from 1973 - 1981?

to protest american support of israel

From the very first, World War I was what is known as a _________, a conflict in which the belligerent parties engage in the complete mobilization of available resources in order to secure a military victory.

total war

Truman felt pressured to end segregation in the U.S. military in 1947 in part because the U.S. had objected to the Nazi policy of racial purity.


The League of Nations, created in the aftermath of the "Great War", included all of the following countries as member states except:

united states

Where is Camp David, the site of the 1979 Egyptian-Israeli peace talks, located?

united states

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