US History Chapter 11 Conspiracy and President Stories

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Reagan: Economic Recession and Recovery

1981-1982 Recession. Inflation slowed and consumer spending increased. The stock market grew. Federal deficit grew even as domestic spending decreased. National debt=$909 billion in 1980 -> $3.2 trillion in 1990. Bill Clinton balanced it. George W. Bush destroyed it. The rich become even more richer.

Charlie Miles Manson

"No name Maddox" was born a bastard child to his 16 year old mother in Cincinnati, Ohio. His mother was an alcoholic, and once sold him for a pitcher of beer to a childless waitress. When he was fourteen a court placed him in the Gibault School for Boys. He ran away to his mother, but his mother rejected him. From the time he was fourteen, he had been in and out of prison for multiple theft charges. He was illiterate until the age of sixteen, when he learned to read in a maximum security institution. In 1969, there's a Woodstock Concert which ended the Peace and Love Movement. He is a maniacal person. His upbringing was certainly not good. He had 12 years of no jail time and no school.

Three-Mile Island (March 28, 1979) The Accident

"The accident at the Three Mile Island Unit 2 (TMI-2) nuclear power plant near Middletown, Pennsylvania, on March 28, 1979, was the most serious in U.S. commercial nuclear power plant operating history (1), even though it led to no deaths or injuries to plant workers or members of the nearby community. But it brought about sweeping changes involving emergency response planning, reactor operator training, human factors engineering, radiation protection, and many other areas of nuclear power plant operations. It also caused the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission to tighten and heighten its regulatory oversight. Resultant changes in the nuclear power industry and at the NRC had the effect of enhancing safety."

Jimmy Earl Carter (D)

(1977-1981), Created the Department of Energy and the Department of Education. He was criticized for his return of the Panama Canal Zone, and because of the Soviet war in Afghanistan, he enacted an embargo on grain shipments to USSR and boycotted the 1980 Olympics in Moscow and his last year in office was marked by the takeover of the American embassy in Iran, fuel shortages, and the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan, which caused him to lose to Ronald Reagan in the next election. He wins the Nobel Prize after leaving office. People forget about him because a lot of things go poorly leading to having only one term as president. He was from being loved to being famous. It's bad. He was a Georgia governor (from Plains, GA). He was a Washington "Outsider". He was honest, hardworking, and intelligent. He was born-again Christian (Southern Baptist). He was a moderate Southerner regarding social issues especially race. He appealed to small town America. He was also kind and good. In 2002, he won the Nobel Peace Prize.

The Effects of Reaganomics

1981 and 1982=Nation suffered the worst recession since the Great Depression. Unemployment rose and government revenues fell. Federal spending soared and the federal deficit skyrocketed. 1983=Economic upturn sends consumers on spending spree. The Stock Market surged and GDP went up 10%.

Jimmy Carter: Foreign Policy

1977-The Panama Canal Treaty. 1978-Camp David accords. 1979-Iranian Hostage Crisis. 1980-The hostage crisis continues and the boycott of Moscow Summer Olympics. He went from Time's man of the year to removal of office in 3 years.

George H.W. Bush

41st PRESIDENT: 1989 to 1993 (Republican) He had been a congressman, an ambassador, and Director of the (former head) CIA. In the wake of a weak recovery from an economic recession, he lost his bid for a second term to Bill Clinton. Vice President under Ronald Reagan, this president's son would also become president. He was more capable than his son. Wealthy, World War II pilot, congressman from Texas, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, head of the C.I.A., and vice president. Republican nomination for president in 1988.

George McGovern

A Senator from South Dakota who ran for President in 1972 on the Democrat ticket. His promise was to pull the remaining American troops out of Vietnam in ninety days which earned him the support of the Anti-war party, and the working-class supported him, also. He lost however to Nixon.

James McCord

A former CIA agent who had taken part in the Watergate break-in. He isn't really concerned.


A new religion (religion system) founded by L. Ron Hubbard in 1955 and characterized by a belief in the power of a person's spirit to clear itself of past painful experiences through self-knowledge and spiritual fulfillment.


A political scandal involving abuse of power and bribery and obstruction of justice.


A spiritual teacher or leader.

Jay Sebring

Abigail is big money dating whom?

The Watergate Break-in

After researching Nixon's initial polling in the Election of 1972, the Plumbers turned their activities to political espionage. On June 17, 1972, 5 men were arrested while attempting to bug the headquarters of the Democratic Party inside the Watergate building in Washington D.C. One of the men arrested, James McCord, was the head of security for the Republican Party. They're gonna bomb the democratic party's headquarters. Shut up, don't say anything, don't do anything, and we're gonna get out of this. The perpetrators try to protect president Nixon.

The White House Plumbers

After the release of the Pentagon Papers, the White House created a unit to ensure internal security. This unit was called the Plumbers because they stopped leaks. In 1971 they burglarized the office of Daniel Ellsberg's psychiatrist, seeking material to discredit him. It was later revealed that Nixon domestic advisor John Ehrlichman knew of and approved the plan. These four dudes are gonna be responsible for keeping information from getting lost.

Gas Guzzling "Muscle" Cars

American Muscle ruled the road in the late 1960's and early 1970's. They cruise on Friday's and Saturday's.

444 Days

American public became increasingly impatient for the hostages' release. Nightly news updates and broadcasts. Carter tried: broke diplomatic relations with Iran. Froze Iranian assets in the US 1980 Commando Mission to rescue hostages (disastrous crash in Iranian desert). (8 US soldiers died and the US was internationally humiliated. The American people blame Carter. These hostages have been held for a year. Ronald Reagan opposes Jimmy Carter.


American soil.

Howard Hunt

An American author and spy. He worked for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and later the White House under President Richard Nixon. Himself, with G. Gordon Liddy and others, was one of the White House's "plumbers" — a secret team of operatives charged with fixing "leaks." Information disclosures had proved an embarrassment to the Nixon administration when defense analyst Daniel Ellsberg sent a series of documents, which came to be known as the Pentagon Papers, to The New York Times.

Tom Snyder

An American television personality, news anchor, and radio personality best known for his late night talk shows Tomorrow and The Late Late Show.

Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers

An employee of the Defense Department who leaked a classified assessment of the Vietnam War in 1971. They cast doubt on the justification for entry into the war and revealed that senior government officials had serious misgivings about the war. When the New York Times and Washington Post began to publish Pentagon Papers, the Nixon Administration sued them. The Supreme Court ruled that the papers could continue to publish the documents. The United States lied about Vietnam from the jump. The Nixon Administration sues Ellsberg. It was Johnson's fault.

OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)

An organization of countries formed in 1961 to agree on a common policy for the production and sale of petroleum. It's located in the Middle East. As supplies go down and demand goes up, the price goes up.

Challenges Facing the Nation

As for the economy and energy, inflation and unemployment were high. Carter made the development of a national energy policy a priority. He wanted to ease dependence on foreign oil through energy conservation, developing new energy supplies, and loosening government regulation of the American oil industry. He asked Americans to conserve energy. He promoted the development of alternative energy sources. The impact it had was that the economy added many new jobs to help battle unemployment. Carter was unable to bring down inflation, in fact, it got worse. Carter's energy policies were successful at helping reduce American dependence on foreign oil. American production of energy increased under Carter. 1976 is gonna be a turning point. The 1980's is gonna be crazy. Right now, we have a gas shortage.

John Hickley Jr.

Attempted to assassinate Reagan in order to impress Jodie Foster.

Al Jardine

Brian's friend from the neighborhood. Started in BB on guitar, soon left in 1962 to attend school Rejoins band May 1963.

A Thaw in the Cold War

By the late 1970's the Soviet economy was shrinking. Industrial and farm production, population growth, education, and medical care all fell. The Soviet Union started importing food. The communist Satellite Nations of the Soviet Union begin to demand political and economic reforms. Economic (perestroika), Social (glasnost), Military (diplomacy), and Political (democratization). Reagan and Gorbachev sign Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty in 1987. The fall of the Berlin Wall happened on November 1989. They lost control of the countries they control.

1976 Election

Candidates: Republican FORD, Democratic CARTER. Carter won a close race. Ford pardons Nixon.

Iran Hostage Crisis

Carter refused the exchange and the crisis continued. Five months later, Carter authorized a rescue attempt that failed when a military helicopter crashed into a transport plane, killing several US soldiers. Americans were angry and blamed President Carter for not taking better control of the event. When Carter lost the 1980 election, the Iranians agreed to let the hostages go.


Carter's administration gradually lost the confidence of the American public. (A Crisis of Confidence). Continued rising inflation rates. Approval rating of 21%. Unemployment nationally -7% +. Election year: Carter lost to Republican Ronald Reagan in November of 1980 by a wide margin. According to the map, Carter is in blue. It was a landslide.

G. Gordon Liddy

Chief operative for the White House Plumbers unit that existed during several years of Nixon's Presidency. Masterminded the first break-in of the Democratic National Committee headquarters in the Watergate building in 1972. Served 4.5 years in prison.

Brian WIlson

Creative genius of The Beach Boys.

Supply-Side Economics a.k.a "Reaganomics"

Cut taxes to put more money into the hands of businesses. Cut taxes on the wealthiest Americans. Lower taxes=more investment in the "supply side" of the economy. Reagan would promote and create new jobs, encourage capital investment, and lead to stimulate industrial growth.

The Beach Boys

Dennis Wilson of these group of boys became part of the family when he picked up two hitch hiking girls who were part of the family. The next day Manson and his family moved in with Wilson. Over the next few months Wilson paid for Manson to record in studios, and introduced him to several musicians and producers. Wilson also paid $100,000 for food, cars, and medical treatment the family needed. Brian Wilson, Mike Love, and Al Jardine are still alive.

The Election of 1972

Despite the growing stain of Watergate, which had not yet reached the President, Nixon won by the largest margin in history to that point. These numbers are stupid. McGovern won only Massachusetts and Washington D.C.

Roman Polanski

Director of Chinatown.

Environmental Concerns

Environmental wins because they believed that conserving fuel was a key way to avoid plundering the environment. He passed the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act. The act protected more than 100 million acres of land and doubled the size of the nation's park and wildlife refuge system. Environmental losses because in 1979, a mishap at a nuclear power plant on Three Mile Island terrified the nation. Although little radiation was released, public concern about the safety of nuclear power grew.

Nancy Reagan

First Lady that headed the "Just Say No" anti-drug campaign. Reagan's wife was one of his greatest allies. She was a respected lady and actress.

Chuck Colson

Graduated high school in 1949, interned for gov of mass, graduated brown in 53, captain in marine corps, elected to key issues committee, Nikons hatchet man, Watergate.


Having a bad reputation. In other words, being famous for the wrong reasons.

John Dean

He testified against Nixon as well as other cabinet members in the Watergate hearings. His testimony helped led to the removal of several White House officials and the resignation of Nixon. Before his testimony he had been a White House lawyer. A lawyer who works for the president. He records every single conversation.

Daniel Ellsberg

He was a former employee of the Defense Department and gave the New York Times the "Pentagon Paper" which was information on how the US government got involved in Vietnam. Very embarrassing to the government.

The National Energy Act of 1978

Highest tax on inefficient cars (gas-guzzlers). New utilities to use other non-petroleum fuel sources. Deregulate oil prices. Provide tax credits for homeowners seeking to make their homes more energy efficient. Funding for alternative fuels research. Focus on nuclear energy. We'll use nuclear energy. Nuclear energy isn't completely safe.

Reagan's First Term

His slogan was "Make America great again!" American a nation ready got change in 1980. The 1970's was horrible. People wanted change. In 1980 Americans voted for a new approach to governing by electing Ronald Reagan, who powerfully promoted a conservative agenda.

The Reagan Background

Hollywood Actor in 1937; made 53 films. Although Reagan began his political life as a Democrat, by 1962 he found his home in the Republican Party. In 1966, he became the governor of California. Had trouble meeting his goals for cutting the size of government. After two terms as governor, he wanted to run for the presidency. Reagan was the hero of a growing movement called the New Right. His powerful personality, optimism, and acting skills drew many Americans-even Democrats-to his side.

Hostages released...

Hostages released and sent home from January 20-21, 1981. Inauguration of Ronald Reagan-same day. Reagan sent Carter (as a private citizen) the day of the inauguration to greet the freed hostages. Jimmy Carter won the Nobel Prize for humanity.

The Iranian Revolution

In January, 1979, they were backed by Muslim Fundamentalists and liberal critics of the Shah. The Shah fled Iran which was replaced by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini-who had been exiled. Extremely anti-Western. In October, 1979, President Carter allowed Shah into the US for cancer treatment. Carter's niceness leads him to not be capable as president which could lead to World War II in the region.

The Hinman Murder

In June of 1969 Manson told a male family member that Helter Skelter was ready to happen. During a discussion between Manson and family member Bobby Beausoleil, Manson told Bobby "Blackie never did anything without whitey showin' him how," he said, "It looks like we're gonna have to show blackie how to do it." Manson was telling Beausoleil that in order for the blacks to revolt, to cause Helter Skelter, The Family was going to have to show them how. One month later, on July 27, Manson ordered Beausoleil to murder their former friend, Gary Hinman. Before leaving Hinman's residence, Beausoleil wrote "Political Piggy" in Hinman's blood on the wall of his house. Beausolei was arrested nine days later, caught in Hinman's stolen car. The murder weapon was in the trunk. We need to start killing white people and black people will join in.

Three-Mile Island

In Spring 1979, in this island in Middletown Pennsylvania. A partial meltdown at nuclear power station. Media attention and public backlash to accident led to Nuclear Protests all over the world. 0 people die. This island terrifies Americans. This town would be uninhabitable. The nuclear plant is still there.

Camp David Peace Accords

It was a 7 day war. Israel to withdraw from Sinai Peninsula (occupied since 6-day war in 1967). Egypt-1st Arab country to recognize the existence of the nation of Israel. They sign the peace agreement in September 18, 1978. Iran is a religious theocracy. Iran's government is controlled by a religious leader. The king is called the Shaw. The United States gives cancer treatment. The revolution gets worse.

Carter Faces Domestic Challenges

Jimmy Carter came across as an honest man of deep religious faith who promised not to lie to the American people. Carter immediately tried to help the nation heal some of the wounds of the past. He issued a pardon to thousands of Vietnam War draft dodgers. Carter tackled problems in the economy and with energy. Finally, Carter tried to deal with environmental issues.

Assassination Attempt

John Hickley Jr. was the assassin. He wanted to win Jodie Foster's heart. Three people shot, including Reagan. Just 69 days into first presidency. Reagan recovered to shot in lung. James Brady Press Secretary suffered a head shot and was disabled. Reagan survived. He shot the president to impress the actress. From 1992-2002, you couldn't buy an assassin weapon.

Carl Bernstein

Journalist for the Washington Post that helped uncover the Watergate scandal with Bob Woodward earning the Post the Pulitzer Prize for public service, wrote All the Presidents Men.

John Sirca

Judge under Watergate scandal.

Hurbert Humphrey

LBJ's Vice President who ran against McCarthy in the Democratic Presidential race.

America a nation ready for change in 1980.

Low spirits are when people lack confidence in government. The turbulent 1960's, Watergate, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the Iranian hostage crisis, and long gasoline lines put Americans in an uneasy mood. Critics said Carter blamed Americans for the crisis in confidence instead of fixing the problems. A conservative movement that opposed liberal social and racial policies was growing. The 1980 election was when Reagan promised to return the country to a simpler time of low taxes, smaller government, a strong military, and conservative moral values. Focused on "family, work, neighborhood, peace, and freedom." Reagan asked if people were better off than they were four years ago. Reagan and his running mate, George H.W. Bush won in a landslide; Republicans also gained control of the Senate.

His Release

Manson had been in institutions for more than half of his life, and right before his release from prison in 1967, he requested that he be permitted to stay. Tom Snyder: Lets go back to 1967, the time you were winding up serving a term of a number of years, ten years, and written accounts indicate that you told the authorities, "Don't let me out, I can't cope with the outside world". Do you have a recollection of that? And do you-- Manson: You're making a desperate plea out of something, man. There's no desperate plea out of it. I said I can't handle the maniacs outside, let me back in. Snyder: I didn't use the word desperate: that's your word, Charles. Manson: Yeah, well, your inflection and your voice tones were, uh, implications there.

The Rising of the Family

Manson moved to San Francisco in 1967. He established himself as a guru, and preached about Scientology. Young females were attracted to his charisma, and started following him. The use of LSD, a hallucinogenic drug, helped Manson hook, control, and manipulate his followers.

Helter Skelter

Manson was convinced shear calamity was on its way. He believed that the tension between whites and blacks was growing, and that the blacks would rise in rebellion against the whites. He convinced his followers, "The Family", that they needed to be together to survive during the chaos. Manson believed "The Beatles" had also predicted the racist turmoil, and wrote the White Album filled with subliminal messages, made solely for the Family. Manson is thought to have believed that "The Beatles" were angels sent from God to tell him to take control of the "race-war". They are gonna start this race war by murder.

Dennis Wilson

Middle Wilson son of Murry and Audree Drummer of BB Only actual surfer of the group.


More than 30 government officials went to prison for their rule in Watergate. Richard Nixon was not one of them. In September 1974, President General Ford gave Nixon a full pardon. Woodward and Berristein won the Pulitzer Prize. They collaborated on 2 books, "All the President's Men and The Final Days." In 1976, "All the President's Man" was adapted into an Oscar winning film. The identity of Deep Throat was kept secret until W. Mark felt unmasked himself in 2005. Jerald Ford literally hosts a blanket party for Nixon for his criminal deeds. Nixon got caught.

Rules of the Family

No one in the family was allowed to see doctors in beginning. Women in the family were required to have children. For a baby's delivery, the mother would be held in the air by the family, Manson would "catch" the baby, and cut the umbilical cord with a guitar string. Manson would beat members if they looked as if they were "thinking". All members were required to take LSD, smoke marijuana, and participate in any activity Manson told them to. This included Manson, the men, the women, and all of the children. The majority of the children were born while their mothers were taking LSD. I maintain control by making fear.

Mike Love

Oldest and most disenting member of the Beach Boys. Wrote "Kokomo" and it was the biggest song of the Beach Boys career EVER. Hated the Pet Sounds album and the constant change in direction Brian Wilson brought to the group. He said to Brian "who's going to listen to this stuff?" In 1968 he wasn't part of the song "Friends" because he was into meditation and traveled to India with the Beatles. He had licensed the name The Beach Boys for touring (until 2011).

The Tate Murders

On August 8th, 1969, Manson told the Family that the time for Helter Skelter had finally arrived. Manson directed Tex Watson to take Family members Susan Atkins, Linda Kasabian, and Patricia Krenwinkel to "that house where Melcher used to live" and totally destroy everyone in it, as gruesome as you can." He told the girls to do as Tex would instruct them. Kasabain is left in the car to stay watch, while the others go in.

Nixon Resigns

On July 27, 1974, the House Judiciary Committee approved Articles of Impeachment against Nixon. The House was to vote on the matter soon. Nixon conceded that impeachment in the House was likely, but he believed that the Senate vote to remove him would fail. On August 5, 1974, when the "smoking gun tape" became public, a delegation from the Republic National Committee told Nixon that he would not survive the vote in the Senate. On August 9, 1974, Richard Nixon became the first American president to resign. Nixon chooses to dip out. Nixon may be in prison. Jerald Ford becomes president.

Seizing the US Embassy in Tehran

On November 4, 1979, followers of Khomeini seized the US Embassy. 52 American hostages taken. Hostages terrorized and threatened. US Iranian students storm the Embassy. They want the Shaw. They want to execute him.

The Growth

The Family lived at 636 Cole Street, in San Francisco during the summer of 1967. In November, Manson and nine of his followers painted a bus, took out the seats, and went on a drug riddled ride up and down the west coast of America. They picked up more and more followers along the way. They literally drop everything and jump on.

A Crisis of Confidence

The Iranian Hostage situation dragged on throughout the presidential election year of 1980. The situation in Iran also drove up gasoline prices so that prices of goods in the United States went up and inflation soared. Many voters held Carter responsible for the problems and the downcast mood of the country.

The Panama Canal Treaty

The Panama Canal zone was ran by the United States since 1914. Treaty would return control of Canal Zone to Panama. "On September 7, 1977, President Jimmy Carter signed the Panama Canal Treaty and Neutrality Treaty promising to give control of the canal to the Panamanians by the year 2000." Divisive and controversial. Warships are gonna cross. The leader of Egypt and Israel come to the United States to write a peace treaty.

Senate Investigation and the Oval Office Tapes

The Senate began hearings into Watergate in May 1973. The hearings were televised in their entirety. They focused on when the President knew of the break-in. In June 1973, former White House legal counsel John Dean delivered devastating testimony that implicated Nixon from the earliest days of Watergate. The Administration was eager to discredit Dean and his testimony so it began to release factual challenges to his account. When former White House aide Alexander Butterfield was asked about the source of the White House information, he revealed the existence of an automatic taping system that Nixon had secretly installed in the Oval Office. These tapes would become the focus of the investigation.

The Election of 1968

Richard Nixon only narrowly won the 1968 election, but the combined total of popular votes for Nixon and Wallace indicated a shift to the right in American politics. The 1960's began as an era of optimism and possibility and ended in disunity and distrust. The Vietnam war and a series of assassinations and crises destroyed public trust in government and produced a backlash against liberal movements and the Democratic party. Dixon's opponents were Hubert Humphrey and Wallace. The real reason Humphrey loses is because of Wallace. Nixon campaigned as a champion of the "silent majority", the hard-working Americans who paid taxes, did not demonstrate, and desired a restoration of "law and order." He vowed to restore respect for the rule of law, reconstitute the stature of America, dispose of ineffectual social programs, and provide strong leadership to end the turmoil.

Jerald Ford

Pardoned Nixon.


People out of college in their late twenties/early thirties become stupid rich.

Reagan's Foreign Policy

President Reagan took a hard line against communism around the world.

James Brady

President Reagan's press secretary who had been severely injured by a gunshot during the assassination attempt on the former president.

George Wallace

Racist gov. of Alabama in 1962 ("segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever"); runs for pres. In 1968 on American Independent Party ticket of racism and law and order, loses to Nixon; runs in 1972 but gets shot.

Panama Canal

Ship canal cut across the isthmus of Panama by United States, it opened in 1915. This canal is in South America. It is important because it connects the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. This canal was completed in 1914.

John Hospers

Supported Universal Ethical Egoism.

Nuclear Protests following TMI

TMI led to anti-nuclear protests and demonstrations. Safety of nuclear energy questioned.

The Saturday Night Massacre

The Administration reached an agreement with the Senate Watergate Committee that its Chairman would be allowed to listen to tapes and provide a transcript to the Committee and to Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox. The deal broke down when Cox refused to accept the transcripts in place of the tapes. Since the Special Prosecutor is an employee of the Justice Department, Nixon ordered Attorney General Elliot Richardson to fire Cox. It is super shady. Nixon tries to fire Cox, but he doesn't want to. When Richardson refused, he was fired. Nixon then ordered Solicitor General Robert Bork (who was later nominated for the Supreme Court by Reagan) to fire Cox and he complied. The Washington Post reported on this Massacre. Everybody knows immediately what's going down.

Reagan and Military Buildup

The Berlin Wall came down in 1989. The Soviet Union collapsed in 1991. Reagan rejected policies of containment, wanted to destroy communism. Worsened relations with Soviets. Critics called president reckless. Sharp increase in military spending=buildup. New weapons and technology. Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)=better known as Star Wars.

Watergate Enters the Campaign

The break-in was eventually tied to the Nixon reelection campaign through a $25,000 check from a Republican donor that was laundered through a Mexican bank and deposited in the account of Watergate burglar Bernard Barker. Later it was discovered that Former Attorney General John Mitchell, head of Nixon's "Committee to Re-Elect the President", (CREEP) controlled a secret fund for political espionage. Mitchell would later go to prison for his role in the scandal. John Mitchell was sending out money to the republic to spy on the American Party.

Inauguration Day

The day a new president and vice president are sworn into office (January 20).

The Energy Crises of the 1970's

The events of this energy crisis included the OPEC Oil Embargo of 1974, gas shortages, gas-price inflation, 1977-Carter proposes comprehensive National Energy Policy, and 1977-Department of Energy-Cabinet position added to Executive Branch. The effects included seeking of alternative fuel sources, more fuel-efficient autos, recession, and more domestic petroleum exploration and production. You were only allowed to get a certain amount of gas. Today, some people put gas in plastic bags.

The LaBianca Murders

The following night Manson and six Family members drove to the Los Feliz section of Los Angeles. They broke into the home of Leno LaBianca, a supermarket executive. They proceeded to stab LiBianca and his wife, Rosemary. Leno LaBianca was stabbed by Watson with a bayonet over a dozen times. Manson wanted all of the members to participate, so everyone had a chance to stab Rosemary. Kasabian knocks on the wrong door on purpose to protect herself from death. The family steals cars and tears them apart.

Ronald Regan

The president of the US at the end of the cold war who encouraged Americans to mistrust communists. He was a great president. However, he made some mistakes. He is an intelligent diplomat. He was an actor.

Fairbanks Ranch

The ranch where the Beach Boys performed. It was closed in the 1960's.


The trial began on June 15, 1970. The prosecutions main witness was Kasabian, who, along with Manson, Atkins, and Krenwinkel, had been charged with seven counts of murder and one of conspiracy. However, since she (Kasabian) did not participate in the murders, she was granted immunity in order to testify. On January 25, 1971, guilty verdicts were returned against the defendants on all counts. They were all sentenced to the death penalty, but since California abolished the death penalty, their sentences were reduced to life in prison. He severely affected these women involved. He escapes and heads back to Texas. He gets arrested. It takes 2 1/2 hours to convict him. The death penalty was abolished in California. They all receive the death penalty. Charles Manson becomes infamous and insane.

The Manson Family

There is said to have many more members, but the main killers and accomplice are Patricia Krenwinkel, Susan Atkins, Bobby Beausoleil, Mary Brunner, Lynette Fromme, Linda Kasabian, Paul Watkins, Charles Watson, and Leslie Van Houston.

Reagan's Presidential Agenda

This agenda was to reduce the federal bureaucracy, deregulate certain industries, cut taxes, increase the defense budget, takes a hard line with the Soviets, and appoint conservative judges.

US Iranian Relations

US supported Shah (King) of Iran. The Shah had modernized Iran. Supplier of oil and pro-Western leadership in the region. US overlooked repression and corruption of his administration.

Walter Mondale (MN)

VP Candidate.

Richard Nixon

Vice President under Eisenhower and 37th President of the United States. He barely wins his first term in 1968. He ends the Vietnam War. He was trying to make America great again. He was known for the War on Drugs.

Bob Woodword

Washington Post reporter who wrote, "All the President's Men". In this book, he described the events of the scandal.

The Watergate Investigations: Judge John Sirica

Watergate came to be investigated by a Special Prosecutor, a Senate committee, and by the judge in the original break-in case. Judge Sirica refused to believe that the burglars had acted alone. In March 1973, defendant James W. McCord sent a letter to Sirica confirming that it was a conspiracy. Sirica's investigation transformed Watergate from the story of a "third-rate burglary" to a scandal reaching the highest points in government. James McCord Jr. is gonna change. He tells the truth to protect himself. Now, it's gonna get ugly.

Woodward, Bernstein and the Washington Post

Watergate came to public attention largely through the work of Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein investigative reporters from the Washington Post. Despite enormous political pressure, Post editor Ben Bradlee, publisher Katharine Graham, Woodward, and Bernstein, aided by a secret source nicknamed "Deepthroat" kept the story in the public consciousness until Nixon's resignation. The informant is gonna stay a secret for 40 years.

The Smoking Gun Tapes

When the Supreme Court forced Nixon to surrender the tapes. Nixon was implicated from the earliest days of the cover-up: authorizing the payment of hush money and attempting to use the CIA to interfere with the FBI investigation. One tape has an 18 1/2 minute gap. Nixon's secretary Rosemary Woods demonstrated how she could have inadvertently erased the tape, but no one bought it. "The smoking gun tapes," were released in August 1974, just after the House Judiciary Committee approved Articles of Impeachment against Nixon. Nixon knew about the break-in and cover-up. They are voting to remove Nixon from office.

Wojciech Frykowski, Sharon Tate, Steven Parent, Jay Sebring, and Abigail Folger

Who were the 10050 Cielo Drive Victims?

Charles "Tex" Watson, Patricia Krenwinkel, Susan Atkins, and Linda Kasabian

Who were the Tate Murders?

Bernard Barker, Virgilio Gonzalez, Eugenio Martinez, and James McCord Jr.

Who were the perpetrators?

Jimmy Carter beats Jerald Ford in 1976. In 1980, Ronald Reagan takes over for 8 years. In 1988, George Bush takes over for 4 years. In 1992, Bill Clinton takes over for 8 years. In 2000, George W. Bush takes over for 8 years. In 2008, Barack Obama takes over for 8 years. In 2016, Trump takes over for 4 years. In 2020, Biden takes over right now.

Who were the presidents after this event?

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