User Stories

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Component Story

A user story that is inherently large and cannot easily be disaggregated into a set of constituent stories is called Component Story #User Stories

3 Cs of User Stories

CARD: Story description enough to identify the requirement and to remind of what the story is about. CONVERSATION: Conversation about the story carried out between the Development team and the customer/product owner. Exchange of thoughts, opinions, and feelings. CONFIRMATION: Tests that document the details of the story and is used to establish that the story is done #User Stories

Extreme Characters

EXTREME CHARACTER helps us in visualizing a user who is not at all a normal user. It will help the team identify stories that we would be likely to miss otherwise. Extreme characters may lead to new stories, but may not be necessary to include in the product #User Stories

High-fidelity Prototypes

High-fidelity prototypes are detailed, interactive and reusable means of simulation. #User Stories #Product Backlog

Low-fidelity Prototyping

Low-fidelity prototyping is a fast, cheap, easily iterated, collaborative way to test various concepts & approaches. A wireframe is a "low fidelity" prototype. This non-graphical artifact shows the skeleton of a screen, representing its structure and basic layout. The purpose is to help clarify what "done" looks like and validate the teams approach before they commit to it. #User Stories #Product Backlog

User Persona

Persona is a user archetype, made from the data of a real group of people that helps guide decisions about product features, navigation, interactions, and visual design. It is a fictitious person that is the prototypical instance of a particular user role. #User Stories

User Roles

The purpose of identifying USER ROLES is to make sure that we think really hard about the users that we absolutely, positively must satisfy with the new system. #User Stories

Attributes of Good User Stories

What are the six attributes focuses on creating good user stories? INDEPENDENT from other stories, NEGOTIABLE details must be negotiated, VALUABLE to the customer, ESTIMATABLE by the developer, SMALL in implementation effort, TESTABLE to allow confirmation #User Stories


Wireframes help in creating a quick mock-up of the product. Low fidelity prototyping is a tool used to create mock-up that is quickly and incomplete, but has characteristics of the target product. It's simple and requires minimal efforts to quickly produce the prototype and test concepts. #User Stories #Product Backlog

User Story Format

User stories are often written in the following format: As a ROLE, I want FUNCTIONALITY, so that BUSINESS VALUE/BENEFIT

Agile Modeling

Agile Modeling is a collection of best practices, values, principles for modeling software that can be applied on a software development project in an effective and light-weight manner. #User Stories

Acceptance Criteria

An Acceptance Criteria is the external quality characteristics specified by the product owner from a business or stakeholder perspective. It is define desired behavior and are used to determine whether a product backlog item has been successfully developed. It is also called exit criteria that a component or a system must satisfy in order to be accepted by the user. #User Stories #Product Backlog

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