USH 50's Test

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In the 1952 presidential campaign, Richard Nixon's Checkers speech: a. Reflected the growing importance of board games in American life b. Reflect the growing importance of television in American life c. Reflected the growing importance of pets in American life d. Was not well received , and the republicans lost the election e. Declared that any Soviet attack would be countered by a nuclear attack


The United States entered the Korean War: a. Against the wishes of President Truman b. Without a declaration of war by congress c. Without sanction by the United Nations d. Because of its interest in the oil deposits off the southern tip of the Korean peninsula


Who did Whittaker Chambers accuse of being a Soviet spy during a HUAC hearing? a. Julius Rosenberg b. Richard Nixon c. Alger Hiss d. David Greenglass e. Robert Oppenheimer


The baby boom: a. Peaked in 1957 b. Was a large part of a 30-percent growth in American population between 1945 and 1960 c. Paralleled a similar boom in consumer demand d. Is correctly represented by all the above statements


What set a precedent for American assistance to anticommunist regimes throughout the world. No matter how undemocratic? a. The Marshall Plan b. The Eisenhower plan c. The Atlantic Center d. the Truman Doctrine e. NSC-68


Joseph McCarthy: a. Accused George C. Marshall of disloyalty b. Was Truman's vice-president c. Pronounced Richard Nixon's charges of communism in the state department "a fraud and a hoax" d. Was the first director of the Atomic Energy Commission


Julius and Ethel Rosenberg: a. Were convicted of perjury in a case involving purported espionage activities b. Accused Whittaker Chambers of passing secret documents to Soviet agents c. Were executed for supposedly giving Russians the secret to the atomic bomb d. Sued Richard M. Nixon for slander


The "Iron Curtain" a. separated the free West from the communist East. b. Divided East and West Germany c. Separated the US from the Soviet Union d. Separated Japan from the rest of Asia e. Divided North and South Korea


The United States experienced a shock in 1949 when Communists took over: a. China b. Korea c. Taiwan d. Vietnam


Along with a home and a TV, what became part of the "standard consumer package" of the 1950s? a. And education b. A record player c. A car d. A credit card e. A computer


Among the factors that cushioned the economic impact of demobilization after World War II were all the following except: a. Unemployment pay and other Social Security benefits b. The "GI Bill of Rights" c. Reductions in business investments d. The pent-up demand for consumer goods


In the "China tangle," Chiang Kai-shek fought against: a. The Chinese nationalists b. The Kuomintang c. Mao Tse-Tung d. Ho Chi Minh


State Department official George Kennan: a. Predicted that the wartime alliance between the United States and the Soviets would continue b. Said the United States should abandon Europe and focus on the defense of the Western Hemisphere c. Said the United States should contain Soviet expansionist tendencies d. Urged the use of military force to liberate Eastern Europe


The Marshall Plan of economic aid: a. Was "to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures" b. Set up the Committee of National Liberation c. Was "directed not against country or doctrine, but against hunger, poverty, desperation, and chaos" d. Prevented a Soviet takeover of Czechoslovakia


In his first application of the Truman Doctrine, Congress approved economic aid to: a. Czechoslovakia b. Turkey and Yugoslavia c. Albania d. Greece and Turkey


The Korean War: a. Was a decisive victory for the US b. Was a decisive victory for the North Koreans c. Demonstrated the strength of the United Nations d. ended in a stalemate. e. Highlighted the limited nature of Cold war


The Marshall Plan moved the nations of western Europe: a. Further apart b. To talk with one voice c. Closer to Communism d. Closer together


William Levitt is best associated with: a. The atomic bomb b. The suburban revolution c. Civil rights d. Pop culture


All of the following were original NATO members except: a. Japan b. Canada c. The United States d. Britain


During the Eisenhower administration, U.S.-Soviet relations: a. Were made worse with the introduction of the policy of massive retaliation b. Improved somewhat after the end of the Korean war and the death of Stalin c. Stayed about the same as those experienced during the Truman years d. Worsened considerably after the death of Stalin e. Improved immensely after the end of the Korean War


Elvis Presley's recordings: a. Were never very commercially successful b. Blended a variety of musical styles c. Applied equally to all ages and generations d. Are correctly represented by all of the above


The person usually credited with formulating the doctrine of containment was a. James F. Byrnes b. Harry Hopkins c. George F. Kennan d. George C. Marshall


All of the following are enactments of the policy of containment EXCEPT: a. The Truman Doctrine b. The Marshall Plan c. The Berlin Airlift d. the Korean War e. The Warsaw Pact


All the following were Beats except: a. Gregory Corso b. Allen Ginsberg c. Jack Kerouac d. George Meany


The McCarran Internal Security Act: a. Removed immigration quotas based on nationality b. Made immigration law much more flexible c. recognized the need for political asylum d. barred "totalitarians" from entering the United States. e. Barred Mexican immigration


According to the policy of containment, as laid out by George Kennan, the: a. Soviets could have a free hand in international affairs b. United States should invade the Soviet Union c. United States was committed to preventing the spreading of communism d. United States was committed to preventing the spread of democracy e. United States accepted the right of communism to exist anywhere


All the following factors promoted the growth of suburbs except: a. Low-cost government loans b. Expanded road and highway construction c. Forbidding residential segregation by races d. Increased automobile production


The war in Korea: a. Began in 1946, when Mao Tse-Tung's forces refused to leave South Korea b. Was responsible for almost a million American casualties c. Began in 1950, when North Korean forces invaded South Korea d. Lasted just 8 months


The youthful rebels known as the Beats: a. Formed their own political party b. Numbered about 1 million c. Favored road trips, Buddhism, and jazz d. Preferred country living to urban


Which of the following was NOT a major stimulant to the post-1945 economy? a. Military spending b. The virtual American monopoly over international trade c. The movement of women into the workforce d. The unleashing of pent-up consumer demand


Alan Freed: a. Hosted a syndicated religious TV show, "Life Is Worth Living" b. Compared suburban houses to "little boxes made of tick-tacky" c. Died in the plane crash that killed Buddy Holly d. Coined the phrase "rock "n" roll"


In the 1950s, teens became especially important as: a. Role models b. Workers c. Churchgoers d. Consumers


The phenomenon of "white flight" in the 1950s: a. Stopped when the federal government banned housing discrimination b. Involved poor whites fleeing the South for jobs in big northern cities c. Showed the improvement in race relations since the end of WWll d. Was a major cause of the growth of the suburbs


In response to a Soviet blockade of West Berlin, Truman: a. Used armed convoys to supply the city b. Used a massive airlift to supply the city c. Conceded Berlin to the Russians in order to save West Germany d. Conceded Berlin to the Russians in order the save East Germany


The Marshall plan: a. Provided economic assistance to the Soviets b. Was a United States-Soviet program to rebuild Europe. c. Offered economic assistance to the Soviets d. Was limited in scope and focused on west Germany


Which long-held U.S. territory was granted independence in 1946? a. Puerto Rico b. Philippines c. Wake Island d. Guam e. Samoa


The main economic problem faced by Truman in his first term was: a. Inflation b. Falling prices c. A dwindling money supply d. Tight credit


After WWll, the only nation that could rival the USA was: a. Soviet Union b. Germany c. Japan d. Great Britain e. France


As a result of the Truman Doctrine a. Greece and Turkey were less vulnerable to communism b. Yugoslavia went Communist c. The United Nations carried out its first military intervention d. U.S.-Soviet relations improved


How did the US respond to Joseph Stalin's blockade around Berlin? a. Truman ordered that supplies be brought to Berlin via an airlift. b. Truman put American forces on high alert and threatened atomic war if Stalin did not lift the blockade c. Truman ignored it d. Truman asked the United Nations to place an embargo on all goods going to the Soviet Union e. American forces forced their way through the road blockade with a caravan of armored tanks


The Beats: a. Were, like the abstract expressionists, motivated by a desire to liberate self-expression b. Originated in San Francisco c. Were ironically themselves conformists, for they each subsumed their own unique personalities to the "beat" philosophy d. Are correctly represented by all of the above


The Taft-Hartley Act: a. Outlawed the closed shop b. Legalized sympathy strikes c. Strengthened the rights of organized labor d. Banned right-to-work laws e. Was supported by President Truman


The North Atlantic Treaty: a. Pledged signers to "consult immediately" in case of attack b. Was originally signed by twelve nations c. Was a response to the Communist invasion of south Korea d. Was also known as the nuclear non-proliferation treaty


During the 1950s, television: a. Effectively spread images of working-class life to a growing number of Americans b. Tried to replace newspapers as the most common source of information but failed c. Became the nation's least favorite form of leisure activity d. Became an effective advertising medium e. Presented shows that were controversial


President Eisenhower used the CIA to overthrow which Middle Eastern government in the early 1950's, in large part because this government attempted to nationalize British-owned oil fields? a. Iraq b. Egypt c. Israel d. Iran e. Saudi Arabia


President Truman's Fair Deal included: a. Aid to soviets b. A plan to dismantle Social Security c. A decrease in the minimum wage d. A national health insurance plan e. The continuation of rationing


The Hiss-Chamber case: a. Involved charges of atomic espionage b. Brought Senator Joseph McCarthy to national prominence c. Involved a homosexual scandal in the State Department d. Resulted in Hiss's conviction for perjury


What reason did the Hollywood Ten give for not cooperating with the HUAC hearings? a. They were all communists and did want to indict themselves b. Ronald Reagan had threatened that they would lose their jobs if they cooperated c. They were all busy making movies and did not have time to attend the hearings d. They felt the hearings were a violation of the First Amendment e. As Republicans, they were insulted that their loyalty was being questioned


Which of the following statements about the original Levittown is not true? a. Homeowners were required to mow their lawns once a week b. Blacks were not allowed to buy homes there c. Each house had identical floor plans and accessories d. Children were not allowed until after 1963


Secretary of state John Foster Dulles's policy of massive retaliation: a. Was part of the effort to rely more on conventional forces b. Eased tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union c. Calmed the American public's fear of nuclear war d. Applied only to communist china e. Declared that any soviet attack would be countered by a nuclear attack


The Eisenhower Doctrine pledged support: a. For the Guatemalan leader Jacobo Arbenz Guzman b. To the Iranian government under Mohammed Mossadegh c. For the UN charter d. To any Asian country resisting communism or nationalism e. To any middle eastern country resisting communism or nationalism


Which state became the most prominent symbol of the postwar suburban boom? a. Arizona b. Washington c. Michigan d. Nevada e. California


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