Visual Text: Creating a Visual Presentation

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

There are a lot of buttons on the drawing toolbar. (toolbar is underlined)

A. a row of clickable icons

MFT: Students aren't usually too excited at the thought of doing tests and quizzes. But you seem to have inspired some kind of enthusiasm in your classroom. How is this possible? Tess: I've managed to do it with PowerPoint - by creating multiple-choice quiz questions that basically work with any topic. MFT: How do you do it? Tess: I write a test that contains four answer choices for each question. Then I place four action buttons next to each answer choice - with one right answer, of course, and three wrong ones. If students choose the wrong answer, they are sent to a "try again" page that directs them back to the question. If they choose the right answer, they advance to the next question. MFT: That sounds like it would be a fun quiz to do - but it also sounds like a lot of hard work for you. Tess: It is hard work - and it's definitely not something you can do overnight. But everyone knows hard-workers are drawn to the teaching profession. Another thing - while you can't use it to track the student's final score on the test, the student still benefits from working to find the right answer. MFT: Do you think it's really worth it for you to put in so much effort? Tess: Oh definitely! If you choose the right topics, you can use the same quiz stations year after year. You can also trade your quizzes with teachers in other classes. MFT: That does sound worthwhile. Thanks for sharing this info today. Read the interview above and choose the best summary below:

A. A teacher explains how she uses PowerPoint to create quizzes in her class.

MFT spoke to math teacher Dave I. Ding to see how he uses PowerPoint presentations to teach math drills to his students. It's a pretty short interview because it's just so simple to use. MFT: So, Mr. Ding. I hear you've been using PowerPoint to create drill cards. Tell me more? Dave: Well, there's not much to tell, really. You just set PowerPoint onto automated presentation and it runs itself. Then you have some extra time for marking and lesson planning while students watch your presentation. MFT: Oh. So, what kind of presentations do you do? Dave: I like to use it for the good old multiplication tables, mostly. Sometimes I like to record myself reading them, because I have to admit to a great fondness for my own voice. I know some language arts teachers who like to use the automated presentation for teaching students to pronounce the vowels and other phonetics. It's really great. MFT: I see... Well, uh, is there anything else you have to say about it? Dave: Uhhhh... Not really... Nothing I can think of because well uh - ya - it's just so simple that I think I've explained it already. Read the interview above and choose the best summary below:

B. A math teacher explains how he uses PowerPoint in his class.

The default when you type in a search is to search all of PowerPoint, which includes Microsoft Office Online. You can limit where your search is done by selecting it from the drop-down menu. To the right of the text box is a magnify glass icon and the word Search and a downwards arrow. Clicking on the arrow will make the drop-down menu appear. Read the multimedia text above. How do you limit your search just to PowerPoint templates?

B. Select "PowerPoint templates" from the drop down menu

Packing your presentation You can easily pack your presentation on a disk using PowerPoint's Save as CD feature. The feature packs your presentation, as well as software necessary to run the program. You then copy the presentation to the computer you will be using to run your presentation. If the destination computer doesn't have PowerPoint 2007, it will be able to display your presentation. The destination computer must be running Windows 2000 or later. If the computer has an earlier version of Windows, then you first need to save a copy of your presentation in the PowerPoint 97-2003 Presentation format. Click on the Microsoft Office button, select the arrow in the Save As option and then pick PowerPoint 97-2003 Presentation to make a copy of your PowerPoint 2007 Presentation compatible with earlier Windows system software. Summarize the passage above.

B. You can take your presentation on a disk and use the presentation with computers that have an earlier version of the software.

Which question below is NOT a good goal setting question for the section on "Adding Motion?"

C. Why do I have to keep reading this tutorial?

Which question below is NOT a good goal setting question for the PowerPoint tutorial?

D. How long is this tutorial going to take me to get through?

Insert pictures and graphics into your PowerPoint slide. (slide is underlined)

D. an individual screen in a slide show

You don't have to worry about saving your work very often because PowerPoint does an automatic save for you every 5 minutes.


You can convert your PowerPoint presentation in web pages.


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