web based midterm

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<a href="[email protected]">email me</a> Valid Invalid

invalid, needs mailto

If #grid-container is modified, how wide is the second column? #grid-container { width: 600px; display: grid; grid-template-columns: 200px auto; }

400 minus

Which status code is sent when the web browser is denied permission to the requested URL?


If a web server is reached but the specific requested page isn't found, the server returns a ___ status code,


Which status code is sent when the requested URL does not point to an existing resource on the web server?


HTML__ was the latest HTML standard released by the W3C in 2014.


Uniquely identifies the specific input tag to the browser.


Adding the ---- to any HTML tag creates a fragment identifier, permitting URLs to link directly to the id's location in the document. The HTML in the figure below creates two section links to the <section> tags with ---- "Ch1" and "Ch2".

id attribute fragment identifiers

A name created for an item like a variable is called an -- . JavaScript imposes the following rules for identifiers:


An entity tag (ETag) is an

identifier for a specific version of a web resource. Ex: 34905a3e285dd11.

The identity operator === performs strict equality. Two operands are strictly equal if the operands' data types and values are equal. Ex: 3 === 3 is true because both operands are numbers and the same value, but "3" === 3 is false because "3" is a string, and 3 is a number. The non-identity operator !== is the opposite of the identity operator. Ex: "3" !== "3" is false because both operands are the same type and value, but "3" !== 3 is true because "3" is a string, and 3 is a number.

identity operator

An if statement executes a group of statements if a condition is true. Braces { } surround the group of statements. Good practice is to indent statements in braces using a consistent number of spaces. This material indents 3 spaces.

if statement

If a server is down, the server cannot return a page. Instead, a message may be displayed saying

"Cannot reach the website" or similar.

The--- opening and closing tags create a new table cell containing a table datum.


Modulus (remainder)


Decimal number


Hexadecimal number



&amp; (ampersand)

entity name


ip address about

(B) IPv4 addresses are generally written with decimal numbers, not hexadecimal numbers. (C) Each number must be between 0 and 255, and 375 > 255.





The ___ began as four networked computers in ___

- Internet - 1969

The CSS position property gives developers more control over where elements should appear in the browser. position has four possible values: static

- Static positioning is the default positioning relative - Relative positioning positions the element relative to the element's default position fixed - Fixed positioning positions the element relative to the viewport in a fixed location absolute - Absolute positioning positions the element relative to the nearest positioned ancestor

An HTTP request and an HTTP response are both composed of four parts:

- start line - header field - empty line - message body



Attribute contains whole word


top-level domains (TLD) examples

.com, .net, .org, .edu, and .gov.

How many total HTTP requests does a browser send for a webpage that does not use any other web resources?


A typical IP address is

32 bits, divided into four 8-bit groups, each group often written as a decimal number.

IPv4, has a

32-bit addresses (2^32)

How many websites existed in 2011?


IPv6 has a

128-bit addresses

How many DNS servers are there?

13 main ones

HTML defines over --- elements.


ip address example

First web browser is created.


When was the first website published?


When was Yahoo created?


If a web browser sends 20 HTTP requests to a web server, how many HTTP responses will the web server likely send to the web browser?


In what year did the number of internet users surpass 3 billion?


In what year did web browsing first become more likely on mobile rather than desktop? 2010 2016 2018


IPv6 supports about how many IP addresses?

3.4 x 10^38

How many websites existed in 2001?

300 mil

Which status code is sent when the web server wants to redirect the browser to a different URL?

301 or 302

Which status code is sent when the web server compares the cached ETag with the server's ETag for a requested web resource, and the two ETags are identical?


Instruction to web browser that specifies the document type.

<!DOCTYPE html>

The ___ declaration instructs the web browser about what type of document follows.

<!DOCTYPE html>

Tag that marks the end of the HTML document.


The --- element plays an audio file in a webpage. The <source> element is used inside the <audio> tag to specify an audio file to play. Some common <audio> attributes include:


The ---- opening and closing tags enclose all elements and content to be rendered in the browser.


HTML content displayed by the browser.


The ---- tag creates a line break in a paragraph, such that the content after the line break appears on a new line. Good practice is to use <br> when the line break is essential to the content, such as lines in a poem or mailing address, and not just to add spacing for formatting a webpage. CSS, discussed elsewhere, should be used for formatting a webpage.


A table caption defines a short descriptive text for a table and is created with--- tags


the ---- tag denotes a title, such as a book or song title, and is italicized by default. Ex: <cite>Spaceballs</cite> is a parody of the <cite>Star Wars</cite> trilogy. yields: Spaceballs is a parody of the Star Wars trilogy.


The --- tag allows the web browser to submit information from the user to the server. The <form> tag has two primary attributes:


The --- tag's enctype attribute value "multipart/form-data" indicates the web browser should split a POST request into multiple parts, where each input field is sent as a separate part of the HTTP request message.


The ----- opening and closing tags contain the document title, document metadata, and various other elements that are typically not displayed in the webpage.


Tag that marks the beginning of the HTML document.

<html lang="en">

The ---- opening and closing tags enclose everything but the <!DOCTYPE html> declaration. <html lang="en"> indicates that the document's language is English.


A YouTube video may be embedded in a webpage with the <iframe> element. The --- element allows a webpage to be embedded in a rectangular area of the current webpage. The <iframe> element uses the src attribute to specify the URL of the webpage to display and the width and height attributes to define the width and height in pixels of the rectangular iframe.


The ----- tag displays an image in a webpage. The <img> tag does not enclose any content and is therefore a void element with no closing tag. The <img> tag has two required attributes: - The ---- specifies the URL of the image file to display. - The ---- provides a text description to use as an alternative to displaying the image.

<img> src attribute alt attribute

The --- tag allows the user to enter information into a webpage. The <input> tag cannot enclose any additional page content, and thus does not have a closing tag. The <input> tag has five primary attributes:


The --- tag displays descriptive text associated with a specific widget. A label has a for attribute whose value should match the id attribute for the widget being labeled. Labels help people using screen readers understand what input is expected.


The ---- tag denotes important content that should be semantically highlighted and is rendered with a yellow background by default. Ex: <mark>Highlight</mark> what is important. yields: Highlight what is important.


Tag that specifies the character encoding used in the document.

<meta charset = "utf - 8">

The ---- tag specifies metadata, which is data that describes the document's data. <meta charset="UTF-8"> describes how characters are represented in the HTML document. Additional <meta> tags may be used to indicate when the document was saved, who the author is, etc.


The --- tag indicates text that has strong importance, and is bolded by default.


The --- opening and closing tags create a new table cell containing table header information about the data. Usually, the browser displays table headers centered with a bold font.


The ---- tag specifies the table header. The ---- tag specifies the table body. The ---- tag specifies the table footer.

<thead> <tbody <tfoot>

The ----- opening and closing tags enclose the name of the document. The title is usually displayed in the browser's titlebar, is used by search engines, and is used for bookmarking.


Tag that names the document.

<title> </title>

The --- opening and closing tags create a table row, which contains all the row's cells.


The --- element displays a video in a webpage. The <source> element is used in a <video> tag to specify the name of the video file to play. Some common <video> attributes include:


Attribute has exact value


The query string appears after the ? in the URL when the form submits data with the GET method.

? after /

A CSS rule consists of a selector followed by a declaration block between braces ({}).

A CSS selector specifies the HTML elements to which the specific style rule applies. A declaration block contains one or more declarations separated by semicolons (;). A CSS styling declaration is a CSS property followed by a colon (:) and the property value


A JavaScript function is a named group of statements that canbe executed by referring to that name

A boolean attribute is an attribute that is true when present and false when absent. Ex: The checked attribute for a checkbox widget is a boolean attribute. If the checked attribute is set, the checkbox is initially selected.

A boolean attribute


A set of rules describing how to write HTML.


A variable stores a value or a link to an element of a webpage.

Battery life:

A webpage that constantly runs JavaScript and frequently loads data will drain the battery faster.

A webpage that uses a fluid layout allows the page contents to fill the browser, sometimes by using percentages for widths. Ex: The figure below shows a webpage at the bottom using a fluid layout where the contents always fit the browser's width. Fluid layouts make better use of the available space than fixed layouts and do not produce a horizontal scroll bar when the browser is resized.

A webpage that uses a fluid layout allows the page contents to fill the browser, sometimes by using percentages for widths. Ex: The figure below shows a webpage at the bottom using a fluid layout where the contents always fit the browser's width. Fluid layouts make better use of the available space than fixed layouts and do not produce a horizontal scroll bar when the browser is resized.

What container tags are used to surround each individual review? <section> <article> <div>

Although the <div> tags could be removed without changing the appearance of the page, the <div> tags help create structure that could be useful when applying CSS to the page.

<a href="#History">History</a> Valid Invalid

An href with only the fragment identifier #History links to the History section of the current page. valid

CSS can be applied to HTML in three ways:

An inline style places CSS declarations inside a tag's style attribute. An embedded stylesheet places CSS rules in an HTML document's head using <style> tags. An external stylesheet places CSS rules in a separate file that is imported into an HTML document with a <link> tag.

rgb(0, 0, 0)


/* begins a comment, but */, which ends the comment, is missing.


(Cascading Style Sheets) is a textual language for describing how a webpage is styled for visual presentation. Web browsers use CSS to determine how a webpage is rendered on the screen, printed to paper, or presented via other media. The CSS acronym highlights the two main characteristics of presenting a webpage:


A CSS variable is a custom CSS property that defines a value. A CSS variable is declared in a CSS selector that defines the variable's scope. A CSS variable can have global scope by declaring the variable in the :root selector, which targets the highest DOM element: the <html> element.

CSS variable i

box model

Content: The innermost box contains the content of the element, such as text and images. Padding: The padding box contains the content box and adds a transparent area around the content. Border: The border box contains the padded content and adds an optionally colored area around the padding. Margin: The margin box contains all three boxes and adds a transparent area around the border.

<p>Bananas grow <!--in bushes.</p>--> on a tree.</p>

Correct The browser ignores the first</p>tag, because the tag is in a comment.

What types of elements can be inside an inline element? Only inline elements Only block elements Both inline and block elements

Correct An inline element can only contain other inline elements and text. first


Create a new resource with the contents of the message body.

The web browser performs a ___ ___ by sending the domain name to the local DNS and getting back the IP address of the web server hosting the domain name

DNS Lookup

rgb(169, 169, 169)


last modified

Datetime the requested resource was last modified on the web server.


Datetime the response was generated by the web server.


Delete an existing resource.

AAC (Advanced Audio Coding).aac

Designed to be the successor of the MP3 format with better sound quality.

Wave (Waveform Audio File Format).wav

Developed by Microsoft and IBM, mainly for storing uncompressed audio on Windows.


Each rule indicates the element to be styled like h1 (header1) or p (paragraph), followed by a list in braces { } of property:value items like color:blue.

em, strong

Emphasis, strong emphasis (italics)

javascript simple function

Enables document interaction

A truthy value is a non-Boolean value that evaluates to true in a Boolean context. Ex: if (18) evaluates to true because non-zero numbers are truthy values. A falsy value is a non-Boolean value that evaluates to false in a Boolean contex

Ex: if (null) evaluates to false because null is a falsy value.

If animation-duration is assigned the value 0s, the animation occurs very quickly. True False


All browsers must use the same JavaScript engine. True False


ECMAScript and JavaScript are the same thing. True False


JavaScript and Java are the same programming language. True False


JavaScript is only used for programs that run in a web browser. True False


if ("")


if (0) true false


if (undefined) true false


A 404 message indicates that a domain name is not recognized.


FTP stands for

File Transfer Protocol


Found The resource should temporarily be requested at a different URL.

The ---- is a technique used by a web browser to submit information to a web server by altering the URL of the HTTP request. When a user clicks the submit button in a form that uses the GET method, the browser performs the following steps:

GET method

Grid layout is a CSS layout mode that divides a webpage into a rectangular grid in which to position page elements. Grid layout is ideal for designing two-dimensional webpage layouts.

Grid layout is a CSS layout mode that divides a webpage into a rectangular grid in which to position page elements. Grid layout is ideal for designing two-dimensional webpage layouts.

An HSL color value specifies a color using the hsl(hue, saturation, lightness)


An --- is a portion of the document that is not displayed by the browser. A comment begins with the <!-- character sequence and ends with the -->

HTML comment

separation of concern contains

HTML is the language that describes the page content. CSS is the language that describes page layout. JavaScript is the language that provides interactive functionality.

An ---- checks that an HTML document conforms to the standard. Good practice is to use tools like the W3C Markup Validator to check document conformance.

HTML validator

HTTPS encrypts

HTTP traffic between a browser and web server so a network sniffer cannot intercept sensitive information in the HTTP traffic like passwords, credit card numbers, financial transactions, etc.

h1, h2, h3

Headers. h1 is largest.

HTML stands for

HyperText markup language

HTTP stands for

Hypertext Transfer Protocol

Are human doctors or IBM's Watson more likely to keep up with new medical information in the future?

IBM watson

The ID selector, specified with a hash character followed by the ID name, matches the element that has the specified ID.

ID selector,

Which browser lost the most market share between 2010 and 2019?


An infinite loop is a loop that never stops executing. Ex


The semicolon after the while condition creates an infinite loop. While loops should never have a semicolon after the condition.



Identifies the browser making the request.


Identifies the web server software that generated the response.




Note: Some browsers block <audio autoplay> from autoplaying so users are not jolted with sound when visiting a webpage.


Internal Server Error Something unexpected happened on the web server.


Not Modified The resource has not been modified since the last time the resource was requested.

Modern JavaScript interpreters (also called JavaScript engines) use just-in-time (JIT) compilation


The ----(Joint Photographic Experts Group) image format is commonly used for digital photographs. The ---- (Portable Network Graphics) image format is commonly used for line art, screenshots, or images requiring transparency. The --- (Graphics Interchange Format) image format is commonly used for simple animated images.


JavaScript was standardized by Ecma International in 1997 and called JavaScript was standardized by Ecma International in 1997 and called ECMAScript..

JavaScript was standardized by Ecma International in 1997 and called ECMAScript.

Device speed:

Limited memory and CPU speed of mobile devices means mobile browsers are not as powerful as desktop browsers.


Lowercase Roman numerals


Lowercase letters

VA mixin is set of reusable styles and is defined by the @mixin directive. A directive is an extension to the CSS at-rules, which are statements that begin with the @ character. Mixins may take arguments, which give mixins the ability to customize the styles that the mixin defines. Mixins are included in a document using the @include directive.


css simple function

Manages document presentation

Data cost:

Many users have data plans that limit how much content can be downloaded. Large webpages and webpages that keep requesting more data reach a mobile data plan's limit faster.

content type

Media type of the response's message body.

Load speed

Mobile devices may have limited or slower internet connectivity.


Modify an existing resource with the contents of the message body.


Moved Permanently The resource should always be requested at a different URL.


Not Found The resource could not be located.

content length

Number of bytes in the response's message body.


Numbers (default)


OK Standard response for a successful request.

How many total HTTP requests does a browser send for a webpage that contains four web resources: an image, a video, a CSS stylesheet, and a JavaScript file?

One HTTP request is made for the HTML file, and one request is made for each of the four resources. So 1 + 4 = 5

Ogg Vorbis.ogg

Open-source audio coding format developed by Xiph.Org Foundation.

Fragment -

Optional characters at the end of a URL that start with a hash character (#) and refer to a certain location within a webpage. In https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URL#History, the fragment "#History" refers to the webpage's History section.

Query string -

Optional characters to the right of the question mark (?) in a URL that provide data for the web server. In https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uu7XCEMdSHg, the characters after the ? tells YouTube's server to play a video having code uu7XCEMdSHg

A JavaScript program may obtain text input from the user with the prompt() function. The prompt() function prompts the user with a dialog box that allows the user to type a single line of text and press OK or Cancel. The prompt() function returns the string the user typed or null if the user pressed Cancel.


A hexadecimal color specifies a color using the #RRGGBB





Part of a document that explains how to interpret or structure other parts of the document.




Replace an existing resource with the contents of the message body.


Request a representation of the specified resource.


Request a response identical to GET but without the response body.

-- is a popular CSS preprocessor that uses CSS-like syntax to build complex CSS stylesheets. Other popular CSS preprocessors, like Less and Stylus, offer similar and unique features with different syntax.


--- is a set of extensions to CSS that allow properties to use variables, arithmetic, and functions. SassScript also provides basic control directives for performing conditional logic and looping.


Screen size:

Screen size is much smaller than desktops.

max length min length

Sets the maximum number of input characters. Sets the minimum number of input characters.

max, min

Sets the maximum value that the input can have. Sets the minimum value that the input can have.

Some webpages use a fixed layout, which uses a fixed-width container to envelop the webpage contents. Ex: The figure below shows a webpage at the top using a fixed layout where the entire contents fit inside 960px. Resizing the browser does not change the width of the webpage contents.

Some webpages use a fixed layout, which uses a fixed-width container to envelop the webpage contents. Ex: The figure below shows a webpage at the top using a fixed layout where the entire contents fit inside 960px. Resizing the browser does not change the width of the webpage contents.

html simple def function

Specifies document structure

A property that is listed in the from keyframe selector but not the to keyframe selector will not be animated. True False


An animation without an animation-delay property begins immediately. True False


ICANN, the organization that manages

TLDs, now allows companies and organizations to create customized TLDs, like .church, .pizza, and .music.

Although a JavaScript identifier may contain numbers, an identifier name may not begin with a number.


if (" ") true false



Text that contains connections to other documents.

radial-gradient(green, blue); True False

The interior is green and the exterior blue.

The adjacent sibling selector, specified using a plus character (+) between two selectors, matches an element that immediately follows another element, where both elements have the same parent. Ex: The adjacent selector h1 + p in the figure below matches the first paragraph immediately following the <h1> header element, where both the paragraph and heading share the same section element parent.

The adjacent sibling selector,


The background-color property specifies the background color. The background-image property specifies a background image. The background property is shorthand for setting several of the element's background properties at the same time.

Path -

The characters to the right of the hostname in a URL. Ex: In https://www.cdc.gov/alcohol, the path is "/alcohol".

Hostname -

The complete domain name following the scheme in a URL. Ex: In https://www.cdc.gov/alcohol, the hostname is "www.cdc.gov"

) p { font-size: 1.5rem; }

The default font size is 16px, so 16px × 1.5 = 24px.


The domain name for the requested path.


The float property specifies whether the element will float to the right or left of the element's parent container, allowing text to flow around the element. Values for the float property include: left - Element floats to parent container's left side right - Element floats to parent container's right side none - Element does not float (default value) The clear property can stop elements from floating. Values for the clear property include: both - No elements allowed to float left - No element allowed to float on parent container's left side right - No element allowed to float on parent container's right side none - Elements allowed to float (default value) PARTICIPATION ACTIVITY

vThe font property is shorthand for setting several font properties at the same time. Ex: font: italic 12pt Georgia, serif;

The font property is shorthand for setting several font properties at the same time. Ex: font: italic 12pt Georgia, serif;

The font-style property changes the text style, such as normal, italic, or oblique.

The font-style property changes the text style, such as normal, italic, or oblique.

vThe font-variant property specifies the variant of the text, such as normal or small-caps.

The font-variant property specifies the variant of the text, such as normal or small-caps.

The font-weight property specifies the font weight, such as normal or bold.

The font-weight property specifies the font weight, such as normal or bold.

Which URL links to the "Governance" section of Wikipedia's Internet article?

The fragment identifier "Governance" must follow the # character at the end of the URL.

<a href="example.com/index.html">See example</a>

The href attribute URL should include a scheme, such as https, when the URL includes a hostname. invalid


The sound portion of an MPEG file. Most popular format for music players.

Which HTML attribute prevents the user from entering "4.1" as a rating? required max step

The step="0.5" on the Rating's <input> tag requires the value be a multiple of 0.5 before the form can be submitted.

The text-align property changes the horizontal alignment of text for an element. Possible values are: left, right, center, and justify.

The text-align property changes the horizontal alignment of text for an element. Possible values are: left, right, center, and justify.


The type attribute indicates the widget type. Common types include text, password, submit, and button. The name attribute names the widget and sends the widget's value when the widget's form is submitted. The id attribute is used to give a widget a unique identifier. The placeholder attribute specifies text that first appears in a text widget, typically for giving the user a hint as to the expected value. The value attribute specifies a default value for a widget.


Three general-purpose looping constructs exist: while, do-while, and for loops. The while loop is a looping structure that checks if the loop's condition is true before executing the loop body, repeating until the condition is false. The loop body is the statements that a loop repeatedly executes.

who was the creator of the WWW

Tim Berners-Lee


Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol

HTTPS uses a protocol called

Transport Layer Security (TLS)

URL stands for

Uniform Resource Locator http://www.cdc.gov/alcohol/faqs.htm


Uppercase Roman numerals


Uppercase letters


User interaction is with touch, not a mouse

Variables are not explicitly assigned a data type. JavaScript uses dynamic typing, which determines a variable's type at run-time. Every variable has a data type, such as one of the data types in the table below.

Variables are not explicitly assigned a data type. JavaScript uses dynamic typing, which determines a variable's type at run-time. Every variable has a data type, such as one of the data types in the table below.


Visual clues that guide the user in figuring out how to use an app.

HTML Living Standard

WHATWG, a continually evolving standard without version numbers that replaces HTML5.



div { font-family: serif }

While the last rule declaration of a block does not require a trailing semicolon, good practice is to add a semicolon to the end of each declaration block.

Attribute begins with value


For the following questions, assume the image is 1000 pixels wide and 800 pixels high. Indicate the values needed in the following HTML to produce an image with an aspect ratio of 2:1 while maintaining the image's width of 1000 pixels.

a - 1000 b- 500

A tag has

a descriptive name surrounded by < and > characters that the web browser uses to display content. Ex: <p> specifies a paragraph.

mobile device

a handheld computer, like a smartphone or tablet.

The web was originally called the World Wide Web, or WWW, because Berners-Lee envisioned...

a large collection of globally distributed webpages linking to each other.

HTTP response is

a message sent from the web server back to the web browser in response to an HTTP request. Often the response contains the requested web resource.

The World Wide Web allowed for...

a more convenient way for computers to communicate les over the internet


a protocol suite that governs how data packets are transferred over the internet from one machine to another

The web browser displays---- widget for an <input> tag with the type attribute of "submit", which sends the associated form's data to the server when clicked. A submit button uses the value attribute to specify the button's text.

a submit button

An --- is a complete URL. Ex: <a href="http://example.com/test.html">test</a> is a hyperlink using the absolute URL http://example.com/test.html.

absolute URL

The ---- indicates the URL where the form data should be sent. Typically the URL uses HTTPS so the form data is encrypted.

action attribute

Web Hypertext Application TechnologyWorking Group / WHATWG

an organization that develops a variety of web standards and whose members include the major browser vendors.

A web resource is

any retrievable item, like an HTML file, image, video, CSS stylesheet, etc.

___ may register an unused domain name with a domain name registrar


A browser cache is an

area on the computer's file system where web content can be stored by the web browser for quick retrieval later. By caching web content, browsers can reduce the amount of network traffic required to display previously visited webpages.

An image's --- is the ratio of the image width to the image height. The aspect ratio is written as width:height. Ex: An image 500 pixels wide and 250 pixels high has an aspect ratio of 500:250, which simplifies to 2:1.

aspect ratio

The universal selector, specified using an --- character (*), matches all elements in the webpage. The universal selector is implied when an element name is not specified. Ex: The CSS selectors .highlight and *.highlight match exactly the same elements, where the universal selector is implied in .highlight and explicit in *.highlight.

asterisk universal selector,

The -- specified with an attribute name and optional value comparison enclosed in square brackets ([ and ]), matches elements with the specified attribute or the specified attribute and value. Ex: a[target] selector matches anchor elements with a target attribute specified. The attribute selector can be more specific by matching elements with attributes having a specific value. Ex: a[target="_blank"] attribute selector matches anchor elements with a target attribute value of _blank.

attribute selector,

audio features

autoplay - Boolean attribute that makes the audio begin playing automatically. controls - Boolean attribute that displays audio controls for the user to play, pause, and control the volume. loop - Boolean attribute that replays the audio upon reaching the end of the audio. muted - Boolean attribute that initially mutes the audio.

Element's background color


HTML elements can be categorized as either block or inline. A--- (sometimes called a block-level element) fills the width of the element's parent container and can contain other block elements, inline elements, and text. Block elements include <h1>, <table>, and <p>.

block element <p>

The checked attribute is an example of a ---- . A boolean attribute is an attribute that is true when present and false when absent. No value must be assigned to a boolean attribute.

boolean attribute

The CSS property border-image renders an element's border using sections of an image. The border image takes the place of any border properties specified by border-style. The following CSS properties are specified by border-image all at once:

border-image-source - Image URL border-image-slice - Image section size border-image-repeat - "repeat" to repeat the image section, "round" to repeat the image section but resize the image if needed to fit, or "stretch" to stretch an image section

What types of elements can be inside a block element? Only inline elements Only block elements Both inline and block elements


The box-shadow property creates a shadow for text. True False

box-shadow creates shadows for the box around an element. text-shadow creates a shadow for text.

A --- widget can be created using the <button> opening and closing tags or with <input type="button">. The <button> element allows text and images to be displayed in a button, but an <input> button only allows text.


Which element can create a button with an image? <button> <input>


order of table with title

caption tr th td

The process of combining multiple style rules and resolving conflicting styles.



characters at the beginning of a URL followed by a colon ":" or a colon and double slashes "://". Common URL schemes include http, https, mailto, and file. Ex: In https://www.cdc.gov/alcohol, the scheme is "https".

A ---- is a widget for input elements with the type attribute of "checkbox", which allows users to check, or select, a value. A checkbox initially appears selected if the ---- is set. Ex: <input type="checkbox" checked> creates a checked checkbox.

checkbox checked attribute

The child selector, specified using a greater than character (>) between two selectors, matches any elements where the second element is a direct child of the first element. The child selector is similar to the descendant selector (space between selectors), but the matching child element in the child selector must be a direct child of the matching parent element.

child selector

HTML tag's --- specifies the classes to which the tag belongs, with each class name separated by a space.

class attribute

The class selector, specified with a period character followed by the class name, matches elements that have the specified class name.The class selector, specified with a period character followed by the class name, matches elements that have the specified class name.

class selector

A link on a webpage is a

clickable item that usually causes the web browser to open another webpage when clicked

A website is a

collection of related webpages

Clicking on the --- picker creates a color selector popup that helps the user explore and choose a color. The basic syntax for the color picker is <input type="color">.


Element's font color


A single table cell occupies a single row and column by default, but a cell may span multiple columns or multiple rows using the ---- and rowspan attribute to specify how many columns or rows to span. The colspan and ----- apply to <td> and <th> tags.

colspan attribute rowspan attributes

A --- is the combination of a text box and drop-down menu into a single widget. A combo box is created with an <input> element, which creates the text box, and a --- element, which provides the drop-down list options.

combo box <datalist>

IP address

computer's unique address on the internet , cameras, printers and sensors to communicate with each other

Output may be produced using the function console.log(), which displays text or numbers in the console. The console is a location where text output is displayed. Web browsers have a console (accessible from the brower's development tools) that displays output from code the browser executes. This chapter's activities display the console output in the web page.


A constant is an initialized variable whose value cannot change. A JavaScript constant is declared with the const keyword. Ex: const slicesPerPizza = 8; creates a constant slicesPerPizza that is always 8.


When a computer sends a packet using a domain name over the internet, the first step is to

contact a DNS server to convert the domain name to an IP address.

A --- is any part of a web document body that has opening and closing tags. Web developers typically create many containers as a convenience to assist in organizing and formatting content. Ex: Containers can be formatted by applying styles to adjust margins, padding, horizontal and vertical alignment, and other visual presentation attributes.



contains To and From IP addresses, the information to communicate, and other configuration information.

A message body

contains data being transferred between a web browser and web server. In a request, the message body may be empty or contain submitted form data. In a response, the message body may contain the requested resource.

Allows entering a time more easily.


Allows input of a date and time.

date time

Expires contains a

date/time indicating when the requested resource is considered "stale".

anchor tag / <a>

defines a hyperlink in a webpage

A ----- feature is part of a language that is officially discouraged because newer or better features exist, or because the deprecated feature is no longer considered safe.


The descendant selector, specified with a selector followed by a space and another selector, matches elements that are contained in other elements.

descendant selector

A website wanting to use HTTPS must acquire a ___issued by a trusted certificate authority,

digital certificate,

Generic tag for creating block containers


Before a TCP connection is created, the web browser performs a/an

dns lookup

Some tags, like <img>,

do not require a closing tag.

A webpage or web page is a

document that is viewed in a web browser.

A DNS server's primary role is to convert _____.

domain name to ip

double quote can be escaped within an attribute value by placing the backslash character (\) before the special character, causing that character to lose any special meaning. Ex: alt="Dwight D. \"Ike\" Eisenhower".

double quote

The element selector matches elements with the specified element names.Ex: p { color: blue; } selects all p elements.

element selector

An --- is a mechanism for writing special characters or symbols in HTML, such as mathematical symbols, characters in most languages, and many other symbols. Many HTML entities can be specified by name. However, some entities do not have a name and can instead be specified using a decimal or hexadecimal number as shown in the table below.


A ---- is a mechanism that allows a webpage element to function correctly even if the browser does not support a particular element. Good practice is to implement a fallback mechanism if a particular widget is not widely supported by browsers at the time.


A <section> tag should be placed inside a heading tag. True False


All browsers autoplay unmuted video. True False


An <h3> tag should be placed inside a <p> tag.


An <option> tag must have a value attribute. True False


Browser fallbacks are only used to make new features work on old browsers. True False


Buttons always submit form data to a server. True False


Hyperlinks can only contain text. True False


If <h1> text appears too big, <h2> or <h3> tags should be used to decrease the text size.


Inline styles cannot be used with embedded stylesheets or external stylesheets. True False


Passwords from the password widget that are sent to the server using HTTP are safe from prying eyes. True False


The <br> tag has a closing tag. True False


The pool company would have to send a technician to the pool to change the control system settings.


The web browser will always create a new window for hyperlinks whose target attribute is _blank.


To copy the functionality of another webpage found on the web, a user can just copy the HTML from the view source page. True False


Viewing a webpage's source and viewing the browser's internal webpage representation always yields identical results. True False


Websites have either an IP address or a domain name, but not both.


With the introduction of IPv6, devices on the internet no longer use IPv4. (T or F)


Adding a fourth column called "Price" and ticket prices for each venue requires adding only a single set of <th> tags listing the prices. True False

false <th>Price</th> must be added to the first <tr>, and the prices must be added in each row. Ex: <td>$25</td>.

An inline style uses braces ({}). True False

false Braces are not allowed in the style attribute.

The audio element's audio can always be paused by the user. True False

false need controls attribute

Adding type="i" to the first <li> changes the list to i., ii., iii.

false type="i" must be added to the <ol> tag to affect the whole list, not the <li> tag

Changing the ordered list to an unordered list with type="A" changes the list to A., B., C.

false The type attribute works for <ol> but not for <ul>. Bullet styles for an unordered list can be changed with CSS.

A valid keyframe list must include the from and to keyframe selectors. True False

false, can be percents

The Euro symbol, €, can be written as &euro. True False

false, missing semicolon. (needs &, name, and ;)

Hyperlink used to refer to a document on the same computer as the web browser. (opens file)


Which tag creates a text box widget? <input> <text> <textarea>


Font used for the element's text.


Font size used for the element's text.


Which attribute inside the <label> tag is used to associate the label with a widget? id for name


A URL can point to a section, or ---- , of a document by adding a hash tag (#) and a fragment identifier at the end of the URL. Ex: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_science#History refers to the "History" section of the "Computer_science" page on Wikipedia.


Hyperlink used to transfer data files. (downloads)



general name for a once valid link that now returns a 404 status code.

The Internet of Things (abbreviated as IoT)

global collection of communicating devices that sense and control technology on behalf of humans.

The content in a hyperlink may be any valid HTML or text. A ----- or image link uses an image inside a hyperlink instead of text. Ex: The HTML below uses an image of a dog that links to the American Kennel Club.

graphical hyperlink

If-Modified-Since is used with

he Last-Modified date/time to request the web server only send the requested resource if the resource has changed since the specified date/time.

A --- provides a title for each section. Headings are bold by default and are visually separated from the other text by extra spacing. Heading tags exist for the first six levels of sections: <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, and <h6>.



hihgjlighted text

Hyperlink used to send requests and responses over the Internet without encryption.


Where can the HTTP header field If-None-Match be found?

http request

Hyperlink used to send requests and responses that are readable only by the client and server.


Which scheme should a URL use to provide a secured HTTP connection to a web server? http https


An if-else statement executes a block of statements if the statement's condition is true, and executes another block of statements if the condition is false.

if-else statement

Most web servers by default serve the ---- file when a URL does not specify an explicit filename.


An HTML file starts with an

indication of the document type, then a head part with the page title and other page information, and finally a body part with the actual page content.

The style declarations from a parent element cascade down and are applied to any child elements, a concept called inheritance. Each element inherits the style declarations from the element's parent. The element's parent inherits style declarations from the parent's parent element, and so on up to the top-level <body> element.


An ---- element fills the minimum space possible in the element's parent container and can only contain text or other inline elements. Ex: The <a> element is an inline element that creates a hyperlink container as big as the link's internal content; a hyperlink does not fill the width or height of the link's parent paragraph.



inline - Displays the element as an inline element, like span or a elements. block - Displays the element as a block element, like p, h1, or div elements. none - Hides the element from being displayed, like style elements. inline-block - Displays the contents of the element as a block element, but formats the element as an inline element. list-item - Displays the contents of the element as a list item element

Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

international standards organization that traditionally has controlled a number of web standards, including HTML.

Today, the ____ is the largest and most popular computer network, spanning the entire globe


JavaScript is executed by an --. An interpreter executes programming statements without first compiling the statements into machine language.


A header field

is a keyword followed by a colon and a value. Header fields supply additional information about the request or response

URL is

is the location of a web resource on the web, such as http://www.cdc.gov/alcohol/faqs.htm.

What URL does the browser request if the user submits "oranges" and "1.99" in the text boxes?

just normal url no extra




link, specifies where other information is located and what action the web browser should perform when a user clicks the hyperlink.

JPEG images use --- meaning that some of the original picture information is lost when compressed.

lossy compression,

Hyperlink used to send email.


Spacing around element (outside element's border).


Which input element attribute limits the number of characters the user can type in a text box or password field? size maxlength


An HTTP request is a

message sent from the web browser to the web server. Often the request asks the web server to send back a web resource like an HTML file, image, CSS stylesheet, JavaScript file, or video.

HTML also permits adding ___ like search engine keywords, author information, and language.


The --- indicates the HTTP request type the browser will use to communicate with the server. The method is either GET or POST. GET is the default method if no method is specified.

method attribute

Allows selecting a month and year.


___ HTML elements have an opening and closing tag. Ex: <strong>always</strong> has an opening tag <strong> and closing tag </strong>.


Files can contain ___ links


The multiple selector, specified using a comma (,) to separate selectors, matches all listed elements to apply a style rule. Ex: The figure below shows two CSS examples that apply the same styles to <ol> and <ul> elements. The CSS on the left unnecessarily duplicates the styling declarations for <ol> and <ul> elements, whereas the CSS on the right uses a single style declaration using a multiple selector.

multiple selector,

The --- ensures user input is a valid number. The basic syntax for the number input is <input type="number">. The min and max attributes are commonly used with the number input.

number input

Allows the server to identify which data came from which widget.


domain name is a

name for an IP address, such as the name wikipedia.org

domain name is better than ip bc

name is easier to remember and type

Do web servers always generate ETags for all web resources?


Does a 304 response generally contain a message body?


Is www.nasa.gov a valid URL?


Should two elements in an HTML document have the same id attribute value? Yes No


does capitalization matter in domain name?


Which attribute must be set to create a text box widget? type no attribute name id

no attribute

<input type="checkbox" checked> Use quotes around attribute values Use double quotes No guideline violations

no guidline

A ----- is an inter-word character that permits treating the words on both sides to be one word. A --- , &#8209;, looks like a regular hyphen but acts like a normal character in the middle of a word. Ex: off&#8209;campus displays "off‑campus" on the same line. A ---- , &nbsp;, looks like a single space but acts like a normal character in the middle of a word. Ex: 5&nbsp;km displays "5 km" on the same line. The non-breaking space is also useful for displaying more than one space between words. Ex: Abe&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Lincoln displays "Abe Lincoln" with 3 spaces between Abe and Lincoln.

non-breaking character non-breaking hyphen non-breaking space

<a "https://cnn.com">CNN</a> Valid Not valid

not valid Missing href= before the URL.

Match all list items that are direct children of ordered lists.

ol > li

Match all list items that are descendants of ordered lists.

ol ul

get method steps

ollect all data from the form fields into a query string. The query string is a set of name=value pairs separated by the ampersand character (&). Each name is specified as an attribute of the HTML field, and the value is the user-entered data. Ex: The first and last field names and values in the animation below become the string: first=Rick&last=Deckard Create a URL with the server page and name=value pairs. The URL is composed of the action attribute specified in the form, the question mark character (?), and the query string. Ex: http://example.com/apply?first=Rick&last=Deckard Use the newly created URL to create and send an HTTP GET request. Display or update the webpage using the HTTP response received from the server.

An --- is a sequenced collection of items, usually indented and shown using numbers or letters, surrounded by the <ol> opening and closing tags.

ordered list

A second-level domain is commonly an

organization's name

Spacing between element's content and border.


A --- is the basic unit of text in an HTML document. A paragraph is enclosed in HTML by the <p> opening and closing tags. Browsers visually separate paragraphs from other text with spacing above and below.


A --- is the container in which another element resides.

parent container

The alt attribute is required.

pass html validation

A --- field is a widget for input elements with the type attribute of "password", which allows users to enter a password without the password contents being displayed on-screen. Web browsers usually provide facilities to remember passwords at various websites to help users.


An input --- is a widget that allows the user to interactively pick a choice using a popup or other guided selection method. The --- is an input picker that allows the user to enter a date or choose a date from a calendar popup.

picker date picker

Provides a hint to the user about the information being requested.


A --- is a fallback using JavaScript code that makes certain HTML features (Ex: the date picker) work on browsers that do not natively support those features. Developers often use a JavaScript library such as Modernizr to detect which features the browser does not support, and then load one or more polyfills to provide fallback mechanisms for the non-supported features.


Which request method is used by the browser to submit web form data to the web server?


Chrome's developer tools (DevTools) by

pressing Ctrl+Shift+I (Windows) or Command-Option-I (Mac). In the figure below, the Network tab shows the HTTP network traffic when accessing Wikipedia's article on World Wide Web. The first HTTP request is highlighted. All subsequent requests are for other resources used in the webpage.

A web browser is a

program that downloads an HTML document from a web server, displays the document to the user with the appropriate formatting, and allows the user to interact with the document, such as clicking hyperlinks to access other documents. short: A program for viewing webpages. (html)

A web server is a

program that serves webpages to web browsers.

JavaScript is a

programming language that runs in a browser, enabling webpages supporting actions like responding to a button click. JavaScript can be included in the HTML file's head or body parts.

HTTP is a

protocol for transferring HTML files among computers. Files can contain links to other files. STATELESS APPLICATION LAYER a networking protocol that runs over TCP/IP and governs communication between web browsers and web servers.


provides additional information about the tag and is included only in the opening tag.

The pseudo-class selector, specified with a colon character followed by a pseudo-class name, matches elements based on user behavior or element metainformation.

pseudo-class selector

The --- is a set of name=value pairs separated by the ampersand character (&). Each name is specified as an attribute of the HTML field, and the value is the user-entered data. Ex: The first and last field names and values in the animation below become the string: first=Rick&last=Deckard

query string

A --- is a widget for input elements with the type attribute of "radio", which allows users to select exactly one value from possibly many values. The web browser groups radio buttons together with the same name attribute, where each possible value in a group has an associated input. When submitting a form, the browser sends the selected radio button's name and value attribute. Ex: If the radio button <input type="radio" name="movie" value="ET"> is selected, "movie=ET" is sent to the server.

radio button

The ---- widget allows the user to select a value by dragging a sliding control along the length of a line. The basic syntax for the range input is <input type="range">. Three commonly used attributes for the range input are min, max, and value.

range input

A --- specifies the relative path to the web resource with no scheme or hostname. Ex: <a href="test.html">test</a> uses the relative URL test.html to refer to an HTML document on the same website and with the same path as the current HTML document.

relative URL

States that the input is required and must not be left empty.


what are the main dns servers called

root servers

An element

s a single HTML structure that is represented with HTML tags.

HTML files are usually .

saved with a .html or .htm file extension

What change is needed to move the details list to the right of each member's photo? Move each list before each photo. Put each photo and list into a table row. A list cannot be located next to an image.


What is the proper way to get the Members link to link to the Members section? <section> <section id="members"> <section id="#members">


Immediately after a top-level domain comes a

second-level domain

A --- is a collection of related content. Many documents can be organized into sections, with each section being wrapped in a <section> tag


A self-closing tag is an open tag that also closes by putting a forward slash at the end of the tag. Ex: <br />. Standard HTML does not require or promote using self-closing tags for void elements. Ex: Use <br> not <br />, and use <img ... > not <img ... />.

self closing

A network sniffer is

software that monitors network traffic and allows users to inspect HTTP requests and responses

markup is

special markings in the document that provide additional information about links, formatting, and images.

Start line

specifies the HTTP version being used. A request's start line includes a request type and path; a response's start line includes a status code and phrase.

Cache-Control is used to

specify a number of caching directives.

What <iframe> attribute indicates the URL of the webpage to display in the iframe? link src href


HTML is the

standard markup language for web documents The language used for a text file that describes a webpage.

Describes the visual presentation of structured documents.

style sheet

A CSS rule specifies

styling properties for specific HTML elements. CSS rules may be placed within <style> tags in the HTML file's head part. E

Third-level and further level domains refer to

sub-computer systems local to an organization cs.stanford.edu where the cs is for Stanford's Computer Science department.

Software, such as page readers, help users with vision or cognitive impairments.

supportive assistive tech

A --- is an HTML structure surrounded by the <table> opening and closing tags that allows data to be organized in rows and columns. A cell is a location in the table at a specific row and column.


An anchor --- attribute indicates how the browser should display the link when clicked. The _self attribute value is the default and indicates the browser will open the link in the same tab or window. The _blank attribute value indicates the browser will open the link in a new tab or window.

tag's target

Which file does the following URL access?http://www.weather.com/summer/temperatures.html


Which tag creates a widget capable of holding multiple lines of text? <input> <text> <textarea>

text area

A ---- is an input element specified by <textarea> opening and closing tags that allows users to enter multiple lines of text. A <textarea> tag has optional rows and cols attributes to specify the initial size of the text area.

text area widget

A ---- widget is an input element with the type attribute of "text" that allows users to enter a single line of text.

text box

Hypertext is

text that has links to other text (and today to images, videos, and more).

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a

textual language for describing how a webpage is styled for visual presentation. CSS controls the look and layout of webpage content.

Web accessibility

the ability of users with disabilities to access and use a webpage with reasonable effort.

Separation of concerns is

the design principle of breaking up web content using distinct languages and documents that overlap as little as possible

An HTTP request method indicates

the desired action toperform on a resource

if a website is not found by a dns server it means

the domain name is not registered

What changes about the form data when enctype="multipart/form-data" is added to the <form> tag? Nothing changes since binary data is not submitted. Each name/value pair is separated into multiple parts. The form data is encrypted.

the form data is split into multiple parts instead of creating a single query string. The multipart/form-data is only necessary when submitting binary data with <input type="file">.

href attribute

the href attribute specifies the hyperlink's URL.

Cognitive computing

the use of artificial intelligence techniques and access to vast amounts of data to simulate human problem solving in complex situations with ambiguity, changing data, and even conflicting information.

A 404 means that the website was reached (the domain name is valid and the web server is working), but

the web server could not find the requested page, often due to a misspelling or out-of-date page link.

A browser redirect is when

the web server returns a 301 or 302 status code with a Location header indicating the URL the browser should load next.

What URL plays a YouTube video automatically? https://www.youtube.com/embed/g4hvUvBmoaA https://www.youtube.com/embed/g4hvUvBmoaA?autoplay=1 https://www.youtube.com/embed/g4hvUvBmoaA?autoplay=1&mute=1


What change is needed to list the members' information with uppercase Roman numerals? <ul type="I"> <ol type="i"> <ol type="I">


An HTTP response status code is a

three digit number that indicates the status of the requested resource.

URL shortening is a technique

to create shorter URLs that redirect to longer

table cell fromatting

tr td / td tr

A <fieldset> can group drop-down menus, buttons, and other widgets. True False


A drop-down menu only allows one option to be selected. True False


A fluid layout widens to fit the browser's width.


A polyfill is code that creates a browser fallback for a feature if the web browser does not support that feature. True False


A random website is more likely to have a visitor with low vision than a visitor who is totally blind.


A website should use an external stylesheet to create styles that apply to all webpages. True False


A zero spread-radius makes the shadow the same size as the box. True False


An inline style does not use a selector. True False


Having users enter dates, colors, email, and numbers using the specialized widgets is preferable when an appropriate widget is available. True False


If the box-shadow uses the value inset, then the shadow appears inside the box. True False


Multiple <source> tags can be used to specify different video formats. True False


Playing video uses significantly more network bandwidth than playing just audio. True False


Registration information is made publicly available from ICANN's


The <img> tag does not enclose content, so a closing <img> tag is not needed.


The <thead> open and closing tags can be added around the first table row to indicate the row is a table heading. True False


The AAC and MP3 formats are supported by nearly all web browsers. True False


The audio element can play audio as soon as the audio file has downloaded to the browser. True False


The default value for the target attribute is _self. True False


The embedded stylesheet from the animation above makes all paragraphs in the webpage orange. True False


The example above uses the float property to place two containers next to each other. True False


The mathematical forall symbol, ∀, can be written as &forall;


The opening <li> tags should have corresponding closing </li> tags.


The size of the video displayed by a video element is configurable. True False


The target attribute can be used on image links. True False


The target attributes make the venue links open in a different window or tab. True False


span { font-weight: bold; font-size: 2em; }


img tags (atr, and src) can be in any order


JPEG and PNG images can display ---- (24-bit color), which is approximately 16 million different colors. GIF images are limited to only 256 colors (8-bit color), but GIF images can display animations, which are popular on social media.

true color

each country is assigned a unique ___ country code top-level domain

two lettern(.uk, ,.ru, ,.de(Germany))

Indicates which kind of widget is displayed by the browser.


An ---- is a collection of items, usually indented and shown using bullets, surrounded by the <ul> opening and closing tags. Each list item is surrounded by <li> opening and closing tags.

unordered list

more ex

url - For typing a URL tel - For typing a telephone number email - For typing an email address search - For typing search terms

PNG and GIF images ---, meaning no image quality is lost. Lossless compression works best when a large number of adjacent pixels are the same color.

use lossless compression

What does FTP do?

used to transfer files by logging into a computer with the files and typing commands to get the desired files BOOK: an early way for transferring files over the internet. Users used FTP programs to connect to servers, look at listings of available documents, and download documents of interest.

Transport Layer Security (TLS)

uses asymmetric public keys to encrypt data between the browser and web server.

<a href="course.html#Notes">Notes</a> Valid Invalid


<a href="https://example.com/index.html#History">History</a> Valid Invalid


<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uu7XCEMdSHg">News</a>


Allows the input to start with a default value.


A -- is a named container that stores a value in memory. A variable declaration is a statement that declares a new variable with the keyword let followed by the variable name. Ex: let score declares a variable named score.


A ---- is an element that only needs an opening tag. Other void elements include <img> for displaying an image and <input> for obtaining user input.

void element

if valid ip address, but web server not responding it means

web server being turned off or undergoing maintenance, or due to an essential router malfunctioning,

Allows selecting a week and year.


---- character is an unprinted character such as the spaces between words and lines of text. Browsers treat all sequences of whitespace as a single space between non-whitespace characters. E


A --- is an interactive component (usually graphical) that the browser uses to interact with a user. Ex: Buttons, drop-down menus, and data entry fields.


The ----- and ---- are optional <img> attributes that tell the browser how many pixels the image should occupy. Ex: <img src="logo.png" alt="Logo" width="200" height="100"> makes the logo.png image display in a rectangle that is 200 × 100 pixels. If the specified width and height are different from the image's actual size, the browser will resize the image for display.

width attribute height attribute

A --- is a blueprint, showing where the future content will be arrange


A common third-or-deeper-level domain is

www, short for World Wide Web

Is the following a valid URL?https://www.nasa.gov/cubequest/details/#.VOaO_VPF9U9


Is the following a valid URL?https://www.whitehouse.gov/ Yes No


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