Western Civ. Chapter 8

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In his account of shrines, Bernard of Angers described his change of opinion about the devotion to relics. Match each passage from his account to the appropriate part of his argument in favor of relics.

... laughing, I whispered to him in Latin, "What do you think of the idol? Wouldn't Jupiter or Mars be happy with it?" ... Correct label: At first, Bernard of Angers mocked the relic as a form of pagan idol worship. [It is not a] ... spurious idol ... , but rather a pious memorial of a holy virgin, before which great numbers of faithful people decently and eloquently implore her ... intercession for their sins. Correct label: Bernard of Angers argued that relics actually helped people properly practice their faith. ... [after a cleric named Oldaric] ... insulted and belittled the image of the saint. ... a lady ... appeared to him: ... she said, "how dare you insult my image?" [then] ... she flogged [him] with a staff. ... He survived only long enough to tell of the vision in the morning. Correct label: Bernard of Angers says he was convinced of the relic's authenticity when he heard that another person who mocked it suffered divine punishment for doing so.

Monastic reformers objected to the practice of simony. Which of these is an example of simony?

A king invested the son of a loyal lord as a bishop in exchange for a sum of gold.

After reading the textbook, consider this document: " ... from the first day of the Advent of our Lord through Epiphany, and from the beginning of Septuagesima to the eighth day after Pentecost and through that whole day, and ... every Sunday, Friday, and Saturday, ... and on all days ... set apart ... for fasts or feasts, this decree of peace shall be observed; so that both those who travel and those who remain at home may enjoy security and ... so that no one may commit murder, arson, robbery, or assault, no one may injure another with a sword, club, or any kind of weapon." — Issued in 1083. This was part of a broader Church movement, the Truce of God, which began in the early eleventh century. What does this document suggest about the First Crusade, which began in 1095?

Before the First Crusade, the Church was making efforts to decrease violent conflict within Europe.

How did the Byzantine Empire address the Rus' threat?

Byzantine royalty entered into strategic marriages with Rus' leaders. The Byzantine government cooperated with the Rus' in military ventures.

Which events contributed to the political independence of Cluniac monasteries in Italy and Frankish territories?

Cluny used its independent financial power to sponsor other monasteries. Cluny's wealthy benefactor, the Duke of Aquitaine, gave up any claim to Cluny's property. Cluny forged a direct relationship with the papacy.

What do these three sets of conflicts have in common? western European wars against the Slavs English wars against the Welsh and the Scots Spanish wars against native populations in Mexico

Each called on the tradition of Christian holy war, referring back to the First Crusade.

The medieval relationship between political power and property was complex and varied. Which of these statements are accurate descriptions of the period?

Each serf was attached to a parcel of land and had to work on that land for whomever owned it. Manors could be occupied by free peasants, serfs, or a mix of both.

The Byzantine Emperor Alexius and Pope Urban II had different views of the purpose and benefits of the First Crusade. Match each statement with the man whose views it best represents.

Emperor Alexius The goal of this military enterprise is to protect Byzantine territory against Seljuk incursions. Pope Urban II This venture is beneficial because it will quell fighting between warlords. The goal of this military venture is to recapture Christian lands and reunify the Christian Church.

English words with Arabic roots reveal the kinds of things that Europeans obtained and learned from the Islamic world. Match these English words with what they suggest about interaction between Europe and the Islamic world.

Europeans learned tactics for administering trade in the Islamic world. Correct label: tariff Europeans learned important mathematical concepts from Muslim scholars. Correct label: zero, algebra, algorithm European merchants got these goods from Muslim merchants. Correct label: sugar, saffron

The First Crusade had a significant, negative, economic impact on the Islamic world.


What broad lessons are suggested by Leonardo Fibonacci's influence on mathematics?

Mathematical developments greatly aided business and commerce. Merchants and migrants were important transporters of knowledge.

What does this image of King Otto I suggest about his role?

Otto I is an active supporter of Christianity. Otto I rules over both political and religious affairs.

What happened to the infrastructure of the Latin Church in the ninth century?

Powerful families claimed local churches, monasteries, and church positions as their own property.

What reforms did monasteries call for within the Church?

Priests should take vows of poverty, like monks. The Church should end simony. Priests should take vows of celibacy, like monks.

Trace the trajectory of the First Crusade by putting the following events into chronological order.

Seljuq Turks captured Byzantine territory in Armenia and Anatolia plus Fatimid-ruled Jerusalem. Convinced heavily armed European knights could defeat Seljuq fighters, the Byzantine emperor asked for military help from Pope Urban II. Pope Urban II called on European knights to fight against "pagans," saying fighters could win salvation in addition to wealth. Heeding the call of the pope, diverse Europeans - rich and poor, men and women - set out for the Holy Land. Inspired by the rhetoric of vengeance, Crusaders killed hundreds of European Jews in towns along the way to Constantinople. In 1099, after Emperor Alexius ushered the Crusaders away from Constantinople, they conquered Jerusalem.

Europe's fragmentation was reflected in a wide diversity of political developments. Match each political development with the place where it occurred.

Slavs - poland first - iceland ruled - catalonia capital- kiev

How did European scholars gain access to new Hellenistic, Islamic, and other Asian knowledge? Place the items into the correct chronological order.

abbasid the crusades western european european arabist

Which tactics characterized Norse leadership in the Viking Age?

adoption of Christianity glorification of Norse culture

Despite the violence of the First Crusade, multiple parties found ways to benefit from the conflict. Match each group of people with the unique gains they acquired from their interactions during and after the conflict.

broader access to knowledge Correct label: European scholars acquired new military techniques Correct label: western Europeans and Fatimids increased access to eastern goods Correct label: merchants from Venice and Genoa

Which institution was most closely associated with the monastic reform movement of the tenth century?


Almost two centuries after his reign, which elements of Charlemagne's governance survived in the lands of his former kingdom?

descendants of Charlemagne's counts presided over public courts of law in catalonia, local lord in anjou and flanders minted and regulated coinage.

The relative power of Church and political institutions differed across Europe in this period. Put these regions in order, beginning with the place where monasteries had the broadest independent power, and ending with the place where they were least independent of political leaders.

duchy germanic england

Christian missionaries developed the runic alphabet (shown here) to help illiterate Viking leaders govern their territories. The Lingsberg Runestone is decorated with runic letters, a cross, and drawings of various animals.


For religious reasons, only Jews engaged in banking and moneylending in Europe. (T/F)


In the Concordat of Worms, religious and political officials agreed that the pope had complete control over clerical officials, like bishops. (T/F)


The First Crusade had significant, negative, economic impact on the Islamic world (T/F)


Medieval European political relationships were based on -. These contractual relationships created - territories and lacked the - of centralized, bureaucratic government. Lords regularly used violence to maintain their territorial claims, building - and employing private armies of -.

fiefs geographically fragmented organized hierarchy castles knights

In what ways did King Otto I emulate Charlemagne?

he patronized arts and learning, he was crowned by the pope, he combined conquest with Christian conversion of conquered peoples.

Match each of these medieval developments to its effect.

increased the amount of food produced on each acre of land Correct label: three-field system increased what each farmer could accomplish in a day of work Correct label: new farming implements increased the overall productivity of each community through cooperation Correct label: manors

What does the example of the Flemish town of Arras demonstrate?

landlords gave urban dwellers political independence in exchange for paying taxes, urban communities could counterbalance the power of landed elites, monasteries acted as landlords

The Byzantine Empire faced a number of challenges in the tenth and eleventh centuries. Match each type of challenge with the people who posed it.

merchants from Venice, Genoa, and Pisa Correct label: economic threat Slavs and Seljuq Turks Correct label: territorial threats newly reconquered Syrians and Armenians Correct label: threat to religious unification

Who developed many of the tools that facilitated the medieval agricultural revolution?


Pope Gregory VII made an argument about the political importance of excommunicating King Henry IV. Put the following statements in the correct order to express his argument.

only this since

Manors were appealing to peasants and lords for different reasons. Match each reason to the person who would have found it most appealing.

peasant the presence of mills, taverns, or communal ovens increased agricultural productivity and decreased individual costs lord greater tax revenues more easily controlled than dispersed individual farm plots

Arrange the events of the Investiture Conflict in chronological order.

pope leo pope nicholas when king henry after he the concordat

The three-field system led to increased prosperity and - in Europe. By moving from one to two -, farmers helped insure against hunger-causing disasters. They also redistributed their - more evenly throughout the year. Increased production of - and animals meant that farmers benefitted from more -.

population growth harvests per year workload legumes protein

Why else does the textbook suggest that Europeans were willing to take part in the First Crusade?

religious faith and the tradition of pilgrimage, the cultural influence of heroic legends

Vikings eventually settled in numerous places, establishing a number of different kingdoms. Which common tactics did they use to promote their own success?

skilled navigation of river and sea routes strategic marriages to form alliances

Medieval towns arose across Europe, but the factors that determined their success varied according to region. Match each town to the factor that was important for its success.

strategic location on overland and riverine trade routes Correct label: Cologne & Lyon effective government protection from pirates Correct label: Naples & Venice strategic location on a trade route connecting the Atlantic and the Mediterranean Correct label: Granada & Toledo

What important regional shift occurred between 950 and 1100 CE?

the center of european political, cultural, and economic power shifted northward

The textbook points out that participating in the First Crusade was both dangerous and extremely costly, suggesting that Crusaders were motivated by something in addition to financial gain. Why else does the textbook suggest that Europeans were willing to take part in the First Crusade?

the cultural influence of heroic legends religious faith and the tradition of pilgrimage

These images show buildings constructed in Islamic Spain. Which elements make them strongly characteristic of Islamic architecture?

the use of repeating geometric patterns the use of a water feature

Over 100,000 European people participated in the First Crusade (T/F)


Under traditional European farming methods, only one-half of a farmer's land was used during each growing season, while the other half lay fallow. What portion of farmers' land was used to grow crops during each growing season once peasants switched to the three-field system?

two-thirds of the land

Read the following passages about Pope Urban II and Emperor Alexius's perspectives on the First Crusade. " ... you must apply the strength of your righteousness to another matter. ... For your brethren who live in the east are in urgent need of your help, and you must hasten to give them the aid which has often been promised them." —Pope Urban II, calling for the First Crusade, as reported by Fulcher of Chartres "He dreaded their arrival, knowing as he did their uncontrollable passion, their erratic character and their irresolution, not to mention ... their greed for money. ... " —Emperor Alexius's reaction to the arrival of the crusaders, as reported by his daughter, Anna Comnena How did Pope Urban II and Emperor Alexius differ in their views of the First Crusade?

The pope implied that the crusaders were responding to a Byzantine request, whereas the Byzantine king did not welcome an army of Europeans. The pope described European crusaders as ethical and heroic, while Alexius saw them as undependable and self-interested.

Climate change significantly affected patterns of European settlement and farming.


When the Crusader army reached Jerusalem, it killed Muslims, Jews, and Christians alike.


Why did free peasants and serfs migrate to towns and cities?

Urban dwellers had more political and individual freedoms.

Which of these trends contributed significantly to the political fragmentation of Europe in the tenth and eleventh centuries?

Viking raids and settlements

Which phrases accurately describe the popular devotion to relics in medieval Europe?

a source of revenue for churches and monasteries one way that monastic practices influenced popular culture

Which phrases describe watermills?

a way of harnessing the power of water to replace animal or human labor a source of political power and wealth for those who controlled them

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