What is a Vaccine

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In silico antigen discovery


types of vaccine

whole organims either live atteunated or dead purfied proetins - diptheria recomdiant protiens peptides mixtures and conjuagtes DNA

Delivery sytmes

get antigens into cystomplams

Recombinant Vector Vaccines

simailr to DNA vaccines but use a virus to introdue the DNA. the weekeness of all and the strgenths of none.

Conjugate Vaccines

species of subunit vaccine. link an antigen with the polyscarride that bacteria produce to hide their antigens. so the immune system will react against the polyscarioide. useful in the young

Toxoid Vaccines

used if toxin is the mai ncasue of the diease. inactive toxin with FORMALIN. created deacvtied toxins,called Toxoids. Examples tetnus and diptheria.

Mucosal immunity

IgA found on mucous membranes; defends against infectious agents at the site of infection before they enter the body


Something that is added to a vaccine to modify the immune response to the protective antigen: - Increased response - Prolonged response - "Correct" response • Concerns: - May trigger responses to self-proteins causing autoimmunity - May make vaccines too reactogenic

more Adjuvant

The chemical nature of adjuvants, their mode of action and their reactions (side effect) are highly variable. According to Gupta et al. (1993), some of the side effects can be ascribed to an unintentional stimulation of different mechanisms of the immune system whereas others may reflect general adverse pharmacological reactions which are more less expected.

how are antigens disovered?

it used to be you would use pathgoelist and diease experts to find the antigen, no gentics has a large impact.

What three parts can make uo a vaccine

Adjuvant=making delivery easiyer and to stimualte the immune system or stablize. delivery sytem= antigen= the virus or some part of

DNA Vaccines

DNA from a virus antigen infected, taken up and cells start making viral peplomers and the immune system learns. might casue a stronge immune reaction. No effective exmaples yet ( none for me tar, i dont want cancer).

types of Adjuvant

Depots-prolong antigen persistants eg oils Compleses-increase antigen uptake eg liposomes conjungates-Increase T cell reasponse eg toxoids

What is a Vaccine

Medicine made from killed bacteria or damaged particles from bacterial cell walls or viruses that can prevent some diseases

case study Adjuvant oils

The establishment of a portion of the antigen in a persistent form at the injection site, enabling a gradual and continuous release of antigen for stimulating the antibody;. The provision of a vehicle for transport of emulsified antigen throughout the lymphatic system to distant places, such as lymph nodes and spleen, where new foci of antibody formation can be established; and, 3. Formation and accumulation of cells of the mononuclear series which are appropriate to the production of antibody at the local and distal sites.

Live, Attenuated Vaccines

clostest thing to the real infection, elcit stronge cellualr and antibody responses and more likly to give stronge lifelong immntiy with only a couple of bossters. Also realitvly easiy to make for virus harder for bacteria as they have more complex genes and virlence factors .However there is the possiblity that the vaccine might mutate and become virlent. also Immunocpromised peoeple might have an adverse reaction to these vaccines. also they are harder to store and transport ( becasue of the need for regrinatrion)

The problem with vaccines and mucosal immunity. ++

its hard to acaitve the mucsal immnity.

Inactivated Vaccines

killed vaccines. No change of returning to vilrent form. easily to transpiort and store. However they usally casue a weeker immune response, so bad if you dont have easiy accses to medical technogly.

Subunit Vaccines

only use antigens that best stimulate the immine system. Somtimes the use epitomes ( specific part of the antifen that antiboies or T cells reconise) . Chances of adverese reaction are low. Creating them is time consming and hard to islate the exact protien that triggers an immune response, espically for a bacteria, not so much for a vrius. could also be used to make recomfiant subinit vaccines, eg yeast with vrial peplomer protiens (wow).

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