World History Chpt 6

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God of Islam.


He claimed to be the last and greatest of prophets. His teachings became the basis for Islam. Name means "highly praised."


He rose from humble origins to become one of the most famous Byzantine emperors. Regained much lost territory through an expensive military effort, had massive building programs, enacted the Justinian Code. Left the empire financially drained upon his death.


"Successors" of Mohammed who directed the affairs of Islam, exercising spiritual, political, and military authority. Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and Ali.


"The Wise." He greatly strengthened Kiev's position of leadership; Kiev became known as the "Mother of Russian Cities." and saw the peak of its power. His reign saw the greatest territorial expansion of the early Russian state. He negotiated marriage alliances and sponsored the earliest Russian code of laws.

Justinian Code

A systematic arrangement of laws that clarified Roman legal principles. The basis for many European law codes today.

Was was the Justinian Code?

A systematic arrangements of laws that clarified Roman legal princeples

Five Pillars of Islam

1. Shahadah: There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet. 2. Salat: Prayers must be recited five times a day while facing Mecca. 3. Zakat: "Purification." Alms must be given to the poor. 4. Sawm: A required fast from sunrise to sunset during Ramadan. 5. Hajj: The pilgrimage to Mecca. Required once of every able Muslim.


A favorite decorative art that graced the walls and ceilings of Byzantine churches. Glass and stone laid in wet cement.

Nika Revolt

A popular uprising in 532 that threatened to topple Justinian from power. Name comes from the battle cry of the people meaning "conquer!"

Seljuk Turks

A powerful force in the East. Originally nomadic tribes from central Asia, they adopted Arab culture and the Islamic religion. Conquered Byzantine-controlled Asia Minor in 1071.


A sacred shrine that housed hundreds of pagan idols at Mecca.

What does Orthodox mean?

Conforming to the Christian Faith us represented in the creeds of the early church


Depriving an individual of the sacraments and excluding him from the fellowship of the church.


Eastern European people group whose ancestors played a major role in establishing the early Russian state.

"New Rome"

Emperor Constantine formally dedicated this new capital for the Roman Empire in 330. It became more widely known as Constantinople. "Queen of the Mediterranean." Now called Istanbul.


Fierce Mongolian warriors from central Asia. They swept into Russian and and destroyed Kiev in 1240.


Holy War of the Muslims. Conquest of the Arabs.

What is the "Dome of the Rock?"

Is a shrine located on the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem. The Dome of the Rock is now one of the oldest works of Islamic architecture.

Vladimir I

Kievan ruler who ordered the destruction of pagan idols and temples and established Orthodox Christianity as the official state religion.

Basil II

Known as the "Bulgar Slayer." He crushed the Bulgars in the Balkan region and added their kingdoms to the empire. Under Basil, the culture and trade of Justinian's time was revived.

Eastern Orthodox Church

Made up of various national churches. Do not recognize one man as their leader. Each patriarch exercises authority over his own national church and is in equal position to every other patriarch.


Painted images of Christ and the saints used for worship.


Places of Muslim worship. The best examples of Muslim architecture.

Hagia Sophia

The church which name means "Holy Wisdom." The most famous example of fine Byzantine architecture. Constantinople.


Slavic designation of the Norsemen meaning "rowers" or "seafarers."


The Byzantine Empire finally came to an end in this year when a new wave of Muslims sacked Constantinople and killed the last emperor.


The West sent several military expeditions to free the East, especially the Holy Land, from Muslim invaders.


The art of visually beautiful writing.

Abu Bakr

The first caliph. Father of one of Muhammad's wives and early convert of Muhammad.


The move of Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Medina. Celebrated as year 1 in the Muslim calender. Means "Flight."

Byzantine Empire

The remnant of the Roman Empire in the East. Survived 1000 years after Rome fell in the west. Capital = Constantinople. A blending of the cultural heritage of ancient Greece and the cultures of the Near East. Strongly influenced the people of Russia and southeastern Europe. Fell in 1453 to the Ottoman Turks.


The sacred book and primary authority of the Muslims. Means "recitation." Chapters are called suras.


The wife of Justinian who had a strong character and gave timely counsel. Theodora was formerly from a questionable lifestyle, but after marrying Justinian she became an important co-ruler and adviser to him.

Greek Fire

This weapon, which the Byzantines acquired in the seventh century, was an explosive mixture of naptha oil, sulfur, and saltpeter. It could not be put out with water.

What was Justinian's Chief objective?

To Restore the Greatness of Rome

Cyril and Methodius 0 What did they develop?

Two Byzantine missionaries to the Slavic People in Russia

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