World Studies Ch. 6

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At this stage, Marx predicted, a great upheaval in society would take place. Made desperate by their poverty, he claimed, the workers would _______________________, take over ___________________________, and destroy the ______________________ and the _____________.

seize control of the government, means of production, capitalist system, ruling class

The communists openly declared that their goals can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions. "Let the ruling classes tremble at a communistic revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win." What was Marx's slogan?

"Workers of the world unite."

What are two examples of countries that wanted national unity/their own country?

1. the Germans- not united, wanted national unity in a German nation state with one central government 2. the Hungarians- wanted to establish their own government free from the Austrian empire

___________ refused to agree to the principle, arguing that the great powers should not interfere in the internal affairs of other states. The other great powers ignored the British and used military forces to crush revolutions in Spain and Italy, as well as to restore legitimate and conservative monarchs to their thrones.


The ______________ destroyed the concert of Europe. ____________ and __________ had been the two chief powers maintaining the status quo in the first half of the 19th century. They were now enemies because __________, which had its own interest in the Balkans had refused to support Russia in the Crimean War.

Crimean War, Austria, Russia, Austria

Nationalism did not become a popular force for change until the __________________. From then on, nationalists came to believe that each _______________ should have its own ______________.

French Revolution, nationality, government

The most influential socialist thinker was ____________-1818-1883. He worked as a newspaper editor in Prussia until government authorities, angry about his writing, forced him out of the country. He then settled in England.

Karl Marx

The growth of nationalism produced dramatic changes in two European countries by 1871. Both ________ and _________ became unified. They were able to do so because of the break-down of the system created by the ____________________. The _____________ played a crucial role in the break-down.

Italy, Germany, concert of Europe, Crimean War

After the defeat of __________, European rulers moved to restore much of the old order. This was the goal of the great powers- Britain, Austria, Prussia, and Russia- when they met at ___________________ in September 1814 to arrange a final peace settlement.

Napoleon, the Congress of Vienna

_____________ was an even more powerful force for change in the 19th century than was ____________.

Nationalism, liberalism

Marx also argued that governments are run only to keep the capitalist oppressors in power. In democratic industrialized nations, however, the state serves workers as well as capitalists. _________________________, __________________ and _____________ are examples of state support for workers.

Old age benefits, help for the unemployed, minimum wage

Russia was especially interested in expanding its power into _______________ in the __________, and gaining access to the _____________ and thus the _________________. Such a move would make Russia the major power in eastern Europe and would inable the Russians to challenge _______________ control of the eastern Mediterranean. Other European powers feared Russian ambitions and had their own interest in the decline of the Ottoman Empire.

Ottoman land, Balkans, *Dardanelles*, Mediterranean Sea, British naval

The leader of the Congress was the Austria foreign minister ______________________, who claimed that he was guided at Vienna by the __________________________. This meant that the lawful monarchs were ___________________________________ in order to keep peace and stability in Europe. This had already been done in France with the restoration of the ___________ monarchy.

Prince Klemens von Metternich, principle of legitimacy, restored to their positions of power, bourbon

A defeated and humiliated __________ withdrew from European affairs for the next 20 years. __________ was now without friends among the great powers. This new international situation opened the door for the unification of both _______ and _______.

Russia, Austria, Italy, Germany

The Crimean War was the result of a long standing struggle between __________ and ________________ (the Turks). They had long been in control of much of southeastern Europe, an area known as the ___________.

Russia, the Ottoman Empire, Balkans

When the Russians invaded the _________ provinces of ___________ and __________, the Ottoman Turks declared war on Russia in October 1853. In the following year, on March 28, __________ and __________, fearful of Russian gains, declared war on Russia.

Turkish, Moldavia, Walachia, Britain, France

In modern industrialized society, Marx said, economic power is held by the __________- the middle class capitalists who owned the factories, mines, banks, and businesses. According to Marx, these capitalists dominate and exploit the ______________- the wage-earning laborers.

bourgeoisie, proletariat

Marx insisted that __________ had to be replaced by a different economic and social system. In his writings with his friend ________________, Marx called this new system _______________.

capitalism, Friedrich Engels, communism

The heart of Marx's doctrine was the belief that the ____________________________. Marx declared that shopkeepers and owners of small businesses would be ruined by competition with powerful capitalists.

capitalist system would disappear

Marx described communism as a form of ______________________ in which all property and the means of production should be __________________ (government owns it for people). All goods/services would be ______________.

complete socialism, owned by the people, equally shared

One method used by the great powers to maintain the new status quo was the _______________. _________, _________, __________, and _________, and later _________, agreed to meet at times in conference to discuss their common interest and take steps that would maintain peace in Europe.

concert of Europe, Britain, Russia, Prussia, Austria, France

The peace arrangements worked out at the Congress of Vienna were a victory for _________________ who wanted to contain the forces of change unleashed by the ___________________. Those like Metternich believed in an ideology known as _____________.

conservative rulers, French Revolution, conservatism

This would create a ____________________________________- a society run by the __________________. Marx believed violent revolution was necessary. The ______________________ published by Marx and Engels in 1848, sounded the call for a working class revolution.

dictatorship of the proletariat, working class, Communist Manifesto

Marx gained a good deal of support for his theories. Scholars, however, point out basic flaws in his philosophy of history. Marx looked only at the role of ____________ forces, which alone cannot explain important historical developments. ____________, ____________, and _________________ forces affect events as well.

economic, Political, religious, psychological

Scholars also point out that several of Marx's predictions were wrong. Marx did not foresee the __________________ workers have made- ___________, _____________, and __________________________.

enormous gains, higher wages, shorter hours, better working conditions

Nationalism then was a threat to the _____________________. A united Germany, for example, would upset the balance of power set up at ________ in _____. At the same time, an independent Hungarian state would mean the break-up of the _______________. ___________ feared such change and thus tried hard to repress nationalism.

existing political order, Vienna, 1815, Austrian empire, conservatives

Marx claimed that the ___________ of the have-nots by the haves has always caused a _________________. In ancient Greece and Rome, the struggle was between master and slave. In medieval Europe, it was between lord and serf.

exploitation, class struggle

Marx's ideas about government were based on his economic thought. He claimed that the class that holds economic power also controls the _______________ for its own advantage.


All through history, said Marx, there have been two classes in society- the _________ and the _____________. The first class controlled the _______________________ and owned most of the _________. The other group does the _________ but gets little or no reward for it.

haves, have-nots, production of goods, wealth, labor

Marx also predicted that working class revolutions would break out in the ________________ countries. These revolutions never occurred. Rather, it was in largely ______________ nations, such as __________, __________, and _________, that communist revolutions took place.

industrialized, agricultural, Russia, China, Cuba

Nationalism arose out of an awareness of being part of a community that has common ___________, ___________, ___________, and __________. The chief political loyalty of individuals should be to the nation rather than to a dynasty, city-state, or other political unit. This community mentioned above is called a __________.

institutions, traditions, language, customs, nation

Eventually, the great powers adopted the principle of __________. This was the right of the great powers to _________________ ___________________________________ in order to ___________________________.

intervention, send armies into countries where there were revolutions, restore legit monarchs to their thrones

Nor was he correct in thinking that the middle class would be pushed down into the lower class. Instead, most industrialized countries now have a very large _________.

middle class

Marx expected the workers of all nations to join forces against the capitalist oppressors. That did not happen. The great wars of the 20th century have been waged between ____________, not __________.

nations, classes

To understand the inner meaning of history, said Marx, one must realize that people's first concern has always been to ______________ and ______________. Therefore, he said, it is economic forces, such as the way that goods are __________ and ___________, that shape history.

obtain food, possessions, produced, distributed

Most conservatives at that time favored obedience to _____________________ and believed that _________________ was crucial to order in society. Moreover, they hated revolutions and were unwilling to accept the liberal demands for either individual rights or representative government.

political authority, organized religion

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