World War 1

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How many Americans died in World War 1?


How deep were average trenches?

12 feet deep

How many members of the 369th Infantry were awarded the French Croix de Guerre medal for bravery?


How long did the Harlem Hellfighters spend in combat?

191 days

About how many men were drafted for the war?

2.8 million

What was the most famous African American unit?

369th Infantry

how many African Americans served in the war?


About how many African Americans actually saw combat?


who were part of the Central powers?

Austro-Hungarian Empire, German Empire, Ottoman Empire (turkey), Kingdom of Bulgaria

When did the US enter the war?

February 1917

What army welcomed African Americans and did not discriminate against it?


Who were part of the Allied Powers?

France, Great Britain, Russian Empire, Serbia, Empire of Japan, Italy, United States of America

What made America change there decision of being neutral?

Germans torpedoed British liner called the Lusitania. the ship quickly sank and killed 128 Americans.

Why did president Wilson cut off diplomatic relations with Germany?

Germany submarines continued to attack American ships

What was the nickname that the Germans called the 369th Infantry?

Harlem Hellfighters

On May 14, 1918, how fought off a German raiding party consisting of at least 12 soldiers?

Henry Johnson

When was the Zimmerman Telegram?

January 1917

When did World War 1 end? and how did it end?

November 11, 1918 because the Germans surrendered

What was World War 1's nickname?

The Great War

What were some of the new technologies during the war?

airplanes, tanks, submarines, poison gas, and machine guns

Why did Woodrow Wilson want to stay neutral in the war?

as a nation of immigrants, it would be difficult for the US to choose sides

What were American troops known as during World War 1?


What was the Zimmerman Telegram?

it proposed a military alliance between Mexico and Germany

3 out of 4 casualties during the war were caused by what weapon?

long-range heavy artillery

What weapon fired 600 rounds were minute and normally required 3 men to operate?

machine guns

What were the causes of World War 1?

militarism, alliances, imperialism, nationalism

Why were trenches dug in a zigzag pattern?

provide better protection from down-the-line rifle fire and artillery explosions

What did the Treaty of Versailles do?

required Germany to pay billions of dollars in reparations for all the damage caused by the war, disarm completely, and give up its overseas territories. it also forced the defeated empires to give up territory in Europe, creating many new countries

What did alliances do?

required countries to aid each other in the event of war.

What is propaganda?

spreading of information, often by a government, that is designed to influence people's opinion

After the war, what plan did Wilson propose that called for the formation of the League of Nations to act as a peace-keeping organization?

the Fourteen Points

What does World War 1 have to do with the number 11?

the war ended on the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month

What did the Selective Service act do? and why did they need an act this this?

this act required all men from ages 21-30 to register for military service because in 1917 the US army numbered only 120,000 soldiers

Why did the government create the Committee on Public Information?

to create enthusiasm for the war among the American public

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