World War 2 and Holocaust

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VJ Day

"Victory over Japan day" on August 15, 1945

How did Hitler rise to power?

**Economy was weak because of stock market crash and WW I debt. **Promised to fix Germany

Treaty of Versailles

1919 peace treaty at end of WW1


Adolf Hitler's title in Nazi Germany: it means leader.


Alaskan Native Americans who were forced into camps and compelled to continue seal hunting to fulfill government contracts

Axis Powers

Alliance of Germany, Italy, and Japan during World War II fighting against the Allies.

Nuremberg Trials

Allied war crimes tribunal against Nazis after WWII

Bataan Death March

American POWs were forced to endure a torturous movement from one camp to another; many were killed along the way

Hitler's Ideal Race

Aryan (white; blond hair, blue eyes)


Commanding General of the European Theater & D-Day


Emperor of Japan during WWII

D-Day Invasion

Europe Britain, USA, France, Canada vs Germany Winner: Britain, USA, France, Canada

Battle of the Bulge

Europe Germany vs Belgium Winner: USA

Battle of Stalingrad

Europe Germany vs Soviet Union Winner: Soviet Union

When Hitler did rise to power, what kind of government did he establish?

Facist Government

Oskar Schindler

German businessman who profited from Jewish slave labor but later saved thousands


German secret police

Axis Powers

Germany, Italy, Japan

Allied Powers

Great Britain, France (not for long though), Soviet Union, United States

What is Anit-Semitism?

Hatred of the Jewish Race.

Harry S. Truman

He became president when FDR died; used the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


Hitler's Germany

Secret Service

Hitler's elite police force, responsible for finding Jews and all political enemies, ran many of the concentration camps

final solution

Hitler's program of systematically killing the entire Jewish people

Why did Hitler and the Nazi Party hate the Jews to the point of planning to exterminate the entire Jewish population?

It was a fight between races.

Battle of Midway Island

Japan loses most their aircraft carrier; key turning point in the war


Jewish house of worship


Jews don't believe that Jesus is the Son of God The church taught that Jews were responsible for Jesus' death.


June 6, 1944 - US invasion of France at the beaches of Normandy, largest sea invasion in history


Leader of Germany during WWII


Leader of Great Britain during WWII


Leader of Italy during WWII


Leader of Russia during WWII

Heinrich Himmler

Leader of the Secret Service, implemented many of the policies that led to the Holocaust

VE Day

May 8, 1945; Victory in Europe Day when the Germans surrendered


Nation created by the United Nations following World War II as a homeland for Jews

Nuremburg Laws

Nazi Germany laws that discriminated


Nazi euphemism for the deliberate killings of institutionalized physically, mentally, and emotionally handicapped people.

Final Solution

Nazi program of annihilating the Jews of Europe during the Third Reich.

The Big Three

Nickname of the leaders for the Allies

Battle of Midway

Pacific USA vs Japan Winner: USA

Iwo Jima

Pacific USA vs Japan Winner: USA

Food Given In Camps

Potatoes, Coffee, Bread, "Soup"


President of the US during almost all of WWII


Prime Minister of Japan during WWII

Battle of Midway

Prior to the battle, the Japanese had been winning the war in the Pacific. USA victory at Midway crippled the Japanese fleet. The Japanese were no longer able to take the offensive in the Pacific. This battle was a turning point because after it, the US began winning in the region.


Sections of the city that is thickly populated with [people of the same ethnic or minority group. The largest was in Warsaw Poland during WWII.

Prisoners were used for...

Slave Labor

Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact

Soviet Union agreed to not fight when Germany invaded Poland in return for Polish territory; Germany agreed to not meddle when the Soviets invaded Finland.


Stalin's USSR


Stalingrad is considered one of the turing points of the war because Germany was never able to fully recover from the extreme losses they suffered during the battle.

Star of David

Symbol of Judaism: it is a star with 6 points.


Systematic mass slaughter of 6 million European Jews in Nazi concentration camps during WWII. ( complete destruction of life - usually by fire)


Term that refers to the hatred of Jews

Nazi Party

The National Socialist German Workers' Party

Iwo Jima

The USA took over the island. The island of Iwo Jima provided the USA with a location for their fighter planes and bombers to land and take off wihile attacking Japan.


The deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, cultural, or religious group.

Manhattan Project

The secret research project that developed the Atomic Bomb

D Day

This battle was the turning point for the war in Europe. It allowed over 500,000 Allied troops to enter mainland Europe and begin pushing the German forces back.

Nuremberg Laws

This document defined "Jews" and deprived all Jewish people of their civil rights.

Battle of the Bulge

This was Germany's final attempt to drive the Allies out of Europe. The American victory here sealed the fate of Hitler.

How did the Nazi Party convince the German people to hate and eventually allow the killing of 6 million Jewish people and 5 million non-Jewish people?

Took control of ALL forms of communication.

Tuskegee Airman

Unit of African American pilots that fought in World War II; got more awards then any other unit.

Anne Frank

a German-born diarist. One of the most discussed Jewish victims of the Holocaust, she gained fame posthumously following the publication of The Diary of a Young Girl

Death camps (extermination camps)

a concentration camp in which inmates are unlikely to survive.


a furnace where a corpse can be burned and reduced to ashes


a government in which the GOVERNMENT controls and runs everything


a government that focuses on a NATION or RACE above the individual, led by a dictator

Concentration Camp

a guarded compound for the detention or imprisonment of aliens, minorities, political opponents. Used for confinement and persecution of prisoners.


a judgment or opinion formed before the facts are known (usually based on suspicion, hatred, and intolerance of other people).


a limit on certain items during wartime such as sugar and gasoline in order to preserve these items for the troops

Battle of Britain

a series of air raids led by the Germans on England; never defeated Britain


a town in SW Poland: site of Nazi concentration camp during World War II.


aggressive patriotism; devotion to the interests/culture of one's nation

Lend Lease Act

allowed the United States to trade with Great Britain while remaining neutral; it was focused on building an "arsenal for democracy"


an ancient symbol used by the Nazis as their emblem

gas chambers

an enclosure used for the execution of prisoners by means of a poisonous gas (Zyklon B)

Munich Conference

appeasement of Adolf Hitler's expansionist policies, taking the Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia.

Pearl Harbor

attack in Hawaii that caused the US to join WWII (Dec. 7 1941)


biased communication designed to influence people's thoughts and actions (like advertising, but for ideas, not products)


building up armed forces in aggressive preparation for war


city in Japan that had the first dropping of an atomic weapon

Neutrality Acts

declared that the US would not get involved in foreign affairs; isolationist

internment (relocation) camps

designated areas where Japanese Americans were sent after the attack at Pearl Harbor; fear that they may be spies caused this to happen


discrimination, hatred, prejudice, or hostility towards Jewish people.

Reasons To Be Persecuted

ethnicity, religion, political beliefs, or sexual orientation

Rosie the Rivetor

famous propaganda used to encourage women to work in the factories while the men were at war


generalizations or assumptions that people make about the characteristics of all members of a group based on an image.


giving in to someone in hopes that they will be satisfied; example being when they "gave in" to Hitler's early invasions hoping he would stop

Death Marches

marches during 1944-1945 where thousands of prisoners were forced to march from concentration camps outside Germany to those inside of Germany.


night of November 9-10, 1938, Nazis killed Jews and destroyed their property.

liberty bonds

people lent the government funds by purchasing bonds

Nazi Party

political party under Hitler, controlled Germany in 1933, dictatorship, believed in the supremacy of Hitler, the superior German race, and anit-Semitism.

Navajo Code Talkers

sent messages in their native language in the Pacific front


site of 2nd Atomic Bomb


the largest death camp established by the Nazis


the process of taking people from their homes and forcing them to live somewhere else.

Fatman, Little Boy

the two atomic bombs dropped on Japan


to deprive of human qualities or attributes.

Potsdam Declaration

warned Japan of "utter destruction" if they did not surrender

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