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I was so excited that I ran _______ than Maria in the 400-metre race. A. quickly B. most quickly C. more quickly D. less quickly


Look! that is lisa's dog. _________ funny dog it is! A. what; B. how; C. what a ; D. how a


My brother joined _____ army last year. A. a; B. an; C. the; D. /


This island is _________ a dependency (附属地)of the USA. A. any long; B. no long; C. no longer; D. not longer


This pair of trousers doesn't fit me. Would you please show me __________? A. the other one; B. the others; C. another pair; D. another one


Where are the Greeks? asked the captain. They ______ for a few minutes, answered the guard. A. have gone; B. have been there; C. have been away; D. have disappeared


Would you tell me ________? A. what will the weather be like tomorrow. B. waht would the weather be like tomorrow? C. what the weather will be like tomorrow. D. what the weather would be like tomorrow.


You needn't go to buy the apple juice. there is still _______ in the fridge. A. a few; B. few; C. a little; D. little


He enjoys ____ music very much. A. listens; B. listens to; C. listening; D. listening


Jackson must be busy today because he _________ take care of his younger sister. A. can; B. may; C. should; D. has to


Mary's got many useful _______ on her class project from the school library. A. information B. advice; C. news; D. books


My mother always tells me __________ video games too much. A. play; B. not play; C. playing; D. not to play


If you don't hurry up, you will miss the plane (保持句意不变);____ you ______ up, you will miss the plane.

Unless hurry

At the spring Festival, we hang many coloured lights from the bulding (改为被动语态);At the spring Festival, many coloured lights _______ ___________ from the building.

are hung

You should give the pet dog enough food and water every day. (改为被动语态);The pet dog should __________ ___________ enough food and water every day.

be given

All the ______ (city) were celbrating for the victory of the war


Many _____________ would like to be volunteers to help the project (city)


The manager has received a lot of __________ because of their bad service. (complain)


There are a number of __________ about the service of the hotel. (complain)


As a good detective, Ken looks for clues carefully and never jumps to _________ (conclusion)


Few young people know cormorant fishing now. (改为反意疑问句); Few young people know cormorant fishing now, _________ __________?

do they

The maths teacher came into the class room. He held a book in his hand. (改为简单句); The maths teacher _________ the classroom _______ a book in his hand.

entered with

On the open day, our principal was waiting for the parents at the ___________ (enter)


When the students heard the good news, they all cheered _______ (exciting)


He got up early this morning so that he could cath the first bus. (保持句意不变); He got up early this morning __________ ___________ to cath the first bus.

in order

There are many places of ________ in Beijing (interesting)


I'm not able to finish the task successfully within half an hour. (保持句意不变); _________ ___________ for me to finish the task successfully within half an hour

it's impossible

The poor child was so lucky that she received many books from some warm - hearted people (保持句意不变);The poor child was ______ ______ to receive many books from some warm-hearted people.

lucky enough

I've just bought my new car, so I make up my mind to _______ my old one. (sale)


The suspect was very worried. he couldn't say a word clearly (合并为一句); The suspect was ___ worried ___ him to say a word clearly.

too for

Linda was __________ because she was not invited to Joe's party (happy)


Mary's deskmate chose that pair of trousers because of its design (改为被动语态); That pair of trousers _______ __________ by mary's deskmate because of its design.

was chosen

From the letter I knew they did much volunteering work last week. (保持句意不变);From the letter I knew much volunterring work ____ ____ by them last week.

was done

I was taking a walk with my friend this time yesterday (改为一般疑问句); _______ __________ taking a walk with your friend this time yesterday?

were you

Students wanted to know when they would set off for the amusement park (改为简单句);Students wanted to know ______ __________ set off for the amusement park

when to

"When will we travel to Beijing" Linda asked her mum. (改为复合句);Linda asked her mum ___________ they ___________ travel to Beijing

when would

Miss Green asked Dick. "When will you plan to visit London?" (合并为一句); Miss Green asked Dick ___________ he ___________ plan to visit London.

when would

Mary asked her mother, "Does Father Christmas forgive the dishonest kids?" (改为宾语从句); Mary asked her mother _____ Father Christmas ______ the dishonest kids

whether forgave

We visited (the Disneyland Park) in Hongkong this summer? (对划线部分提问); _______ _______ did you visit in Hongkong this summer?

which place

"who will help me finish the job?" she asked (改为间接引语); She asked ______ __________ help her finish the job?

who would

You'd better tell Lily what to do next. (改为否定句);You'd better ______ __________ Lily what to do next

not tell

- Did you have _______ good time yesterday afternoon? - Yes. It's ____ pleasure to fly kites on sunny spring days. A. a,a B. a, the; C. the, a; D. a,/


- Excuse me, but can you tell me where the nearest bank is? - Just _______ going straight for two more blocks and you'll see it. A. keep; B. to keep; C. keeping; D. keeps


Are you a real person or a character in a legend? ______________ A. real person; B. Yes, I am; C. No, I am not; D. I am not sure


As soon as a girl _______ by a robber in a bank, the police took action to save her. A. was kidnapped; B. kidnapped; C. is kidnapped; D. kidnapps


Computers may be able to do most things that _______ human brain can do and do them better. A. a; B. an; C. the; D./


Do you think people will be able to live on Mars in the future? _______. A. I hope so, but I don't think so. B. That's great!; C. Yes, I agree. D. You are welcome.


Having a balanced diet will lower your __________ of becoming sick. A. chances; B. changes; C. choices; D. causes


He has been to ________ university to visit his professor for several times since graduation. A. the ; B. a; C./ D. an


He visited a few ________ at their summer houses near the river last week. A. relatives; B. trucks; C. subways; D. grass


I read aloud the new English words again and again ________ I won't forget them easily. A. so that; B. even though; C. because; D. while


I'm sorry to keep you waiting. Never mind. I have __________ here for only a few minutes. A. been; B. arrived; C. got; D. reached.


It's amazing the programme _________ put your email into other languages. A. can; B. may; C. must; D. need


Listen! Is that bill singing in the next room? No, it __________ be Bill. he has gone to the playground. A. can't; B. mustn't; C. needn't; D. may not


Miss Barnardo _________ several children stories since her first novel was published. A. has written; B. had written; C. will write; D. would write


Mr. Brown _______ TV and started to watch the football game between Germany and Panama. A. switched on; B. switched off; C. turns on; D. turns off


Mr. Smith's response to the news made Jerry ______ how bad the situation was. A. realize; B. to realize; C. realized; D. realizing


Ms. Lin, I've forgotten to bring the poster here. ______, Remember to bring it tomorrow. A. no problem; B. No hurry; C. No way; D. Not at all.


Must I finish reading the book today? No, you _________ if you have somthing else to do. A. mustn't; B. couldn't ; C. can't ; D. don't have to


My parents are busy _____ all the housework everyday. A. with; B. for; C. of; D. on


Our chemistry teacher often does chemical _______ in class. A. experiments; B. expenses; C. exhibitions; D. excuses


Our class teacher said that __________ it rained the next day, we should go as planned. A. even if ; B. as if; C. if; D. even


Our school sports meeting ________ yesterday due to the bad weather. A. was cancelled; B. cancelled; C. has cancelled; D. has been cancelled.


Robot Han always forgets ______ necessary things with him. A. to bring; B. bringing; C. bring; D. taking


Shanghai _____ fast in recent ten years. A. has developed; B. had developed; C. is developing; D. develops


Some students seem to play games for fun. _________, it is a great way for them to relax. A. in fact; B. As a result; C. For this reason; D. In return


Thank you for looking after my pet dog for a whole week. _________ A. Not at all; B. That's very kind of you; C. No, thanks. D. See you then.


The English teacher asked the students ___________ from the story. A. what they could learn; B. what they can learn; C. what could they learn; D. what can they learn


The computer room _________ be cleaned again as we are going to have an open day tomorrow. A. must; B. can; C. need; D. may


The dark smoke from the factories near the river made the local people ______ sick. A. feel; B. felt; C. feeling; D. to feel


The game needs two students to take turns __________ each other questions. A. asking; B. ask; C. asked; D. asks


The gas from cars has ______ bad effect on the quality of air. A. a; B. an; C. the; D./


The lawyer _________ by a few reporters when he appears in the hall this afternoon. A. will be interviewed; B. has been interviewed; C. is interviewed; D. was interviewed


The naughty body denied ________ the expensive vase when his parents asked him. A. breaking; B. broken; C. to break; D. break


The parents asked their son to be serious but he always pretended ________ nothing. A. to hear; B. hearing; C. hear; D. heard


The police arrested the robbers and put them _________ prison. A. in; B. in a ; C. in an; D. in the


The shop assistant was rude ___________ a customer. A. to; B. at; C. for ; D. on


Tobacco ________ nicotine (尼古丁),which is harmful to smokers' health. A. contains; B. is contained; C. includes; D. is included.


Today Chinese _______ in many schools around the world. A. is taught; B. is teaching; C. has taught; D. teachers


Two more new classroom buildings ________ in our school next year. A. will be built; B. were built; C. are built; D. have been built


We are glad to see that shanghai is developing _______ these years than ever before. A. much more quickly B. much quickly C. quickly; D. very quickly.


We really don't know _________ to leave for Beijing by train. A. when; B. where; C. what; D. how


Would you mind me opening the windows? _______, It's quite hot inside. A. Certainly not; B. of course; C. Never mind; D. It doesn't matter.


You can't finish reading the newspaper in a minute because there is too much ______ in it. A. news; B. words; C. titles; D. pictures


You had better ___________ questions in class when there is something you can't understand. A. ask; B. asked; C. asking; D. to ask


________ it with your class teacher if you can't make the decision yourselves. A. discuss; B. discussing; C. to discuss; D. discussed.


_________. My pleasure. A. thanks for your suggestions. B. I'm sure you'll be happy with the result. C. I hurt my back when moving the box. D. I'm going to wash my car.


We usually go to Yinfa home for the ______ on friday. (age)


Does Kitty often sing these English songs (改为被动语态); _______ these English songs often ________ by kitty?

Are sung

- ________ are you able to type the english words? - About forty to fifty words a minute. A. how often; B. how fast; C. how long; D. how far


-Tom, Mary cannot sharpen the pencil. Can you give ________ a hand? - Certainly. A. she; B. her; C. hers; D. herself


After _________ her mobile phone on the tea table, grandama couldn't find it any longer. A. to put; B. putting; C. put; D. leave


After you buy a car insureance, the company will pay for your damage _______ you have an accident. A. unless; B. if; C. until; D. though


All the students went for the autumn outing _______ Alice, who was seriously sick. A. as well as; B. except; C. besides; D. beside


Although they set out late, they __________ get there ontime. A. should; B. managed to; C. could; D. must


An underground runs much ________ than a bus. A. quickly; B. more quickly; C. quicker; D. most quickly


Anything I can do to help? _______, but I can manage. A. Yes, please; B. No, thanks. C. I'd love to; D. Excuse me


Basketball fans were very sad to hear __________ the death of Kobe and his daughter. A. by; B. of; C. from; D. to


Ben is going to ____________ the Singing Club this term. A. attend; B. join; C. join in; D. take part in


Class sizes (vary) from city to city in China. the underlined word probably means ________. A. is different; B. are different; C. are similar; D. are difficult


Could you tell me __________ comic strips? A. why do you like; B. why you like? C. why did you like; D. why you liked


Every day, Tom has got ________ homework to do. A. a lot; B. much; C. many; D. a few


Generally, a student should focus his/her attention ________ learning. A. to; B. on; C. at; D. in


Grade nine students have been busy _____ for the entrance exam. A. prepare; B. preparing; C. to prepare; D. prepared


Harry potter books ________ into a series of films, which are popular with sci-fi fans. A. have made; B. have been made; C. were made; D. are made


He rushed out of the door __________ he heard the wonderful news. A. while; B. when; C. for; D. before


I really want to buy the carpet. It's good _______ its price. A. except; B. except for; C. besides; D. include


I think keeping pet dogs is a good idea. I can learn life and death from it. _______ it can help us become more responsible people. A. I think so, too. B. so do I. C. That's a good idea; D. That's all right.


If you see a strange pet dog, it is not nice for you to ________ or hold it in your arms. A. pick up it; B. pick it up; C. pick out it; D. pick it out


In the word "cariage", ______ "r" is lost. A. the; B. an; C. a; D. /


It seems _____ that their favourite football team will win the game again. A. possibly B. likely; C. certainly; D. rarely


It's unnecessary for students ________ training classes. A. attend; B. to attend; C. attending; D. attended


Jenny rejected Tony's offer to help, _______ he wanted to give her a hand. A. while; B. although; C. because; D. as soon as


Kitty didn't see a doctor ________ she had a bad cold yesterday. A. because; B. though; C. as; D. since


Many people think it's much _________ and _______ to take a train than to take a plane. A. cheaper enjoyable; B. cheaper, more enjoyable; C. cheap, enjoyable; D. cheap, more enjoyable


Mr. Baker's been in Britain for several years, so he's used to ________ on the left. A. drive; B. driving; C. drives; D. drove


Mr. Jones had to admit that he ________ the vase by himself. A. stole; B. had stolen; C. has stolen; D. would steal


Nowadays, you really require a lot of talent and hard work _______ success. A. achieving; B. to achieve; C. achieve; D. achieved.


On double 11, many people bought a lot of things they don't really need. They ______ crazy. A. can be; B. must be; C. may be; D. can't be


Our school requires us __________ a school uniform on weekdays. A. wear; B. to wear; C. wearing; D. wore


People think _______ more and more _________ to protect the environment. A. that, impossible; B. it, impossible; C. this, necessary; D. /, interesting


Peter is a model student. He's never been late for school, ___________? A. is he B. has he; C. isn't he; D. hasn't he


Room Escape (密室逃脱)games are becoming more and more popular _______ young people. A. about; B. with; C. from; D. until


The Anti-Japanese War took place in ________ 1930s and 1940s. A. /; B. the; C. a; D. an


The bank clerk tells the customer it is ________ convenient to pay by credit card than by cash. A. many; C. more; C. much; D. most


The books ________ to the library in time. A. return; B. must be returned; C. must return; D. be returned.


The captain couldn't promise ________ anywhere because of the poor weather. A. sail; B. to sail; C. sailing; D. sailed


The doctor adviced me to eat ________ salt and drink _________ water. A. less less; B. less more; C. fewer less; D. fewer more


The man hurried to the railway station, ______ it was too late. The train had just left. A. or ; B. but; C. so; D. for


The sky was very beautiful when the Sun _______. A. rises; B. rose; C. raises; D. raised.


The twin sisters were very tired on their way home, but __________ of them would stop for a rest. A. either; B. neither; C. none; D. both


There are lots of animals in the zoo, _______ lions and tigers. A. as; B. like; C. seem; D. look like


Tim apologized to his neighbor __________ breaking his bonsai (盆栽)when playing football. A. in; B. for; C. of; D. as


Usually Allan spends _______ time doing his homework than Jessica does. A. ever little; B. far less; C. still few; D. much fewer


We make grapes into wine. it also means that wine is made ________ grapes. A. into; B. of; C. for; D. with


Wendy improved her learning methods. __________ she made great progress. A. In belief; B. as a result; C. above all. D. for example


What other hobbies do you take up ________ jogging? A. beside; B. besides; C. as well; D. except for


When the Trojan soldiers came down, they found their enemies _________. A. disappeared; B. had disppeared; C. have disappeared; D. will disappear


Would you mind _______ add some speech bubbles fo rthe cartoons? A. help; B. helping; C. helped; D. to help


Would you please give him this letter if you _________ see him this week? A. will happen; B. happen; C. are happened; D. are happening


_______ important news is to everybody in modern society! A. what; B. how; C. what an; D. how an


___________ English, the students study Chinese, Maths, Physics, Chemistry and so on. A. in addition; B. in addition to; C. beside; D. except for


While drawing comic strips, you can make characters burst out ________ by showing the teeth. A. laugh; B. laughing; C. laughed; D. to laugh


Words _______ to thought or speech bubbles to make cartoon characters talk. A. add; B. are added; C. is added; D. are adding


"Sherlock Holmes" series are familiar _______ most Chinese people. A. by; B. for; C. to; D. with


-Lily, why are you still here? School is over for half an hour. - Because I ________ my task yet. I still need one more hour. A. won't finish; B. didn't finish; C. haven't finished; D. hadn't finished


A customs officer stopped the passengers _________ they checked in at the airport. A. after; B. before; C. as; D. though


A teacher's job is to give students knowledge as well as ______ them to be a useful person. A. taught; B. teach; C. teaching; D. teaches


Alice could _______ work out the problem, could she? A. nearly; B. quickly; C. hardly; D. easily


Black tea was invented in ancient China ________ a way of keeping tea fresh. A. in; B. for; C. as; D. of


Cindy always does her homework __________ her own. A. for; B. with; C. on; D. in


Did you live in _________ eighteenth century or thousands of years ago? A. a; B. an; C. the; D./


Due to the heavy fog, the passengers had to wait at the airport for ________ two hours. A. other; B. others; C. another; D. the other


Elizabeth II has been _________ Queen of the United Kingdom since 1953. A. a; B. an; C. / D. the


Harry Potter is a wonderful character because he is a cool boy _______ magic powers. A. in B. by; C. with; D. from


He found ______ very difficult to drive a car. A. him; B. that; C. it; D. his


He found _______ very intersting to ride a horse on the farm. A. this; B. that; C. it; D. its


Huge quantities of information _________ on the Internet. A. is available; B. is enjoyable; C. are available; D. is responsible


I can't believe that paper is made ________ wood. A. of B. by C. from; D. with


I have never seen such a horrible film. _____ have I . A. so; B. but; C. neither; D. too


I'd like to make a few points. ________, I thank my teachers for your help and care. A. In the beginning; B. At the beginning; C. To begin with; D. to close with


In recent years, Wechat __________ popular among mobile phone users. A. has become; B. becomes; C. has been; D. is


In the Maths test, only a few questions were difficult but ______ were quite easy. A. the other B. others; C. the rest; D. rest


It was said that something terrible happened here __________ the snowy winter. A. on; B. at; C. in; D. by


Jenny fell off her bike and her left foot _________ badly. A. injured; B. is injured; C. got injured; D. injures


Let's have lunch together and then work on the computer this Saturday. _____________. A. right; B. that's right; C. All right; D. That's all right.


Li Lei was caught ___________ on the Maths test. He gained zero and had to retake one. A. checking; B. chatting; C. cheating; D. changing


Mr. Hu told the noisy kids to _______ before continuing his speech. A. close; B. shut; C. shut up; D. shut down


Mr. Hu wears _________ uniform, which makes him look serious. A. /; B. the ; C. a; D. an


My mother is a creative cook. she often cooks ________ for me every weekend. A. anything different; B. nothing different; C. something different; D. everything different


On such snowy days, drivers must drive as ________ as possible. A. more carefully; B. careful; C. carefully; D. more careful


Passengers prefer a high-speed train because it travels much ________ than an ordinary train. A. quickly; B. quick; C. more quickly; D. quicker


Peter always imagines ________ a superman, who could catch thieves and fight robbers. A. become; B. becomes; C. becoming; D. to become


She was a little nervous when the last light in the building ___________. A. turned out; B. came out; C. went out; D. took out


Stop _____ about the food safety. Just think about what we can do to improve it. A. complain; B. to complain; C. complaining; D. complained.


The China railway tunnel group has spent three years _________ that tunnel in Uzbekistan. A. to build; B. built; C. building; D. build


The Chinese rarely have hamburgers from meals, _________? A. have they; B. haven't they; C. do they; D. don't they


The city government needs _________ money to build an underground railway. A. a lot; B. a great many; C. a large amount of ; D. a large number of


The medical studies show us that human's left ear and right ear _________ sound differently. A. protect B. pronounce C. process D. prevent


The stamps are nice. Can you show _____ to _______? A. they, me B. they, myself; C. them, me; D. them, myself


The students ________ on an autumn trip to Forest Park last Monday morning. A. set up; B. leave; C. set off; D. start


They had ________ wonderful train ride to Chengdu and then went on to _______ Mount Emei by bus. A. a, the; B. /, the; C. a,/ D. the, a


Tom, don't be late for school next time, okay? ______. I promise to be in time. A. No, I don't; B. Yes, I do; C. No, I won't; D. Yes, I will


We will have to put off the school spring outing _________ the weather improves. A. since; B. when; C. unless; D. if


When the bell rang, Nancy ______ dinner with her mother in the kitchen. A. is preparing; B. has prepared; C. was preparing; D. will prepare


Will the special period encourage students _______ more independent of their teachers? A. be; B. being; C. to be; D. been


Would you mind using your dictionary? I want to know who to pronounce the word. ______. A. never mind; B. you are welcome; C. not at all; D. I'd like to


Would you tell me __________ the story about Archimedes and the crown? A. how do you like B. what you thought of; C. what you think of; D. what do you think of


______ can't carry these boxes. They're too heavy. A. You and me; B. I and you; C. You and I; D. Me and you


After the accident, some passengers were sent to the hospital, _______ all stayed at the scene. A. another; B. the other; C. others; D. the others


An efficient way of improving our memory is _______ the link method. A. uses; B. used; C. use; D. to use


By the end of last Friday,we_______over 2000 tickets altogether. A.sold B.would sell C.are selling D. had sold


Could you tell me _________ the Internet? Once a week. A. why you use; B. why do you use; C. how often do you use; D. how often you use


Denis failed to find the answer ______ the Physics problem. A. of B. for; C. about; D. to


Do you know ________________ in Hamburg? A. how long does Hans live; B. how long hans lives; C. how long has Hans lived; D. how long Hans has lived


Don't forget ______ an apology if you have done somthing wrong. A. make; B. making; C. made; D. to make


Dr. Nanshan Zhong predicted that the novel coronavirus (新冠病毒) outbreak in China ________ over by this late June. A. has been; B. had been; C. will be; D. would be


I advised Joe to keep _________ regularly in order to lose weight. A. to exercise; B. exercised; C. exercises; D. exercising


I'm sure Janet is able to find the school by herself because she has a pretty good _______ of direction. A. idea; B. feeling; C. chance; D. sense


If you want to book a round-trip ticket, you'll have to pay ________ 50 yuan. A. more; B. other; C. the other; D. another


In Western countries, students have a long winter holiday _______ Christmas. A. on; B. for ; C. in ; D. at


It's pleasure that Lucy _______ to the charity show last night. A. invites B. is invited. C. invited; D. was invited


Lucy doesn't like sweet food and Alison doesn't like sweet food, ___________. A. neither; B. either; C. too; D. also


Mrs Obama reported to the police that a burglar _____ into her house. A. will break; B. would break; C. has broken; D. had broken


My cousin will spend her holiday on Hainan Island for _______ days. A. a little; B. a bit; C. an amount of; D. a couple of


No decision __________ about the family trip in August until Andy's father comes back. A. is made; B. will make; C. is making; D. will be made


Not only the British students but also their class teacher __________ interested in Chinese culture. A. were; B. become; C. are; D. is


Now I know your decision. Please ask ________ in your class about their ideas. A. another; B. the other; C. others; D. the others


Some nice paintings ______ on the wall. A. hangs; B. hanged; C. are hanged; D. are hung


Some students seem _______ carefully in class. in fact, they are absent-minded. A. to listen to; B. listen; C. listening; D. to listen


Students are required _________ well prepared before the final exam comes. A. getting; B. get; C. to getting; D. to get


Thank you for your help with my english. _________. A. with pleasure; B. forget it; C. that's right. D. don't mention it.


The Li family ________ in the suburbs since they moved into their new flat. A. lives; B. lived; C. have lived; D. has lived


The __________ is the main part of a computer to store information in. A. driving; B. driver's C. driver; D. drive


The genius boy, Laurent Simos, went to _________ college at the age of twelve. A. a;B. the; C. an; D./


The government plans to increase the bike lanes _________ the problems on traffice can be solved. A. if; B. until; C. as soon as; D. so that


The idea of homeschooling will be _________ accepted by Chinese parents. A. slow; B. quick; C. gradual; D. gradually


The professor is careful. He always asks ________ some questions before making a decision. A. he; B. him; C. his; D. himself


The shopping mall ________ go through fire control safety check, or it can't start business. A. can; B. may; C. need; D. must


The students of class three _______ an oral english exam at the moment. A. have; B. will have; C. have had; D. are having


The students were taking class notes __________ Ms Lin explained the laguage points. A. though; B. because; C. so; D. as


The third paragraph describes __________ A. what does Damin work; B. What Damin works; C. how does Damin work; D. how Damin work


The twin sisters look so familiar that I can't tell one from __________. A. others; B. another; C. other; D. the other


Tom, can you give us your reason ________ being late for class again? A. of; B. to; C. with; D. for


Tom, you'd better __________ that silly mistake again. A. don't make; B. not making; C. not to make; D. not make


With internet plus business, it's popular for us ______ the bill online in China. A. pay; B. paid; C. paying; D. to pay


You will gain weight _______ you reduce the amount you eat. A. if; B. since; C. but; D. unless


_________ China is more open to the outside world, English is more useful. A. Unless; B. So; C. Though; D. As


When Kate stayed in Paris, she went to many museums. (句型转换)________ ________ _________ in Paris, Kate went to many museums.

During her stay

I love watching the programme "schools in students' eyes" made by the Shanghai __________ TV station. (educatoinal)


__________ to both islands leave daily at nice o'clock. (ferry)


I went to _________ to spend my summer holidays two years ago. (Greek)


The German kids have never visited Shanghai. (改为一般疑问句); ______ the German kids ________ visited Shanghai?

Have ever

What a good physics teacher Mr. Johnson is! (句型转换)_______ _______ Mr. Johnson teaches physics!

How well

The manager said to me, "why didn't you attend the lecture?" (改为宾语从句)The manager asked me why ________ ________ attended the lecture

I hadn't

Reading english _______ is an efficient way of improving your speaking skill. (loud)


In my spare time, cycling is my hobby. (句型转换)When I _____ _________, cycling is my hobby.

am free

She is the most active in sports in her group. (句型转换)She is more active in sports than ________ ____________ in her group.

anyone else

Yesterday my friend Charlie said sorry to me because he broke my glasses. (句型转换)Yeterday my friend Charlie _________ to me __________ breaking my glasses.

apologized for

When a new problem ________ in our study, we should try to overcome it. (appearance)


Chinese scientists are building a low-enengy and high-performance computer now. (改为一般疑问句); __________ Chinese scientists _____ a low-energy and high-performance computer now?

are building

The olympic games take place every four years. (句型转换)The olympic games ______ _______ every four years.

are held

The students in our school must wear school uniforms every day. (句型转换)The students in our school ________ ________ to wear school uniforms every day.

are required.

They send the children in the village a lot of presents every Children's Day (改为被动语态)The children in the village ______ ______ a lot of presents every children's day.

are sent

Some of the fish are sold by his wife at the market (改为一般疑问句); _________ some of the fish __________ by his wife at the market.

are sold

Wild tiers are rarely seen by humans, _____ _________? (补全反义疑问句)

are they

Teenagers mustn't smoke because smoking does harm to their health. (保持句意不变) Teenagers ______ ________ to smoke because smoking does harm to their health.

aren't allowed

There are many ways to communicate with others, ________ _________ ?(补全反意疑问句)

aren't there

I was pleased to hear that he __________ home safely. (arrival)


The divided themselves into two groups: the writers and the _________. (art)


Computers in the past were the size of refrigerators. (保持原句意思); Computers in the past were _____ _________ as refrigerators.

as big

I not only spoke english very fluently, but french, too. (句型转换)I not only spoke english very fluently, but french ______ _______.

as well

It will take you not less than 20 minutes to get there. (句型转换)It will take you ________ _________ 20 minutes to get there.

at least

I will phone him right away. (句型转换)I will phone him _______ ________.

at once.

For the time beinig my main problem is to find a job. (句型转换)________ _________ my main problem is to find a job.

at present

When trying to memorize something, you should focus your ________ and concentrate on the most important things about it. (attend)


His hard work soon ____ the teacher's notice (attraction)


These movies were so popluar that they ___________ many people. (attraction)


The government should not allow people to hurt wild animals for fun (改为被动语态); Hunting wild animals for fun should not ______ _________.

be allowed

I'm afraid smart robots may destoy the Earth same day. (改为被动语态);I'm afraid the Earth may _______ __________ by smart robots some day.

be destroyed

A lunchtime the streets began to fill with people looking for something to eat. (句型转换)At lunchtime the streets began to _______ ______ ________.

be full of

it is reported that this kind of disease can do harm t opeople and animals. (保持原句不变); It is reported that this kind of disease can _________ ___________ to people and animals.

be harmful

I must leave now. (句型转换)I must __________ ________ now

be off

Our Chinese Dream will come true as long as the whole nation works together (保持原句意思); Our Chinese Dream will ______ _________ as long as the whole nation works together.

be realized

He was late for school because of the heavy rain. (句型转换)He was late for school ________ it ______ __________.

because rained heavily

These victims lost their homes after the flash flood. (句型转换)The flash flood made these victims _________ __________.

become homeless

Kitty's parents are proud that she always ________ well at school. (behaviour)


An englishman found it about 400 years ago. but few people ___________ him at that time. (belief)


The expensive vase was owned by Mr. Jones. (保持原句意思);The expensive vase _______ ________ Mr. Jones.

belonged to

The old piano in my family was my grandpa's (保持句意不变);The old piano in my family __________ ___________ my grandpa

belonged to

His blindness was the result of an accident. (blind)


Linda's sister lent USD50 to her yesterday. (句型转换)Linda ________ USD50 __________ her sister yesterday

borrowed from

He paid 20000 dollars for the vase from Qing Dynasty. (句型转换)He ________ the vase from Qing Dynasty _________ 20000 dollars.

bought for

There was no one nearby who might see him trying to get into the house by force (强行)(句型转换)There was no one nearby who might see him trying to ________ __________ the house.

break into

We'd like to learn about others' _________ side and become a better person. (bright)


They had escaped to America shortly before the war started suddenly in 1939. They had escaped to America shortly before the war _________ ___________ in 1939.

broke out

This is one of the __________ times of the year for the department. (busy)


The money was donated by a local ___________. (business)


He painted the room without any help. (句型转换)He painted the room all ________ _________.

by himself

He rides a motorcycle, to work. (句型转换)He goes to work _______ ________.

by motorcycle

Computers can do __________ so fast that they are called super electronic Brain (calculate)


The policeman dealt with the car accident _______. (calm)


The rain stopped and the sun appeared. (句型转换)The rain stopped and the sun _____ ________.

came out

It's a huge hotel on the corner. It's very seasy to notice. (句型转换)It's a huge hotel on the corner. You _______ _________ it.

can't miss

The new underground line can be completed in a year (改为否定句); The new underground line __________ be _________ in a year.

cannot completed

If he really thought you are important to him, he wouldn't behave like that. (句型转换)if he really _________ __________ you, he wouldn't behave like that.

care about

I don't much like his novels (句型转换)I don't much _______ __________ his novels.

care for

I like tomatoes and I dislike carrots. (句型转换)I like tomatoes and I don't ________ _________ carrots

care for

It's a good tradition of people to look after the old well. (保持句意不变); It's a good tradition of people to ________ __________ the old well.

care for

The doctor examined him very _________ and took his temperature. (care)


The journalist interviwed over 200 students about styles of school uniforms. (句型转换)The journalist ________ __________ interviews with over 200 students about styles of school uniforms.

carried out

Great ________ have taken place in Shanghai in recent ten years. (change)


Mr. Liu is a stubborn person and he always sticks to his opinion. (句型转换)Mr. Liu is a stubborn person and he never ________ his _________.

changes mind

I don't think that the Hotoven is as expensive as the superoven. (保持句意基本不变);I think that the Hotoven is __________ __________ the superoven.

cheaper than

The new chemistry lab was built by some scientists for the college. (chemical)


Sometimes women are forced to make a _______ between family and career. (choose)


A stamp ________ is someone who collects stamps as a hobby. (collect)


Everyone was waiting for the new Harry Potter book to be published. (句型转换)Everyone was waiting for the new Harry Potter book to ______________ _________

come out

We tried our best to help the students realize their dreams. (句型转换)We tried our best to make the students' dreams _______ _______

come true

Knock on the door before you enter the room. (句型转换)Knock on the door before you _______ _______ the room

come/go into

They do a lot of business with foreign __________ (company)


To our great joy, he got first prize in the swimming __________ (compete)


Don't often jump to _________, or you'll probably make careless mistakes. (conclude)


Please give her my _________ when you see her. (congratulation)


We congratulated him on this great success. (句型转换)We offered our ___________ ___________ his great success.

congratulations on

If you want the machine to work by remote control, you should link it to the internet. (句型转换)If you want the machine to work by remote control, you should _________ it ___________ the Internet.

connect to

I first thought about writing to him, but then decided to go and see him. (句型转换)I first __________ ________ to him, but then decided to go and see him.

considered writing

My dinner was made up of some fish, potatoes and fruit salad. (保持句意不变)My dinner _______ __________ some fish, potatoes and fruit salad.

consisted of

The Great Pyramid is made up of over 2300000 blocks of stone. (句型转换)The great Pyramid _________ _________ over 2300000 blocks of stone

consists of

The museum is made up of three parts. (句型转换)The museum _______ ________ three parts.

consists of

The set of furniture has been put into a large ___________ (contain)


After watching TV for half an hour, he went on with his homework. (句型转换)He _________ _________ do his homework after watching TV for half an hour.

continued to

A digital TV is more expensive than an ordinary one. (句型转换)A digital TV ______ ________ than an ordinary one.

costs more

Was he able to buy the new car? (句型转换)_________ he _________ the new car?

could afford

He was too young to look after himself. (句型转换)He was so young that he __________ _________ for himself.

couldn't care

The writer is going to _______ a new novel about aliens. (creative)


Nanjing Road is always full of people from all over the world. (句型转换)Nanjing Road is always ________ _________ people fromall over the world.

crowded with

I used to go to school by bike. (句型转换)I used to _________ __________ school. I used ________ _______ ___________ to school.

cycle to ride a bicycle

Drinking and smoking can do a lot of damage to your health. (句型转换)Drinking and smoking can ___________ your health.


Do you think it ___________ to go swimming in this deep river? (danger)


Before making the final _______, we have to consider carefully. (decide)


The national economy of Thailand relies heavily on its tourism. (句型转换)The national economy of Thailand _______ heavily _________ its tourism.

depends on

A tall tree deelops from a small seed. (句型转换)A small seed can ________ ______ a tall tree.

develop into

With the ________ of science, it's possible to travel in space in the future. (develop)


There is a wide range of ________ in our school library. (dictionary)


Linda had nothing for breakfast this morning. (改为反意疑问句); Linda had nothing for breakfast this morning, ____ ______?

did she

The fish begged the fisherman to set him free. _______ _________? (补全反意疑问句)

didn't he

The scientist Sam had to overcome many difficulties to create a new network. (改为反意疑问句)The scientist Sam had to overcome many difficulties to create a new network, _______ _________?

didn't he

Flowers will ______ soon if they are left without water. (dead)


Sadly, the greatest physicist, Stephen Hawking _______ on 14 March 2018 (dead)


The man has been dead for two years. (句型转换)The man ______ two years ______.

died ago

How can you tell a fake LV handbag from a real one (句型转换)Can you tell the ________ __________ a fake LV handbag and a real one.

difference between

She told me there are quite a lot of ________ between American english and British english. (different)


What's the difference between a robot and an ordinary machine? (句型转换)How's a robot ________ ________ an ordinary machine?

different from

There are quite a few ___________ of smoking in public places (advantage)


Has the doctor _______ how the man died? (cover)


They said they had an important matter to _________ with you. (discussion)


The __________ milkman added water to the milk. (honest)


Tom is not honest because he always copies others homework. (句型转换)It's _________ ________ Tom to copy others' homework.

dishonest of

Divide 3 into 9 and the answer is 3. (句型转换)9 ________ __________ 3 is 3.

divided by

I can't promise anything. but I'll do what I can. (句型转换)I can't promise anything, but I'll _______ ________ ____________.

do my best

My friends seldom take part in the after-school activities. (改为反义疑问句); My friends seldom take part in the after-school acivities, ___________ __________?

do they

What time is the concert over? (句型转换) What time ________ the concert _________? What time does the concert ______ _________ ________ _______?

does finish come to an end

Our english teacher rarely loses his temper, ______ _______ ?

does he

Kitty's dog rarely barks at people (改为反意疑问句); Kitty's dog rarely barks at people. _____ _________?

does it

Bill has to get up early to cath the first bus (改为否定句);Bill ________ ________ to get up early to cath the first bus.

doesn't have

She dreams of running her own business. (句型转换)Her ________ is to ___________ her own business.

dream run

Many __________ of rain make a shower (阵雨)(drop)


They went to the countryside by car last weekend. (句型转换)They _______ to the countryside last weekend.


I learned a lot of customs of the local people when i visited Yunnan. (句型转换)I learned a lot of customs of the local people _________ my _________ to Yunnan.

during visit

It's _________ to get there on foot than by car. (easy)


The maths problem is so difficult than neither of them can work it out. (句型转换)The maths problem isn't ________ enough for _______ of them to work out.

easy either

Joyce is one of the _________ for the school newspaper. (edit)


A good teacher affects his/her students' lives in a good way. (保持原句意思); A good teacher has a good ________ _________ his/her students' lives.

effect on

You can ask Mike for help, or you can ask Linda. (句型转换)________ Mike or Linda can _______ help to you

either offer

Don't leave the lights on -- it wastes ________ (electric)


Travelling around ____________ us to open our eyes (able)


Mr. Hu always _____________ us to do more listening in class. (encouragement)


He got into the car and then started the ________ . (engineer)


You will find that a library can be a great place to have a great time. (句型转换)You will find that a library can be a great place to _________ ________.

enjoy yourself

US President Trump _________ expressing his personal opinions on Twitter. (joy)


In some ways, sports, music and painting can ________ our children's life. (rich)


They managed to get away from the burning building. (句型转换)They managed to __________ ___________ the burning building.

escape from

As we all know, water is very important to all living things. (保持原句意思)As we all know, water is ___________ ______ all living things.

essential for

It's one of the major sporting ________ of the year. (event)


if you finish your homework, let me _________ it for you. (exam)


When you create comic strips, sound effects will add _________ to the pictures. (excite)


I am looking forward to travelling to London this coming winter holiday. (句型转换)I am _______ _________ travel to London this coming winter holiday.

expecting to

How can you ________ such a long text? (explanation)


He wanted to see the beautiful princess with his own ________ (eye)


The road was blocked by a ______ tree (fall)


The author is quite familiar to Tom (句型转换)Tom is quite ________ _________ the author

familiar with

The ______ don't use any kind of chemicals when they grow fruit and vegetables. (farm)


Jack can jump 2 meters long. Simon can jump 2.2 meters long. (句型转换)Simon can jump ________ _________ Jack.

father than

The new study showed that UK men are the thrid ________ in Europe. (fat)


My father is for owning a private car. (句型转换)My father is in ______ _______ owning a private car.

favour of

Parents have mixed __________ about their children's studying abroard. (feel)


This is a ten-foot-deep lake (句型转换)This lake is ten ________ ________.

feet deep

Mark has been ill for three days (句型转换)Mark ______ _______ three days ago.

fell ill

This shopping mall is full of customers every day. (句型转换)This shopping mall is ______ _________ customers every day.

filled with

When there is a bank robbery, the policy ________ look through their computers for the anmes of the bank robbers they know about. (one)


My dad has just bought a new ________ rod (fish)


We took a plane to Beijing to visit our relatives. (句型转换)We _______ _______ Beijing to visit our relatives.

flew to

It was the bird's first ______ from the net (fly)


Each passenger can check one piece of luggage without payment. (句型转换)Each passenger can check one piece of luggage ______ ________.

for free

Susan hopes to study abroad next semester. (句型转换)Susan hopes to study in a __________ __________ next semester.

foreign country

My class teacher is a beautiful lady in her early ______ (forty)


It is _________ outside. put on your warm coat. (freeze)


A _________ producer interviewed the fisherman. (France)


The air in the country ________ and the rivers there are clearer. (fresh)


The two boys formed a deep and lasting __________ (friend)


Bob visits us at our house sometimes. (句型转换)Bob visits us at our house _________ _________ __________ __________.

from time to time

I want a book for _______ details about world war ii. (fill)


We got 3 points and they didn't get any. (句型转换)We got 3 points and they ________ _________.

get none

It's necessary for us to borad a plane on time. (句型转换)It's necessary for us to _________ __________ a plane on time.

get on

She gave me a gold ring for my birthday. (句型转换)A gold ring was ___________ __________ me for my birthday

given to

Would you please give me a hand? (句型转换)Would you mind _________ _________ a fovor?

giving me

He often sees films with his cousins. (句型转换)He often ___ _____ ____ _______ with his cousins.

goes to the movies

Most students don't leave high school until they are eighteen. (句型转换)Most students don't _________ _______ high school until they are eighteen.

graduate from

When bob _________ from the state university, he intended to be a lawyer. (graduation)


Talking with Mr. Green brings us much fun. (句型转换)It is _______ _________ to talk with Mr. Green.

great fun

It is very important to know how to protect the environment. (句型转换)Knowing how to protect the envirnment is of _________ __________.

great importance

The Math teacher often says hello to his students with a warm smile. (句型转换)The Math teacher often _______ his students ________ a warm smile.

greets with

His influence over the children is _______ as they get older. (growth)


With the rapid population _______, many primary schools will be built in our city. (grow)


You need a parent's ________ to childhood disseases. (guiding)


He didn't know whether it was time for the important meeting. (句型转换)He ________ ________ ________ whether it was time for the important meeting.

had no idea

Little george cut the only apple into _________ to share with his younger sister (half)


Why don't you buy it, and i'll go _______ with you? (half)


Will you go __________ with me in the taxi fare? (half)


I met her by chance at the airport. (句型转换)I _________ _________ meet her at the airport.

happened to

School days are said to be the _________ days of your life.


So she married the prince and they lived _________ ever after (happy)


Chinese people are trying their best to bring more and more ___________ to themselves. (happy)


I almost had no time to prepare for my maths test. (句型转换)I ______ _______ time to prepare for my maths test.

hardly had

Doris joined the Volleyball Club two months ago. (保持原句意思); Doris _________ __________ in the Volleyball Club since two months ago.

has been

He left the town three years ago. (句型转换)He ________ __________ __________ __________ the town for three years.

has been away from

I have never been to Africa. (改为疑问句); _______ you ________ been to Africa?

have ever

Tom, we almost run out of bread. can you go and buy some? (句型转换)Tom, we _________ _________ bread. can you go and buy some?

have little

I was not carrying any money. (句型转换)I didn't _______ any money ______ me.

have on

Chemicals have rarely been used for organic tea, _________ _________? (补全反意疑问句)

have they

When disaster strikes, everyone tries to avoid it. only ________ are moving towards it. (hero)


These are my gloves. _______ are in the drawer. (Her)


Was the earring Ms. Jones's? No, it wasn't ______. In fact, it was Jill's (she)


While travelling in Germany, Lucy happened to meet a classmate of _______. (she)


I shared my calculator with him in the maths lesson as he had left ___________ at home. (he)


The main subject he studied in university was english. (句型转换)enlish was _______ ________ in university

his major

The great wall is one of the most famous _________ places. (history)


We cannot be sure whether King Arthur was a _______ figure. (history)


Some staff at the pet shop spoke to cusotmers (rudely) (对划线部分提问)_____ _______ some staff at the pet shop speak to customers?

how did

The Greek soldiers climbed out of the huge horse very quietly. (改为感叹句)________ __________ the Greek soldiers climbed out of the huge horse!

how quietly

A lot of children were running around in the playground. (句型转换)A ____ ______ of children were running around in the playground.

huge number

We have a strong desire to get news of our younger brother. (句型转换)We're _________ __________ news of our younger brother

hungry for

I won't go to his party unless I'm invited. (句型转换)I won't go to his party ________ I'm _______ involved

if not

Students need to use their_______ in art classes. (imagine)


I have never been to the Ocean park. I can only _________ what it is like (imagination)


It's __________ for us to talk noisily in a public place. (polite)


They rushed to take the wounded driver to the nearest hospital. (句型转换)The wounded driver was taken to the nearest hospital _______ ________ _________.

in a hurry

We'd better set out early so that we won't hurry on the way. (保持句意基本不变); We'd better set out early _______ __________ not to hurry on the way.

in order

Although they failed many times, the experiment was successful at last. (句型转换)Although they failed many times, the experiment was successful _____ ________ _______.

in the end

As we're getting older, we must learn to be ____________ (independence)


Women are more __________ than before because they have jobs and earn money (depend)


Young people should learn to be _________ and solve the problems by themselves. (depend)


17 ________ American kids were killed in a school shooting in Virginia, US. (innocence)


In the northern part of China, snow covers the ground in winter. (句型转换)In the northern part of china, the ground _________ __________ __________ snow in winter.

is covered with

The boy has a keen desire to achieve success in the competition. (句型转换)The boy ________ _______ to achieve success in the competition.

is eager

People mainly grow rice in South China (改为被动语态); Rice _________ mainly _______ in South China

is grown

The couple usually leae their child at home when they go out. (句型转换)The couple's child ______ usually ________ at home when they go out.

is left

We reuse the waste paper in orde rot protect the environment. (改为被动语态)The waste paper _________ ________ in order to protect the environment.

is reused

The data is kept on a hard disk and backed up on a CD. (句型转换)The data _____ _______ on a hard disk and backed up on a CD.

is stored

Usually Joe throws rubbish into a nearby bin. (改为被动语态); Usually rubbish _________ _________ into a nearby bin by Joe

is thrown

A light is hung at the front of the raft at night, ______ ________? ( 补充反意疑问句)

isn't it

Chinese football team has never won in the world cup, has _____ ? (补全反意疑问句)


Are you going to take part in any of the sports events? (句型转换)Are you going to _____ ______ any of the sports events?

join in

Was that you singing a moment ago? (句型转换)Was that you singing ______ _______?

just now

Bell had a strong wish to help the deaf, for his mother was deaf. (句型转换)Bell had a ______ _________ to help the deaf, for this mother was deaf.

keen desire

The old professor is so _____________ that all his students admire him. (know)


A smart computer even __________ how to type words on its own. (knowledge)


This club is only for ________ (lady)


He put the knives and forks on the tabel to prepare for the dinner. (句型转换)He _____ the ________ for the dinner.

laid table

They have donated lots of money to the homeless people. (句型转换)They have donated ________ __________ of money to the homeless people.

large amounts

The _______ explained the tax law in a different but clear way. (law)


Pollution will cause different problems and do harm to us. (句型转换)Pollution will ______ ______ different problems and do harm to us.

lead to

Because she got up late, she had to hurry off for work. (句型转换)Because she got up late, she had to _________ for work in a __________.

leave hurry

Will you lend me your ruler for a little while? (句型转换)Will you ______ your ruler _____ me for a little while?

lend to

She borrowed three CDs from her teacher. (句型转换)Her teacher _________ _______ three CDs.

lent her

People found it cheaper to buy goods at the 1111 shopping Carnival. (句型转换)People found it ________ __________ to buy goods at the 1111 shopping Carnival

less expensive

This area is located in southern Manhattan. (句型转换)This area ______ _______ southern Manhattan

lies in

Oil is ______ than water (light)


Most of the girls in our class prefer the dancing camp to the science camp. (句型转换)Most of the girls in our class ______ the dancing camp ______ than the science camp.

like better

Owning a private car sounds great. (句型转换)Owning a private car sounds ________ a _______ idea.

like good

He will probably win the prize for "The 2013 school best designer" because of his creative invention. (句型转换)He is ________ ___________ win the prize for "The 2013 school best designer" because of his creative invention.

likely to

The two cell phones are similar in appearance. (句型转换)The two cell phones ________ ________ ________.

look the same

To be popular kids, we should never get angry so easily. (保持句意不变); To be popular kids, we should never ___________ __________ so easily.

lose temper

Her son was killed in the war. (句型转换)She __________ her son in the war.


The news of his father's death brought tears to his eyes. (句型转换)The news of his father's death ________ him _______.

made cry

Many customers complained to Mr. Happy about his staff's poor service (保持原句意思); Many customers _______ ___________ to Mr. Happy about this staff's poor service

make complaints

The kids are always playing tricks on Mike. (句型转换)The kids are always ______ ________ of Mike

making fun

I just want to prevent you from doing something wrong. (句型转换)I just want to prevent you from _________ a _________.

making mistake

Sherry succeded in passing the driving test after practicing many times. (保持句意)Sherry ______ _________ pass the driving test after practicing many times.

managed to

They are hoping to get __________ next year. (marry)


Your brain can understand the __________ of things and create new ideas. (mean)


He found a new way to solve the problem. (句型转换)He found a new ________ __________ solving the problem.

method of

Can you show me your dictionary? (句型转换)Would you ________ _________ me your dictionary?

mind showing

I have never seen such a hardsome boy (保持句意不变); He is the ______ handsome boy that I have ________ seen.

most ever

He is an experienced teacher. (句型转换)He is a teacher with ________ __________.

much experience

The police discovered the Didi taxi driver was the _________ of the air hostess. (murder)


The homework must be handed in tomorrow morning. (改为一般疑问句); ______ the homework ________ handed in tomorrow morning?

must be

You don't need to hand in your homework today. (句型转换)You ________ __________ in your homework today.

needn't hand

Both of this parents were strict with him when he was in school.(改为否定句)_______ of his parents _________ strict with him when he was in school.

neither was

Neither juice nor coffee can take the place of water. (句型转换)Juice can't take the place of water, and _________ _______ coffee.

neither/nor can

He got the red bicycle for his ________ birthday (nine)


The only thing he could do was to leave. (句型转换)He had _______ _________ but to leave.

no choice

Most chinese students talk ___________ in the classroom during a break. (noisy)


The old lady doesn't like the __________ city life, so she will move to a quiet village. (noise)


The bookstore will be open until 10pm. (句型转换)The bookstore will _______ ___________ until 10pm

not close

She couldn't help crying for failing the Maths exam. (句型转换)She couldn't help crying for _______ __________ the maths exam.

not passing

Tom, don't climb the tree. it's dangerous. (句型转换)Tom, don't climb the tree. it's ________ ________.

not safe.

He made a decision to give up smoking after seeing the doctor. (句型转换)He decided _________ ________ smoke again after seeing the doctor.

not to

Andrew got up at 6:00 in order ot cath the early bus. (句型转换)Andrew got up at 6:00 in order ________ __________ ________ the early bus.

not to miss

The machine is operating properly. (句型转换)There is _________ _________ with the machine.

nothing wrong

Cindy didn't come to school because she was seriously ill yesterday. (保持原句意思); Cindy didn't come to school because ______ her serious _______ yesterday.

of illness

A library provides readers with a lot of information. (句型转换)A library _________ a lot of information __________ readers.

offers to

A modern library offers readers a lot of information. (句型转换)A modern library ______ a lot of information ______ readers. A modern library _______ a lot of information ______ readers. A modern library _________ readers _______ a lot of information.

offers to provides for provides with

Her paintings are on display at the art gallery. (句型转换) Her paintings are ________ _______ at the art gallery.

on show

Mary always supports you. (句型转换)Mary is always _______ _______ _________.

on your side

We should get her some flowers for her birthday. (句型转换) We ________ ________ get her some flowers for her birthday.

ought to

Our school uniforms are old-fashioned. (句型转换)Our school uniforms are ________ _______ _________.

out of date

I bought the book for USD10 from a bookstore. (句型转换)I _______ USD10 _________ the book from a bookstore.

paid for

A large number of Chinese oil _________ are shown in the gallery. (paint)


He sounded so upset that i started to feel sorry for him. (句型转换)He sounded so upset that i started to have ______ _______ him.

pity for

As he used to smoke a lot, he became very unhealthy. (句型转换)As he used to smoke a lot, he was in _______ ________

poor health

She's a clever student and likded by her teachers. (句型转换)She's a clever student and _______ _______ her teachers

popular with/among

In my opinion, they _____ gave their best performance in the Art Festival. (possible)


At present, the earthquake cannot be exactly told in advance. (句型转换)At present, the earthquake cannot be exactly _______


Who is absent from the meeting? (句型转换)Who is not ______ _______ the meeting

present at

Sarah's job is to write some computer _______ for a big company. (program)


They had a meeting in order to share their experiences as volunteers. (句型转换)The _____ _________ the meeting was to share their experiences as volunteers.

purpose/aim of

He poured the doctor a cup of coffee and placed it on the table. (句型转换)He poured the doctor a cup of coffee and _____ it on the table.


If you have any questions, please raise your hand immediately. (句型转换)If you have any questions, please ________ _______ your hand immediately.,

put up

The phone rang and rang but nobody picked it up. (句型转换)The phone kept on ________ but nobody _______ it.

ranging answered

It is ________ to snow in winter in Guangzhou (rarely)


Tom did some warm-up exercises in order ot prepare for the race. (句型转换)Tom did some warm-up exercises in order ot get ____ _______ the race

ready for

I haven't heard from my cousin since last year. (句型转换)I haven't _____ my cousin's _______ since last year.

received letter

He ahd a hard time this year, so he decided to cut down family expenses. (句型转换)He had a hard time this year, so he decided to _______ family expenses


Why didn't the patient agree to take the medicine? (句型转换)Why did the patient ______ to take the medicine?


The national economy of Thailand depends heavily on its tourism. (句型转换)The national economy of Thailand ______ heavily ________ its tourism.

relies on

Within a few minutes, the librarian came back with a big pile of (一堆) books in her hands. (句型转换)Within a few minutes, the librarian _______ with a big pile of books in her hands.


An ambulance arrived at the scene of the accident at once. (保持原句意思);An ambulance arrived at the scene of the accident _________ ________.

right away

A few men ________ a bank and escaped in a car. (robber)


The boy stood up from his seat immediately and jumped onto the stage. (句型转换)The boy _________ from his seat immediately and jumped onto the stage.


All passengers must fasten the _________ belts before the plane takes off. (safe)


Tom is in Junior Two. Mary is also in Junior Two. (句型转换)Tom and Mary are in the _______ __________.

same grade

if we are not pleased with the style of uniforms, we can design them ourselves. (句型转换)If we are not ________ _________ the style of uniforms, we can design them ourselves.

satisfied with

Tu Youyou is one of the greatest women __________ in China (science)


Let's go to the cinema tonight, shall we? (句型转换)Let's ____ a ______ tonight, shall we?

see film

I have the feeling that she knows our secret. (句型转换)She _______ _______ know our secret

seems to

If you break the law, you'll go to jail sooner or later. (保持原句意思); if you break the law, you will be ________ into __________ sooner or later.

sent jail

He was absent from school because he was seriously ill. (句型转换)He was absent from school beause of his _________ _________

serious illness

Wendy is a good manager. She always _________ her clients patiently. (service)


After a three-day rest, the travllers started again. (句型转换)After a three-day rest, the travellers ___________ _________ again.

set out/off

Some people take college entrance exams in their ________ (seventy)


I suggested bringing the meeting to an end. (句型转换)I suggested that we ______ ______ the meeting to an end.

should bring

Now that the baby can hear, his mum begins to read books for him. (句型转换)_______ the baby can hear, his mum begins to read _____ books

since him

Damin's wife helps sell fish though she's already in her __________ (sixty)


Shanghai Disney Park is twice as big as Hongkong Disney park. (保持原句意思); Shanghai Disney Park is twice the ___________ _________ Hongkong Disney Park.

size of

some notebooks are so small that we can put them in the pockets (保持句意不变); some notebooks are _________ ___________ to be put in the pocket.

small enough

The lady's flight was delayed because of heavy snow. (句型转换)The lady's flight was delayed because it _________ ______.

snowed heavily

A comic strip should be full of action so that it keeps readers interested. (改为简单句); A comic strip should be full of action ______ _____ to keep readers interested.

so as

The horse got such a fright by the sudden noise that it ran away quickly. (句型转换)The horse got _______ ________ by the sudden noise that it ran away quickly.

so frightened

He is doing his homework now in order to finish it before dinner (保持句意不变);He is doing his homework now _______ ________ he can finish it before dinner.

so that

He worked hard in order to pass the examination (保持句意不变); He worked hard _______ __________ he could pass the examination

so that

None of the tickets for the concert were left. (句型转换)The tickets for the concert ________ _________ quickly.

sold out

The ______ made by the president last December was so inspring that a lot of people listned to it on TV. (speak)


It takes me half an hour to go to school by bike every day. (句型转换) I ________ half an hour ________ to school every day.

spend riding

It took him two hours to go to Thailand by air. (句型转换)He _____ two hours _______ to Thailand.

spent flying

When I saw the _________ white bed sheets in the hotel, I decided to book a room there. (spot)


We set off early the next morning in order ot catch the bus. (句型转换)We ________ early the next morning in order to catch the bus.


My elder brother began learning English in his forties. (句型转换)My elder brother ______ _________ ______ English in his forties.

started to learn

My father took the doctor's advice and decided to get rid of smoking. (句型转换)My father took the doctor's advice and decided to _____ smoking.


His idea helped to prevent the disease from spreading. (句型转换)His idea helped to ________ the disease ______ spreading.

stop/keep from

The police prevented them from leaving the country (句型转换)The police _______ them _____ leavning the country.

stopped from

Huawei has __________ in developing its own 5G chips (芯片)(sucess)


Kitty managed to work out the Maths question by herself. (保持原句意思)Kitty _______ _________ working out the Maths question by herself.

succeeded in

The firemen managed to put out the forest fire in Southern Florida. (句型转换)The firemen ________ in __________ out the forest fire in Southern Florida.

succeeded putting

We have achieved great ___________ in our programme, thanks to everybody's hard work. (succeed)


It's not ______ that many talented people choose to work in Shanghai. (surprise)


Several recent _________ showed -75% of those questioned were in favour of the plan (survey)


Please remove the old reference books from the book corner before the new ones arrive (保持句意不变); Please _______ _________ the old reference books from the book cornor before the new ones arrive.

take away

My sister minds the baby while I'm at yoga. (句型转换)My sister ________ _________ of the baby while I'm at yoga.

takes care

He spends two hours a day training for the race. (句型转换)It ______ him two hours a day to _______ for the race.

takes train

"Water freezes at zero degrees," the teacher said. (句型转换)The teacher said ________ water _______ at zero degrees.

that freezes

We should offer our help to those who can not see. (句型转换)We should offer our help to __________ ___________.

the blind

I've never heard such a beautiful song before. (句型转换)This is __________ ___________ ____________ __________ I've ever heard.

the most beautiful song

An ipad is as big as a book. (保持原句意思); An ipad is _______ _________ of a book

the size

How can I get to Shanghai Botanical Garden from the Bund? (保持句意基本不变);Could you tell me ________ _________ to Shanghai Botanical Garden from the Bund.

the way

Now soem children prefer to teach ___________ English through online courses (they)


She went to the shop, chose a pair of shoes and put ________ on.


"Where are we going to have the picnic?" Nina asked her mother (改为间接引语); Nina asked her mother where _________ ___________ going to have the picnic.

they were

Tony felt rather _______ after two hours of doing homework. (tire)


When visiting a museum, it is important to know what we should not do. (保持句意不变); When visiting a museum, it is important to know what not ____________ ______________

to do

He was delighted to find out that the house had a large garden (句型转换)_____ his ________ , he found out that the house had a large garden.

to joy

"Don't be late for school again, Mary." I said. (句型转换)I _______ Mary ________ to be late for school again.

told not

The maths problem was not easy enough for us to work out. (句型转换)The maths problem was __________ _________ for us to work out.

too difficult

Simon learned how to fish with cormorants in his _________ (twenty)


The Second world ware took place in the _________ century. (twenty)


She still finds it ___________ to stand without support. (comfortable)


It was quite _______ to let peter pay for everything during the trip (fair)


Studying online with our teachers during the winter holidays will be a(an) _________ experience in our life. (forget)


Her parents' death left her feeling lost and ________ (happy)


Ms. Guo looked _________ because Joe failed the english exam. (happy)


Brazil was _______ to lose the football match (lucky)


That shop sells a ___________ of unusual, fun model cars, many kids like to go there. (vary)


Our school library contains ________ books, magazines and newspapers. (variety)


Lisa won't leave here until the teacher comes back. (句型转换)Lisa will _______ here ________ the teacher comes back.

wait until

I wonder whether Jim is all right now. (保持原句意思); I ______ to ________ whether Jim is all right now.

want know

Black tea was invented in ancient China (to keep tea fresh) (划线提问)Why ________ black tea invented in ancient China


Little Rose hid some pocket money in her bedroom the day before yesterday. (改为被动语态)Some pocket money _______ ________ by little rose in her bedroom the day before yesterday.

was hidden

Our country sent a medical team to Italy two months ago. (改成被动语态);A medical team ______ _______ to Italy two months ago.

was sent

The students sang the song "Let it go!" during the english festival. (改为被动语态);The song "Let is go!" ______ ________ during the english festival.

was sung

Archimedes found out how much the crown _________ (weight)


A DVD-ROM offers sounds, videos besides pictures and writing. (保持原句意思)A DVD ROM offers sounds, videos as __________ _______ pictures and writing.

well as

He pretended not to hear, and continued walking. (句型转换)He pretended not to hear, and _______ _______ walking

went/kept on

Three people died in the accident. (句型转换)Three people ______ _________ in the accident.

were killed

Unlike Chinese, __________ prefer black tea to green tea. (western)


Years later, people began using the Internet for (their business). (对划线部分提问)______ did people _______ using the Internet for years later?

what begin

These strange things look like (sandwiches) (对划线部分提问); ______ _________ these strange things look like?

what do

It is great fun to play with a lovely, cute puppy. (改为感叹句)__________ ___________ it is to play with a lovely, cute puppy!

what fun

Ms Lin is (very serious and seldom makes jokes) (对划线部分提问)_____ is Ms. Lin ______?

what like

Ms. Lin often gives them very useful advice. (改为感叹句); _________ __________ advise Ms. Lin often gives them!

what useful

How far is it from your home to the nearest supermarket? (句型转换)_________ the _____________ from your home to the nearest supermarket?

what's distance

I don't really want to go. in addition, it's too late now. (句型转换)I don't really want to go. _________ ___________, it's too late now.

what's more

There is a tiny computer (in your TV) (对划线部分提问); __________ __________ there a tiny computer?

where is

There's an exciting film on (at Studio Nine) (对划线部分提问);______ ______ there an exciting film on?

where is

The 29th Olympic Games were held (in Beijing in 2008) (对划线部分提问)_______ and _________ were the 29th Olympic Games held

where when

The boy asked his mother, "does water freeze at 0c?" (句型转换)The boy asked his mother _______ water_____ at 0c

whether freezes

John asked his daughter," Are you getting along well with your new classmates?" (改为宾语从句)John asked his daughter _______ she __________ getting along well with her new classmates.

whether was

There were so many reference books that I didn't know which I should take. (保持原句意思不变)There were so many reference books that I didn't know _____ ________ take

which to

Ken decided to question (some suspects) (对划线部分提问); _______ ___________ Ken decide to question?

who did

It's (Amy's turn) to be responsible for tomorrow's class meeting. (对划线部分提问)__________ _________ is it to be responsible for tomorrow's class meeting?

who's turn

The dog owner won't let his dog bite anyone, _____ _____? (补全反意疑问句)

will he

The doctor advised Peter to give up smoking imediately. (句型转换)The doctor advsied Peter to give up smoking ________ _________.

without delay

We found the street on the map very easily. (句型转换)We found the street on the map ________ __________

without difficulty

I will trust neither of the two brothers. (句型转换)I ________ trust __________ of the two brothers.

won't either

What a wonderful painter he was! (句型转换)How _______ he ________!

wonderful paints

Peter has served this company for 25 years. (句型转换)Peter has _______ ________ this company for 25 years.

worked for

There's nothing _______ than going out in the cold with wet hair. (bad)


It was the __________ experience of her life. (bad)


In ancient times, people wrote numbers in many different ways. (句型转换)In ancient times, people didn't ________ numbers in the ______ way.

write same

The holiday seemed to be over very quickly. (句型转换)The holiday seemed to be over, in ______ _______.

a flash

He has seen the film for an hour and a half. (句型转换)He has seen the film for one and _______ ________ _________.

a half hours

Good writing skills are necessary. (句型转换)Good writing skills are ________ ______.

a must

I try to do my job as well as i can. (句型转换); I try to do my job to the best of my ________


The system has the _________ to run more than one program at the same time. (able)


The internet is becoming more widely available throughout the world. The internet is becoming more widely available ________ the world.


He always takes an _______ part in all the ___________ (act)

active activities

The polluted air __________ people's health (effect)


Air pollution has a bad effect on people's health. (保持原句意思); Air pollution _____ people's health _______.

affects badly

Could you say the question once more? (句型转换)Could you say the question ______ ?


Our _________ in New york deal with all US sales (agent)


I have the same opinion as you. (句型转换)I ______ _______ you. I __________ _________ __________ _________ with you

agree with see eye to eye

We didn't want to make the final decision unless most of us __________ on it. (agreement)


Our school lets us exercise for at least an hour a day. (保持原句意思); Our school ________ us to exercise for at least an hour a day.


Do you think the jeans __________ me? A. fit; B. don't fit; C. fits; D. doesn't fit


How long have you learnt the piano? _____ two years ago. A. For; B. Since; D. From; D. Before


At last it seemed that the war might be coming to ________ end. A. a; B. an C. the; D /


Mike is good at English, but sometimes he still has ________ problems. A. few; B. a few; C. little; D. a little


There are quite a few customers doing shopping in the new mall, _______________? A. are there; B. aren't there; C. don't they; D. do they


_______ great fun it is to go fishing in the countryside at the weekend! A. how; B. what; C. what a ; D. what an


_________ advice it sounds! A. how useful; B. what useful; C. how a useful; D. what a useful


__________ beautiful music! Was it newly written by Jay Chou? A. How; B. What; C. What a; D. How a


She finally received an _________ from the company (apologize).


People like keeping dogs are pets because they are ________ to their owners (faith)


Tyron went to live in Australia with his family in his ___________ (fifty)


I guess the gentle man with a pair of glasses must be in his early ________ now. (fifty)


I can't do the __________ question but I have finished doing the others (four)


When I touched the button, the electric shock gave me a __________ (frighten)


"Has Mary put all the books on the book shelves yet?" The librarian asked me. (合并成一句); The librarian asked me if Mary ___________ _____________ put all the books on the book shelves.

had already

This company opened 50 years ago (保持句意不变);This company _______ __________ open for 50 years.

has been

I bought my private car ten years ago. (保持句意基本不变);I ____ _____ my private car for ten years.

have had

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