02 USH (Ch 2-3.3) (1607-1754) 02: English Colonization in 1607-Great Awakening (SSUSH 1,2c&d) Review

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In every colony, the __________________________ consisted of two houses; in every colony, the members of the lower house were elected by eligible voters; in the royal and proprietary colonies, the members of the upper house were appointed by the king or the proprietor; only in Rhode Island and Connecticut, the members of both houses were elected by eligible voters.


Plymouth, Massachusetts was founded for Pilgrims to escape __________________________ persecution.


The overwhelming majority of colonists were Protestants; Jews, Catholics, and Quakers suffered from the most serious discrimination known as _____________________ ______________________.

religious persecution

The largest single group of non-English immigrants did not come to America by choice; by 1775, the _____________________ population (slave and free) comprised 20 percent of the colonial population; about 90 percent were in the southern colonies.


_______________________________ occurred in Virginia 1676; frontier farmers wanted to a raise a militia and attack nearby tribes that were on land they wanted; the royal governor refused; the rebels marched to Jamestown and burned it; the rebellion died when the leader died; cited as an early example of populist uprising in America

Bacon's Rebellion

______________________________________ occurred because rebels felt the governor of Virginia failed to protect the frontier from Native American attacks; Royal Governor Berkeley was profiting off the trade with Indians...

Bacon's Rebellion

_______________________________occurred in colonial Virginia in 1675 when back country farmers (ex indentured servants) attacked Native Americans in an attempt to stop their attacks on their land.

Bacon's Rebellion

________________________was caused by the discontent of former indentured servants; the rebellion was crushed; however, it caused a move away from a dependence upon indentured servants to a dependence upon African slaves for labor purposes.

Bacon's Rebellion

The colony of Jamestown was founded as a ___________________________ venture; profit


In 1664, the _______________ conquered the capital of the New Netherlands and renamed it New York.


The _________________ trade was a reason the Dutch established the New Netherlands.


Who founded Maryland?

George and Cecil Calvert

The __________________________ was a religious movement was at its peak in the 1730s and 1740s; characterized by fervent expressions of religious feeling among masses of people.

Great Awakening

The _____________________________ was a religious revival in the American colonies of the eighteenth century during which a number of new Protestant churches were established.

Great Awakening

The ________________________________________ was a religious revival, in the 1730's and 1740's that attracted enormous audiences; because of it, American colonists began to think more independently and therefore challenge authority.

Great Awakening

In 1662, the ____________________________________ allowed partial membership rights to persons not yet converted into the Puritan church; it lessened the difference between the "elect" members of the church from the regular members

Half-Way Covenant

In the 1660s, the ______________________________________________ called for people to take part in church services and activities without making a formal commitment to Christ; it was created because the next generation of colonists were less committed to religious faith, but churches still needed members.

Half-Way Covenant

The _______________________________________________ applied to those members of the Puritan colonies who were the children of church members, but who hadn't achieved grace themselves; allowed them to participate in some church affairs.

Half-way Covenant

In 1619, just 12 years after the founding of Jamestown, Virginia's colonists organized the first representative assembly in America, the Virginia _______________________________________

House of Burgesses

In 1619, the __________________________________ was the first representative assembly in America; met once a year; made local laws in Virginia

House of Burgesses

The Virginia _______________________________________ was founded in 1619; it was the first elected legislature in the United States.

House of Burgesses

The _____________________________________ was the 1st legislative assembly; similar to Britain's Parliament; found in the colony of Virginia.

House of Burgesses

The _________________________________________ was the first elected legislative assembly in the New World; established in the Colony of Virginia in 1619; representative body set up by England to make laws and levy taxes; England could veto its' legislative acts.

House of Burgesses

The ______________________________________________ was the first elected legislative assembly in the New World; it was established in the Colony of Virginia in 1619; it was a representative assembly set up by England to make laws and levy taxes.

House of Burgesses

The _______________________________________________ was the first elected legislative assembly in the New World established in the Colony of Virginia in 1619; set up by England to make laws and levy taxes but England could veto its legislative acts.

House of Burgesses

The _________________________________________________ was the first elected legislative assembly in the New World; established in the Colony of Virginia in 1619; representative body set up by England to make laws and levy taxes; England could veto its legislative acts.

House of Burgesses

An _________________________________ was a migrant to British colonies in the Americas who paid for his passage by agreeing to work for a set term, ranging from four to seven years.

Indentured Servant

In 1607, _____________________________________ became the first permanent English colony in America was founded at this location; the Virginia Company, was a a joint-stock company chartered by England's King James that financed this colony.


__________________________________ was the first successful English settlement in the Virginia colony; founded in May, 1607.


______________________________________ was the first permanent English Settlement in North America; founded in 1607.


________________________ saved Jamestown by perfecting the cultivation of tobacco.

John Rolfe

____________________________________helped Jamestown develop a new variety of tobacco which became popular in Europe and became a profitable crop.

John Rolfe

Because of ____________________________________________________________ and his forceful leadership, Jamestown survived its first five years.

John Smith

_________________________ helped found and govern Jamestown; his leadership and strict discipline helped the Virginia colony get through the difficult first winter.

John Smith

A ________________________________________ was a business practice in which investors pool their wealth for a common purpose, then share the profits; 1st used to finance the Virginia colony

Joint Stock Company

Corporate colonies, such as Jamestown, were financed by __________-__________________________.

Joint-Stock companies

_____________________________was a preacher from Massachusetts argued that God was rightfully angry with human sinfulness; those who repented could be saved by God's grace, but those who did not would suffer eternal damnation.

Jonathan Edwards

_________________________ was an Indian leader who waged an unsuccessful war against Puritans in New England [Chief Metacom]

King Philip

_________________ War occurred in 1675 against the Puritans in New England, resulting in the English removing the Indian threat from New England. (Hint: Metacom)

King Philip's

__________________________________________________ occurred in 1675; a series of battles in New Hampshire between the colonists and the Wompanoag's, led by a chief known as Metacon; the war was started when the Massachusetts government tried to assert court jurisdiction over the local Indians; the colonists won with the help of the Mohawks, and this victory opened up additional Indian lands for expansion.

King Philip's War

_________________________ War was fought between the Native American tribes of New England and British colonists that took place from 1675-1676; the war was the result of tension caused by encroaching white settlers; the chief of the Wampanoags (Metacom), led the natives; the war ended Indian resistance in New England and left a hatred of whites.

King Phillip's

Native American tribes of New England fought British settlers taking their land, ________________________________ ended Indian resistance in New England;

King Phillip's War

________________________________ was founded in 1634 as a refuge for Catholics.


The ________________________________Charter made this an independent colony; the British king cancelled it in 1686; it became a royal colony in 1691


_________________________________ was one of the first settlements in New England; established in 1630; it became a major Puritan colony; Boston is located there and is a major trading center; this colony eventually absorbed the Plymouth community


The ______________________________________ colony was founded in 1629; over 30,000 Puritans escaped religious persecution in England and migrated to the New World.

Massachusetts Bay

In 1686, the British king canceled the _________________________________ so that he could better control trade between the colonies and Britain. .

Massachusetts Charter

Puritans, desiring religious freedom, secured the _____________________________________ from the English King to form the Massachusetts Bay Company; the Puritans were granted self-rule in the New World.

Massachusetts Charter

The King of England issued the ___________________________________________ to Puritans so they could establish their own government in the New World.

Massachusetts's Charter

In 1620, Pilgrims sailed the _______________________to Plymouth.


In 1620, the ____________________________ sailed to Plymouth.


In 1620, while they were sailing to America on the Mayflower, the Pilgrims created the ________________________________________________that pledged them to make decisions by the will of the majority; it was a rudimentary written constitution.

Mayflower Compact

The _________________________________ was the 1st written government in the colonies; a democratic government created by the Pilgrims on their journey to the new world; majority rule.

Mayflower Compact

________________ was the British economic theory that stated that the earth held a limited supply of wealth and that Britain would gain power by controlling trade.


_________________________ was the economic policy in which the colonies were to provide raw materials to the parent country of growth and profit of the parent country.


___________________________ was the economic policy under which nations sought to increase their wealth and power by obtaining large amounts of gold and silver and by selling more goods than they bought


____________________________ was the economic policy in which the colonies provided raw materials to the parent country for growth and profit of the parent country.


_________________________ was the Native American chief who fought against English colonists in the King Philip's War.


New York, Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania made up the ___________________________Colonies


New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware were _________-__________________ Colonies


The ______-________colonies were more diverse culturally and economically.


The ___________________Colonies were New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware


The _____________________________ brought enslaved Africans across the Atlantic Ocean to the West Indies.

Middle Passage

The ________________________________ referred to the sea voyage that carried Africans to North America; one leg of Trans-Atlantic trade

Middle Passage

_______________________________________ was the agitator who led poor former indentured servants and frontiersmen on a rampage against Indians and colonial government in 1675.

Nathaniel Bacon

_________________________________ Rebellion consisted of poor English colonists, who had been indentured servants; they staged an uprising against the governor of Virginia and his landowning supporters.

Nathaniel Bacon's

Between 1650 and 1673 England passed the ______________________ Acts which establish rules for colonial trade; Trade to and from the colonies could be carried only by English or colonial-built ships; the ships could be operated by English crews only; all goods imported in the colonies, except some perishables, had to pass through the ports in England; Specified goods from the colonies could be exported only to England.

Navigation Acts

Between 1650 and 1673 England passed the __________________________________ which established rules for colonial trade; Examples included: trade to and from the colonies could be carried out by English or colonial-built ships, and could only be operated by English or colonial crews.

Navigation Acts

The _______________________________________ were laws that governed trade between England and its colonies; colonists were required to ship certain products exclusively to England; these acts made colonists very angry because they were forbidden from trading with other countries.

Navigation Acts

The British conquered _____________________________ and renamed it New York; a diverse population kept alive this center of trade and commerce founded by the Dutch; the British invited them to remain there.

New Amsterdam

The Dutch settled the New Netherlands and its' capital became _____________________________________.

New Amsterdam

__________________________ was a settlement established by the Dutch near the mouth of Hudson River and the southern end of Manhattan Island; annexed by the English in 1664.

New Amsterdam

__________________________ was the capital of the New Netherlands; present day New York City

New Amsterdam

____________________________ was Dutch capital in the New World; situated near the mouth of Hudson River and the southern end of Manhattan Island

New Amsterdam

Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire made up the _______________________ Colonies.

New England

The _________________________Colonies were settled by Puritans/Pilgrims seeking freedom from religious persecution in Europe.

New England

____________________________ was the region made up of the northeastern part of the English colonies; comprised of Massachusetts and Rhode Island.

New England

The ______________________Colonies of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Connecticut had economies based on trading, ship-building, fishing.

New England Colonies

_____________________________ was the Dutch colony founded by Henry Hudson on the Hudson River of modern day New York

New Netherland

The __________________________________consisted of land founded by the Dutch in the Hudson valley; the Dutch had no standing military, traded with Natives for furs, and wanted to tap directly into the wealth flowing out of North America; the English took this region over in 1664 and made it New York

New Netherlands

In 1664, King Charles II granted his brother, the Duke of York (future King James II) the land now known as _____________________________________.

New York

In 1681, Charles II awarded the land of ____________________________ to William Penn, in order to pay off a debt to his father; Penn established this colony as a refuge for Quakers


In 1681, ________________________________ was founded by William Penn; safe home for Quakers


William Penn founded _______________ as a safe place for the religiously tolerant Quakers.


_________________________ was founded by William Penn as a Quaker colony.


__________________________was one of the British colonies formed as a safe place for Quakers.


________________________ were Separatists; they moved to Holland, then in 1620, they sailed to America on the Mayflower in search of religious freedom; they established a new colony at Plymouth on the Massachusetts coast.


_____________________________________were religious dissenters who wanted to leave the Church of England; they did not accept Anglican authority; they wanted autonomy for congregations; were subject to oppression and persecution in England


The _____________________________ colony was founded by Separatists that wanted religious freedom from the Church of England; founded in 1620.


The _______________________________ Colony was founded by Separatist Pilgrims who came over on the Mayflower; located in Massachusetts, New England.


This ____________________________colony was started by the Pilgrims; in the first winter nearly half of them perished; they were helped by friendly American Indians and celebrated the first Thanksgiving in 1621.


The _______________________ Indians befriended the Jamestown colonists; showed them how to grow native crops.


The ________________________Indians were the original tribes in the area surrounding Jamestown; gave the settlers food, taught them the ways of the forests and introduced new crops (corn and yams); constantly warred with the settlers


________________________ was an Indian chieftain who dominated the peoples in the James River area; all the tribes loosely under his control formed a confederacy; fought two was against the English settlers at Jamestown.


________________________ was the Native American chief in Virginia; led a Confederacy; had many dealings with the colonists in Virginia including John Smith


_________________________________ was the Indian chief and founder of the Native American tribe in eastern Virginia; befriended and helped the colonists at 1st; he later fought them in two wars!


The colonies of Maryland and Pennsylvania were _______________________ colonies.


___________________________ Colonies were under the authority of individuals granted charters of ownership by the king; examples included Maryland and Pennsylvania.


_________________________________Colonies were under the authority of individuals granted charters of ownership by the king, such as Maryland and Pennsylvania.


The ____________________________ were a religious group who wanted to change the Church of England; they came to the New World for religious freedom and settled Massachusetts Bay.


________________________ were English Protestant dissenters who believed that God predestined souls to heaven or hell before birth; founded Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1629.


_____________________________ were religious dissenters who wanted to "change" the Church of England; placed a great deal of emphasis on the Bible; subject to oppression and persecution in England


The New England colonies were established by ____________& _______________; they practiced strict religious beliefs and were NOT tolerant (forgiving) of other religions.

Puritans & Pilgrims

_______________________________ were English dissenters who broke from Church of England; preached a doctrine of pacificism, inner divinity, and social equity; under William Penn they founded Pennsylvania


_______________________________ were English dissenters who broke from Church of England; preached pacificism, inner divinity, and social equity; under William Penn they founded Pennsylvania


_______________________________ were members of the Religious Society of Friends who believed in the equality of men and women, nonviolence, no ministers, and good relations with Native Americans


___________________ was the capital of New France; located on the St. Lawrence River.


In 1644, Parliament granted Roger Williams a charter, joining Providence and Portsmouth into a single colony called ______________________________.

Rhode Island

Roger Williams founded _____________________________ when he was expelled from Massachusetts for religious disagreements; he supported the separation of church and state and paying the Indians for their land.

Rhode Island

The colony of __________________was founded by Roger Williams and other religious dissenters; this colony was tolerant of other religions and Native Americans.

Rhode Island

_______________________________ was founded in 1636 by Roger Williams.

Rhode Island

________________________________ was a respected Puritan minister who believed that the individual's conscience was beyond the control of any civil or church authority; he was banished from the Massachusetts Bay colony for his beliefs; in 1636, he founded the settlement of Providence, Rhode Island.

Roger Williams

_________________________________________was expelled from Massachusetts Bay; he established Rhode Island for religious toleration.

Roger Williams

_____________________________________founded Rhode Island; believed that the Puritan leaders were too powerful; he was banished to Rhode Island for his religious beliefs.

Roger Williams

A ____________________ Colony was one under the direct control of a monarch


A _____________________colony was under the direct control of the English Crown


A ____________________colony was ruled by a governor who was appointed by the king or queen.


______________________ Colonies were under the direct authority and rule of the king's government, such as Virginia after 1624.


The _______________________________ led to the prosecution, imprisonment and execution of Puritans in Massachusetts between 1692 and 1693; it has come to represent religious extremism.

Salem Witch Trails

In a series of court hearings, over 150 Massachusetts colonists were tried for witchcraft; this became known as_________________________ and led to a decline in membership in the Puritan Church.

Salem Witch Trials

The _______________________________________in the 1680's and 1690's saw adolescent girls in Massachusetts, accuse a West Indian servant of voodoo, and hundreds of people (mostly women) of witchcraft (exercising of satanic powers); ended with 19 being put to death; the accused girls, admitted they fabricated their story; this was one of the many examples of hysteria and chaos that broke out due to the tensions that built in Puritan communities.

Salem Witch Trials

The _________________________________________ occurred in Massachusetts; Cotton Mather presided as the chief judge; 18 people were hung; afterwards, most of the people involved admitted that the trials and executions had been a terrible mistake.

Salem-Witch Trials

_________________________________________________ was the British colonial policy during the reigns of George I and George II; involved relaxed supervision of internal colonial affairs by royal bureaucrats; contributed significantly to the rise of American self-government.

Salutary Neglect

A ______________________________ is a person who is owned by another person and works without pay


________________________ was the state of being under the control of another person; Indians were the 1st in the New World


_________________________________ was the condition of being owned by another person and being made to work without wages


Georgia, Mayland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia made up the _________________________Colonies.


Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, & Georgia were ______________________________ Colonies


Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia were the _____________________Colonies; very rural with large farms or"plantations"; used slave labor; tobacco, cotton, indigo, and rice were grown with tobacco being the largest cash crop


The ____________________________ Colonies were made up of Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia


Jamestown survived because John Rolfe discovered the use of ____________________________; it was the first profitable crop grown in the new world.


___________________ was a cash crop that made a profit and saved Jamestown


_______________________ was the cash crop that made a profit and saved Jamestown


_______________________________ was the cash crop that made a profit and saved Jamestown [Brown Gold]


____________________quickly became a major cash crop and an important source of wealth in colonial Virginia.


At __________________________________in colonial New England, settlers discussed and voted on issues; this was possible because settlers lived in close proximity.

Town Meetings

Because people lived in close proximity, communities in New England were often run locally through _____________________.

Town Meetings

_________________________ were the dominant form of local government in the New England colonies; the people of the town would regularly come together to vote directly on public issues.

Town Meetings

The Navigation Acts controlled ______________-______________ trade by requiring that all goods shipped from the colonies were done so on British ships.


One example of trade on the ____________________-__________________ Trade route was rum, sugar and slaves.

Trans-Atlantic Trade

The ______-___________________________ route was across the Atlantic Ocean between the West Indies/North America, England, and Africa.

Trans-Atlantic Trade

Sir William Berkeley, the royal governor of ___________________ used dictatorial powers to govern on behalf of the large planters; his rule led to Bacon's Rebellion.


The colony of ______________________________________ was originally started at Jamestown in 1607.


England's King James I chartered the _________________________________;a joint-stock company that founded the first permanent English colony in America at Jamestown in 1607.

Virginia Company

The _______________________ was an English Joint Stock Company that planned to make money by sending people to America to find gold and ship the resources back to England.

Virginia Company

The ___________________________ was a Joint-Stock Company in London that received a charter for land in the new world; founded Jamestown as a business venture.

Virginia Company

The ________________________________ was a joint-stock company; founded in Jamestown in 1607 as a business venture.

Virginia Company

The ________________________________________ was a Joint-Stock Company in London that received a charter for land in the new world; the charter guaranteed new colonists same rights as people back in England; its' purpose was to make a profit for its investors.

Virginia Company

The __________________________________________ was the joint stock company given rights to land in the new world to settle for England; financed the settlement of Jamestown.

Virginia Company

In 1861, the royal family paid a large debt by granting _________________________________________ a large parcel of American land; this Quaker formed a colony that he named Pennsylvania.

William Penn

______________________ attempted to create a religious refuge for Quakers and other persecuted people; enacted liberal ideas of government; generated income and profits for himself; established fair and peaceful relations with Native Americans.

William Penn

_____________________________ was a Quaker that founded Pennsylvania to establish a place where his people and others could live in peace and be free from persecution.

William Penn

_______________________________ was the founder of Pennsylvania; it was a refuge for Quakers; all Christians were tolerated; exhibited friendly relations with Native Americans.

William Penn

Who founded Pennsylvania?

Wlliam Penn

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