2T151 CDC Vol 3 Vehicle Operations

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What are the five guidelines to follow when you operate a vehicle with tire snow chains installed?

1. Maximum speed is between 20 to 30 mph. 2. Do not operate on dry roads for extended periods of time. 3. Keep the tire chains tightly secured to the wheels. 4. Install the tire chains on the drive wheels only 5. Use the correct sized tire chains for the wheels of the vehicle.

What is the best map to use in a deployed environment?

1:50,000 military topographical map

What is the normal operating pressure for vehcles equipped with air brakes?

90-120 psi.

What does the situational awareness page on the DAGR provide the user with?

A graphical display of relationships between present position, track, waypoints, routes and alerts

What is the meaning of offset when referring to a map?

A planned magnetic deviation to the right or left of an azimuth to an objective

What symbol(s) illustrates interstate, federal, or state routes in a military map?

A shield, circle, or square

What represents a paved, heavy-duty (improved) road on a military map?

A solid red line

What is GPS?

A spaced-based, worldwide, radio-navigational system formed from the constellations of 24 active Earth-orbiting satellites that interface with stations on the ground, in the air, or at sea

What is the danger zone of a bus?

All sides of the bus where passengers are in the most danger of being struck, either by another vehicle or the bus.

***The precision lightweight global positioning system receiver is designed to be used during?

All weather conditions during day and night operations

What should you do prior to using the fleet service card when you are at a civilian service station?

Always verify a business will accept the fleet service card prior to making purchases.

What is the definition of field expedient vehicle repair?

Any emergency repair conducted by the vehicle operator when normal repair facilities do not exist.

Where do you place wheel chocks when changing a front tire on an M915?

Block at the back of the rear-rear axle tires.

What is the first step when coupling a tractor to a trailer?

Block the rear wheels of the semi-trailer to prevent movement. Most trailers are equipped with chock blocks.

***For government civilian employees, what class commercial driver's license is required when transporting 16 or passengers, or transporting hazardous material?


What are the classes of forklifts?


***What is the preferred technique to hold a lensatic compass to ensure an accurate reading?


How are the fluids maintained in a government vehicle? Who services the different fluids?

Check and maintain the levels of fuel, engine oil, and windshield washer fluid. All other fluid levels, (i.e., coolant, automatic transmission, power steering, brake and batteries) are checked by the vehicle operator and reported to vehicle management for servicing when required.

Why are you required to drain the air tanks on a vehicle with an air brake system after each use?

Condensation can build in the air system; this can cause corrosion and rust to form, which could freeze in the tank or lines causing the brake system to fail.

What is the most secure method to secure a vehicle on a rollback wrecker bed?

Cross or X both rear tie-downs, and securing straps or chains for greatest stability.

***What do symbols in black represent on a military map?

Cultural and man-made features

What are the steps to take when evacuating pasengers?

Determine which exit to use, front, rear, side door/window or roof. Prior to departing the bus, ensure you have accountability of all passengers. Make sure you have your radio or cell phone available to use. Order the evacuation to the predetermined location. Calmly and orderly have the passengers depart the bus. Maintain accountability of your passengers and wait for help to arrive.

What are the different types of fuel which an M-series vehicle, except an M9XX-series truck, can be operated?

Diesel fuel (primary fuel), marine fuel oil, compression ignition fuel, jet fuel, commercial aviation kerosene, and gasoline.

What are the correct procedures to follow when you discover a safety related discrepancies on a government vehicle?

Discontinue the use of the vehicle and report it to vehicle management as soon as possible.

When should you shift gears when driving on sand? Why?

Do not shift the gears; keep it in low range with an automatic. This ensures the wheels will not stop moving and will not have a chance to sink in the soft sand.

How do you properly mount dual wheels on the M915 tractor?

Ensure the valve stems are 180 degrees apart and pointing towards each other.

***When approaching a railroad crossing in a bus you must stop in which lane and be what distance from the nearest rail?

Farthest right driving lane, no closer than 15 feet and no farther away than 50 feet.

What are the procedures for getting a VIL key when a new vehicle is assigned?

Get a VIL key coding letter from the vehicle management and analysis office, and then take the letter and the VIL key to the fuels management office to be encoded.

***The purpose of a strip map is to?

Graphically portray a route of movement over a distance that may exceed standard military map sheets or one that requires multiple map sheets

What is the purpose of a strip map?

Graphically portray a route of movement over a distance that may exceed standard military map sheets or that requires multiple map sheets

What color shows vegetation, such as forests and orchards on a military map?

Green shows veetation

what types of vehicles are included in Class 7 and Class 8?

Heavy vehicles, large delivery trucks, motor coaches, refuse trucks, cement mixers, and all tractor trailer combinations including double trailers.

***When using the outside left and right side flat mirrors, where is the blind spot on a 44- passenger bus?

Immediately below and in front of each mirror and directly behind the rear bumper.

***What are the three types of contour lines used on a topographic military map?

Index, Intermediate and supplementary

What is the purpose of the 3/4 inch rod end clevis?

It is a connector that attaches to the end of the tow bar and is used to connect to HMMWV vehicles for tow bar adaption

When is the point braking power most efficient?

Just before the brakes lock up.

What are the rules and safe driving practices must you comply with when operating a 44 passenger bus?

Keep doors closed when moving, except when crossing railroad tracks. Only transport authorized passengers. If you are in doubt, contact the dispatcher immediately for guidance. Keep aisles, stairwells, and steps clear of personnel, and bags. Conduct a complete vehicle inspection prior to each trip and annotate accordingly on the AF Form 1800, Operator's Guide and Trouble Report. Prohibit smoking, eating and drinking on the bus. Make sure your passengers remain seated when the bus is moving. Always wear your seat belt.

How many turns of cable need to be left on the hoist drum? Why?

Leave four full turns of cable on the hoist drum, a load on the cable could pull it loose from the drum and cause injury.

Describe the payload of an M923?

M923 drop-side cargo trucks are used to transport payloads of up to 20,000 lbs. on the highway, and 10,000 lbs. cross-country. Fully loaded, it can tow an additional trailer load of up to 30,000 lbs. on the highway, and 15,000 lbs. cross-country.

***Where does the needle on a compass point towards?

Magnetic north

What types of vehicle are included in Class 3, Class 4, Class 5 and Class 6?

Mid-size vehicles, delivery trucks, utility vehicles, motor homes, parcel trucks, ambulances, small dump trucks, landscape trucks, flatbed and stake trucks, refrigerated and box trucks, small, medium school, and transit buses.

Where should you stay if you are driving on a snow covered highway and you are the lead vehicle? Why?

Middle of the road, where the crown is located, this ensures one of your tires will not catch the edge of the pavement on the road causing you or someone else following you to lose control of the vehicle.

What is the last step when installing tire chains under normal conditions?

Move the vehicle a quarter mile and re-tighten the chains as necessary to remove slack.

How do you convert kilometers to miles?

Multiply the number of kilometers by 0.62

How do you convert miles into kilometers?

Multiply the number of miles by 1.6

What do the topographic symbols represent on a map?

Natural or man-made features

Should you continue pumping fuel after the fuel nozzle automatically shuts off? Why?

No. Any fuel added has the potential to spray out of the gas tank which could cause injury to you and it also creates a fire hazard when spilled.

What does the FBCB2 system provide?

On the go, real-time, horizontal and vertical information exchange to all tactical combat arms, combat support and combat service support units and leaders

What type of vehicles are included in Class 1 and Class 2?

Passenger vehicles, light trucks, minivans, full-size pickup trucks, sport utility vehicles and full-size vans.

What are the different types of railroad crossings?

Passive crossings and active crossings.

Never use a scotch block on what type of surface?


How do you repair a broken airbrake line?

Pinch or hammer the broken end of the airline shut. If a brake cylinder diaphragm is ruptured or leaking badly, clamp or hammer the line flat that leads to the damaged cylinder.

How should a tractor-trailer combination be parked?

Place a chock block in front of or behind the drive wheels.

What does the DAGR provide the user with?

Position, velocity (ground speed), time reporting (PVT) and naviational capabilities

What is the winch and hoist designed to do?

Pull and Lift.

How can you increase the pulling capacity of a winch cable on a rollback wrecker?

Pull out more winch cable by using an anchor point to wrap the cable around or by using a snatch block to double back the cable.

***What do symbols in brown represent on a military map?

Relief features, such a contours

What do you do when you discover a government vehicle with a flat tire?

Replace flat tires with the spare and turn in the flat tire to vehicle management for repairs.

the firth wheel forms a flexible coupling that permits what type of movement?

Rotational and vertical movement between the tractor and trailer.

***The easiest method for measuring the distance between two points is to use a?


What are the four navigation display modes for the AN/PSN-11?


How and why do you place wheel chocks on a vehicle when you remove a shing wheel assembly?

Set the emergency brake and chock the wheel so the vehicle won't roll off the jack. Place the wheel chocks on the opposite corner of the vehicle from the flat tire, in front of and behind the tire.

What is the hand throttle control in an M-series vehicle used for?

Sets engine speed at the desired RPM without maintaining pressure on the accelerator pedal. It locks in the desired position when pulled out. Rotating the control handle clockwise or counterclockwise unlocks it. It is used mainly during engine warm-up.

What is the first thing you should do if a vehicle is bogging down?

Shift into a lower gear.

***What consists of a collection of position and movement data for a geographic location?

Situational awareness

Name and describe the three segments of the GPS?

Space, Control, User

What are the seven pieces of information that should be included on a properly created strip map?

Start point, release point, routes, major cities/towns, critical points and checkpoints, distance between check points, north orientation

What is the best map to use when performing peacetime duties in CONUS?

State highway map

When a waypoint is selected as a destination, what will the AN/PSN-11 provide?

Steering indications, azimuth, and range information to the destination

What purpose does th electric jumper cables on a tractor-trailer serve?

Supplies electricity from the tractor to the trailer lights.

***What navigation and route planning tool includes line-of-sight and circular line-of-sight tools that allow operators to analyze proposed routes prior to actual movement ensuring routes meet stated criteria, aiding commanders in the development of operational orders?

Terrain analysis

What is used by NATO militaries for locating points of the Earth?

The Military Grid Reference System (MGRS)

What type of allowances must be made when operating a tractor and trailer?

The added length when turning, backing, and passing other vehicles.

What supports the weight of the disabled vehicle when operating the hook and chain wrecker?

The boom.

What situations would require you to evacuate your bus?

The bus is on fire or there is a threat of fire. The bus is stalled on or adjacent to a railroad crossing. The position of the bus could change or increase the danger. There is an imminent danger of collision with vehicles on the road. There is a hazardous materials spill involved.

What three major parts make up the lensatic compass?

The cover, base and lens

What is the meaning of declination when referring to maps?

The difference between magnetic north and true north

What is the meaning of back azimuth?

The direction 180 degrees opposite of the azimuth

What do brown lines indicate on the slope of the land on a military map?

The distance btween each line, not the interval each line measures

What do you need to begin a vehicle inspection?

The keys, the inspection form (AF Form 1800), the waiver card, and the accident forms (SF Form 91, Motor Vehicle Accident Report and DD Form 518, Accident Identification Card).

What does the sheet name and a number show on a map?

The map's title and reference number

What does the map scale provide?

The ratio of the distance on the map to the distance on the ground

What is the meaning of azimuth?

The reading in degrees magnetic from the compass

What doe a map ledend identify?

The symbols used to show how the mpa presents the terrain's natural and man-made features

The AN/PSN-11 provides you with position coordinates, time, and navigation information under all conditions, if?

There are no obstructions blocking the line-of-sight satellite signal from reaching the antenna and valid crypto keys are used to protect the PLGR from intentionally degraded satellite signals

What is the center of gravity on a forklift?

This refers to the point on an object at which all of the object's weight is concentrated. For symmetrical loads, the center of gravity is at the middle of the load.

When making a right turn, why do you position your tractor-trailer close to the road edge?

To eliminate the possibility of a vehicle attempting to pass on the right.

What is the lens on a lensatic compass used for?

To look at the floating dial when making precise measurements

What is the splitter switch in a tractor-trailer used for?

To shift the transmission from high to low gears, while using the same shifting pattern.

What is the purpose of a city map?

To show details of street names, important buildings and other elements of urban landscape important to navigation

Where does the arrow always point to on the lensatic compass?

To the magnetic north

How do you stop the winch when you are lowering the spare tire using the tire hoist? What happens when you do this?

Turn the handle in the clockwise (raise) direction until you hear two clicks from the internal ratchet then release the handle. The brake will automatically engage.

How do you use the release tool to cage the spring brakes?

Turn the release tool nut clockwise with hand wrench (Do not use a power driven impact wrench) and make sure the push rod is retracting.

What should you do if condensation freezes in the fuel line?

Use hot water to thaw out frozen spots.

Describe the mast and cylinder lift on the forklift?

Vertical assembly that raises, lowers and tilts the load. It supports the carriage which allows its vertical movement with the hydraulic lift. Supplies the power to raise and lower the load.

What four tools are required to remove and replace a single wheel assembly?

Wheel chocks, lug wrench, jack, and spare tire.

Define jackknife?

When a tractor and trailer are jammed together at an acute angle.

What does 6x6 mean?

When a vehicle has six wheels and all six are capable of driving, independently of each other.

When should you use lift towing when operating an M-series wrecker?

When the disabled vehicle does not have bumper shackle brackets (and the steering, transmission, and front tires are not operational).

What doesa declination diagram show?

how to convert magnetic azimuths from the compass to grid azimuths to us the map, and vise versa

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