350 Unit 4

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interaction F-test, simple effects LSDmmd test

A RH: about whether or not there is an interaction is tested by a/an __________, while a RH: about the pattern of that interaction is tested by a/an__________.

mediation analysis

A _____ is a 3-variable path analysis that seeks to explicate the mechanism that underlies the observed relationship between an IV and a DV.

main effect, interaction

A __________ RH: involves a single IV, while a __________ RH: involve both IVs.

main effect, interaction

A __________ RH: tells how one IV is expected to relate to the DV ignoring the other IV, while a __________ RH: tell the expected differences in how one IV relates to the DV for different conditions of the other IV.

descriptive, misleading

A __________ main effect RH: suggests that the effects of that IV are the same for all levels of the other IV, while a __________ main effect RH: suggests important differences between the effects of that IV at different levels of the other IV.

descriptive, misleading

A __________ main effect is the same for all conditions of the other IV, while a __________ main effect is different for different conditions of the other IV.

descriptive, misleading

A __________ main effect is unconditional or generalizable for different values of the other IV, while a __________ main effect is conditional or not generalizable for different values of the other IV.

correlation, path coefficient

A ______________ tells about the linear relationship between a specific predictor and a criterion, while a ______________ tells about the role of a specific variable in a structural model designed to explain a criterion.

direct, indirect

A ________________ effect is when X causes Y, while a _________________ is when X causes Z which, in turn causes Y.

meta analysis

A ____________________ is a way of increasing the power to find a significant relationship between variables by combing the results of multiple studies.

measured, manifested

A variable is _____ when data are collected to represent it, while a variable is _____ when it that variable "came into being" and could have a causal influence on other variables.

associative, causal

A/an __________ effect RH: states whether or not there is a statistical relationship between one IV and the DV, while a/an __________ effect RH: states that the DV value is a direct result of the value of that IV.

associative interaction, causal interaction

A/an __________ effect RH: states whether or not there is a statistical relationship between the combination of the IVs and the DV, while a/an __________ effect RH: states that the DV value is a direct result of the value of the combination of IV conditions.

main effect F-test, simple effect LSDmmd test

A/an __________ is used to determine if there is an interaction, while a __________ is used to determine the pattern of a significant interaction.

non-parallel, cross-over

All interaction patterns will be identified using the __________ lines rule, while the most common interaction patterns in behavioral sciences will be missed by the __________ lines rule.

main, simple, interaction

Differences between marginal means are __________ effects, differences between cell means are __________ effects, and differences between simple effect are __________ effects.

meta analysis

In a _______________________ the effect size of a study is the "DV" while an attribute on which studies differ is the "IV".

criterion, residual

In the formula r=y - y', y is the _____ score and r is the _____ score.

predicted criterion, predictor

In the formula y'=bx + a, y' is the __________ score and x is the _____ score.

combine effects, compare effects

Most commonly, meta analyses are used to __________________ from multiple studies, but it is also possible to use meta analyses to _________________ of similar studies that are conducted differently.

main effect F-tests, simple effect LSDmmd tests

RH: about marginal means are tested using __________, while RH: about the pattern of an interaction are tested using __________.

misleading, descriptive

Telling the expected pattern of a __________main effect RH: involves a single IV, while telling the expected pattern of a __________ main effect RH: is essentially the same as describing an interaction.

R2, F-test

The ____ is used to determine how well the model works, while the ____ is used to determine if the model works.

residual, criterion, predicted criterion

The _____ is the difference between the _____ score and the ________ score.

criterion, predictor

The _____ is the variable for which we cannot readily get data, and so, must instead obtain and use an estimate, while the _____ is the variable for which we can readily obtain data.

predictor, criterion

The _____ is used to estimate the value of the _____.

predictor, predicted criterion

The _____ score is used to compute the ___________ score.

main, marginal

The direction or pattern of the __________ effect of a single IV is described by looking at the __________ means.

simple, cell

The direction or pattern of the __________ effect of one IV at different levels of the other IV is described by looking at the __________ means.

F-test, R2

The significance test for a multiple regression is the ____, while the effect size for a multiple regression is the ____.

cell, marginal

There are four __________ means in a 2x2 factorial design and two __________ for each IV.

non-parallel, cross-over

Using the __________ lines rule will consistently identify interactions, while using the __________ lines rule will miss many interaction patterns.

associative, causal

We can always test a/an __________ effect RH:, while testing a/an __________ effect RH: requires that the conditions of that IV were randomly assigned, properly manipulated and there was good experimental control.

combine effects, compare effects

We use meta analyses to _______________________ to see if results are replicable, while use meta analyses to _____________________ to see if results are convergent across alternative ways of running the study.

b, a

____ is the slope of the bivariate regression line, while a _____is the y-intercept of the bivariate regression line.

R2, r2

____ summarizes the fit of the multiple regression model to the criterion, while ____ summarizes the fit of the predictor to the criterion.

suppressor, colinearity

_____ effects occur when a predictor that is not correlated with the criterion does contribute to a multiple regression model, while ______ effects occur when a predictor that is correlated with the criterion does not contribute to a multiple regression model.

r, b, multivariate b

_____ is obtained from a correlation analysis, ____ is obtained from a bivariate regression analysis and _____ is obtained from a multiple regression analysis.

multiple regression, path analysis

_____ tells about the linear relationship between a specific predictor and a criterion, while ______ tells about the role of a specific variable in a structural model designed to explain a criterion.

b, a

_____ tells the direction and extent of the expected change in the criterion for a 1-unit increase in the value of the predictor, while _____ tells the expected value of the criterion when the value of the predictor is zero.

r, b, multivariate b

_____ tells the direction and strength of the relationship between the two variables, _____ tells the direction and extent of the expected change in the criterion for a 1-unit increase in the value of the single predictor, while _____ tells the direction and extent of the expected change in the criterion for a 1-unit increase in the value of that predictor, holding the value of all other predictors that are in the model constant.

r2, R2

_____ tells the variance shared between the single predictor and the criterion, while ____ tells how much variance in the criterion is accounted for by the multiple regression model.

path analysis, multiple regression

_______ examines the structural model among those predictors and the criterion, while _____ examines the unique contribution of each of several predictors to understanding a criterion.

path analysis, multiple regression

_________ tells about the role of a specific variable in a structural model designed to explain a criterion, while ________ tells about the linear relationship between a specific predictor and a criterion.

main effect, interaction

__________ F-tests are used to determine if a single IV is related to the DV, while __________ F-tests are used to determine if the combination of IVs is related to the DV.

main effect, simple effect LSDmmd

__________ F-tests compare marginal means, while __________ tests compare cell means.

main effect, interaction

__________ F-tests tell if the marginal means of one IV are significantly different, while __________ F-tests tell if the simple effects of one IV are significantly different at different levels of the other IV.

F-tests, LSDmmd tests

__________ are used to test if main effects and interactions are significant, while __________ are used to determine if the main effects are descriptive and to describe the pattern of a significant interaction.

interactions, simple

__________ effects between two IVs as they related to the DV are described by examining __________ effect.

colinearity, suppressor

__________ effects occur when a predictor that is correlated with the criterion does not contribute to a multiple regression model, while a __________ effects occur when a predictor that is correlated with the criterion has a multiple regression weight that is the opposite sign.

main, marginal

__________ effects of a single IV are described by examining ___________________ means.

simple, cell

__________ effects of one IV at different levels of the other IV are described by examining the ______ means.

main, simple, interaction

__________ effects tell how one IV relates to the DV ignoring the other IV, __________ effects tell how one IV relates to the DV for a specific condition of the other IV, and __________ effects tell the differences in how one IV relates to the DV for different conditions of the other IV.

cell, marginal

__________ means are from participants who are in a specific combination of IV conditions, __________ means are from all the participants in a specific condition of one IV.

F-tests, LSDmmd tests

__________ require us to compare the p-value with .05, while __________ require us to compare the critical mean difference with the obtained cell mean difference.

bivariate, multivariate

__________ research involves only one "IV" and one "DV," while __________ research involves a "DV" and multiple "IVs".

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