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The 3 phases of team development

1. Collecting people 2. Development of group identity, defining their roles, all done by leadership 3. Development of purpose centered team comes together with shared responsibilities

How can you achieve realistic scheduling?

1. plan backwards from deadline 2. how tasks are interdependent... does one need to be done before the other 3. abilities vs. constraints based on time and money 4. how much staff do you have to execute tasks 5. leave generous amount of time for possible problems or delays prior to the event

What is a bit.ly link?

A condensed URL that allows the owner of the link to track where users on the link are opening from it. Helps to see which avenues of social media are effective.


A timeline covers multiple months or even a year prior to the event and maps out the order and deadlines for tasks necessary to produce the event

What are the purposes of an awards ceremony

Acknowledge achievement, Bestow Prestige, Convey appreciation, reward performance, recognize ability, commemorate contribution, proclaim prowess, praise actions, express admiration, announce gratefulness

Risk analysis

Analyzes potential risks based on the principle that there is no object, person, or reputation that cannot be stolen, damaged, or destroyed. Ranks importance of risk and determines which can be avoided and which can be mitigated based on the organizations threshold of tolerance.

4 ways of handling risk

Avoidance, Transference, Mitigating, Acceptance

Similarities between an event organization and an ecosystem

Balanced, Stable, Sustainable

3 items that should be incorporated into a sponsorship plan

Collateral, Public Relations, Social Media

Strategies for reducing risks posed by alcohol

Food placement, serve foods high in protein and high in fat, designated driver program, security, close the bar 30 minutes before event ends and don't announce it, licensed bartender with knowledge of knowing when someone should be cut off, portion control, providing family areas

Competition Criteria

Jurors/judges should be chosen to create a balanced panel representing expertise, involvement, male and female, ethnic diversity, and geographic equitability Judges should be provided with a copy of the entry instructions and evaluation criteria to be used when reviewing submissions Judges may be asked to interview entrants, view examples of entrants work, or evaluate the entry documentation

What does "putting the legs on an event" mean? Give an example.

Means a physical reminder is given that extends the length of time the message of the event is communicated. The more functional or desirable the item, the longer the message will be communicated. Ex: customized calendar, logo clocks, clothing items

How far in advance should you start prospecting for sponsors and why?

One year. Because often companies will close out their budget for the year at a certain time, and you want to make sure you have time to find the right fit, plan ahead, and advertise the relationship prior to the event.

Areas of risk and examples

Organization: staffing Audience: crowd size Site: arrival and departure Communications: signage Activities: entertainment or program Public Safety: antisocial behavior

Key components of a sponsorship package

Persuasive cover letter Written professionally, concise Overview of the event Levels of sponsorship How they can benefit

What are some of Glenn's event marketing tips?

Putting social media links on everything, always using a hashtag, consistent branding, eblasts pre and post event, creating a database for marketing when do the event again, blogging, etc.

Follow up (conflict resolution strategy)

Refer to the appropriate entity; record the details and document discussion; follow up on the agreed-upon solutions

Functions of food service

Satisfying hunger, enhancing performance, encouraging interaction, sustaining attendance, raising alertness, enhancing an image, increasing attendance

Suggestions on how you can save on alcohol costs

Small glasses, drink tickets, not putting wine on tables, closed bar, shortening length of cocktail hour, cut off on open bar

Seek solutions (conflict resolution strategy)

Solicit and suggest possibilities; prepare to compromise or to relocate an individual; seek agreement on the change and its timeline

In-kind sponsor

Someone you've traded goods or services with for sponsorships

Why is it especially important that the event is successful when utilizing sponsors?

The event does not only represent you but all of the sponsors as well. If something goes wrong it looks bad on their part and hurts their credibility.

What is the difference between an award and a prize?

The recipient of an award is decided before the event. The recipient of a prize is decided.

Comfort v. Confrontation (security)

The type and demeanor of security presence will communicate a message of comfort or confrontation

Uses of performance measurements in personnel evaluation

To establish a baseline measurement To measure performance level changes over time To ensure that performance is staying within tolerance limits To determine problem areas To predict future performance

Selection Criteria

What materials in what format are to be included when in an entry What documentation will be required to qualify Where the submission should be sent or delivered The deadlines for the submission or qualification The date and manner in which nominees, winners, or qualifiers will be notified

Title Sponsorship

When a sponsor is within the title of the event name. They receive more mentions and more benefits than a typical sponsor would.

Chance auctions

a combination of a silent auction and a raffle. The prizes are displayed like a silent auction but with a box in front. Bidders purchase tickets and put as many tickets as they want in the boxes of the prizes they wish to win

Production Schedule

a more detailed minute to minute schedule of tasks over the course of the actual event

Change Order

a notification protocol developed to ensure that schedule updates are communicated efficiently and effectively between staff authorized to make changes and the event coordinator

Be reasonable but respectful (conflict resolution strategy)

focus on behavior rather than personality; point to solutions instead of pointing fingers; do not shame; allow people to retain/regain their composure and integrity

Silent auctions

have the prizes, often a package of relation products or services, displayed on tables with bidding sheets in front of each on which bidders may check the status of their bid throughout the duration of the event.

Web marketing for small, repeating event

informational website, facebook, email to previous attendees, local stories and TV ads, event specific listings

Web marketing for small, one-time event

landing page on existing partner sites, local advertising banners, email lists from parters

Web marketing for big, one-time event

landing page on existing partner sites, social media through partners, targeted emails lists from sponsoring organizations, press release, local events calendars, targeted advertising banners

Pillow gifts

often for incentive groups received every night of their trip, placed in their rooms on their pillows. Ex: customized apparel, novels by local authors

Welcome gifts

often placed in guests' rooms prior to arrival or given upon arrival. Ex: welcome basket with items to be consumed during someones stay such as snacks or desserts

Speaker gifts

often presented with commemorative items at the close of their appearance as a gesture of appreciation by the hosing organization. Ex: travel alarm clock

Separate from the situation (conflict resolution strategy)

postpone discussion to a different time or place; handle the situation in private; refer to the applicable policies, procedures, and provisions of contractual collective, or waiver agreements

Be understanding but objective (conflict resolution strategy)

remain calm, do not "take sides"; empathize but stay focused on the goals and objectives of the event

Live auctions

require an auctioneer who announces the current highest bids and who the winning bidder is, and is often supported by assistants circulating through the audiences to identify and encourage bidders

Stop, look, and listen (conflict resolution strategy)

think before you act; identify the nature of the conflict; do not discount the importance of the conflict to the individuals; recognize the emotional and functional needs of the conflicting parties

Web marketing for big, repeating event

website, social media pages, several email lists, local and targeted advertising, press releases

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KHAN ACADEMY- SOCIAL SCIENCEAdapted from Colin Butler, "Human Carrying Capacity and Human Health." © 2004 by Public Library of Science. The passage refers to carrying capacity, or the maximum population size of a species that an environment can support.

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