Biology - Chapter 9 - Photosynthesis

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Chlorophyll is a key component in the process of photosynthesis, which sustains plant life and produces oxygen for the entire planet.


The reactions of photosynthesis are made possible by enzymes that function best between ______C and _______C. Temperatures above or below this range may affect those enzymes, _____________ down the rate of photosynthesis.

0 and 35 C; slowing

Light Dependent Reactions = NEED SUNLIGHT = Thylakoids = Produces ___________ and ______________

ATP + NADPH (Converted ADP and NADP) Provides the ENERGY needed to create glucose molecules

Chlorophyll's job in a plant is to ___________ __________. The ____________ absorbed from light is transferred to two kinds of energy-storing molecules. Through photosynthesis, the plant uses the stored energy to convert ___________ _____________ (absorbed from the air) and _____________ into glucose, a type of sugar.

Absorb light (usually sunlight); energy Carbon dioxide; water

What does ADP stand for?

Adenosine Diphosphate (two phosphates)

ATP stands for:

Adenosine Triphosphate (3 phosphates)

What is the visible spectrum?

All of the light we see

What is ATP?

An unstable high energy bond

_______________ automatically produces their own energy/food; typically are plants


Cytoplasm is located outside of the ______________ layer (plasma lipid)


Glucose chemical formula:

C 6 H 12 O 6

What are the photosynthesis reactants?

CO2 + H2O + Light/Solar energy (Sun)

Chemical formula for Photosynthesis:

CO2 + H2O --> O2 + C6 H12 O6

Light INDEPENDENT reactions - plants absorb ___________ from the atmosphere and complete photosynthesis by producing _______________ -containing sugars. The ATP and _______________ molecules produced in the light-dependent reactions are used to build high-energy sugars from CO2.

CO2; carbon; NADPH

NADPH enters the ______________ cycle; Occurs in the _____________. Requires ATP + ______________ + CO2

Calvin; stroma NADPH

High-energy electrons produced by chlorophyll are highly reactive and require a special "______________." It is essentially a _______________ that can accept a pair of high-energy electrons and ______________ them to another molecule.

Carrier; compound; transfer

Principal pigment of green plants is known as ________________. It does not absorb light well in the green region of the spectrum, but instead reflects it resulting in the green color of leaves.


Photosystem is a cluster of ______________ and proteins found in the _________________.

Chlorophyll; Thylakoids

The organelle of the plant is the ________________; where photosynthesis occurs


What is the photosynthetic organelle?


Where does photosynthesis occur?

Chloroplast (chlorophyll)

NADP is an ________________ carrier. Transports __________ to another molecule. It accepts and holds ______________ ions (NADP to NADPH)

Electron; H+ (electrons)

Chlorophyll absorbs light very efficiently transferring light energy to its own _________________. These high-energy _____________ are then available to do chemical work, such as the building of sugar molecules from low-energy compounds like CO2 and H2O.

Electrons; electrons

NADP+ is a carrier of high energy _______________ from chlorophyll to other ______________ in photosynthesis.

Electrons; molecules

Chemical energy - _________________ reaction is not spontaneous and requires energy


What type of reaction is Photosynthesis?

Endergonic chemical reaction (requires energy)

The two reactions work together to capture the _____________ of sunlight and transform it into energy-rich compounds such as __________________.

Energy; carbohydrates

Chemical energy - _______________ reaction is spontaneous and releases energy

Exergonic ATP (energy) is added

Plants use ______________ together with nutrients taken from the soil to make new leaves and other plant parts.


What is a stack of thylakoids called?


________________ consumes their own energy


In light dependent reactions, ____________ (low-energy electron) is taken from the H2O molecule + sunlight ----> transferred to the electron carrier, which is ____________ and converted into _______________ and is used in other chemical reactions. Left over Oxygen atoms are released to the atmosphere as the O2 we all breathe.

Hydrogen; NADP+; NADPH

Light ___________________ reactions that DO NOT require light. Energy from ATP and NADPH is used to build high-energy compounds such as ______________ - also called the ______________ Cycle.

INdependent; sugar; Calvin

The intensity of light ______________ the rate of photosynthesis. After it reaches a certain level, the plant reaches its maximum rate of photosynthesis.


The ___________ is the photosynthetic organ of the plant


The light-dependent reactions convert ______________ energy into chemical energy. The goal is to collect energy from the sun and break down water molecules to produce ATP


Light dependent reactions requires energy from _______________ to produce __________, _______, and _________________. It converts ADP + NADP into ____________ and _______________.

Light ADP, O2, and NADP ATP; NADPH

1. Energy is absorbed from the sun 2. Water is broken down 3. Hydrogen ions are transported across the thylakoid membrane

Light-dependent reactions

NADPH carries the high-energy electrons that were produced by ____________ absorption in _________________ to chemical reactions elsewhere in the chloroplast. Those electrons are then used to help build ______________, like glucose from nothing more than CO2 and H2O.

Light; chlorophyll Sugars

Plant cells use compounds called electron carriers to accept and transfer pairs of high-energy electrons from the chlorophyll to other molecules.


Carrier molecules is a compound known as _____________. Its job is to accept and hold 2 high-energy electrons, along with a ______________ ion. Then converts the ______________ into NADPH.

NADP+; Hydrogen; NADP+

The conversion of NADP+ to ___________ is one way in which some of the ______________ of sunlight can be trapped in chemical form.

NADPH; energy

The process of photosynthesis produces ________________, which is released by the plant into the air.

Oxygen (O2)

_____________ and ____________ vapor exit the leaf through the stomata. Water loss from leaves is called ____________________.

Oxygen; water Transpiration

The light dependent reactions take place in thylakoid membranes (where chlorophyll is) and use energy from sunlight to add a THIRD ________________ to ADP to make ____________.

Phosphate; ATP (Adenine TRIphosphate)

CO2 + H2O + Sunlight = O2 + C6H12O6 (glucose)


A _______________ is a molecule that has a particular color and can absorb light at different wavelengths, depending on the color


Chlorophyll is a green ___________________; It is unique in its ability to enable plants to absorb the energy they need to build tissues. Located in a plant's ___________________.

Pigment; chloroplasts

Light Independent Reactions = Do NOT need light = Stroma = Calvin Cycle (Named after Scientist Melvin Calvin)

Produces carbon-containing sugars used to build high-energy sugars from CO2

Water is a ________ material of photosynthesis. A shortage of water can ___________ or even __________ photosynthesis. Water loss can also damage plant ______________.

Raw; slow; stop Tissues

Light dependent reactions directly involve SUNLIGHT; explain why plants need light to grow

Reactions of photosynthesis that use energy from light to produce ATP and NADPH

Water is absorbed through the ____________ and carried through the stem to the rest of the plant. A plant's roots replace __________ lost during transpiration.

Roots; water

The process of converting ____________ energy into usable/chemical energy (ATP) is called _____________________

Solar/Light; Photosynthesis

Sunlight = ____________/___________ energy


Excess sugar is stored as _______________ (food) in the roots


What is the jelly-like fluid found within the chloroplast?


Water, CO2, and sunlight combine in the leaf to make ______________

Sugar (glucose)

Photosynthesis uses the energy of sunlight to convert H2O and CO2 into high-energy ______________ and ________.

Sugars and Oxygen Sunlight + H2O + CO2 ----> O2 + C6H12O6

Chlorophyll absorbs green wave lengths from the _________, making plants look ________________

Sun; green

Light energy and carbon dioxide come from the __________. CO2 enters from the ______________, an opening in the leaf's epidermis and cuticle.

Sun; stomata

________________ is a mixture of different wavelengths of light


Chloroplasts are surrounded by ___________ envelope membranes, and are filled with saclike chlorophyll-containing membranes called __________________.

TWO; thylakoids

Factors affecting photosynthesis:

Temperature Amount of: Sunlight, water and CO2

Light-dependent reactions take place at the _________________ membranes. Chlorophyll absorbs energy from the sunlight ---> Converts it into chemical energy with the use of water. Oxygen is then released as a byproduct as water is broken apart.


Light dependent reactions (light reaction) occurs inside the __________________. Light independent reactions - _________________ cycle

Thylakoid Calvin (Stroma)

Single coin filled with chlorophyll


Light DEPENDENT Reactions take place in the ________________. Light INDEPENDENT (does NOT need light) takes place in the _____________.

Thylakoids (Chlorophyll is located - NEEDS SUN) Stroma (NO LIGHT IS NEEDED)

Light (sun) dependent reactions occur in the ___________________ of chloroplasts

Thylakoids (where the chlorophyll is)

The breaking of the _______________ bond gives living things ________________

Triphosphate; energy

True or False: Calvin Cycle removes CO2 from the atmosphere and turns out energy-rich sugars


True or False: Plants that use photosynthesis to make their own food are called autotrophs.


True or False: Chlorophyll gives plants their green color because it does not absorb the green wavelengths of white light.

True; That particular wavelength is reflected from the plant, so it appears green.

The reason ATP breaks is because it is ________________


Light travels in ___________________

Wavelengths (lambda)

When combined, we get ______________ light (ROYGBIV)


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