A&P 12&13

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82 CORRECT Acupuncture can result in reduced pain from brain release of enkephalins. A) True B) False

Endorphins may also reduce pain because of acupuncture methods.

Which of these does NOT belong with the others? A) ICSH B) lutropin C) LH D) follitropin

Follitropin is another name for FSH or follicle stimulating hormone; the others refer to luteinizing hormone

An increase in aqueous fluid pressure is a symptom of _____. A) cataract B) migraine C) glaucoma D) hyperopia

Glaucoma is evidenced by an increase in anterior chamber pressure and is usually caused by failure to properly drain the fluid; hyperopia is far-sighted.

Golgi tendon organs act to increase the contraction force of the muscle they are part of. A) True B) False

Golgi organs tend to inhibit contraction of muscles

The movements in breathing can be detected by the _____ in the tendons of the thorax. A) spindles B) Golgi organs C) Golgi bodies D) free nerve endings

Golgi tendon organs are stretch receptors located within tendons; spindles are located within the muscle and free nerve endings are associated with pain.

Gustatory refers to the sensation of smells. A) True B) False

Gustatory refers to taste.

The actual receptors for hearing and balance are _______. A) chemoreceptors B) otoliths C) cochlear cells D) hair cells

Hair cells are mechanoreceptors within the ear

Which of the following is NOT true of calcitonin? A) increases bone calcium deposition B) increases blood calcium C) decreases blood calcium D) inhibits osteoclasts

If acting by itself, calcitonin would have the effect of decreasing blood calcium levels and increasing bone calcium deposition.

Sweet stimuli are usually organic compounds. A) True B) False

Most sweet stimuli are chemicals such as the polysaccharides and simple sugars.

Which of the following is an example of feedback inhibition? A) insulin lowers blood sugar B) GH causes osteoblast division C) PTH raises blood calcium levels D) low blood sugar inhibits insulin

Negative feedback occurs whenever a parameter such as sugar causes a hormone to cease or reduce its activity; the others are examples of positive feedback

Free nerve endings in the skin are associated with the sensation of pain. A) True B) False

Nociceptors are free nerve endings.

The olfactory cells have microvilli that enable them to respond to chemical stimuli. A) True B) False

Olfactory cells are support cells and do NOT respond to stimuli.

How do the senses of smell and taste differ? A) They differ in the types of receptors they employ. B) They differ in the reproductive rate of the receptors. C) They differ in their rate of sensory adaptation. D) They do not both employ cilia or hair-like extension of their receptor cells.

Olfactory receptors are replaced more rapidly than taste cells.

The following are usual causes of pain except which one. A) kinins B) hypoxia C) ischemia D) polypeptides

Only certain polypeptides cause pain, polypeptides are protein; kinins such as bradykinin are one type of polypeptide.

Which area allows one to perceive the aroma of a pizza? A) olfactory bulb B) olfactory lobe C) olfactory cortex D) olfactory tracts

Only the cortex area deep in the temporal region can perceive smells.

7 CORRECT Oxytocin is a protein secreted by the posterior pituitary. A) True B) False

Oxytocin is a peptide secreted by the posterior portion of the pituitary gland.

Which hormone controls the ability to produce milk? A) ACTH B) PRL C) FSH D) melanocyte

PRL or prolactin stimulates milk glands.

Heavy pressure and vibrations stimulate ________________. A) proprioceptors B) baroreceptors C) Meissner's corpuscles D) Pacinian corpuscles

Pacinian corpuscles monitor deep pressures.

Pain in the left arm caused by lack of blood to the heart is a type of _____ pain. A) imaginary B) psychological C) referred D) generalized

Pain can be referred from a visceral to a somatic area so that pain in the arm could actually be cardiac in origin; pain is always real although it may have psychological components.

Choose the statement about the sense of pain that is correct. A) Pain receptors are among many types of receptors in the viscera that produce sensations. B) A phenomenon known as referred pain can be explained because of common nerve pathways used by both the skin and internal organs. C) Acute pain fibers are never myelinated. D) Chronic pain fibers stop sending signals as soon as the stimulus ceases.

Pain impulses can spread to neighboring nerves.

Pain originating in the parietal pericardium is _____ by the brain. A) ignored B) referred C) usually intensified D) felt directly

Pain in the parietal pericardium is felt directly over the area because pain from nerves in the thoracic and abdominal parietal membranes is not usually referred.

A nociceptor is a type of _____ receptor. A) mechano B) photo C) chemo D) pain

Pain receptors are also referred to as nociceptors.

Of the following, which can least likely undergo adaptation? A) thermoreceptors B) mechanoreceptors C) photoreceptors D) pain receptors

Pain receptors could be free nerves that can be stimulated repeatedly without altering their threshold.

The taste buds on the tongue enable a person to perceive the taste of various foods such as the garlic in lasagna. A) True B) False

Perception of taste is NOT done at the receptor level.

A firm handshake probably causes depolarization of several Meissner corpuscles. A) True B) False

Pressure is more likely to depolarize deep Pacinian corpuscles.

Because of the process of projection, the brain makes errors concerning the location of stimuli on body regions. A) True B) False

Projection allows the brain to accurately pinpoint the location of stimuli.

Proprioceptors respond to changes in muscle positions. A) True B) False

Proprioceptors are located within muscles and tendons and are commonly stretch receptors.

The region on the retina that produces the sharpest vision is called the _______________. A) sclera B) aqueous humor C) fovea centralis D) optic disc

The fovea centralis contains only cones, which give our sharpest vision.

Human hearing responds to 20-20,000hz equally in all ranges. A) True B) False

The greatest sensitivity is in the 2,000-3,000 cycles per second (Hz) range.

The chamber that actually houses the hearing receptors is the __________________. A) vestibule B) semicircular canal C) scala tympani D) cochlear duct

The hair cells are in the membranous labyrinth of the cochlea.

The detection of various frequencies of sound is made possible by the structure of the hair cells. A) True B) False

The hair cells are not frequency-sensitive but the floor or basilar membrane is.

The cells that convert vibrations into neurological impulses are the _____ cells. A) hair B) otolith C) basilar membrane D) crista acoustica

The hair cells of the organ of Corti vibrate and depolarize the neurons associated with them.

The connection between the cochlear hair cells and the VIII cranial nerve are made by _____. A) direct contact B) release of neurotransmitter C) the axons in contact D) the dendrites in contact

The hair cells release neurotransmitters stored in vesicles which excite the nearby dendrites of the vestibulocochlear nerve.

The fluid movement in the inner ear can cause a confusion between sounds and movements resulting in motion sickness. A) True B) False

The inner ear chambers are all in communication therefore it is possible to be subjected to irregular incoming signals.

The term labyrinth refers to the appearance of the _____. A) outer ear B) inner ear C) middle ear D) vestibule

The labyrinth is the complex, twisted appearance of the inner ear.

Which is the last structure to vibrate in this sequence? A) malleus B) oval window C) stapes D) incus

The last connection is the stapes vibrating the oval window.

The term for eyelid is _____. A) conjunctiva B) sclera C) levator palpebrae D) palpebra :

The levator palpebrae superioris is the muscle which moves the eyelid or palpebra.

The suspensory ligaments attach to the _____. A) lens B) sclera C) canal of Schlemm D) iris

The ligaments extend from the ciliary body to the lens to change its shape for the purpose of focusing light.

The maculae can be found in the _____. A) cochlear duct B) saccule C) semicircular canals D) semicircular ducts

The macula is an area of cells in the utricle and saccule.

The membranous labyrinth contains _____fluid. A) cerebrospinal B) plasma C) endolymph D) perilymph

The membranous labyrinth or inner ducts contain endolymph while the outer areas are filled with perilymph.

The following belong together except which one? A) incus B) tympanic cavity C) middle ear D) cochlear duct

The middle ear includes the ossicles as well as tympanic cavity but the cochlear duct is part of the inner ear.

The most common form of blindness is retinitis or retinal damage. A) True B) False

The most common worldwide cause of blindness is corneal disease.

The mucous lining of the middle ear actually increases the probability of developing otitis media from an external cause. A) True B) False

The mucous lining of the throat is continuous with the middle ear and nasal cavity allowing organisms to disseminate, causing inflammation.

Which of these is the last in the tear flow sequence? A) lacrimal duct B) nasolacrimal duct C) lacrimal gland D) lacrimal sac

The nasolacrimal duct is the last passage before tears enter the nasal cavity.

Movement of the eyeball is effected by muscles innervated mainly by the _____nerve. A) VI B) IV C) oculomotor D) vagus

The oculomotor nerve, III, has the greatest number of branches and controls four eye muscles.

The purpose of the ossicles is to _____ the incoming vibrations. A) lessen the intensity of B) increase the force of C) change the wavelength of D) move with

The ossicles act as a lever system to increase the force of the incoming vibrations while decreasing the movement of the delicate ossicles and inner ear simultaneously.

The visible elevations on the tongue, that contain the receptors for taste are the _____. A) taste buds B) taste pores C) papillae D) gustatory cells

The papillae are the elevations that can be seen and contain the taste buds.

110 CORRECT Both pupil dilation and contraction involve muscle contractions. A) True B) False

The radial muscles cause dilation while the circular muscles cause constriction of the iris.

Referred pain is a phenomenon in which the brain mistakes the origin of a painful area for no apparent reason. A) True B) False

The reason for referred pain lies in the fact that it has survival value.

Releasing hormones are produced by the _____. A) hypothalamus B) pituitary C) thyroid D) adrenal cortex

The releasing hormones are chemical factors that are secreted from the hypothalamus into the pituitary in order to control the release of the pituitary hormones.

The round window equalizes pressure between the middle ear and inner ear. A) True B) False

The round window or fenestra rotundum is the membrane opening of the inner ear that moves to equalize the internal fluid pressure.

After the inner ear has detected vibrations caused by sound, how is the energy dissipated? A) perilymph inside the scala tympani absorbs the sound wave energy B) endolymph inside the cochlear duct absorbs sound wave energy C) air inside the middle ear dissipates the forces caused by vibrations. D) perilymph inside the scala vestibuli absorbs sound wave energy

The round window transfers the energy to the air in the middle ear.

. 2 CORRECT Which of the following glands does NOT belong to the endocrine system? A) pituitary B) thyroid C) parathyroid D) salivary

The salivary glands have ducts that open onto the surface of the oral cavity and are therefore exocrine.

The outer covering of the eye is called the _____. A) vascular tunic B) conjunctiva C) sclera D) choroid layer

The sclera is the white, fibrous outer layer of the eye and resembles dura mater.

Taste cells are continually reproduced and do not diminish much with age. A) True B) False

The sense of taste persists longer than the sense of smell.

The difference in sound pressure at the tympanic membrane is about 22 times greater than at the inner ear. A) True B) False

The sound pressure at the inner ear is about 22 times greater than at the eardrum because of the action of the ossicles.

The stapedius muscle inserts on the tympanic membrane. A) True B) False

The stapedius inserts on the stapes.

The stapes sends its vibrations to the _____. A) incus B) tympanic membrane C) oval window D) round window

The stapes is attached to the membrane at the oval window of the inner ear.

Vibrations from the _____ reach the scala vestibuli first. A) round window B) scala tympani C) oval window D) cochlear duct

The stapes sends vibrations to the oval window and the fluid in the scala vestibuli which then transmits it to the cochlear duct.

A stretch reflex becomes activated when a muscle contracts. A) True B) False

The stretch reflex occurs when the muscle is stretched or relaxed.

The inner surface of the eyelids are lined with ______________. A) conjunctiva B) extrinsic eye muscles C) dense connective tissue D) lacrimal apparatus

The surface of the eye, and the backs of the eyelids are covered with the epithelium called conjunctiva.

The gustatory cortex is located within the _____lobe. A) temporal B) parietal C) occipital D) frontal

The taste center is located within the parietal lobe region.

The _____ of the brain seems to give one a crude awareness of pain. A) cerebral cortex B) hypothalamus C) thalamus D) hippocampus

The thalamus is involved with an unconscious awareness that a sensation exists but cannot provide an explanation.

Which of these does NOT belong with the others? A) tympanic reflex B) stapedius C) increase sound D) decrease sound

The tympanic reflex acts to contract muscles such as the stapedius to weaken the sounds, in response to loud sounds.

It is easier to dampen the intensity of slow occurring sounds than rapid. A) True B) False

The tympanic reflex requires 100-200 milliseconds to respond to sounds.

Reissner's membrane separates the cochlear duct from the _____. A) round window B) scala vestibuli C) scala tympani D) basilar membrane

The vestibular membrane (Reissner) separates the cochlear duct from the scala vestibuli chamber of the inner ear.

The following belong together except which one? A) dynamic equilibrium B) vestibule C) static equilibrium D) utricle

The vestibule includes the utricle and saccule which have structures which allow them to respond to fixed positions of the head.

Vitreous fluid is made continually while aqueous humor remains the same throughout life. A) True B) False

The vitreous fluid is made once in the embryo while the aqueous fluid is continually replaced.

Migraine headaches result from excessive stimulation of brain pain receptors. A) True B) False

There are no brain pain receptors; headaches result from changes in the meninges and other areas.

Which factor is a direct cause of the rheumatoid arthritis symptoms? A) prostaglandin B) cortisone C) cortisol D) arachidonic acid

There are several types of prostaglandins which can cause inflammation of joints or related structures; cortisone is used as an anti-inflammatory drug.

Sensory receptors are equally and proportionally distributed throughout the skin. A) True B) False

Thick skin, such as the palms and soles, contains many more receptors than other areas.

Thyroxine is a thyroid hormone also called T3. A) True B) False

Thyroxine contains four iodine atoms and is abbreviated T4; T3 is triiodothyronine.

Which of the following is NOT a symptom of hyperthyroidism? A) loss of weight B) protruding eyes C) increased heart rate D) increased ability to sleep

Thyroxine increases metabolic rate and can cause a state of restlessness; intellectual abilities are actually enhanced.

Which muscle moves the eye toward the midline? A) superior oblique B) inferior oblique C) medial rectus D) lateral rectus

When the medial rectus contracts it rotates the eye toward the nose.

Which type of deafness can be treated by a cochlear implant? A) presbycusis B) conductive C) sensorineural D) otosclerosis

A cochlear implant is an electronic device that stimulates the nerves of the cochlea which have been damaged.

A stretch reflex occurs when the intrafusal fibers of a _____ are stimulated. A) muscle spindle B) muscle fiber C) Golgi tendon organ D) motor unit

A muscle spindle is comprised of intrafusal, modified muscle fibers; the Golgi organs respond to changes in tendon length and a motor unit is the combination of a muscle fiber and its neuron.

Which hormone decreases the production of urine? A) ADH B) adrenalin C) oxytocin D) thyroxine

Antidiuretic hormone increases water absorption and reduces urine output.

At a temperature of 50 degrees C, the most likely perception of a skin sensation is one of _____. A) cold B) heat C) pain D) freezing

Above 45 degrees C (113 F) receptors will be stimulated beyond their normal range and result in pain.

Which of the following cannot block pain in the brain? A) endorphin B) enkephalin C) acetylcholine D) serotonin

Acetylcholine has not been shown to reduce but probably increases pain.

Which of these is NOT a steroid? A) adrenalin B) cholesterol C) progesterone D) cortisone

Adrenalin has a NH(sub)2(/sub) group and is classed as an amine (catecholamine).

Sounds are detected by _____- receptors. A) chemo B) thermo C) mechano D) photo

Air vibrations are mechanical in nature.

Which of these does NOT belong with the rest? A) strychnine B) nicotine C) alkaline D) alkaloid

Alkaline is a recent type of receptor sensation and strychnine, morphine and nicotine

1 CORRECT The two systems that act to control all body activities are the nervous and _____ systems. A) circulatory B) exocrine C) endocrine D) muscular

All body functions are influenced in some way by the fast-acting nervous system and relatively slow responding hormones.

Which of these does not belong with the others? A) pinna B) external ear C) ceruminous glands D) malleus

All of these terms are related to the external ear but the malleus is a middle ear bone.

Which of the following does NOT chemically belong with the other hormones? A) ADH B) PTH C) GH D) PRL

Although all of these are comprised of amino acids, short chains are referred to as peptides, such as antidiuretic hormone, and more complex structures are classed as proteins.

Which of the following is NOT likely to cause a headache. A) school stress B) high blood pressure C) a full stomach D) food flavorings such as MSG

Although blood sugar levels can cause headache, a stretched stomach should not be sufficient cause; psychological stress, certain food additives such as monosodium glutamate, and high blood pressure are known to elicit headache (cephalgia).

Hormones exert their effects by causing organs to perform functions they could not otherwise perform. A) True B) False

Although hormones have potent effects on target cells, they cannot normally cause a cell to do anything it could not genetically have the ability to do; hormones alter metabolic function.

Perception is the psychological process of placing a value or interpretation on stimuli. A) True B) False

Although stimuli result in sensation, the process of perception interprets these stimuli and places meaning in them.

An analgesic is a drug which usually _____ pain impulses. A) increases B) decreases C) has no effect on D) decreases the threshold for

Analgesia means to be without pain; few pain relievers would cause pain or have no effect.

The olfactory receptor cells are examples of _____ neurons. A) sensory B) multipolar C) association D) bipolar

Bipolar neurons are short cells found in the nasal cavity as well as eye and ear.

Pressoreceptors respond to changes in stimuli such as _____. A) pressure around the arms B) pressure within a vessel C) intensity of light variations D) increases in sound levels

Blood pressure causes stretching within vessels which can be sensed by pressoreceptors or stretch receptors.

The ear wax cerumen contains compounds that repel insects. A) True B) False

Cerumen contains chemicals that repel insects as well as water.

The process of adjusting vision from a near to a distant object is called _____. A) adaptation B) accommodation C) amblyopia D) cataracts

Changes in the eye that allow the ability to see near and far are called accommodation mechanisms; cataracts is an abnormal loss of lens transparency.

A sensory receptor capable of detecting changes in hydrogen ion concentration is more accurately described as a ______________. A) thermoreceptor B) pain receptor C) mechanoreceptor D) chemoreceptor

Chemoreceptors monitor chemical concentrations

Chronic pain is usually of lower intensity than acute pain and therefore does not result in serious dysfunction. A) True B) False

Chronic pain can result in nausea, insomnia and serious loss of functional work ability.

Which does NOT belong with the other items? A) chronic pain B) acute pain C) A fibers D) spinothalamic tract

Chronic pain travels through slow, C fibers and acute pain follows A fibers; both travel through the spinothalamic tracts.

The movements in breathing can be detected by the _____ in the tendons of the thorax. A) spindles B) Golgi organs C) Golgi bodies D) free nerve endings

Correct Answer Golgi tendon organs are stretch receptors located within tendons; spindles are located within the muscle and free nerve endings are associated with pain.

20 CORRECT What type of somatic receptor lies within tendons close to the point of attachment to muscles and is stimulated by increased muscular tension? A) Golgi tendon organ B) muscle spindle C) free nerve ending D) Meissners corpuscle are alkaloids.

Correct: Golgi tendon organs monitor tendon stretch.

Why do odors sometimes alter our moods? A) Because sensory input from olfaction is routed through the limbic system. B) Because odors act as neurotransmitters and alter brain chemistry. C) Because odors are satisfying to our sense of hunger. D) Odors do not alter mood.

Divergence allows smell sensations to activate many areas of the CNS.

Seeing two overlapping images or double vision is termed strabismus. A) True B) False

Double vision is diplopia while strabismus is a deviation in eye movement and is also called cross-eyed.

The right occipital lobe receives information from the right eye only. A) True B) False

Each occipital lobe receives input from both eyes creating stereo-vision.

The _____ are the actual areas that respond to chemical stimulations for the sense of smell. A) olfactory lobes B) olfactory mucous membrane cells C) cilia on olfactory cells D) olfactory organs

It is the cilia of the olfactory cells that are sensitive to chemicals; the olfactory lobes are part of the brain.

Objects are perceived by photoreceptors because the rods or cones _______________ as their _________________ in the presence of light. A) depolarize; pigments are manufactured B) hyperpolarize; pigments decompose C) repolarize; pigments remain unchanged D) depolarize; pigments decompose

Light energy breaks bonds in the photoreceptors causing sodium ion channels to close.

Tears contain a lysozyme enzyme that has antibacterial effects. A) True B) False

Lysozyme is a class of enzymes that has bacteriocidal effects on some gram positive bacteria, thereby preventing infection.

Monosodium glutamate is a food additive that can cause headaches to occur in some individuals. A) True B) False

MSG is actually a neurotransmitter which can effect blood vessel diameters in the meninges.

Light skin touch is sensed by _____ receptors. A) Pacinian B) Meissner C) free nerve endings D) nociceptor

Meissner corpuscles are distributed close to the surface of the skin and can be stimulated by light touch.

Which of the following is NOT a property of prostaglandins? A) regulate blood pressure B) effect reproductive functions C) influence kidney Na(sup)+(/sup) movement D) all of these are functions

Prostaglandins are mediators in almost all physiologic functions, normal as well as the abnormal disease alterations.

It is possible that a cold receptor could be stimulated in such a way as to cause pain. A) True B) False

Receptors can be excessively or inappropriately stimulated resulting in an interpretation of pain.

Sensory adaptation occurs when stimuli become _____. A) gradually ignored B) increased in intensity C) lessened in intensity D) forgotten

Receptors gradually require increases in intensity when repeatedly stimulated and therefore tend to adapt to stimuli.

Which of the following is decomposed under light? A) vitamin A B) retinene C) rhodopsin D) iodopsin

Rhodopsin or visual purple is a pigment which decomposes to retinene and scotopsin under light stimulation causing depolarization of the photoreceptors and subsequent vision.

The best explanation for referred pain is that the nerves that are responsible are _____. A) shared between visceral and somatic pathways B) somehow confused within the brain C) over-stimulated D) under-stimulated

Skin somatic nerves share the same pathways as fibers from some organs and travel to the same region in the brain for interpretation.

Which of the following is NOT a chemical class of hormones? A) protein B) steroid C) glycoprotein D) carbohydrate

Some hormones such as FSH contain a carbohydrate portion but are glycoproteins; no hormone is a carbohydrate by itself.

The intensity of sounds is measured in units of _____. A) mv B) amperes C) daltons D) dB

Sound levels are compared using the decibel, dB, or logarithmic method.

The organs of static equilibrium are located within the ______________ and employ shifting ___________ to set up nerve impulses. A) semicircular canals; gelatinous material B) vestibule; otoliths C) cochlea; fluid D) vestibule; crista ampullaris

Static equilibrium is the job of the maculae, located in the vestible. The functional part of the maculae is the otolith.

Steroid hormones have their effect on the nucleus and genes of a target cell. A) True B) False

Steroid hormones enter a cell and cause the DNA of the nucleus to express specific genes that will instruct the RNA to synthesize proteins.

A person aged 21 will probably lose _____ of their smell at 22. A) none B) 50% C) 1% D) 5%

Studies indicate 1% of smell is lost each year by the normal aging process.

Taste and smell are sensations stimulated by chemical molecules. A) True B) False

Taste hairs and olfactory receptors are chemoreceptors.

Tears drain into the openings of the _____. A) puncta B) lacrimal sac C) canaliculi D) nasolacrimal duct

Tears are produced by the lacrimal gland, wash across the eye, then drain into the punctae of the canaliculi which lead into the nasolacrimal duct.

The Rinne test is done to assess skin sensitivity to touch. A) True B) False

The Rinne test is a tuning fork test used to assess deafness from the middle ear.

Hormones secreted by the adrenal gland can have direct neurological effects. A) True B) False

The adrenal medulla produces the amines called catecholamines such as adrenalin which effect targets in the same manner as the adrenalin compounds produced by axons of the sympathetic nervous system.

A sense of moving or dynamic equilibrium is sensed by the ampullae of the vestibule. A) True B) False

The ampullae are the dilated areas found at the base of the semicircular canals.

The auditory tube acts to equalize pressure between the middle ear and _____. A) throat B) inner ear C) outer ear D) cochlea

The auditory tube or Eustachian tube equalizes the air pressure between the middle ear and nasopharynx or throat to allow proper eardrum movement.

The purpose of the auricle is to _____sound waves. A) dampen B) increase the intensity of C) act as a collector of D) vibrate in response to

The auricle is a funnel shaped outer ear structure that acts to concentrate and direct sound waves into the middle ear.

Stimulation of a _____usually results in pain. A) Meissner corpuscle B) Pacinian Corpuscle C) visceroceptor D) free nerve ending

The brain will interpret stimulation of a naked nerve fiber as pain because there is no specific type of receptor associated with it.

Which of the following could be detected on the back of the tongue? A) sweet B) sour C) salty D) bitter

The buds on the posterior part of the tongue respond to bitter; the tip is sweet and the sides are sour and salt.

The auditory perception center is located within the _____. A) medial geniculate body of thalamus B) midbrain C) temporal lobe D) medulla oblongata

The center for hearing is located within the perceptual cortex area of the temporal lobe, close to the speech centers.

The ciliary body is a smooth muscle as well as gland. A) True B) False

The ciliary body has muscles which control lens shape as well as glands that produce the aqueous humor.

The ability to sense body position is related to _____ receptors. A) general B) pain C) pressure D) proprioceptors

The class of receptors responsible for monitoring body position is called proprioceptors.

The portion of the inner ear, which detects sounds, is the _____. A) semicircular canals B) osseous labyrinth C) vestibule D) cochlea

The cochlea has cells arranged which respond to vibrations interpreted as sounds.

The cones are sensitive to dim light and color. A) True B) False

The cones respond best to color and bright light while the rods respond in dim light and black and white.

Stimulation of the crista ampullaris results in _____. A) deafness B) loud sounds C) feeling of motion D) a sense of body position

The crista ampullaris contains hair cells and is in the semicircular canals; it vibrates in response to changes in body position.

The ossicles are the malleus, incus and cochlea. A) True B) False

The earbones or ossicles are the malleus, incus and stapes

The first structure to vibrate in response to sounds is _____. A) auricle B) malleus C) organ of Corti D) tympanic membrane

The eardrum or tympanum is structured to vibrate in harmony with incoming vibrations.

The external auditory meatus leads into the inner ear. A) True B) False

The external auditory meatus directly ends at the middle ear.

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