A&P practice test 1

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what is classified as a monosaccharide?

glucose, fructose and galactose

the singular form of phalanges?


four structures associated with mandible?

Coronoid process, condyloid process, notch, mental foramen

What two structures are associated with the ethmoid bone?

Crista galli and Cribriform plate

which suture extends from the anterolateral fontanel to the anterior fontanel


two structures associated with the temporal bone?

mastoid process and styloid process

What structure is associated with the sphenoid?

Sella turcic

What is the pH of a solution whose hydrogen ion concentration is 0.00001


If a strand of a DNA molecule has the base sequence of T,T,G, C, A, G, the complementary DNA strand is:


What structure is associated with the occipital bone?

Foramen magnum

Fibrocartilage is found in what two places?

Symphysis pubis, intervertebral discs

what is not a cranial bone? What is?

Zygomatic is not. Occipital, temporal, frontal and parietal are.

The basic building blocks of proteins are _

amino acids

endoplasmic reticulum/ER (2 qualities)

appearance is rough or smooth; made up of interconnected tubules

what is NOT true of the anatomical position?

arms at the side with the palms facing backwards

the structure that contracts to cause "goose bumps" is the _

arrector pili

The secondary curvatures of the vertebral column are the _

cervical and lumbar

mitochondrion (2 qualities)

contains cristae; contains DNA and can move and reproduce

The science or study of the skin or integument is called __


Hyaline cartilage is found in what four places?

extremity of the nose, ends of the long bones, trachea wall, portion of the ribs

The term anatomy is derived from


The ___ bone does not attach directly to any other bone


five parts in the axial skeleton?

hyoid bone, ear ossicles, vertebrae, cranial bones, ribs

in the abdominal area, the region inferior to the umbilical region is called the _

hypogastric region

Parathyroid hormone does what?

increases blood calcium levels

Which is true for a holocrine gland?

it is a multicellular gland and the secretion and the entire cell are discharged

a parietal membrane___whereas a visceral membrane___

lines cavities/covers organs

transitional epithelium is found in what 2 places?

lining the lumen (=internal cavity) of the urinary bladder, lining the lumen of the ureter

Nonciliated, columnar epithelium is found in what two places?

lining the lumen of the stomach, lining the lumen of the intestine

stratified, nonkeratinized squamous epithelium is found in what two places?

lining the lumen of the vagina, lining the lumen of the esophagus

shafts of hair are composed of _

living dermal cells

the hormone calcitonin___

lowers blood calcium levels


may be attached to the ER or free in cytoplasm

lysosome (2 qualities)

membranous sac of digestive enzymes; plays an important role in autophagy

cells placed in an isotonic solution will _

neither swell nor shrink

what does not contain one or more air sinuses?

occipital bone

cell membrane (2 qualities)

regulates passage of material into and out of the cell; fluid-mosaic model

ciliated epithelium that is destroyed by disease would cause malfunction of the _

respiratory system

five parts in the appendicular skeleton?

scapula, os coxa, femur, tarsal bones, humerus

Reticular connective tissue is found within the _

spleen, liver, lymph nodes

the activities of a histologist consist of __ whereas those of a physiologist consist of ___

studying the structure of normal tissues/studying the functions of body structures

what are three things that are true about the anatomical positon?

subject is standing erect, feet are parallel to each other and flat on the floor, subject's eyes are looking forward

as a result of mitosis, each new cell has ___

the same number of chromosomes as its parent cell

the cubital fossa is located in the

upper extremity

elastic connective tissue is found within _

walls of large arteries

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