Abnormal Psych. 341 Ch.10: Somatic Symptom & Related Disorders

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What is a common statement used when there is no apparent organic cause for physical complaints or symptoms?

"It's all in your head"

Conversion Disorder: Historically Hysteria

-Anna O. >Symptoms of paralysis, loosing sensations in limbs on the right side of her body & at times had difficulty speaking. -Greek, = Womb, was first noted as a mental health disorder only affecting women.

The "Wandering Uterus" = Hysteria in Greek

-Hippocrates looked at it as a mental disorder & that it only affected women -Hippocrates believed it caused a variety of somatic symptoms & it's treatment involved marriage & pregnancy to aid in the uterus returning to it's original position. -Less common among married than unmarried women -He prescribed marriage as a "cure" b/c pregnancy would satisfy uterine needs & fix the orgasm in place. -

Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another ( Munchausen's by Proxy)

-Intentionally lying about someone else's symptoms or making someone else sick. -May be a parent or guardian making their child sick w/the intent to gain attention. -Typically for attention -To do this to someone else, it has to be a dependent person, such as a parent that is doing this to a child or someone who is taking care of an elderly person

Psychological Treatments for Somatic Symptoms: CBT

-Restructuring dysfunctional beliefs & thinking, behavioral activation, problem-solving & relaxation training -Remove secondary gains when possible

Theories & Treatment for Somatic Symptom Disorder: (Freud) Psychodynamic

-Somatic symptoms arise as a means of keeping internal conflicts repressed -Psychoanalysis therapy brings Unconscious conflicts into conscious awareness. -Once the conflict is worked through, symptoms should subside.

Theories & Treatment for Somatic Symptom Disorder: CBT/Learning

-Somatic symptoms help someone escape responsibilities &/or anxiety producing situations. -Reinforcing properties of "Sick Role" -Distorted thinking that leads one to misinterpret bodily signals.

Biological Treatments for treating Somatic Symptom Disorder:

-Tricyclic Antidepressants -SSRIs -SNRI -Atypical Antipsychotics -Herbal Medications (ex: St. John's Wort)

DSM-5 states that Malingering should be suspected if there is the presence of the following:

1) Medicolegal Situations 2) Observations of a person's stress 3) Minimal Cooperation or Compliance w/Treatment 4) A Diagnosis of Antisocial Personality Disorder

Conversion Disorder

A loss of functioning -They have Paralysis, abnormal motor movement, swallowing symptoms, speech impairment, non-epileptic seizures, sensory loss or sensory symptoms, or a mix of somatic symptoms. -Ppl are converting their psychological distress into physical symptoms Ex: someone who witnessed a horrible murder & now all of a sudden they cant sleep. its a bodily interpretation of the stress over what they just experienced.


A mental disorder identified by Hippocrates, which later was refined & understood to be Conversion Disorder.

Somatoform Disorder

A psychological disorder listed in the DSM-5 & replaced by Somatic Symptom Disorder in the DSM-5.

Illness Anxiety Disorder (Hypochondriasis)

Constantly concerned & anxious w/having or getting a serious illness, which leads to excessive health-related behaviors. -Excessive worry about the possibility of having something to an extreme -Worrying that you are going to develop a medical issue -Has to be that often that it interferes w/functioning.

The Disorder that is involved in exaggerations of physical symptoms, lying about history & self-injurious behavior to seek medical attention, is called ?

Factitious Disorder

Somatic Symptoms Disorder

Feeling pain (emotional or physical) related to somatic (body) symptoms & excessive thoughts about those symptoms, which impairs a person's daily functioning. -Stress related w/having a medical issue EX: experiencing something in your body (migraine) but there is an actual illness, but it's not about the physical issue, its the emotional stress associated w/it & spending so much time thinking about it that it interferes w/your functioning.

Factitious Disorder (Munchausen's Syndrome)

Feigning or inducing symptoms or injury to present as sick or ill, w/OUT being motivated by an external incentive. -The motivation for feigning or inducing symptoms is to assume the sick role. -Secondary gain, so it's an Internal process that's happening as opposed to receiving some kind of external incentive. -The care received from others results in attention given to the individual who is sick. -Take on the sick role.

Malingering: Lying for Gain

INTENTIONALLY feigning or inducing symptoms for external incentives. -External Incentives can be in the form of obtaining rewards or avoiding aversive consequences. Ex: avoiding military duty, getting out of work, getting financial compensation, evading or mitigating criminal prosecution & seeking drugs -Straight up lying b/c you want something -Everyone lies -On average 2 times per day

Richard Asher coined the term ........................... ................... , which is synonymous w/Factitious Disorder

Munchausen's Syndrome

Psychosomatic Symptoms: Mind-Body Interaction

Physical symptoms expressed due to a psychological cause. -Symptoms are in your head -Believe that you have them, but you really don't. -

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